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S Chassis Technical discussion related to the S Chassis such as the S12, S13, S14, and S15.

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Old 02-19-2010, 10:44 AM   #1
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car wont shut off, as of today wont crank

alright zilvia, i have one for you. I for the most part try to figue out my issues myself due to #1 like to figure stuff out on my own and #2 dont want to get the bash treatment. So i search my ass off prior to asking anything.

Anyways here is my problem. My car has been running perfectly fine for months (s14 w/ s14 sr swap). just this past weekend when i got off work, i got in my car to go home, my car wouldnt start. Got a hammer and started tapping on my starter, started right up. I get home and later on that evening i have to move my car so my wife could go to work. Again car won't start. I pushed the car onto the side of the road so wife could leave. Next morning i go and do some inspecting, my ENG fuse is blown in the fuse box next to the battery and my ground wire came off of my starter, i attached the ground wire replaced the fuse and. car started right up so i pulled it into my driveway, little did i know it did not want to shut off. when i pulled it into the driveway car threw a code 11-CAS, but i reset the ecu to see if it would do it again...nothing, just a solid 55 now. I've been putting up with that for a week now. I did replace the ignition switch still same issue. Now today i was headed to get my car tuned i filled up my tank and my car wouldnt start when i was ready to go. about 15 min at the pump i got the car started drove to walmart to see my wife and let her know i was headed for a tune. Back to my car it wouldnt start again. I checked all of the fuses nothing is bad. after i unplugged my ignitor and plugged it back in car started up, i turned it off to see if anything, wouldnt start again. got it started again and just brought it home. now it wont crank up. so if you guys can throw in some input so i can check every possible solution that would be fantastic. Problems again so you dont have to read my story. I have been searching all week and am still in the process now as im writing this so please dont think im kicked back waiting for answers.

-car stays running with key out of ignition in off position/dash lighst stay on (i.e. seatbelt, eng, door ajar) radio goes off. for some reason engine is still getting fuel

-items replaced, fuses & ignition switch
-car wont crank up (possible ignitor?) starter wont click either maybe starter issue? CAS? also i just read that if the Crank Angle Sensor is faulty, i wont permit the starter to engage? anyone know of this?

I'm sorry for the story all but thought i should be as detailed as possible.

Last edited by paraplegic; 02-19-2010 at 11:26 AM..
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Old 02-20-2010, 01:07 PM   #2
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my car wouldnt shut off for the longest time also. i was messing with some stuff and blew the EFI fuse, replaced it, drove it home and after that it wouldnt shut off . i swapped a computer with another one i had luckly laying around. started right up and shuts off everytime. i never cracked open the ECU to see if anything was abnormal. i have a s14 chassis with s13 black top. and at one point my car wouldnt restart after it got hot, i had a bad coolant temp sensor. hope this helps a little bit. im havin car problems now too, sputtering under boost after i installed a isis intake manifold. wtf right? aha goodluck.
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Old 02-22-2010, 11:07 AM   #3
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thanks for the reply. Theres a diode or something in my ECU i think might be fried, comparing it to the one RIGHT next to it, it looks kinda crispy.

Okay got the car running, had to jump the ign. relay. Don't know why it's acting up, even after buying a new one doesn't want to power the starter. Getting power to the relay, but it won't transfer over. Anyways i'm beginning to think my "won't shut off" issue is my ECU. I even had a ex mechanic look at it and still nothing, he's stumped as I am. So if anyone knows anyone with a WORKING red tag WC ECU for s14 sr20det I'm looking to buying.

When I shut my car off, the black w/ redstripe wire remains hot wire that connects to electrical part of ignition (only gets power when vehicle is turned to "on", won't de-energize when off) checked all relays, all of them are good. Pulled the ECU relay, kills the car after it's already off, so something is still feeding power to the ECU/fuel. Wiring issue would be kinda weird now, been running great for the past few months starting to not turn off a week ago. Been seeing that a few people had to replace their ECU to correct this. Again I get power to the relay, just won't switch the power over to where it powers the starter. New relay didn't change anything. Jumping the relay worked perfectly fine. Also my clutch switch is jumped too, car was once a auto converted to manual. So car can start without the clutch being depressed.
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