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TougeSR20Kid 04-01-2012 08:48 AM

Republican Party candidate?
As much as I would love it to be my man Ron Paul it won't... With that being said what are ur guys' thoughts on who's gonna be the next republican candidate? What are ur thoughts on their ideas, beliefs, policies, track records, etc. And finally how do you think either candidate stacks up against Obama?

I already have my own opinions on it, was just curious about what you guys think... First and foremost I believe that the problem with Washington is that it's filled with politicians, ppl who are more focused on getting re-elected than fixing the fucking problems of this country. It's almost like monkeys in suits would be better qualified for the jobs. Personally I feel that in this election, as with the past three elections, it seems like ur just picking the least WORST person for the job. And I definitely feel like its time for a THREE PARTY system.

T chop 04-01-2012 10:57 AM

It will be Obama for another 4 years, Clinton for 8 after that.

Mrpopo 04-01-2012 11:00 AM

Obama for another 3 years then the financial system will collapse and he will declare himself "dear leader" forever. Lol

But I'm sure Romney will lose against him in November.

T chop 04-01-2012 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4610297)
Obama for another 3 years then the financial system will collapse and he will declare himself "dear leader" forever. Lol

But I'm sure Romney will lose against him in November.

Ya because the economy was perfect when Obama took over.

Extreme conservatives like Santorum make a joke out of the republican party.

Mrpopo 04-01-2012 11:07 AM

It was getting bad and then Barack totally fu**ed it up

mantas 04-01-2012 11:36 AM

Barrack Hussein Obamasama fucked it up and im sure he will go another term before we get any kind of change. I mean look at whats happening to this nation, we are discussing politics on a car forum! Hahahaha

TheWolf 04-01-2012 01:08 PM

record numbers of republicans will go out to the polls... and then drive on bye to work..

it would take a lot to get excited about mitt romney

TougeSR20Kid 04-01-2012 01:58 PM

Yeah I mean in reality Obama will prob get a second term, that is unless enough people get pissed off about the political bullshit and vote for Ronny P... I am a registered republican and I really am not a fan of Romney, prob wont vote for him, wasn't much of a super huge fan of McCain but still voted for him cus I didn't buy into Obamas bs and didn't think he was fit for president with only 3 years of senate experience under his belt, wasn't a super huge fan of G.W. either but oh well... Sometimes I wish we could have that adulterous Billiam back

upsdude 04-01-2012 03:37 PM

i'm more of an independant...but damn if the republicans didn't make themselves look like idiots this year. every week another debate. and the candidates themselves? no thank you. looks like we're going to be stuck with another term of obama...yipee :(

axiomatik 04-04-2012 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4610309)
It was getting bad and then Barack totally fu**ed it up

The economy had already imploded before Obama was even elected. Remember TARP? The $700 Billion fund hastily authorized to prevent the destruction of the entire banking industry? It was signed into law on Oct 3, 2008, a month before Obama was even elected. People were already fearing another Great Depression by the time TARP was enacted.

The only thing Obama (or any president at that point) could do is try to manage the aftershocks of the banking failure.

Mrpopo 04-04-2012 02:31 PM

Yeah by passing a stimulus plan that made the new deal look like my kids piggy bank. Oh and that was shovel ready right? Oh that's right he was supposed to cut the deficit in half. Defending Obama is like saying you like taking it in the butt but you're not gay.

Garber 04-04-2012 02:34 PM

Romney will fail terribly against obama. so will santorum.

Ron Paul is the only one that stands a chance when it comes down to it.

he is also the only one that would make a difference.

Mrpopo 04-04-2012 02:36 PM

If rp stood a chance he would be winning some states. Unfortunately it's gonna be Romney

Matej 04-04-2012 05:04 PM

The republican candidate choices for this term are so weak and unappealing that I am sure Obama will just end up getting a second term, so this entire year-long pre-election charade is just another giant waste of money, time, and effort that could be better spent elsewhere.

shinhed 04-04-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4610309)
It was getting bad and then Barack totally fu**ed it up

How can some of you continue to say,"Obama made it worse..." when all signs point to the opposite? Where are your facts? Stop re-using talking point from yer' uncle Bubba.

Anyway, there is no viable Republican canidate to challenge Obama.

fliprayzin240sx 04-04-2012 05:43 PM

If RP makes it as a Primary, I'd vote for him. Unfortunately, he wont make it. Maybe in another 4 yrs, specially if Obama gets re-elected. Romney is too pro big business...I'd never vote for somebody who made money the way he does.

Mrpopo 04-04-2012 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by shinhed (Post 4616818)
How can some of you continue to say,"Obama made it worse..." when all signs point to the opposite? Where are your facts? Stop re-using talking point from yer' uncle Bubba.

Anyway, there is no viable Republican canidate to challenge Obama.

Watch the news. Any channel, any time of day, and you'll see some facts. Signs don't mean crap. It's the deficit, unemployment numbers, and things like that. Obama is in over his head. He has no clue what he's doing. Also bush was a financial socialist so don't even try the bush talk. Obama is just taking what Clinton and bush did to the next level. We are the next Greece.

shinhed 04-04-2012 07:00 PM

I don't watch my news on the tele, I research my own, subscribe to many supposed non-partisan podcasts, and I read.

When bush left office, unemployment was at +10million but, now we're +8million and these numbers are continuing to trend downward.

The deficit? Obama has lowered, not increased, the deficit. The biggest driving factors for our national debt, are from policies of the previous administration, NOT new spending under Obama.

These are facts, and not of the Fox "News" type.

