View Full Version : Forum Suggestions & Technical Support

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  1. Private Messaging
  2. ATTENTION: Moderators
  3. Reuquest for the Mods
  4. for sale section(closing thread)
  5. How do I pay for advertiser fees..I got banned and cant even pm any admin
  6. how to pm?
  7. Suggestion: Non car related classified section.
  8. pm system?
  9. Issues with user name look up
  10. Advertiser Specials & Sales
  11. Cars For Sale - Suggestions
  12. Video section?
  13. Sticker thread
  14. Adv fee paid but still havent got the acces
  15. iTrader
  16. WA Not Listed?...
  17. Seperate For Sale Threads
  18. signature
  19. newbie need help finding info here
  20. Maybe I'm just blind...
  21. Wanted to Buy
  22. More specific Classified section
  23. New Post doesn't work
  24. Disabled IMG in sig?
  25. question?
  26. Cannot make Group Buy post
  27. Scammers on Zilvia
  28. Site Navigation: "Forum" & "Forums"
  29. Can i sell T-shirts here w/o a vendors account?
  30. How many posts before you can leavefeedback?
  31. zilvia calender wrong?
  32. Premie membership expires with no notification, WTF???
  33. I went to go post up my build, and....
  34. Wheels and Tires Section
  35. For sale section knockoffs
  36. my zilvia sticker(s)
  37. Suspension
  38. question about forum
  39. Live Chat Box ? Or Too Crowded?
  40. Single post URLs?
  41. Search not working
  42. Unread (bold) to Read(not bold) problem?
  43. locking my forsale thread
  44. Posting a poll
  45. Cannot delete an uploaded attachment
  46. how do i get upgrade from leaky injector?
  47. s13 s14 s15 ect chassis faqs
  48. Phlip
  49. Selectively blocking member(s)?
  50. Report Time Limit
  51. Order or Advertiser and group buy
  52. Adding to the archive/FAQ forum
  53. a ? for the mods
  54. Unable to leave Itrader ratings
  55. Leaving Feedback, but deal = PM?
  56. Post Count...
  57. Tech Talk - Poduct Review Sub Directories (+forum sponsor?)
  58. Can't post or search...
  59. Trader rating not working ?? -MODS-
  60. WTF? post keep getting deleted.
  61. Question about FOR SALE forum
  62. Non Car Items Sub-Forum
  63. name change request
  64. Screen name change.
  65. zilvia not found
  66. we need a "threads by you" button
  67. how about an application for creating a membership
  68. trader rating
  69. Zilvia App.
  70. "befriend" *username*
  71. Help With Group Buy Membership
  72. Bumping in the For Sale forum.
  73. When I click on my username, it takes me...
  74. thread suscriptions? and site is really slow?
  75. Tapatalk - Zilvia for iPhone Users!!!
  76. Market place organization
  77. Change username please?
  78. Why is my account restricted still?
  79. how do i find the trader stuff
  80. Long delay for Group Buy permission
  81. Advertiser sales- Misc /Accessories
  82. zilvia slow?
  83. Quick Jump Tab
  84. ATTN: Admin help me with trade rating!!
  85. Delay on ADV account
  86. My Premie expired, and I'm not renewing til Zilvia is fast...again(?)
  87. ATT: mrmephistopheles, racerx2k1, west.
  88. Thank you
  89. New premie expired, wondering when new one kicks in?
  90. BerryBlab vBulletin Blackberry App Plug-in??
  91. 266 potential month bans
  92. Screenname change
  93. Pictures will not enlarge via new forum plug-ins
  94. Deleted PM's
  95. Deleted GB thread?
  96. Where would this thread even go?
  97. trader rating!
  98. sig pic hiding?
  99. can't start thread in car sales,
  100. Nissan/Datsun - Other Makes For Sale Threads
  101. Deleting threads to increase storage and possible speed?
  102. help close old thread.
  103. Trader Rating help
  104. Rate Individual Posts (like Digg)
  105. sr20det help...
  106. Editing in the FS section?
  107. I need help please leaving trader rating
  108. whats up with the search function?
  109. Unable to click on the member's screen name to send a PM
  110. Zilvia.net for Mobile Browsers
  111. I need info on vendor packages
  112. need to edit....
  113. to admin: please help with unlocking my account
  114. zilvia look fucked up for you guys?
  115. Can't make a signature? Unable to create a thread? No Marketplace? Look here.
  116. No marketplace
  117. Mods please read carefully (lawsuit possible)
  118. Vendor Account Disabled - Again - Why?
  119. is it just me....
