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10-09-2015, 10:36 PM
Voting for Donald?

In support of Mr. Trump?


Why/Why not?


10-10-2015, 01:00 AM
I don't trust him to not have hidden agendas. He is for himself above all else. His views have all.flip flopped the last few years to fit the majority.

The main one being his view on the 2nd amendment. Not trust worthy, not getting my vote unless he's going up against Hilary or sanders

10-10-2015, 01:43 AM
Gets my vote cause I like his no fuck attitude and ability to make money

10-10-2015, 03:54 PM
Gets my vote cause I like his no fuck attitude and ability to make money at the expense of the middle class.

Fixed that for ya. Bernie Sanders in 2016.

10-10-2015, 05:22 PM
Fixed that for ya. Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Bernie 2016!



10-12-2015, 09:39 AM
Getting the Latino vote.



10-12-2015, 09:41 AM

10-13-2015, 01:42 AM

One reason is that he has a damn good sense of humor, and uses it.


10-17-2015, 07:46 PM
I'm not voting for Trump because he has no idea what he's doing.

Where are his positions on things other than tax reform, Second Amendment rights and immigration reform? How is Trump planning on fixing the massive pay gap for SS?

Why are his positions on Second Amendment rights so federal-forward with little regard for states' rights? Why are most of his ideas?

Why is he so wrong about immigrants to the States? They're statistically LESS THAN HALF as likely as those born here to commit crime.

Why is he in favor of raising tariffs to reform immigration? Is this 1930s America? Will he build sweet-ass dams too?

Don't triple ICE officers- just reassign. Why the holy fuck do I have to drive through immigration checkpoints in Temecula, CA and just south of San Juan Capistrano, CA- both approximately 70 miles from the border?

He's advocated the nuking of North Korea and further sanctions/use of force on Iran.

On the plus side, he was against the war in Iraq and thinks McCain is not a hero.

There is nobody who will win who will take this country where it needs to go. We seem to be gaining momentum toward failure.

10-18-2015, 09:54 AM
Feeeel the bern

10-18-2015, 09:47 PM
can this be a serious thread about the race?

or just zar trolling lol

anyway. rand paul is who im supporting. someone debate me lol

10-19-2015, 08:09 AM
Sure why not, id love to see the world burn

10-19-2015, 09:27 AM
i don't see how trump running for president is any different from kim kardashian running for president.

10-20-2015, 11:04 AM
can this be a serious thread about the race?

or just zar trolling lol

anyway. rand paul is who im supporting. someone debate me lol

Will RP make prostitution legal; why or why not?
How does he justify his position.

Gold Coast S14
10-20-2015, 07:24 PM
Damn, look at Zilvia getting all political... Trump, not gonna get my support. Unless he lifts the 25 Year rule on importing cars. Anyone that does that? I'll support till the end.

10-20-2015, 09:21 PM
Unless he lifts the 25 Year rule on importing cars. Anyone that does that? I'll support till the end.

Someone hit up Trump

10-21-2015, 04:01 PM
Screw Trump and and his Birther crap. Rail against Obama for 7 years on that shit & not a word said to Canadian born, 'Lets Shut the Govt Down' Ted Cruz. The fact that this guy is gaining any support is really scary. Vote for the candidate with the best record of public service, guys... Don't just pick the richest guy running.

10-21-2015, 04:05 PM

point exactly

10-21-2015, 04:09 PM
There's already a huge fucking wall all the way across AZ, hell I can see it from my house with binoculars if I climb up on the roof.

10-21-2015, 04:11 PM
Building a wall worked so well in Berlin/Israel/Attack on Titan/Pacific Rim/etc. Why not? #facepalm.

10-24-2015, 12:36 PM
No.... Because


10-24-2015, 01:39 PM
Building a wall worked so well in Berlin/Israel/Attack on Titan/Pacific Rim/etc. Why not? #facepalm.
The Berlin Wall and the Great Wall of China are tourism cash cows, so they work better than ever.

10-24-2015, 02:06 PM
What a great time to be a first time voter. On one hand we have liberal extrimist, two mummies threatening with taking away our guns and promising us free everything. Yeah, right.... On the other hand we have conservative extrimists, who are promising to take citizenship away from kids born in the US to immigrant parents, and to keep immigrants as long as they do field work only, oh boy. Only candidate i ever consider was webb, and now he's out.
Watch out all of you of hispanic heritage voting for trump. Once in office and after finding out that you are the son of the son of the son of an immigrant, he'll be kicking you out xD
What a joke

10-24-2015, 08:10 PM

10-24-2015, 08:15 PM
i'm disturbed by the fact that a third of those who have voted in this thread would actually vote for trump. ballots don't understand sarcasm guys, come on.

10-25-2015, 09:37 AM
The Berlin Wall and the Great Wall of China are tourism cash cows, so they work better than ever.

Walls. Great for tourism. Terrible for keeping people out.

Watch out all of you of hispanic heritage voting for trump. Once in office and after finding out that you are the son of the son of the son of an immigrant, he'll be kicking you out xD
What a joke

Right?! Trump himself is the grandson of immigrants! Dude is a dispicable hypocrite. What his agenda is really saying is that he doesn't have a problem with immigrants unless you're brown. If you're brown, GTFO of town.

10-26-2015, 10:23 PM
trump is a racist, hypocritical, misogynistic liar, who claims to be successful, but his father gifted him a million dollars when he was 20 for him to start buying and selling real estate.

His grandparents were immigrants, yet he rails against immigrants, he had bankrupted his businesses and exploited loopholes in the tax laws, how anyone can consider him to be a viable candidate is beyond me.

10-26-2015, 10:23 PM
trump is a racist, hypocritical, misogynistic liar, who claims to be successful, but his father gifted him a million dollars when he was 20 for him to start buying and selling real estate.

His grandparents were immigrants, yet he rails against immigrants, he had bankrupted his businesses and exploited loopholes in the tax laws, how anyone can consider him to be a viable candidate is beyond me.

10-26-2015, 11:01 PM
You can't even say that you dont want other country's people overfilling your country without being called racist nowadays. Act like the country and taxpayer money is a free for all or something.

Sounds like a bunch of Hillary voters in here...

10-26-2015, 11:33 PM
Trump is the only one that will enforce some serious change. Now, he could possibly drive the country to the ground or he can turn it around into a prosperous nation again, flip a coin... it's kinda exciting...

However, if you want Obama v2.0 with more of your rights slowly and methodically taken away vote for Hillary / Sanders / insert puppet name here.

10-27-2015, 05:54 AM
Trump is the only one that will enforce some serious change. Now, he could possibly drive the country to the ground or he can turn it around into a prosperous nation again, flip a coin... it's kinda exciting...

However, if you want Obama v2.0 with more of your rights slowly and methodically taken away vote for Hillary / Sanders / insert puppet name here.

Thank God someone said it.

I'd rather put the country into Trump's untested political hands than into the hands of someone that's already proven themselves unworthy of the presidency.

10-27-2015, 06:25 AM

10-29-2015, 09:07 AM
trump is a racist, hypocritical, misogynistic liar, who claims to be successful, but his father gifted him a million dollars when he was 20 for him to start buying and selling real estate.

His grandparents were immigrants, yet he rails against immigrants, he had bankrupted his businesses and exploited loopholes in the tax laws, how anyone can consider him to be a viable candidate is beyond me.

More or less how I feel about him. A lot of people like his brashness and the image he would take on anyone/anything, but I think it makes him look immature and unprofessional.

10-29-2015, 10:45 AM
You can't even say that you dont want other country's people overfilling your country without being called racist nowadays. Act like the country and taxpayer money is a free for all or something.

Sounds like a bunch of Hillary voters in here...

http://f.tqn.com/y/politicalhumor/1/S/9/6/5/stop-illegal-immigration.jpg Why does Trump demonize only certain groups of immigrants? We know that Mexicans aren't the only ppl coming here. We have tons of Europeans & Asians coming here as well. But Trump wants to deport all of the brown ppl rather than presenting a path to citizenship like other ethnicities have access to. It's a double standard, its easy to see through and it's bullshit. Give them a road to citizenship and make them taxpayers as well. Deporting them and losing the money they spend would damage our economy so damn bad.

10-29-2015, 12:21 PM
People neglect the fact that "brown" people do pay into our tax base, with no chance of ever receiving anything in return for their contribution.

Furthermore, the "stealing our jobs" claim is bullshit. I have yet to meet a single person who looks forward to a career of picking strawberries or lettuce in the Santa Maria sun for 12+ hrs a day.

I'm quite liberal, and I think Clinton is a fucking snake. I hope to science that she gets run out of town on a rope.

Ben carson is quickly proving that "brain surgeon" should no longer be used as a synonym for "very intelligent".

Bernie Sanders is the only reason I'm not voting for Vermin Supreme again.


Highway Riding
10-29-2015, 12:57 PM
Sad state of politics to be honest. If your a conservative even more reason to be sad. Trump has common sense idea's like use a umbrella if you are going out in the rain. Ben Carson is just silly. But yet these are the front runners. FML! I like Chris Christie, Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina yet they will not go far at all! Sad state for sure.

10-29-2015, 01:13 PM
did trump drop out yet?

10-29-2015, 01:57 PM
Sad state of politics to be honest. If your a conservative even more reason to be sad. Trump has common sense idea's like use a umbrella if you are going out in the rain. Ben Carson is just silly. But yet these are the front runners. FML! I like Chris Christie, Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina yet they will not go far at all! Sad state for sure.

"common sense" like "I'm a self made billionaire" when his father loaned him a million bucks to go invest (some reports claim it was MUCH more than the Trump-claimed number of $1million) when he was just starting out. Hardly "self made".

Furthermore, he would be worth an estimated $10 BILLION more if he had just invested in a unmanaged index fund.


Fiorino slashed THOUSANDS of jobs during her tenure at HP and then walked off with a severance package worth millions. Yeah I definitely want her at the helm.

Highway Riding
10-29-2015, 02:34 PM
"common sense" like "I'm a self made billionaire" when his father loaned him a million bucks to go invest (some reports claim it was MUCH more than the Trump-claimed number of $1million) when he was just starting out. Hardly "self made".

Furthermore, he would be worth an estimated $10 BILLION more if he had just invested in a unmanaged index fund.


Fiorino slashed THOUSANDS of jobs during her tenure at HP and then walked off with a severance package worth millions. Yeah I definitely want her at the helm.

I most certainly get the Fiorina hate as my uncle was fired directly after she took office along with all the others. But that is business. Out of all the candidates feel Christie (even hated in our home state), Marco and Fiorina are the only true contenders. An old timer told me you have to pick your poison. I would pick Carly over Hillary any day of the week.

Highway Riding
10-29-2015, 02:37 PM
did trump drop out yet?

Unfortunately not yet. The circus continues. While I get it for sure he is just taking good votes away!

10-29-2015, 03:59 PM
like Chris Christie, Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina.

i literally hate those 3 candidates more than anyone on either side

the debate last night...

in all honesty, hate to sound like reince, but the moderators were horrible. jake tapper is obviously not some right winger, but he did a decent job during the cnn debate.

i have no idea why they let fiorina ramble on forever when it wasnt her turn to speak, but when anyone else went over by 1 second it was "thank you thank you thank you"

the debate didnt really change my opinion (for the better) of anyone on the stage, just made me hate fiorina, christie, and rubio more.

the fact that rubio can talk about firing federal workers when they dont show up, then not show up to his federal job is unbelievable. since june 1 rubio has missed more than 60% of roll call votes in the senate. paul who is also running has missed 1%...

fiorina runs some businesses into the ground. gets destroyed in a senate race, now wants to run the country.

christie wants more nsa spying, will enfore marijuana prohibition, more war, more spending...

10-29-2015, 10:34 PM
I don't vote because when Politicians make promises they are not legally obligated to keep said promises and most are scumbag law school snakes!!

10-30-2015, 03:06 AM
http://f.tqn.com/y/politicalhumor/1/S/9/6/5/stop-illegal-immigration.jpg Why does Trump demonize only certain groups of immigrants? We know that Mexicans aren't the only ppl coming here. We have tons of Europeans & Asians coming here as well. But Trump wants to deport all of the brown ppl rather than presenting a path to citizenship like other ethnicities have access to. It's a double standard, its easy to see through and it's bullshit. Give them a road to citizenship and make them taxpayers as well. Deporting them and losing the money they spend would damage our economy so damn bad.

something tells me that trumps hate towards mexico has something to do with his business failure he had back in 07 I believe, there nothing more hateful for a business man than losing and as he said it, he hates losing.

he lost a lot of money or potential money in that resort that started to be built in Tijuana, Baja California mexico (trump ocean resort) even though the investors of the condominiums lost 200k+ a piece and seems like he took that personally.
funny how nobody seems to mention any of it or atleast ask him about it on the debates to see if that has something to do with his hate wich acourse he will deny.

Highway Riding
10-30-2015, 10:12 AM
i literally hate those 3 candidates more than anyone on either side

the debate last night...

in all honesty, hate to sound like reince, but the moderators were horrible. jake tapper is obviously not some right winger, but he did a decent job during the cnn debate.

i have no idea why they let fiorina ramble on forever when it wasnt her turn to speak, but when anyone else went over by 1 second it was "thank you thank you thank you"

the debate didnt really change my opinion (for the better) of anyone on the stage, just made me hate fiorina, christie, and rubio more.

the fact that rubio can talk about firing federal workers when they dont show up, then not show up to his federal job is unbelievable. since june 1 rubio has missed more than 60% of roll call votes in the senate. paul who is also running has missed 1%...

fiorina runs some businesses into the ground. gets destroyed in a senate race, now wants to run the country.

christie wants more nsa spying, will enfore marijuana prohibition, more war, more spending...

This is the good thing about a democracy. We can "try to choose" or pick our "poison". the HP thing has been beaten to death. Same thing happened with Obama as far as a no show or absent senator with a barely there record. Chris Christie actually is the best candidate as a republican Gov in the bluest state in America. Fed has spoken on Marijuana. It is legal for medical purposes in NJ right now! When it comes to wars we can leave that to our generals. Politics isn't pretty!

10-30-2015, 02:50 PM
This is the good thing about a democracy. We can "try to choose" or pick our "poison". the HP thing has been beaten to death. Same thing happened with Obama as far as a no show or absent senator with a barely there record. Chris Christie actually is the best candidate as a republican Gov in the bluest state in America. Fed has spoken on Marijuana. It is legal for medical purposes in NJ right now! When it comes to wars we can leave that to our generals. Politics isn't pretty!

so you think fiorina despite her record is qualified, and you would want her president?

obama doing that is unacceptable as well. rubio is literally the republican obama. has no experience in the real world. just college, state legislature, and a first term senator. now he wants to be president and people on the right dont call him on it like they did obama.

i dont think nj is the bluest state in the country first. and the reason that he does well is because hes such a big government rino. medical marijuana is so hard to obtain in nj it might as well be illegal still. the fact is, he has said that he would enforce federal law on marijuana and lock people up for it. sounds like someone who doesnt respect the 10th amendment. and the federal government hasnt spoken on marijuana. they said it was a schedule 1 in 1970 and it still is. the obama justice department has just decided to turn a blind eye to states who have decided otherwise.

10-30-2015, 03:14 PM
I am from Vermont, if Bernie Sanders becomes president I am moving to Canada. F that guy, he hasn't done anything but fuck farmers in this state. Bernie says free college and everyone loses there mind. If you want to live in a socialist country vote Bernie you pinko liberals.

10-31-2015, 01:08 AM
I am from Vermont, if Bernie Sanders becomes president I am moving to Canada. F that guy, he hasn't done anything but fuck farmers in this state. Bernie says free college and everyone loses there mind. If you want to live in a socialist country vote Bernie you pinko liberals.

:picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: you DO realize how much MORE socialist canada is compared to the USA right???

10-31-2015, 01:20 AM
^^and that was with a conservative leader for the last decade

with trudeau its gonna be crazy

11-01-2015, 05:56 AM
If you want to live in a socialist country vote Bernie you pinko liberals.
That's the plan.

11-01-2015, 07:19 AM
:picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: you DO realize how much MORE socialist canada is compared to the USA right???

Canada is a socialist country, yes I know, but you do realize the national debt is 18 plus trillion dollars? Canada has what? 1.5 trillion dollars max? Get ready to pay taxes out the ass. Bernie Sanders has already made Vermont hard to live in for actual Vermonters, you can hardly retire here and is in the top 5 worsts states to make a living. There's a reason why we are the same size as New Hampshire land wise but have what? less than half the people they do? I'm not saying I would vote Trump but Bernie Sanders is not the option here.

watch this if you think you're feeling the bern, you are just sheeple :drama:

11-01-2015, 08:09 AM
For Bernie's plans to work, his entire platform hangs on campaign finance reform. Forget all the socialist programs for a minute and focus on that. His PRIMARY goal is to ensure that elected officials can no longer be bought by companies and that those companies can no longer funnel ginormous secret donations to lobbyists who push any agenda for the highest bidder, no matter how harmful it is. IF (and thats a huge IF) Bernie can reform the political donation process, he will ensure that citizens have a louder voice in DC because politicians will have to build more community support rather than have their campaign paid for by some corporate entity looking to maximize their profits via legislation. Some of these corporations/banks are using the existing process to rob us blind and that's why there's no money for programs that benefit the greater good. Sadly, the last candidate to take a serious go at this issue was JFK and we know what happened to him...

