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01-29-2019, 07:40 PM
some people strictly want authenticism. They don’t care if its a 1:1 replica using the same materials and everything. If it wasn’t made by said company, then they won’t even think about it. Idk it’s such a blurred line with all this stuff. Honestly though at the end of the day. If you are able to find what you like for your car & buy it. Then who cares tbh.

This is why the 240sx/import community is full of douche nozzle hype beast fan boys. This is why a stupid cup holder is $500.

Ain't nobody got time to care if you have a "legit" SVT shift knob or OEM Cobra foglights in the domestic community. Want bragging rights? Build a fast car.

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01-29-2019, 07:41 PM
simple economics is what drives prices.
supply and demand
its literally that simple

01-29-2019, 07:50 PM
...so you're going to act like kids just like you won't STILL pay $2k for one of the "OMG OG BEFORE THE REBIRTH" seats. Yeah. Hey guys the dude that justifies $600 on Nismo cup holders draws the line at OEM Type X lips. You know why? The hype just isn't there.

No i draw the line on an oem type x lip because my car has litterally been hit over 5 times already & i’ve had to repaint it twice within one year of the exterior being “finished”, Why would i purpousefully spend 1k on something that i know is going to get messed up? Now that is just litterally stupid. I can support dorki dori for what he does because i appreciate it and it’s genuine quality & no i think you’re misunderstanding me. I PERSONALLY would never spend 600$ on a nismo cupholder because i feel that is entirely too much, but i understand why it’s 600$. Is there something else i’d spend 600$ that’s nismo that isn’t stupid to me? Yeah. But in the same way of dorkidori’s aero. I have a shirtstuckedin cupholder because it serves the same aesthetic purpouse as the nismo one, minus the nismo sticker. I just feel good knowing i built my car using as many genuine parts as possible & helping out people making good things for this community.

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01-29-2019, 07:51 PM
simple economics is what drives prices.

supply and demand

its literally that simple

It litterally is that simple.

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01-29-2019, 07:54 PM
...so you're going to act like kids just like you won't STILL pay $2k for one of the "OMG OG BEFORE THE REBIRTH" seats. Yeah. Hey guys the dude that justifies $600 on Nismo cup holders draws the line at OEM Type X lips. You know why? The hype just isn't there.


Corbic, what's so communist about us 'fighting back' against a 'tyrannical regime' (attempting to play into this idea) of shitty fucking prices. I'm not talking about passing legislation to keep the prices down. I'm talking about boycotting to stop assholes from laughing all the way to the bank. How in the fuck is that communism. These assholes control the market, right? Because people keep paying their shit prices, right? What's so fucking 'communist' about taking control back by refusing to pay that shitty mark up...or do you just like using buzzwords.

Sounds like a duck...

Gonna take back control from those evil businesses owners who are taking a advantage of us hard workers who they are just fucking over.

We need to band together and rise up!

Maybe Dorki Dookie can make a shirt Comrade Nissan Owner. True Patriots don't chase profits.

God, I missed you. Please try to keep Ford out of your response, if it's possible. You have to cut Zilvia in on your profits if you're sponsored.

I wish. Only one sponsoring me is me. I did buy a G55 however....


Blame the forum for not auto resizing.

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01-29-2019, 07:58 PM

I seriously would not even pay $10 for that shit.

01-29-2019, 08:04 PM
No i draw the line on an oem type x lip because my car has litterally been hit over 5 times already & i’ve had to repaint it twice within one year of the exterior being “finished”, Why would i purpousefully spend 1k on something that i know is going to get messed up? Now that is just litterally stupid. I can support dorki dori for what he does because i appreciate it and it’s genuine quality & no i think you’re misunderstanding me. I PERSONALLY would never spend 600$ on a nismo cupholder because i feel that is entirely too much, but i understand why it’s 600$. Is there something else i’d spend 600$ that’s nismo that isn’t stupid to me? Yeah. But in the same way of dorkidori’s aero. I have a shirtstuckedin cupholder because it serves the same aesthetic purpouse as the nismo one, minus the nismo sticker. I just feel good knowing i built my car using as many genuine parts as possible & helping out people making good things for this community.

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Then 'making good things' is purely subjective. If you think you're 'helping the community' by buying shit from Shirtstuckedin, you're crazy. You're paying for his track days, the ability to fly to/from Japan, and his car. The dude sells ACCESSORIES. Do you have to romanticise everything?

How is buying an old, USED Nismo cupholder helping out Nissan? They were sold for cheap years ago and they already made their money. Now you're just helping some twat get more funds for more inventory to (in my opinion) continue to pimp out the 'community they love'. It's not helping. I can't think of one person flipping parts (at the shity mark-up we're discussing) that is an avid driver and a long-time member of the community. There's a reason why these dudes seem to pop up like fungus everywhere...and hypebeasts are the shit that feeds them.

How can you say, in the same sentence, you wouldn't pay it but you understand it? You're seriously contradicting yourself.

01-29-2019, 08:08 PM
I'd also like to say that these fucking 'simple economics' comments are stupid.

So you don't agree with me stating that lessening the demand is a good idea...then you turn around and say"

"..huRr DuRr SiMpLe EcONoMiCs. mUh SuPpLa N DeManD!"

01-29-2019, 08:20 PM
Then 'making good things' is purely subjective. If you think you're 'helping the community' by buying shit from Shirtstuckedin, you're crazy. You're paying for his track days, the ability to fly to/from Japan, and his car. The dude sells ACCESSORIES. Do you have to romanticise everything?

How is buying an old, USED Nismo cupholder helping out Nissan? They were sold for cheap years ago and they already made their money. Now you're just helping some twat get more funds for more inventory to (in my opinion) continue to pimp out the 'community they love'. It's not helping. I can't think of one person flipping parts (at the shity mark-up we're discussing) that is an avid driver and a long-time member of the community. There's a reason why these dudes seem to pop up like fungus everywhere...and hypebeasts are the shit that feeds them.

How can you say, in the same sentence, you wouldn't pay it but you understand it? You're seriously contradicting yourself.

I can say i wouldn’t pay it. But i understand, because i am not one dimensional and i can see both sides of the field, it may not float my boat personally, but it may to someone else. & ok cool im paying for his track days? His frivelous living? That’s awesome to me. I get to support some chasing their dream. That is able to make me happy. Knowing that, that person is able to live the life they want, soley on what they create. I dont know what your career you have but i am a freelance photographer & i can put myself in caseys shoes. I can only get paid if someone decided to hire me for my services to help them create something. It’s the same concept. Casey lives off of shirtstuckedin & im happy to support that. In my personal opinion, he’s providing something in clothing & accesories that not many people are doing. & i think it’s really cool.

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01-29-2019, 08:31 PM

So now we have actual numbers to look at, with the 600$ price tag still being an absurd amount of money. You can see these guys aren’t profiting much at all. Does this change anything to you? It’s not like he bought it for 100$ & sold it for 600$ and is litterally making 500$ profit.

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01-29-2019, 08:35 PM
I am confused on why the Sun and Moon are round but we are flat. They must be fake.

01-29-2019, 08:36 PM
That's like, totally your opinion, man.

Maybe one day you'll get off every automotive-themed IG's nuts. These dudes that post one-word statuses 364 days of the year then add a long, drawn out, seemingly 'deep' post one day really have you wrapped around their fingers.

One-dimensional lol. Both sides. So you're two-dimensional? I guess I live in the fourth dimension, then. You think you're so deep (most 'artists' and 'photographers' do) but you're a puddle that's so shallow I can see straight through to the bottom. Maybe you'll realize it one day. It will undoubtedly be the day that LMGT1s are $7k.

...but for the thousandth time (for anyone else reading), I'm just some dude on the internet and we're all exercising our right to debate/share opinions on this forum and in this thread.

01-29-2019, 08:52 PM
So he's still making $100 on a cupholder by charging above market.

I hope it never sells.

01-29-2019, 08:53 PM
So he's still making $100 on a cupholder by charging above market.

I hope it never sells.

Yes he’s making 100$ because at the end of the day it’s still a business that he’s running and he needs to make money. What would be the point in spending 500$ to only sell for 525$ & make no profit? Thats just bad business.

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01-29-2019, 09:10 PM
You think you're so deep (most 'artists' and 'photographers' do)

Lmao this point exactly...torn jeans, turtle neck...get out of here with that shit.

01-29-2019, 09:11 PM
Lmao this point exactly...torn jeans, turtle neck...get out of here with that shit.

Good one. Telling me to get outta here with my means of making money to feed myself. Damn you got me *sarcasm*

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01-29-2019, 09:12 PM
Yeah. 'Businesses'* like that are always willing to openly divulge how much they invested. It's undoubtedly the truth.

*It's a fucking hobby.

01-29-2019, 09:14 PM

Look how expensive they are even on yaj.

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01-29-2019, 09:29 PM
Someone picked up two for damn near what that guy is selling a single one for lmao.

01-29-2019, 09:35 PM
Dude are you fucking dense? They're expensive there because the Japanese know what the rest of the world is asking. What point does that even fucking serve?

You think they just started asking this much because reasons? I can go to a used clothes store in Japan and get a BRAND NEW, TAGS STILL ON old logo Nismo Jacket for $20. Thank God the store owners don't have Instagram.

This idea that we won't have a ripple effect is stupid. The prices are high here because they started going up elsewhere.



01-29-2019, 09:41 PM
Good one. Telling me to get outta here with my means of making money to feed myself. Damn you got me *sarcasm*

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Photos are one thing, do whatever it is that makes you money (as much as I feel it’s not an actual job, more of something people do when they can’t do anything else). I’m purely making a comment off the way you look. Fucking gay... but that’s my opinion. This is the correct thread for it yes?

01-29-2019, 09:42 PM
Dude are you fucking dense? They're expensive there because the Japanese know what the rest of the world is asking. What point does that even fucking serve?

You think they just started asking this much because reasons? I can go to a used clothes store in Japan and get a BRAND NEW, TAGS STILL ON old logo Nismo Jacket for $20. Thank God the store owners don't have Instagram.

This idea that we won't have a ripple effect is stupid. The prices are high here because they started going up elsewhere.



The point im trying to make is you want lower prices here. But if the initial price from the “original” owner in japan is already high. Then idk how low you wanna go unless you want these resellers to pay for it & sell it to us at exactly what they paid for. & dude you are getting so amped, chill out. How about we try to find multiple soloutions and see what works out the best. Instead of tearing down what everyone says who doesnt share the same mindset with you. I always see you complain about the new age of schassis owners & yet i never see you doing anything to help teach them & help them grow.

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01-29-2019, 09:43 PM
Photos are one thing, do whatever it is that makes you money (as much as I feel it’s not an actual job, more of something people do when they can’t do anything else). I’m purely making a comment off the way you look. Fucking gay... but that’s my opinion. This is the correct thread for it yes?

I mean, i look nothing like that. But thank you for clarifying. & yeah you’re absoloutely entitled to your own opinion.

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01-29-2019, 09:49 PM

Basically how all these re-sellers think.
I'm honestly done with buying shit from Yahoo JP/UP-Garage.

Market has gone to absolute shit for the time being.
Really hope it doesn't get worse or drops off when all these dickheads who have more money than brains get over the 'scene'.

Car's/Parts/nostalgic memorabilia is all fucked up.

01-29-2019, 10:47 PM
The point im trying to make is you want lower prices here. But if the initial price from the “original” owner in japan is already high. Then idk how low you wanna go unless you want these resellers to pay for it & sell it to us at exactly what they paid for. & dude you are getting so amped, chill out. How about we try to find multiple soloutions and see what works out the best. Instead of tearing down what everyone says who doesnt share the same mindset with you. I always see you complain about the new age of schassis owners & yet i never see you doing anything to help teach them & help them grow.

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The inevitable taking of the highroad.

I'm 'amped' because I care. This has been part of my life too long to be a fad. When you disagree with the way something you care about is evolving you get amped. Sorry it's not all sunshine and roses and

"Mad props man!"

"Sick rare piece!"

"GLWS that's soooo rare!"

I've been here before. I don't owe you or any of the 'new generation' a fucking thing. I don't have to like your opinion, agree with you, or find a middle ground. Wanna know how I do my part? I don't buy stupidly expensive shit. I rebuke sellers on IG and Facebook when they pop up, even though (contrary to popular belief) I do my best to avoid them. Fuck, I even have you on my blocked list of Instagram. Tired of seeing your car and that yellow thing your friend drives. Do I comment on your IGs telling you this? No. So again, I'm doing my part by making sure I don't have to see it. I have all the shitty parts resellers blocked too.

Zilvia is the ONLY place where we can talk about this without being banned from a page (Facebook) or instantly reported (IG). The users here obviously don't like it either, as you can see the infamous $600 Nismo Cupholder guy was neg rep'd without any call to action. I wasn't even the first person to post my 'complaint' about the prices.

It won't happen overnight. It might take a while...but if prices aren't being met here the sellers will stop buying so much stock, the source will see nothing is selling as frequently as it used to, and then what do you think happens?

Again, funny how you don't understand this shit when you preach about 'simple economics'. Maybe you're one-dimensional.

01-29-2019, 10:53 PM
Another talking point: does everyone really think Zilvia is dead or is this just some shit people that have a bad time on this forum say?

01-29-2019, 11:08 PM
The inevitable taking of the highroad.

I'm 'amped' because I care. This has been part of my life too long to be a fad. When you disagree with the way something you care about is evolving you get amped. Sorry it's not all sunshine and roses and

"Mad props man!"

"Sick rare piece!"

"GLWS that's soooo rare!"

I've been here before. I don't owe you or any of the 'new generation' a fucking thing. I don't have to like your opinion, agree with you, or find a middle ground. Wanna know how I do my part? I don't buy stupidly expensive shit. I rebuke sellers on IG and Facebook when they pop up, even though (contrary to popular belief) I do my best to avoid them. Fuck, I even have you on my blocked list of Instagram. Tired of seeing your car and that yellow thing your friend drives. Do I comment on your IGs telling you this? No. So again, I'm doing my part by making sure I don't have to see it. I have all the shitty parts resellers blocked too.

Zilvia is the ONLY place where we can talk about this without being banned from a page (Facebook) or instantly reported (IG). The users here obviously don't like it either, as you can see the infamous $600 Nismo Cupholder guy was neg rep'd without any call to action. I wasn't even the first person to post my 'complaint' about the prices.

It won't happen overnight. It might take a while...but if prices aren't being met here the sellers will stop buying so much stock, the source will see nothing is selling as frequently as it used to, and then what do you think happens?

Again, funny how you don't understand this shit when you preach about 'simple economics'. Maybe you're one-dimensional.

Awesome, im happy you’re able to block me & not feel the need to constantly talk down to me on ig, even though i’ve quite litterally never done anything to you & whether you like it or not, you do owe the “new generation” guidance because, how hypocritical is it that you hate the newer generation of schassis owners yet you don’t do anything to make it better. Sooner or later it’ll all be “newer generation” schassis owners & they would have had no one to teach them the proper way to build a car or appreciate this car & it can be put on all of us to blame. If we complain about something but don’t find a soloution, then we are apart of the problem & yes im glad zilvia is a place that exists where we can speak about this freely. As for the seller of that nismo cupholder, theres no point on bagging on him when the prices of the cupholder are already spiked as his. Wow he bumped it up an extra 75-100$ as would anyone trying to make profit on something that they’re flipping. & if you feel that zilvia is that important of an entity that if prices aren’t met here. They’ll eventually decline then i feel sorry for you. 90% of the “newer generation” don’t even know what a forum is or what zilvia is. & could care less about what decisions we make here. All that means is that our own community on this forum won’t have spiked pricing but how does that help people on facebook & instagram? It absoloutely doesn’t, you are just finding a selfish soloution for yourself while letting other people get “gypped”. Zilvia is an awesome place & theres a ton going on here but as for the newer people, they have no idea it exists.

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01-29-2019, 11:20 PM
Here's a free lesson. Learn punctuation.

The fact that you got into a platform I also like is enough to irk me. I'd let it slide. It happens all the time.

The fact that you come here, rep shitty resellers, constantly get opinions on parts before you buy (yes-man), and generally seem to be faking the funk is what made me choose to avoid you. I've been doing a great job so far. You wouldn't even know any of this had you not come in here trying to stake your claim in this community. Maybe you should stick to IG.

You're still wrong. People that come here, post in the right place for questions, do the footwork before wanting to be spoonfed, and generally SEEK OUT ANSWERS have a good time.

It's a fucking trip how typical your thinking is to your 'generation'. You want everything to come to you. The information is HERE. It's always been here. It's searchable on Google in a lot of instances. You want me to seek everyone out and 'help'? Not gonna happen. I get PMs, Facebook messages, and IG messages all the time asking me shit. I always answer, assuming the question can't be had easier by using the magic of the internet. When I want a quick answer I ask close friends. We all do it. I just don't come on Zilvia, post in the wrong area, and then bitch when people tell me I'm stupid.

I'm not going to set up a fucking free class at the local Rec Center called Spoonfeeding 101.

You guys act like it would be well-received if the 'older heads' tried to reach out. I personally believe it would be viewed as a transgression against your individuality and freedom to express yourselves. That's what's big with the 'new guys'. It's either hype or being original...and originality in this instance is always shitty.

01-29-2019, 11:31 PM
Another talking point: does everyone really think Zilvia is dead or is this just some shit people that have a bad time on this forum say?

I don’t think it’s dead but I have noticed the for sale ads seem to be slowing down lately. I look everyday since you never know what you’ll find and lately it just feels like it’s dying.

01-29-2019, 11:39 PM
Here's a free lesson. Learn punctuation.

The fact that you got into a platform I also like is enough to irk me. I'd let it slide. It happens all the time.

The fact that you come here, rep shitty resellers, constantly get opinions on parts before you buy (yes-man), and generally seem to be faking the funk is what made me choose to avoid you. I've been doing a great job so far. You wouldn't even know any of this had you not come in here trying to stake your claim in this community. Maybe you should stick to IG.

