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Old 04-15-2012, 03:26 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Its funny have they never describe themselves as "liberals".

I can only imagine what he would describe himself as - Independent? Well thats not an ideology. Progressive? That is just another word for Liberal.
*Read this - kingkilburn*

Amen. Its like talking to a brick wall. I actually had a very nice chat today with some fellow conservatives and we came to this conclusion - it is impossible to have an argument or a debate with a liberal. Surprisingly i was not the one who brought the subject up, but it reminded me of all the statements made here about liberals. I think the majority of conservatives or "moderates" agree on this issue. Liberals will always spin things around, they will atrack when cornered, and they will stomp and cry when things dont go their way and they will NEVER, and i mean NEVER admit to being wrong. Yeah i know...... its hard being a man and dealing with everyday life but i would rather die standing than live on my knees.
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Old 04-15-2012, 03:30 PM   #122
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One more thing - i hate your prius.

Haha - i just really felt like saying that.
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Old 04-15-2012, 03:36 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by mantas View Post
...its hard being a man and dealing with everyday life but i would rather die standing than live on my knees.
Well clearly it was the Bush Administrations fault.
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Old 04-15-2012, 04:06 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Well clearly it was the Bush Administrations fault.
Clearly it was. Republicans are always the reason this country is in the gutters. I think we should take example from the socialist nazis or the communist ussr and do away with conservatism and capitalism, Because those other policies worked so well. Where is the ss or the bolsheviks when you need them? Oh wait i forgot again, they just dont exist anymore hahahahhahaha
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Old 04-15-2012, 04:37 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by mantas View Post
Clearly it was. Republicans are always the reason this country is in the gutters. I think we should take example from the socialist nazis or the communist ussr and do away with conservatism and capitalism, Because those other policies worked so well. Where is the ss or the bolsheviks when you need them? Oh wait i forgot again, they just dont exist anymore hahahahhahaha
Republicans are so bad they caused a The Civil War....

The American Civil War (1861–1865), often referred to as The Civil War in the United States, was a civil war fought over the secession of the Confederacy. In response to the election of an anti-slavery Republican as President, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy"); the other 25 states supported the federal government ("the Union"). After four years of warfare, mostly within the Southern states, the Confederacy surrendered and slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. Issues that led to war were partially resolved in the Reconstruction Era that followed, though others remained unresolved.

In the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding slavery beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly advocated nationalism, and in their 1860 platform they denounced threats of disunion as avowals of treason. After a Republican victory, but before the new administration took office on March 4, 1861, seven cotton states declared their secession and joined to form the Confederate States of America. Both the outgoing administration of President James Buchanan and the incoming administration rejected the legality of secession, considering it rebellion. The other eight slave states rejected calls for secession at this point. No country in the world recognized the Confederacy.
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Old 04-15-2012, 04:53 PM   #126
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I'm so tired of this whole liberal VS conservative thing. It's all manufactured by the media, both liberal AND conservative. They're both just as bad as the other.
I honestly think that the media is just trying to further separate Americans. If you take away the social influence, the answers are really quite obvious.
Lets break it down real quick.

Homosexuality- When did you decide to be straight?

Taxes- You make more than I do, who should be taxed more, or less? Or should we be taxed the same?

War- Is our cause just? Should we be spending 3-4 times more on our military than any other country in the world?

Abortion- In the "Land of the Free" is it your right to dictate what a woman can and cannot do? And should we base our decisions on our religion, even though the constitution clearly forbids it?

Religion- Should we allow a Catholic church to be built in Lower Manhattan? Is that answer the same if we're talking about a Muslim church?

Education- Should we force children in Chicago to be taught the same things and take the same tests as children in LA?

Health Care- Should lower class families have access to adequate health care? Are we content with allowing families to go bankrupt due to their medical bills and lack of insurance?

These are pretty simple problems with simple solutions. If we can hold civilized discussions without ulterior motives we will find that adequate compromise can be attained with relative ease.
Leading a country means more than just thinking of your own situation; just because you can afford food does not mean that your neighbor can.