11-01-2015, 10:32 AM
Forget all the socialist programs for a minute and focus on that.


i really really dont like hillary, but id prefer her to bernie

how can bernie seriously think that spending huge amounts of money on government programs right now is the right solution

oh but he'll pay for it by taxing the 1% 90% (which is grotesque and immoral) and taxing wall street speculation... thatll definitely cover everything he's talking about

"every other major country in the world" blah blah blah

i actually want to know your take on this simmode since you seem to be a real supporter of him. money wise, nothing he says makes any sense whatsoever

11-01-2015, 11:27 AM
Like TMW said, it's the socialist aspect that is wrong, socialism slows innovation and technology, makes people think that the government owes them every thing, and it rewards people who are trying to actually make a difference in this country the same as someone who could care less. Socialism just wouldn't work in America and people need to realize that. I'm not saying Bernie sanders doesn't have some good points but he would just destroy this country financially.

11-01-2015, 05:21 PM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12187825_10102209947469717_3322018944274200516_n.j pg?oh=bbcccd9d37ab1dbf84f3af66b4dcd9cd&oe=56B93AF7


11-01-2015, 06:45 PM
I don't trust him to not have hidden agendas. He is for himself above all else. His views have all.flip flopped the last few years to fit the majority.

The main one being his view on the 2nd amendment. Not trust worthy, not getting my vote unless he's going up against Hilary or sanders

Was going to say, how is that any different then Hillary?

Unfortunately it's so hard to be President that you really have to be a cunning manipulative bastard with ulterior motives. I'm sure Trumps motive truly is just power (to shove it in all his doubters faces) and to cement his legacy.

He's 69 and has money. He has 10 years left before he is shitting in a diaper.

What would you rather be known as, hotel owner with a silly TV show, or the 45th President of the United States?

11-01-2015, 06:49 PM
That's the plan.

Move to China then.

11-01-2015, 07:26 PM
What would you rather be known as, hotel owner with a silly TV show, or the 45th President of the United States?

dont forget he is in the wwe hall of fame

so even if he became president, wwe hall of fame would be his biggest accomplishment

Highway Riding
11-03-2015, 08:06 AM
so you think fiorina despite her record is qualified, and you would want her president?

obama doing that is unacceptable as well. rubio is literally the republican obama. has no experience in the real world. just college, state legislature, and a first term senator. now he wants to be president and people on the right dont call him on it like they did obama.

i dont think nj is the bluest state in the country first. and the reason that he does well is because hes such a big government rino. medical marijuana is so hard to obtain in nj it might as well be illegal still. the fact is, he has said that he would enforce federal law on marijuana and lock people up for it. sounds like someone who doesnt respect the 10th amendment. and the federal government hasnt spoken on marijuana. they said it was a schedule 1 in 1970 and it still is. the obama justice department has just decided to turn a blind eye to states who have decided otherwise.

I still consider her a good candidate. There is no such thing as Captain America with zero skeletons. Who else is actually qualified? Dems didn't call out Obama as is customary for either side. That's why we unfortunately have a 2 party system lol. You have to pick your poison or sit on the sidelines and do nothing.

11-03-2015, 09:37 AM

11-07-2015, 02:15 PM

i really really dont like hillary, but id prefer her to bernie

how can bernie seriously think that spending huge amounts of money on government programs right now is the right solution

oh but he'll pay for it by taxing the 1% 90% (which is grotesque and immoral) and taxing wall street speculation... thatll definitely cover everything he's talking about

"every other major country in the world" blah blah blah

i actually want to know your take on this simmode since you seem to be a real supporter of him. money wise, nothing he says makes any sense whatsoever

What makes you think he would spend "huge amounts of money" on government programs? What we spend needs to be distributed differently, and thats what Bernie is proposing.

Look at this:

And this:


The cost of providing college tuition is a drop in the bucket compared to what we spend on wars. We need to change that.

Military spending is absolutely ridiculous but no politician will cut spending there because every state has some hand in producing whats needed to keep the military operating at the current size.

The student debt issue is a fucking disgrace for this country. You mock the "every other country" thing, but people say that for a reason. The united states is a fucking joke for raping the futures of the current generation to make money now. People act like having education paid for is some crazy idea and the same people don't bat an eye at paying for a new stealth fighter that costs 180 million for EACH JET that performs WORSE than the planes that we already have.

We need a reallocation of spending, not an increase in taxes, and thats what Bernie is proposing.

Like TMW said, it's the socialist aspect that is wrong, socialism slows innovation and technology, makes people think that the government owes them every thing, and it rewards people who are trying to actually make a difference in this country the same as someone who could care less. Socialism just wouldn't work in America and people need to realize that. I'm not saying Bernie sanders doesn't have some good points but he would just destroy this country financially.

Show me some evidence that socialism does these things. People are so scared of "socialism" because of scare tactics. Why wouldn't policies that work effectively elsewhere not work in the united states? The only thing that separates us from everywhere else is the value placed on the pursuing of material wealth at the expense of other humans. There is nothing wrong with thinking about the good of the society instead of focusing on the individual.

11-07-2015, 02:56 PM
The student debt issue is a fucking disgrace for this country. You mock the "every other country" thing, but people say that for a reason. The united states is a fucking joke for raping the futures of the current generation to make money now. People act like having education paid for is some crazy idea and the same people don't bat an eye at paying for a new stealth fighter that costs 180 million for EACH JET that performs WORSE than the planes that we already have.

This tells me you are out of touch with reality.

First. Your standard of living is 100% based on the amount of resources you consume. Quality of life is directly corollated to energy. We consume some insane amount of global resources - you need a military to do that. Life sucks, get over it.

Education. You are correct. We spend stupid money on it, both pre and post high school.

Want college tuition to become reasonable? End student loans. Universities make upwards of 50% profit. You know what automakers make? Around 6%.

It's amazing tuition keeps going up, so we up the lending limits then tuition goes up again.

If you couldn't borrow $30k a year, you couldn't go to school. If you can't go to school... Then school either goes out of business or lowers its rate.


"Public" School where the president makes 7 million a year, has a provided mansion and a million dollar office.

That's where your $135 million a year tuition is going.

Even the lower public schools. Why the big push for more teachers? Kids are getting worse and dumber. You talk about education overseas, maybe we should be like China? 8th grade is an auditorium with 100 kids and a teacher lecturing them. Bet they'd learn more than having 1 teacher to 14 kids playing best friend / surrogate parent.

I'm all for doing thing different and putting some logic into broken processes. "Throw Money at it" is never a solution.

Bitches need to do some Lean Six Sigma training.

11-08-2015, 10:47 AM

i absolutely agree with you that our military spending is out of control. we spend more than any other country in the world. the united states military spending is literally comparable to the rest of the entire worlds military spending, combined. however, we need to cut spending across the board not just move it to another area of the government.

and on tuition free universities...

it would cost a bit of money, but not compared to military as you pointed out. and sort of what corbic said lol. maybe im just wrong in thinking that going to college isnt a guaranteed right.

11-08-2015, 04:18 PM
This tells me you are out of touch with reality.

First. Your standard of living is 100% based on the amount of resources you consume. Quality of life is directly corollated to energy. We consume some insane amount of global resources - you need a military to do that. Life sucks, get over it.

Education. You are correct. We spend stupid money on it, both pre and post high school.

Want college tuition to become reasonable? End student loans. Universities make upwards of 50% profit. You know what automakers make? Around 6%.

It's amazing tuition keeps going up, so we up the lending limits then tuition goes up again.

If you couldn't borrow $30k a year, you couldn't go to school. If you can't go to school... Then school either goes out of business or lowers its rate.


"Public" School where the president makes 7 million a year, has a provided mansion and a million dollar office.

That's where your $135 million a year tuition is going.

Even the lower public schools. Why the big push for more teachers? Kids are getting worse and dumber. You talk about education overseas, maybe we should be like China? 8th grade is an auditorium with 100 kids and a teacher lecturing them. Bet they'd learn more than having 1 teacher to 14 kids playing best friend / surrogate parent.

I'm all for doing thing different and putting some logic into broken processes. "Throw Money at it" is never a solution.

Bitches need to do some Lean Six Sigma training.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against a large military at all. I completely understand the need for a large military, but there is no way that you can say that the amount we spend on it makes any sense. We spend more than the next sixteen countries COMBINED. It makes no sense to spend 1.5 TRILLION dollars over the life of the jet on a plane that performs WORSE than what already exists. There is examples like that all throughout the military because of the way the system is set up. You say yourself that "throw money at is" is never a solution, yet thats exactly what we do with military spending all day long.


I agree that the higher education system is a mess. Your example of the OSU president makes me sick.

And TMW, I don't think college is a guaranteed right either, but I don't think it should bankrupt a kid with student loan debt right out of the starting gate.

11-08-2015, 04:32 PM
Don't get me wrong, I am not against a large military at all. I completely understand the need for a large military, but there is no way that you can say that the amount we spend on it makes any sense. We spend more than the next sixteen countries COMBINED. It makes no sense to spend 1.5 TRILLION dollars over the life of the jet on a plane that performs WORSE than what already exists. There is examples like that all throughout the military because of the way the system is set up. You say yourself that "throw money at is" is never a solution, yet thats exactly what we do with military spending all day long.


I agree that the higher education system is a mess. Your example of the OSU president makes me sick.

And TMW, I don't think college is a guaranteed right either, but I don't think it should bankrupt a kid with student loan debt right out of the starting gate.

Don't get lost in the JSF debacle.

It's a garbage program, everyone knows it. It's like having a project car - "you have a crap ton of money it it, you now regret it... But just another $500 will fix everything and make it all worth it.... I hope"

You also can't compare our military spending to others.

European countries rely on the US and are unable to project power. France and NATO actually ran out of missiles bombing Libya.

Countries like China, North Korea and Russian tend to have very low dollar value for human life. They army about to spend billions on MRAPs or other equipment to save a few lives.

You see this all the time in tactics and equipment other people use. No shits given to survivability or crew comfort. This is why we steam roll these assholes.

The US also has no stomach for body bags. So if I said "we can cut defense spending by 75%, but we'd have 35k killed in action during Iraq", would you support that?

$806 billion / 75% = $200 billion

Thats $20million a life.

Is it worth it?

11-08-2015, 05:31 PM

11-08-2015, 05:48 PM
it really bothers me that the font is'nt at the bottom of the picture

11-08-2015, 06:22 PM
America is pimps


11-08-2015, 07:59 PM
The US also has no stomach for body bags. So if I said "we can cut defense spending by 75%, but we'd have 35k killed in action during Iraq", would you support that?

$806 billion / 75% = $200 billion

Thats $20million a life.

Is it worth it?

I agree with pretty much all that. I'm saying it could be scaled back immensely and still serve the purpose we need it to.

As for the cut spending by 75% but have 35k casualty question, I would not support that. BUT I wouldn't support cutting spending that much anyway. In my mind a 25% cut would be a severe.

11-08-2015, 11:30 PM
well, the military needs to be cut back significantly. and we never should've been in iraq and we shouldn't be sending troops anywhere now either.

the fact that the united states hasn't been in a "war" since world war ii yet we keep sending troops places is terrible.

a great video from today.


11-09-2015, 02:18 PM
Cutting spending on education is a loser. Politicians want to remain in office and anything a president wants to do regarding fixing the system will likely be shot down in Congress.

Cuts in the defense budget are considered a weakness due to the association of patriotism with global American police presence. Due to the degree by which global trade is interconnected, the likelihood of major war is extremely low. Most of our wars have been offensive, not defensive, and that means stratospheric costs of deployment and continued supply. If we were to take what we know, retract our tendrils and shut down most, if not all, foreign bases, and just act like a porcupine, no one would screw with us. Would we have to pay more for goods because we're no longer strong-arming governments or providing them with a "free" protector? Yes, but the savings in defense spending would likely make it a net zero.

We need to reform the entire political process of the United States, as we're currently operating a system designed for a population of 3 million, not 300+ million. It's fairly difficult to have a representative democratic republic when the representatives speak for so many and are so unduly influenced by unions and other employee blocs.

The President is a figurehead, one who should exude competence and logic- we have no one in the running who can claim to do such a thing.

11-09-2015, 02:29 PM
Cutting spending on education is a loser. Politicians want to remain in office and anything a president wants to do regarding fixing the system will likely be shot down in Congress.

Cuts in the defense budget are considered a weakness due to the association of patriotism with global American police presence. Due to the degree by which global trade is interconnected, the likelihood of major war is extremely low. Most of our wars have been offensive, not defensive, and that means stratospheric costs of deployment and continued supply. If we were to take what we know, retract our tendrils and shut down most, if not all, foreign bases, and just act like a porcupine, no one would screw with us. Would we have to pay more for goods because we're no longer strong-arming governments or providing them with a "free" protector? Yes, but the savings in defense spending would likely make it a net zero.

We need to reform the entire political process of the United States, as we're currently operating a system designed for a population of 3 million, not 300+ million. It's fairly difficult to have a representative democratic republic when the representatives speak for so many and are so unduly influenced by unions and other employee blocs.

The President is a figurehead, one who should exude competence and logic- we have no one in the running who can claim to do such a thing.

Is this the political evaluation that was published in the People's Daily last month?

kashira kureijii
11-09-2015, 09:07 PM
Cuts in the defense budget are considered a weakness due to the association of patriotism with global American police presence. Due to the degree by which global trade is interconnected, the likelihood of major war is extremely low. Most of our wars have been offensive, not defensive, and that means stratospheric costs of deployment and continued supply. If we were to take what we know, retract our tendrils and shut down most, if not all, foreign bases, and just act like a porcupine, no one would screw with us. Would we have to pay more for goods because we're no longer strong-arming governments or providing them with a "free" protector? Yes, but the savings in defense spending would likely make it a net zero.

The reason america's military setup is idiodic, has nothing to do with the amount or really any economic shit, it has a lot to do with how we use are military. It is a complete disregard for all clauswitzian philosophy. You only go to war if you're attacked or have something to gain. War isn't about good or evil or even "freedom". war is about taking shit from others, and it has been since God gave it as a gift to mankind to free him from life and material concern. If they wan't to have a big military budget, they should use the military to invade, pillage, and annex other nations. We should have killed or enslaved everyone in the middle east and took all of their shit if we wanted an effective war strategy, thats what the romans would have done.
They in no way make an effort to be at all prussian in their military methods, and that is the root of the issue.
If they aren't going to attack anybody then they really need to cut the military, as no one is going to invade across the ocean any way, let alone a country of gun owners (the midwest)
either way I'm not voting until they liberate east prussia

on a more serious note, Vladmir Putin for prez
He's so boss

http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag23/neko-romancer95/gty_vladimir_putin_protester_jc_150128_zpsyoq5zhuw .jpg (http://s1297.photobucket.com/user/neko-romancer95/media/gty_vladimir_putin_protester_jc_150128_zpsyoq5zhuw .jpg.html)

11-09-2015, 10:37 PM
Keep in mind that there's a lot of world gears turning you dont see, the need for a military is vital but some operations may not be and other operations should be.

Regardless, we need someone that isnt on their agenda but on our agenda

11-10-2015, 10:41 AM
Is this the political evaluation that was published in the People's Daily last month?

I actually looked that up, seeing if it was a thing. It's apparently a Chinese newspaper published by the Communist party.

The US would be a stronger, more cohesive country if it stuck to a lot of what the Founders wanted. It would also be a stronger, more cohesive country if it adapted a lot of what the Founders wanted to modern times. 104 times the population, plus more heterogeneous composition, leads to problems they just plain didn't anticipate.

China doesn't have the economic power it once did- it's on the ropes just like everyone else, waiting for an implosion brought on by speculation and the printing press.

11-10-2015, 11:56 AM
I voted for "Trump will get my support", but it all depends who he is running against.

I find him to be the most qualified person to grow the economy, but that isn't everything.

At the end of the day, i don't feel it really makes a difference who becomes president. One will save you on some taxes, another will cost you. Unforeseen circumstances will come up and they will do what they can to keep people happy, but at the end of the day the difference is negligible for the most part.

Highway Riding
11-10-2015, 12:51 PM
Well said Silverbullet!

11-10-2015, 11:16 PM
The reason america's military setup is idiodic, has nothing to do with the amount or really any economic shit, it has a lot to do with how we use are military. It is a complete disregard for all clauswitzian philosophy. You only go to war if you're attacked or have something to gain. War isn't about good or evil or even "freedom". war is about taking shit from others, and it has been since God gave it as a gift to mankind to free him from life and material concern. If they wan't to have a big military budget, they should use the military to invade, pillage, and annex other nations. We should have killed or enslaved everyone in the middle east and took all of their shit if we wanted an effective war strategy, thats what the romans would have done.
They in no way make an effort to be at all prussian in their military methods, and that is the root of the issue.
If they aren't going to attack anybody then they really need to cut the military, as no one is going to invade across the ocean any way, let alone a country of gun owners (the midwest)
either way I'm not voting until they liberate east prussia

on a more serious note, Vladmir Putin for prez
He's so boss

Spoken like a 19 year old history buff. We aren't Rome, you aren't a military commander, and humans SHOULD and CAN act like adults in this day and age. Jesus, grow up (or be joking)...