You're still wrong. People that come here, post in the right place for questions, do the footwork before wanting to be spoonfed, and generally SEEK OUT ANSWERS have a good time.

It's a fucking trip how typical your thinking is to your 'generation'. You want everything to come to you. The information is HERE. It's always been here. It's searchable on Google in a lot of instances. You want me to seek everyone out and 'help'? Not gonna happen. I get PMs, Facebook messages, and IG messages all the time asking me shit. I always answer, assuming the question can't be had easier by using the magic of the internet. I'm not going to set up a fucking free class at the local Rec Center called Spoonfeeding 101.

You guys act like it would be well-received if the 'older heads' tried to reach out. I personally believe it would be viewed as a transgression against your individuality and freedom to express yourselves. That's what's big with the 'new guys'. It's either hype or being original...and originality in this instance is always shitty.

1. God forbid i posted one time on some gk tech mirrors for one of my first posts looking for people who had experience with the mirrors on this platform & what they liked/disliked about it. God forbid i wanted to speak to real people about the subject instead of reading something that was already there.

2. And “faking the funk” i’d love to know how? I built my car to a specific theme which was to my liking & i did something that very few people in my area do. I had a a goal & i was able to complete it. Im glad that looks like me “faking the funk”

3. & yes if i never would’ve joined zilvia i would’ve never known you or any of this existed but in my quest for looking for more knowledge on this chassis. I saw this existed & was happy to join a place with great people who have all experiences with many things. Little did i know there could be such an ugly person in this community.

4. I agree, people in my generation are stupid, yes they like to get spoonfed. & to those people you enable them and teach them how to find things on their own, you don’t ridicule them or call them stupid names because they don’t know any better.

New Kid : Hey what are the best wheel specs for stock body S13

You : They are xxx xxx, you can find more info at zilvia or by typing in these things at google & if you ever need anymore help. Just feel free to hit me up, but try searching it up.

Enable them, don’t just shut them down. That’s how you paint a bad picture of this community. & after you’ve exhausted all your options in trying to help someone, then that’s it. You did your job & you have nothing left to do.

No you don’t have to do that, but it helps & im glad you said you respond to messages on fb & ig. But not everyone wants to be spoonfed.

5. There litterally doesn’t need to be hate or a fued between us. Common ground can be found and expanded upon there. We can see both sides to a story & have understanding. Now whether or not you care enough for that is a different story.

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01-29-2019, 11:59 PM
1. You were called out fair and square. Your opinion changed with every new comment.

Case-in-point: you ALREADY hopped on IG to pose the 'parts resellers' question to your followers.

Prompt: What do you hate in the schassis community & wish you could change?

Answer: The absurd price tag on anything 240sx related
Your Response: Yeah im not sure why it's like that. In reality, it is a super cheap car.

THAT'S THE EXACT TOPIC WE'RE DISCUSSING HERE and your default is to just agree even though you argued the opposite here. All you do is agree with the masses. Validation: check.

2. Like all of your JDM accessories on display in your car at shows.

3. No. This thread is obviously not for knowledge, hence the title. You wanted to be seen & heard. If you think I'm the only ugly person here, you're not posting enough. I get along with more people than I disagree with. Fly-by-night new members don't count.

4. I don't. I ignore them. I answer questions when asked. I make threads to muse about my concerns and gripes with shit. Your whole example is, to me, bullshit. I could easily answer. The same effort for me to answer could be put into Google. It's literally a 'nothing' task. I don't need to give the answer and remind someone they could put THE SLIGHTEST effort into finding out on their own.

5. Our common ground is we have the same car. That's it. The fact that you're pushing so hard makes it even worse. I was happy fucking off to my slice of the internet until you posted here.

01-30-2019, 12:14 AM
Yes i hopped on ig to pose the question because i wanted to have genuine feedback from people who are involved in this & not see things from one side. I want to be able to understand everything from every side of the board & disect people as to why they think the way they do. And i got some great people responding letting me know how things were years ago compared to how they were know & then by looking at old pricing. I can see the frustration people have, who have been doing this for a surplus amount of years. These spiked prices are my “norm” i’ve only ever known things being 3,4,500$ but in talking to them, i can see why it’s bothersome. Sadly things changed for the worse & just take a ton of work to get back to the way they were. & yeah my answer to that kids response was genuine, it’s not me agreeing with him just for the sake of being in agreenment, i litterally have no idea why anything s13 related is expensive, this car is genuinely a cheap car & poorly made. I dont know why some kid randomly decided to start selling “said item for x amount of money” i can’t tell you. Sure we can blame it on drift tax but is that it? Ok my jdm accessories that i display at shows? I like showing them off to people who have never seen those things in real life. There are so many things i can only see on peoples builds over the internet that i wish i can see in real life. By me bringing out some things i have. It sparks great conversation with people & i love seeing peoples happy reactions on said part. & no duh this specific thread isnt for knowledge but i was speaking on zilvia as a whole, i posted in here because i felt i had a foot in the door when speaking on rare parts since im an avid consumer of them. And yes we have the same car even though in reality, your’s is better. But im pretty sure we can find more common ground. I personally feel you’re just always on defense and trying to prove someone wrong.

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01-30-2019, 12:43 AM
...and I personally feel like you're just trying to get one more person to 'sign-off' on you to validate your stance somehow. It's not going to happen.

I think I'm finally finished talking with you. Feel free to post wherever you'd like. I'd like to stop banging my against the wall now. Thanks.

I don’t think it’s dead but I have noticed the for sale ads seem to be slowing down lately. I look everyday since you never know what you’ll find and lately it just feels like it’s dying.

Funny, that might be a direct correlation to the state of pricing. I like to view Zilvia as a place to come bullshit and point out bullshit. In that capacity, I think forum traffic is fine hahah.

01-30-2019, 12:44 AM

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01-30-2019, 06:25 AM
Another talking point: does everyone really think Zilvia is dead or is this just some shit people that have a bad time on this forum say?Been dead for years, that's why I've been gone. The Chinese bot take over destroyed the forum. Seems like that's under control now but I'm not seeing much traffic.

01-30-2019, 08:06 AM
Thread sucks now. Start a "zilvia economics thread"

I guess I got this thread title changed once...

01-30-2019, 11:35 AM
Yes he’s making 100$ because at the end of the day it’s still a business that he’s running and he needs to make money. What would be the point in spending 500$ to only sell for 525$ & make no profit? Thats just bad business.

He's not running a business lmao. He has an instagram page.

Dude are you fucking dense? They're expensive there because the Japanese know what the rest of the world is asking. What point does that even fucking serve?

You think they just started asking this much because reasons? I can go to a used clothes store in Japan and get a BRAND NEW, TAGS STILL ON old logo Nismo Jacket for $20. Thank God the store owners don't have Instagram.

This idea that we won't have a ripple effect is stupid. The prices are high here because they started going up elsewhere.




01-30-2019, 03:25 PM
YJP and Upgarage pricing is a response to resellers overpricing shit online all day.

They recognize that they're the source of inventory for the resellers that over charge for impulse must haves for all the hype car builders of this generation.

Because they sell for 500 on YJP and you have to spend that to have some sort of inventory doesn't mean that you're justified in taking on another 30% to what you paid with shipping.

The prices are going up because the source (YJP/UPG) is trying to cut out people like resellers because they're an unnecessary evil/middle man that this world doesn't need.

01-30-2019, 03:32 PM
YJP and Upgarage pricing is a response to resellers overpricing shit online all day.

They recognize that they're the source of inventory for the resellers that over charge for impulse must haves for all the hype car builders of this generation.

Because they sell for 500 on YJP and you have to spend that to have some sort of inventory doesn't mean that you're justified in taking on another 30% to what you paid with shipping.

The prices are going up because the source (YJP/UPG) is trying to cut out people like resellers because they're an unnecessary evil/middle man that this world doesn't need.

Thank you for this. I dont know why i never saw it like this, makes a ton of sense.

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01-30-2019, 03:35 PM
YJP and Upgarage pricing is a response to resellers overpricing shit online all day.

They recognize that they're the source of inventory for the resellers that over charge for impulse must haves for all the hype car builders of this generation.

Because they sell for 500 on YJP and you have to spend that to have some sort of inventory doesn't mean that you're justified in taking on another 30% to what you paid with shipping.

The prices are going up because the source (YJP/UPG) is trying to cut out people like resellers because they're an unnecessary evil/middle man that this world doesn't need.

Yeah. So the price is a direct reflection of the prices here, which are driven up because dumbfucks pay said prices.

We're saying the same thing, slightly different conclusions. I agree, though. Sell for a little less than resale pages so the resellers don't waste time with a smaller profit margin.

Thread sucks now. Start a "zilvia economics thread"

I guess I got this thread title changed once...

Yeah but did you know the FHRITP Guy is fake?

I put a couple bids out there for a name change. I at least wanted proper capitalization lol.

01-30-2019, 04:32 PM
YJP and Upgarage pricing is a response to resellers overpricing shit online all day.

They recognize that they're the source of inventory for the resellers that over charge for impulse must haves for all the hype car builders of this generation.

Because they sell for 500 on YJP and you have to spend that to have some sort of inventory doesn't mean that you're justified in taking on another 30% to what you paid with shipping.

The prices are going up because the source (YJP/UPG) is trying to cut out people like resellers because they're an unnecessary evil/middle man that this world doesn't need.

Exactly. The the good news is that at some point any item will reach its market equilibrium where buyers just won’t budge any higher and sellers are forced to hold or lower their prices.

01-30-2019, 07:32 PM
Here's a free lesson. Learn punctuation.

The fact that you got into a platform I also like is enough to irk me. I'd let it slide. It happens all the time.

The fact that you come here, rep shitty resellers, constantly get opinions on parts before you buy (yes-man), and generally seem to be faking the funk is what made me choose to avoid you. I've been doing a great job so far. You wouldn't even know any of this had you not come in here trying to stake your claim in this community. Maybe you should stick to IG.

You're still wrong. People that come here, post in the right place for questions, do the footwork before wanting to be spoonfed, and generally SEEK OUT ANSWERS have a good time.

It's a fucking trip how typical your thinking is to your 'generation'. You want everything to come to you. The information is HERE. It's always been here. It's searchable on Google in a lot of instances. You want me to seek everyone out and 'help'? Not gonna happen. I get PMs, Facebook messages, and IG messages all the time asking me shit. I always answer, assuming the question can't be had easier by using the magic of the internet. When I want a quick answer I ask close friends. We all do it. I just don't come on Zilvia, post in the wrong area, and then bitch when people tell me I'm stupid.

I'm not going to set up a fucking free class at the local Rec Center called Spoonfeeding 101.

You guys act like it would be well-received if the 'older heads' tried to reach out. I personally believe it would be viewed as a transgression against your individuality and freedom to express yourselves. That's what's big with the 'new guys'. It's either hype or being original...and originality in this instance is always shitty.

I can confirm that my generation is in fact lazy, stupid and incapable. (we also like to pretend we know what we are talking about when we don't know a damn thing)
I could show a lot of my friends and peers how to do something so they can do it over and over again for themselves but theyed prefer I just do it for them

I also reach out to people who don't know how and they never seem to care to actually learn

01-30-2019, 08:41 PM
boobies... that is all


01-30-2019, 08:44 PM
boobies... that is all


Love you ;)

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01-30-2019, 08:46 PM
Love you ;)

youre welcome <3 <3 <3 lol :kiss:

01-30-2019, 09:25 PM
^^^okay, now this thread sucks.

You're right, tuzzio.

It was going to get assassinated eventually.

01-30-2019, 11:16 PM
hey come on now... we needed something to lighten things up a bit. :(

PS: blame the whiskey lol

01-31-2019, 07:20 AM
God damn weeboos...

01-31-2019, 08:04 AM
I'd be all for a reddit porn thread. Not into the anime/hentai stuff though.

edit: speaking of porn, if for whatever reason, anybody knows some of the management at brazzers...let me know. I want them to sponsor me racing little kid dirtbikes.

01-31-2019, 04:46 PM
...bringing it back tp pricing shit:

I don't give a fuck about your price margin.

If I buy wheels for $600 and sell for $1000 (at or below the 'going-rate') then that's great.

If you buy the same exact wheels for $200 and sell for $1000 (at or below the 'going-rate') then that's even better.

The point is that we asked a price that reflected current trends. I don't know why in the fuck this is so hard to understand. I don't care how much money y'all make. It's the price at the end.

It's not my intention to have the last word, but this topic is done for me. Some of you out there, Zilvia or not, will still not understand this fucking concept.

Dear Diary: Help, I'm A Grumpy Old Asshole.

01-31-2019, 08:39 PM
...bringing it back tp pricing shit:

I don't give a fuck about your price margin.

If I buy wheels for $600 and sell for $1000 (at or below the 'going-rate') then that's great.

If you buy the same exact wheels for $200 and sell for $1000 (at or below the 'going-rate') then that's even better.

The point is that we asked a price that reflected current trends. I don't know why in the fuck this is so hard to understand. I don't care how much money y'all make. It's the price at the end.

It's not my intention to have the last word, but this topic is done for me. Some of you out there, Zilvia or not, will still not understand this fucking concept.

Dear Diary: Help, I'm A Grumpy Old Asshole.But then I buy the wheels at $800 and list them for $1300 and y'all bitch.

First - we are talking 240s, where a guy asks $7k and gets $2,500 offers.

Second - you never know what the seller ultimately got for the wheels.

Thrid - if someone pays the $1,300; that is market pricing.

There has been a lot of inflation since 2005 and all this old Japanese shit is now rare. Guys in Japan already junked this crap for cheap 20 years ago and your now picking through the leftovers.

Eventually the 240's will all be gone, just like Drift Freq always warned. They will go the way of the Datsun 510. Used, abused and rotted away, but never worth the price to restore.

The cars popularity was based on its affordability, who's going to pay $20k for a restored S13 when you'll be able to get an FRS for $5k in a few years?

The locust will simply move on. 350Z is the new 240 at this moment.

02-01-2019, 01:48 AM
Slightly off-topic of current subject..so do you know who Martin Shkreli is?
The shit he pulled on medication price jacking is off the charts, went from $13.50 to $750 over night, but that's the "current market price" right?

same concept on why we old fuckers are bitching about dumb fucking prices. Not that we are interested in buying the said dumb items that really does nothing at the end.

I am willing to pay top price on a item if it's in exceptional condition and I want it, and it's always been that way for me. I don't want to buy something twice and I stick with that philosophy.

I would actually have to say Z32 was built better than Z33 in terms of quality, but I would still own my S14 over any Z32/Z33 anyday. I am a sentimental old fart and I am sticking to it. the day I have to get rid of my S14 for what ever reason, I will be replacing it with Corvette so I don't have to spend money into it to make it be sports car. All the money I've spent on my car so far is to make it my own and my own little japanese corvette, but it's still not a corvette and it'll never be as good as corvette IMO(for the money)

02-01-2019, 11:36 AM
Slightly off-topic of current subject..so do you know who Martin Shkreli is?
The shit he pulled on medication price jacking is off the charts, went from $13.50 to $750 over night, but that's the "current market price" right?

Pharmaceuticals are their own industry with all sorts of Government regulation and interference.

same concept on why we old fuckers are bitching about dumb fucking prices. Not that we are interested in buying the said dumb items that really does nothing at the end.

Because you are litterally going to die if you don't buy a $600 cup holder and the Government has esentially banned anyone else from making and selling cup holders?

I am willing to pay top price on a item if it's in exceptional condition and I want it, and it's always been that way for me. I don't want to buy something twice and I stick with that philosophy.

WTF does that have to do with flippers and $600 cups?


II would actually have to say Z32 was built better than Z33 in terms of quality, but I would still own my S14 over any Z32/Z33 anyday.


Z32 cost a damn fortune when new. 350Z was a bargain box sports car designed to replace the lowly N/A Z32 and thr S15 in one fell swing. It was a throw back to the classic S130 240Z, a NA, stylish, inexpensive 2 Seat Sports Car.

02-01-2019, 01:22 PM
I paid $17,500 for this:


Reason being, it actually made more sense financially for me to buy this restored RHD Silvia versus me going through with a Coupe build I already had lined up. The purchase was 100% worth it to me partly because it was actually going to cost me upwards of $35-40k to build a similar S-chassis. I bought the white Silvia, sold my gold coupe chassis and all of the parts I had set aside for it, and still turned a profit.

I'm not against a guy getting $600 for a cupholder. More power to them. I've bought and sold enough parts over the years and have always made it a point to stay in line with market pricing.

As an enthusiast who actually appreciates these damn cars, it does suck to see pricing skyrocket on the stupidest things. Fortunately for me, I collected pretty much everything I ever wanted before the market went crazy. At the same time, I won't let go of my mint brick headlights or light up window louvers on the low to "be the change".

If you're doing that well financially (enough disposable income to not give a shit), you're more than welcome to be the change. As for me, I'll just appreciate what I have, get a chuckle out of these dudes IG pages flipping "rare" trinkets (jackets, shift knobs, gauges, etc), and continue focusing on my own cars.

All I hoped for was that we as S-chassis enthusiasts (or those that remain) would just take the time to do things right. Enough with this cookie cutter bullshit.

02-01-2019, 01:24 PM
I followed every step of that white silvia & it was amazing. And i agree with what you’re saying especially the last part. Too many people want quick results and then get upset when something breaks or doesnt go as planned.

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02-01-2019, 03:34 PM
...Enough with this cookie cutter bullshit.

2 words... 180sx kouki :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

just seems thats all anyone wants to do with an S13 hatch anymore. i move more S13 kouki valances, lips and skirts than any other part i make. even when my Type-RH parts look SOOOO much better, kids refuse to acknowledge them and want to do 180sx kouki and 180sx kouki only. though ive managed to convince a few guys to run my Type-RH skirts + valances with an S13 kouki front and they were SO happy they did!

