Well i jus bought a 240 yesterday, its a 93 with about 68k miles. I picked it up from Irvine and drove it home to Riverside, bout an hour away and had a friend tail me. Well im almost home and he gets next to me to tell me that my rear tail lights are out, so we pull over to check it out and we here a violent rattle. We are almost home so i decide to jus drive home and figure it out when we get there. I get home and proceed to take off the valve cover and first check for any snapped valves and nothin. Then i take a closer look and i notice the upper metal chain tensioner or guide(not sure what its called) was sitting on top of the chain, to my suprise it had jus snapped cleanly rite off. So to make sure it was that causing the noise I put the valve cover back on and start the car and sure enough the noise had disappeared. Now i have no idea why that had happened, all i know is that when i drove the car it wasnt making that noise, so it had to of happened on the freeway. What i would like to know is what all should be replaced, jus the tensioner or guide, or the chain also? I did a search on this but i didnt read anything about the tensioner snapping. Info on this would be great ly appreciated. THX
(Edited by burnsmonkey at 9:18 am on Feb. 24, 2002)