(Please be joking)

kashira kureijii
11-11-2015, 09:43 AM
Spoken like a 19 year old history buff. We aren't Rome, you aren't a military commander, and humans SHOULD and CAN act like adults in this day and age. Jesus, grow up (or be joking)...

(Please be joking)
That's bullshit dude, the reason man got where he is today is through the methods I mentioned, Western civilization is dying and the world is slowly devolving into status quo. No, presidential candidate is going to change that.
The real inherent problems of our society aren't going to be solved by mere electoral process, they have become endemic to the world as a whole.
There was a time when everyone was proud to part of western civilization and the ideology of independent personal responsibility. Now that everyone is the descendants of a world tainted by social justice bullshit and a Confucian accept everything ideology, the world is going to accomplish a lot less than what it had previously. There isn't going to be any titanic achievements from simple electoral process, because all politicians are is servants of their own simple interest's. This country would benefit from a more autocratic setup, and it sickens me that all of my hard work for the rest of my life is going to get taxed to pay for lazy people I would want dead. But I digress, don't take politics to seriously, because it rarely will produce the result you want.

I'm not voting so don't worry

11-11-2015, 10:31 AM
Voting is exactly like being Instagram famous.

11-17-2015, 08:05 AM
This tells me you are out of touch with reality.

If you couldn't borrow $30k a year, you couldn't go to school. If you can't go to school... Then school either goes out of business or lowers its rate.


"Public" School where the president makes 7 million a year, has a provided mansion and a million dollar office.

That's where your $135 million a year tuition is going.

Even the lower public schools. Why the big push for more teachers? Kids are getting worse and dumber. You talk about education overseas, maybe we should be like China? 8th grade is an auditorium with 100 kids and a teacher lecturing them. Bet they'd learn more than having 1 teacher to 14 kids playing best friend / surrogate parent.

I'm all for doing thing different and putting some logic into broken processes. "Throw Money at it" is never a solution.

Bitches need to do some Lean Six Sigma training.

I agree with a lot that you have said in this paragraph.

As someone who has no idea on politics, how does one get involved?
How does the common man or anyone whose major is not politics get involved with making our country better?
I dont think that just voting for a president is enough. What about all those other congressmen and other government people we have to vote for?

I am a firm believer in reallocation of public funds as it is not working out really anywhere in our country. Here in Philadelphia we went from 7% sales tax (compared to 6% in the rural areas at that time) to 8% in 2009 or 2010, and now they are proposing 9% sales tax. Our public schools have no money even though they have very high gas, cigarettes, sales tax, property tax, and a bunch of other shit that I don't know about because I don't pay it yet. Somehow we do not have money.

I am a firm believer in the idea of having a higher emphasis on school, especially with the auditorium classroom idea.
I don't learn jack shit when I'm in a class with like 15 other people and the teacher tells us to memorize certain things or spoon feeds us. I have only learned things in great detail when the teacher makes an effort to properly teach and not just mention material in class to say that "this material was covered in class"

I think there is some program/competition where they are trying to redesign high school.

I'm off on a tangent.

There really is no one worthy to vote for. Everyone is such a slimy scumbag its ridiculous. such is politics

11-17-2015, 11:22 AM
I am a firm believer in the idea of having a higher emphasis on school, especially with the auditorium classroom idea.
I don't learn jack shit when I'm in a class with like 15 other people and the teacher tells us to memorize certain things or spoon feeds us. I have only learned things in great detail when the teacher makes an effort to properly teach and not just mention material in class to say that "this material was covered in class"

I think there is some program/competition where they are trying to redesign high school.

Even the lower public schools. Why the big push for more teachers? Kids are getting worse and dumber. You talk about education overseas, maybe we should be like China? 8th grade is an auditorium with 100 kids and a teacher lecturing them. Bet they'd learn more than having 1 teacher to 14 kids playing best friend / surrogate parent.

100 ppl class room vs 14 ppl class room and success. Is that a correlation or a causation?

You can put Chinese students in a 500 person auditorium or a 5 person class room, it dosn't make much of a difference. The difference is the motivation and drive. Chinese students (and other foreign countries for that matter) are in cut-throat competition. In China, the students are placed into grade schools based on performance. The students want to succeed.

We can change the class room size all we want, and we may see some marginal differences, but at the end of the day, if the student dosn't care, the performance reflects it. It comes down to what the parents are exposing to the kids.

11-17-2015, 01:50 PM
100 ppl class room vs 14 ppl class room and success. Is that a correlation or a causation?

You can put Chinese students in a 500 person auditorium or a 5 person class room, it dosn't make much of a difference. The difference is the motivation and drive. Chinese students (and other foreign countries for that matter) are in cut-throat competition. In China, the students are placed into grade schools based on performance. The students want to succeed.

We can change the class room size all we want, and we may see some marginal differences, but at the end of the day, if the student dosn't care, the performance reflects it. It comes down to what the parents are exposing to the kids.

It's actually very important.

In China, your success is SEEN as dependent on YOU. Your teacher doesn't care. You fail, you go back to the farm.

In the US, your success (ironically) is SEEN as dependent on YOUR Environment. You went to a poor school, lived in a crappy neighborhood, had rich parents, are white or not white.

People then blame others, it's Obama's fault, it's institutional racism, it's the Republicans, it's crappy teachers, it's high taxes.

It's never YOUR fault for not being smart or successful. How can it be? You are all individual special snow flakes you just need the world around you to give you the right elements to succeed! It's the worlds fault for not giving you those things!

Make no mistake, life is just as cut throat and competitive in America as it is in China. We're just racing on horses while they have to run on hot-coals.

11-19-2015, 06:13 PM
It's actually very important.

In China, your success is SEEN as dependent on YOU. Your teacher doesn't care. You fail, you go back to the farm.

In the US, your success (ironically) is SEEN as dependent on YOUR Environment. You went to a poor school, lived in a crappy neighborhood, had rich parents, are white or not white.

People then blame others, it's Obama's fault, it's institutional racism, it's the Republicans, it's crappy teachers, it's high taxes.

It's never YOUR fault for not being smart or successful. How can it be? You are all individual special snow flakes you just need the world around you to give you the right elements to succeed! It's the worlds fault for not giving you those things!

Make no mistake, life is just as cut throat and competitive in America as it is in China. We're just racing on horses while they have to run on hot-coals.

Best post ive read in a while. Plus infinite rep.

11-20-2015, 11:48 AM
My gf is a teacher at a city school I've come to see most of the children that do well in school and have a "want" to learn come from families where both parents are still together. Seems to be most of the kids from families where one of the parents are not present, lack the desire to do well in school and learn. I don't think it has anything to do with the color of your skin, or wealth. The kids that don't have a lot of money are getting the same education as the kids whose parents have more money.

11-20-2015, 11:51 AM
Lack of parenting and discipline is the root of this whole entitlement wave.

11-22-2015, 06:32 PM
I'd like to system of government where money cannot sway a vote. I have a voice, I lend thatvoice to a congressman, but just before the vote a lobbyist sneaks in an envelope of cash and suddenly my voice is SHIT!

I studied civics in high school and in college (albeit briefly) and I've no idea how lobbying is legal.

Also, trace the decline of our country in general to the politicians who have held senate and representative seats for decades. It makes me raise an eyebrow. I identify primarily as a libertarian. I see good on both sides of the fence and I firmly believe that a lot of people vote for the familiar face and give two shits about where those individuals stand on key issues. Apply term limits and get some fresh faces in office so we can make some damn progress.

11-22-2015, 06:41 PM
he had bankrupted his businesses and exploited loopholes in the tax laws, how anyone can consider him to be a viable candidate is beyond me.
He does seem racist. BUT, what I do like about him is that he is a business man. Maybe he will approach problems differently. (maybe) The reason I bring this up is because I do not mind him filing for bankruptcy or his companies doing the same. I am sure it was a business decision which ended in his favor. I wouldnt mind someone who is more money focused rather than politics focused.

kashira kureijii
11-22-2015, 06:47 PM
I'd like to system of government where money cannot sway a vote. .

They have one of those it's called a dictatorship/ paternal autocracy.
Think of what we could accomplish with one, we could get rid all of the lazy people through force, revitalize the economy by declaring war on a bunch of people for no reason, stop the downfall of western civilization, eliminate any form of welfare or social programs,stop the rising tide of dumb millennial entitlement, quell the flames of world hedonism, and in the long run, enable me to have free sandwiches because reasons.

World conquest should be our goal, I'm surprised no one has mentioned it. You call yourselves western males? I bet none of you have even read the Iliad. How can you even act like your a western male without having done so.

Think about it you guys, complete world hegemony, living means something, instead of being pointless and waiting to fill unnecessary voids, no more dealing with un-charismatic political stooges. It would be so evil and rationally efficient :yum::yum::yum:. muhahaha

It's not gonna happen because people have been indoctrinated to avoid it, and or want free stuff, but it's something to think about while you're watching debates and trying to figure out which canidates suck less.

11-22-2015, 07:12 PM
,stop the rising tide of dumb millennial entitlement,

I'm all for this shit. No more participation trophies. You won't get one when you're fired from McDonald's. Life is ruthless and we should stop telling children otherwise.

11-22-2015, 09:16 PM
I'd like to system of government where money cannot sway a vote. I have a voice, I lend thatvoice to a congressman, but just before the vote a lobbyist sneaks in an envelope of cash and suddenly my voice is SHIT!

I studied civics in high school and in college (albeit briefly) and I've no idea how lobbying is legal.

Because lobbying does not work that way.

Also, trace the decline of our country in general to the politicians who have held senate and representative seats for decades. It makes me raise an eyebrow. I identify primarily as a libertarian. I see good on both sides of the fence and I firmly believe that a lot of people vote for the familiar face and give two shits about where those individuals stand on key issues. Apply term limits and get some fresh faces in office so we can make some damn progress.

A coworker once made the observation that the rise of the nanny state coincided with the right for women to vote.

Sudden "think of the children" became a motto and the first thing they did was ban drugs, gambling and alcohol.

People cote based solely on their own selfish needs.

Romney was absolutely right in this video, yet ironical it caused out rage.


This is why politicians can't be frank about our society.

11-22-2015, 09:23 PM
They have one of those it's called a dictatorship/ paternal autocracy.

Think of what we could accomplish with one, we could get rid all of the lazy people through force, revitalize the economy by declaring war on a bunch of people for no reason, stop the downfall of western civilization, eliminate any form of welfare or social programs,stop the rising tide of dumb millennial entitlement, quell the flames of world hedonism, and in the long run, enable me to have free sandwiches because reasons.

World conquest should be our goal, I'm surprised no one has mentioned it. You call yourselves western males? I bet none of you have even read the Iliad. How can you even act like your a western male without having done so.

Think about it you guys, complete world hegemony, living means something, instead of being pointless and waiting to fill unnecessary voids, no more dealing with un-charismatic political stooges. It would be so evil and rationally efficient :yum::yum::yum:. muhahaha

It's not gonna happen because people have been indoctrinated to avoid it, and or want free stuff, but it's something to think about while you're watching debates and trying to figure out which canidates suck less.

It's not going to happen because it has happened.....

I'll just use the most obvious example:


11-23-2015, 11:13 PM
I am from Vermont, if Bernie Sanders becomes president I am moving to Canada. F that guy, he hasn't done anything but fuck farmers in this state. Bernie says free college and everyone loses there mind. If you want to live in a socialist country vote Bernie you pinko liberals.

Fuck moving to Canada. Quit your job, do trade work under the table, and go to school to be a doctor or engineer.

Move to China then.

Or Greece...

I'm all for this shit. No more participation trophies. You won't get one when you're fired from McDonald's. Life is ruthless and we should stop telling children otherwise.

With Bernie, it will be more encouraging to not work at all, than to work at McD's.

It seems like only a few months ago, I was calling everyone I knew retards for even entertaining the idea of voting for trump... Then the other candidates started opening their mouths. Now he's starting to look like the best choice.

All you people talking about immigration, watch this.

Highway Riding
11-24-2015, 06:35 AM
I would vote for Trump over Larry David for sure! I would hold my nose but fuck it!

kashira kureijii
11-24-2015, 11:32 AM
It's not going to happen because it has happened.....

I'll just use the most obvious example:

well obviously.
I mean, they got a lot done, revitalized their economy, conquered most of the world and overall discovered many of the scientific technologies that enabled our modern conditions. For instance we wouldn't have gotten to the moon and space without them, early television technologies were developed by them as well as a large amount of atomic research. They also drew their country out of social decadence and uphevel which dominated post WW1. If it weren't for them killing everybody for no reason, they would be remembered as heroes. At least the last of Prussian civilization went out with a bang I suppose. Not that I in any way am some sort of nazi, its just an example of a situation and its accomplishments good or bad. This would probably be a better argument to have in History thread, you should visit it, because whoever made it is awesome.

I'm not saying a dictatorship would be fun to live under or that the Nazi's were heroes or some shit,but I just assume that I would be in charge if there was a dictatorship. :angel:.

Seriously though, as corbic said, one of the main problems with the modern era is peoples lack of ambition. This has to do not only with their schooling, but also what there parents make them do. One of the big problems with that is that many of the children coming into the world now are going to be entitled little dipshits. This has to do with both how their parents raise them and how society as a whole is now. No one is ambitious anymore, people just assume the world will work for them no matter what. Its not just any one culture, but a large amount of people as a whole. This whole social justice bullshit, that dominates world politics nowadays is the direct result of a hippy generation creating an entitled little fucktard generation. Thats why a large amount of the issues we see coming up are who is underrepresented, who is getting shortchanged etc. People need to realize that the world will never be fully equal for every one person, the world was created in a way that has given people different situations and disadvantages. God created man so that man would accomplish things despite all odds, not so that he could watch man be sloth and pretentiously act as if he is unequal in some dumb way. Life is tough, people just seem to have forgotten that in the sea of "help so and so" we see know.

11-24-2015, 11:54 AM
trump 4 lyfe

01-30-2016, 08:24 PM
You really have to be a complete fucking moron to think that Trump is a viable candidate for the Presidency.

01-30-2016, 08:57 PM
Donald Trump is a fucking joke! Any one who comes out and says if elected President he will ban all Muslims is a joke. The very foundation of what this country is built on is the bill of rights, the first ten amendments of the constitution. The first amendment of the constitution is not the right to bear arms the first amendment as a matter of fact the first part of the first amendment reads as " The first amendment to the united States Constitution prohibits the making of any law expecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion.... ". The freedom of religion is one of the things that makes this country so great, you can be Jew, Christian, Muslim, atheist or you can worship the fonze like Peter Griffin from family guy. Go ahead and vote for someone who says he's going to take your freedoms away from you.

01-30-2016, 09:33 PM
Donald Trump is a fucking joke! Any one who comes out and says if elected President he will ban all Muslims is a joke. The very foundation of what this country is built on is the bill of rights, the first ten amendments of the constitution. The first amendment of the constitution is not the right to bear arms the first amendment as a matter of fact the first part of the first amendment reads as " The first amendment to the united States Constitution prohibits the making of any law expecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion.... ". The freedom of religion is one of the things that makes this country so great, you can be Jew, Christian, Muslim, atheist or you can worship the fonze like Peter Griffin from family guy. Go ahead and vote for someone who says he's going to take your freedoms away from you.

Go back to China.

01-30-2016, 09:36 PM
You really have to be a complete fucking moron to think that Trump is a viable candidate for the Presidency.

Well look at the options.

Hilary, a criminal and career liar.

Cruz, a flip flopping ass that sounds like a sleeve ball baptist minister.

Sanders, a half dead zombie communist

Suddenly it's clear why Trump is as popular as he is.

02-08-2016, 05:10 PM
Well look at the options.

Hilary, a criminal and career liar.

Cruz, a flip flopping ass that sounds like a sleeve ball baptist minister.

Sanders, a half dead zombie communist

Suddenly it's clear why Trump is as popular as he is.

Which is why I hope Rubio gets the Republican Nom.

02-08-2016, 05:46 PM
Rubio will be good after Trump.

02-08-2016, 06:12 PM
Furthermore, the "stealing our jobs" claim is bullshit. I have yet to meet a single person who looks forward to a career of picking strawberries or lettuce in the Santa Maria sun for 12+ hrs a day.

[Slow clap]- I live in Santa Maria, trust me when I say this, they are not taking anyone's job in the fields.

Now in regard to driving down wages in other sectors such as the service industry, construction, etc., that's different.

02-08-2016, 08:17 PM
[Slow clap]- I live in Santa Maria, trust me when I say this, they are not taking anyone's job in the fields.

Now in regard to driving down wages in other sectors such as the service industry, construction, etc., that's different.

And that's pretty much the crux. It's wages across all sectors.

If I can get someone to roof a house for $8 and hour, why should I pay you $12 to drive a truck? If a truck driver only makes $10 why should I pay the shipping clerk $14... And up the chain we go.

With tech and medical jobs we just import Indians. My company has 4 SAP programers, all are foreign nationals...

Despite that.

Corbic's solutions for everything.