02-01-2019, 03:51 PM
I paid $17,500 for this:


Reason being, it actually made more sense financially for me to buy this restored RHD Silvia versus me going through with a Coupe build I already had lined up. The purchase was 100% worth it to me partly because it was actually going to cost me upwards of $35-40k to build a similar S-chassis. I bought the white Silvia, sold my gold coupe chassis and all of the parts I had set aside for it, and still turned a profit.

I'm not against a guy getting $600 for a cupholder. More power to them. I've bought and sold enough parts over the years and have always made it a point to stay in line with market pricing.

As an enthusiast who actually appreciates these damn cars, it does suck to see pricing skyrocket on the stupidest things. Fortunately for me, I collected pretty much everything I ever wanted before the market went crazy. At the same time, I won't let go of my mint brick headlights or light up window louvers on the low to "be the change".

If you're doing that well financially (enough disposable income to not give a shit), you're more than welcome to be the change. As for me, I'll just appreciate what I have, get a chuckle out of these dudes IG pages flipping "rare" trinkets (jackets, shift knobs, gauges, etc), and continue focusing on my own cars.

All I hoped for was that we as S-chassis enthusiasts (or those that remain) would just take the time to do things right. Enough with this cookie cutter bullshit.Cool car, but I feel like you're comparing apples and oranges here assuming that's an imported s13 that can't be registered in CA. I personally wouldn't touch anything imported and would rather deal with US chassis's. Its just too much of a hassle unless you are ok with an off-road only vehicle. Sure there are ways to street-legalize it, but it's expensive and the car has to be bone stock.2 words... 180sx kouki :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

just seems thats all anyone wants to do with an S13 hatch anymore. i move more S13 kouki valances, lips and skirts than any other part i make. even when my Type-RH parts look SOOOO much better, kids refuse to acknowledge them and want to do 180sx kouki and 180sx kouki only. though ive managed to convince a few guys to run my Type-RH skirts + valances with an S13 kouki front and they were SO happy they did!Same with the kouki s14's. I had the factory JDM aero for the longest time until everyone and their mother started doing the same shit. Had to switch it up.

02-01-2019, 03:58 PM
Lennon, that’s just your opinion though.

To me, OEM>Aftermarket on a street car when it comes to aero. Also, an S-chassis with OEM aero will be more valuable as time goes on.

CA laws is another one of those topics I won’t really get into. Family is all that’s keeping me in CA.

02-01-2019, 04:03 PM
I'm not against a guy getting $600 for a cupholder. More power to them. 1. I've bought and sold enough parts over the years and have always made it a point to stay in line with market pricing.

2. At the same time, I won't let go of my mint brick headlights or light up window louvers on the low to "be the change".

If you're doing that well financially (enough disposable income to not give a shit), you're more than welcome to be the change.

3.All I hoped for was that we as S-chassis enthusiasts (or those that remain) would just take the time to do things right. Enough with this cookie cutter bullshit.

1. Yeah but that's all anyone (like me) is asking: keep the prices in line with market pricing. Don't be the cunt that raises it.

2. No one wants you to let them go for less to be the change.

3. *Posts the '180SX Type X' of Silvias: K's Aero


2 words... 180sx kouki :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

just seems thats all anyone wants to do with an S13 hatch anymore.

Please see 3. I'd prefer this influx of Japanese OEM replicas to whatever the fuck is in the DIW thread...or anything Juucso is doing lol. (Where are you Juucso...)

I had the factory JDM aero for the longest time until everyone and their mother started doing the same shit. Had to switch it up.

....dude you had to be 'different' so bad you switched up the aero? I guess for me cars are what I like and I don't care what the other dudes are doing. Like if everyone had a Type X (most do) and a stock-bodied Silvia Q's it wouldn't motivate me to do something different. Not trying to be a smartass, but if your car is clean and done well why do you care to make it 'different' for the sake of being so?

02-01-2019, 04:11 PM
...dude you had to be 'different' so bad you switched up the aero? I guess for me cars are what I like and I don't care what the other dudes are doing. Like if everyone had a Type X (most do) and a stock-bodied Silvia Q's it wouldn't motivate me to do something different. Not trying to be a smartass, but if your car is clean and done well why do you care to make it 'different' for the sake of being so?

My way of being “different” is just in the attention to detail.

I see so many cars with half decent paint jobs, then get lazy on the panel fitment even while running OEM parts.

02-01-2019, 04:17 PM
Lennon, that’s just your opinion though.

To me, OEM>Aftermarket on a street car when it comes to aero. Also, an S-chassis with OEM aero will be more valuable as time goes on.

CA laws is another one of those topics I won’t really get into. Family is all that’s keeping me in CA.

OEM S13 kouki aero to me is so over played now... and honestly, ALL of the items are make are easily "street car" worthy given i dont dig the whole "aggressive" style aero than BN made so popular (again, another over done kit).

my car right now... 100% streetable aero. most that ever scrapes is my front bumper on my drive way JUST slightly pulling in at an angle


i dunno, ive been looking at 180sx kouki aero now for over 17 years and to me its so boring anymore. like the 3 big trends in 180 aero at the moment seem to be...

1) BN Sports kit
2) Rocket Bunny kit
3) 180sx Kouki kit

oh and ill add a 4th...

4) GP Sports GSonic replicas

02-01-2019, 04:18 PM
My way of being “different” is just in the attention to detail.

I see so many cars with half decent paint jobs, then get lazy on the panel fitment even while running OEM parts.

Yeah I get that. I always pay more initially for a clean, stock body so I don't have to waste time on shit like that.

We've said it before here, but in this day and age having a stock-ish car maintained with Nissan parts is actually 'different' from the norm.


...and that's totally fine. I feel like more people give me their opinion on my 'style' where I would just not say shit about theirs. One isn't better than the other if it's all done nicely. It's a preference. I know there are people out there that like to read my shit and then convolute my meaning.

02-01-2019, 04:22 PM
but in this day and age, having a well maintained 240sx that is one color and runs properly is actually 'different' from the norm.

fixed that for yah ;) :kiss:

everyone seems to hate on SRs now... well, ive had mine for 8 year with god knows how many miles. still runs like a top. funny how simple maintenance goes a LONG way!

02-01-2019, 04:24 PM
fixed that for yah ;) :kiss:

everyone seems to hate on SRs now... well, ive had mine for 8 year with god knows how many miles. still runs like a top. funny how simple maintenance goes a LONG way!

Yeah, something people forget. They think they can buy a car thats been drifted to death & continue beating it. And have no problems, sadly it doesnt work that way.

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02-01-2019, 07:21 PM
l an imported s13 that can't be registered in CA. I personally wouldn't touch anything imported and would rather deal with US chassis's. Its just too much of a hassle unless you are ok with an off-road only vehicle. L


Who cares about that shit. Fuck California.

I had a job offer for 175k out in San Berdino and after reading up on Cali, it was litterally like moving to a Foriegn fucking country and I'd have to give up a crap ton of legal rights. On and thr taxes and cost of living? I'm keeping more out here without the pay bump.

02-01-2019, 07:25 PM
2 words... 180sx kouki :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

just seems thats all anyone wants to do with an S13 hatch anymore. i move more S13 kouki valances, lips and skirts than any other part i make. even when my Type-RH parts look SOOOO much better, kids refuse to acknowledge them and want to do 180sx kouki and 180sx kouki only. though ive managed to convince a few guys to run my Type-RH skirts + valances with an S13 kouki front and they were SO happy they did!Shut your whore mouth. TYPE-X is the definitive S-chasis. I'd take one over an S15 any day.

02-01-2019, 07:32 PM
fixed that for yah ;) :kiss:

everyone seems to hate on SRs now... well, ive had mine for 8 year with god knows how many miles. still runs like a top. funny how simple maintenance goes a LONG way!Had one, fucking hated it. Such a bland shity engine. It's not stupid strong and cheap like a 4g63, it doesn't make torque for days like any V8, it doesn't guzzle fuel, oil and money like a rotary and it can't Rev to the moon and back and make 600whp on stock block like a K-series.

Once you want to make over 300whp you need a forged engine and transmission conversion... So now your in V8, 2JZ or RB land with price and effort... So go big or go home.

Engines also sound like ass.

02-01-2019, 07:58 PM
stock SR bottom end has been proven to dyno around 450whp without any issues... you start getting past 300whp in an S13 and they tend to become a little scary

02-01-2019, 07:58 PM
Shut your whore mouth. TYPE-X is the definitive S-chasis. I'd take one over an S15 any day.

ill take an S15 Spec-R Aero vs 180sx kouki any day...

02-01-2019, 08:51 PM
stock SR bottom end has been proven to dyno around 450whp without any issues... you start getting past 300whp in an S13 and they tend to become a little scaryBut you blasted tranny guts all over the place by then.. 300whp ain't shit in a 240. Is that even in thr 12's? ill take an S15 Spec-R Aero vs 180sx kouki any day...This is why we aren't friends...

02-01-2019, 11:37 PM
But you blasted tranny guts all over the place by then.. 300whp ain't shit in a 240. Is that even in thr 12's? This is why we aren't friends...

youve been drinking havent you?

02-02-2019, 11:07 AM
....dude you had to be 'different' so bad you switched up the aero? I guess for me cars are what I like and I don't care what the other dudes are doing. Like if everyone had a Type X (most do) and a stock-bodied Silvia Q's it wouldn't motivate me to do something different. Not trying to be a smartass, but if your car is clean and done well why do you care to make it 'different' for the sake of being so?

I see what you mean and I should clarify. It wasn't the sole reason I changed it up. I found some stuff on YAJ that I've been wanting to run and I was getting bored of the OEM setup that I had since 2007. I raised the car up for a more functional stance and that was making the OEM aero look insufficient. The front vents just seemed too small and the bumper seemed like it was 3 ft off the ground even with the lip. I wanted something that was in between an OEM look and aftermarket, like a tuner house/270R kind of look if that makes sense. If my car was going to have a much more unique look(other than the OEM/OEM+Greddy lip) in the process that was also a huge plus.

P.S. those are real Nismo skirts. Old logo perhaps? If things keep going the way they are I will be trading them for a house in CO or UT in a few years.


Who cares about that shit. Fuck California.

I had a job offer for 175k out in San Berdino and after reading up on Cali, it was litterally like moving to a Foriegn fucking country and I'd have to give up a crap ton of legal rights. On and thr taxes and cost of living? I'm keeping more out here without the pay bump.

I'm looking to gtfo of here eventually, trust me.

02-03-2019, 01:38 PM
I agree with trends on hatch aero style, but whos actually buying the authentic parts? Not a lot of kids these days, all fake and plastic aero that can fit in a small box and unfold. Im all for buying another BN kit, because that shit fit like a god dam glove. i think i had like 5 mins of very little trimming.

What grinds my gears is people just want half ass cars and looks for the gram. I agree with Crimsion on people with half decent paint jobs then the final execution of the car looks like ass because of panel gaps and just little things that catch your eye and have you asking, why though...

02-03-2019, 04:06 PM
I see what you mean and I should clarify. It wasn't the sole reason I changed it up. I found some stuff on YAJ that I've been wanting to run and I was getting bored of the OEM setup that I had since 2007. I raised the car up for a more functional stance and that was making the OEM aero look insufficient. The front vents just seemed too small and the bumper seemed like it was 3 ft off the ground even with the lip. I wanted something that was in between an OEM look and aftermarket, like a tuner house/270R kind of look if that makes sense. If my car was going to have a much more unique look(other than the OEM/OEM+Greddy lip) in the process that was also a huge plus.

P.S. those are real Nismo skirts. Old logo perhaps? If things keep going the way they are I will be trading them for a house in CO or UT in a few years.

I'm looking to gtfo of here eventually, trust me.

Ah okay. So it just pushed you over the edge to get this shit done. I can see that. At any rate, car looks good!

If I can't stay in Japan as a contractor I'm trying to avoid CA like the plague. I have some 'old logo' parts too. Maybe I can get a house in another state by next year if I sell a few things...lol.

I agree with trends on hatch aero style, but whos actually buying the authentic parts? Not a lot of kids these days, all fake and plastic aero that can fit in a small box and unfold. Im all for buying another BN kit, because that shit fit like a god dam glove. i think i had like 5 mins of very little trimming.

What grinds my gears is people just want half ass cars and looks for the gram. I agree with Crimsion on people with half decent paint jobs then the final execution of the car looks like ass because of panel gaps and just little things that catch your eye and have you asking, why though...

Yeah. I love how it's my duty to 'teach new guys' but how in the fuck do you teach someone patience. I'm not even that good at being patient lol. A lot of cars I used to see on the internet only and now see sometimes here in Japan are like that: they look great on IG but in person you can see the cut corners. Perception is, unfortunately, reality nowadays.

02-04-2019, 04:57 PM
Ah okay. So it just pushed you over the edge to get this shit done. I can see that. At any rate, car looks good!

If I can't stay in Japan as a contractor I'm trying to avoid CA like the plague. I have some 'old logo' parts too. Maybe I can get a house in another state by next year if I sell a few things...lol.

Just make sure you enough old logo cupholders in your old logo cupholder account when it comes time to get pre-approved. I actually have an old logo account at Goldman-Sachs with a rate of 2%.

You probably already know, but depending on what you do it wouldn't be that hard to find something that pays decent out there.

02-05-2019, 07:55 PM
At what point can we actually start asking 10k+ for good condition, restored and lightly modified 240s? People always harp on folks selling cars for 7k+, but just curious on other people's opinions on this one.

02-05-2019, 08:40 PM
Just make sure you enough old logo cupholders in your old logo cupholder account when it comes time to get pre-approved. I actually have an old logo account at Goldman-Sachs with a rate of 2%.

You probably already know, but depending on what you do it wouldn't be that hard to find something that pays decent out there.

LOL the Goldman-Sachs thing hahahaahah!

I do IT shit so jobs shouldn't be too hard to find...if I get the proper certifications. Nothing is certain until it's happening, though. Even then, how long is it certain?

At what point can we actually start asking 10k+ for good condition, restored and lightly modified 240s? People always harp on folks selling cars for 7k+, but just curious on other people's opinions on this one.

...right now. I mean if I end up having to sell the grey fastback in CA I'm not asking anything less than $7k. If I had to sell I might even ask more after looking over my records.

-1994 SE w/sunroof
-2nd Owner
-Paid $4500
-5MT Swap BARELY USED w/all OEM shit and new clutch
-New Pads/Rotors all around
-New Speakers/Head Unit w/Bluetooth
-Working AC/heat

Car is coming bone-fucking-stock and I will HAPPILY be ridiculed for my price point knowing that whoever buys it will take care of it, or I'll be forced to hold on to it.

02-05-2019, 09:11 PM

600$ for two. Looks like the price went down already.

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02-06-2019, 07:06 PM
Oh yeah. Price is so low. He's a pillar of the community.

This is the most recent bid on YAJ. It's for a pair of cupholders. The faded one isn't pictured. Yes, it could be a different bid. Odds are it isn't. Even if it is, here's the YAJ price.


02-06-2019, 07:10 PM




Be sure to read the description here:



More rare than the old logo, but half the price. Do you guys STILL not see how the pricing is totally arbitrary depending on what he has that week. Wake the fuck up.

I feel another defensive response coming on.

02-06-2019, 07:10 PM
I mean, im not exalting him. But the previous cupholder was 600$ for one.

He’s charging 600$ for two which is 300$ each. If the yaj price was 200$ before shipping. I personally would say that 300$ for one isn’t to far off. Yes the pricing can still be lowered but that is a step in the right direction.

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02-06-2019, 07:14 PM

I feel another defensive response coming on.

Not at all lol, your points make a lot of sense. Albeit the way you get to those points may be a little harsh but yes i do agree with you. After doing a ton of research one night i saw some things that definitely opened my eyes & now we just have to go to the source of whoever initially sells these parts. Weather it be yaj or some random website from thailand. Good deals can be found and we just need to look instead of being lazy & succumbing to the convenience.

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02-06-2019, 07:14 PM
Jo, are you like 17 and using your parents money to drive up shoe prices & trying to do the same to car parts? You suck.

02-06-2019, 07:16 PM
Jo, are you like 17 and using your parents money to drive up shoe prices & trying to do the same to car parts? You suck.

? I dont want car parts pricing to inflate. I am on the same team as you guys.

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02-06-2019, 07:16 PM
You people are nuts.

The fact that you would even bother to search YAJ for a fucking cup holder let alone squabble about being $200, $300 or $600 as fair and reasonable is insane.

For not even $200, you can have a legit OEM Gelandenwagen cup holder and it's leather wrapped... https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190207/58a294858f93f6f42c8b85b08179401f.jpg

02-06-2019, 07:18 PM
? I dont want car parts pricing to inflate. I am on the same team as you guys.

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Then why are you defending these idiots?:picardfp:

02-06-2019, 07:22 PM
Then why are you defending these idiots?:picardfp:

I wasnt? Sorry if it came across as if i was.

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02-06-2019, 07:47 PM
I mean, im not exalting him. But the previous cupholder was 600$ for one.

He’s charging 600$ for two which is 300$ each. If the yaj price was 200$ before shipping. I personally would say that 300$ for one isn’t to far off. Yes the pricing can still be lowered but that is a step in the right direction.

It's $200 for 2 on YAJ. Meaning they were $100/piece. Reading comprehension.

Funny because this still looks like you're defending it.

You people are nuts.

The fact that you would even bother to search YAJ for a fucking cup holder let alone squabble about being $200, $300 or $600 as fair and reasonable is insane.

Oh don't get it twisted, homie. I'm not the one looking for these parts. A close friend shares a disdain for Amsterdam-based cucks and we both enjoy looking up his prices that are, apparently, trending in 'the right direction.'

I'd never pay more the $10 for a cupholder.

02-06-2019, 07:48 PM
Got me there, nvm then haha i thought it was 200$ for one. I should’ve read properly [emoji854]

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02-07-2019, 08:02 AM
yo, wake up sheeple.