Mrpopo 04-04-2012 08:45 PM

All of your statements are false. If your in Austria then who cares what you think. Podcast? What a joke. Unemployment is 8.8 right now and real unemployment is at 15.7% When bush left office unemployment was 4.9% Go to the us debt clock and look at the deficit. It's up 3 trillion since Barry took office. He is laughable as a president and he had no previous experience running anything. You won't hear that on fox or anywhere else. It's all on the actual cbo website and the debt clock website.

Phlip 04-04-2012 09:44 PM


lflkajfj12123 04-04-2012 11:20 PM

^ Oh I get it... it's supposed to be Irony.cc

axiomatik 04-05-2012 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4616510)
Yeah by passing a stimulus plan that made the new deal look like my kids piggy bank. Oh and that was shovel ready right? Oh that's right he was supposed to cut the deficit in half. Defending Obama is like saying you like taking it in the butt but you're not gay.

lol. The Stimulus bill was $787 billion. Of that amount, 37% of it was tax cuts ($288 billion). Actual spending on 'shovel-ready' projects was only $357 billion spread over 2 years. That represents only 1.22% of GDP over 2009 and 2010. New Deal spending was 6-7% of GDP or more. Spending during WWII hit 40% of GDP. In other words, Stimulus Bill spending was just a fraction of the New Deal. The stimulus spending also only lasted 2 years, while New Deal projects lasted a decade.


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4617176)
All of your statements are false. If your in Austria then who cares what you think. Podcast? What a joke. Unemployment is 8.8 right now and real unemployment is at 15.7% When bush left office unemployment was 4.9% Go to the us debt clock and look at the deficit. It's up 3 trillion since Barry took office. He is laughable as a president and he had no previous experience running anything. You won't hear that on fox or anywhere else. It's all on the actual cbo website and the debt clock website.

Actually, when Bush left office, the unemployment rate was already 7.8% (Source).


Let's take a look at job losses per month during the recession and recovery:


When did job losses peak? Oh, hey, look at that, they peaked in January 2009. And when did Obama take office, oh, that's right, at the end of January 2009. Yep, it sure looks like he made it a lot worse.

Reality: The economy was already way over the cliff when Obama took office.

LongGrain 04-05-2012 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4616897)
Watch the news.

If you had any credibility up to this point, you just lost it all.

However, I am glad to see that there are some reasonable people posting in this thread.

Mrpopo 04-05-2012 04:45 PM

We will see if you guys are still banging the Obama drum after a second term. Dude is an idiot. I don't have all kinds of stats for you guys but all you have to do is check around. The guy bows to Saudi kings and countless other stupid things. The question is are you better off today than you were when he took office? I'm not and I don't know anyone else that is either.

I'm pretty sure the "numbers and facts" can be spun all kinds of ways. One place says good while another says bad.

And I never said I supported Bush. Obama is just another Bush. Trying to spend us into oblivion. You can't spend your way out of debt.

axiomatik 04-06-2012 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4618766)
I don't have all kinds of stats for you guys but all you have to do is check around.

So, in other words, all you have is unfounded opinions with no basis in reality?


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4618766)
The guy bows to Saudi kings and countless other stupid things.

Is that better or worse than kissing and holding hands?

(commentary on top of the video is stupid, but it's the first one I found from a quick youtube search)


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4618766)
The question is are you better off today than you were when he took office?

Yes, I am. Is the economy better than when Obama took office? Yes, it is. Do I attribute it all to Obama? No. The economy is like a huge tanker. The President, and the policies proposed by the President, do not steer the tanker, they can only nudge the economy in one direction or another.


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4618766)
And I never said I supported Bush. Obama is just another Bush. Trying to spend us into oblivion. You can't spend your way out of debt.

If you are concerned about the debt, what will Romney or Santorum do to reduce the debt? The reality is that the Republican Party is only concerned about debt when a Democrat is in office. The only thing they really care about is cutting taxes, especially for the rich. If they were really concerned about cutting the debt, they wouldn't keep demanding that the Bush Tax Cuts be extended year after year. They were supposed to expire 2 years ago, but the Republican Party holds the budget ransom and demands that they be extended.

Mrpopo 04-06-2012 09:47 AM

All I hear and read is the dumb and hippocratic things that he does and says. I don't go around collecting these facts and remembering numbers. Obama sucks, Bush sucked, and so will Romney. I know I won't vote for Barry again

Daniel. 04-06-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4620069)
All I hear and read is the dumb and hippocratic things that he does and says. I don't go around collecting these facts and remembering numbers. Obama sucks, Bush sucked, and so will Romney. I know I won't vote for Barry again

You should run for president. You sound like you know exactly what we should do to turn this country around.


Mrpopo 04-06-2012 11:50 AM

And you do? I know our president has no respect for the constitution or the other branches. He wants to be king that makes him unfit. Same as bush, just doing what he wants and accepting no blame for anything.

hockeyrules 04-06-2012 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4620264)
And you do? I know our president has no respect for the constitution or the other branches. He wants to be king that makes him unfit. Same as bush, just doing what he wants and accepting no blame for anything.

Not trying to get into a politcal debate at all, but its honestly people like you thats the problem. You are so closed minded and hate Obama that how could he get anything done?

Please read this: Nytimes

You watch the news which are all so politically biased its ridiculous, please do some actual research like what has been provided above.

Phlip 04-06-2012 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mrpopo (Post 4620264)
And you do? I know our president has no respect for the constitution or the other branches. He wants to be king that makes him unfit. Same as bush, just doing what he wants and accepting no blame for anything.

See, now you’re just repeating things you’ve heard people smarter than yourself saying, you thought it’d be cool to keep in the memory banks and now you repeat them. I do not think you understand what you’re saying. Speaking to get a rise or response out of people, and that makes you a troll until you prove otherwise.
Notice how axiomatik had a rebuttal and brought his opinion equipped with quotable numbers and links to sources? Yeah, you’re not doing it right.

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