Legalize mother fucking drugs.

Prisons empty and can now be filled with politicians and bankers.

Street crime melts away, inner city shootings end.

Cops don't have to pretend their in fucking Iraq and patrol the streets in fear for their lives. Extrajudicial killings stop.

Cartels melt away as Philip Morris takes over. Mexico stabilizes, violence is reduced. Immigration is reduced.

I legalize natural born SOUTH AMERICAN and Canadian immigration.

You come to the US border, we finger print, photography and dna swab you. You get a work visa with your finger prints in it and some sort of cool digital chip credit card tech.

Feel free to steal jobs. Oh, but naturalization is abolished. If Brazilian parents have a baby here, the baby is Brazilian.

Work, pay taxes, come and go as you please... But no voting and not extensive social welfare.


02-08-2016, 08:29 PM
trump please, cant wait to watch america burn.

02-08-2016, 08:38 PM
trump please, cant wait to watch america burn.

Hey Canada... We go, you go too.

02-08-2016, 08:53 PM
Hey Canada... We go, you go too.

Canada is already a sunken ship.


Oil industry is shit. Wood grinded to a halt several years ago. Mining industry is also shit. Last week 90 miners lost their jobs in the town I live in, at basically one of the very few operating mines.

02-08-2016, 09:40 PM
trump please, cant wait to watch america burn.

Misery loves company.

Highway Riding
02-25-2016, 01:14 PM
lmao seems like China and Mexico don't like how merican politix is turning out lmao
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/02/25/former_mexican_president_vicente_fox_to_trump_im_n ot_paying_for_that_fing_wall.html

Trump FTW!

02-25-2016, 02:31 PM
well obviously.
I mean, they got a lot done, revitalized their economy, conquered most of the world and overall discovered many of the scientific technologies that enabled our modern conditions. For instance we wouldn't have gotten to the moon and space without them, early television technologies were developed by them as well as a large amount of atomic research. They also drew their country out of social decadence and uphevel which dominated post WW1. If it weren't for them killing everybody for no reason, they would be remembered as heroes. At least the last of Prussian civilization went out with a bang I suppose. Not that I in any way am some sort of nazi, its just an example of a situation and its accomplishments good or bad. This would probably be a better argument to have in History thread, you should visit it, because whoever made it is awesome.

You're forgetting that the Nazi's were able to support all of their huge construction projects and build supplies for their war machine off the backs of slaves, who were literally worked to death. This was pretty much the opposite of what you're bitching about: A society being accelerated forward faster than it should by slavery, rather than a working economy where people are actually rewarded justly for their efforts. In this case, the deadbeat was the regime government that expected shit for free, rather than some lazy bum asking for a handout from the government like we have here.

But yeah, I agree, this generation is a bunch of lazy, self-entitled fucks. We don't have to take extreme measures to fix this though. Just stop fucking giving them free shit, and give only to people who earn it instead.

It seems like only a few months ago, I was calling everyone I knew retards for even entertaining the idea of voting for trump... Then the other candidates started opening their mouths. Now he's starting to look like the best choice.

You really have to be a complete fucking moron to think that any of the main candidates left in the race are a viable candidate for the Presidency.

kashira kureijii
02-26-2016, 08:49 PM
You're forgetting that the Nazi's were able to support all of their huge construction projects and build supplies for their war machine off the backs of slaves, who were literally worked to death. This was pretty much the opposite of what you're bitching about: A society being accelerated forward faster than it should by slavery, rather than a working economy where people are actually rewarded justly for their efforts. In this case, the deadbeat was the regime government that expected shit for free, rather than some lazy bum asking for a handout from the government like we have here.

they had basically delivered their country out of a depression by the time WW2 even started, which is kinda before slaves came into the workforce. Also most of their prisoner slave labor did a real shitty job and were regulated to shit that didn't matter much, and when they did work on important shit it was at the very end of the war when it was basically all over. Anyway, the point is, They didn't have any slaves when they brought themselves out of the great depression.

I feel like if we were to cut of every form of social welfare, and keep taxes the same we could reduce national debt by like a trillion a year. I haven't looked into the numbers though

Reality blows

02-27-2016, 04:58 AM
they had basically delivered their country out of a depression by the time WW2 even started, which is kinda before slaves came into the workforce. Also most of their prisoner slave labor did a real shitty job and were regulated to shit that didn't matter much, and when they did work on important shit it was at the very end of the war when it was basically all over. Anyway, the point is, They didn't have any slaves when they brought themselves out of the great depression.

I feel like if we were to cut of every form of social welfare, and keep taxes the same we could reduce national debt by like a trillion a year. I haven't looked into the numbers though

Reality blows

Based on what I'm paying in taxes, it would take a little over a decade for me to pay back my "portion" of the debt. Seeing what they waste my tax dollars on, and what they should be spending them on but don't, I sure as hell ain't paying more.

I think a lot of people are feeling a huge disconnect with these people who spend the money. The only debt I have right now that I couldn't pay off immediately if I had to, is a house. That isn't how congress operates, and what's worse, for some reason they seem to think it's okay to not only spend more than they have, but spend it on wasteful shit and not really exercise any self control at all.

But yes, you hit the nail on welfare. It sickens me to know that I go to work every day and bust my ass to make this place better, and meanwhile, there's people out there who sell drugs and double dip into welfare and all sorts of other programs, and they make more than I do. Until that sort of shit stops, this situation isn't going to improve.

You know what? We have a democratic process. You know what we need? There should be a form when you file your taxes with a bunch of boxes. You can check off things like "military/defense", "schools/education", "infrastructure", "welfare programs", "other" and fill your own in, etc. they CAN'T spend your money in any area you didn't check. How many people you think would check fucking welfare, corporate welfare, or useless earmarks? I'm sure they'd find ways to weasel their way into your money based on loop holes anyway, but if that could be made to work properly, it would be amazing.

kashira kureijii
02-27-2016, 11:44 AM
You know what? We have a democratic process. You know what we need? There should be a form when you file your taxes with a bunch of boxes. You can check off things like "military/defense", "schools/education", "infrastructure", "welfare programs", "other" and fill your own in, etc. they CAN'T spend your money in any area you didn't check. How many people you think would check fucking welfare, corporate welfare, or useless earmarks? I'm sure they'd find ways to weasel their way into your money based on loop holes anyway, but if that could be made to work properly, it would be amazing.

^ this.

can you imagine how many people would pick the first three?
To make that work there would have to be laws made that funds couldn't be transferred between tax categories.

I've always thought that the social welfare aspect of things should never have been made an institution, they should have left social responsibility up to charities, churches, etc. That way the empathy of those who work could be voluntary and managed by those institutions. kinda like what was listed above.

I know someone who was a very hard worker, and a skilled carpenter, and upon signing up for welfare just doesn't do anything anymore. he is old, but it is sickening to see how free money can corrupt a hard working member of western civilization.

02-27-2016, 05:57 PM
While you guys have very good points in that the welfare system needs to be HIGHLY regulated and constantly monitored for abuse, I think it's fucked up to simply say things like "welfare should be left to charity" or "people should have the option to exempt their taxes from supporting it"
You think families and people should be homeless/etc when born with severe mental disorders/deformation/etc? I think you'd feel real fucking differently about that shit if you or someone you loved were in that position.
Should people who are in accidents that cause brain damage simply be told "sucks bro" goodluck with your life, oh by the way here's your medical bill too.

kashira kureijii
02-27-2016, 07:58 PM
While you guys have very good points in that the welfare system needs to be HIGHLY regulated and constantly monitored for abuse, I think it's fucked up to simply say things like "welfare should be left to charity" or "people should have the option to exempt their taxes from supporting it"
You think families and people should be homeless/etc when born with severe mental disorders/deformation/etc? I think you'd feel real fucking differently about that shit if you or someone you loved were in that position.
Should people who are in accidents that cause brain damage simply be told "sucks bro" goodluck with your life, oh by the way here's your medical bill too.

If someone has brain damage from an accident is that automatically someone elses responsibility to pay for said accident? If a typhoon hits the phillipines should I be forced to pay for their welfare? or should it be left up to me whether I give a shit or not? If some slut made terrible life decisions and has an unwanted pregnancy, should I have to pay to have her child murdered in the womb?

" to each according to their own merits", is western civilizations most cherished philosophy, merits of ability,position,priviledge, and charitable inclination are for the individual to develop

You're imposing ethical constructs on everybody rather than allowing them to voluntarily be ethical.

Charity is what should be there for those folks that have real issues, 95% of people on welfare are a bunch of poor,lazy,assholes whose "underprivaledge" is the result of their terrible life decisions.

02-28-2016, 07:13 AM
well looks like Hillary is going to get the nod. seems like trump is the only alternative!!

02-28-2016, 09:36 AM
If someone has brain damage from an accident is that automatically someone elses responsibility to pay for said accident? If a typhoon hits the phillipines should I be forced to pay for their welfare? or should it be left up to me whether I give a shit or not? If some slut made terrible life decisions and has an unwanted pregnancy, should I have to pay to have her child murdered in the womb?

" to each according to their own merits", is western civilizations most cherished philosophy, merits of ability,position,priviledge, and charitable inclination are for the individual to develop

You're imposing ethical constructs on everybody rather than allowing them to voluntarily be ethical.

Charity is what should be there for those folks that have real issues, 95% of people on welfare are a bunch of poor,lazy,assholes whose "underprivaledge" is the result of their terrible life decisions.
Like I said, I totally agree with you about welfare needing to be extremely regulated and consistently monitored so that those 95% of people that are riding the system.
However I strongly disagree with you in denying responsibility to help your fellow fellow man; eg. Disabled. We have different fundamentals. Health-care is my career and passion.

02-28-2016, 02:08 PM
Like I said, I totally agree with you about welfare needing to be extremely regulated and consistently monitored so that those 95% of people that are riding the system.
However I strongly disagree with you in denying responsibility to help your fellow fellow man; eg. Disabled. We have different fundamentals. Health-care is my career and passion.

Well maybe people wouldn't be so against it if it wasn't abused so much. Welfare is no different than a lot of other good things that start out very well meaning and then get ruined because a bunch of fucking assholes with no self control, abuse them.

And no, I don't feel bad about eliminating welfare and leaving it up to charities and religious institutions. I work long hours, including lots of holidays and weekends, at great personal sacrifice to fix machines that go out and rain firey hell down on people who mean to do this country harm, and who want to take away your freedom to even come on here and bitch about this shit to begin with. They also provide the disaster relief that you're so happy about. I think I do quite enough, thank you very much. I don't need to also be pouring my hard earned tax dollars into welfare slugs so they can have free Obama phones and eat better than I do.

Highway Riding
02-29-2016, 12:04 PM
well looks like Hillary is going to get the nod. seems like trump is the only alternative!!

Now if only some dem diehards would see this and realize you have to pick your poison.

03-09-2016, 09:01 PM
My view as a douchey millenial;

Bernie for president.

Don't pull that "you just want free college and health insurance" shit on me, I run a business and am a HS dropout. Fuck formal education.

He's not a racist, a psychopath, or someone who got to where they were riding on the coat tails of their family. He's genuine.

Most of what I don't align with in his plan is shit that congress will stop him from carrying out anyways.

03-09-2016, 09:59 PM
trump will not get my support but if i have to vote between the other side and trump... i will vote for trump, and that's how it's looking to be now.

03-09-2016, 10:03 PM
Anyone but Hillary/Sanders.

kashira kureijii
03-10-2016, 07:42 AM
My view as a douchey millenial;

Bernie for president.

Voting for the classic Jew socialist?
he's gonna liberate ur weed and stuff man. Social Justice for the win dawg.

On a more serious note, Militarily who do you think will be best in terms of policy etc. I'm not part of the military nor have I been, but it is a pretty big deal and a big chunk of our national expenditure. None of them really have any military background now, and I haven't heard of their positions,so I was just wondering. Also Foreign policy wise, none of them seem very diplomatic or aloof. I have heard them mention china, which is probably this countries greatest enemy/rival, but have not gone into it in detail.

All the repub candidates seem pretty similar, I just don't really agree with the deport everyone rhetoric they seem to spout. They should just deport terrorists and people on welfare hahaha. I don't want them to deport all the people I work with. I know they're all full of shit, and couldn't possibly hope to deport all illegals, but it's the thought that counts man.

Trump is the ultimate troll, and it is very sad that people get so serious about him. Like "he is a racist" or " he is the next hitler!" and I'm all like "you realize he's just fucking with you right?". It's funny to watch all the SJW's react to his showmanship. I do respect Trump's political ability and charisma man. He responds and politicizes quite adeptly.

not voting, it's just interesting to see what will happen.

03-11-2016, 08:01 PM
Voting for the classic Jew socialist?
he's gonna liberate ur weed and stuff man. Social Justice for the win dawg.

On a more serious note, Militarily who do you think will be best in terms of policy etc. I'm not part of the military nor have I been, but it is a pretty big deal and a big chunk of our national expenditure. None of them really have any military background now, and I haven't heard of their positions,so I was just wondering. Also Foreign policy wise, none of them seem very diplomatic or aloof. I have heard them mention china, which is probably this countries greatest enemy/rival, but have not gone into it in detail.

All the repub candidates seem pretty similar, I just don't really agree with the deport everyone rhetoric they seem to spout. They should just deport terrorists and people on welfare hahaha. I don't want them to deport all the people I work with. I know they're all full of shit, and couldn't possibly hope to deport all illegals, but it's the thought that counts man.

Trump is the ultimate troll, and it is very sad that people get so serious about him. Like "he is a racist" or " he is the next hitler!" and I'm all like "you realize he's just fucking with you right?". It's funny to watch all the SJW's react to his showmanship. I do respect Trump's political ability and charisma man. He responds and politicizes quite adeptly.

not voting, it's just interesting to see what will happen.

I hope weed stays in this quasi legal/grey-area phase forever, but that's for another thread. Good try :)

Trump is a troll, but in a matter that shouldn't be fucked with. It was already convoluted as shit. I'm a troll and like to watch the e-world burn, but reality is a different matter. I don't see him doing much good for the country. I don't see him being an appropriate representative of our country. I don't see much good coming from a guy who has never held office before, regardless of how much money or "success" they have. I don't trust him. He entered in the right election year, though...his competitors make it easy for him.

I think we "lose" no matter who we have end up in office.

03-11-2016, 08:38 PM
I'm under the assumption that no matter who's in office, shi* will stay the same. That is the way politics goes, and that is the way people are. I can tell you this from my experience in both government and millitary.

That being said, I just go for the JFK of the appropriate era; and it sure as hell won't be Trump LOL.

03-11-2016, 10:49 PM

03-11-2016, 10:54 PM

*stumbles to find on ballot ticket

kashira kureijii
03-12-2016, 10:52 AM
keep seeing these online, people putting trump hats on anime girls, it's pretty funny

http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag23/neko-romancer95/trump%20hat_zpsbtrx3iex.jpg (http://s1297.photobucket.com/user/neko-romancer95/media/trump%20hat_zpsbtrx3iex.jpg.html)

apparently the trump rally in chicago was attacked by mobs of SJW's and black people.

I wonder why he thought it was a good idea to have a rally in that shithole?
seems real dumb, unless he has ulterior motives for it, and wanted that to happen for publicity sake to make the opposition look foolish, the problem with that is that the media condemned him for it. Seems like a lack of foresight on his part. You'd think he would have thought of avoiding what is literally the most leftish shithole in america. I'm kinda doubting his ability to forsee issues, he seemed smarter than that to me I guess

03-12-2016, 11:30 AM
keep seeing these online, people putting trump hats on anime girls, it's pretty funny

http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag23/neko-romancer95/trump%20hat_zpsbtrx3iex.jpg (http://s1297.photobucket.com/user/neko-romancer95/media/trump%20hat_zpsbtrx3iex.jpg.html)

apparently the trump rally in chicago was attacked by mobs of SJW's and black people.

I wonder why he thought it was a good idea to have a rally in that shithole?

seems real dumb, unless he has ulterior motives for it, and wanted that to happen for publicity sake to make the opposition look foolish, the problem with that is that the media condemned him for it. Seems like a lack of foresight on his part. You'd think he would have thought of avoiding what is literally the most leftish shithole in america. I'm kinda doubting his ability to forsee issues, he seemed smarter than that to me I guess

The irony is as much as everyone cries about GOP racism, I don't recall anyone ever trashing and rioting at one of Obama's rallies in any of the past election.

Left Wing loves free speech and sharing ideas and everyone's equal right up until they don't agree with you.

Trump had a huge turn out at that rally to support him. He truly is drawing more people from outside the normal GOP supporters. This is why the Right Wing is so pissed off at him. He's not a Ted Cruz evangelical conservative. He likely doesn't give two fucks about abortion, gay marriage and prayer in schools.

He's not advocating paying down our debt either and isn't demanding broad budget cuts.

His big points are -

Fuck the Middle East
Equal trading agreements (taxes, tariffs and regulations)
Fuck Immigration

Now before y'all get butt hurt, your beloved Japan has had this stance for 40 years.

03-12-2016, 06:01 PM
His big points are -

Fuck the Middle East
Equal trading agreements (taxes, tariffs and regulations)
Fuck Immigration

Now before y'all get butt hurt, your beloved Japan has had this stance for 40 years.