02-07-2019, 12:28 PM
are people actually BUYING this crap? i mean seriously... who in their right mind is gonna pay $600 for a stupid cup holder! it does NOTHING for your car!!!!

02-07-2019, 12:39 PM
are people actually BUYING this crap? i mean seriously... who in their right mind is gonna pay $600 for a stupid cup holder! it does NOTHING for your car!!!!

Good point. Do we even have proof anyone has actually paid $600 for one of these cup holders? If no one has actually purchased one for $600 then his absurd price means nothing. He'll be forced to lower the price until he sees what the market actually commands for it...assuming no one was dumb enough to pay $600 for it.

02-07-2019, 12:42 PM
Imagine thinking that any of this stuff is gonna get attention when you pull into your next meet with maybe 13 cars half of which are mismatch painted daily driver s chassis that barely run.


02-07-2019, 03:52 PM
Imagine thinking that any of this stuff is gonna get attention when you pull into your next meet with maybe 13 cars half of which are mismatch painted daily driver s chassis that barely run.

/eyeroll.But bruh, check out my legit nismo floor mats. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190207/060ff4a2d979ead2208693ac17fad91e.jpg

02-07-2019, 06:25 PM
Good point. Do we even have proof anyone has actually paid $600 for one of these cup holders? If no one has actually purchased one for $600 then his absurd price means nothing. He'll be forced to lower the price until he sees what the market actually commands for it...assuming no one was dumb enough to pay $600 for it.

Actually, this makes perfect sense. Enough people talk shit, they pull the ad, throw it in storage, and mark it as SOLD.

It's a cunty move within a cunty move. Cuntception.

Imagine thinking that any of this stuff is gonna get attention when you pull into your next meet with maybe 13 cars half of which are mismatch painted daily driver s chassis that barely run.


It's like you're in their minds. Old logo Nismo is wayyyyy more important than tires, brakes, fluids, and various mounts/bushings.

02-07-2019, 06:37 PM
Oh yeah. Price is so low. He's a pillar of the community.

This is the most recent bid on YAJ. It's for a pair of cupholders. The faded one isn't pictured. Yes, it could be a different bid. Odds are it isn't. Even if it is, here's the YAJ price.

Does anyone take this guy seriously? Constant bullshit spewing. Typical SJW far left millennial omitting important details to twist the truth.

Was ONE cup holder that sold in 9 minutes because the seller did not know what he had and listed a low buy out price of 20,000 yen.

02-07-2019, 06:38 PM
Oh so i wasn’t dumb. I thought it was one!

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02-07-2019, 06:38 PM
P.S. those are real Nismo skirts. Old logo perhaps? If things keep going the way they are I will be trading them for a house in CO or UT in a few years.

oh shit :rofl:
man this page got good!

02-07-2019, 06:47 PM
Does anyone take this guy seriously? Constant bullshit spewing. Typical SJW far left millennial omitting important details to twist the truth.

Was ONE cup holder that sold in 9 minutes because the seller did not know what he had and listed a low buy out price of 20,000 yen.

:picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: :picardfp::picardfp::picardfp:

what dumb fuck pays $200 for a cup holder?! this kind of shit is just depressing. when did AIDS become contractible via the internet?

02-07-2019, 06:54 PM
:picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: :picardfp::picardfp::picardfp:

what dumb fuck pays $200 for a cup holder?! this kind of shit is just depressing. when did AIDS become contractible via the internet?Somebody with way too much money to burn or one of these Instagram self proclaimed entrepreneurs capitalizing on a "lit" opportunity .

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

02-07-2019, 06:57 PM
Does anyone take this guy seriously? Constant bullshit spewing. Typical SJW far left millennial omitting important details to twist the truth.

Was ONE cup holder that sold in 9 minutes because the seller did not know what he had and listed a low buy out price of 20,000 yen.

You know, sometimes you just want to be mean for the sake of it. You got it.

It WAS two, you stupid fucking bitch.

It didn't sell for low because he 'didn't know what he had'. It sold low because THEY AREN'T FUCKING WORTH SHIT YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT.

Did you learn Japanese on Rosetta Stone? Or beating your fucking meat to hentai, you fucking weeb?

It says:

"2 set although one is pictured."


Oh so i wasn’t dumb. I thought it was one!

...and there goes fucking Gvlzo just blindly following someone else on the internet. Still dumb. Your words.

02-07-2019, 07:09 PM
Does anyone take this guy seriously? Constant bullshit spewing. Typical SJW far left millennial omitting important details to twist the truth.

Was ONE cup holder that sold in 9 minutes because the seller did not know what he had and listed a low buy out price of 20,000 yen.

It also says, if you read it, the bid ended fast because someone hit him up to buy it ASAP. So he posted it up with a 'buy it now' option so he could sell it quickly.

People take me 'seriously' because I do my homework. Look who's omitting facts now.

Pretty SJW/ANTIFA of you. Go march about it.

02-07-2019, 07:11 PM
Can’t read japanese [emoji2374] also can’t copy and paste the text since it’s an image.

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02-07-2019, 07:14 PM
Can’t read japanese. also can’t copy and paste the text since it’s an image.

All you ever spew are excuses for ignorance. There's no excuse. There are other ways to translate it. You're constantly extending olive branches then chomp at the bit when someone seems to have 'got me'. You're not above anyone else in the community or this forum.

02-07-2019, 07:17 PM
I never stated to be above anyone. And i bet there is other ways. Im just willing to admit im to lazy to look into this certain thing enough to find out if it was one or two.

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02-07-2019, 07:29 PM
At what point can we actually start asking 10k+ for good condition, restored and lightly modified 240s? People always harp on folks selling cars for 7k+, but just curious on other people's opinions on this one.

Now. Children will always complain but adults bring cash.

After I sell my e30 build, I'm going to be looking for a sub-150k-mile, clean, straight S-chassis to build. Which will be funny because it will be the second time in my life that I've sold an e30 to fund an S-chassis. Or maybe I'll just buy another e30.

Either way, I'll be moving into another example of two (or three if I decide to buy an E36 coupe instead of either) cars that have been completely ravaged by the teenage/early-20s-stupidity community.

02-07-2019, 07:37 PM
It also says, if you read it, the bid ended fast because someone hit him up to buy it ASAP. So he posted it up with a 'buy it now' option so he could sell it quickly.

People take me 'seriously' because I do my homework. Look who's omitting facts now.

Pretty SJW/ANTIFA of you. Go march about it.One or two cup holders doesn't matter. Actually this makes you look like even more of an imbecile. You're arguing against yourself.
If a friend imports a car with 10.5 lmgt4 and he sells them for $500 to me does that mean all lmgt4 are now worth $500, or does it mean somebody got a good deal? Like it or not prices of these kinds of things are determined by the people buying it and it doesn't help to have "public figures" like Tommyfyeah perpetuating the hype.
Quit complaining about prices of things you can't afford. Clearly there is a hatbored personal interest for these items or you wouldn't bother complaining about it. Get your money up peasant. Expensive is subjective.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

02-07-2019, 07:37 PM
I sold my e30 to scoop up a super clean silvia, and I still miss my e30 lol.

02-07-2019, 07:41 PM
One or two cup holders doesn't matter. Actually this makes you look like even more of an imbecile. You're arguing against yourself.
If a friend imports a car with 10.5 lmgt4 and he sells them for $500 to me does that mean all lmgt4 are now worth $500, or does it mean somebody got a good deal? Like it or not prices of these kinds of things are determined by the people buying it and it doesn't help to have "public figures" like Tommyfyeah perpetuating the hype.
Quit complaining about prices of things you can't afford. Clearly there is a hatbored personal interest for these items or you wouldn't bother complaining about it. Get your money up peasant. Expensive is subjective.

You have to be someone I've crossed paths with in the past. I'm certain of it.

Standard tactics. Baiting me into the 'can't afford it peasant' thing. Step your game up. We've done this dance.

If a friend sold them to you, would there be an ad? Doubtful. Looks like you have no fucking idea what to say because you look like a fucking moron. I was honestly expecting a better comeback. Fucking lame.

02-07-2019, 07:43 PM
You have to be someone I've crossed paths with in the past. I'm certain of it.

Standard tactics. Baiting me into the 'can't afford it peasant' thing. Step your game up. We've done this dance.

If a friend sold them to you, would there be an ad? Doubtful. Looks like you have no fucking idea what to say because you look like a fucking moron. I was honestly expecting a better comeback. Fucking lame.Exactly. No counter argument.

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02-07-2019, 07:45 PM
Exactly. No counter argument.

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...you'd have to give me something to chew on, Michael. Or is it Stefan? or maybe it's just someone swinging from their nuts.

Either way, you've got nothing. Please come again.

02-07-2019, 08:33 PM
Now. Children will always complain but adults bring cash.

After I sell my e30 build, I'm going to be looking for a sub-150k-mile, clean, straight S-chassis to build. Which will be funny because it will be the second time in my life that I've sold an e30 to fund an S-chassis. Or maybe I'll just buy another e30.

Either way, I'll be moving into another example of two (or three if I decide to buy an E36 coupe instead of either) cars that have been completely ravaged by the teenage/early-20s-stupidity community.You realistically think good condition 240s prices are naturally going up? My main motivation to ask is to gauge a point when I can start considering my S14 as an investment.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

02-07-2019, 08:50 PM
Does anyone take this guy seriously? Constant bullshit spewing. Typical SJW far left millennial omitting important details to twist the truth.

Was ONE cup holder that sold in 9 minutes because the seller did not know what he had and listed a low buy out price of 20,000 yen.

If your age on your profile is accurate you're solidly a millennial, even if you think like a 67 year old from rural Kansas.

02-07-2019, 09:01 PM
If your age on your profile is accurate you're solidly a millennial, even if you think like a 67 year old from rural Kansas.Better than thinking like an angry feminist dogpiling someone that called out one of her buddies who was unable to defend their propaganda.

So anyone got some lmgt4 for 500 or what. A friend of a friend got a super sick deal on an auction few months back.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

02-07-2019, 09:03 PM
You realistically think good condition 240s prices are naturally going up? My main motivation to ask is to gauge a point when I can start considering my S14 as an investment.

I'd figure out how you'd sell it first, I guess. Would you sell it all as-is and just be done? Or convert to original and try to market it that way?

If your age on your profile is accurate you're solidly a millennial, even if you think like a 67 year old from rural Kansas.

It's Hubeny, dude. Look at the way he talks. He'll tucker himself out.

02-08-2019, 07:36 AM
It's Hubeny, dude. Look at the way he talks. He'll tucker himself out.

I missed peak hubeny, I generally avoid the more idiotic threads.

Well other than the Trump one.

02-08-2019, 09:39 AM
And the nerds are still crying about Nismo cups...

Carry on children.

02-11-2019, 03:15 AM
And the nerds are still crying about Nismo cups...

Carry on children.

lmao I came in here to post this and you beat me to it

02-11-2019, 12:24 PM
I'd figure out how you'd sell it first, I guess. Would you sell it all as-is and just be done? Or convert to original and try to market it that way?

It's Hubeny, dude. Look at the way he talks. He'll tucker himself out.

Only reason I haven't banned him is because he hasn't full on exposed himself as Hubeny.

02-11-2019, 04:23 PM
Only reason I haven't banned him is because he hasn't full on exposed himself as Hubeny.

Yeah. It would be a hollow victory.

Farzam - Don't align yourself with Corbic. He'll have you driving a Mustang or a uNdErApPrECiAtEd JdM LeGeNd in no time.

Corbic - :bigok:

02-11-2019, 08:59 PM
yeah. It would be a hollow victory.

Farzam - don't align yourself with corbic. He'll have you driving a mustang or a underappreciated jdm legend in no time.

Corbic - :bigok:сука блять

02-13-2019, 08:08 AM
is that language appropriate for this type of forum? I know we are grumpy old me but goodness! and resorting to another language to boot!

02-13-2019, 09:11 AM
is that language appropriate for this type of forum? I know we are grumpy old me but goodness! and resorting to another language to boot!Fucking Bitch.

Yup, still censor free unlike those cucks at NICO and 240sxForums.

02-13-2019, 10:38 AM
владельцы чертового мустанга

02-13-2019, 11:11 AM
You realistically think good condition 240s prices are naturally going up? My main motivation to ask is to gauge a point when I can start considering my S14 as an investment.

I do think good-condition 240s are going up. Once I get out of the startup doldrums, I'm going to buy a few of the best S-chassis I can find for preservation and build purposes.

Your S14 will never be an investment, though. Investments are cars that make you money. I'm obviously counting out a super-low-mile S-chassis that some guy bought as his first car out of grad school and you happen to have its doppelganger and now that he has some real money and is tired of waiting to match that experience so he's willing to spend $30k buying the closest analog he can find.

Until you get into the world of collector cars, and I mean real collector cars like low-production Ferraris and six-figure movers and shakers, not what Hagerty says are "affordable collector cars you should buy right now," your cars aren't going to make you money. All the collector cars owned by collectors mean nothing because throwing $250k at a 911S when your other investments are seven or eight digits with double-digit returns means you're just playing with a portion of those returns.

All you have to do is run the math- $10k at 7% is $19,671.51 at the end of ten years. In 2029, your S14 may be worth that much- but you'll have paid $500-700 per year for insurance, you'll have done yearly oil changes, you'll have done brake flushes and replaced tires at least once. In addition, your purchasing power per dollar will have gone down- your 2019 dollar will be worth around $0.77 assuming 1.77% average inflation.

Never futz around in the S-chassis world thinking you're going to make money. Futz around because it's fun and because the cars are solid.

02-13-2019, 11:38 AM
Never futz around in the S-chassis world thinking you're going to make money. Futz around because it's fun and because the cars are solid.

These people with Kouki’s crack me up. They truly believe these cars will be worth something one day. I hope I’m wrong, but I highly doubt a humdrum, anorexic, unmolested KA car will ever be worth real coin.

02-13-2019, 11:58 AM
Fucking Bitch.

Yup, still censor free unlike those cucks at NICO and 240sxForums.

You're actually not allowed to mention those forums here :Owned:


02-13-2019, 01:51 PM
These people with Kouki’s crack me up. They truly believe these cars will be worth something one day. I hope I’m wrong, but I highly doubt a humdrum, anorexic, unmolested KA car will ever be worth real coin.It will, in the same way a '74 Nova is worth $10k compared to a $100k '69 Boss or RS.

02-13-2019, 05:34 PM
These cars will never be worth enough to put your kids through college, but yeah they'll go up when the options dwindle.

The S15 will be worth more, I think.

"For ages and ages. You've been around for a long, long time. I never wanted anything from you. And now that you're *legal for import, I can* have you. And it's funny how it switches like that. But now the forbidden fruit must be tasted."

- Jacobim Mugatu

*edited to work here...sort of.

02-14-2019, 10:20 AM
These cars will never be worth enough to put your kids through college, but yeah they'll go up when the options dwindle.

The S15 will be worth more, I think.

"For ages and ages. You've been around for a long, long time. I never wanted anything from you. And now that you're *legal for import, I can* have you. And it's funny how it switches like that. But now the forbidden fruit must be tasted."

- Jacobim Mugatu

*edited to work here...sort of.Complete Opposite

I wanted a R32 GTR for years.

Now I can have one, and I kinda just don't care.

Also. Amusing how even an imported Supra is $5-25k more then a GTR.

God damn N/A cars are $25-30k and Turbos are $40k+.

#GTOLife [emoji23][emoji1787]

02-14-2019, 11:19 AM
These people with Kouki’s crack me up. They truly believe these cars will be worth something one day. I hope I’m wrong, but I highly doubt a humdrum, anorexic, unmolested KA car will ever be worth real coin.

These cars have peaked, except for a few isolated situations featuring unicorn examples combined with finding the right buyer. The FRS/BRZ and their continued downward depreciation will soon collide and squeeze S-chassis prices down lower in the lightweight sports coupe market. The only way this doesn't happen is if they actually cancel the Toyoburu and they start going up in value like the S2000 did. I don't see that happening though.

02-14-2019, 04:13 PM
Complete Opposite

I wanted a R32 GTR for years.

Now I can have one, and I kinda just don't care.

Also. Amusing how even an imported Supra is $5-25k more then a GTR.

God damn N/A cars are $25-30k and Turbos are $40k+.

#GTOLife [emoji23][emoji1787]

In my humble opinion, the S-Chassis factor will play a big part.

...but the Supra is newer than the R32 and, let's face it, assembled better.

I think the S-Chassis factor will make a difference. It's all about hype for these kids and when they can get that hype at the cost of a new FRS they'll be all over it. Then we can watch the final SChassis variant be born here and systematically executed across our country.

02-14-2019, 04:15 PM
These cars have peaked, except for a few isolated situations featuring unicorn examples combined with finding the right buyer. The FRS/BRZ and their continued downward depreciation will soon collide and squeeze S-chassis prices down lower in the lightweight sports coupe market. The only way this doesn't happen is if they actually cancel the Toyoburu and they start going up in value like the S2000 did. I don't see that happening though.

I still disagree. I don't think the SChassis prices will go down simply to compete with the FRS/BRZ. If people are looking for S13s/S14s by the time the ZN6 sinks that low I'm sure they'll be willing to pay.

02-14-2019, 05:58 PM
I still disagree. I don't think the SChassis prices will go down simply to compete with the FRS/BRZ. If people are looking for S13s/S14s by the time the ZN6 sinks that low I'm sure they'll be willing to pay.I think the S13/S14 will eventually disappear and be a foot note. They are destined to be the next Datsun 510.

Everyone loved them, everyone still loves them. No one is going to shell out $30k for one.

S13/14 is also doomed because there is a zero reproduction market. I could. Litterly build a Fox Body from scratch with new parts.

Can you even get a Dash or a steal fender for a S14?

A 240sx is and will always be the car you bought because you could not afford the one you wanted.

