View Full Version : Official old grumpy assholes of zilvia thread

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07-18-2019, 10:22 AM
I’m doing a spirit rei hatch, and a vertex bodied kouki. One is show with a little go, the other is go with a little show. Hatch will hopefully be done by fall, kouki hopefully by spring/summer 2020.

07-18-2019, 03:12 PM
well im not trying to make everyone else happy, im working on making myself happy... so the rear markers stay as ive never had a problem with them being where they are.

I hear you man, I actually decided to keep the rear markers also after debating it. As far as the black oem trim, I like it also in some cases. I was just commenting on the lack of it on the front bumper/fender. Just looks goofy imo, but like you said, make yourself happy. If you like it, that's all that matters.

Ps: I think painting a carbon fiber hood body color, but leaving the underside raw is pretty cool :)

07-18-2019, 03:26 PM
I hear you man, I actually decided to keep the rear markers also after debating it. As far as the black oem trim, I like it also in some cases. I was just commenting on the lack of it on the front bumper/fender. Just looks goofy imo, but like you said, make yourself happy. If you like it, that's all that matters.

Ps: I think painting a carbon fiber hood body color, but leaving the underside raw is pretty cool :)

i debated painting it. i run an art department for a vehicle wrap shop, so the roof, a pillars and trunk lid will be wrapped in 3m gloss black vinyl. if i wanna putz around with the hood, i can wrap it as well. im going to have the entire car shot (including the metal hood) and keep the metal hood on hand just incase when i put the CF hood on ;)

the font bumper covers the side lines on the front of the fenders, so hence why the side black stops where it does. i think its kind of unique looking as there werent a ton of bumpers that did this (and one reason i love my Type-RH bumper heh).

but yeah, paint is still about 6-9 months away. so i have lots of time to think about it all.

07-18-2019, 10:06 PM
Cool man, I hear you. Shit who am I kidding, I've planned to repaint my car "this summer" for the last 6+ years lol

Pardon my friendly banter, this thread needs more grumpy asshole verbiage! Hahah

07-18-2019, 10:07 PM
Edit: double post, clean car by the way!

I mean..... what's up with these damn kids and and their fender flare having ass nonsense these days? Get your bullshit windshield slogan banner the fuck outta here..

< fellow, angry... grumpy asshole lol

07-19-2019, 06:33 AM
Cool man, I hear you. Shit who am I kidding, I've planned to repaint my car "this summer" for the last 6+ years lol

Pardon my friendly banter, this thread needs more grumpy asshole verbiage! Hahah

I guess you didn't read the past few pages with those two fucking idiots Corbin and Green Lantern trying to be cute. We're plenty grumpy here especially towards the morons.

Green Arrow
07-19-2019, 07:09 AM
Supa just because you think your elite doesn't mean you are.
And its Green Arrow.

You’re a try hard.

Good day

07-19-2019, 07:42 AM
I guess you didn't read the past few pages with those two fucking idiots Corbin and Green Lantern trying to be cute. We're plenty grumpy here especially towards the morons.Someone needs to get laid.

Green Arrow
07-19-2019, 07:57 AM
Someone needs to get laid.

Corbic i think hes still sour cause Thatguy took down the nudies that he cherished so much. Thirst like Spongebob at Sandys pad.

07-19-2019, 08:46 AM
Green whatever the fuck you are: Going back in your 'other posts by this user,' you call everyone butthurt and a try hard. Your opinion is lower on my totem pole than the dog shit at the base of it. Even your analogies are shit. Go back to cosplaying or whatever gay shit you do on your free time.

/engage grumpyness someone asked for

07-19-2019, 08:58 AM
. Go back to cosplaying or whatever gay shit you do on your free time.

Wasn't someone on this forum a legit Furry? Like people found his Facebook and Furry costume shit?

07-19-2019, 09:27 AM
I think there was a furry part of this forum a couple years back. It stopped once this specific people were being bullied at local events and paraphernalia was being thrown in their cars. We cannot do this anymore because gender/orientational people these days are clawing at the bone for reasons to cut themselves fatally.

07-19-2019, 10:03 AM
Yo, furries are wild. Not for me though.

I pick up new truck tomorrow. Grump almost over.

Carry on.

07-19-2019, 10:05 AM
Yo, furries are wild. Not for me though.

I pick up new truck tomorrow. Grump almost over.

Carry on.

Shut the fuck up.

Green Arrow
07-19-2019, 10:55 AM
Supa i didnt know you had a totem pole, you should clean the dog shit out from the base.

Also, ive dont call “everyone” butthurt or a tryhard. Just you....because..well you are. Look no further than you getting butthurt* because you couldnt post nudies on Zilvia and then try to say Zilvia is dieing and that its dumb. You dont like it, leave it...


07-19-2019, 11:36 AM
Supa i didnt know you had a totem pole, you should clean the dog shit out from the base.

Also, ive dont call “everyone” butthurt or a tryhard. Just you....because..well you are. Look no further than you getting butthurt* because you couldnt post nudies on Zilvia and then try to say Zilvia is dieing and that its dumb. You dont like it, leave it...


Let's fact check, shall we?

Youre an idiot and your attempts to project are hilarious.

Please keep going.
Hahahaha WOW! ^^^Only a democrat is capable of the shit that came from your mouth.

And Gbaby operation paperclip is what youre referring to....deaths from v2 you still wont provide a link.

Are you seriously making claims without source material? When you have no argument claim the opposing party is a nazi....

You are too simple


this is too rich.


Stop watching Ancient Aliens.

Holy shit your facebook brain is terminal.

Stalin was not a communist. Pol Pot was not a communist. Etc.

No modern Leftist says OH HEY WE SHOULD BE MORE LIKE POL POT, STALIN, etc.

Meanwhile you chuds are endlessly looking at Nazi activities/Nazis and thinking, yes, I like this.

WTF are you talking about?

If Ilhan Omar had come here from South Africa you'd still want her sent back because you're a racist.

You'd love her if she came from Russia...because fascist and she'd be white.

Again, you have no idea what a Nazi is and you show it through your use of shitty memes.

Nazis were not socialists. Everyone with any understanding of politics knows this.

Leftists do not hate Jewish people, the only people making these accusations are a SMALL percentage of Jewish clergy (remember, the Jewish population in America is one of the most liberal groups in the country) and far right extremists who believe control of Israel is critical to their view of Armageddon.


Calling out human rights violations & mistreatment is very different from hate.

Remember, you guys are the ones shouting about sending American citizens to their ancestral homes. That's r a c i s m & hate right there.

Nobody accused you of anything, dont get all butthurt.
When there is a accident you call the cops they come to YOU. You then file
a report on the spot, take photos and then leave. Any insurance company would tell
you the same.

Hope you get the guy, noone here wants you to lose. Update us on any news.

LOL! ^

That comment was so wrong/dumb i read it in the spongebobmeme voice without trying

I'm too lazy to keep going but in my travels, I've also noticed you're a Corbic dick rider.

Green Arrow
07-19-2019, 11:56 AM
Lol, youre trying REALLY hard there.
And no, i cant help that MOST of what Corbic says is factually true and that i often agree with him.

You just get too involved in your emotions and cant take criticism, especially about your ego.

07-19-2019, 12:12 PM
So which is it? I'm the only try hard butt hurt or is a mass of us the same way? Your credibility is at an all time low, sweet cheeks.

Green Arrow
07-19-2019, 12:21 PM
Nope just you, and Gbaby is a butthurt too. As previously posted. Try harder.

Dont make me summon Thatguy to put you in your place again.....lmao

Keep going.

07-19-2019, 12:39 PM
You have to get someone else because you aren't capable of it? Go play some archery on GamePigeon or something, you fucking child. Grown ass man with the shittiest comic book character as a username thinking he has the gusto to talk shit about anyone on here. You're laughable at best.

Green Arrow
07-19-2019, 01:12 PM

07-19-2019, 02:09 PM
Nope just you, and Gbaby is a butthurt too. As previously posted. Try harder.

Dont make me summon Thatguy to put you in your place again.....lmao

Keep going.

You think I’m yours to summon?

Cool. Take a week off, bitch.

07-19-2019, 03:03 PM
HAHAHAHA this thread just got awesome.

07-19-2019, 04:07 PM
Lmao! Hey SuperDooper, you come across as a total d-bag most of the time.

That is all :)

07-20-2019, 06:41 PM
You think I’m yours to summon?

Cool. Take a week off, bitch.

That was awsome!

07-22-2019, 06:44 AM
Easily the best thing I've seen on Zilvia since coming back. Well done, ThatGuy. The realm applauds you.

07-22-2019, 11:40 AM
Probably the funniest thing I've seen on here in a long ass time :ddog:

07-22-2019, 12:39 PM
You think I’m yours to summon?

Cool. Take a week off, bitch.


That Guy


07-22-2019, 12:50 PM

That’s hilarious! First time I’ve seen a user be put in time-out.

07-22-2019, 12:53 PM
Anyone with a temp ban pulls that user description.

07-22-2019, 02:10 PM

That Guy


Good to see you doing well, Mike.

07-22-2019, 05:12 PM

That’s hilarious! First time I’ve seen a user be put in time-out.

I feel like it is my fault for quarreling with the base baby, the guy/girl want's to get modded so bad that he reports people on a dead site.

07-23-2019, 04:47 AM
I feel like it is my fault for quarreling with the base baby, the guy/girl want's to get modded so bad that he reports people on a dead site.

Who said he reported anything? Stop trying to give yourself so much credit.

07-23-2019, 07:48 AM
THIS is the good shit. Get me some more wood because this fire is burning steady now.

07-23-2019, 12:31 PM
Nope just you, and Gbaby is a butthurt too. As previously posted. Try harder.

Dont make me summon Thatguy to put you in your place again.....lmao

Keep going.

You think I’m yours to summon?

Cool. Take a week off, bitch.

This aint Final Fantasy with summons folks. :rimshot:

07-23-2019, 05:47 PM
Good to see you doing well, Mike.

Likewise, Barry!

This aint Final Fantasy with summons folks. :rimshot:


07-24-2019, 05:22 AM
Who said he reported anything? Stop trying to give yourself so much credit.

Fair enough Mr.Telephone man

07-24-2019, 11:16 AM

:tardrim: :keke:

07-25-2019, 06:48 PM
im so confused, is this where i take a shit? someone pass the TP

07-26-2019, 12:06 PM
It's been four years, I think, since I last drove my coupe. Right before I had a cage installed.

I just bought a chuki hatch and... I didn't realize how much I missed driving an S-chassis, as stupid as it sounds. I'm surrounded by high-end cars at work but there's something so right about driving an S13. This car is so cosmetically rough but drives surprisingly well.

Crap. I'm going to have to buy another one after this one, something I'm willing to keep. I knew the day when the bug bit again would come and I've been staving it off but that's over now.

07-26-2019, 12:44 PM
the S13 is just a FUN car. its so evenly balanced all around for what you can do with it!

07-26-2019, 02:39 PM
Heh, it’s been 5 years since I pulled my S13 out of the storage unit that it sat in for over 6 years. Parted it out and only know where a small handful of parts ended up. It was a fun car, but was never what I really wanted to build. Sometimes I miss it, but I can’t see myself buying another one just to change EVERYTHING about it again.

07-26-2019, 04:48 PM
I could never build any one car that was exactly what I want to build.

I have six or seven S-chassis builds in my head, from my time attack car to early '90s Japanese-street-drifter style to Nismo 270R clone.

07-26-2019, 06:58 PM
I've been driving my s14 again this past week and it's been fun. I forgot how light these cars feel. I don't consider my IS very heavy at 3300lbs, but it's still 500lbs heavier than the 240 lol. 4000lb cars on the road just seems ridiculous even if it does have 500+ hp.

07-26-2019, 10:21 PM
I've been driving my s14 again this past week and it's been fun. I forgot how light these cars feel. I don't consider my IS very heavy at 3300lbs, but it's still 500lbs heavier than the 240 lol. 4000lb cars on the road just seems ridiculous even if it does have 500+ hp.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190727/1e471c1d3c84d2811529bb4332cc3ce8.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190727/031688ada28fadd38c3d235ed9b474f1.jpg

Full tank, interior and me, 4,480lbs on the scale. Car is a tank but it moves out.


I've had cars that weighted as little as 2,400lb, and the G55 was 6,700lb.

07-27-2019, 08:42 PM
Full tank, interior and me, 4,480lbs on the scale. Car is a tank but it moves out.

I've had cars that weighted as little as 2,400lb, and the G55 was 6,700lb.

What's up with that 1 sec reaction time? lol

The new Chargers are pretty cool but I would have to drive one and see how it corners.