-Fuck less than 2% of the Middle East's population (there are probably more Americans that want to eradicate the middle east than Muslims who want to eradicate the US)
-Ethical trading agreements
-We are all immigrants, this is the land of opportunity. I don't want just ANYBODY coming here, but people should be afforded the opportunity to provide a better life for themselves and their loved ones, given the fact that they learn the proper ways and avenues of doing so regardless of where their country of origin may be.

03-12-2016, 09:52 PM
^^^^ You missed a zero after that 2 there, buddy. The percent of radical Muslims is estimated at between 15 and 25%, and that's about what it is for Christians too, as evidenced by the bible thumping fuckface zealots in this country that make up the extreme right wing of the Republican party. No, 20% aren't on the battlefield or blowing themselves up but you don't have to shoot at someone to be part of the problem. The scourge of radicalized religion is a very real problem and will continue to be until we rid ourselves of those sort of people.

03-12-2016, 10:20 PM
^^^^ You missed a zero after that 2 there, buddy. The percent of radical Muslims is estimated at between 15 and 25%, and that's about what it is for Christians too, as evidenced by the bible thumping fuckface zealots in this country that make up the extreme right wing of the Republican party. No, 20% aren't on the battlefield or blowing themselves up but you don't have to shoot at someone to be part of the problem. The scourge of radicalized religion is a very real problem and will continue to be until we rid ourselves of those sort of people.

Yeah, them pesky suicide bombing Evangelicals....

The Christian Right are not even in the same universe as "radical" Islam.

03-12-2016, 10:22 PM
^^^ Bro, so fucking true! Religion is a catalyst for doom when its your parties number one platform!!! 15 years and counting in the military and my worse fear is a President with a bible in the right hand and a gun in the left spouting out scriptures as if Jesus was here yesterday! I believe people use religion as means to divide, rather heal or talk! I feel people use race to divide, as well as economical stature. Without accountability the Country is lost, its a slave to the dollar! Why vote for someone who has whored himself for the biggest false idol, but Hillary or Sanders ? Damn, damn, damn Gina! John Stewart save me!

03-13-2016, 01:25 AM
^^^^ You missed a zero after that 2 there, buddy. The percent of radical Muslims is estimated at between 15 and 25%, and that's about what it is for Christians too, as evidenced by the bible thumping fuckface zealots in this country that make up the extreme right wing of the Republican party. No, 20% aren't on the battlefield or blowing themselves up but you don't have to shoot at someone to be part of the problem. The scourge of radicalized religion is a very real problem and will continue to be until we rid ourselves of those sort of people.

I've been to the middle east. I even wore a shirt with an American flag on it. People fucking loved me lol.

Not trying to take away from atrocities committed to innocent people or get into any conspiracy theory bullshit, but Islamic extremism is pretty exaggerated;

~106,000 "muslim" terrorists worldwide
205 million people in the middle east = 0.000517%
1.6 billion Muslims in the world = .0000663% (rounded up for you)
5 out of the past 12 Nobel prize winners have been Muslim

Most of those illiterate idiots don't even want to come here and kill us. They just want us to get out of there and stop killing people and putting weapons and power in the wrong people's hands. We've killed hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT people in the middle east. There are definitely a lot of em that fucking hate our guts though, lol. Hope I don't see any of them wearin my kick ass 4th of July shirt from Old Navy.

This leads back to the "you don't have to shoot at someone to be part of the problem" statement you made.

This got OT so here's a sneak peak to my new fan fiction series "Talladega Nights 2: The Ballad of Donny Trumpy"


^^^ Bro, so fucking true! Religion is a catalyst for doom when its your parties number one platform!!! 15 years and counting in the military and my worse fear is a President with a bible in the right hand and a gun in the left spouting out scriptures as if Jesus was here yesterday! I believe people use religion as means to divide, rather heal or talk! I feel people use race to divide, as well as economical stature. Without accountability the Country is lost, its a slave to the dollar! Why vote for someone who has whored himself for the biggest false idol, but Hillary or Sanders ? Damn, damn, damn Gina! John Stewart save me!

Thank you for your service. Religion is a great thing, but evil people use it to manipulate the weak.

03-13-2016, 09:17 AM
I really don't feel like fighting another war, especially on Trump's behalf

And for the most part, Arabs and middle easterners are awesome people. Its very sick to demonize a billion people over the actions of the few. Hell i dont feel any safer in this country than i do over there.

kashira kureijii
03-13-2016, 09:37 AM
Yeah, them pesky suicide bombing Evangelicals....

The Christian Right are not even in the same universe as "radical" Islam.

or them Buddhist extremists.

seriously, there isn't really any other religion that has "kill all unbelievers", written in it's holy books and taken so seriously.

Everyone else that comes here assimilates quite well, Asians, Mexicans, Indians, Matej, etc.

Problem with Muslims is they are incompatible with Western Civilization for their belief in Theocracy. It wasn't to long ago that there was a big contention in Dallas over muslims thinking Shariah law takes precedent over actual western laws.

A lot of the allure of Trump is that people are so tired of Social Justice propaganda and political correctness that they will be drawn to anyone who doesn't shit out their mouth about "absolute tolerance", which is something the muslim religion in itself does not promote.

look at how much more of a shithole europe(it was already pretty shitty)has become as a result of these people, do you want the amount of rape to go up 7000% like it did in Sweden? Do you want there to be literal neighborhoods of only Muslims that operate outside the jurisdiction of Law, and that normal people aren't welcome to enter?

We don't promote the creation of weird cult compounds here in america, and I'm pretty sure 90% of people are uncomfortable with cult members, Muslims act virtually the same, so I don't understand why people are so amicable to Salafists. Maybe everyone just likes to feel all warm and fuzzy inside I guess

Also you realize how much bullshit we are involved with in the middle east? We are constantly trying to appease them when in reality they should try to appease us, we are the 1 world power, why are we paying them for nothing?
We get very little from our involvement there.

03-13-2016, 09:52 AM
I really don't feel like fighting another war, especially on Trump's behalf

And for the most part, Arabs and middle easterners are awesome people. Its very sick to demonize a billion people over the actions of the few. Hell i dont feel any safer in this country than i do over there.

Uh, thanks for the ignorance.

You do realize Donald and Bernie are the only candidates saying fuck the Middle East right? And by that, I mean, leave the dictators in charge, let them kill each and not send troops.

If you feel safer there, please, by all means move there.

Unless of course you mean you felt safer there chilling on a US military base on Gatar or some shit.

03-13-2016, 10:28 AM
As if your vote even counts. Who ever the next president is has already been decided and this little show trump Hilary and Bernie are putting on is just to please you.

Trump doesn't stand a chance. He's there to do exactly what he's doing. Put on a show. Just like Bernie has won a couple states popular vote but the democratic delegates have over turned the desicion giving Hilary the win. think about that HE WON THE POPULAR VOTE but still lost the state..... Yeah your vote means a whole lot.

Also Hilary is a criminal and I don't like / trust her but she will be the next president no doubt.

Trump on the other hand is a gamble. Can you imagine that guy negotiating a nuclear deal with North Korea? lol itd either be great or we'd be getting bombed of his mouth getting out of hand.

Honestly in my opinion they are both crooks and neither of them deserve to run the country but I don't vote any way because I know it doesn't do anything

But gun to my head had to vote? I guess I'd go with trump. I have a really bad gut feeling about Hilary.

03-13-2016, 12:45 PM
Yeah, them pesky suicide bombing Evangelicals....

The Christian Right are not even in the same universe as "radical" Islam.

Oh, you mean the same ones that bomb places like abortion clinics and planned parenthood? Literally the only difference is people in this country are as a whole, more educated and more indoctrinated to our western values, which mean you see violent radicalism in a much smaller number of them. They're still a big group of completely insane religious zealots and a small portion of them still do exactly the kind of stuff that Islamic terrorists to. Fuck outta here with that shit.

think about that HE WON THE POPULAR VOTE but still lost the state..... Yeah your vote means a whole lot.

This isn't new or anything. We had a president for 8 years who lost the popular vote in 2000.

03-13-2016, 01:45 PM
Oh, you mean the same ones that bomb places like abortion clinics and planned parenthood?

Yeah I remember that well, April 14th when those Radical Christians crashed three plans into the MGM Casino killing 3,000 people.

I also remember the Thanksgiving Day Parade bombing that killed 40 people, as well as when they machine gunned and suicide bombed a Marilyn Manson concert.

Remember all the kids those crazy Baptist killed last year for eating meat on Friday during lent? What about the time those wacky Methodists put people in cages and drowned them in pools for not taking holy communion?

We seriously need to stop them!!

This isn't new or anything. We had a president for 8 years who lost the popular vote in 2000.

Bill Clinton?

Bill was elected with only 43% of America supporting him.

We work off electoral votes, not raw populist numbers - thank God.

Of the only thing that mattered was populist votes then you've basically acknowledged the only thing that matters is the big cities - fuck the rest of America.

03-13-2016, 01:55 PM
As if your vote even counts.


You don't have any intrinsic right to pick a party's candidate.

The Dems and GOP can easily just announce who their candidate is and that would be that.

Their selection process is generous enough to allow party members voice who they want to represent the party. The party can easily overrule.

It's feared that the Republicans may do just that when it comes to Trump. Many traditional conservatives hate him. The National Standard did an entire issue blasting him.

The problem is, it would be the death of the party if they over rule his nomination and pick Cruz. Trump running independent guaranties a Dem win.

Bernie is to left of center to win a national election. Sure he's genuine, but he's ideas are out there. Even if he wins he'd be a lame duck president as No one in congress with support him. Dems will turn on him fearing losing their seats at home to republican rivals.

Bernie wants to raise taxes 8-60% on EVERYONE. He wants a $15 national minimal wage and he wants free college.

Reality? A Dominos pizza becomes $30, and jobs that once required a degree and paid 20-25 an hour now pay $15 an hours. Why? Well everyone has a fucking degree now. Basic labor becomes to much and we push to outsource labor, tech support and automate services.

Those "you checkouts" are the tip of the ice berg. I foresee fully automated fast food dinners in that future.

03-13-2016, 02:21 PM
Bill Clinton?

Bill was elected with only 43% of America supporting him.

We work off electoral votes, not raw populist numbers - thank God.

Of the only thing that mattered was populist votes then you've basically acknowledged the only thing that matters is the big cities - fuck the rest of America.

Exactly, Bill is another example. And, no, the only thing that matters is each person getting the same vote as everyone else. As much as I can't stand the masses of idiots out there and would like the votes of those more intelligent to count for more, that isn't how democracy works. I'm not saying fuck the rest of the country either. Many things are better handled on the state level, or even locality level. This way, if highly populace areas want to be pussies and ban 2 liter sodas, guns, fatty snacks, etc, we aren't all stuck with it. However, in terms of picking a president, we now have the technology to count every person's vote in this country and name a winner. To not do so, and use a delegate system is nothing short of criminal, and against everything this country is supposed to stand for.

03-13-2016, 06:05 PM
To not do so, and use a delegate system is nothing short of criminal, and against everything this country is supposed to stand for.


The electoral college is part of the founding principle of our democracy (which is actually a republic btw). A populist tyranny is the very last thing we want.

Just like you are talking about states, that's how the electoral college works. Winner takes the whole state. State comes with a set number of votes related to its overall size.

So if every state votes 51/49 but one state votes 95/5, it doesn't screw the country into forever being at the mercy of said state. A populist vote would mean that the 95/5 state is the only once that matters and is in control of all 49 other states destinies.

Also, there is nothing in wrong with going against what people want. There are enough fucking dumbasses out there that would vote for $30 minimum wage, free housing and free cable internet if given the chance.

Luckily, some of the people in charge are smart enough to realize that is financial impossible and irresponsible.

As far as technology, who gives a shit. Should we also let the nation vote on the guilt of high profile criminal cases? We certainly have the technology for that. What a spectacle it would be. OJ Simpson, Text Guilty or Not Guilty to #OJCASE27! Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman etc.

03-13-2016, 06:13 PM
Uh, thanks for the ignorance.

You do realize Donald and Bernie are the only candidates saying fuck the Middle East right? And by that, I mean, leave the dictators in charge, let them kill each and not send troops.

If you feel safer there, please, by all means move there.

Unless of course you mean you felt safer there chilling on a US military base on Gatar or some shit.

Its easy to say fuck the middle east when you are just a mere candidate. A loud mouth as well.
I'm all about it, but it will never happen. Our country has its hands in far more than you could ever imagine across this globe. Giving up that influence will put us at risk, becuase if we arent there some other nation will happily be there to exploit the situation
But im sure you already know this as the armchair general

03-13-2016, 06:24 PM
Its easy to say fuck the middle east when you are just a mere candidate. A loud mouth as well.

I'm all about it, but it will never happen. Our country has its hands in far more than you could ever imagine across this globe. Giving up that influence will put us at risk, becuase if we arent there some other nation will happily be there to exploit the situation

But im sure you already know this as the armchair general

If we have so much influence in Syria and Libya, then why the endless fighting and refugee crisis?

kashira kureijii
03-13-2016, 06:30 PM
If we have so much influence in Syria and Libya, then why the endless fighting and refugee crisis?

we have influence, it is just perceived as bad/western and therefore useless anyway

03-13-2016, 07:45 PM
If we have so much influence in Syria and Libya, then why the endless fighting and refugee crisis?
Due to our political system, we never plan long term like russia/china. Our gov focuses heavily on whatever is popular and gets officials elected. World politics come into play as well. The west is trying its best to not get sucked into another shitshow like iraq/afghanistan and play nation builder again

we have influence, it is just perceived as bad/western and therefore useless anyway

That couldnt be farther from the truth. Our country has just been inherintly bad at diplomacy since it was established. We are honestly liked a lot more around the world than what the media would have you believe. That would change in a heartbeat were Trump elected. Not a leader in the world respects this guy. Not even his hopeful buddy Putin

Hence the rattling saber from Trump to then fuel his ego even more. He's doing this for himself not the country. He's in a win-win situation whether he becomes pres or not

kashira kureijii
03-13-2016, 08:04 PM
That couldnt be farther from the truth. Our country has just been inherintly bad at diplomacy since it was established. We are honestly liked a lot more around the world than what the media would have you believe. That would change in a heartbeat were Trump elected. Not a leader in the world respects this guy. Not even his hopeful buddy Putin

Essay question
Other than middle eastern shit, name an event where the US was bad at diplomacy, name what you think good diplomacy constitutes, name a country other than Japan where the US is viewed in a highly favorable nature 90%+

03-13-2016, 08:20 PM
Nope. Not getting my vote. Too many obvious reasons why not. And that is even if he makes it far enough to be the republican running man. And for the folks who keep thinking Hilary will make it anywhere, just remeber Obama never won the popular vote either back in 2008. See how that turned out.

03-13-2016, 08:52 PM

The electoral college is part of the founding principle of our democracy (which is actually a republic btw). A populist tyranny is the very last thing we want.

The electoral college is a relic left over from a time when news traveled on horseback and took weeks or even months to spread nationwide. We had delegates because we had no other choice. If you dug the founding fathers up and explained to them that the press transmits instantly and every citizen's vote is a keystroke away, but we're still going to keep the old system, they'd laugh in your face. Not to say delegates don't have a place. Everyone in this country doesn't have the time to educate themselves on every little thing and vote but there are certainly some very high profile issues, such as a presidential election, where we should have a vote/referendum.

Just like you are talking about states, that's how the electoral college works. Winner takes the whole state. State comes with a set number of votes related to its overall size.

So if every state votes 51/49 but one state votes 95/5, it doesn't screw the country into forever being at the mercy of said state. A populist vote would mean that the 95/5 state is the only once that matters and is in control of all 49 other states destinies.

These sort of "alliances" are dynamic. The other 49 would quickly get sick of that and set aside some of their differences in order to put a stop to it. Plus, political lines in this country are split roughly 50/50 with the independents and moderates picking what happens via which way they swing. Not much would change here, except a candidate would actually get to win when the majority of the people voted for them.

Also, there is nothing in wrong with going against what people want. There are enough fucking dumbasses out there that would vote for $30 minimum wage, free housing and free cable internet if given the chance.

Luckily, some of the people in charge are smart enough to realize that is financial impossible and irresponsible.

I have a hard time with this one because I think you're right that it would cause problems. Ultimately though, there's only so many people making. When there's too many taking and there is no incentive to be a maker, they either go elsewhere or stop working as well. Also, the increased minimum wage would level itself back out. $30/hr would be the new poverty and people who used to make that wouldn't provide their service for less than $120. There's still no such thing as a free lunch just because some fucking idiot thinks they can vote themself one.

As far as technology, who gives a shit. Should we also let the nation vote on the guilt of high profile criminal cases? We certainly have the technology for that. What a spectacle it would be. OJ Simpson, Text Guilty or Not Guilty to #OJCASE27! Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman etc.

No. People have their own jobs to do and not enough time to have a valid opinion on issues that trivial. They don't sit in the room during the trial and listen to all the evidence. They would only be voting based on media sensationalism and heresay. A jury of our peers is not the same level as choosing a president, and there's no reason to waste everyone's time with that.