02-14-2019, 06:41 PM
IMO the S-chassis market will be very complex in the future. I think clean 180sx and Silvia examples with the right configurations will demand higher $$, which I think in turn will bump up the USDM market. I don't see them ever being E30 M3 status but I see them doing better than the Datsun 510 market, but not by much.

A 240sx is and will always be the car you bought because you could not afford the one you wanted.

Fuck that. I've had much nicer cars and keep coming back to them.

Yeah. It would be a hollow victory.

Farzam - Don't align yourself with Corbic. He'll have you driving a Mustang or a uNdErApPrECiAtEd JdM LeGeNd in no time.

Corbic - :bigok:

I mean i've had 2 R32 which are pLaYeD oUt AnD oVeRdOnE...but i'd probably never own a Mustang. Although there are some models and certain years I have respect for

02-14-2019, 07:32 PM
A 240sx is and will always be the car you bought because you could not afford the one you wanted.

key sign that you never "got it"

02-14-2019, 08:45 PM
Everyone loved them, everyone still loves them. No one is going to shell out $30k for one.

I don't think anyone expects $30k. I'd expect just under that for a low mileage, all-optional-pars, no repair history S15 Spec R.

S13/14 is also doomed because there is a zero reproduction market. I could. Litterly build a Fox Body from scratch with new parts.


Can you even get a Dash or a steal fender for a S14?

No and No. Steel fenders only.

A 240sx is and will always be the car you bought because you could not afford the one you wanted.

This may be true for you, but it's not for the rest of us. deolio said it best.

I mean i've had 2 R32 which are pLaYeD oUt AnD oVeRdOnE...but i'd probably never own a Mustang. Although there are some models and certain years I have respect for

I was making fun of his world-ender Japanese GEEDEEOHHH.

02-14-2019, 10:15 PM
key sign that you never "got it"Owned one for 12 years. What's to "get".

02-14-2019, 10:30 PM
I don't think anyone expects $30k. I'd expect just under that for a low mileage, all-optional-pars, no repair history S15 Spec R.


No and No. Steel fenders only.

This may be true for you, but it's not for the rest of us. deolio said it best.

I was making fun of his world-ender Japanese GEEDEEOHHH."Rest of you" won't be raising paddles at the Barret Jackson any time soon.

The entire novelty of the car pisses away when it's a rusted hunk of shit and is going to cost $30k to restore. That's the problem.

This is your typical 240sx today -


And there are just not thousands of guys willing to put $20k, $30k... $50k into them too get back to here...


We've been talking about this for a decade now and all that's happen is the cars have gotten shitter but the price ceiling hasn't moved and inch.

Why pay $25k for a 240 when you can get a Gaaaadeemmmm Supra, GTR, Corvete, Evo, STI, brand new FRZ86, S2K, FD, M3... Et el.

Then again you guys pay $600 for cup holders. Gotta drink that coolaid from something.

02-15-2019, 07:53 AM
30K isn't bad for a restoration...i know i don't personally feel that a 240 is worth that either but while i was doing it with my dad we were doing packards and Studebakers for 100-200k..they were also rusted out and in terrible shape when they started out

02-15-2019, 09:05 AM
30K isn't bad for a restoration...i know i don't personally feel that a 240 is worth that either but while i was doing it with my dad we were doing packards and Studebakers for 100-200k..they were also rusted out and in terrible shape when they started outI was assuming your doing the labor yourself, but yeah throw a few thousand hours of labor and hunting for original parts with premium prices etc. and full resto jobs are easily six figures.

02-15-2019, 09:17 AM
Complete Opposite

I wanted a R32 GTR for years.

Now I can have one, and I kinda just don't care.

agreed sir! about the ONLY car i want to import is an S15 silvia. i use to dream of the day when i could own a GTR... now, no fucks given

02-15-2019, 09:24 AM
Question for those who have driven an S15..is it a rattle box like the s13 and s14? It looks like it wouldn't be, but it is pretty much an updated s14.

I wanted a supra, but I saw the prices and decided to get an IS300 and make a supra out of that which will cost me less than 20k total. A TT 6spd is and will be the hemi 'cuda of Japan.

02-15-2019, 10:13 AM
corbic, are your parents by chance cousins? did they like mustangs too?

sTeaL fEnDeRsssSSs

02-15-2019, 11:13 AM
read the last six pages.

I feel like i'm home...

02-15-2019, 12:51 PM
30K isn't bad for a restoration...i know i don't personally feel that a 240 is worth that either but while i was doing it with my dad we were doing packards and Studebakers for 100-200k..they were also rusted out and in terrible shape when they started out

You have to look at what you can get for that money though. You can damn near get a C6Z for that now. You can get a brand new FRZ86 and a turbo kit for that, or get a used one and go crazy with mods. This forum being concentrated with enthusiasts, has a lot more people who might be down to do something like that. For most of the car community, there is zero chance of spending 10 grand on a 30 year old economy sports coupe, let alone 30 grand.

02-15-2019, 02:32 PM
corbic, are your parents by chance cousins? did they like mustangs too?

sTeaL fEnDeRsssSSsNo, but I heard your mom is your sister.

GTFO of this thread junior.

02-15-2019, 02:54 PM
wow, at least you managed to spell everything correct in your reply (as well as the Portland thread); good job corbic!

02-15-2019, 02:59 PM
wow, at least you managed to spell everything correct in your reply (as well as the Portland thread); good job corbic!Makes grammer insult, with shit grammer. Good work junior.

02-15-2019, 03:00 PM
1. "Rest of you" won't be raising paddles at the Barret Jackson any time soon.

2. We've been talking about this for a decade now and all that's happen is the cars have gotten shitter but the price ceiling hasn't moved and inch.

1. This goes without saying because we're into shitty Nissans...but that doesn't mean some of us don't have the money to do so. What's the logic here? You have this strong need to paint everyone that likes SChassis cars as broke. I'm not rich, Corbic, but Im definitely not broke. I could buy the infamous $600 cupholder right now. There's a difference between being broke and being a fucking moron that buys the aforementioned product lol.

2. If you're going to tell me the prices haven't gone up in the last decade you need to hop in your Mustang and mow down a crowd or something to get your head on straight.

Question for those who have driven an S15..is it a rattle box like the s13 and s14? It looks like it wouldn't be, but it is pretty much an updated s14.

I wanted a supra, but I saw the prices and decided to get an IS300 and make a supra out of that which will cost me less than 20k total. A TT 6spd is and will be the hemi 'cuda of Japan.

YES. I always joke that you have to give credit where credit is due: Nissan is consistent....ly shitty with the rattles lol. I had a SpecS (NA SR20DE) as a daily and it is 100% just another rattlebox.

That being said, the SpecR is triple the price for a clean example. They already go for $15k+ depending on condition and mileage but a super low-mileage SpecS goes for around $5k. I understand the SpecR has added bracing but you can buy all of that stuff for the SpecS.

I've been talking about this a lot lately: is the SpecR THE car to splurge on? Or would you rather spend 1/3 of the price on an unfuckedwith SpecS and have the rest left over to build?

02-15-2019, 06:00 PM
Makes grammer insult, with shit grammer. Good work junior.

What is "grammer" ?

02-15-2019, 06:03 PM
YES. I always joke that you have to give credit where credit is due: Nissan is consistent....ly shitty with the rattles lol. I had a SpecS (NA SR20DE) as a daily and it is 100% just another rattlebox.

That being said, the SpecR is triple the price for a clean example. They already go for $15k+ depending on condition and mileage but a super low-mileage SpecS goes for around $5k. I understand the SpecR has added bracing but you can buy all of that stuff for the SpecS.

I've been talking about this a lot lately: is the SpecR THE car to splurge on? Or would you rather spend 1/3 of the price on an unfuckedwith SpecS and have the rest left over to build?

Interesting. And sad lol. I was hoping Nissan added some better interior materials or at least some better sound deadening.

I'd go for the Spec R. There's something very special about a factory-assembled car even if you do great work modifying cars.

02-15-2019, 08:08 PM
What is "grammer" ?It's whatever swiftkey auto correct says it is.

02-16-2019, 09:16 AM
I don’t really get why so many people are hung up on this “s-chassis are rattle boxes” thing. I’ve driven a few S13s that had solid-mounted-everything and bare interiors, and those cars were certainly rattle boxes. But that wasn’t Nissan’s doing, it was their own. My ex had a bone-stock (minus catback) ‘91 coupe, and it had no annoying rattle issues. My coupe has JGS rubber engine and trans mounts, poly subframe bushings, and solid arms in the rear, no headliner, half a carpet... it was fine. Not as quiet as the ex’s stock car, but still far better than several others I’ve driven. The only time I ever had rattle issues was with a cheap short shifter, which I fixed after about a week, or whenever I had an exhaust setup that hit the body or the subframe.

These aren’t luxury cars. Fix your janky shit, lower your expectations, and if need be, invest in some proper sound deadening.

02-16-2019, 03:02 PM
I don’t really get why so many people are hung up on this “s-chassis are rattle boxes” thing. I’ve driven a few S13s that had solid-mounted-everything and bare interiors, and those cars were certainly rattle boxes. But that wasn’t Nissan’s doing, it was their own. My ex had a bone-stock (minus catback) ‘91 coupe, and it had no annoying rattle issues. My coupe has JGS rubber engine and trans mounts, poly subframe bushings, and solid arms in the rear, no headliner, half a carpet... it was fine. Not as quiet as the ex’s stock car, but still far better than several others I’ve driven. The only time I ever had rattle issues was with a cheap short shifter, which I fixed after about a week, or whenever I had an exhaust setup that hit the body or the subframe.

These aren’t luxury cars. Fix your janky shit, lower your expectations, and if need be, invest in some proper sound deadening.We probably have different definitions on what "fine" is. My s14 is is fine for the weekends and short trips. Its not too loud and has full untouched interior, but I just can't drive it everyday. The vibrations, exhaust and road noise just get tiresome.

I daily an IS300 with over 200k and it's very smooth and quiet. I know its not a good comparison, but it just shows the vast differences in build quality between the two cars.

02-16-2019, 04:25 PM
I don’t really get why so many people are hung up on this “s-chassis are rattle boxes” thing. I’ve driven a few S13s that had solid-mounted-everything and bare interiors, and those cars were certainly rattle boxes. But that wasn’t Nissan’s doing, it was their own. My ex had a bone-stock (minus catback) ‘91 coupe, and it had no annoying rattle issues. My coupe has JGS rubber engine and trans mounts, poly subframe bushings, and solid arms in the rear, no headliner, half a carpet... it was fine. Not as quiet as the ex’s stock car, but still far better than several others I’ve driven. The only time I ever had rattle issues was with a cheap short shifter, which I fixed after about a week, or whenever I had an exhaust setup that hit the body or the subframe.

These aren’t luxury cars. Fix your janky shit, lower your expectations, and if need be, invest in some proper sound deadening.

To be clear, it OBVIOUSLY isn't a deal breaker but the cars are noisy as all fuck.

'93 240SX: Garage kept, all seals are good, only had coilovers/RUCA and 16" wheels. Still loud.

'96 180SX: Possibly garage kept. It has coilovers/RUCA and 17" wheels. I replaced the door seals but I still need to get on the door strikers and those little washers for the door hinges. Besides the fact that I keep the backseat down and have an exhaust, the car makes a fuck ton of noise. Most of it comes from the front end.

'89 Silvia: Possibly garage kept. It has coilovers/RUCA and 16" wheels. Probably needs the door strikers/washers as well. Still makes noise.

All of this was to show that the cars don't have to be 'jank' to make noise man, it's just how they are. I don't think anyone is 'hung up on the fact' but we're grumpy old assholes.

02-16-2019, 11:35 PM
We probably have different definitions on what "fine" is.

Probably. I daily drove it for 8 years and 150k+ miles before retiring it with well over 300k miles. I regularly drove 4-5 hours one way for work, and made several 1500 mile runs between East TX and CA in it. It was fiiiiine. No earplugs needed, I could even drive without the stereo on, and my passengers had no trouble sleeping. Sure, summers without a/c sucked, but that’s my only complaint. Well, that, and the leaky sunroof. It really ruined sunroof cars for me.

I daily an IS300 with over 200k and it's very smooth and quiet. I know its not a good comparison, but it just shows the vast differences in build quality between the two cars.
My current daily is a ‘96 Ranger. It’s got all sorts of awful squeaks and rattles. If it didn’t have a stereo, I wouldn’t have my sanity. I’ve never been spoiled by daily driving a well made, newish car. I suppose I’m comparing my decent 240 to other examples of the same car, and other vehicles of that era, while you’re comparing them to better, newer cars that aren’t 80s/90s economy sports cars. It’s funny, now that I think about it, the last person who told me my car was loud in the cabin daily drives a 2nd gen GS400. If I daily drove a Lexus, I might be inclined to agree with you. Perspective is everything.

To be clear, it OBVIOUSLY isn't a deal breaker but the cars are noisy as all fuck.


All of this was to show that the cars don't have to be 'jank' to make noise man, it's just how they are. I don't think anyone is 'hung up on the fact' but we're grumpy old assholes.
I wasn’t speaking specifically to anyone here. It’s a topic I’ve seen brought up elsewhere recently, as well. I saw it mentioned here and it got me thinking.

It’s entirely possible that I’m seeing things through some slightly rose colored glasses, as it’s been sitting for nearly 5 years and I miss driving it in a big way.
But as far as I can recall, squeaks and rattles were never much of an issue for me in that car. I mean, it was quite rough and noisy on my road, but I live on a pretty fucked up farm road that isn’t really low car friendly. And brick roads were a nightmarish scene of “holy shit is my car falling apart?” But on normal roads or the highway, it was perfectly tolerable.
Squeaks and rattles were certainly a problem in some other s13s I drove, fastbacks especially. Some of those were track/drift cars, others were salvage title shit box street cars. Mine wasn’t the nicest s-chassis around, far from it, but in terms of comfort, it really was heaps better than many others I’ve been around. It’s those other sort of cars I’ve always assumed give the 240 it’s rep as a rattlebox. I just assumed anyone who felt that way hadn’t driven a nice example of one. But, per the two of you, I guess that’s not necessarily the case.

02-17-2019, 12:06 AM
Probably. I daily drove it for 8 years and 150k+ miles before retiring it with well over 300k miles. I regularly drove 4-5 hours one way for work, and made several 1500 mile runs between East TX and CA in it. It was fiiiiine. No earplugs needed, I could even drive without the stereo on, and my passengers had no trouble sleeping. Sure, summers without a/c sucked, but that’s my only complaint. Well, that, and the leaky sunroof. It really ruined sunroof cars for me.

My current daily is a ‘96 Ranger. It’s got all sorts of awful squeaks and rattles. If it didn’t have a stereo, I wouldn’t have my sanity. I’ve never been spoiled by daily driving a well made, newish car. I suppose I’m comparing my decent 240 to other examples of the same car, and other vehicles of that era, while you’re comparing them to better, newer cars that aren’t 80s/90s economy sports cars. It’s funny, now that I think about it, the last person who told me my car was loud in the cabin daily drives a 2nd gen GS400. If I daily drove a Lexus, I might be inclined to agree with you. Perspective is everything.

I wasn’t speaking specifically to anyone here. It’s a topic I’ve seen brought up elsewhere recently, as well. I saw it mentioned here and it got me thinking.

It’s entirely possible that I’m seeing things through some slightly rose colored glasses, as it’s been sitting for nearly 5 years and I miss driving it in a big way.
But as far as I can recall, squeaks and rattles were never much of an issue for me in that car. I mean, it was quite rough and noisy on my road, but I live on a pretty fucked up farm road that isn’t really low car friendly. And brick roads were a nightmarish scene of “holy shit is my car falling apart?” But on normal roads or the highway, it was perfectly tolerable.
Squeaks and rattles were certainly a problem in some other s13s I drove, fastbacks especially. Some of those were track/drift cars, others were salvage title shit box street cars. Mine wasn’t the nicest s-chassis around, far from it, but in terms of comfort, it really was heaps better than many others I’ve been around. It’s those other sort of cars I’ve always assumed give the 240 it’s rep as a rattlebox. I just assumed anyone who felt that way hadn’t driven a nice example of one. But, per the two of you, I guess that’s not necessarily the case.Driving a lexus fucked me all up. The smoothness of the inline 6 and the interior of the lexus made the 240 seem like I was driving a JGTC GT500 car lmao

02-17-2019, 12:51 AM
Well, that, and the leaky sunroof. It really ruined sunroof cars for me.

(More words.)

Yeah. It's not a complaint so much as an accepted 'comes-with-the-territory' fact. I was trying to say that a lot of the cars I buy have had a good life and they still make noise. The funny thing is that I can say with 100% honesty that I've NEVER had an issue with a leaky sunroof lol. Weird as fuck since it's considered the 'norm'...but same goes for loud ass rattles, I suppose.

I spent all day driving my Silvia. 1hr+ to Mooneyes, then another 45min+ to UpGarage. I took the low roads (more bumps) to avoid tolls. The car actually seems to make LESS noise now that it's planted on coilovers. Go figure. The wind noise still gets in but that's what we all get for having cool-guy frameless doors lol.

Driving a lexus fucked me all up. The smoothness of the inline 6 and the interior of the lexus made the 240 seem like I was driving a JGTC GT500 car lmao

DUUUUDE. YES. LOL. A buddy of mine here had GS and when I would ride in it I'd find myself questioning my life choices hahahah. Before that, in the US, a close friend had a BMW and that shit felt like an airplane. If I parted out my SChassis cars then sold the stock cars for the 'going-rate' I could easily afford something like that...but I'm still stupid and still love pieces of shit.

02-17-2019, 02:53 AM
Yeah. It's not a complaint so much as an accepted 'comes-with-the-territory' fact. I was trying to say that a lot of the cars I buy have had a good life and they still make noise. The funny thing is that I can say with 100% honesty that I've NEVER had an issue with a leaky sunroof lol. Weird as fuck since it's considered the 'norm'...but same goes for loud ass rattles, I suppose.

