View Full Version : sr20det experts!!! need help with power steering!

02-19-2013, 07:57 AM
my car is 91 240sx fast back with ka that has the nasty hicas
i swaped to sr20det redtop ........ with hicas!!!

During the swap process we installed the ka hicas power steering pump since the piping were direct bolton , i was told , and blocked the rear hole since i cancelled the hicas system

now my steering feels ok but not the way i wanted it to be ( ex 350z owner )

my question is how to improve the power steering?

- should i get a 240sx non hicas power steering pump, from which model? to bolt on directly to my hicas redtop?
- should i get a smaller pulley , will that help?

attached is a my hicas redtop power sterring pump

any help would be great , thanks

02-22-2013, 09:38 AM
hicas delete kit for the rear. regular sr power steering pump bracket, non hicas sr/ka pump. solid steering linkage bushing. boom

02-22-2013, 10:20 AM
You cant just block the rear pump, you have to dissasemble the rear portion and take out the metal plates that pump the fluid.

I'm running a hicas pump on my non hicas car and it works perfectly.