I guess what I'm saying is some parts of the transition may be rough but it would ultimately be okay.

03-13-2016, 09:03 PM
If you dug the founding fathers up and explained to them that the press transmits instantly and every citizen's vote is a keystroke away, but we're still going to keep the old system, they'd laugh in your face.

If we dug the founding fathers up they would be freaking out over the fact we are letting women and coloreds vote. They would be besides themselves regarding welfare, taxes and the idea that we would even entertain abortion or gay marriage.

They where likely far more conservative than anything we can compare too today. Remember only land owning, God fearing white men could originally vote?

Also, history bro.

The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.


In other Democracies Congress/Parliament or the ruling party select the Leader.

You vote for the party, they do the rest.

03-13-2016, 09:10 PM
Trump's wall tells you everything you need to know about the man.

He's a fool

03-13-2016, 09:52 PM
Trump's wall tells you everything you need to know about the man.

He's a fool

Not everyone in the US lives on social media. That means nothing to a lot of people.

03-13-2016, 11:19 PM
Not everyone in the US lives on social media. That means nothing to a lot of people.

Ohh, it's a Twitter thing.

I thought he was talking about his Mexico wall dream.

03-14-2016, 09:08 AM
The U.S. needs to put the cape down and walk away. Target our enemies with strategic attacks and special forces. You cant fix stupid, just metigate the fall out. Protect the countries who support us, and set back and watch the show. Politicians only care about their legacy and wallett. If they trulyed cared than Citizens United would be appeled. How can the KKK have super pac and contribute to a candidate. Can the remaining Nazi party start a super pac?

03-14-2016, 11:16 AM
The U.S. needs to put the cape down and walk away. Target our enemies with strategic attacks and special forces.

That's exactly what we've done for the last 6 years. How'd that work out Libya and Syria?

You cant fix stupid, just metigate the fall out. Protect the countries who support us, and set back and watch the show.

So you support Trump? He's stated many times he'd rather back dictators who rule over stable regimes instead of trying to foster democracy and freedom around the world.

He would have supported Mubarak, Quadafi, Sadam and Asad, rather than sending the world into chaos with their toppling.

People only care about their legacy and wallett.


If they trulyed cared than Citizens United would be appeled. How can the KKK have super pac and contribute to a candidate. Can the remaining Nazi party start a super pac?

The KKK has every bit a right to exist and advocate its position as any other political group.

Yes there still is a functioning Nazi-esque party and yes they can run for President. Just remember, people have twisted the meaning of "Nazi" into some sort of caricature of white militant racists. The reality is they are totalitarian socialist fascists who believed in the almighty power of the government over the people. Very close to Communists with only minor economic details separating them.

Sanders is running right now as a Neo-Communists and he openly embraces that term.

Trump is the product of 30 years of endless political bullshit and spin.


kashira kureijii
03-14-2016, 11:39 AM
Can the remaining Nazi party start a super pac?

If a bunch of abortionists and feminists can start a PAC, I see no reason why you couldn't start a nazi PAC .
I'm pretty sure if it wasn't full of derpy , retarded,white trash racists, the economic ideology would be quite appealing to many in these depressed economic times.

Fascism and communism are similar only in their totalitarian centralization,so Corbic is sorta right. They differ greatly in their economic methods and social/industrial competency. There isn't collectivization in fascism, and personal property and corporations exist with less government involvement. National socialism has more social program emphasis than standard fascism, but it isn't anything like socialism in the standard definition. It isn't Bernie sanders style socialism at all. Individual responsibility is still very much a thing in both national "socialism" and fascism, whereas leftist social ideology features a collective rather than individual responsibility

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-14-2016, 11:48 AM
Fuck Donald trump. Fuck whoever votes for Donald Trump too.

03-14-2016, 12:22 PM
Fuck Donald trump. Fuck whoever votes for Donald Trump too.

All of this interesting, intellectual dialogue and then there's this. Lulz

03-14-2016, 09:48 PM
If a bunch of abortionists and feminists can start a PAC, I see no reason why you couldn't start a nazi PAC .
I'm pretty sure if it wasn't full of derpy , retarded,white trash racists, the economic ideology would be quite appealing to many in these depressed economic times.

Fascism and communism are similar only in their totalitarian centralization,so Corbic is sorta right. They differ greatly in their economic methods and social/industrial competency. There isn't collectivization in fascism, and personal property and corporations exist with less government involvement. National socialism has more social program emphasis than standard fascism, but it isn't anything like socialism in the standard definition. It isn't Bernie sanders style socialism at all. Individual responsibility is still very much a thing in both national "socialism" and fascism, whereas leftist social ideology features a collective rather than individual responsibility

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Thanks for the response! I did a little googling and I agree with your comments. I already new about the Super Pac bullshit because of the work of Stephen Colbert. The First Responder Bill championed by John Stewart, ill vote for the person who will make this and the VA a top priority!

03-14-2016, 09:54 PM
Thanks for the response! I did a little googling and I agree with your comments. I already new about the Super Pac bullshit because of the work of Stephen Colbert. The First Responder Bill championed by John Stewart, ill vote for the person who will make this and the VA a top priority!


VA needs to just be shut down forever.

03-15-2016, 11:10 AM

VA needs to just be shut down forever.

Why, when the Government runs healthcare everything is great.* :picardfp:

*extreme sarcasm

03-15-2016, 10:40 PM
^^^ So Corbic, whos going to treat the Veterans? No VA= Heros dying. Do you suggest the govermnet sells the VA Hospitals to the highest bidder and let the private sector run it. John Stewart for President!

03-15-2016, 11:01 PM
^^^ So Corbic, whos going to treat the Veterans? No VA= Heros dying. Do you suggest the govermnet sells the VA Hospitals to the highest bidder and let the private sector run it. John Stewart for President!

Or you just give them fucking normal insurance coverage. oh my fucking gawd!

03-15-2016, 11:33 PM
I thought he was talking about his Mexico wall dream.

Yes I was...

That's exactly what we've done for the last 6 years. How'd that work out Libya and Syria?

But still, were not a global police force.

03-16-2016, 05:16 AM
Or you just give them fucking normal insurance coverage. oh my fucking gawd!

This. I've got a lot of buddies who have had to deal with the VA. None of them have anything good to say.

03-16-2016, 05:31 AM
Both of my parents are vets and many of my family members are as well. My dad refuses to go the VA for anything. My mom was constantly battling them until she passed. I've been to the one in Milwaukee and it's a sad sad sight. Normal people with insurance are not treated like the vets are treated at the VA.

With Trumps wins last night it seems more and more likely he will get the nomination. I'm really struggling with giving him my support at the moment. A lot will have to change between now and November.

At this point I feel like if he runs as the Republican nomination, Hilary will be our next president. Someone who the fbi has an ongoing criminal investigation will be our next president.

03-16-2016, 07:24 AM
My profession is military medicine, so i deal with the VA weekly. We contract everything out when you do this you lack accountability and quality control. Most of the military members who run the VA only care about the next rank, star etc. A true cost analysis should be conduct, by the next Commander in Chief. I beleive NAVY Medicine can run the VAs better than any civillian company and save the tax payer.

03-16-2016, 09:23 AM
My profession is military medicine, so i deal with the VA weekly. We contract everything out when you do this you lack accountability and quality control. Most of the military members who run the VA only care about the next rank, star etc. A true cost analysis should be conduct, by the next Commander in Chief. I beleive NAVY Medicine can run the VAs better than any civillian company and save the tax payer.

Nobody should run it. It should be a normal insurance program like all the Federal Employees get. Period.

The VA basically takes the worst of the healthcare industry and combines it with the worst of our Government Bureaucracy. You have drunk disbarred surgeons and incompetent lazy doctors forced feed into a giant federal jobs program.

It is not more cost effective, it does not provide better service.

03-16-2016, 10:19 PM
May I ask who honestly would be interested in joining the military if Hillary is elected commander-in-chief?

kashira kureijii
03-17-2016, 05:44 AM
May I ask who honestly would be interested in joining the military if Hillary is elected commander-in-chief?

Who would be interested in joining the military without Hilary anyway?
The military has become a social justice shithole full of women and homosexuals. Maybe the marines isn't super like that, but they have still made the military into something it should never be, even if it is only marginally.

Plus when was the last time there was a war that actually mattered and was a real war and not some police action with some derpy third world country? Like 75 something years ago ......

The military also seems to be a place where a bunch tatted, tough guy wannabe kids congregate because they are literally to dumb to do anything else. Not saying everyone in the military is like that, as I have many family veterans, but they would tell you the same thing.

Maybe now that black ops or whatever is set in the future and not the present there will be less enlistments?

For the amount of money we spend on it, our military should be much higher quality . It is the best in the world, but not by the virtue of its own system.

So no I wouldn't join if Hilary was elected, but there wouldn't be a time where I would have wanted to enlist anyway

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03-17-2016, 07:16 PM
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c400/mexfoodisgood/B938A433-FC41-4DD2-B5C9-D74377C1F169_zpsnd1dsgqu.png (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/mexfoodisgood/media/B938A433-FC41-4DD2-B5C9-D74377C1F169_zpsnd1dsgqu.png.html)

like what the fuck. the fact that this pompous douchebag has made it this far amazes me. like of corse corbic is all about it, but every other person on this site? nah. if you're still a supporter you better have yourself checked for an extra chromosome.

03-17-2016, 07:46 PM
Like I said before, it wouldn't even be happening if we didn't have a 2 party system that keeps putting up shitty, far right and far left nut jobs who completely suck. The only way that someone like Trump makes it this far is due to the sheer shittiness of the available alternatives. Maybe this will teach them to stop putting up shit candidates. I don't even support the guy, I just support telling the status quo to fuck off, and he had been quite good for that.

03-17-2016, 07:47 PM
I just hope that Trump breaks the two party system.

03-17-2016, 08:32 PM
Like I said before, it wouldn't even be happening if we didn't have a 2 party system that keeps putting up shitty, far right and far left nut jobs who completely suck. The only way that someone like Trump makes it this far is due to the sheer shittiness of the available alternatives. Maybe this will teach them to stop putting up shit candidates. I don't even support the guy, I just support telling the status quo to fuck off, and he had been quite good for that.

This guy gets it.

I'm actually not a Trump supporter. I'm just revelling in it.

All anyone needs to do is search about Why Trump has made it this far. You'll find not left wing democrat articles and right wing Republican ones bitching and crying and blaming each other.

Republicans unable to keep a single promises and playing fear cars. Democrats doubling down in their government expansion insanity and race baiting.

Both are to blame. Both have failed this country. Where is Oliver Quinn when you need him?!


Back when Obama got elected the first time, mainly because he was young, handsome and black, he was accused of being a TelePrompTer and chief. He had no real record and was swept up as an outsider and over night celebrity.

I made the statement back then that the future of the presidency will eventually evolve into each party putting forth nothing more then their best handsome actors. Who looks and sounds presidential enough. Fuck whatever vision or experience they have. It's not about merit or skill, it's politics and popularity.

03-17-2016, 08:41 PM
I just hope that Trump breaks the two party system.

The Republicans end game right now is to force a second round vote. If the others have enough delegates that Trump can't win in the first round automatically, they have to vote again. In the second round, the delegates can vote for whomever they personally feel is the best candidate. So, even though Trump took Florida, in the second round those delegates can show their Florida colors and vote for Cruz (DIW).

If Trump starts off with the majority of the delegates, and does not end up as the candidate. That's the end of the Republican Party.

If the Republican Party splinters into nothing, the Democrat party will crumble too as they turn on themselves.

A retired black union worker in Detroit has nothing in common with a transgender Mexican in Sam Fransisco, who has nothing in common with a wealthy Jewish landlord in New York.

Democrats will no longer have a group of rich old white Christian men to blame.

Well end up like Europe with 10-15 parties and then the party's will have to form coalitions in order to get anything done.

03-17-2016, 08:51 PM
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c400/mexfoodisgood/B938A433-FC41-4DD2-B5C9-D74377C1F169_zpsnd1dsgqu.png (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/mexfoodisgood/media/B938A433-FC41-4DD2-B5C9-D74377C1F169_zpsnd1dsgqu.png.html)

like what the fuck. the fact that this pompous douchebag has made it this far amazes me. like of corse corbic is all about it, but every other person on this site? nah. if you're still a supporter you better have yourself checked for an extra chromosome.

Dood, seriously?

Fuck Europe. Them idiots gave us shit like Hitler, Stalin, the Holocaust and 99 Red Balloons.

They don't give two fucks for what is AMERICANs best interest, only their own.

This pandemonium of fear is nothing fucking new. Same bullshit flooded the airwaves twice before with Nixon and Reagan. In both cases the media thought either one would have drag us into a nuclear holocaust with the Russians.

Instead Nixon pulled us out of Vietnam and made peace with China. The opening relations with China is beyond fucking huge.

Reagan basically over saw the collapse of the Soviet Union without a single shot fired. He also gave is cellphones or some shit.

Europe is a shit judge of character. Hell, they gave Obama the Nobel Peace prize before he even did anything. Then they guy goes on to start 3 more wars, overseas the total collapse of the Middle East, kills thousands of people by from assassination and leaves Gitmo open. He also pulls us out of Iraq two years later than the Bush timetable and leaves us in Afghanistan well after we killed Osma in fucking Pakistan.

Let's get the guy another fucking Peace Prize.

03-17-2016, 11:45 PM
Same as with US media, you should not confuse European headlines with what the average person actually believes. Ironically, an alarming number of Europeans think of their own governments and media outlets as patsies and mouthpieces of the US. The Obama Peace Prize was also a huge joke that people just laughed at or shook their head in disbelief.

If Trump wanted to run for president of Europe, he would not even need to rewrite his speeches, just ramble more about stopping immigrants and kicking out Muslims.

03-18-2016, 09:11 PM
I servived Bush and Obama, so what the hell! Obama got me a vehicle that can servive an ied blast and sapi plates, but no damn cell phone!

kashira kureijii
05-03-2016, 08:27 PM
Looks like its gonna be Trump and Hillary now, I can't wait to relish in how pissed off everyone will be, its gonna be awesome.

Holding out for second civil war or naw?



I have more hahaha, I could go on. its the stuff hilarity is made of.

If trump wins everyone will riot and it will be hilarious. How many people will get a toaster thrown at their headz? think of the riot footage. "Baltimore and Compton have erupted in violence today" and then they can write sublime-style songs about it, it will be awesome

05-03-2016, 08:40 PM

05-03-2016, 09:08 PM
Back when Obama got elected the first time, mainly because he was young, handsome and black, he was accused of being a TelePrompTer and chief. He had no real record and was swept up as an outsider and over night celebrity.

I made the statement back then that the future of the presidency will eventually evolve into each party putting forth nothing more then their best handsome actors. Who looks and sounds presidential enough. Fuck whatever vision or experience they have. It's not about merit or skill, it's politics and popularity.


The democrats have played every card in bullshit they could to get votes and it's no secret... women, minorities, young people that are susceptible to bird votes and the lures of paid for erthang (as if the abundance actually exists).

Donald Trump has said some shit that makes me :facepalm:, but out of all of em, at least he isn't reading someone else's script to suck some D.

05-03-2016, 09:14 PM
Looks like its gonna be Trump and Hillary now, I can't wait to relish in how pissed off everyone will be, its gonna be awesome.

Holding out for second civil war or naw?



I have more hahaha, I could go on. its the stuff hilarity is made of.

If trump wins everyone will riot and it will be hilarious. How many people will get a toaster thrown at their headz? think of the riot footage. "Baltimore and Compton have erupted in violence today" and then they can write sublime-style songs about it, it will be awesome
Bring on the apocalypse. Even made my AR politically correct not to offend special snowflakes.

05-03-2016, 09:55 PM
It's weird that ppl automatically assume one person can change a political system because they supposedly aren't tainted by it....

Trump has 0 experience just all opinions....last time I checked you didn't let noobs work on your car let alone run your country

05-03-2016, 10:06 PM
It's weird that ppl automatically assume one person can change a political system because they supposedly aren't tainted by it....

Trump has 0 experience just all opinions....last time I checked you didn't let noobs work on your car let alone run your country

Saying this with a chill tone...

What does experience mean when youre selling your political power to the highest bidder (Hillary). I agree that there's a stupid rationalle goin around that just because someone is president means their mere presence will change everything. People are losing their damn minds with how they reason, it's truly horrifying. I dont let noobs OR scam artists touch my car, shouldnt let them into the hot seat either, but Ill take a noob that wants to try over a scamartist that knows theyre fuckin around any day.

05-04-2016, 07:26 AM
Saying this with a chill tone...

What does experience mean when youre selling your political power to the highest bidder (Hillary). I agree that there's a stupid rationalle goin around that just because someone is president means their mere presence will change everything. People are losing their damn minds with how they reason, it's truly horrifying. I dont let noobs OR scam artists touch my car, shouldnt let them into the hot seat either, but Ill take a noob that wants to try over a scamartist that knows theyre fuckin around any day.

This. How many of these politicians have experience actually working for the people who elected them instead of trying to line their pockets and make backroom deals, only doing the bare minimum for their constituents that is required to win re-election? Experience in politics literally means nothing. I would argue that a guy with experience running a company is more desirable, especially a guy who doesn't take shit. Even then, thinking one guy can change things is a pipe dream.