Feel free to take my words out of context and apply them to your favorite institution. It's bound to happen anyway.
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Old 04-15-2012, 05:03 PM   #127
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If my neighbor doesnt have enough to eat he needs to figure it out on his own just like i did. Im not going to support him/her, that should be up to him. What am i the welfare office?
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Old 04-15-2012, 05:18 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
I'm so tired of this whole liberal VS conservative thing. It's all manufactured by the media, both liberal AND conservative. They're both just as bad as the other.
I honestly think that the media is just trying to further separate Americans. If you take away the social influence, the answers are really quite obvious.
Lets break it down real quick.

Homosexuality- When did you decide to be straight?

Taxes- You make more than I do, who should be taxed more, or less? Or should we be taxed the same?

War- Is our cause just? Should we be spending 3-4 times more on our military than any other country in the world?

Abortion- In the "Land of the Free" is it your right to dictate what a woman can and cannot do? And should we base our decisions on our religion, even though the constitution clearly forbids it?

Religion- Should we allow a Catholic church to be built in Lower Manhattan? Is that answer the same if we're talking about a Muslim church?

Education- Should we force children in Chicago to be taught the same things and take the same tests as children in LA?

Health Care- Should lower class families have access to adequate health care? Are we content with allowing families to go bankrupt due to their medical bills and lack of insurance?

These are pretty simple problems with simple solutions. If we can hold civilized discussions without ulterior motives we will find that adequate compromise can be attained with relative ease.
Leading a country means more than just thinking of your own situation; just because you can afford food does not mean that your neighbor can.

Feel free to take my words out of context and apply them to your favorite institution. It's bound to happen anyway.
When I realized I would be gay if I wasn't. In all seriousness how about when I realized it's not natural and it doesn't matter what a foolish human being "thinks" it can do but what it is intended to.

Common sense.

It's just if it stops this Islamic threat to the entire world, unjust in swarming Uganda for oil. Defense is always a priority and should never be taken lightly. There is always someone that wants to harm you. "You" being the country I'd assume.

Should we let baby seals have more rights than Human offspring? *SNIP*.

Muslims are trouble. Radical groups are the reason why we are in the situation we are in. We are fighting them (or were until he let out the 'I BRING THE TROOPS HOME' ploy), but for some reason they get better service than original citizens do.

How about we not teach a liberal agenda and stop teaching 7th graders how to use a condom?

It can not be a mandate. Lower income families are there of their own accord. No one else's.

"Leading a country means more than just thinking of your own situation; just because you can afford food does not mean that your neighbor can."

That's funny because that's exactly what Barry is doing right now. Except he doesn't care about the latter.
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Old 04-15-2012, 05:40 PM   #129
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Ive come to the conclusion that liberalism = pussy (weak). If a country attacks us - we bomb them into the stone age and tell them this is their first and final warning.

If gay people want to screw each other, fine go ahead but dont tell me i have to change my views and teach my children that its ok to be gay.

If women want abortions fine, im totally fine with that unlike some conservatives. But my wife will not have one unless she wants to be aborted from earth herself.

If the rich can get away with paying less taxes im fine with that as long as its legal. There is a good reason those loopholes exist. The rich create jobs, they pay more in taxes than any common individual and they give more money back than most make in a lifetime.

All should be treated equally, so yes everyone takes the same damn test in each state, if you didnt learn, too fucking bad. Go work at mcdonalds.

Healthcare? What am i the welfare office again? If you put junk in your body and dont care about it, why should i come in and bail you out by paying your healthcare bill? I have health insurance and always will. I keep hearing about people not being able to afford it....well stop drinking, smoking, eat less and buy health insurance. Most people are too damn stupid to figure it out - they will buy car insurance before ever considering the fact that they dont have health insurance.

