well, it rained like cats and dogs tonight, and so my friend and i decided to go look for a spot to screw around. we searched for about an hour, pulled some donuts in business parks, and while stopping for gas, i realized i remembered a little lot in UCSD with "drift" written all over it. anyway, we roll out there, and i just layed it out. must have pulled 10 e-brake slides, a couple of hail mary's, and a few sideways drifts. hehe. it was a hoot. and we got out just as the campus police was turning into the road. i guess luck was on our sides.
p.s. i don't support or oppose drifting. if you wanna do it, find a big ass empty parking lot. and by big, i mean lots of space, cause hitting a curb at 20 mph will f- u over. oh yeah, its good to have multiple exits if the cops show up. have fun.