05-04-2016, 08:44 AM
This. How many of these politicians have experience actually working for the people who elected them instead of trying to line their pockets and make backroom deals, only doing the bare minimum for their constituents that is required to win re-election? Experience in politics literally means nothing. I would argue that a guy with experience running a company is more desirable, especially a guy who doesn't take shit. Even then, thinking one guy can change things is a pipe dream.

Duuuude. Trump may not be a politician in the traditional sense but he has an entire career worth of buying politicians and being bought by politicians. That is not rederic that is a fact that he fully admits to. He is no different than any politician when it comes to lining his pockets or politicians pockets with money for political gain.

I've always considered myself a Conservative Republican, but wth Trump seemingly getting the Republican nomination I guess I'll consider myself a Conservative Independant. I'm truly disappointed in the "Republican" voters across this country. I'll vote for him because he's not a criminal like Hilary but this man barely represents my political views. And the ones he does I'm sure he will change his mind about before November.

He's a Liberal in Republican clothing.

Fuck this election.

05-04-2016, 08:57 AM
He's an opportunist. His popularity is the result of years of frustration and disappointment. And I wouldn't be half surprised if he was a Clinton plant to throw the election and put the nail in the coffin the republican party built themselves.

05-04-2016, 10:35 AM
Duuuude. Trump may not be a politician in the traditional sense but he has an entire career worth of buying politicians and being bought by politicians. That is not rederic that is a fact that he fully admits to. He is no different than any politician when it comes to lining his pockets or politicians pockets with money for political gain.

I've always considered myself a Conservative Republican, but wth Trump seemingly getting the Republican nomination I guess I'll consider myself a Conservative Independant. I'm truly disappointed in the "Republican" voters across this country. I'll vote for him because he's not a criminal like Hilary but this man barely represents my political views. And the ones he does I'm sure he will change his mind about before November.

He's a Liberal in Republican clothing.

Fuck this election.

Truth be told, I'm not happy with any of them.

Trump is an idiot.

Cruz is a teabagger retard who cost this country billions of dollars to execute a government shutdown that never should have happened, all so he can wage some idealistic crusade against government workers and programs.

Bernie is the poster child of the lazy, entitled, overly coddled next generation, who expect to be handed everything without having to earn it. Yeah, lets get free college to go get a useless art degree because we are entitled to it, and then complain when we graduate and can't get a job. That's certainly something the government should pay for because it gives them such a beneficial return and we don't want to have to join the military and actually do something in order for them to pay it.

Hillary speaks for herself.

This is literally the worst pool of candidates I've seen in a long time and I won't likely vote for anything because I detest them all so much. I think I hate Cruz and Bernie the most, so if I do vote, it would be against them and nothing more.

kashira kureijii
05-04-2016, 10:45 AM
Trump is likely the best candidate, what time in history has there ever been a politician that represented you and your views completely? And actually took action relative to those beliefs?

I'm holding out for civil war and hopefully a resulting right wing military junta

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-04-2016, 10:55 AM
Trump is likely the best candidate, what time in history has there ever been a politician that represented you and your views completely? And actually took action relative to those beliefs?

I'm holding out for civil war and hopefully a resulting right wing military junta

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'll give Bernie this.

He's honest and he is consistent. There is no hidden agenda. There is no bank industry money. He's been a tree hugging, flower sniffing, liberal communist hippie his entire life.

He is also near death and likely can't be bought or manipulated at this point.

I don't agree with his views or rationale, but I truly believe in his sincerity and compassion.

You can't say that about these other assholes.

Highway Riding
05-04-2016, 01:08 PM
It's weird that ppl automatically assume one person can change a political system because they supposedly aren't tainted by it....

Trump has 0 experience just all opinions....last time I checked you didn't let noobs work on your car let alone run your country

Obama also had zero experience when he was elected. FWIW

Highway Riding
05-04-2016, 01:08 PM
I'll give Bernie this.

He's honest and he is consistent. There is no hidden agenda. There is no bank industry money. He's been a tree hugging, flower sniffing, liberal communist hippie his entire life.

He is also near death and likely can't be bought or manipulated at this point.

I don't agree with his views or rationale, but I truly believe in his sincerity and compassion.

You can't say that about these other assholes.

This is 100% true. If ur a dem then Bernie is ur guy hands down and most should be proud of that if they are true dems at heart.

05-04-2016, 01:31 PM
I'll give Bernie this.

He's honest and he is consistent. There is no hidden agenda. There is no bank industry money. He's been a tree hugging, flower sniffing, liberal communist hippie his entire life.

He is also near death and likely can't be bought or manipulated at this point.

I don't agree with his views or rationale, but I truly believe in his sincerity and compassion.

You can't say that about these other assholes.

He's also been talking about throwing a wrench in the gears of all our systems based on the assumption that corporations and wall street will put up with his robin hood BS... that'll work out. The guy is a straw man of big government interest with no strengths at all but an army of lazy kids.

Firm consistency is just as bad as flip-flopping every day. The president isn't there to represent HIS/HER beliefs, theyre there to represent the people's interests (which are ever changing and diverse in different amounts. Hence, the president will need to change from representing personal views to the views of the people where applicable). I think Donald Trump will do this best (out of the candidates at hand), because he has already shown ability to do so.

Hillary wants to suck D her way into the chair so she can turn the country around and F it in the A for her own benefit. I just cant say it enough. Why would anyone vote for this B? "Experience"? more like experience dodging questions, throwing people under the bus, and sailing Americans down river and blaming youtube videos instead of having guts and taking responsibility.

05-04-2016, 01:54 PM
He's also been talking about throwing a wrench in the gears of all our systems based on the assumption that corporations and wall street will put up with his robin hood BS... that'll work out. The guy is a straw man of big government interest with no strengths at all but an army of lazy kids.

Doesn't matter. He's being up front and honest. He's not saying free-collage because he's being paid to by the Education Lobby because they want more customers and more government money. He truly thinks it should be a right.

Firm consistency is just as bad as flip-flopping every day. The president isn't there to represent HIS/HER beliefs, theyre there to represent the people's interests (which are ever changing and diverse in different amounts. Hence, the president will need to change from representing personal views to the views of the people where applicable).

This is absolute bullshit. This is called Pandering and not Leadership. A good leader should have a vision and agenda. He should be open and honest about his vision and agenda.

You, the voter, then pick him for his vision and agenda.

I think Donald Trump will do this best (out of the candidates at hand), because he has already shown ability to do so.

Are you being facetious? This is why half of the Republicans hate Trump. This is why everyone hates Hillary and this is the core reason Sanders has support.

So you elect Trump because he wants to build a wall. A year later he caves to public opinion and he realizes he'll get more support if he legalizes all the illegals?? You are okay with that?

Hillary wants to suck D her way into the chair so she can turn the country around and F it in the A for her own benefit. I just cant say it enough. Why would anyone vote for this B?

Most rumors indicate she like women, not men. Also she has traction because of her enormous political and financial clout. Right off the bat she has 522 super delegates to Bernie's 39. That's a big "fuck you populist vote".

I also believe the Clintons tend to have very conservative views. They simply aligned with the DNC eons ago because it's a much more efficient machine then the GOP. The DNC is larger and it's significantly more capable of controlling the talking points, issues and always putting the GOP on the defense.

kashira kureijii
05-04-2016, 02:15 PM
He's also been talking about throwing a wrench in the gears of all our systems based on the assumption that corporations and wall street will put up with his robin hood BS... that'll work out. The guy is a straw man of big government interest with no strengths at all but an army of lazy kids.


He does have an army of lazy SJW kids at his disposal, u should see how many punk asses at college love his commie ass.

I'm young and I don't give a shit about free college.
This country shouldn't turn into some leftist half-Slav shit like Germany.
I don't want to be paying for people's bullshit Art and Business degrees .
They all think they"re gonna make $15 an hour and that their gay AF art degrees are gonna be free.

No politician ever serves the plebs, they serve veiled corporate/ political interest .

If a politician only cared for himself, only cared for his historical image and accomplishments, I would be perfectly okay with that . Ambition is western civilization itself, I wouldn't care about any authoritarian measures.

They need to care about themselves, America and what they will do that is historically significant. They don't need to give a shit about people who want free shit or corporate concession

05-04-2016, 02:25 PM
If a politician only cared for himself, only cared for his historical image and accomplishments, I would be perfectly okay with that . Ambition is western civilization itself, I wouldn't care about any authoritarian measures.

They need to care about themselves, America and what they will do that is historically significant. They don't need to give a shit about people who want free shit or corporate concession

So we need to dig up Joe Stalin?

kashira kureijii
05-04-2016, 02:30 PM
So we need to dig up Joe Stalin?

Nope he's a leftist

Alexander the Great, Caesar, or Frederick the Great would do.

Maybe a Franco

05-04-2016, 03:01 PM
Doesn't matter. He's being up front and honest. He's not saying free-collage because he's being paid to by the Education Lobby because they want more customers and more government money. He truly thinks it should be a right.

The flow of money would be:
Businesses-->Government-->hospitals,construction companies, schools (businesses), etc...

It's literally a call for the government to take money at their discretion in hopes that they do what they say they will with it. Which we all know the government just LOVES to do what they say they will when it comes to money.

Education needs an overhaul, but 'free to the student' isn't the answer. There's already too much entitlement that we really don't need the majority of students acting like spoiled silver spoon party kids going to party school on other peoples' dime. Paying for your own college commits you to an obligation to succeed to say the least. We need to overhaul how our gradeschool and highschool educations work, raise the standards.

This is absolute bullshit. This is called Pandering and not Leadership. A good leader should have a vision and agenda. He should be open and honest about his vision and agenda.

You, the voter, then pick him for his vision and agenda.

Vision: agreed, Agenda: somewhat-disagree. The agenda should be based on the peoples' interests. That's supposed to be the point of our democratic system: we all have very different views, and the majority viewpoint gets their way supported by their elected officials. Not supposed to be: the voter chooses a candidate for their pre-election sweet talk so they can get into office and do what the candidate/president wants. If it's in the best interests of the country, then the agenda is fine. If it is in the politician's personal interests, not okay.

Are you being facetious? This is why half of the Republicans hate Trump. This is why everyone hates Hillary and this is the core reason Sanders has support.

So you elect Trump because he wants to build a wall. A year later he caves to public opinion and he realizes he'll get more support if he legalizes all the illegals?? You are okay with that?

Again, we're a country of differing viewpoints. I don't see it as a downside for the reason I stated. I'm serious. Let's say (any pres not just trump) says "Okay, I hate all hispanics"... do you think he should follow his/her agenda to genocide/exile hispanics, or should the POTUS follow the popular opinion of Americans?

05-04-2016, 03:29 PM
Education needs an overhaul, but 'free to the student' isn't the answer. There's already too much entitlement that we really don't need the majority of students acting like spoiled silver spoon party kids going to party school on other peoples' dime. Paying for your own college commits you to an obligation to succeed to say the least. We need to overhaul how our gradeschool and highschool educations work, raise the standards.

Agreed. This is one of Sanders points I don't agree with. One of the points of college is not everyone can/will go. Those who pay to seek higher education gives you a sort of prestige. That being said it also should not cost so much either.

According to the College Board, the average cost of tuition and fees for the 2015–2016 school year was $32,405 at private colleges, $9,410 for state residents at public colleges, and $23,893 for out-of-state residents attending public universities.

That is just insane. I realize these are just averages, but you causing thousands of students to potentially take on crippling debt just to go to school.

Then there are textbooks. Older article but it is still relevant.

I get Bernie see's this as wrong, but just giving everyone free college and having the government pay for it is not the answer.

05-04-2016, 03:34 PM
Obama also had zero experience when he was elected. FWIW

tell that to the city of Chicago and Harvards Law Review

05-04-2016, 03:52 PM
That being said it also should not cost so much either.

That is just insane. I realize these are just averages, but you causing thousands of students to potentially take on crippling debt just to go to school.

Then there are textbooks.

It's because universities have become degree factory businesses. Half of my college experience was pulling lazy students along by my coat tails in group projects (then getting graded for their lack of effort), youtube videos for lectures, and LOADS of classes that had no bearing toward engineering @ $4000/semester. Oh, then there's the textbooks I bought but never had to use for most classes. Such a sham.

kashira kureijii
05-04-2016, 04:58 PM
It's because universities have become degree factory businesses.


I about to have to pay 57k a year in vet school , and its gonna suck balls.
Didn't get into my own state, and now I'm gonna get fucked over big with out of state tuition.

I think it's a conspiracy, and each school only accepts so many in states , so some people are forced to go out of state, and they get more moneys.

I feel like if professors and shit actually cared about learning, they themselves would protest tuition increases, but it never seems to work like that haha greedy bastards.

Also shit wouldn't be so damn expensive if schools were smarter, and not constantly building new stadiums and shit.
Football should be separate from schools, so those who don't care about it, don't have to pay for it.

05-04-2016, 05:15 PM
Nope he's a leftist

Alexander the Great, Caesar, or Frederick the Great would do.

Maybe a Franco

Alexander the Great... The openly homosexual King who wanted to conquer the world and die in combat and didn't give two shits about actually ruling....

Okay then.

05-04-2016, 05:18 PM
Tuition for my 2.75 years of PT school will be 70k, which doesn't include books, lab materials, gas expenses to drive to all the places they make you work for free, housing, etc.

"In addition to tuition and fees, students are responsible for lab fees, books, and expenses incurred with clinical internship experiences, both full-time and integrated. These may include housing, food, transportation, and related professional expenses. Costs will vary depending upon the location of the internship site, but students should be prepared financially for possible full-time internships outside the state of Florida."

05-04-2016, 05:37 PM
I have no problem with the 20 grand a year that I paid for school, other than the fact that about a quarter of my credit hours were gen ed BS, and therefore, a waste of money. Nobody is paying to fund a football team. That shit makes money, at least it did where I was. Also, there's a price for having world class facilities, and that price is well worth it. To me, the only rip off college prices are out of state or private schools, neither of which are needed to be successful.

05-04-2016, 06:01 PM
If Trump wins the Presidency I believe he will be assassinated. Much like Lincoln and Kennedy with their different ideals. It'll be blamed on some "Muslim" terrorist of <insert country we need to invade next>

kashira kureijii
05-04-2016, 06:05 PM
Alexander the Great... The openly homosexual King who wanted to conquer the world and die in combat and didn't give two shits about actually ruling....

Okay then.

That openly homosexual thing isnt true, we can discuss this in History thread if you want. I've read his biography. Modern historians love to call everybody fags, but they misinterpret the language used in those times. for instance if they language of the times said "so and so was his close bussum friend since childhood" something that obviously means they were childhood friends, modern historians interpret it as " holy shit they totally banged".

Alexander had several wives, one of which he married "for her great beauty" doesn't sound gay to me, but hey, Female historians can dream right?

Modern historians are more suited to writing gay romance novels for women then they are appreciable history books.

Also conquering the world is what he is remembered for, not serving the needs of his pleb followers. His success trickled down to them. I didn't mean he was good to everyone, I meant he was what I admire, for following dreams of self-glory rather than corporate or class interest.

05-04-2016, 06:13 PM
If Trump wins the Presidency I believe he will be assassinated. Much like Lincoln and Kennedy with their different ideals. It'll be blamed on some "Muslim" terrorist of <insert country we need to invade next>

Hillary too, but it'll be some lee harvey oswald

05-05-2016, 06:27 AM
It's because universities have become degree factory businesses. Half of my college experience was pulling lazy students along by my coat tails in group projects (then getting graded for their lack of effort), youtube videos for lectures, and LOADS of classes that had no bearing toward engineering @ $4000/semester. Oh, then there's the textbooks I bought but never had to use for most classes. Such a sham.

I bought a book once for some BS Gen Ed and never took it out of the plastic wrap and the fucking bookstore tried to only give me half my money back when I tried to return it. I got to the point Junior year where I quit buying books and just used the ones they had on hand at the library. Also, I'd say once I got into the classes for my actual degree almost every class I took I didn't have to buy textbooks. All my professors used cheap generic books to teach what we needed to know. Then again I was an Information Systems major and not engineering based. Also, I'm pretty Sure Bernie's plan for free college was only for 2 year programs or some shit? Not a Bernie supporter, but I think if he would have ran without being an open socialist he would have had a lot more support.

05-05-2016, 07:10 AM
With that comes controlling of other education costs I would imagine.

kashira kureijii
05-05-2016, 01:05 PM
One thing I find funny is how everyone lately is all like " If you"re voting for Trump, just unfriend me right now! " *emotional pms related sobbing*

It's funny to watch how salty and serious everyone gets over what is basically just differences in bullshit sports teams. It's not like it matters or that anyone of them politicians will do anything that matters.

FB is filled with people who think their bullshit opinions are worth enough to get into huge arguments haha.

It happens a bunch in older people , and it's funny to see them argue in a technologically inept manner

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-05-2016, 01:31 PM
People that think like that just need to be eliminated from the gene pool

05-05-2016, 02:13 PM
One thing I find funny is how everyone lately is all like " If you"re voting for Trump, just unfriend me right now! " *emotional pms related sobbing*

It's funny to watch how salty and serious everyone gets over what is basically just differences in bullshit sports teams. It's not like it matters or that anyone of them politicians will do anything that matters.