  120. For sale sectiong suggestion.
  121. Anyone else not seeing the classifieds?
  122. Banned for no reason
  123. My account
  124. Whats with the double standard...?
  125. An Event Section
  126. Back
  127. deleting visitor messages
  128. bumping a thread?
  129. deleting threads
  130. Live Chat
  131. bigger PM box
  132. New and can't post
  133. Does anyone run Zilvia anymore?
  134. images
  135. account help
  136. Search My Posts/Threads
  137. cant start a thread wtf
  138. Cant access the market place?
  139. Premium Membership
  140. wanting to change my age on my zilvia account
  141. forum help
  142. My user name mixed up with someone elses profile
  143. how to donate to Zilvia?
  144. Why clutter up the forums with new threads?
  145. Can't leave feedback.
  146. Marketplace Interior & Exterior wrong linked?
  147. Tag someone on a thread
  148. How Many posts do you need ?
  149. Profile Doesn't Work
  150. Strike me out, but please don't strike me down.
  151. Mark Forums Read - No Go?
  152. virus?
  153. Closing Threads
  154. Malicious adds? (Audio playing and launching on mouse over ones)
  155. why cant i post in the WTB section?
  156. Thread suggestion
  157. Paid for my username change, what now?
  158. why cant i post in the fore sale section!??
  159. For Sale Rules Modification - You guys dont make any sense....
  160. Forum Rating..
  161. marketplace help
  162. Unable to embed youtube
  163. Posting thread help
  164. admin help??
  165. premium memberships
  166. Time for an "Other Cars For Sale" section?
  167. More organized "For Sale Items"???
  168. posting in the 4 sales section
  169. European Regional Forum
  170. thread name change
  171. Request to Edit my Post
  172. Revised F/S forum "bump" rule....
  173. ADMIN - Requesting a name change
  174. Infraction???
  175. Advanced Search Error
  176. Username change(forgot to add info in paypal)
  177. Sorry to bother you... (Username Payment Problem)
  178. posting in marketplace
  179. Sponsor Account
  180. iTrader Help
  181. Site is laggy...
  182. Why would Zilvia members be so spitefull?
  183. Bye Zilvia, the rudest angriest people I've dealt with in a group, you're forgiven.
  184. zilvia username
  185. PAYPAL question.
  186. Assault tech performance malware problem
  187. banned wtf?
  188. search function
  189. Yamato Garage Ruca gb
  190. how i can post
  191. Zilviabot Posts all messy/script issues
  192. Reported Attack Page?
  193. Been a member since August, still can't make F/S thread
  194. ADMIN - Requesting a name change
  195. Malicious Mal-ware on ZIlvia?
  196. help on my account
  197. fs section
  198. Hide Post Count
  199. iPhone app!!!!!!!!
  200. Moderators help and hello! :)
  201. Need for sub-forums in classifieds!!!! & at least 3 bump limit for updated info etc!!
  202. Mac users not being able to load zilvia?
  203. Same username
  204. Help Posting
  205. Tapatalk issues
  206. Vague rules..
  207. another i cant post in the fs section but
  208. Make location prefixes visible for Tapatalk App
  209. Mods what's up with the search this forum tool?
  210. Mods please help!!!
  211. marketplace
  212. Can't access profile
  213. Market place
  214. Organized Wheel fitment whore thread...
  215. cant start new thread..
  216. Can not change Avatar
  217. new member marketplace issues (over 90 days)
  218. forum suggestion
  219. Time Between PM's
  220. Change Username
  221. need help posting in for sale forum
  222. Zilvia hacked??
  223. Image Posting Size Restriction
  224. some sort of glitch?
  225. ZilviaBot posts are illegible
  226. Separating "wheels" section of classifieds
  227. Zilvia acting weird the passed few days for anyone else?
  228. Help cant edit rides.
  229. Tapatalk Premie advertisement?
  230. Google Chrome Issue
  231. How Come No Suspension|Tire|Wheel|Brake Forum???
  232. 9k racing banned from marketplace???
  233. Wont let me post???
  234. Mods help
  235. Advertiser Specials Forum
  236. USA regional forums
  237. MODS: Glitch in username
  238. self-explanatory when someone needs help help them
  239. Post's being deleted
  240. Malware in the Offtopic section?
  241. Likes Notification
  242. this new "like" thing.
  243. getting kicked off after viewing PMs
  244. Car for Sale Forum Non thread
  245. Need mod help
  246. Repost thread???
  247. Bad Forum Sponsor Links?
  248. Who should i talk to to change personal details on my profile?
  249. Petition to add a forum section under General entitled "Build Threads"
  250. Question about this forum...