Im doing this reply from my damn phone so excuse my failure to quote. I should have done that to begin with.
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Old 04-15-2012, 06:08 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
Homosexuality- When did you decide to be straight?
Since Homosexuality is no-longer a defined as a mental disorder, and there appears to be no genetic defect link, yes, legally it is a choice. No one forces you to have relations or intercourse with the same sex. I have not issue with gay people however. I also welcome the end of the marriage debate so we can actual focus on real fucking issues and not this knee-jeck distraction crap that politicians love. Gay marriage is inevitable, abortion is here to stay.

As a Mariage issue - mariage as we know it needs to end. The Government needs to get the fuck out of it. No special tax breaks, not legal fees and when you break up, no lawyers. Its between you, your spouse and whatever church/god you worship.

We should then create cohabitation laws and contracts much like you'd find between corporations. Two people agree to share income, housing, and legal rights over each other (medical, inheritance ect) and it's all spelled out in a legal contract. Then when you "break up" and decided to dissolve the contract, it's also spelled out already the terms of such "break up" - who gets what ect. Contracts could even have a written term limit for renegotiation.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
Taxes- You make more than I do, who should be taxed more, or less? Or should we be tax
Flat 25%. Everyone should pay, and no refunds of any type. It's bullshit that someone making $20,000 a year, pays $1,500 in taxes gets $6,500 back because of the choices they made in life (having children), then because they are low income, also receive food stamps, free school, welfare and free healthcare.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
War- Is our cause just? Should we be spending 3-4 times more on our military than any other country in the world?
Yes, we should model our selves after Belgium or Morocco because their situations and ours are identical. We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world. Not only does this make their business our business, it also makes us the lightning rod for all the assholes and dip-shits of the world.
I don't see Chavez bitching about the corruption of Chinese politics, crime in Brazil or the Imperialistic actions of Russia.

Oh yeah -

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
Religion- Should we allow a Catholic church to be built in Lower Manhattan? Is that answer the same if we're talking about a Muslim church?
Christianity is constantly under attack in America. It's cool to hate on them, make fun of them, belittle them and threaten them. It's suddenly a tolerance and discrimination issues when talking about other foreign religions. When dealing with Islamic issues you have to remember people are not talking about what songs they sing at church. The issues is about shifting our cultural foundation from Judah Christian to Islamic. You know, women's rights, hanging gays ect. Read up on Shia law and countries practicing it.

Convicted Homosexuals in Iran.

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Education- Should we force children in Chicago to be taught the same things and take the same tests as children in LA?
States and Community rights. Are people the same in Chicago and LA? Do the kids in Kentucky have the same needs as kids in Boston? Do kids in a rich neighborhood have the same background as kids in a ghetto? So you are advocating taking away parents rights to have a say in what their child is taught?

Personally I think all of schooling should be privatized. We should focus on draining off the water, decrease budgets, not increase them. Children that go to private school continually post higher schools (both Catholic and non-Catholic schools).

Average private school costs $3,500 a year. Average Public school spends $10,000 a year. That shit is fucked up.

Private Schools Cost Less Than You May Think | David Salisbury | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

Fast Facts

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Abortion- In the "Land of the Free" is it your right to dictate what a woman can and cannot do? And should we base our decisions on our religion, even though the constitution clearly forbids it?
As a father why do I have no fetal rights? I see abortion as a responsibility re-set button. Chick gets knocked up, don't want it - flush it. She wants it, keeps it, dad pays child support. As a moral issues, we all deal with God personally when we die. As a society, its one less unwanted child that will grow up a cluster-fuck or in poverty.

Dad should also have a say - he don't want it, he shouldn't have to pay child support - she can't afford it? Well that is why their are pills and abortions.

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Health Care- Should lower class families have access to adequate health care? Are we content with allowing families to go bankrupt due to their medical bills and lack of insurance?
Considering the Gobberment fucks up everything it touches... Medicare and Medicad are fraught with fraud and abuse, Social Security has billions dumped into it every year only to end up in a black hole, the agency that is supposed to keep guns away from the bad-guys (AFT) is actually giving them thousands and well GSA.

What in the world would make you think they won't fuck up National Healthcare? Personally I feel you should buy insurance nationally (not regulated to just within your state) and it should be adjusted so you can go to whatever caregiver you want to use, not just want your insurer puts on a list.