I spent all day driving my Silvia. 1hr+ to Mooneyes, then another 45min+ to UpGarage. I took the low roads (more bumps) to avoid tolls. The car actually seems to make LESS noise now that it's planted on coilovers. Go figure. The wind noise still gets in but that's what we all get for having cool-guy frameless doors lol.

DUUUUDE. YES. LOL. A buddy of mine here had GS and when I would ride in it I'd find myself questioning my life choices hahahah. Before that, in the US, a close friend had a BMW and that shit felt like an airplane. If I parted out my SChassis cars then sold the stock cars for the 'going-rate' I could easily afford something like that...but I'm still stupid and still love pieces of shit.I just keep wondering how different things would have been if I put all the money into the IS instead of the 240. The 240 is fun but it comes at the expense of comfort(lightweight ftw). We'll see how the IS is with about 500whp. Seems like it would be a dream, but who knows it may still feel like a pig. Maybe someone with some experience can chime in.

02-19-2019, 01:21 AM
We probably have different definitions on what "fine" is. My s14 is is fine for the weekends and short trips. Its not too loud and has full untouched interior, but I just can't drive it everyday. The vibrations, exhaust and road noise just get tiresome.

I daily an IS300 with over 200k and it's very smooth and quiet. I know its not a good comparison, but it just shows the vast differences in build quality between the two cars.

I love Toyota/Lexus products. I've had a GS400, LS400, LS430, IS300 5spd, IS300 turbo built auto, and an 08 ISF. Super reliable, reasonable amenities, no Euro sized repair bills. My sister has an NX300h and my mom has a CT200h. I daily and tow with an 04 Tundra double cab, and had an 03 Taco before that.

BUT it's not the best to compare an older economy coupe to a newer design entry level luxury sedan.

02-20-2019, 12:14 AM
I went from having two S14's to S14 and IS300/SXE10 back in 2012 till just last December. I really enjoyed driving IS300 but I had to trade it out for better fuel economy so I now daily drive a Gen2 Prius. I really never considered Toyota before my IS300 but I don't think I'll drive anything but Toyota for daily from now on. There are few things that still piss me off when it comes to maintenance but that's to be expected from any car manufactures(oil filter location on SXE10...like WTF Toyota). I mean..most of Toyota's are sold and manufactured by the millions so replacement parts are cheap and actually available when in need. and literally the only car I've ever owned that I never modified except to add AUX into factory radio, because I felt that it needed no modifications, even adding sub-woofer.(factory speakers and head unit on SXE10 sound awesome IMO)

Only thing I wish IS300 had was about 50 more HP from factory and lower gear ratio differential. that would have made that car bar non perfect daily car, and lower gear ratio&more power should have helped with fuel consumption at highway driving imo(I didn't get more than 24MPG highway regardless how much I tried).

At this stage of my life, I feel that if you want a fast/nimble car, buy a car that's designed to go fast and make that go faster, but then again I actually can't visualize what it's like to NOT own a S-chassis as I've owned my S14 for 12 years now and can't tell you what it'll be like to not own one.

I have been telling myself that if I ever have to get rid of my S14, a C6 or C7 Z06 Corvette will be the replacement of it, but I feel that my heart will be empty when that day comes. (I love my shit box S14)

02-21-2019, 09:58 AM
Only thing I wish IS300 had was about 50 more HP from factory and lower gear ratio differential. that would have made that car bar non perfect daily car, and lower gear ratio&more power should have helped with fuel consumption at highway driving imo(I didn't get more than 24MPG highway regardless how much I tried).

At this stage of my life, I feel that if you want a fast/nimble car, buy a car that's designed to go fast and make that go faster, but then again I actually can't visualize what it's like to NOT own a S-chassis as I've owned my S14 for 12 years now and can't tell you what it'll be like to not own one.

I have been telling myself that if I ever have to get rid of my S14, a C6 or C7 Z06 Corvette will be the replacement of it, but I feel that my heart will be empty when that day comes. (I love my shit box S14)

Yeah I don't know why the 2jzge vvti is such a low-powered engine. 3.0L, 10.5 CR, VVTI, 6500RPM redline all for a measley 215 crank hp lol. It's sad that the 2.0L Altezza in Japan puts out about the same hp lol.

I was/am still very interested in E92 N54 335i's. They seem to be such great platforms that were plagued by somewhat minor issues that cost a lot to fix. They are getting cheap enough, though..

02-21-2019, 10:02 AM
Go n55. N54 really isnt worth the trouble, even when you can DIY. Too many minor issues can cause massive headaches and take a lot of time to fix. N55 feels great stock, makes nice sound, and will be massively more reliable.
Only issue is when it comes to tuning, its a bit more expensive to get more power out of an n55 and you can potentially run into issues with the internals and cast crank. There's also more and more documented cases of rod bearing issues even on stock engines, a la S54/S65/S85.
I love my 135i to death but as a daily it's given me too many issues and taken too much time off the road. e90's are a fantastic chassis, just go n55

02-21-2019, 10:06 AM
It's sad that the 2.0L Altezza in Japan puts out about the same hp lol.

keep in mind the altezza is a much lighter car, so the hp to weight ratio is actually better.

im surprised you guys own/know so much about these cars. makes me happy. the beams powerplant is awesome (and cheap!).

02-21-2019, 10:58 AM
I love my 135i to death but as a daily it's given me too many issues and taken too much time off the road. e90's are a fantastic chassis, just go n55

Yeah that's the main reason why I never got one. I would just feel too scared putting the miles and abuse on the car. I used to have a FD and know the feeling. It sucks.

Meanwhile there's Toyotas with over 300K miles on the same fuel pump, injectors, transmission, long-block, etc. lol

keep in mind the altezza is a much lighter car, so the hp to weight ratio is actually better.

im surprised you guys own/know so much about these cars. makes me happy. the beams powerplant is awesome (and cheap!).

Yeah it's a pretty impressive little engine. They should have just stuck that in the FR-S.

I just keep thinking..

R154 (or build the auto)
BW Twin Scroll T4 EFR 7064
Full standalone

Putting down 450whp on 91 octane would be very streetable, very reliable, very fast and cheap to maintain for about $10k? In a safe, well-built/engineered Toyota/Lexus chassis that you can get for $2-5K? Seems hard to beat imo. This is like the Japanese version of the budget 5.0 foxbody mustang builds we used to see back in the day.

I would daily the shit out of this

02-21-2019, 11:23 AM
keep in mind the altezza is a much lighter car, so the hp to weight ratio is actually better.

im surprised you guys own/know so much about these cars. makes me happy. the beams powerplant is awesome (and cheap!).

Yeah I don't know why the 2jzge vvti is such a low-powered engine. 3.0L, 10.5 CR, VVTI, 6500RPM redline all for a measley 215 crank hp lol. It's sad that the 2.0L Altezza in Japan puts out about the same hp lol.

It's called torque.

The US market IS300 was mainly sold with an automatic and marketed as a small luxury car. The Altezza was intended to be a GT-S throw back.

Toyota also struggled with US Emissions in the 2JZ and I'm sure was happier to push buyers looking for more spunk into the more profitable V8 cars.

The 2JZ was also shortly shared with the GS/SC300s so I'm sure the emissions testing was there for thr IS300. The Beams would have been new and needed it's own qualifications, assuming it could pass.

We also didn't get the hotter engines in the MRS and Cilica GTS during this time.

02-21-2019, 11:32 AM
Yeah it's a pretty impressive little engine. They should have just stuck that in the FR-S.

The answer you seek is K24.....

I just keep thinking..

R154 (or build the auto)
BW Twin Scroll T4 EFR 7064
Full standalone

Putting down 450whp on 91 octane would be very streetable, very reliable, very fast and cheap to maintain for about $10k? In a safe, well-built/engineered Toyota/Lexus chassis that you can get for $2-5K? Seems hard to beat imo. This is like the Japanese version of the budget 5.0 foxbody mustang builds we used to see back in the day.


IS300 has the glass W5 in the very rare manual. I have no idea on thr A5's strength but the A4 will take a beating.

The IS300's 2JZ also has the weak sauce pistons and rods. Best "budget" bet would be to get a JDM Turbo engine with an A4 and swap the whole mess.

At that point why not just do an NA-T with a TH400 in a Mustang and run 8's all day?



02-21-2019, 12:41 PM
wow k24s are cheaper than i thought they would be.

people do buy GTE rods and pistons and swap them in their GE/na-t build (usually bough from aristo swap guys looking to upgrade their internals). i believe the stock autos are only good to 300-350 tq. the w55s are even worse.

02-21-2019, 01:29 PM
Let’s make sure we’re talking about the 3S beams and not the 1G. Unfortunately same displacement but two more cylinders and weight on the 1G. Once mine decides to pop I’ll be looking at 1J’s.

02-21-2019, 01:54 PM
*in response to Corbic*
I know, thats why I said to get a 2jzgte and a r154 lol

Building a GE isnt worth it unless you are going for really big hp. For 2-2500 bucks you get the GTE's higher flowing head, ffim, strong TT internals and an overall better looking engine.

IS300's can be had for a few grand and is a much better car (both functionally and aestetically) than an old mustang.

02-21-2019, 02:04 PM
Let’s make sure we’re talking about the 3S beams and not the 1G. Unfortunately same displacement but two more cylinders and weight on the 1G. Once mine decides to pop I’ll be looking at 1J’s.

A 1J VVTI would be perfect for a daily. It might even get slightly better mileage than the 2JZGE. Tomei also makes a bolt on parts that push it to 400whp.

02-21-2019, 02:10 PM
A 1J VVTI would be perfect for a daily. It might even get slightly better mileage than the 2JZGE. Tomei also makes a bolt on parts that push it to 400whp.

Well being I have a 1GFE I’m figuring anything is better than 20mpg and shitty drive. It’s slifgisy as all hell, atleast a JZ engine would give me boost. Then again I consider the 1UZ swaps in the chassis could be fun too.

02-21-2019, 02:57 PM
This whole page is blasphemy. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I mean I expect it from Corbic.

....also how is no one commenting on the fact that he STILL found a way to get a Mustang in here. I'm actually impressed.

02-21-2019, 03:35 PM
*in response to Corbic*
I know, thats why I said to get a 2jzgte and a r154 lol

That's $5k+ in engine and trans.

Building a GE isnt worth it unless you are going for really big hp. For 2-2500 bucks you get the GTE's higher flowing head, ffim, strong TT internals and an overall better looking engine.

I have to disagree on all of that.

NA GE is dirt cheap, $250-500 long block out of a SC/GS300. I dont care about the heads as that's been a rumor and argument for years on all thr JZ heads, but thr VVTI head is the way to go.

Turbos and injectors are pretty much a waste on the TT, so you might as well save the coin for some 1000's, manifold and a good single.

Engines look damn near identical. TT and early NA have the same crank and rods and their pistons are made of the same material. Hell they may even be the same cores.

The weak NA rod theory comes from the IS300 who got cheap shitty rods to control cost and help emissions. Toyota's decent into mediocrity began in the mid 90's.



IS300's can be had for a few grand and is a much better car (both functionally and aestetically) than an old mustang.

IS300 is a snoozer with what is now a subpar interior. If I'm doing a full powertrain conversion, plenty of cooler cars.

Mustangs look better and have basically and unlimited aftermarket if you are wanting to go fast.

If you just want a 350-400whp Japanese sedan, a G35 or G37 with a vortech seems a lot easier and more practical.

Personally, I Love the 2015+ Chargers and Challengers. I totally want to get a V6 Challenger and throw in a stroked 512", fuel injected and aluminum head engine matted to a new build Hemi A833 spec transmission (4th is .80 overdrive to hit 200mph, or get 20mpg).

Could easily build a 650hp engine making 550 Average WHP for $6k. Muscle shit is soo fucking cheap.

02-21-2019, 03:57 PM
Let’s make sure we’re talking about the 3S beams and not the 1G. Unfortunately same displacement but two more cylinders and weight on the 1G. Once mine decides to pop I’ll be looking at 1J’s.
no one is talking about a 1G here because they are trash. lol
GTE's higher flowing head
this isnt 100% correct. GEs have better flow on the exhaust size as the valve lift increases.


....also how is no one commenting on the fact that he STILL found a way to get a Mustang in here. I'm actually impressed.
its because it has a 2jz in it. whoever swapped it saved the car. ;)

02-21-2019, 04:12 PM
its because it has a 2jz in it. whoever swapped it saved the car. ;)

It was a V6, and I think he has like onkh $10k in the entire build. Fucker was running 8's as I recall.

02-21-2019, 06:17 PM
This whole page is blasphemy. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I mean I expect it from Corbic.

....also how is no one commenting on the fact that he STILL found a way to get a Mustang in here. I'm actually impressed.

It's my fault. I mentioned "foxbody" and he came running. And that's not a mustang. It's a built 2jzgte with a mustang attached to it.

That's $5k+ in engine and trans.

I have to disagree on all of that.

NA GE is dirt cheap, $250-500 long block out of a SC/GS300. I dont care about the heads as that's been a rumor and argument for years on all thr JZ heads, but thr VVTI head is the way to go.

Turbos and injectors are pretty much a waste on the TT, so you might as well save the coin for some 1000's, manifold and a good single.

Engines look damn near identical. TT and early NA have the same crank and rods and their pistons are made of the same material. Hell they may even be the same cores.

The weak NA rod theory comes from the IS300 who got cheap shitty rods to control cost and help emissions. Toyota's decent into mediocrity began in the mid 90's.

IS300 is a snoozer with what is now a subpar interior. If I'm doing a full powertrain conversion, plenty of cooler cars.

Mustangs look better and have basically and unlimited aftermarket if you are wanting to go fast.

If you just want a 350-400whp Japanese sedan, a G35 or G37 with a vortech seems a lot easier and more practical.

Personally, I Love the 2015+ Chargers and Challengers. I totally want to get a V6 Challenger and throw in a stroked 512", fuel injected and aluminum head engine matted to a new build Hemi A833 spec transmission (4th is .80 overdrive to hit 200mph, or get 20mpg).

Could easily build a 650hp engine making 550 Average WHP for $6k. Muscle shit is soo fucking cheap.

I have said shitty rods so that's why I'd rather just get a GTE.
I need 4 doors for a daily and I hate v6's.

this isnt 100% correct. GEs have better flow on the exhaust size as the valve lift increases.


That's an extremely small increase in flow at max valve lift lol. I know the GE head is very capable especially with some aftermarket cams, but I just hate that damn intake manifold lol.

02-21-2019, 06:46 PM
That's an extremely small increase in flow at max valve lift lol. I know the GE head is very capable especially with some aftermarket cams, but I just hate that damn intake manifold lol.

They make conversion kits to eliminate the crossover, you can also get a aftermarket intake.

If I got a Sedan it would be a k24 swapped 02-03 Subaru or a Charger. But I have two trucks to cover the practical daily driver duty.

02-22-2019, 09:33 AM
That's an extremely small increase in flow at max valve lift lol. I know the GE head is very capable especially with some aftermarket cams, but I just hate that damn intake manifold lol.

correct, but it still flows better. the flow across the board is very similar to the GTE though. combine that with the fact you can buy a long block for under 500 (as corbic has previously stated), is a big drawing point for a lot of people who dont want to drop 8-10k on an aristo swap.

the GTE UIM (upper intake mani) can be mated to the GE LIM with some modification (its been done before). there was a company who protoyped brackets, but im not sure if they were ever made. the bigger problem is usually the ABS module thats in the way of where your new snail is gonna sit.

happy friday you old, grumpy, assholes.

02-22-2019, 12:45 PM
Yup, bolt on intake is $115. Can always Weld one up too. Dizzy is thr biggest Pita, but that's easy to eliminate as well.



02-22-2019, 03:12 PM
Aristo engins are 2-2500. Rebuilding a GE will cost at least that much.

02-22-2019, 05:19 PM
Aristo engins are 2-2500. Rebuilding a GE will cost at least that much.And you'll have a fresh rebuilt motor instead of a junkyard crap shoot.

Also, that rebuilt motor will now have bigger injectors and turbo etc. Like I said, stick GTE shit is like 350whp MAX. So if your going to get injectors and a turbo... Go big and save thr coin.

If all you want is 300whp, well I feel bad for you.

02-28-2019, 12:15 PM
But honestly, who here needs more than 350hp daily...

02-28-2019, 01:09 PM
But honestly, who here needs more than 350hp daily...

every small dick hellcat driver

02-28-2019, 06:48 PM
Yo is anyone still fighting?

02-28-2019, 07:38 PM
What in the FUCK have you guys done with this page? Why is there a mustang in here?
every small dick hellcat driver
not all of us can afford a hellcat :naw:

02-28-2019, 09:13 PM
every small dick hellcat driver


Though for me a 240 hp Honda is plenty.

02-28-2019, 09:26 PM
Yo is anyone still fighting?

V8s are for people who cant build shit! DISCUSS!!!

there yah go!

02-28-2019, 10:26 PM
this is going to get good real quick

02-28-2019, 10:48 PM
V8s are for people who cant build shit! DISCUSS!!!

there yah go!

Before this gets out of hand, are you talking V8’s in general or LS versus let’s say SR/JZ/RB....

02-28-2019, 11:13 PM
I would assume if someone swaps a V8 as an alternative to the engine the car originally came with.

03-01-2019, 08:03 AM
What we should really discuss, is how your junkyard iron block isn't an LS.

Stop calling it an LS it's not. Its LS based. If you own a 240, everybody knows youre already poor anyways.

03-01-2019, 08:47 AM
But honestly, who here needs more than 350hp daily...Anyone without a vigina?

03-01-2019, 08:55 AM
What we should really discuss, is how your junkyard iron block isn't an LS.

Stop calling it an LS it's not. Its LS based. If you own a 240, everybody knows youre already poor anyways.Naw fam. Term LS is now just a generic term for GM III, IV and V gen small blocks.