07-29-2019, 09:52 AM
turbo lag lol...that's a good run imo...i really enjoy my sti, could use more power/gas mileage lol but overall its for me...little heavier and it feels that way, sometimes do miss my s13 and fc for that agility! and also once in a while my AW11

07-29-2019, 09:01 PM
More like neuro-lag lol

I need more power in my s14. I was having problems with the ebc so I'm just running the wg spring on 8 psi..tapering down to 6 psi at redline. On the plus side I have an open dump so everyone can at least hear my car chirpin' to high 14's lmao

07-30-2019, 06:17 AM
All that drivetrain abuse to get walked by Civics.

07-30-2019, 06:24 AM
What's up with that 1 sec reaction time? lol

The new Chargers are pretty cool but I would have to drive one and see how it corners.I suck and I kept messing with the transbrake.

If you want handling, make sure it has a dynamic package or is a T/A. Preferably a widebody with the 305 Square setup.

1320 has softer suspension for the strip and it's noticeable.

07-30-2019, 03:43 PM
What's up with that 1 sec reaction time? lol

The new Chargers are pretty cool but I would have to drive one and see how it corners.

They corner alright, depending on spec as mentioned. I've only driven a hellcat Charger, but the steering response wasn't as horrid as I anticipated. It was fun, I got to do some pulls. Launch control was ehh. For a $600/mo lease it's probably one of the most fun cars you can get.

07-30-2019, 04:40 PM
I test drove an n55 335i and was surprisingly unimpressed. The car felt large, heavy and underpowered with vague feedback. Since then I've just assumed anything over 3500lbs needs at least 400hp to feel fast.

07-30-2019, 08:02 PM
I test drove an n55 335i and was surprisingly unimpressed. The car felt large, heavy and underpowered with vague feedback. Since then I've just assumed anything over 3500lbs needs at least 400hp to feel fast.Zupra is a dog.


$60k and Micky Thompsons to run a 12.5... And get dragged by $40k Mustangs and Challengers.

07-30-2019, 09:14 PM
theyre gonna wreck that torque converter... stupid automatic transmissions

07-30-2019, 10:55 PM
$60k and Micky Thompsons to run a 12.5... And get dragged by $40k Mustangs and Challengers.

Not everything is about the drag strip.

07-31-2019, 12:18 AM
To be fair the gt350 is over 60k and runs 12's. That's a hair faster than a stock mustang gt lol

07-31-2019, 06:20 AM
To be fair the gt350 is over 60k and runs 12's. That's a hair faster than a stock mustang gt lolNot everything is about the drag strip.This is the new Supra, not an MR2 or Miata.

Nobody bought a MKIII or MKIV because of thier autocross dominance, light weight or road feel.

It was an attractive Coupe with spacious interior that was easy to tune and make big power. The MKIV shined because it also had a transmission, rear end and suspension geometry that supported the big power.

Maybe Toyota should have just turbocharged the FRZBGT86 and charged 30-35k for it.

The Zupra is going to be priced alongside a 500hp Mid Engine DCT Corvette, a flat plane crank, +8000rpm, manual only, track beast Mustang, etc.

If anything, the Hellcat and Z06 are the modern "Supras".

07-31-2019, 07:32 AM
Not everything is about the drag strip.

Don't bother with him. Just putting his barge into "D" takes every bit of his brain functionality.

07-31-2019, 08:08 AM
It takes like 1,200 hp for a MK4 supra to run an 11. Don't be surprised.

07-31-2019, 08:43 AM
This is the new Supra, not an MR2 or Miata.

Nobody bought a MKIII or MKIV because of thier autocross dominance, light weight or road feel.

It was an attractive Coupe with spacious interior that was easy to tune and make big power. The MKIV shined because it also had a transmission, rear end and suspension geometry that supported the big power.

Maybe Toyota should have just turbocharged the FRZBGT86 and charged 30-35k for it.

The Zupra is going to be priced alongside a 500hp Mid Engine DCT Corvette, a flat plane crank, +8000rpm, manual only, track beast Mustang, etc.

If anything, the Hellcat and Z06 are the modern "Supras".

I'm more disappointed at the fact that the Supra doesn't come in manual. I'm sure the whole drivetrain can handle some good power.

07-31-2019, 11:03 AM
+1 why are there no forced induction factory options on the FRS or BRZ? they would have made a killing IMO, but devils advocate for my question is they were just trying to bring back the nostalgia of the AE86 and not make some current version of it...i think would make some awesome AWD/RWD with either WRX or STI turbo setup and some nice brembos as a factory option...

07-31-2019, 11:13 AM
A turbo BRZ would take away sales from the STi/WRX.

It's all business. Different market :(

drift freaq
07-31-2019, 11:36 AM
A Turbo BRZ might have made me think twice before buying my FiST. Of course that did not happen and I have a big smile on my face all the time. I also just got back from Octane Academy at Miller Motorsports Park mm... cough.. cough Utah Motorsports Park now.

Toyed around with trying to find another S13 but really want another S30 240z and probably would be easier to find :lol:

07-31-2019, 03:15 PM
Don't bother with him. Just putting his barge into "D" takes every bit of his brain functionality.

So Salty.

I'm more disappointed at the fact that the Supra doesn't come in manual. I'm sure the whole drivetrain can handle some good power.

Yup, and no DCT either. Both are options from BMW. Hard to make a "oh its not supposed to be a drag car, it's a driver's car" argument while rocking a V6 Charger's 8spd auto.

+1 why are there no forced induction factory options on the FRS or BRZ? they would have made a killing IMO, but devils advocate for my question is they were just trying to bring back the nostalgia of the AE86 and not make some current version of it...i think would make some awesome AWD/RWD with either WRX or STI turbo setup and some nice brembos as a factory option...

Arrogants and Stubbornness. Even a 2.5L would have given the car the mid-range grunt it desperately needed.

A turbo BRZ would take away sales from the STi/WRX.

It's all business. Different market :(


It would have stolen sales from Camaro, Mustang and Miata. It's a drifto car, not a rally car. Sort of like how the Focus RS doesn't steal sales from a Mustang GT.

A Turbo BRZ might have made me think twice before buying my FiST. Of course that did not happen and I have a big smile on my face all the time. I also just got back from Octane Academy at Miller Motorsports Park mm... cough.. cough Utah Motorsports Park now.

Toyed around with trying to find another S13 but really want another S30 240z and probably would be easier to find [emoji38]

Yeah, the idea of dumping thousands into a brand new car just becomes stupid as you move along the hobby. Nothing like just turn key, trouble free fun.

07-31-2019, 04:12 PM
Corbic, you right you right.

Just read an interview with some big shot from Scooby to confirm. I think he used the term "drag car" lol!

07-31-2019, 04:49 PM

Toyed around with trying to find another S13 but really want another S30 240z and probably would be easier to find [emoji38]

Some nice ones on BAT


07-31-2019, 05:41 PM
BAT has some of the most bizarre sale prices

Tye E46 M3 that sold for 90k that cred is relegated to a few choice parts, questionable reason for interior swap and no pedigree apart from Instagram likes is a perfect example

08-01-2019, 06:28 AM
Yet some people swear one silly sale on BaT dictates the market. Good luck.

08-01-2019, 09:01 AM
Yet some people swear one silly sale on BaT dictates the market. Good luck.That's as bad as going by Barret Jackson or eBay.

All it takes to drive prices up is two buyers at thr exact same time wanting the exact same car. Looking at BAT, looks like air-cooled 911 prices have... Cooled off.

08-01-2019, 10:53 AM
Some moron here tried to say BaT/BJ/eBay sets the market value. I nearly shit myself. That shit is more inconsistent than anything. If it was the same number across the board, maybe. But one fucking idiot willing to pay stupid money for something 'that one time' doesn't make your piece of shit rot box worth any more.

08-01-2019, 11:00 AM
BaT is all over the place, especially with Japanese cars.

I'm still kicking myself over this: https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1993-mazda-rx-7-39/

This is probably worth at least 25k right now.

08-01-2019, 11:30 AM
BaT is all over the place, especially with Japanese cars.

I'm still kicking myself over this: https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1993-mazda-rx-7-39/

This is probably worth at least 25k right now.That got stolen.

American cars are the same way.

08-01-2019, 11:33 AM
BaT is all over the place, especially with Japanese cars.

I'm still kicking myself over this: https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1993-mazda-rx-7-39/

This is probably worth at least 25k right now.

Fucked up interior bits, faded paint, parts of unknown manufacturers, already had parts fucked with/removed? Imported FD's sell for under the 25K mark with modifications. I haven't been on RX7Club in a while since I sold my FD's but I'm sure there are a slew of better examples for less money there.

08-01-2019, 02:15 PM
Fucked up interior bits, faded paint, parts of unknown manufacturers, already had parts fucked with/removed? Imported FD's sell for under the 25K mark with modifications. I haven't been on RX7Club in a while since I sold my FD's but I'm sure there are a slew of better examples for less money there.

CYM R1's are very rare. That car is 1 out of 350 and in pristine condition would be $40k, like this one: https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1993-mazda-rx-7-41/

$17k for a car that is complete, running and driving with reversible modifications is a steal.

Imported FD's will always be cheaper since they are RHD, not 50 state legal and nothing new to the US.

08-01-2019, 02:49 PM
Call me silly but I'd just prefer something else. Not knocking the market for that unicorn of a car but I'd be much happier with this personally.


08-01-2019, 03:33 PM
Call me silly but I'd just prefer something else. Not knocking the market for that unicorn of a car but I'd be much happier with this personally.


I love FD's but anything over 30k is approaching 997 Carrera S territory for me

08-01-2019, 04:00 PM
i think BaT pricing is all over the place because you have people on there who are looking for something very specific. lets also keep in mind that even though there are two 93 CYM R1 FDs linked on this page, they are vastly different.

for some buyers, its not just the chassis itself they are after, they may be after a specific variation of that chassis. there could be one simple item that dictates if someone spends 18k or 25k. hell, that one FD that has rotas on it, im sure that was a huge turn off for some potential buyers (among other things).

case in point, spooled thinks its a steal at 17k while supa would rather have something else.

08-01-2019, 04:38 PM
i think BaT pricing is all over the place because you have people on there who are looking for something very specific. lets also keep in mind that even though there are two 93 CYM R1 FDs linked on this page, they are vastly different.

for some buyers, its not just the chassis itself they are after, they may be after a specific variation of that chassis. there could be one simple item that dictates if someone spends 18k or 25k. hell, that one FD that has rotas on it, im sure that was a huge turn off for some potential buyers (among other things).

case in point, spooled thinks its a steal at 17k while supa would rather have something else.

I'm sure the yellow e-brake handle was one of those "other things" lol

The demo on BaT is older guys with money with a keen eye for untouched cars. I would have definitely changed some things on that yellow FD, but I know it has potential.

08-01-2019, 06:20 PM
Damn, just got back on here to sell my rb30, after a 2 yr or so hiatus. Glad to see some of the OG's still around. Seems like nothing has changed! Just how I left and liked it! haha

08-02-2019, 06:25 AM
Anything has potential if you're willing to invest your time and your money.

08-04-2019, 11:06 AM
I'm going to sell my e30 on BaT. It's the only venue where I can get top dollar.

Same with my Range Rover Classic. If I ever finish the damn thing.

Why is the FR-S/BRZ being mentioned? Drive a good E36 M3, then disappoint yourself by driving an FT86 chassis.

Turn-key, trouble-free fun is boring. If a factory makes something that ticks all your boxes, great... but they haven't made anything that I like stock, yet.

08-04-2019, 11:06 AM
Oh hey look, a double post.

At work, it won't let me. At home, it will. Sweet.

08-04-2019, 05:33 PM
Turn-key, trouble-free fun is boring. If a factory makes something that ticks all your boxes, great... but they haven't made anything that I like stock, yet.

...isn't that why people get Porsches? I'm not gonna lie, the desire to sell all my cars and have one $40-$50k car that needs nothing but some wheels seems pretty alluring. My Spec R is fine for now, but I'd be lying if I said I don't sometimes dream of cashing out, selling all my 'treasures' and logging in just to cause trouble.

I think I already do that last part, but I still sell things here too lol.

...do you ever just look at all your accumulated parts and compare the dollars invested to the current going rate? I do a good job of only buying things I actually want, but I end up not using them in an effort to preserve them..for what, I don't really know.

08-04-2019, 09:21 PM
...isn't that why people get Porsches? I'm not gonna lie, the desire to sell all my cars and have one $40-$50k car that needs nothing but some wheels seems pretty alluring. My Spec R is fine for now, but I'd be lying if I said I don't sometimes dream of cashing out, selling all my 'treasures' and logging in just to cause trouble .


As you "grow up" life changes. It's no longer hanging out with buddies in the garage and going to meets. Project cars always require three things, Money, Time and Motivation.

As life evolves, all three become harder to pull together at one time.