Further more, insurance companies should charge like car companies. Why should a 25 year old, fit young woman pay the same as a 47 year old, chain smoking 420lb man? Why should I forgo insurance until I get HIV and now that I need it, I should expect them to give it to me at the same cost as everyone else?

That is like driving without car insurance, you get in an accident and then call up Progressive - "hey, I wrecked my BMW, can I get collisions for $140 a month cause they said its going to cost $15,000 to fix it".
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Old 04-15-2012, 06:35 PM   #131
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Old 04-15-2012, 08:58 PM   #132
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Corbic, i like your style. Straight to the point! But you have to understand that the libs wont read your reply, theywthey will come up with more questions and diversions. Its almost pointless to discuss anything in this thread. However, i wont let them tire me hahha.
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Old 04-15-2012, 10:40 PM   #133
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^^ For all the bullshit some of u post, how many have u actually served in Afghan or Iraq? ^^ Do you have kids in school? Its easy to post things when you're not going through them! The school system has been [email protected]#[email protected]# since standardize testing and the money that came with it! As a country we spend more on jails than we do on education. We outsourced most of our middle class jobs to third world countries, and people complain about oil prices yet this country only has a few oil refineries. Complain, complain, no solutions!
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Old 04-16-2012, 12:24 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Since Homosexuality is no-longer a defined as a mental disorder, and there appears to be no genetic defect link, yes, legally it is a choice. No one forces you to have relations or intercourse with the same sex. I have not issue with gay people however. I also welcome the end of the marriage debate so we can actual focus on real fucking issues and not this knee-jeck distraction crap that politicians love. Gay marriage is inevitable, abortion is here to stay.
I like how you danced around my question initially, but thank you for not ignoring the underlying issue entirely. I agree, gay marriage needs to just be done with so our country can move onto more pressing matters. And by that I mean we need to allow it and stop discriminating against our fellow man, regardless of whom he chooses to love.

Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
We should then create cohabitation laws and contracts much like you'd find between corporations. Two people agree to share income, housing, and legal rights over each other (medical, inheritance ect) and it's all spelled out in a legal contract. Then when you "break up" and decided to dissolve the contract, it's also spelled out already the terms of such "break up" - who gets what ect. Contracts could even have a written term limit for renegotiation.
We have that, it's called a "prenup".

Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Flat 25%. Everyone should pay, and no refunds of any type. It's bullshit that someone making $20,000 a year, pays $1,500 in taxes gets $6,500 back because of the choices they made in life (having children), then because they are low income, also receive food stamps, free school, welfare and free healthcare.
FDR would disagree.
"To pay for increased government spending, in 1941 FDR proposed that Congress enact an income tax rate of 99.5% on all income over $100,000; when the proposal failed, he issued an executive order imposing an income tax of 100% on income over $25,000"
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And exactly who is receiving free schooling? Are you arguing that public schools in America ought to be torn down? Or are you insinuating that college students on Financial Aid who are required to pay back the money that is on loan to them are getting a free pass?

Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Yes, we should model our selves after Belgium or Morocco because their situations and ours are identical. We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world. Not only does this make their business our business, it also makes us the lightning rod for all the assholes and dip-shits of the world.
I don't see Chavez bitching about the corruption of Chinese politics, crime in Brazil or the Imperialistic actions of Russia.
That is not an answer.
Do we have the right to stage prolonged occupations in nations that have NOT attacked us until after we attacked them?
"We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world."
This does not give America just cause to invade anyone.
You do realize that we aren't defending ourselves, right? We are on the offense. That much is clear.

And I love your ingenious placement of the Trade Centers. Al-Qaeda attacked us, so it MUST make sense to bomb Iraq! And now that we've wrecked Iraq, lets move onto leveling Afghanistan! Hurray! Who should we liberate (kill) next?!
I've got an idea, why don't we free our soldiers from serving without a mission! There is no war, this is an occupation, and when I was a kid I was taught that America did no such thing; we got in, got the job done, and got our men out!

Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Christianity is constantly under attack in America.
No, it is not.
Muslims, sir, are under constant attack. Gays are under constant attack. Hispanics are under constant attack. African Americans are under constant attack. Everyone in America who isn't white or Christian is under constant attack. Christians are not under attack.

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Read up on Shia law and countries practicing it.
I am familiar with them. But that holds no influence in Western society. Your argument is the same as a child who's caught misbehaving and tattles on another child in an effort to make himself look better.

Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
States and Community rights. Are people the same in Chicago and LA? Do the kids in Kentucky have the same needs as kids in Boston? Do kids in a rich neighborhood have the same background as kids in a ghetto? So you are advocating taking away parents rights to have a say in what their child is taught?
That is what I was insinuating. That States and Communities need to have complete control of their child's schooling. It is ridiculous to think that a national curriculum can be implemented successfully. In fact, I believe that the national test scores have decreased significantly since NCLB was passed.

However, privatizing education entirely would be absolutely criminal. Many children come from impoverished families, education is their only ticket to leading a successful and fulfilling life. I can guarantee that if public schools were privatized hundreds of thousands of children would never even learn to read.

Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
As a father why do I have no fetal rights? I see abortion as a responsibility re-set button. Chick gets knocked up, don't want it - flush it. She wants it, keeps it, dad pays child support. As a moral issues, we all deal with God personally when we die. As a society, its one less unwanted child that will grow up a cluster-fuck or in poverty.
Dad should also have a say - he don't want it, he shouldn't have to pay child support - she can't afford it? Well that is why their are pills and abortions.
Sure, men should have that right as well. As the father of an unwanted child you absolutely should have the right to full custody. I won't argue that.
And by the way, women have to pay child support as well. My girlfriend's mom owes her dad THOUSANDS in child support.

Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Considering the Gobberment fucks up everything it touches... Medicare and Medicad are fraught with fraud and abuse, Social Security has billions dumped into it every year only to end up in a black hole, the agency that is supposed to keep guns away from the bad-guys (AFT) is actually giving them thousands and well GSA.

What in the world would make you think they won't fuck up National Healthcare? Personally I feel you should buy insurance nationally (not regulated to just within your state) and it should be adjusted so you can go to whatever caregiver you want to use, not just want your insurer puts on a list.

Further more, insurance companies should charge like car companies. Why should a 25 year old, fit young woman pay the same as a 47 year old, chain smoking 420lb man? Why should I forgo insurance until I get HIV and now that I need it, I should expect them to give it to me at the same cost as everyone else?

That is like driving without car insurance, you get in an accident and then call up Progressive - "hey, I wrecked my BMW, can I get collisions for $140 a month cause they said its going to cost $15,000 to fix it".
Will national health care have its problems? Yes. So then lets make it State run instead. I am on the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). I'm on it for a very good reason: I was diagnosed with Leukemia when I was 19. I had no health care at the time, and thanks to a local lawyer I was put on OHP. In just four days I was over $300,000 in debt. If I hadn't been accepted to the program, I might have well just died at that point. What would be the point of living after that? I would never be able to accomplish any of my dreams, I would literally be a slave; working the rest of my life with no hope for monetary gain. No house, no car, no kids, no wedding, no food.
I have no problem donating a small portion of my paychecks to pay for the health of my country. Don't forget JFK's infamous words: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"
Do you know the biggest difference between Socialist and Capitalist societies?
It's their different ideology.
Capitalists believe in the freedom to make a profit.
Socialists believe in the freedom from want and need.

I don't know why I even respond to these threads. It's not like I'm going to change anyone's mind.
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Old 04-16-2012, 02:55 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by lewisfk View Post
Complain, complain, no solutions!
agreed;THIS^ is so true, regardless of where you stand on politics!

Way too many keyboard activists in this modern world. What is even more hilarious as how many people believe they are the center of the universe. Even when you check out how-to videos on the internet about Perpetual Motion... lots of people keep telling themselves they have the answers, but cannot prove it.