Saying an LT1 is "LS(1) based" is about as accurate as saying a 327 is "350" based... which is to say, not accurate.

LS1 is a specific Gen III model. Everyone uses the term LS as a generic term since there are just so many various versions over 3 generations of design.

Hell even "5.3 swap" is not super specific since there are a dozen varieties of that engine as well.

Ultimately, you are installing a boost whore that is part of one of the greatest engine families ever...

The only reason it's boring and generic is because of its success and popularity.

03-01-2019, 09:05 AM
V8s are for people who cant build shit! DISCUSS!!!

there yah go!I can not help but think, when people say stupid shit like this... That they have no real experience.

Like "200whp is plenty for thr street" really means "I've never driven a fucking fast car and have no idea what I'm missing out on".

03-01-2019, 11:08 AM
And you'll have a fresh rebuilt motor instead of a junkyard crap shoot.

Also, that rebuilt motor will now have bigger injectors and turbo etc. Like I said, stick GTE shit is like 350whp MAX. So if your going to get injectors and a turbo... Go big and save thr coin.

If all you want is 300whp, well I feel bad for you.

What? lol no, I meant 2500 for just rebuilding the bottom end..and maaaybe you'll be able to rebuild the head with that. Yeah the engine will be fresh, but you still need everything else under the sun to really use those internals.

With a low mileage GTE swap you can get away with basic maintenance before dropping it in. Then just swap out the twins, injectors, ECU, do the exhaust/intercooler. DragINT does these swaps with single turbo conversions in like 4 days lol.

and the typical v8 swap just bore me. A boosted 2J with the same power is just so much more visceral and exciting to drive.

*shots fired*

03-01-2019, 01:47 PM
What? lol no, I meant 2500 for just rebuilding the bottom end..and maaaybe you'll be able to rebuild the head with that. Yeah the engine will be fresh, but you still need everything else under the sun to really use those internals.

With a low mileage GTE swap you can get away with basic maintenance before dropping it in. Then just swap out the twins, injectors, ECU, do the exhaust/intercooler. DragINT does these swaps with single turbo conversions in like 4 days lol.

and the typical v8 swap just bore me. A boosted 2J with the same power is just so much more visceral and exciting to drive.

*shots fired*You continue to compare apples to oranges.

Rebuilding a N/A engine is a few hundred bucks unless your going all aftermarket internals, at which point... Apples meet Oranges.

Pistons, Rods and Crank in an NA are just as strong as a TT.

I'm not going to hate on a boosted straight six, would love to have one. However a gut ripping torque monster V8 is just as fun.

Toss in a PD Blower with that banshee wail and the combo of instant toqure and high rpm pull is intoxicating. I couldn't imaging having a W463 with a diesel or a gutless M104.

My next engine will likely be a stroked Big Block Mopar. Just love that low idle rumble of a big cam V8.

Really, there is no replacement for displacement even if you like 4 cylinders or 6's.

2JZ > RB26 > Rb25 > SR20 > CA18Det

K24 > K20 > B18 > B16 > D16 > D15

So forth.

03-01-2019, 03:36 PM

Do something like this

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-01-2019, 10:50 PM
first post on my new laptop. Got the 256gb MacBook Air while it's on sale at Best Buy for $200 off. First MacBook as well, so far I really enjoy it for the price point ($1199+$249 for applecare+ for 3 years). I have a few weeks to return it should I decide there's a better option out there for me, but I am pretty ecstatic. Feels like a BMW in computer form, lol. I was debating shelling out more $$ for a 16gb RAM model 13" PRO without Touch Bar but 1. not on sale and 2. way out of my budget, I really didn't want to spend more than $1000 and I spent $1550 w tax. Still happy, but hopefully I don't kick myself in the ass in 6 months. I don't do anything too intense, but want something I can grow into and that won't be obsolete in 2 years. I will probably sell it for 40% of purchase value in 3-4 years and roll into another one I guess.

I really want to sell my phone and get an iPhone now to integrate my calendars, clouds, etc. although I've been apprehensive about switching over in the past. I currently have a Galaxy S9+, which I enjoy thoroughly, but idk. Market value seems to be $550-650 for them on craigslist, so I could roll that over and pay for most of an XR...or shell out more and get an XS. Been reading articles comparing the X/XR/XS/XS max and articles comparing them to the Galaxy s9+ but I am basically right where I started. Picking out the laptop was much easier, and the sale sort of solidified my decision. If anyone wants to meet at the coffee shop and talk Apple, I'm super down. We can carpool in my Tesla.

Go n55. N54 really isnt worth the trouble, even when you can DIY. Too many minor issues can cause massive headaches and take a lot of time to fix. N55 feels great stock, makes nice sound, and will be massively more reliable.
Only issue is when it comes to tuning, its a bit more expensive to get more power out of an n55 and you can potentially run into issues with the internals and cast crank. There's also more and more documented cases of rod bearing issues even on stock engines, a la S54/S65/S85.
I love my 135i to death but as a daily it's given me too many issues and taken too much time off the road. e90's are a fantastic chassis, just go n55

I have had 1 335i, it was pretty damn reliable. Only 1 coil pack took a dump on me. Drove it on a 900 mile trip, 8 hours each way, did great. Stage 1 n54 car, 6MT. Had it for 6 months. I've got a handful of clients with n54 cars, I actually have one client with 3 n54 135i. I had one I procured and stored for him that was fully converted to 1m spec, Enkei RS05RR, Air Lift suspension, Revozport hood/diffusers/all sorts of shit, it was epic. Threw tons of codes but pulled hard. It's going under the knife for built motor etc., I can't disclose power goals, but I can disclose power numbers. To make this spicy, I won't disclose either, BUT I will say the power output should be over triple what it makes now :eek::eek::eek::eek: it will be epic if it doesn't blow up. Not sure how the trans will handle it let lone the rest of the damn chassis but we will see.

The answer you seek is K24..... [/IMG]

Did we just become best friends?

....also how is no one commenting on the fact that he STILL found a way to get a Mustang in here. I'm actually impressed.


V8s are for people who cant build shit! DISCUSS!!!

there yah go!

I have an LS1 car, and have had numerous other ones...they're sweet in their own regard, but there are a lot of setups/builds out there that are unimaginative. But that being said there are plenty of whack KA/KA-T cars out there hehehehehehehehehehe

What we should really discuss, is how your junkyard iron block isn't an LS.

Stop calling it an LS it's not. Its LS based. If you own a 240, everybody knows youre already poor anyways.

Issa LS fam

I can not help but think, when people say stupid shit like this... That they have no real experience.

Like "200whp is plenty for thr street" really means "I've never driven a fucking fast car and have no idea what I'm missing out on".

200whp is sweet, 400whp is more fun, 600whp is fun until you crash or everything starts breaking. Less power = more throttle = more fun for me. I mean, when I drive an 800whp car I'm super happy but it also mandates more focus and respect, which makes it more of a chore than a leisurely activity in many circumstances. Power numbers also are secondary to power delivery/gearing/weight/etc. imo. Ideally the perfect S chassis to me makes within 300-400 reliable WHP with a modest amount of torque.

and the typical v8 swap just bore me. A boosted 2J with the same power is just so much more visceral and exciting to drive.

*shots fired*

TBH yes. I think my LS sounds pretty sweet on throttle but many sound boring. Going to Super D really made me butthurt about having an LS1/6 cause everyone's cars sounded so much cooler than even mine, meh.

03-01-2019, 11:21 PM
First post on my new laptop.....

u ok there bud?

03-02-2019, 09:51 AM
u ok there bud?

You're obviously new here

No, I'm far from okay, where do you want me to start?

03-02-2019, 10:28 AM
:ddog: :ddog: :ddog: :ddog: :ddog: :ddog: :ddog: :ddog: :ddog:

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/52935396_10213847589646982_7274723113844080640_n.j pg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=e263b82bce9198c162f457444b7bf6ce&oe=5CDEECB6

03-03-2019, 03:36 PM
IMO LS swaps are lazy, unimaginative, and show that the owner doesn't respect the heritage of the the car they own
An LS in a 240 is just as bad as an LS in a classic muscle car.

03-03-2019, 04:02 PM
IMO LS swaps are lazy, unimaginative, and show that the owner doesn't respect the heritage of the the car they own

An LS in a 240 is just as bad as an LS in a classic muscle car.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯Okay, sure budy.

Cause you know, following the JDM hype train of SR20det, GT28, 550cc, Apexi Commander and TE37s is sooo original and immagivtive.

Some people are not interested in making a fucking art statement and riding the IG Popularity Dick. They just want a bad ass car that's fun to drive.

Same goes for classic muscle cars. LS engines are astronomically better than an old SBC. Hell, they have stroker kidts for LS engines that will pull them out to more cubes then a BBC while being 2-300lbs lighter.

So if you want a reliable classic with a cheap, powerful, excellent performing engine? Yup, LS that crap.

03-03-2019, 09:12 PM
I've helped few of my friends do LS2/T56 swap into S14 and FD chassis, and I have LS1/T56 myself in my current S14 of 12 years owner ship. I've done a lot more engine swaps helping my friends along and recommending them upgrades and what not(JZ/RB/4AGE...what ever popular engine insert here) but I've always kept my engines stock as possible for power figures because I like reliable cars that doesn't break down, and it has proven itself to me to do so. So when I wanted more power, I've looked for engines that just made more power and that was LS1 at the time I purchased the engine back in late 2008(I've been doing LS-V8 swaps since 2008, literally when everyone was still doing SR20DET swaps, yeah so boring and unimaginative I know.)

I've weight a lot of ups and downs of doing a V8 swap, so long that it actually took me 8 years before I started on my own LS swap into my car from the time of the engine purchase, and every bit of it made sense every time I thought about it.

I think most people that hate on the LS swap has never been in or driven one before, nor they have been in anything faster then 12sec car. Because the people that I know that have the LS swap their 90's cars doesn't go on public forum saying they hate different engine, nor do they flaunt about their LS swap cars to everyone they see, they are generally really good minded people.

Most people at some point in their life just want to buy something non-sense once when they have goals. Why not buy something that fulfills your requirement out of the box instead of buying something and modifying it to get it to the power figures you want it to at a cost of reliability? I know for fact really healthy stock SR20DET will dyno at about 175WHP, because I've had a stock SR20DET for years that I beat on without issues, and I also happen to know stock LS1 will dyno at 300~320whp. How much parts do you have to throw at the SR20DET to make it 300whp reliable? at bare minimum injectors($500 ish), turbo($1000+), tune-able Computer(AEM V2, $1200), and tune($500+); by the time you are done, you are more than 3/4 way into doing LS-V8 swap. This would of course be a different story if the 240SX's in USA came with SR20DET from factory, but that's not the case here so don't bring that up in your rebuttal potatomonkey99, if you have one.

Please keep telling me LS-V8 swaps are boring, because if I want 70whp gain, it'll cost me $300 in a cam upgrade and day's worth of work.

03-03-2019, 09:39 PM
I don't mind ls engines. I just don't think they fit the pedigree of s chassis cars. They're dead reliable, make good power, cheap to go fast and honestly a great powerplant. I just personally don't like them in S chassis. Plus I personally hate the way they sound. Unfortunately, that means I only have one option for my build due to my opinion/preferences. VVL Sr here I come. I hope my wallet is ready lol.

03-03-2019, 09:55 PM
I don't mind ls engines. I just don't think they fit the pedigree of s chassis cars. They're dead reliable, make good power, cheap to go fast and honestly a great powerplant. I just personally don't like them in S chassis. Plus I personally hate the way they sound. Unfortunately, that means I only have one option for my build due to my opinion/preferences. VVL Sr here I come. I hope my wallet is ready lol.Just swap a K24 or F22. Thank me later.

Better, cheaper engines with bigger aftermarkets and more readily available parts. Engines are also domestically available and only a few years old.

Doing a SR20VET already means tons of customs work and wiring. The stock SR trans is trash so you'll want a T56, RB/VG or CD009, meaning you'll need an adapter..... So just do the Honda swap.

Whole YouTube series on it now.



03-03-2019, 10:02 PM
This will get some panties bunched up.


03-03-2019, 10:11 PM
im angry now.

03-03-2019, 10:13 PM
Just swap a K24 or F22. Thank me later.

Better, cheaper engines with bigger aftermarkets and more readily available parts. Engines are also domestically available and only a few years old.

Doing a SR20VET already means tons of customs work and wiring. The stock SR trans is trash so you'll want a T56, RB/VG or CD009, meaning you'll need an adapter..... So just do the Honda swap.

Whole YouTube series on it now.

I was about to say very similar response. Honestly there are endless aftermarket support for the Honda-K serise engines that it should be more realistic for most people I think. like Miata folks have it figured out and they have gone past the K motors into doing V6 swaps(check out flyingmiata).

What pedigree are you talking about though? it's not like KA engine was light, SR is not a light engine either with the turbo.

03-03-2019, 11:26 PM
Okay, sure budy.

Cause you know, following the JDM hype train of SR20det, GT28, 550cc, Apexi Commander and TE37s is sooo original and immagivtive.

Some people are not interested in making a fucking art statement and riding the IG Popularity Dick. They just want a bad ass car that's fun to drive.

Same goes for classic muscle cars. LS engines are astronomically better than an old SBC. Hell, they have stroker kidts for LS engines that will pull them out to more cubes then a BBC while being 2-300lbs lighter.

So if you want a reliable classic with a cheap, powerful, excellent performing engine? Yup, LS that crap.

LMAO you're just making assumptions that I'm an IG clout chaser without touching my argument. Its not about the clout or the hype, its about the heritage of the cars and what they where meant to be used for. For the record I'm not a huge fan of SR20's, im more partial to tiny 4 bangers and i6's like the RB or JZ's.

Slapping an LS into an schassis ruins the way the car handles by killing the weight balance. Putting a ton of torque down low on these light cars also basically renders them useless unless you turned your car into a drift slut.

The heritage example applies even more to old muscle. Why bother owning a piece of history if you're just going to chop it up and throw out its soul. if you want a drag car that what 4th gen 'marros, foxbodys, and other POS's are for.

yeah sure LS's make power but imo its pointless to throw them in a car they don't belong in. If you want cheap v8 power, go for modern muscle. Enjoy your crowd killers and boat anchors there.

(oh and LS swaps aren't more cheap or reliable than a comparable sr20, 2j etc)

03-04-2019, 12:20 AM
I think a lot of people dislike LS swaps cause they read it on the internet somewhere lol

I really hate a lot of the new 240 kids. They either want 4x4 status cars that look like AIDS or they are weaboo-types who have narrow mindsets and only want 1jz and sr20 lol.

LS are cool but I think they're just engines like any other and have their pitfalls. I have one in my car because it came in it and I wanted to maintain the "heritage" of the car but this is my last LS swapped car. I'd still buy cars that come with LS from the factory cause I like variety.

Variety. That's what people need to embrace. As I get older I get into tons of vehicles I wouldn't have looked twice at before. Now that I pay attention to them I realize how many cars I've missed out on cause I didn't wanna pay attention to them

P.S. 240sx were marketed towards hair dressers and receptionists so like...have fun preserving that heritage bo

03-04-2019, 12:51 AM
This will get some panties bunched up.

retarded engine swap pix
you SOB! One might not believe, but there's a god up there, and he likes cars, and he knows right mods from wrongs, and he's keeping count, and all of you lousy bastards bastardizing jdm cars with those cheap easy horsepower making v8's are gonna pay!

03-04-2019, 01:34 AM
I think a lot of people dislike LS swaps cause they read it on the internet somewhere lol

I think you got that backwards bud, it's the Instagram clout chasers that drive a clapped out Camry that I see bitching that people WONT swap their cars.
Hating LS swaps is a minority opinion nowadays

I really hate a lot of the new 240 kids. They either want 4x4 status cars that look like AIDS or they are weaboo-types who have narrow mindsets and only want 1jz and sr20 lol.

I'd never even think about sr20 or 2j swapping my car, if that's what you're implying. Also don't know what you mean by 4x4 status. I'm guessing you're talking about those off road 240's if which there are like 3 I've seen.

LS are cool but I think they're just engines like any other and have their pitfalls. I'd still buy cars that come with LS from the factory cause I like variety.

Variety. That's what people need to embrace. As I get older I get into tons of vehicles I wouldn't have looked twice at before. Now that I pay attention to them I realize how many cars I've missed out on cause I didn't wanna pay attention to them

I agree with this, anyone who thinks any engine is infallable is an idiot. Variety is also cool, I love seeing unorthodox swaps like 4g63 or K24. I don't like seeing played out unoriginal 2Jz and LS swaps.

P.S. 240sx were marketed towards hair dressers and receptionists so like...have fun preserving that heritage

So you're boiling the decades of history behind the car in Japan and in the states away to "it was just a hairdressers car lol"? If so why bother stuffing a V8 into it?

03-04-2019, 06:26 AM
LMAO you're just making assumptions that I'm an IG clout chaser without touching my argument. Its not about the clout or the hype, its about the heritage of the cars and what they where meant to be used for.

Same difference. Your worried about image. You know what the 240's heritage is? Being a dirt cheap trash can car with a shit engine that's easy to shove a better engine in.

For the record I'm not a huge fan of SR20's, im more partial to tiny 4 bangers and i6's like the RB or JZ's.

SR20 is a "tinny 4 banger"

Slapping an LS into an schassis ruins the way the car handles by killing the weight balance. Putting a ton of torque down low on these light cars also basically renders them useless unless you turned your car into a drift slut.

You are a fucking idiot. It's only been proven time and time again across the ages that an aluminum block LS engine is retarded light. You sound like thr idiot weeboos on 240sxForums circa 2004 screaming not to do RB Swaps because it adds 100lbs and moves weight in front of the wheels.

Great theory on paper, but utterly wrong in practice. LS1 is going to be lighter than a RB or 2JZ.