08-05-2019, 06:50 AM
He said he wanted to cash out and get something nice - not a piece of shit lower end model boat anchor. Fucking thing is over two ton. Imagine some dude with jean coveralls, a straw hat and a fat dip packed against the gum pull on you in his junkyard turbo LS S-chassis on the track. He probably paid way the fuck less, had way the fuck more fun and people don't ridicule him for posting pictures of his domestic 'drag' car on an internet forum for Japanese drift cars because he didn't nut up and pay a little more for the car that was FAR more superior in the Hellcat and/or Demon [but the Demon is much less practical so I don't judge Hellcat owners for not taking that step].

08-05-2019, 09:59 AM
He said he wanted to cash out and get something nice - not a piece of shit lower end model boat anchor. Fucking thing is over two ton. Imagine some dude with jean coveralls, a straw hat and a fat dip packed against the gum pull on you in his junkyard turbo LS S-chassis on the track. He probably paid way the fuck less, had way the fuck more fun and people don't ridicule him for posting pictures of his domestic 'drag' car on an internet forum for Japanese drift cars because he didn't nut up and pay a little more for the car that was FAR more superior in the Hellcat and/or Demon [but the Demon is much less practical so I don't judge Hellcat owners for not taking that step].

Dude, your boyfriend is not going to stop. You need to just end the relationship and move on. It's not your fault, you deserve better.

Also, post up your fucking car already. I've called you out on that three times this year and you never do. I wonder why that is?

08-05-2019, 11:07 AM
Dude, your boyfriend is not going to stop. You need to just end the relationship and move on. It's not your fault, you deserve better.

Also, post up your fucking car already. I've called you put on that three times this year and no never do. I wonder why that is?

As annoying as both of you are, at least you admit you have a car that doesn't belong here.

08-05-2019, 11:32 AM
I'm not gonna lie, the desire to sell all my cars and have one $40-$50k car that needs nothing but some wheels seems pretty alluring.

I think about this all the time. I bought my IS300 to have a boosted 2JZ, but I just don't think I have the energy for another project. I may be selling it soon for something fast out of the box.

Riddle me this...what's a car that has:
-4 doors
-decent mpg (low 20's street/high 20's hwy)
-CA legal (no imports, must pass smog)
-reliable and cheap to maintain/fix
-under 3500lbs
-manual transmission
-$15,000 - $25,000
-somewhat newer (2006+)

08-05-2019, 12:54 PM
I think about this all the time. I bought my IS300 to have a boosted 2JZ, but I just don't think I have the energy for another project. I may be selling it soon for something fast out of the box.

Riddle me this...what's a car that has:

-4 doors


-decent mpg (low 20's street/high 20's hwy)


-CA legal (no imports, must pass smog)

-reliable and cheap to maintain/fix

-under 3500lbs


-manual transmission

-$15,000 - $25,000

-somewhat newer (2006+)

What's that old story of Fast, Cheap, Reliable... Pick two.

The manual and the weight really kill any solid options. You can manual swap a Charger, but you are looking at 4,200lbs.

I'm sure CTS-Vs are all 4k pounds. I wouldn't want to touch a used V8 M3. Rod Bearing replacement is normal maintenance at 65k miles.

G8 is going to be a premium with 6spd and is 4k lbs.

Lexus is all Automatic. IS-F is 3,800lbs

C63 is Automatic and 3,700lbs

Stinger? G70?? Both to expensive/new and I belive auto only.

I guess you are stuck with a WRX.

08-05-2019, 01:06 PM
Boom, ATS


Not a bad looking car, damn cheap and way more reliable then Zer Germans.

I bet that 4-banger wakes up with some simple Cali-stealth mods.


08-05-2019, 01:07 PM
Riddle me this...what's a car that has:
-4 doors
-decent mpg (low 20's street/high 20's hwy)
-CA legal (no imports, must pass smog)
-reliable and cheap to maintain/fix
-under 3500lbs
-manual transmission
-$15,000 - $25,000
-somewhat newer (2006+)

In your 'keyword' search, enter Salvage title. /:coolugh:

08-05-2019, 01:51 PM
...isn't that why people get Porsches? I'm not gonna lie, the desire to sell all my cars and have one $40-$50k car that needs nothing but some wheels seems pretty alluring. My Spec R is fine for now, but I'd be lying if I said I don't sometimes dream of cashing out, selling all my 'treasures' and logging in just to cause trouble.

...do you ever just look at all your accumulated parts and compare the dollars invested to the current going rate? I do a good job of only buying things I actually want, but I end up not using them in an effort to preserve them..for what, I don't really know.

People buy modern Porsches because they're supposed to. If you're a well-to-do car enthusiast, you have to have a Turbo S/GT3/GT3 RS/GT2/GT2 RS in your portfolio- otherwise, you're not a car enthusiast.

Except that they're complete and utter shit on the fun roads around me. Narrow, bumpy, dirty, nasty roads that require suspension travel and compliance are not roads you drive in a modern Porsche and I love those roads. Vintage Porsches love those roads if they're set up right.

I never think of my spending on cars in terms of what the money could buy for an adult. If I pay for something, think I got a good deal, use it and it makes me happy, the cost is immaterial. I'm quite good at adulting poorly. Even if I run out of time to do my own work, I'll still pay someone to do the work I want done- I guess one part of hiring really talented people is having really talented people who can do me a solid once or twice a year.

I've recently started discovering all the dirt roads within 60 miles of me. Once I sell my e30, my S13 hatch and my Range Rover Classic, I'm going to build something rwd, manual and car-based to explore with.

08-05-2019, 02:25 PM
People buy modern Porsches because they're supposed to. If you're a well-to-do car enthusiast, you have to have a Turbo S/GT3/GT3 RS/GT2/GT2 RS in your portfolio- otherwise, you're not a car enthusiast.

Except that they're complete and utter shit on the fun roads around me. Narrow, bumpy, dirty, nasty roads that require suspension travel and compliance are not roads you drive in a modern Porsche and I love those roads. Vintage Porsches love those roads if they're set up right.

I never think of my spending on cars in terms of what the money could buy for an adult. If I pay for something, think I got a good deal, use it and it makes me happy, the cost is immaterial. I'm quite good at adulting poorly. Even if I run out of time to do my own work, I'll still pay someone to do the work I want done- I guess one part of hiring really talented people is having really talented people who can do me a solid once or twice a year.

I've recently started discovering all the dirt roads within 60 miles of me. Once I sell my e30, my S13 hatch and my Range Rover Classic, I'm going to build something rwd, manual and car-based to explore with.I would say the Air Cooled cars really fit in that "because you are suppose to" hipster car enthusiast nitche.

Also, how about an AMC? Lolhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190805/3354c3442fa841e5aa015223cc4c862a.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190805/c06054b8c577c65f8a300b7fc9f98b41.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190805/f02817b0a7fcc696de17a8eff7dcf364.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190805/7257ba56c0a1d02b19ae86a823daf5e6.jpg

08-05-2019, 02:58 PM
https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/923/wn3ba7.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pnwn3ba7j)
https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/921/FsLRNb.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/plFsLRNbj)
https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/5pDQGc.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pm5pDQGcj)
https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/bdNwMS.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pmbdNwMSj)

Didn't realize I had to take pictures of my shit sitting in my driveway. But there is my S13 without the BN on it because I'm lazy and don't feel like painting it yet, my EVO X I drive whenever I get bored, I also have a 2017 F350 that I tow my fifth wheel camper and boat with, a 2018 Avalon I daily and a SC300 that I'm LS2-T'ing right now that will soon be a YouTube series because I'm fixin' to cash in on that whole bullshit craze. That little puppy has some sponsors of companies you may or may not recognize that are also relevant. I don't gawk and find useless ways to post my irrelevant shit on a forum. In the end, I have more reason to be here than you do.

08-05-2019, 03:23 PM

08-05-2019, 04:17 PM
He said he wanted to cash out and get something nice - not a piece of shit lower end model boat anchor. Fucking thing is over two ton. Imagine some dude with jean coveralls, a straw hat and a fat dip packed against the gum pull on you in his junkyard turbo LS S-chassis on the track. He probably paid way the fuck less, had way the fuck more fun and people don't ridicule him for posting pictures of his domestic 'drag' car on an internet forum for Japanese drift cars because he didn't nut up and pay a little more for the car that was FAR more superior in the Hellcat and/or Demon .

I just about shit my pants lol.

Corbic means well, I'm sure. He's just a red-blooded American, bruthurrrrr.

I don't feel like I HAVE to own a Porsche, but my mind:

a.) Doesn't go to American cars when thinking about this.
b.) Realizes I wouldn't want an R35.
c.) Realizes I'd have to get a wayyyy older version of *insert exotic sports car*.

Porsche really [B]seems like a good idea, if they are what they're supposed to be. I have zero experience though. Just speculating here and listening to Richard Hammond drool over them on Grand Tour.

Who knows man. I dig the Q50 too so maybe that will be my 'big boy adult car' and I can still say I'm a Nissan fuccboi.

08-05-2019, 04:55 PM
Porsche really seems like a good idea, if they are what they're supposed to be. I have zero experience though. Just speculating here and listening to Richard Hammond drool over them on Grand Tour.

Owned two, PM me if you want specific insights.

08-05-2019, 06:37 PM
996 TT or 997 S?

Also, those ATS's are pretty dope. I didnt know they came in manuals.

08-05-2019, 07:00 PM
996 TT or 997 S?

Also, those ATS's are pretty dope. I didnt know they came in manuals.996TT after a full inspection by a well regarded indy.

997.1 S is a great looking car but you'll have IMS hanging over your head. 997.2 fixes that issue for the most part. The 991 is a beast, but a dramatic shift in terms of feel and experience.

996 will always be unloved because of its awful 90's Ford Taurus styling. The TT uses a Metzger engine which is tits and super reliable. It will cost a fortune if it does break...

I'd hard pass on a 996 N/A, even a C4. The premium price doesn't do shit to close the Minimal experience gap between a 986/7 Boxster or Cayman. Even a lowely 2.5 Boxster fucking sings as you beat on it down the road. Fun cars, I may get another one day.

A base 997 is as wide as a 996 C4, and you can easily make any AWD car 2WD if you are so inclined. Triptronic is garbage, early DSG is cool but expensive to service.

Cars have lots of electrical quirks that will nickle and dime you.

08-05-2019, 07:47 PM
Damn, I thought the IMS issues only plagued the 996's.

08-05-2019, 09:12 PM
Damn, I thought the IMS issues only plagued the 996's.Naw, mid cycle 997.


Don't ever let the used prices fool you. These are very much $100,000 used European sports cars.

If you are not in a rush, I'd honestly wait for the C8 to hit the street.

1. Maybe you'll want a C8
2. Maybe lots of other people will want C8s and dump their Porches, flooding the market.
3. Lamborghini Gallardos can all just be sent to the scrap heap now.

Also, in case you didn't know, the Turbo and GT3 engines are based on the old Air Cooled, then Liquid Cooled Metzger engine, they don't have IMS bearings. They are also insanely expensive ($20k used engine).

I bet a clean 981 goes for the less then a 997..

08-06-2019, 06:30 AM
People who are going to buy the C8 aren't going to trade anything in - they have the money to just buy the fucking thing. If you have to trade in a Porsche to buy a 'Vette, there is an awful financial decision being made which isn't going to be common. I doubt there will be a 'flood.' I sold my Porsche because honestly I didn't like it. The driveability was great but the practicality of owning a house, having rental properties, working in the specific field I'm in all were driving forces to buying it [wanting something to disconnect me from all my responsibility] and also the reason I sold it [not practical].

I'm sure in the future I'll get another or something in the same class but I wouldn't be in a massive rush to go buy a Porsche. Volkswagen kids will blow their vape shit in your face while they ask you if you'll sell them their stock wheels or how if they can see your engine because it's in the back and that's 'chill.'

Side note: I was disappointed that meme that's almost as gay as you was your only rebuttal. No words, no nothing - just a picture. Classy but disappointing.

08-06-2019, 09:35 AM
Naw, mid cycle 997.


Don't ever let the used prices fool you. These are very much $100,000 used European sports cars.

If you are not in a rush, I'd honestly wait for the C8 to hit the street.

1. Maybe you'll want a C8
2. Maybe lots of other people will want C8s and dump their Porches, flooding the market.
3. Lamborghini Gallardos can all just be sent to the scrap heap now.

Also, in case you didn't know, the Turbo and GT3 engines are based on the old Air Cooled, then Liquid Cooled Metzger engine, they don't have IMS bearings. They are also insanely expensive ($20k used engine).

I bet a clean 981 goes for the less then a 997..

From what I've been reading the TT's are bulletproof and pretty damn reliable, but yeah if it needs any major repairs you need to refinance the house lol

I wonder how much this will go for: https://bringatrailer.com/listing/2003-porsche-911-turbo-44

maybe $75k?

Side note: I was disappointed that meme that's almost as gay as you was your only rebuttal. No words, no nothing - just a picture. Classy but disappointing.