Knowledge is powerful, but only if you benefit by it. Opinions are just opinions. Turn an opinion into a fact then maybe us grown-ups can believe it.

A coach once told us, If the lights are out, fix it, don't go around telling everyone the lights are off.

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Old 04-16-2012, 04:14 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
I like how you danced around my question initially, but thank you for not ignoring the underlying issue entirely. I agree, gay marriage needs to just be done with so our country can move onto more pressing matters. And by that I mean we need to allow it and stop discriminating against our fellow man, regardless of whom he chooses to love.
I didn't dace around anything, you are actually. You never mentioned marriage, you just assumed we would know. I don't see marriage as some sort of inalienable human right and I don't see denying gays the right as discrimination. Why do they need to get married, they won't be having children? Personally I see homosexuality as mother natures way of ensuring a percentage of the population is infertile and keeps birth rates down for population control.

You need to look at the purpose of mariage historically. It was to ensure men, who wanted to have intercorse with women, would then take care of those women and children. It also ensured that the children you took care of and inevitably leave all your world belongings too, where in fact YOUR CHILDREN. This is basic nature and genetic survive. Just like how lions chase off rivals and often kill their "own" cubs when they suspect those cubs might not be theirs.

You are alive today because you come from 10's of thousands of years of clever bastards able to seduce women and raise their offsprings.

Marriage is more-or-less irrelevant today. Single mothers will not starve in the streets, hunt animals and toiling in the fields is no longer what puts food on the table and infant mortality is not in the double digets. No longer will a man start having children at 16, no longer do they need to take on 3 wives in their life times (at some points death at childbirth was 1 in 4) and no longer is it only 1 in 5 children that live to see adulthood.

So why the need for mariage? Why do people who will never bear children need to be married? With longer life spans, contraceptives, abortions and changes in social morals (sex before marriage) no one gives a shit anymore.

Marriage is about as outdated as witch burnings.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
We have that, it's called a "prenup".
You have no idea what a prenup is or its legal limitations.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
FDR would disagree.
"To pay for increased government spending, in 1941 FDR proposed that Congress enact an income tax rate of 99.5% on all income over $100,000; when the proposal failed, he issued an executive order imposing an income tax of 100% on income over $25,000"
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And exactly who is receiving free schooling? Are you arguing that public schools in America ought to be torn down? Or are you insinuating that college students on Financial Aid who are required to pay back the money that is on loan to them are getting a free pass?
Worst argument of all time? Go read "New Deal Raw Deal". FDR was the most corrupt president of all time. He laid the foundation for our fucked up federal government and in fact has been proven to made the depression worst.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
That is not an answer.
Do we have the right to stage prolonged occupations in nations that have NOT attacked us until after we attacked them?
"We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world."
This does not give America just cause to invade anyone.
You do realize that we aren't defending ourselves, right? We are on the offense. That much is clear.

And I love your ingenious placement of the Trade Centers. Al-Qaeda attacked us, so it MUST make sense to bomb Iraq! And now that we've wrecked Iraq, lets move onto leveling Afghanistan! Hurray! Who should we liberate (kill) next?!
I've got an idea, why don't we free our soldiers from serving without a mission! There is no war, this is an occupation, and when I was a kid I was taught that America did no such thing; we got in, got the job done, and got our men out!
Actually it is an answer, and yes, we have the right to declare war on whomever we see fit.
The US Constitution does not extend to other nations, just like their laws do not extend to us. Further more - "The Best Defense is a Strong Offense".

I also love how you over simplify the greater issues. Like "oh, invade and occupy". Yes, because it was a Roman/British occupation where we worked the people to death while extracting all their natural resources. More over, the occupation was the the result of LIBERALs like yourself who feel these people are entitled to the bill of humans rights - you know, equality, women's rights, the right to vote, ect ect. We could have simply killed Sadamn with an assassin, but that is "murder" and thus illegal, so we have to invade and put him on trial.

Once he's dead, we can't just leave the shit hole, we have to help all these people in need... yes...