As for torque... They do make tires wider than 235. Me thinks you've not driven a fast car before.

The heritage example applies even more to old muscle. Why bother owning a piece of history if you're just going to chop it up and throw out its soul. if you want a drag car that what 4th gen 'marros, foxbodys, and other POS's are for.

Here we go again with the IG bullshit. Not everyone wants to needs a numbers matching original. Plenty just want a bad ass V8 Muscle car. How is dropping a 427ci stroked LS into a 6-banger Nova or a 350 Chevelle "destroying it"..

You do realize the Foxbody is now a classic that people are paying stupid money for, right?


yeah sure LS's make power but imo its pointless to throw them in a car they don't belong in. If you want cheap v8 power, go for modern muscle. Enjoy your crowd killers and boat anchors there.

Once again, all worried about the hype train and no actual experience. The entire point of hot rodding is to be swapping engines and going fast.

(oh and LS swaps aren't more cheap or reliable than a comparable sr20, 2j etc)

Except they are $/HP. By the time you upgrade your SR and transmission, you got LS money. You can buy a complete LS3 swap package for like $8k.


Can you get a 2JZ or SR head next day at your local auto zone?

03-04-2019, 06:38 AM
F you guys.

Leave Honda engines alone.

Especially F-series stuff. An F20/F22 is way pricier than an SR20 you dingleberries.

03-04-2019, 08:16 AM
F you guys.

Leave Honda engines alone.

Especially F-series stuff. An F20/F22 is way pricier than an SR20 you dingleberries.We're talking about a SR20 with a VVL head swap.

Besides, K24's are like $300.

03-04-2019, 08:27 AM
In 1966, Don Yenko was impressed enough with the late model Chevrolet Corvair (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Corvair)'s handling, and decided to apply for SCCA approval of the Corsa model for racing. The sanctioning body approved the cars with back seat removed and upgrades to the Corsa engine increasing horsepower and torque. The 100 1966 Corsas that received certification were all painted white and most had blue striping, and were named "Yenko Stinger".
Yenko continued to modify Corvair (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Corvair) coupes as Stingers for the rest of the car's production run. The last Stinger was a 1969 coupe, after which Corvair production ceased for good at Willow Run (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willow_Run), Michigan. Charlie Doerge wrote a book on the Yenko Stinger and some of Don's escapades in 2011. The book lists many original and subsequent owners, as well as known racing history with much information on all of the cars that were produced. Jay Leno in a video has declared it "the bible for Yenko Stinger owners".
When the Camaro (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camaro) entered the pony car (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pony_car) fray in 1967, Yenko transplanted Chevrolet (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet)'s 427 cubic inch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_inch) (7 L), 425hp (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower) (317 kW) L-72 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_L72) engine (along with other high-performance parts) and created the Yenko Camaro (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yenko_Camaro). The 1967 & 1968 427 Camaros were so popular that, in 1969, Yenko used Chevrolet's Central Office Production Order (COPO) system to have L-72 engines installed into Chevrolet Camaros and Chevelles (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Chevelle).
In 1971 and 1972, Yenko sold the Yenko Stinger Vega. Based on the Chevrolet Vega GT Hatchback, the Stinger Vega included front and rear spoilers and Yenko Stinger side striping and a special COPO engine with alloy-plated forged aluminum pistons. The modified Vega aluminum-block 2.3 inline 4 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inline_4) with a turbocharger (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbocharger) and 155 hp required a 50,000 mile test for EPA certification and Don Yenko backed out in the final hour[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yenko_Chevrolet#cite_note-1), while Chevy did not take the hint on its marketing potential as neither the Yenko-requested higher-compression engine blocks nor factory equipped turbo engines were ever built. The Stinger Vega was offered from Yenko Chevrolet through 1972 without the Turbo installed, but Yenko did offer the Turbo as an aftermarket kit.
The high performance and limited production of all Yenko-modified cars makes them valuable and prized to collectors.

Courtesy Wikipedia...swaps are terrible and worthless lol

03-04-2019, 08:39 AM
Courtesy Wikipedia...swaps are terrible and worthless lol

It's pretty much accepted that John DeLoreon invented the Muscle Car when he swapped a Pontiac 389 into a Lemans/Tempest.

This was the 60's equivalent of dropping a Lexus RC-F V8 into a GT86.

03-04-2019, 08:50 AM
We're talking about a SR20 with a VVL head swap.

Besides, K24's are like $300.

Y'all can have fun with the $300 K24A4, those things suck

And considering a good F20/F22 is going to run you $3-6k, have fun with that.

03-04-2019, 09:13 AM
Y'all can have fun with the $300 K24A4, those things suck

And considering a good F20/F22 is going to run you $3-6k, have fun with that.Boost fixes all problems man.

What's a VVL swap going to run you? Conversion kit alone is $2k and you still need two engines.

K-series is a better designed engine, plain and simple. It's nearly 20 years newer in design, huge aftermarket and huge production surplus of used parts.

5 seconds on eBay an A2 is $500 for a long block and $900 to $1200 complete. These are also engines as little as 5 years old with warranties compared to 25 year old SRs that have been beat to death.

03-04-2019, 10:20 AM
Oh, the K series is superior to every engine Nissan has ever built.

I'm saying stop fcking up our supply.

03-04-2019, 10:20 AM
I love the k series, my neighbor has a built 4 piston 163 crate motor from them and that thing rips! Made like 320 whp N/A. The only reason I'm deciding to do VVL is because the Silvia I own already came with the SR.

In my opinion the k series is the best 4 cylinder motor ever made. Stupid reliable, tons of parts/aftermarket support, and great power.

03-04-2019, 11:19 AM
watching corbic rustle a bunch of jimmies and panties was the highlight of my birthday thus far. thank you corbic.

03-04-2019, 11:27 AM
watching corbic rustle a bunch of jimmies and panties was the highlight of my birthday thus far. thank you corbic.

I'm sorry. That's really quite depressing.


03-04-2019, 12:44 PM
What makes the engine so great? I've driven a K20 and it was fun, but it didn't wake up until 8k rpms. .4L really makes that much of a difference? It revs lower too..

Also, *In before ugly ass k-swapped mustang dragster post*

03-04-2019, 01:11 PM
What makes the engine so great? I've driven a K20 and it was fun, but it didn't wake up until 8k rpms. .4L really makes that much of a difference? It revs lower too..

Also, *In before ugly ass k-swapped mustang dragster post*Really bro?

Some of the best heads in the industry
Forged Crank
Strong Block
Piston Oil Squiters
Timing Chain
Strong rods and pistons
Huge aftermarket
Cheap Longblocks

You'll be making 450-600hp with an appropriate sized turbo at 10-12psi all day long. Unlike an SR you won't be needing head work and cams.

No replacement for displacement. 400cc is an 18% increase in displacement. Guys spend $5k to build 2.2l SR strokers. A K24 is just 100cc less then a RB25 in displacement while being almost 200lbs lighter.

For the money of a 2.2 SR stroker, you could have a 2.7L K-series.

03-04-2019, 02:31 PM
V8s are for people who cant build shit! DISCUSS!!!

there yah go!

easy cheap way out of lacking skills to build an efficient low displacement engine. 100%

03-04-2019, 02:43 PM
easy cheap way out of lacking skills to build an efficient low displacement engine. 100%Please, tell us all about these high skilled engines you've blue print built.

03-04-2019, 02:47 PM
easy cheap way out of lacking skills to build an efficient low displacement engine. 100%https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190304/fadde8ef60a725ba910f48436319b6f7.jpg

03-04-2019, 02:59 PM
Really bro?

Some of the best heads in the industry
Forged Crank
Strong Block
Piston Oil Squiters
Timing Chain
Strong rods and pistons
Huge aftermarket
Cheap Longblocks

You'll be making 450-600hp with an appropriate sized turbo at 10-12psi all day long. Unlike an SR you won't be needing head work and cams.

No replacement for displacement. 400cc is an 18% increase in displacement. Guys spend $5k to build 2.2l SR strokers. A K24 is just 100cc less then a RB25 in displacement while being almost 200lbs lighter.

For the money of a 2.2 SR stroker, you could have a 2.7L K-series.

Ok, the engine has potential. A KA24 also has potential with the right mods. How much is it to swap that in a 240 if you are not a skilled fabricator? Can you run A/C? Will all the gauges work?

I don't think SR's are worth building, but a KA-T with an EFR 7163, E85 and a z32 trans could put down 450-600hp and it's all bolt-on.

03-04-2019, 03:08 PM
I'm sorry. That's really quite depressing.


i am a simple person. it doesn't take much to make me happy. with that being said, i still dont like you.

03-04-2019, 03:13 PM
Please, tell us all about these high skilled engines you've blue print built.

got plenty of Honda K-series, Mitsubishi 4G63 & 4B11's hurting feelings out here that I've built, plenty of 2.6 and 2.8L RB's hurting feelings too. I just don't get much time to work on my own projects lately (which is why I'm selling of my SR20VE to focus on the Skyline). you're welcome to come check out my shop whenever you want. I'll be in Texas soon already got a few builds with deposits to get started on as soon as I get all my equipment there.

a well put together internally stock K20 with boost can be very reliable don't need to get crazy (or even build it). However when people lack common sense and pay attention to details they blame the engine for failing rather than looking at what went wrong and why. (or are too uneducated / experienced to figure out what happened and why). so blame the engine. (i did it in my young days too not going to lie)

then they'll spend money to install a JZ or LS swap because they are damn near impossible to break in stock or bolt on form from the factory and claim it as a "build". Hondas are now doing that with the J series swaps, those engines are damn near bulletproof from factory. I tuned an NSX with a J32A a few weeks ago. internally untouched engine, just a turbo kit and E85. maxed out ID1050's at 19 psi and engine was still asking for more. that's 600+ WHP out of a junkyard engine from an accord.

03-04-2019, 03:35 PM
then they'll spend money to install a JZ or LS swap because they are damn near impossible to break in stock or bolt on form from the factory and claim it as a "build". Hondas are now doing that with the J series swaps, those engines are damn near bulletproof from factory. I tuned an NSX with a J32A a few weeks ago. internally untouched engine, just a turbo kit and E85. maxed out ID1050's at 19 psi and engine was still asking for more. that's 600+ WHP out of a junkyard engine from an accord.

So, is it bad to start with something that has proven record to be reliable? Like I posted on last page, at some point in everyone's life they just want to buy something that works with no special tricks, at least for me it was.

03-04-2019, 03:54 PM
So, is it bad to start with something that has proven record to be reliable? Like I posted on last page, at some point in everyone's life they just want to buy something that works with no special tricks, at least for me it was.

if you're starting off with that then no biggie ( i almost did a 2JZ into my Z32 at one point, until i had it in there and saw no real solution to cooling issues without major chassis re-engineering) it's the people that blow up small engines and blame the engine for the failure rather than what went wrong.

03-04-2019, 04:56 PM
ive seen plenty of JZ swapped z32s. what is your cooling issue.

03-04-2019, 05:53 PM
ive seen plenty of JZ swapped z32s. what is your cooling issue.

can't hot lap them for 25-30 mins straight. not enough room for a proper radiator and fan setup without major chassis modifications. All the ideas I had for a better cooling setup involved turning the Z into a full on Nascar / rear mounted radiator.

Street driving / Highway runs / Drag Racing is no problem. it's road racing that's an issue with them.

03-04-2019, 06:47 PM
a ka-t with an efr 7163, e85 and a z32 trans could put down 450-600hp and it's all bolt-on.

ka is king!

03-04-2019, 10:41 PM
can't hot lap them for 25-30 mins straight. not enough room for a proper radiator and fan setup without major chassis modifications. All the ideas I had for a better cooling setup involved turning the Z into a full on Nascar / rear mounted radiator.

Street driving / Highway runs / Drag Racing is no problem. it's road racing that's an issue with them.

I don't buy it. 600hp is 600hp worth of energy whether its a 4-cyl or 6 or 8. People use the same rad/fan for a 6-cyl as they do an 8-cyl or 4-cyl @ 600-800hp. 'Cars' that see constant duty (boats) high WOT%/time at high power (i.e. Z06 corvettes tracked) always need consideration beyond what the factory supplies(factory Z06 has issues just like anything else), but it has nothing to do with the number of cylinders or engine configuration or space (corvette is tighter than a 240 with a V8). It is more based on the fuel type used, on measures taken to cool the engine. For example water injection allows a limitless EGT reduction. Oil coolers, heat exchangers, its the same scene 240/corvette but the vette is more difficult. So I don't buy anyone saying 240 is impossible or "I couldn't do it with a 240". Nevermind all the creative endeavors somebody who fabricates regularly could pull off without going overboard or getting into a difficult job.

03-04-2019, 11:15 PM
I don't buy it. 600hp is 600hp worth of energy whether its a 4-cyl or 6 or 8. People use the same rad/fan for a 6-cyl as they do an 8-cyl or 4-cyl @ 600-800hp. 'Cars' that see constant duty (boats) high WOT%/time at high power (i.e. Z06 corvettes tracked) always need consideration beyond what the factory supplies(factory Z06 has issues just like anything else), but it has nothing to do with the number of cylinders or engine configuration or space (corvette is tighter than a 240 with a V8). It is more based on the fuel type used, on measures taken to cool the engine. For example water injection allows a limitless EGT reduction. Oil coolers, heat exchangers, its the same scene 240/corvette but the vette is more difficult. So I don't buy anyone saying 240 is impossible or "I couldn't do it with a 240". Nevermind all the creative endeavors somebody who fabricates regularly could pull off without going overboard or getting into a difficult job.

my car is a Z32,

2JZ Crank pulley quite literally sits 1" away from the lower radiator support. and no room to run the same radiator we are using on S13/S14's due to a big height differential.

I can fit a clutch fan on a JZ S14/S13 and have adequate airflow. the nose construction of the Z32 would require re-engineering the entire front end for a V-mount style setup or rear mounted radiator with ducting to have adequate airflow through the radiator. Neither which i was down to do. My SR20 had an RB26 clutch fan with shrouding without cutting a single piece of the chassis up, everything i modified was reversible with bolt in parts. which was my main goal, i didn't want to hack up my car.

also, to add to your argument. While yes it takes the same amount of airflow to make X amount of HP. Iron block holds more heat, and a 6 cylinder block has more mass which means it'll absorb even more heat. so now you'd have the same heat exchanger trying to cool off a bigger mass of heat. you'll eventually overwork the efficiency of that cooler with the cooling demand of the heat source. Cooling off a big 6 cylinder iron block is not the same as cooling off a small 4 cylinder aluminum block or maybe I'm dumb idk.

03-05-2019, 05:57 AM
Y'all gotta learn to ignore Corbic. His stockpile of any-generation-of-Mustang pictures is a clear indication of that. He also types foreign languages like he's a second citizen of our brothers in the world-superpowers-club. Let him tucker himself out and the beast will slumber and leave Zilvia in peace.

LSs aren't lame. SRs aren't lame. K20s aren't lame. It's this shitty polarization to whatever the fuck you're into that's lame.

I always harp on keeping the cars as original as possible. If you car is 100% gorgeous on the outside and original, but has an LS, who really cares? The car appears to be styled with an eye for (my preferred) genre of styling, so who gives a fuck what's powering it, yeah?

LS motors get a bad rep because we always imagine the 'rule' and not the 'exception'. In my opinion (in case anyone out there is still gunning to mount my e-cranium on their mantle) everything begs a closer look. Some guys want a reliable, fun-to-drive, CA-legal motor. I get it. Go for it. It's the 4x4, shopping-cart-angle cars with LS swaps that we all hate.

As a community, we need to focus on what's 'real' and support it. If someone's choice in motor is going to polarize you when everything else they do is cool, you need to think about your values. The only thing we should be rebuking at this point is clout-chasing, platform-exploiting fucks who give no shits about this chassis beyond what it can do for them in terms of dollars or social media traffic.

Identify pandering, and shut it down. We'll all be better off.

03-05-2019, 07:27 AM
^ best post I've read on here in a while.

03-05-2019, 08:21 AM
Agreed. Instead of harping on each other for what engine is in our cars why not just appreciate that we are all here for the same reason. We all find interest in the same platform and at the end of the day who cares what engine it has in it?

03-05-2019, 08:26 AM
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A8X71zyCAAA67Dl.jpgare we making fake cars now?

03-05-2019, 09:43 AM
my car is a Z32,


looks like it fits pretty good to me? i already know you stated you dont want to hack up your car, but i think this could be solved by a tube front (just based off this picture).

seems sort of odd for someone who has a shop, who should have access to simple tools like a welder and bender, doesnt want a tube front on a swap that mixes mfgs. shit like this happens when you put a toyota in a nissan and so forth.

adapt. improvise. overcome. #meme

heres another with a visible rad:

03-05-2019, 09:57 AM

03-05-2019, 10:13 AM
Y'all gotta learn to ignore Corbic. His stockpile of any-generation-of-Mustang pictures is a clear indication of that. He also types foreign languages like he's a second citizen of our brothers in the world-superpowers-club. Let him tucker himself out and the beast will slumber and leave Zilvia in peace.

Naw, I just get tired of the JDM fan boys and thier hype wagon of unorginality. Mustangs seriously trigger ya'll.

This is the old man grumpy thread and I am 35 and grumpy. Having been playing with cars for 20 years I'm just "over it" with so many trends and fads. You eventually begin to see past the hype and realize it's just vapor.

As for spelling and grammar, believe it or not, I'm well spoken and an excellent business writer. I just post from my phone and don't ever proof read. It's a forum and no one takes me serious to begin with.

03-05-2019, 11:29 AM
You eventually begin to see past the hype and realize it's just vapor.

literally. its the damn kids vaping in their subies.

the LS powerplant looks like it fits nicely in there too.

03-05-2019, 01:52 PM
literally. its the damn kids vaping in their subies.

the LS powerplant looks like it fits nicely in there too.

nothing wrong with vaping... keeps me from putting cancer sticks in my mouth!