That picture does have words "absolutely dreadful.." in a British accent

08-06-2019, 11:15 AM
Don't see font and I didn't even know text could have an accent.

08-06-2019, 11:24 AM
The Mezger TT engine only has a couple faults that are easily corrected. If you blow up a Mezger engine, that's on you- the cars have been around long enough that the faults are known and should be immediately rectified given the cost to prevent versus the cost to repair.

Wow, I didn't realize Gallardo prices were within spitting distance of 997.1 GT3 prices. I'd much rather have the Gallardo; I'm ok with being a ponce if I'm a ponce with that V10 right behind me.

08-06-2019, 03:31 PM
Entertaining thread. Good to see this site refuses to die. If I stay here long enough I'm sure I'll end up with another hatch.

08-06-2019, 05:27 PM
Don't see font and I didn't even know text could have an accent.

Why did you go with such weaksauce specs on the Evo? You can throw 18x10.5 +15's all around on those X's with minimal effort

Wow, I didn't realize Gallardo prices were within spitting distance of 997.1 GT3 prices. I'd much rather have the Gallardo; I'm ok with being a ponce if I'm a ponce with that V10 right behind me.

Lambos are for music videos. Porsches are for the track.


"Make you bitch pass out straight hit the floor
Said I never seen a car like that before
What's that thang stickin' up? That's the door"

08-07-2019, 11:35 AM
Why did you go with such weaksauce specs on the Evo? You can throw 18x10.5 +15's all around on those X's with minimal effort

Shhh, leave the poor thing alone.

08-07-2019, 11:51 AM
Why did you go with such weaksauce specs on the Evo? You can throw 18x10.5 +15's all around on those X's with minimal effort

I had those from my STI. Instead of spending money to get a half inch wider tire and a flat face, re-purposing was better. It's not a race car, it's just something that I like to drive in the mountains or put around town from time to time. If I wanted to roll my fenders and ruin my shit instead of just driving it, I would have. I'm not looking to win any show car awards. I appreciate you giving me such valued advise, though. I didn't realize I could just walk to my garage and measure what I could fit before I made the decision to swap wheels. You're such a wise, wise man.

08-07-2019, 12:12 PM
I had those from my STI. Instead of spending money to get a half inch wider tire and a flat face, re-purposing was better. It's not a race car, it's just something that I like to drive in the mountains or put around town from time to time. If I wanted to roll my fenders and ruin my shit instead of just driving it, I would have. I'm not looking to win any show car awards. I appreciate you giving me such valued advise, though. I didn't realize I could just walk to my garage and measure what I could fit before I made the decision to swap wheels. You're such a wise, wise man.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190807/b41716f584e29de1dc975d709772adf6.jpg

08-07-2019, 12:18 PM
I have an S13 for the track. I'll probably have GT3 money in it by the time I'm done, and that might be 2025, but I'm ok with that.

Track Porsches are for people who want to compare their more expensive track car to less expensive track cars, or for people who show up with a crew to an amateur SCCA GT2-class race. I'm not tracking a modern Porsche because I'm not interested in modern Porsches.

I want a Lambo for the drama but to be honest... I'd keep saving and buy a 550. They're going nowhere but up and I want a proper front-engine F-car, even if it means paying 50-100% more.

08-07-2019, 01:28 PM
I wouldn't save for a Porsche again like I did the first time around. It was fun and exciting when I got it because anything new is fun and exciting but when my excitement mellowed and I was just 'another Porsche owner,' I unloaded it. Ironically, the only car I bought that still has me hooked is the EVO. Granted the other one is meth injected pushing four numbers in the AWHP department, the stock one is just as fun. Different motor [4B11 vs 4G63] but the same amount of fun.

I have considered a Lamborghini and test drove one twice - the second time ended with me putting a deposit - but something inside of me said I was forcing it. Don't force it. Always lube it up before you force it in. That's what my first grade teacher Miss Kazarowski told me.

08-07-2019, 07:42 PM
Don't force it. Always lube it up before you force it in. That's what my first grade teacher Miss Kazarowski told me.

She was a Thailand ladyboy?

08-08-2019, 09:06 AM
Not at the time. The sky is the limit now. She may be a he with eight dicks and a username OCTOCOCK now for all I know. I heard you're pretty in touch with that specific community. Do a little investigative research for me.

08-08-2019, 10:29 AM
Damn, I thought the IMS issues only plagued the 996's.

986/987's as well. The 987.2 (2009+) doesnt have the issue.

I'm biased but if you can comfortably afford a 981/997/991 I would jump on it. There really is nothing like it. Rent one on touro for a day or two and see how you like it.

The only other car really tugging at my heart strings would be an ACR viper.

The new C8 is intriguing and will probably perform very well.

08-08-2019, 11:26 AM
986/987's as well. The 987.2 (2009+) doesnt have the issue.

I'm biased but if you can comfortably afford a 981/997/991 I would jump on it. There really is nothing like it. Rent one on touro for a day or two and see how you like it.

The only other car really tugging at my heart strings would be an ACR viper.

The new C8 is intriguing and will probably perform very well.Oh those Vipers. Damn things are already appreciating, I remember you could got one new for $85k with dealer discounts.

I keep seeing rumors of a next gen Fiat 124 based return with a Hellcat engine to get it in the $60k range.

08-08-2019, 12:09 PM
the new c8 is probably the only car you should entertain at this point

08-08-2019, 01:31 PM
the new c8 is probably the only car you should entertain at this point

maybe in 3 years. first batch is going to be plagued with issues.

fun fact - c8 used porsche's pdk trans in some of their test mules.

08-08-2019, 01:41 PM
Fun fact: when the C8 debuts, it'll do more units than any other European competitor does both in profit margin and in units.

That car has already sold itself and with the price points available, I'd be VERY surprised if they don't sell for twice the sticker - similar to the Supra launch editions right now.

08-08-2019, 02:28 PM
Fun fact: when the C8 debuts, it'll do more units than any other European competitor does both in profit margin and in units.

That car has already sold itself and with the price points available, I'd be VERY surprised if they don't sell for twice the sticker - similar to the Supra launch editions right now.On various forums I got 50 guys confirming deposits for MSRP allocation. They are going to build +30k units and dealers won't be fucking retarded like Toyota Dealers. Now when the TT DOHC Z06 hits and rumored AWD Hybrid TT DOHC ZR1.....mmmmmm ADM

08-08-2019, 02:29 PM
Supposedly every 2020 C8 to be made already has a deposit on it.


08-08-2019, 02:33 PM
Deposits gives you first crack at the car - not at a price. Been in a dealership environment when things like the EVO X was released after a few years of hiatus, we took in deposits. That didn't mean you got window sticker price but just meant that there was a list of people that would be called in such order and given the opportunity to buy it. If they pass, their name was crossed off and the next person was given the opportunity. Not saying that Chevrolet dealers are different but being a vehicle upfitter and having a pool of domestic trucks, I have tight relationships with dealerships that have owners on the board of directors for both Chevrolet and Ford local to me. They said the offers they have to have one in the first wave are ridiculous. If you can find a dealership willing to sell you one at sticker price right off the rip, I'd sell all your shit and buy one because you can turn around and sell it for double instantly. I promise. Mark my words, dead ass forum. Mark my words.

08-08-2019, 02:45 PM
Deposits gives you first crack at the car - not at a price.

True. I can only imagine how many people will back out when an $80k+ price tag is offered to them when they're expecting a $60k-ish base model C8.

08-09-2019, 06:12 AM
I am expecting at least $30,000 on top of the sticker. They won't be able to produce enough compared to the demand. The avid collectors will get the and the average Joe will have to wait a year or two until all the people who are going to hide them in a barn forever get theirs.

I'm okay with getting one either second hand or a year or two after launch. The bugs will be worked out and I can enjoy it issue free. Pretty glad I unloaded my two higher end toys a few years ago in preparation of investing that into something different. The C8 may just be it.

08-11-2019, 12:08 AM
circa ~2003:

https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/335376_10150433944679610_815456476_o.jpg?_nc_cat=1 10&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-2.xx&oh=362c64951bd0a7d59ffd0df57cc052d0&oe=5D72970D

anyway we can turn this into the forums cover photo or something?

08-11-2019, 08:59 AM
^ not one Z-chassis in photo..so no?

08-11-2019, 09:19 AM
anyway we can turn this into the forums cover photo or something?

It’s incredible how easy it was for us in the scene for a while to have taken that time period for granted. When I bought my first s-chassis, probably 200+ in a 50 mile radius on autotrader. Not a single one had a mismatched panel. The majority were stock. I paid $2500 for my first hatch. 100K miles. Still totally stock. Wish I had that car back.

Meets would get 50+ deep. Most were at least clean.

It was a solid time. Nostalgia.

08-11-2019, 12:28 PM
My 240's always had mismatched panels. Just passed 15 years of ownership. Good paint costs good money, and that good money was always supposed to go to track days and mods before paint.

I spent four hours at the junk yard yesterday pulling a subframe. I thought it would be kinda fun and nostalgic, but instead it was just hot and dusty.

08-11-2019, 04:55 PM
Im a junkyard junkie myself. Look for excuses to go haha. About the same age as you. Texas heat. It's a good workout. Walk for miles and find crazy deals. Soaked by the time i leave. Going with a hangover is the worst xD

08-11-2019, 05:12 PM
My 240's always had mismatched panels. Just passed 15 years of ownership. Good paint costs good money, and that good money was always supposed to go to track days and mods before paint.

I spent four hours at the junk yard yesterday pulling a subframe. I thought it would be kinda fun and nostalgic, but instead it was just hot and dusty.Im a junkyard junkie myself. Look for excuses to go haha. About the same age as you. Texas heat. It's a good workout. Walk for miles and find crazy deals. Soaked by the time i leave. Going with a hangover is the worst xDBeing in the Midwest, it's been almost 10 years since I've seen a 240sx in any of the area yards.

There is nothing left from the 90's except GM 3800s and the Ford Taurus.

08-11-2019, 05:38 PM
Im a junkyard junkie myself. Look for excuses to go haha. xD
I remember those days... it really made you appreciate your ride again.haha

Being in the Midwest, it's been almost 10 years since I've seen a 240sx in any of the area yards.
For the hell of it, this made me search the local yards here in Cali... Slim pickin' here too.(S14 that is)


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

08-11-2019, 08:11 PM
funny thing is all of those cars look better than most craigslist ad s-chassis for 4k.

08-11-2019, 08:14 PM
Being in the Midwest, it's been almost 10 years since I've seen a 240sx in any of the area yards.

There is nothing left from the 90's except GM 3800s and the Ford Taurus.
they've become rare around here too. I have two local self-service yards I frequent, huge yards. There are only two hatches at one of them atm. They're both pretty much stripped now. Right now I have a project aw11, an s13 I just got, and a mazda3 I just finished today (starting to daily it tomorrow), so I hit the yards for more than just 240s.
But yeah, gone are the days when they had 6-8 240s at a single yard. You could find clean interiors with uncracked dashes, piggy lips, manual swaps, clean panels, etc etc. I remember they even had supercharged aw11s. Now even na aw11's are rare...
We still have plenty of 90's thou, even some 80's. Just a few days ago I scored some maxima blue mirrors for the 240 :D
Got a good deal on some wheels and nearly new tires for the mazda from a private seller. Needed "tuner" lug nuts for them. Junkyard has lots of them and I have the keys. And, well, you know, since nuts and bolts in the tool bag are never a problem...:Ownedd:

08-12-2019, 06:44 AM
I guess it's a good thing I've hoarded all that shit in a storage box awaiting shit like this. Once Tokyo Drift came out, I started stockpiling knowing this day would come. I can't even begin to tell you what I've sold the sunroof covers for lately.

And people ask how I've owned the types of cars I've owned - this is how.

08-12-2019, 09:44 AM
That white convertible (2243) [240sx] posted was the donor. Zero rust, was just a fairly-well-maintained older car before the junkyard dogs got to it.

No good deals to be had at an LKQ junkyard, although the amount of hardware one can leave with, even if you tell them about it, is ridiculous.

I watched all of the Driftworks 1-3 series on YouTube with my brother this weekend. They're responsible for my dislike of modern corporate drifting, the reason why I still think Koguchi's the man, the reason why I want to build an IS300, etc. Nostalgic as hell.

I don't remember my S13 having mass dampers on the RUCA adjustment bolts. Was that a '93 thing or was my car weird?

08-13-2019, 04:43 PM
...so stickdiljoe just posted a huge article about stuff and things...go read it.

08-13-2019, 07:48 PM
...so stickdiljoe just posted a huge article about stuff and things...go read it.

Everything I've been saying for i can't remember how long.


08-14-2019, 07:27 AM
...so stickdiljoe just posted a huge article about stuff and things...go read it.