But regardless, we accomplished our Geopolitical goal - to destabilize the region and ensure that no one country or coalition of nations could interfere with our great global goals.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
Muslims, sir, are under constant attack. Gays are under constant attack. Hispanics are under constant attack. African Americans are under constant attack. Everyone in America who isn't white or Christian is under constant attack. Christians are not under attack.
Clearly you are not looking to have a rational discusion. Go build a Cathedral outside Mecca - see how well that goes over.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
I am familiar with them. But that holds no influence in Western society. Your argument is the same as a child who's caught misbehaving and tattles on another child in an effort to make himself look better.
Clearly you are not familiar with what is going on in the world.

Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
However, privatizing education entirely would be absolutely criminal. Many children come from impoverished families, education is their only ticket to leading a successful and fulfilling life. I can guarantee that if public schools were privatized hundreds of thousands of children would never even learn to read.
Are you fucking stupid? Why would hundreds of thousands of children not learn to read? Last time I checked most inner city Highschool kids CAN'T FUCKING READ.

Most US Highschoolers read on a 5th grad level! Go blue and red birds!!
American High School Students Are Reading Books At 5th-Grade-Appropriate Levels: Report

The rest of your crap is just dribble. If you got Cancer at 19 - why didn't you have health insurance at 18? Remember the story about wrecking the BMW then apply for insurance?

"Insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss."

That is, you buy it before something happens, not after the fact.
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Old 04-16-2012, 05:18 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by mantas View Post
If my neighbor doesnt have enough to eat he needs to figure it out on his own just like i did. Im not going to support him/her, that should be up to him. What am i the welfare office?
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Ive come to the conclusion that liberalism = pussy (weak). If a country attacks us - we bomb them into the stone age and tell them this is their first and final warning.

If gay people want to screw each other, fine go ahead but dont tell me i have to change my views and teach my children that its ok to be gay.

If women want abortions fine, im totally fine with that unlike some conservatives. But my wife will not have one unless she wants to be aborted from earth herself.

If the rich can get away with paying less taxes im fine with that as long as its legal. There is a good reason those loopholes exist. The rich create jobs, they pay more in taxes than any common individual and they give more money back than most make in a lifetime.

All should be treated equally, so yes everyone takes the same damn test in each state, if you didnt learn, too fucking bad. Go work at mcdonalds.

Healthcare? What am i the welfare office again? If you put junk in your body and dont care about it, why should i come in and bail you out by paying your healthcare bill? I have health insurance and always will. I keep hearing about people not being able to afford it....well stop drinking, smoking, eat less and buy health insurance. Most people are too damn stupid to figure it out - they will buy car insurance before ever considering the fact that they dont have health insurance.
Originally Posted by mantas View Post
One more thing - i hate your prius.

Haha - i just really felt like saying that.
Hahahahahah oh man you are the best... Mantas 2012? Lol

But on a side note this man is and has been speaking the truth. The problem is that most ppl in this country have become fucking lazy, this is my problem with modern day libs. To start with they already have the "government to help everyone wipe their asses" mentality and then most of them don't bother to even research what the fuck they are talking about. They hear random tidbits of information on TV or on the radio that is clever and funny or follows some stupid "meme" or hipster cause and they all of a sudden follow it to the T like its the word of god.

Thank you for the new sig by the way
Originally Posted by mantas View Post
One more thing - i hate your prius.
Namaste mother f**ker
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Old 04-16-2012, 05:42 PM   #138
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Someone make me understand...
Why is it wrong when Obama says it, but not when the conservatives' idol did?
Originally Posted by Ignignokt
"Getting it is easy... filling it with illegal substances and sending it across the border is not."
And I write too!
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:02 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
*Mindless banter*
I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I hope you don't reproduce.
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:11 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I hope you don't reproduce.
How dare you discriminate against my beliefs!