Meh. No duh he's going to get sick of everything if he's constantly on social media, going to every meet because he has to to justify clicks for his youtube channel/blog, traveling to all the trash wekfest events because he has to, etc.

Dude is like 40 and has spent his entire adult life with it devoted to cars.

As wack as all of this 'building a brand' shit can be, it can be ignored. Don't want to see it? Don't follow it on Instagram. Don't watch the videos on YouTube. Don't go to Wekfest, one of the epicenters for that exact type of 'enthusiast.'

There are still A LOT of people building exactly the cars he likes and going to car things....just to hang out and see like-minded friends.

That just feels like an old man yelling at a cloud.

08-14-2019, 02:51 PM
There are a lot of people building bitchin' cars.

And a lot of people building cookie-cutter cars.

The cookie-cutter cars typically have a larger audience, which means more people will build cookie-cutter cars because they're all people have been exposed to.

There is more of an epidemic of fake parts than ever before. Thanks AliExpress and Cosmis, you can eat my shorts.

I'd rather go to a curated show than a non-curated show at this point. There's merit in being particular. I had respect for Luftgekult until they let that piece-of-shit tracked 911 Targa into Luft 6 and I realized they're also in it for the likes.

08-14-2019, 08:14 PM
double post - wont let me delete! what gives.

08-14-2019, 08:16 PM
That just feels like an old man yelling at a cloud.

Isn't that the point of this thread? :hug:

There are a lot of people building bitchin' cars.

And a lot of people building cookie-cutter cars.

The cookie-cutter cars typically have a larger audience, which means more people will build cookie-cutter cars because they're all people have been exposed to.

There is more of an epidemic of fake parts than ever before. Thanks AliExpress and Cosmis, you can eat my shorts.

I'd rather go to a curated show than a non-curated show at this point. There's merit in being particular. I had respect for Luftgekult until they let that piece-of-shit tracked 911 Targa into Luft 6 and I realized they're also in it for the likes.

which one? I missed it.

08-15-2019, 05:18 AM
Everything I've been saying for i can't remember how long.

I agree with a lot of things said, but it feels like this as well:


08-15-2019, 08:02 AM
...so stickdiljoe just posted a huge article about stuff and things...go read it.

Who? Link?

08-15-2019, 09:15 AM
which one? I missed it.

The tracked Porsche? I'm not going to give it any more fame, at least until it doesn't look like a pile of smashed assholes.

Tuzzio, stickydiljoe.com (https://www.stickydiljoe.com) . First story.

08-15-2019, 09:44 AM
Tuzzio, stickydiljoe.com (https://www.stickydiljoe.com) . First story.

From the article:
Too many events, too many car enthusiasts, people trying to do too much, too many people trying to be a ‘brand’…

from the same site:

This is dead nuts on point:
I agree with a lot of things said, but it feels like this as well:


08-15-2019, 10:17 AM
Whoa whoa whoa.

First, you have a 'vert.

Second, this dude has been on the scene for a long, long time and his builds were always name-brand-heavy and clean. He takes pictures and covers shows and Japanese events/shops so you don't have to go. He's providing a service for which he should be paid and has created a brand based on that service. He's not some IG famewhore with bullet lugnuts posting pics of his vape clouds in front of a beat-ass S-chassis wrapped with the newest flavor-of-the-week color trying to sell rip-off vaporwave-inspired tees to a group of knockoff-Supreme-wearing hypebeast punkasses listening to Lil Nas X while nursing a Xanax addiction.

08-15-2019, 11:42 AM
No, the Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme still 100% applies to this.

Wekfest is just a place for dorks who want to be brands, to get some recognition & spread their garbage brand.

Source: I showed at Wekfest Chicago in 2018, it was 90% that garbage.

08-15-2019, 03:29 PM
Wekfest is just a place for dorks who want to be brands, to get some recognition & spread their garbage brand.

Source: I showed at Wekfest Chicago in 2018, it was 90% that garbage.

i cant believe i am saying this, but i actually agree with you. its even pretty obvious when you see the videos, you dont have to be there in person.

08-16-2019, 06:28 AM
Wekfest is a bunch of hip pussies with bagged out VW that are all the same shit with Merc/Porsche wheels that are just different colors. Wolfsgart, H20 and all the other shit shows fall into the same category. Never has anyone been like, 'hey. I'm trying to get this Wekfest build done in time' like they do with SEMA. That genre of car building - even me being a car enthusiast - is fucking trash. I'd rather build a Honda than some VW. I'd spend a lot less time polishing my hard air lines, too.

08-16-2019, 09:23 AM
Whoa whoa whoa.

First, you have a 'vert.

Second, this dude has been on the scene for a long, long time and his builds were always name-brand-heavy and clean. He takes pictures and covers shows and Japanese events/shops so you don't have to go. He's providing a service for which he should be paid and has created a brand based on that service. He's not some IG famewhore with bullet lugnuts posting pics of his vape clouds in front of a beat-ass S-chassis wrapped with the newest flavor-of-the-week color trying to sell rip-off vaporwave-inspired tees to a group of knockoff-Supreme-wearing hypebeast punkasses listening to Lil Nas X while nursing a Xanax addiction.

K. :cool: :jerkit:

08-16-2019, 12:59 PM
Whoa whoa whoa.

First, you have a 'vert.

Second, this dude has been on the scene for a long, long time and his builds were always name-brand-heavy and clean. He takes pictures and covers shows and Japanese events/shops so you don't have to go. He's providing a service for which he should be paid and has created a brand based on that service. He's not some IG famewhore with bullet lugnuts posting pics of his vape clouds in front of a beat-ass S-chassis wrapped with the newest flavor-of-the-week color trying to sell rip-off vaporwave-inspired tees to a group of knockoff-Supreme-wearing hypebeast punkasses listening to Lil Nas X while nursing a Xanax addiction.

Lol, buying name brand parts just to park a car at a show.

The equivalent of a keto gluten free vegan Whole Foods shopper that's morbidly obese

08-16-2019, 01:42 PM
How about instead of e-blowing this dude, you be an individual? Who gives a fuck what he has on his cars that sit stationary in climate controlled rooms and transport trailers? Support the dudes who share the same passion that shred their cars, rebuild and then shred again on repeat [unless you're a show car kid which in that case, you and that weird fuck who builds hand puppets can DM eachother how much cream you've collected looking at Wekfest pictures].

08-16-2019, 05:17 PM
Lol, buying name brand parts just to park a car at a show.

The equivalent of a keto gluten free vegan Whole Foods shopper that's morbidly obese

What I was saying is that he supported the real ones. The companies that had R&D departments and that contributed to the betterment of our cars, not the companies that ripped off those companies. Note: if someone made a new, high-quality reproduction of a discontinued product, they're one of the real ones.

I'm not going to support dudes who shred their cars just because they're out driving them. It means nothing to go out there- I used to do HPDEs with some shit drivers in nice cars. OMG look, he's trying. He's enjoying himself.

Damn this got really opinionated on my end and I'm starting to sound like an old man yelling at a cloud. :picardfp:

If you were going to build a tribute to Koguchi's 180SX, would you build a tribute to his black 180SX or his green one?

08-18-2019, 11:48 PM
Spent the weekend at Laguna Seca Historics. First time going there in 20 years (sounds weird saying that) and I gotta say, that shit was rad as fuck. Makes me wonder if drift cars will ever have a place in it. I can totally imagine some day in the future seeing Forsberg's z33, Millen's GTO, and Gitten's Falken Mustang ripping around the track... Not that those would be my preferred choices, but I fell like they'd be the most likely.

08-19-2019, 01:33 PM
They'll never be there because drifting isn't a timed competition and because the Historics are so choosy.

It'll be up to people like us to organize smaller, less formal events- even if we have no choice but to hold them at lesser tracks.

08-20-2019, 08:29 AM
Makes me wonder if drift cars will ever have a place in it.
...It's drifting.

08-20-2019, 03:24 PM
They'll never be there because drifting isn't a timed competition and because the Historics are so choosy.

It'll be up to people like us to organize smaller, less formal events- even if we have no choice but to hold them at lesser tracks.

People like us will be running historic events some day. Hell, the dude who was putting on events when I first started drifting is the race director at CSRG (classic sports racing group) now. We're half way there already!

I just don't think the next generation will be so discriminatory. Over the years, drifting has been at various racing events. FD Sonoma used to take place during NASCAR weekend. FD Long Beach takes place the week before Indycar. FD ATL takes place during Global Time Attack or something. And Grid Life has a drift run group. I think there's a way to work it in there...

08-20-2019, 04:44 PM
What I was saying is that he supported the real ones. The companies that had R&D departments and that contributed to the betterment of our cars, not the companies that ripped off those companies. Note: if someone made a new, high-quality reproduction of a discontinued product, they're one of the real ones.

I'm not going to support dudes who shred their cars just because they're out driving them. It means nothing to go out there- I used to do HPDEs with some shit drivers in nice cars. OMG look, he's trying. He's enjoying himself.

Damn this got really opinionated on my end and I'm starting to sound like an old man yelling at a cloud. :picardfp:

If you were going to build a tribute to Koguchi's 180SX, would you build a tribute to his black 180SX or his green one?

Black one, but I wouldn't do it either because we idolize KP and the fucking hoods can't even be made to fit nicely.

I guess a lot of this depends on who you think is 'real'. I understand your description, totally...but it's my personal belief that if you're building your car to stunt on others you're probably a fake motherfucker anyway. I've made friends, watched friends, and then lost friends that swore they were in it for the 'love of the game' but slowly succumbed to the social media thing. It's not like I got all righteous and had a blowout fight with these people, we just gradually drifted apart. I got tired of being (jokingly) accused of the same shit too.

I'm constantly catching shit for buying and selling cars, but with the exception of an FRS in 2013 it's always been SChassis cars. I feel like people move on when the buzz fades, even if they swear that's not the motivation. These Wekfest shows are just on another level. Cars have to be hermetically vacuum-sealed in terms of cleanliness to compete with the next guy...but it's the same thing: let me look at you looking at my car whilst masturbating to the attention. I feel like he's accusing them of the same things Wekfest is guilty of, but just at a lower level. Does that make sense?

Oh well. 29 going on 57 over here.

08-22-2019, 09:05 AM
Only in the 240 community

08-22-2019, 11:21 AM
Millen's GTO is sitting in a Chevrolet dealership in East Providence, RI if you ever want to see it. I doubt it'll move from it's current resting spot. Just like I doubt your dreams will ever be reality.

08-22-2019, 05:03 PM
Black one, but I wouldn't do it either because we idolize KP and the fucking hoods can't even be made to fit nicely.

I guess a lot of this depends on who you think is 'real'. I understand your description, totally...but it's my personal belief that if you're building your car to stunt on others you're probably a fake motherfucker anyway. I've made friends, watched friends, and then lost friends that swore they were in it for the 'love of the game' but slowly succumbed to the social media thing. It's not like I got all righteous and had a blowout fight with these people, we just gradually drifted apart. I got tired of being (jokingly) accused of the same shit too.

I'm constantly catching shit for buying and selling cars, but with the exception of an FRS in 2013 it's always been SChassis cars. I feel like people move on when the buzz fades, even if they swear that's not the motivation. These Wekfest shows are just on another level. Cars have to be hermetically vacuum-sealed in terms of cleanliness to compete with the next guy...but it's the same thing: let me look at you looking at my car whilst masturbating to the attention. I feel like he's accusing them of the same things Wekfest is guilty of, but just at a lower level. Does that make sense?

Oh well. 29 going on 57 over here.

I don't think I've ever seen a KP hood in person. I was out of going to drift events and car shows before his hoods crossed the pond in any meaningful way. I only want one because it's part of the package- fitment be damned. I have a really, really good 'glass guy working for me so he can fix the fitment with zero issues. I've been looking for a really good 'glass guy and now I have one working in my paint department.

It's not even about Koguchi as a person, but how impactful that car was on me as I got into S-chassis "life." If I had a big enough picture, I'd have had it on my wall back in '04/05. I'd probably still have it on my wall in my shop. That car looked so perfect sideways with the tires just kissing the fenders and letting off little wisps of smoke that it heavily influenced my emotional investment in S-chassis.

I keep trying to chase the dragon of building a car and I've never had more fun, or been more invested, than in my S13 coupe. The directions I could've gone were endless until it became a track car. I'm going to sell my Touareg, my Range Rover Classic and my E30 and focus on a street S-chassis build. It makes no sense, as the direction I'm going professionally in both my main hustle and my side hustle is Euro, but S-chassis life is the good life. I just drove my clapped-out hatch to Willow Springs, did a day of filming in 100+ degree weather, drove down to LA, did more filming and drove back to SD with zero problems.

08-23-2019, 07:55 PM
It's not even about Koguchi as a person, but how impactful that car was on me as I got into S-chassis "life." If I had a big enough picture, I'd have had it on my wall back in '04/05. I'd probably still have it on my wall in my shop. That car looked so perfect sideways with the tires just kissing the fenders and letting off little wisps of smoke that it heavily influenced my emotional investment in S-chassis.

...I mean u not wrong doe...

I just wish that for what they're charging, and how long they've been making them, that they fit better.

Dude I think I'll always have at least one. S15 life is really good and it distances me from the S13s but at this point I don't even know if I could sell my S13s without instantly regretting whatever the buyer does to it after they've owned it for a few months. The money isn't worth it to me..yet.

08-26-2019, 12:25 AM
I just wish that for what they're charging, and how long they've been making them, that they fit better.

I got mine like 3 or 4 years ago and fitment was whack as fuck. But i bought it for the same reason though. Just a massive influence on me as a teenager so i had to do it. Completed the look for me.

08-26-2019, 12:10 PM
That car looked so perfect sideways with the tires just kissing the fenders and letting off little wisps of smoke that it heavily influenced my emotional investment in S-chassis.

08-26-2019, 01:38 PM
That'd be it.

My wife's trying to talk me into keeping the hatch I just bought. I'm not sure, because I would only want to keep it to build into a Japanese-style grassroots drifter with good fitment and legit aero and that shit's not cheap.

08-27-2019, 02:46 AM
That'd be it.

My wife's trying to talk me into keeping the hatch I just bought. I'm not sure, because I would only want to keep it to build into a Japanese-style grassroots drifter with good fitment and legit aero and that shit's not cheap.

My wife says the same thing about my car in the US...but lately I've been thinking about selling both 13s. I'd like to see how my career turns out and then get another S15...

..but who knows I'll probably continue to hoard them.

08-27-2019, 10:18 AM
I don't think I could have two of the same car..even an S15 I think would just be too similar to my s14. If I didn't have my s14 I probably would have bought a ZN6.

I drive my s14 when I feel like driving a fast tin can and I drive my IS when I've had enough back pain, carbon monoxide and high blood pressure from scraping everywhere.

I need variety in the cars I own.

08-27-2019, 12:38 PM
I currently have seven cars, with two "duplicates," although I'd say my track coupe and my hatch might as well be from different planets.

Variety is the spice of life but sometimes we stop at "makes us happy." I'm perfectly fine owning nineteen S13s as long as they all make me happy, just like I want a stock-ish coupe and a stock-ish convertible E36 M3 to complete my lineup along with another sedan with an S54 swap and full 318iS Class II kit. I find things that are fun and familiar and proceed to tailor them to my likes and wants.

08-27-2019, 04:52 PM
I don't think I could have two of the same car..even an S15 I think would just be too similar to my s14. If I didn't have my s14 I probably would have bought a ZN6.

I drive my s14 when I feel like driving a fast tin can and I drive my IS when I've had enough back pain, carbon monoxide and high blood pressure from scraping everywhere.

I need variety in the cars I own.

I used to think that. I'd love an NA Miata one day, too...but S15s (at least the SpecR) tick all the boxes for me. The first SpecS I had was a rattlebox. I didn't do my research when it came to structural differences between the S15 models. At any rate, getting a car in a different color would be enough for me. I'd love to get an AT SpecR but they don't come up often.

The nostalgia of the S13s is what keeps me from selling them. I'm sure my hatch in the US is better than I remember...and this idea gives me hope lol.

08-28-2019, 09:39 AM
I used to think that. I'd love an NA Miata one day, too...but S15s (at least the SpecR) tick all the boxes for me. The first SpecS I had was a rattlebox. I didn't do my research when it came to structural differences between the S15 models. At any rate, getting a car in a different color would be enough for me. I'd love to get an AT SpecR but they don't come up often.

The nostalgia of the S13s is what keeps me from selling them. I'm sure my hatch in the US is better than I remember...and this idea gives me hope lol.How does an s15 compare to a zn6? Its seems like they would feel somewhat similar in terms of build quality and driving characteristics.

I don't know about you guys, but as I got older I felt the need to get something more "adult" if that makes sense. So I got an IS300 for a cheap, fun daily but of course it now has gold buddy club wheels, coilovers, JDM bumper and a Greddy exhaust. It's slow, but still way more fun than the Cruze I had previously. I probably won't own another s-chassis, but I will always have a hand in the golden era of japanese cars.

08-29-2019, 05:07 AM
How does an s15 compare to a zn6? Its seems like they would feel somewhat similar in terms of build quality and driving characteristics.

I don't know about you guys, but as I got older I felt the need to get something more "adult" if that makes sense. So I got an IS300 for a cheap, fun daily but of course it now has gold buddy club wheels, coilovers, JDM bumper and a Greddy exhaust. It's slow, but still way more fun than the Cruze I had previously. I probably won't own another s-chassis, but I will always have a hand in the golden era of japanese cars.

That's actually what I stacked the S15 up against. I had a ZN6 for a little bit and my only gripe was the torque dip. It didn't need to be anything more than it was...but that being said if the S15 was available in the US why wouldn't you get the car with a turbo for the price?

The S15 feels 'just as new' as the FRS to me. I think this is because I've never really had a car newer than '93 until the FRS. I have zero regrets paying a little extra for a clean, low-km SpecR.

I think the whole "growing out of cars" largely has to do with style. I don't know what your style is, but I think that anyone can have any manner of S-Chassis and if it's styled right no one will think it's not 'adult'. If some adult-aged person is a die hard 'golden era' dude with big ass wheels, roll call stickers, and rubberband tires I can agree that they might be perceived differently. It's a call the driver has to make. If you're 100% into it you won't care, but if you're looking for a reason to move on and you don't want to style your car differently then you've kind of put yourself into a box. A lot of people feel this societal pressure to get over the car thing. I just don't understand it...yet.

Fuck man I'm even having second thoughts about putting an exhaust on my car and even if I do it will probably be something quiet. The drop, wheels, and factory aero don't really make the car look less adult to me. I think it's just right.

08-29-2019, 07:37 AM
keep factory exhaust and do cutout! getting ready to put headers on the minivan!!! lol my personal taste has evolved and i think its more to do with people learning who they are and what their real passion is...kids helped me move to a different path with modifying slower and more reliably than just 10 min lets get 500 hp type attitude...

08-29-2019, 08:22 AM
I don't think I've ever seen a KP hood in person. I was out of going to drift events and car shows before his hoods crossed the pond in any meaningful way. I only want one because it's part of the package- fitment be damned. I have a really, really good 'glass guy working for me so he can fix the fitment with zero issues. I've been looking for a really good 'glass guy and now I have one working in my paint department.

It's not even about Koguchi as a person, but how impactful that car was on me as I got into S-chassis "life." If I had a big enough picture, I'd have had it on my wall back in '04/05. I'd probably still have it on my wall in my shop. That car looked so perfect sideways with the tires just kissing the fenders and letting off little wisps of smoke that it heavily influenced my emotional investment in S-chassis.

I keep trying to chase the dragon of building a car and I've never had more fun, or been more invested, than in my S13 coupe. The directions I could've gone were endless until it became a track car. I'm going to sell my Touareg, my Range Rover Classic and my E30 and focus on a street S-chassis build. It makes no sense, as the direction I'm going professionally in both my main hustle and my side hustle is Euro, but S-chassis life is the good life. I just drove my clapped-out hatch to Willow Springs, did a day of filming in 100+ degree weather, drove down to LA, did more filming and drove back to SD with zero problems.
Just buy a vehicle and stop fantasizing

08-29-2019, 12:29 PM
Heard this is where washed Zilvia bosses go? Hi i'm here :)

08-29-2019, 04:07 PM
I think the whole "growing out of cars" largely has to do with style. I don't know what your style is, but I think that anyone can have any manner of S-Chassis and if it's styled right no one will think it's not 'adult'. If some adult-aged person is a die hard 'golden era' dude with big ass wheels, roll call stickers, and rubberband tires I can agree that they might be perceived differently. It's a call the driver has to make. If you're 100% into it you won't care, but if you're looking for a reason to move on and you don't want to style your car differently then you've kind of put yourself into a box. A lot of people feel this societal pressure to get over the car thing. I just don't understand it...yet.

Fuck man I'm even having second thoughts about putting an exhaust on my car and even if I do it will probably be something quiet. The drop, wheels, and factory aero don't really make the car look less adult to me. I think it's just right.

My style has never been really over the top so it's not so much the look of the car for me as it is how the car functions. The cabin noise, exhaust noise, exhaust fumes and the constant plight of not scraping are things that I just have little patience with these days. I've been slowly working on addressing these issues. I've done things like raise the car up, changed the exhaust to a HKS sport, added a resonator, installed the OEM fender liners, etc. It's a slow process and sometimes I feel like the car is just too far modified.

If you keep it simple then there's less things that will annoy you later on lol


08-29-2019, 07:31 PM
My style has never been really over the top so it's not so much the look of the car for me as it is how the car functions. The cabin noise, exhaust noise, exhaust fumes and the constant plight of not scraping are things that I just have little patience with these days. I've been slowly working on addressing these issues. I've done things like raise the car up, changed the exhaust to a HKS sport, added a resonator, installed the OEM fender liners, etc. It's a slow process and sometimes I feel like the car is just too far modified.

If you keep it simple then there's less things that will annoy you later on lol

this guy gets it. Not like most 240s out there are driveable anyway.
Man we're getting old. The older I get, the more mustangs that sound like barrels rolling down a hill (99.9%) bother me...

08-29-2019, 09:06 PM
My style has never been really over the top so it's not so much the look of the car for me as it is how the car functions. The cabin noise, exhaust noise, exhaust fumes and the constant plight of not scraping are things that I just have little patience with these days. I've been slowly working on addressing these issues. I've done things like raise the car up, changed the exhaust to a HKS sport, added a resonator, installed the OEM fender liners, etc. It's a slow process and sometimes I feel like the car is just too far modified.

If you keep it simple then there's less things that will annoy you later on lol

*Good Example*

This has always been my approach.

I bought two significantly modified cars early on in my S-Chassis craze. I think they made me really appreciate stock cars. In the beginning I wanted to touch every inch of the car and make things better. Over time I learned that better is (more often than not) leaving shit alone. I always bought cars with the intention to drift or autocross...but whenever it came time to move beyond wheels and suspension bits I just found myself not motivated.

That's gotten worse over time, and now I look for (and pay a little more for) cars that have dealership records and are untouched.

08-29-2019, 10:36 PM
This has always been my approach.

I bought two significantly modified cars early on in my S-Chassis craze. I think they made me really appreciate stock cars. In the beginning I wanted to touch every inch of the car and make things better. Over time I learned that better is (more often than not) leaving shit alone. I always bought cars with the intention to drift or autocross...but whenever it came time to move beyond wheels and suspension bits I just found myself not motivated.

That's gotten worse over time, and now I look for (and pay a little more for) cars that have dealership records and are untouched.

I got my car to a point where it was very easy to drive, looked great and was actually fast and reliable. I wasn't satisfied though. I wanted more response out of the suspension, wider wheels/tires, lower ride height, lower aero, etc. I just kept wanting more. You remember watching tha documentary on that one drug dealer that could have stopped after making his first 100 million, but kept going after bigger, more complicated goals which ultimately led to competing with rival gangs and a life of greed, tragedy and madness? I'm that guy with my 240.

08-30-2019, 07:56 AM
Just buy a vehicle and stop fantasizing

I did, which is why my sig says I have two S-chassis. The problem is that I still have four other project cars to finish. So if I get it down to five cars and four projects, I'll have more time for the S-chassis build.

I also realized that I have a semi-built S13 coupe that's not going to have the engine swap and cage finalized for at least two more years. I could swap my complete suspension, big brakes, LSD, radiator, intake, header, ECU and TEs over to my hatch without having to spend anything other than gaskets, seals and fluids.

Not sure what I'm going to do there. I have a few months to figure it out while I finish/part out my other projects.

I feel you, spooled. I started with a fun street car on 15s, then went 17s, then went full-grip and the car became less and less a street car and more a compromised track car. So I took it off the street and started uncompromising it. Then I had a series of shit cars, and my fun street car is now my E36 M3, which is quick and handles well enough for me and entirely comfortable for 800 mile days. I think you could easily make a fast enough, fun enough street S-chassis with little effort in a state other than CA/ignoring CA smog laws.