Just what we need, more intolerant angry hate mongers.
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:13 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by TougeSR20Kid View Post
Hahahahahah oh man you are the best... Mantas 2012? Lol

But on a side note this man is and has been speaking the truth. The problem is that most ppl in this country have become fucking lazy, this is my problem with modern day libs. To start with they already have the "government to help everyone wipe their asses" mentality and then most of them don't bother to even research what the fuck they are talking about. They hear random tidbits of information on TV or on the radio that is clever and funny or follows some stupid "meme" or hipster cause and they all of a sudden follow it to the T like its the word of god.

Thank you for the new sig by the way
You are welcome for the sig hahaha. Those cars are just.......i don't have the words to expand on the subject.

And you my man are speaking of absolute truth about modern day libs. I'm surrounded by them and they want their asses wiped by the government, they jump on the "band wagon" whenever a new one arrives and they never do their homework. And it's so hard to communicate with them, they are too emotional - LMAO.
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Old 04-16-2012, 06:36 PM   #142
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What a bunch of bullshit this all is. You will find any excuse to justify forcing your ideas on other people. Anyone that doesn't hold your beliefs is obviously an enemy to be demonized. Any information that doesn't fit in your world view is wrong or just doesn't exist.

You see a guy like John Stewart and think he's the most liberal person and despise him. Then you see a real liberal like Bill Maher and have to eat your words. America is full of centrists, liberals respect that for the most part.
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Old 04-16-2012, 08:03 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
How dare you discriminate against my beliefs!

Just what we need, more intolerant angry hate mongers.
You can't be serious.
I didn't curse once in my responses, and I've been advocating tolerance throughout my replies.
Whatever, I don't care if I have offended you.
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Old 04-16-2012, 08:49 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by Phlip View Post

Someone make me understand...
Why is it wrong when Obama says it, but not when the conservative's idol did?
Stop me when I nail it.









At this point Reagan has the same standing as the founding fathers. He is name dropped to make people sound good but none of his words or actions are heeded. It's like conservative Christians have a problem actually listening to their leaders doing as they say and do.
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Old 04-16-2012, 08:59 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by kingkilburn View Post
At this point Reagan has the same standing as the founding fathers. He is name dropped to make people sound good but none of his words or actions are heeded. It's like conservative Christians have a problem actually listening to their leaders doing as they say and do.

they must have fallen asleep on those days of class
Originally Posted by Ignignokt
"Getting it is easy... filling it with illegal substances and sending it across the border is not."
And I write too!
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Old 04-16-2012, 10:09 PM   #146
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Angry Money, Politics, and Water!

Republican Donor Simmons Seeks Rule to Fill Texas Dump - Bloomberg

If this article doesn't concern you about private money in politics than something is wrong with you! How can one man, with the will of his dollars! Get the right to put a nuclear waste dump over an underground aquifer? This water source is the only means of drinkable water for 200k plus people! Thats one great glass of privatizing!

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Old 04-16-2012, 10:12 PM   #147
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Since none of us can read and need to make our points with pictures, here are a few for you.....ImageUploadedByTapatalk1334635951.806275.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1334635959.095387.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1334635966.743830.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1334635972.956370.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1334635982.768812.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1334635988.542003.jpg

Have no clue why some are duplicates phone is tripping out again.
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Old 04-16-2012, 11:02 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by mantas View Post
Since none of us can read and need to make our points with pictures, here are a few for you.....Attachment 36551Attachment 36552Attachment 36553Attachment 36554Attachment 36555Attachment 36556

Have no clue why some are duplicates phone is tripping out again.
This is what I was talking about when I said that I'm sick of the Liberal Vs. Conservative war.
Is it not obvious that these labels are all manufactured in an effort to divide us? Politicians are politicians, they have no party loyalty. If Romney is elected, his first term will look nearly identical to Obama's.
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Old 04-17-2012, 03:01 AM   #149
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I can't form my own argument so I'll just go with what 4CHAN said.

Sounds totally credible in an intelligent debate right?
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Old 04-17-2012, 04:21 AM   #150
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Originally Posted by slowvia View Post
You can't be serious.
I didn't curse once in my responses, and I've been advocating tolerance throughout my replies.
Whatever, I don't care if I have offended you.
Tolerance for your beliefs and not others.,.
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