08-30-2019, 10:52 AM
someone mentioned cabin noise above... funny thing is, since i replaced my hood bumpers, hatch bumpers, hatch weather stripping and sunroof trim along with my HKS Sports Exhaust, the cabin is SILENT!!! no rattles, no creeks, no clunks... NOTHING!!! i can drive on the fwy cruising at about 75mph in with my S13, SR20det, Yellowspeed coilovers, heim jointed control arms and have a 100% normal voice level conversation now! its like having a brand new fucking car!!!!!!!!!!!!

hell, ive driven brand new cars at work that have come in the shop and they had more road noise than my S13 does now.

point being is its amazing what happens with old cars when you go thru and start replacing all the worn out rubber. i have 2 pieces left to replace (the inner door/window trims), but im beyond amazed that my S13 now makes ZERO cabin noise. i never thought my S13 would be as quiet as it is and i am beyond happy :)

08-30-2019, 10:52 AM
someone mentioned cabin noise above... funny thing is, since i replaced my hood bumpers, hatch bumpers, hatch weather stripping and sunroof trim, the cabin is SILENT!!! no rattles, no creeks, no clunks... NOTHING!!! i can drive on the fwy cruising at about 75mph in my S13 with my SR20, Yellowspeed coilovers, heim jointed control arms, HKS Sports Exhaust (ZERO drone btw) and have a 100% normal voice level conversation now! its like having a brand new fucking car!!!!!!!!!!!! my S13 is ironically quieter than my daily driven Protege5 lol

hell, ive driven brand new cars at work that have come in the shop and they had more road noise than my S13 does now.

point being is its amazing what happens with old cars when you go thru and start replacing all the worn out rubber. i have 2 pieces left to replace (the inner door/window trims and outer window trims), but im beyond amazed that my S13 now makes ZERO cabin noise. i never thought my S13 would be as quiet as it is and i am beyond happy :)

09-04-2019, 06:31 PM
I'm a stickler for reducing wind noise but most vintage cars have quite a bit of it. We take steps to keep it as quiet as possible but there are just so many noisy bits. Wasn't aware so much of the weatherstripping is still available for the 240SX- that's a good sign. I need an in at a dealership so I can check inventory.

I think my hatch is going to get painted a vintage Porsche color and use Porsche upholstery to reflect my professional background. It would be unique.

09-04-2019, 09:32 PM
ebay... yahoo auctions japan... z1 motorsports.

you dont need a stealership ;)

09-04-2019, 09:32 PM
ebay... yahoo auctions japan... z1 motorsports.

you dont need a stealership ;)

09-05-2019, 10:57 AM
Sooo...trying to post a thread and getting a 403 forbidden error, but I can post just fine, and i'mn not browned/pinked. Not really sure who to ask about this, so I'm posting in here. Flame suit on.

Hope you all have been well. I would bring some stuff discussed the past few weeks back from the dead but I'll let it ride. Nobody cares anyways lol

09-05-2019, 12:25 PM
I need the dealership to tell me what kind of inventory Nissan has. If Nissan's low, and I wait, restocking may take years (if they're even going to reorder)- I'll buy now. If Nissan's got good inventory, I'll wait until after we roll out our new product line. To buy all the seals for a hatch and a coupe is fairly spendy.

There's nothing like new seals, although Z1 doesn't have certain seals that nissanparts does.

09-05-2019, 04:26 PM
Sooo...trying to post a thread and getting a 403 forbidden error, but I can post just fine, and i'mn not browned/pinked. Not really sure who to ask about this, so I'm posting in here. Flame suit on.

Hope you all have been well. I would bring some stuff discussed the past few weeks back from the dead but I'll let it ride. Nobody cares anyways lol

its not just you... ive gotten a few messages from random members expressing the same problem. i have no idea what it is either.

09-08-2019, 03:16 PM
its not just you... ive gotten a few messages from random members expressing the same problem. i have no idea what it is either.

damn, this shit is still going on :(

09-09-2019, 02:09 PM
Is there a thread for cars with higher ride heights but an eye for good fitment and proper aesthetic? I'd like to build a suspension specifically for the roads I like in SoCal, which do not reward low ride height and give zero shits how rare your lip is before grinding it to dust.

I have no idea what I'm going to build, but I kinda want to build something I can use, including trips across the desert (NV/AZ/NM) and up to northern California.

09-09-2019, 02:39 PM
On the topic of forum issues...

I'm unable to leave feedback for users after a purchase in the marketplace. I copy and paste the for sale thread as required and get an error saying "deal thread URL invalid"

Hope this is fixed soon!!

09-09-2019, 03:56 PM
Is there a thread for cars with higher ride heights but an eye for good fitment and proper aesthetic? I'd like to build a suspension specifically for the roads I like in SoCal, which do not reward low ride height and give zero shits how rare your lip is before grinding it to dust.

I have no idea what I'm going to build, but I kinda want to build something I can use, including trips across the desert (NV/AZ/NM) and up to northern California.

like this one that is stickied????? https://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=166563

On the topic of forum issues...

I'm unable to leave feedback for users after a purchase in the marketplace. I copy and paste the for sale thread as required and get an error saying "deal thread URL invalid"

Hope this is fixed soon!!

that shit's been broken for years. don't hold your breath

09-09-2019, 05:23 PM
like this one that is stickied????? https://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=166563

No, that's maximum rubber. I'm looking more for "Adequate TIRE (Rubber) fitment thread for people whose roads are sandy and dirty with root bumps, potholes and general disrepair because like nine people live out there and the county doesn't give a shit."

It's really not that important. I'll just run either my mismatched CE/TE combo or I'll buy another pair of TEs and run them. Then I'll pick a ride height I like, have my shock guy build dampers the right length and run bump stops that are adequate. Just need to get the fitment proper.

I helped get the ball rolling on that stickied thread and have multiple posts on the first page.

09-09-2019, 05:33 PM
I like the idea of having a thread for functional and moderate setups. Not bone stock, but streetable suspension, practical ground clearance and full functionality of an everyday street car.

09-09-2019, 07:19 PM
I like the idea of having a thread for functional and moderate setups. Not bone stock, but streetable suspension, practical ground clearance and full functionality of an everyday street car.

but then none of the hot boi's will care about you :duh:

is it that much of a challenge to build a "normal height" modified car? don't aftermarket companies kinda already figure that out for us? koni yellows, eibach springs, 17x9 +28 with 245/40's? isn't that like the old "i-just-got-into-cars" combo? seems to have worked in the past.

but also, i think it'd be fun to see the old man-spec s chassis thread lol

09-09-2019, 10:36 PM
is it that much of a challenge to build a "normal height" modified car?

Not if you dont mind going unnoticed.
I know I dont :Ownedd:

09-09-2019, 11:10 PM
Is there a thread for cars with higher ride heights but an eye for good fitment and proper aesthetic?

I like the idea of having a thread for functional and moderate setups. Not bone stock, but streetable suspension, practical ground clearance and full functionality of an everyday street car.

Dizz got ya both...

https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=https%3A%2F%2Fzilvia%2Enet%2Ff%2Fshowthr ead%2Ephp%3Ft%3D669804&share_tid=669804&share_fid=3372&share_type=t&link_source=app

Sadly, the amount of contributions really speaks for the need of what you seek.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

09-10-2019, 08:10 AM
but then none of the hot boi's will care about you :duh:

is it that much of a challenge to build a "normal height" modified car? don't aftermarket companies kinda already figure that out for us? koni yellows, eibach springs, 17x9 +28 with 245/40's? isn't that like the old "i-just-got-into-cars" combo? seems to have worked in the past.

but also, i think it'd be fun to see the old man-spec s chassis thread lol

Hot bois never cared about me anyway. Always spent all my money on function not form. I'm now debating a functional form build or a build that takes a lot of the street function out and focuses on very specific form.

It's a challenge to build a "normal-height" modified car that works. Koni Yellows aren't terribly well valved, Eibachs are too soft, 245s all around are good for overall grip but the light weight and light steering of a 240SX does lend itself to a slightly stretched 225 setup all around.

The questions raised in my mind are:

Is it low enough to look good but high enough for my use?
Does the ride height work with the kit on the car, i.e. Kouki Type X?
Does the kit on the car need to be partial for the setup to look good at a higher ride height?
How does camber affect aesthetics at a higher ride height?
What tires look good enough but are functional?

09-10-2019, 08:47 AM
I wish the just-got-into-cars combo was koni yellows and springs instead of racelands and ISR exhaust....

I built (and parted out) the street car s13 you're describing. Never put the kouki bumper + lip on that I bought for it, and I think at taller heights it looks a little goofy.

Nonetheless, I did Koni 8611s with 450/300# rates (that's 8k/5k), 17x9s with 245 Continentals.

The new Continental ExtremeContact Sport or Michelin Pilot Sport 4s is probably the tire you're looking for.

09-10-2019, 09:06 AM
;6356888']Dizz got ya both...

https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=https%3A%2F%2Fzilvia%2Enet%2Ff%2Fshowthr ead%2Ephp%3Ft%3D669804&share_tid=669804&share_fid=3372&share_type=t&link_source=app

Sadly, the amount of contributions really speaks for the need of what you seek.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

That thread is pretty close, but it's more about the OEM style and aesthetics. There's a few cars in there that have OEM style, but don't look like could be daily drivers

09-10-2019, 11:01 AM
Spooled speaks truth.

A lot of those cars are too low to drive some of the low-lying canyon roads around me, with the overflow divots and root cracks, not to mention that you need travel for the camber changes and high amplitude bumps around here. I like shitty roads because, more often than not, they go nowhere- and nowhere can have some great scenery.

09-10-2019, 05:37 PM
Spooled speaks truth.

A lot of those cars are too low to drive some of the low-lying canyon roads around me, with the overflow divots and root cracks, not to mention that you need travel for the camber changes and high amplitude bumps around here. I like shitty roads because, more often than not, they go nowhere- and nowhere can have some great scenery.

I daily my S15 posted in the thread. It’s low enough to barely have a finger gap but it’s still perfectly fine on Japanese roads. Anyone that’s ever lived here will tell you how bad they are...

09-11-2019, 08:51 AM
I daily my S15 posted in the thread. It’s low enough to barely have a finger gap but it’s still perfectly fine on Japanese roads. Anyone that’s ever lived here will tell you how bad they are...

They're bad?! I've always heard they are great, or at the very least much, much better than the roads here..

09-11-2019, 09:43 AM
They're bad?! I've always heard they are great, or at the very least much, much better than the roads here..

Yeah the toll roads and highways are awesome for the most part but normal city roads can be ROUGH.

09-11-2019, 01:31 PM
On the topic of forum issues...

I'm unable to leave feedback for users after a purchase in the marketplace. I copy and paste the for sale thread as required and get an error saying "deal thread URL invalid"

Hope this is fixed soon!!

Remove the letter s from the beginning of your url ie : http://zilvia.net...

Had the same issue, I believe there's a thread about it.

09-11-2019, 03:00 PM
That thread is pretty close, but it's more about the OEM style and aesthetics. There's a few cars in there that have OEM style, but don't look like could be daily drivers

In a similar boat tbh

I've gone hard on the OEM look, but can drive it 2 hours on B & C roads (ie no highways) quite comfortably. Don't have to inch in and out of driveways, but top of tyre is level with the guard

It's actually great to see there's a subculture out there that sits in between the POS millenial hack, impractical stance cars and jacked-up Naoki spec

09-11-2019, 04:53 PM
...and jacked-up Naoki spec

LOL this shit might be the worst of the bunch, because these dudes have money for all the shit that gets the car to sit like that and STIL can't pull it off.

09-11-2019, 05:20 PM
One time my gf and I drove to SD and I took my s14 for fun. We get to the Hilton hotel parking garage and began driving up a narrow one-way ramp only to hear a nasty scraping sound from "teeter tottering" my low ass car at the top of the ramp where it leveled off.

That was one of the moments that made me question wtf I was doing driving around tucking tire

09-11-2019, 08:01 PM
LOL this shit might be the worst of the bunch, because these dudes have money for all the shit that gets the car to sit like that and STIL can't pull it off.

I have mates that swear by it. They will never go back to slammed cars again because they love how the chassis handles with more suspension travel.

I'll keep inviting them to 4WD meets until they get the hint

09-20-2019, 01:50 PM
Holy hell stock springs are gigantic. It's weird to go back to stock on something after going down the rabbit hole on quite a few cars. I have new KYBs either here or coming, new bump stops, new front lower control arms, new tie rods, subframe bushing stiffeners, new front strut mounts, and new rear damper mounts on their way as well. I'll do all of that along with new wheel bearings, braided brake lines, braided clutch line, new motor mounts, and new trans mounts.

I think I'm going to put the car on some 205/70R15 Yokohama Geolandar's for now. We're coming up on fall and that means dirt roads won't be quite so damn hot. I don't really care about the handling; I'd rather have more ground clearance and more chip resistance. They're 1.5" taller than the optional 205/60R15s but 0.8" shorter than the 205/75R15 General Grabber AT2s.

While I get my other projects under control and sold off, it'll be nice to have something I can just hop in and drive wherever I want to go.

This is not the car's final form, but it's something for now.

09-23-2019, 02:20 AM
...is anyone else barred from posting threads? I can't get a thread to work anywhere...

09-23-2019, 08:19 AM
No, but it's a pretty common problem.

I'd throw some cash in the kitty for a revamp/debugging.

09-23-2019, 12:48 PM
yeah, forum is being real funky lately.

at least one of the mods went through and merged my octuple post in my build thread into one :love:

09-23-2019, 02:35 PM
yeah, forum is being real funky lately.


at least one of the mods went through and merged my octuple post in my build thread into one :love:

guess who

09-23-2019, 03:47 PM
How can I sell my wares. It's been like three days and I can't post these P1s up..

09-23-2019, 05:39 PM
guess who



but so like is the actual issue gonna ever get fixed or???

09-25-2019, 05:24 AM
Dude what the fuck. Am I blocked? I still can't post a fucking thread. Someone help...

09-25-2019, 08:09 AM
Dude what the fuck. Am I blocked? I still can't post a fucking thread. Someone help...Have you tried restarting you computer?

09-25-2019, 09:10 AM
A lot of those cars are too low to drive some of the low-lying canyon roads around me, with the overflow divots and root cracks, not to mention that you need travel for the camber changes and high amplitude bumps around here. I like shitty roads because, more often than not, they go nowhere- and nowhere can have some great scenery.

Hachiroku Meister on youtube and instagram. This car is obviously performance and can handle "canyon roads".

Seems to be a very mild build, bolt-ons and suspension. Simple and functional. No cage, no helmet... he is a madman.


Mods listed in description:
1991 Nissan 200SX S13
Federal 595 RSR 235/40R17
CA18DET stock internals, modified intake camshaft
[email protected] bar
stock transmission and shifter, EP3 shift knob
S15 helical LSD
Aftermarket intercooler, radiator and oil cooler
custom 3" exhaust and downpipe, xs manifold
Ksport coilovers with custom spring rates
Energy Suspension bushings
Modified front knuckles, DW Geomaster2 rear knuckles
deleted power steering
Skyline R33 GTST Brakes front & rear with CL RC5+ pads

09-25-2019, 09:34 AM

do i need to drift to own a 240sx? (thoughts that run through my mind damn kids these days let me stick my foot up your ass)

09-25-2019, 10:09 AM
I recently stumbled across his videos and he's a hot shoe for sure but his car cannot handle my canyon roads. It's too low.

#1- KSports. No generic damper will go on any of my cars. Most aftermarket coilovers fall flat with regards to droop travel at higher ride heights. Droop is a big deal on cambered corners.

#2- I don't like polyurethane bushings. Too much maintenance and, if you fall behind, too much stiction.

#3- Deleted power steering. What, why? There's plenty one can do to increase feel without increasing fatigue.

09-25-2019, 10:17 AM
I recently stumbled across his videos and he's a hot shoe for sure but his car cannot handle my canyon roads. It's too low.

#1- KSports. No generic damper will go on any of my cars. Most aftermarket coilovers fall flat with regards to droop travel at higher ride heights. Droop is a big deal on cambered corners.

#2- I don't like polyurethane bushings. Too much maintenance and, if you fall behind, too much stiction.

#3- Deleted power steering. What, why? There's plenty one can do to increase feel without increasing fatigue.

1) Plenty of droop. See image below.
2)Heim joints are available to swap out. He seems to do pretty well without them.
3) Maybe he was tired of boiling his fluid and wanted to simplify. I heard a couple people have issues with leaks after going to aftermarket lines too. He might not be an endurance driver but no PS seems to get the job done at a 16 mile track for him.



09-25-2019, 01:44 PM
he's pretty fast on the Nurburgring. Less than 11 minutes for a t28 powered s13. I've been following him for a few years now.

09-25-2019, 01:59 PM
Looks like a really fun car, but I'd get a cage and a helmet. That thing flips and he's done.

10-02-2019, 11:12 AM
Hachiroku Meister on youtube and instagram. This car is obviously performance and can handle "canyon roads".

Seems to be a very mild build, bolt-ons and suspension. Simple and functional. No cage, no helmet... he is a madman.


Mods listed in description:
1991 Nissan 200SX S13
Federal 595 RSR 235/40R17
CA18DET stock internals, modified intake camshaft
[email protected] bar
stock transmission and shifter, EP3 shift knob
S15 helical LSD
Aftermarket intercooler, radiator and oil cooler
custom 3" exhaust and downpipe, xs manifold
Ksport coilovers with custom spring rates
Energy Suspension bushings
Modified front knuckles, DW Geomaster2 rear knuckles
deleted power steering
Skyline R33 GTST Brakes front & rear with CL RC5+ pads

Love that his setup is bare bones. Dudes a beast of a driver.

10-04-2019, 01:00 PM
1) Plenty of droop. See image below.
2)Heim joints are available to swap out. He seems to do pretty well without them.
3) Maybe he was tired of boiling his fluid and wanted to simplify. I heard a couple people have issues with leaks after going to aftermarket lines too. He might not be an endurance driver but no PS seems to get the job done at a 16 mile track for him.

Not to belabor a point, but that's not enough droop.

My tastes have changed for street-usage cars. I like good ride quality, of which wheel travel is a component, and low NVH. I also like something I can slip behind the wheel of and just drive for hours and hours. I can drive for eight hours and only have 100 miles of straight road in those eight hours.

It's far more important for me to have good drive quality because I have low drive quantity.

10-05-2019, 10:00 AM
Not to belabor a point, but that's not enough droop.

My tastes have changed for street-usage cars. I like good ride quality, of which wheel travel is a component, and low NVH. I also like something I can slip behind the wheel of and just drive for hours and hours. I can drive for eight hours and only have 100 miles of straight road in those eight hours.

It's far more important for me to have good drive quality because I have low drive quantity.

I understand we are all getting "old".

10-05-2019, 12:40 PM
am i old enough to post in here yet

10-05-2019, 06:51 PM
am i old enough to post in here yet

Have you considered marriage, buying a home, or selling your car because "it doesn't make sense".... then yes.

10-06-2019, 05:13 PM
I get more pearl-clutchy the older I get. I want to get all these cars and pay them off before I have kids.

10-07-2019, 06:57 PM
Have you considered marriage, buying a home, or selling your car because "it doesn't make sense".... then yes.

already sold my car


10-08-2019, 12:41 PM
already sold my car


Being a car enthusiast means you only ever have two of the ingredients.

When you're young you got Time and Motivation, but never enough money. As you get older you get more money but run out of time. Eventually you just lose all motivation.

You finally get all 3 when you're 58 and going into a midlife crisis and suddenly make every cars and coffee with whatever "dream car" you always wanted - New M3, Credit Card Restored Classic, Corvette, Shelby GT500, Porsche...

10-10-2019, 11:09 AM
I just need a house. I can't so much as lift my car off the ground without the HOA and neighbors freaking out where I'm at right now.

10-10-2019, 12:51 PM
Thought about selling my car, but cant because nobody wants this shit anymore.

10-10-2019, 04:18 PM

Being a car enthusiast means you only ever have two of the ingredients.

im gonna argue with you on that. ive got all 3 back since my ex moved out in April and jesus raptor christ I have been making SO much head way with getting my S13 finished. since April, the laundry list of little things ive gotten done is super long and satisfying (lots of it minor details that needed seeing to). the first of 3 BIG projects ive been putting off for years is almost over (cleaning up the engine bay, painting + powder coating parts and installing + tuning my PowerFC DJetro and Tomei 740cc injectors). Big project 1 should be done in the next 2-3 weeks. Big project #2 is brakes, and ive already begun ordering some of the parts I need for that (wont be able to finish til December due to waiting on Parts Shop Max to get more of their rear Z32 calipers in stock, which is fine because i can buy all the pieces im missing in the mean time). Big project #3 will happen next year, which is body work + paint. a few minor projects after paint will be CF hood, wrap the roof and trunk lid in black vinyl aaaaaaaaaand a nice set of Recaro SR3s in confetti. im anticipating my car will be FINISH by end of next Summer!!!

it all boils down to things falling into place correctly to be honest. for the past 2-3 years, ive been down to these last 3 big projects and all the minor shit ive wanted to take care of. after my ex moved her ass out, i didnt have to take care of her bullshit anymore and funds were freed up like whoa over night sooooooooo i decided that it was time to finish a MAJOR project in my life... that being my car and progress has continued non stop on it since i made that decision. the only drag is just the few weeks of waiting here and there to either get parts installed, get parts here from japan or get parts from manufacturers/vendors. thus far, things have been a blur of how quickly everythings been going in terms of progress!

i think the only major deciding factor in your list is motivation... because when youre motivated all 3 will work together!

10-11-2019, 08:31 AM
already sold my car


Confirmed. You are old enough to post in here.

10-14-2019, 07:15 PM
Maybe I'm just a grumpy bastard but I think people who part out otherwise intact and complete cars need kicked in the nuts into the kicker is tired.

10-14-2019, 07:26 PM
Lol, few years back, almost sold my s14, owned for 8 years. Last second turned down the offer and kept it. Sat for a few years more and now recently got back into the "scene". Jumped back on zilvia and started rebuilding the car..hence the user name. Couldnt be happier. Just sayn as i got older i realzied ill just keep my stuff work hard and can afford other things i want in life. So far all is going good.

10-15-2019, 11:28 AM
Maybe I'm just a grumpy bastard but I think people who part out otherwise intact and complete cars need kicked in the nuts into the kicker is tired.

I've always wondered how much more people make off those part-outs to the bone. Seems like too much work removing all the parts only to deal with flakes, lowballers and the vast pile of parts everywhere.

Lol, few years back, almost sold my s14, owned for 8 years. Last second turned down the offer and kept it. Sat for a few years more and now recently got back into the "scene". Jumped back on zilvia and started rebuilding the car..hence the user name. Couldnt be happier. Just sayn as i got older i realzied ill just keep my stuff work hard and can afford other things i want in life. So far all is going good.

That's the beauty of the project car. You can let it sit for 10 years and it will only cost you non-op fees. Just back in it and it only costs you as much as you're willing to put in to it.

10-15-2019, 01:42 PM
^was one of the smartest choices ive mad. And its been acually enjoyable working on the car again. Startn to remember that feeling when the ups guy drops off new parts. Like a child on Christmas lol

Initial Drift
10-15-2019, 04:15 PM
Maybe I'm just a grumpy bastard but I think people who part out otherwise intact and complete cars need kicked in the nuts into the kicker is tired.

I feel you on that one. Also what do they do with the chassis. Most of the time on these part outs I never see a bare bones chassis as one of the partout items.

10-16-2019, 10:04 AM
the locals here were cutting them up for scrap...one guy last I saw ~4 years ago had 5 shells in different positions of teardown...

I feel its definitely about being patient, learning and waiting till a good life balance comes along...I was broke with lots of time and motivation, currently some time, money and motivation...kids and wife definitely take away from car time but making lifestyle changes to allow all my interests as well as theirs has allowed me and my wife to have an understanding of making my cars fast and fun...not to the point where I could get a porshe or lambo or any real race car, but enough to daily a decently modded sti...and some mods to the minivan lol...will see how far she lets me go with that one!

Initial Drift
10-16-2019, 12:12 PM
So your saying they part out a good shell then just scrap the shell?

I do agree that there needs to be a balance between your hobbies and everything else.

10-17-2019, 09:26 AM
Anyone interested in a stock salvage kouki for $25k?


10-17-2019, 09:28 AM
Anyone interested in a stock salvage kouki for $25k?

https://sandiego.craigslist.org/esd/cto/d/el-cajon-1998-nissan-240sx/6997138350.htmlSure that's not $2,500?

10-17-2019, 09:30 AM
Anyone interested in a stock salvage kouki for $25k?


We should see if the seller is willing to part it out.

10-17-2019, 09:59 AM
Sure that's not $2,500?

I don't think so. The words "extremely rare" were used..twice lol

10-17-2019, 10:50 AM
98 S14 kouki in stick (not converted) IS extremely rare. there were only a few hundred made in stick out of the 2000 odd S14s produced that year.

Initial Drift
10-17-2019, 10:58 AM
Jesus..... that price. I can't even comprehend the pricing people do now. And its always some stupid ass high price with a "no low balling" or a "I know what I got" included on the post. Don't forget to include the "I see other stock 240's posted for higher prices" not accounting for the fact that many of those are at least painted 1 color and have body panels that line up pretty decently.

Plus people don't seem to think salvage affects pricing at all.

10-17-2019, 11:00 AM
98 S14 kouki in stick (not converted) IS extremely rare. there were only a few hundred made in stick out of the 2000 odd S14s produced that year.Soo $4,500 then?

That is not a $25,000 car.

10-17-2019, 11:01 AM
Jesus..... that price. I can't even comprehend the pricing people do now. And its always some stupid ass high price with a "no low balling" or a "I know what I got" included on the post. Don't forget to include the "I see other stock 240's posted for higher prices" not accounting for the fact that many of those are at least painted 1 color and have body panels that line up pretty decently.

Plus people don't seem to think salvage affects pricing at all.Hey bro, just cause u broke ass low baller.