FB is filled with people who think their bullshit opinions are worth enough to get into huge arguments haha.

It happens a bunch in older people , and it's funny to see them argue in a technologically inept manner

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Honestly, I'd be happy they're voting at all, even if it was for the other person. If everyone voted and was well informed, we wouldn't end up with any of the worthless candidates that keep getting put up.

But then again, we live in a day and age where people are more concerned about arguing about petty non-issue political distractions like who goes in what bathroom, who should have guns, and what gay people should be allowed to do, and on hating Cowboys fans because they're a Redskins fan. Meanwhile, our schools are lagging behind the rest of the first world because we're too stupid to fund them and set up proper curriculums, our roads and bridges are crumbling, our military isn't getting the modernization it needs, and our national debt is skyrocketing. People as a whole in this country are really, really fucking stupid and lazy, and it pisses me off as one of the ones who isn't and has to work double so someone else doesn't have to.

08-17-2016, 04:16 AM
Damn bring this back

08-17-2016, 08:34 AM
Yes please do. I would like to see what the Trump supporters think of him now.

08-17-2016, 09:20 AM
Fuck Trump but more importantly FUCK HILLARY. Theyre both shit and have their downfalls but Hillary is way worse than Trump will ever be. Either way were all fucked.

08-17-2016, 09:23 AM
all hail god emperor Trump!

08-17-2016, 09:23 AM
Yes please do. I would like to see what the Trump supporters think of him now.
What did he do now? I stopped paying attention after it was clear that Bernie was screwed by the DNC...
If someone else steps up to run as a third party that's more than likely who I'll vote for, even though I know they won't have a chance and a vote for that person is as good as a vote for Hilary.
Jill Stein is the only 3rd Party option right now. Most of Bernie's support has gone over to her as I understand it.

08-17-2016, 09:24 AM
Yes please do. I would like to see what the Trump supporters think of him now.

I don't think the supporters feel any different. He's doing the same things he's been doing since day 1. Saying things that are either not PC, sarcastic (the media and the anti Trumpers apparently don't understand sarcasm) and most of the time totally irrelevant.

And that's why they like him.

I'm still not a supporter and have been hoping for him to win me over over the last several months, but I'm still not on board. His economic and tax plan I agree with 100%. His edicate I disagree with 75%. If he could curb his brash comments and pull his campaign together I'd be on board. My prediction is though that it's not going to happen. I want to be proven wrong though.

If someone else steps up to run as a third party that's more than likely who I'll vote for, even though I know they won't have a chance and a vote for that person is as good as a vote for Hilary.

Fuck Hilary though. She's honestly one of the worst, most dishonest, disgusting human beings in politics. Anyone who defends her is lying to themselves and putting morals aside to advance their political party. But hey, that's what the Left does.



08-17-2016, 09:40 AM
What did he do now? I stopped paying attention after it was clear that Bernie was screwed by the DNC...

Jill Stein is the only 3rd Party option right now. Most of Bernie's support has gone over to her as I understand it.

I'll never support a socialist.

Gary Johnson is a possibility, but I admittedly don't know much about him other than he's libertarian. But that's almost enough for my support.

08-17-2016, 11:01 AM
What did he do now? I stopped paying attention after it was clear that Bernie was screwed by the DNC...
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/10/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html?_r=0 <-- he later clarified and said he was trying to say by voting


Not him but one of his advisors

I don't think the supporters feel any different. He's doing the same things he's been doing since day 1. Saying things that are either not PC, sarcastic (the media and the anti Trumpers apparently don't understand sarcasm) and most of the time totally irrelevant.

And that's why they like him.

I'm still not a supporter and have been hoping for him to win me over over the last several months, but I'm still not on board. His economic and tax plan I agree with 100%. His edicate I disagree with 75%. If he could curb his brash comments and pull his campaign together I'd be on board. My prediction is though that it's not going to happen. I want to be proven wrong though.

If someone else steps up to run as a third party that's more than likely who I'll vote for, even though I know they won't have a chance and a vote for that person is as good as a vote for Hilary.

Fuck Hilary though. She's honestly one of the worst, most dishonest, disgusting human beings in politics. Anyone who defends her is lying to themselves and putting morals aside to advance their political party. But hey, that's what the Left does.



Are you in my brain? This is exactly how I feel about the upcoming election. I want Trump to represent a better GOP. I keep hoping to open a headline and see something other than him making an ass of himself. I consider myself a right leaning centrist. Donald has an opportunity to really shake things up. Instead he flip flops on issue, panders to the far right and is all over the place. I want to "Make America great again" but currently I don't trust Trump to do so.

I like the idea of Gary Johnson, but his open borders, no department of education and well as some other policies are deal breakers for me. Plus lets be honest, no 3rd party candidate is going to really gather enough votes to matter.

I've read through Jill Stein's policies.....meh..no thanks.

08-17-2016, 11:06 AM
^^^Geezus. Christ. I'll go back to ignoring that guy. What a shit communicator.
I'll never support a socialist.
I would, a democratic socialist anyways... I like the social programs we currently have in place & I think a few more are in order.

08-17-2016, 12:18 PM
I would, a democratic socialist anyways... I like the social programs we currently have in place & I think a few more are in order.

This contradicts your signature 100%.

Simplify, eliminate, and reduce government. That's the only way to "make America great again."

08-17-2016, 12:20 PM
up like donald trump

08-17-2016, 12:39 PM
I wonder how many people here actually understand what socialism is and the benefits it brings

08-17-2016, 12:52 PM
I look at it this way, trump is like the spoiled kid in the toy store, his parents have money, they buy him all kinds of stuff all the time, he has the resources, he has the abilities and he CAN make a change however instead of actually doing that and making an attempt to create relevant change he throws himself on the floor and throws a fit, makes fun of disabled people, is just generally a disgusting person, he needs slapped, sat in time out and told to grow up and come back and try again

im not a proper person by any means, im crude, dirty, I make sexual jokes on the daily just like most of us here, however I would never ever stand up in front of the world and do and say the things trump does, that represents an incredibly impressive lack of class and restraint that personally I feel makes him almost ALMOST a worse person than Hillary

08-17-2016, 12:58 PM
I wonder how many people here actually understand what socialism is and the benefits it brings

benefits :picardfp:

08-17-2016, 01:03 PM
benefits :picardfp:

yes benefits, democratic socialist countries lead America in pretty much every category except for the bad ones

08-17-2016, 01:32 PM
^^^This. Some ppl seem completely incapable of looking outside of our borders for good ideas.
This contradicts your signature 100%.

Simplify, eliminate, and reduce government. That's the only way to "make America great again."
Lol... Have you ever read up on Bruce Lee's philosophy? He taught practicing a complex exercise so often that it became SIMPLE and like 2nd nature...

Can't fix our national issues with a hatchet. Need a balanced & well thought out approach. Don't just start cutting shit... smh

08-17-2016, 01:37 PM
They're both assholes, I can't stand either one. This country's political system is fucked.

However, Hillary is going to win. The DNC had the blanket pulled off their corruption and no one batted an eye. All of the bullshit and lies have done absolutely nothing to slow her pace to the POTUS.

The reason she will still win is because Trump is a complete moron who has no business running for the highest position. He is constantly proving he is unworthy with his idiotic remarks and ranting. He will not win because he was not meant to win, he was meant to sabotage the republican party. Hillary could probably be tried and convicted off all her bullshit and still win.

Ok, back to work people...

08-17-2016, 01:53 PM
yes benefits, democratic socialist countries lead America in pretty much every category except for the bad ones

^^^This. Some ppl seem completely incapable of looking outside of our borders for good ideas.

Lol... Have you ever read up on Bruce Lee's philosophy? He taught practicing a complex exercise so often that it became SIMPLE and like 2nd nature...

Can't fix our national issues with a hatchet. Need a balanced & well thought out approach. Don't just start cutting shit... smh

o ok ya lets be like china :tweak:

08-17-2016, 02:02 PM
^^^This. Some ppl seem completely incapable of looking outside of our borders for good ideas.

they cant look outside our own borders because we have been conditioned not to, big business and our government has such a hold on our day to day lives and activities that they control everything, the government is paid by businesses to protect their interests, socialism is about the worst thing for big business so as such we have been conditioned to believe socialism is evil, its not, I apologize in advance for the book I have written you all but here it is

just to start lets pick one country out of the mix of evil democratic socialist states and lets look at some figures shall we?

Denmark is a good one ya?

to start according to world bank data, denmarks per capita income is $6,000 higher than in the united states which sure isn't some amazing figure but when you factor in the fact that Danish citizens work an average of 33 hours a week and have a right to 5 weeks paid vacation time off a year vs Americas 47 hours a week average and 16 days a year paid vacation average as well as the fact that new parents in Denmark receive an average of 52 weeks of paid time off after having a child which can be taken at their own discretion, in addition new mothers receive 4 weeks paid off before due dates and 14 weeks after new fathers get 2 weeks after the birth of their child paid time off, new parents in America get nothing, 1 in 4 new mothers in America are back at work within 2 weeks of giving birth, any worker in Denmark to has worked at least 52 weeks over a 3 year period can qualify to have 90% of their original salary paid for up to 2 years in unemployment benifits

lets move on, lets look at savings accounts and expenses, gross national savings in Denmark (savings by the both individuals and government programs like retirement and whatnot) in 2013 was estimated at 24.1% of GDP vs Americas 13.5%, Danish citizens spend 49% of their GDP on household goods while americans spend 69%

now on to a bullshit stat however it is one I feel like should be mentioned, Denmark ranked 3rd of 158 countries in the UNs 2015 world happiness report, the us was 15th

none of this even covers the fact that forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business in 2014 using 11 different criteria to rank business, including property rights, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade and others, under the same criteria the united states was 18th, they also ranked 3rd in ease of doing business to Americas 7th

or the fact that Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates in the world at 6% of the population being considered poverty stricken vs Americas 14.8% or the fact that Denmark has an employment rate of 72.8% to Americas 67%

shall we cover health costs now? at $4,400 per person Denmark is still well above the average of $3,300 per person but no where near Americas rates, Americas in 2014 spent $3.207 trillion dollars in health care cost averaged between the 320 million population that still comes to almost $10,000 per person, education is a good one to, students in Denmark are paid $900 a month to go to school if they live on their own and this funding lasts up to 6 years, now American students pay over $31,000 per year in tuition to attend a private college, out of state students at a public college pay $22,000 a year and in state students at a public college still pay over $9,000 a year

now the only, THE ONLY bad thing about Denmark is their taxes, and now you will see why I chose Denmark as an example, they have the highest tax rate in the world at 48.9% tax to GDP ratio, Americas is 28.2%, a 20.7% increase from where we are now to the highest tax rate in the world, so tell me how do they manage to still have a higher GDP percentage than America? how do they manage to save more money than americans despite a 20.7% higher tax rate, how do they do that while managing to work a total of 14 hours a week less than the average American, enjoy more vacation time, have a much lower poverty rate, a much lower unemployment rate, a much higher business rating across the board, maybe, just maybe the evil socialist ideals aren't as evil as the people who stand to lose the most will have you believe?

lets take a look at a few things, namely, what is socialism? socialism places the responsibility for production In the hands of the workers and it ensures that wealth is not accumulated in isolated pockets but is distributed for the benefit of all, for instance through public health, education, security etc

for socialism to succeed it requires that ALL members work for the benefit of ALL, it is not about creating a welfare state, it is not about placing power and wealth in the hands of a FEW to exploit ALL which is exactly what lenin and stallin did, now the soviet union may have call itself a socialist state but that is not what it was at least not in that stage of history, lenin and stalin exploited the workers uprising in the switch from capitalism to socialism to introduce a repressive regime that benifited no one let alone the workers

now what is capitalism, capitalism requires government control over the market even in your wonderful "free market" if it wasnt for free trade agreements and the general agreement on trade and taiffs most us corportations would actually have to compete fairly with smaller traders in weaker economies, instead the us government has ensured the strength and growth of their corporations whilst allowing them to exploit weaker economies and markets

essentially capitalism is the redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich for capitalism to succeed it requires that ALL members of society work for the benefit of the FEW, it places power in the hands of the few to exploit all

note that the right wing will accuse left wing parties of being socialist when the government funds healthcare, education, police, defense etc. they call it a welfare state but when the government funds large business its called a democracy and free trade, that's capitalism for you

being as how America has established itself as the basis for all things democracy and capitalism it should be used to compare to socialist states, the united states certainly has and has had a strong economy and has dominated the world with military use so much so that we have spent more on military spending than the welfare of the people, any suggestion of the government being responsible for the people is met with derision and accusations of socialism and communism, Americas GDP certainly has exceeded that of any other country be it capitalist, socialist or any thing else, ask yourself why maybe? maybe that wealth was built on a series of violent international conflicts and interventions which established American corportations in many countries which ensured that the wealth of those countries was redistributed at least partially to the united states however compared to socialist states the united states unemployment levels have always been much higher and it lacked any ability to provide health care or social services to its poorest citizens

is success having wealth in the hands of the few while the majority earn minimum wage?

is success having the strongest military and no public health system at all?

is success having the biggest house and a mortgage that cant be paid?

is success measured by "he who has the most toys wins"?

yet this is how we live

to obtain this "success" the government has marketed an impossible and unobtainable dream to the population while exploiting fears that the dream will not be realized if evil socialism undermines the power of corporations to sell this deam

since the second world war, the united states has intervened in the sovereignty of over 70 nations for our own economic gain, the government claims these interventions were for democracy and freedom and human rights yes the interventions resulted a lot of the time in democratic elections being corrupted, democratically elected goverments being overthrown, tyrants installed and millions of people massacred as a result, the middle east is just the newest installment in that chapter except it backfired and the tyrants installed rebelled against the united states with the weapons and resources we gave them, where do you think isis came from?

socialism never failed, everyone always says it failed or "name one instance where socialism worked" those are the types of questions that show the sheer lack of knowledge of the person posing the question, socialism never failed, it was overthrown through aggressive extremist capitalism implemented through genocide and economic blackmail which destroyed lives, economies, political systems, and democracy in many many countries

my favorite argument is "name one, name one country that has been successful under socialism"

well china to start, apart from the unnecessary human rights violations which had nothing to do with socialism and instead with power however apart form that china has prospered under socialism and is now one of the strongest economies in the world

chile under the democratically elected Marxist president Allende had successfully implemented multiple public services reduced food and housing shortages and increased housing standards, he nationalized almost 100 industries including banking and credit which assisted in redistributing weath equally his land reforms improved food production greatly assisting in reducing shortages, but of coarse these evil socialist measures were unacceptable to the united states who blatantly sabotaged the Chilean economy through united states interference and withholding of aid and manipulation of media through fear campaigns and false propaganda and influencing the military, this interference culminated in Allende being murdered in a bloody cia backed coup in September 1973 in order to install a pro military dictator general Pinochet who then went on to murder thousands of his own citizens, and of coarse these massacres were to protect the Chileans from the evils of socialism and allow them to enjoy the economic ruin brought on by American corporations

Indonesia was another chile

as was cuba


veneuela, which is controversial because of recent activities, Venezuela is no longer socialist, they may still be classified as socialist for some reason but since the last president died they have been ruled by a military dictator and the country no longer follows socialist values, as such they have gone from the faster growing economy in the world just 6-7 years ago to one of the worst and fastest falling economies but don't worry, anything is better than socialism

Vietnam is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the world under socialism and has improved economically since the end of the Vietnam war under socialism

social democracies are enjoyed by many countries by combining a blend of socialism and capitalism through social democracy which has been far far more effective than the united states extreme capitalism the most notable of these countries


new Zealand

the united kingdom








and Italy

all enjoy much much better living standards and a multitude of other catagories

so in conclusion after wasting much of my slow work day socialism works, it does when its not overthrown by a world super power and the people don't let a tyrannical dictator to manipulate and control it into something that its not, kinda like what has been happening the last few decades in the united states but that's none of my business........

08-17-2016, 02:04 PM
o ok ya lets be like china :tweak:

china has grown to one of the strongest economies in the world under socialism, the social rights issues and human rights issues in china have absolutely nothing to do with the socialist process, it has to do with Marxism and power plays

kashira kureijii
08-17-2016, 02:28 PM
None of those socialist countries have a gdp similar to ours , most of the euro ones are cucked and full of muslims.
Yall cray fam
Also everyone claiming to be centrist is kidding themselves. You need to jump to one side or the other, if you stand in the middle of the road youll be run over.

All hail imperator trump.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-17-2016, 02:30 PM
None of those socialist countries have a gdp similar to ours , most of the euro ones are cucked and full of muslims.
Yall cray fam
Also everyone claiming to be centrist is kidding themselves. You need to jump to one side or the other, if you stand in the middle of the road youll be run over.

All hail imperator trump.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Are you fucking serious? :picardfp:

08-17-2016, 02:54 PM
Trump is the man, y'all are just haters.

*shotguns beer/shoots guns

08-17-2016, 02:58 PM
None of those socialist countries have a gdp similar to ours , most of the euro ones are cucked and full of muslims.
Yall cray fam
Also everyone claiming to be centrist is kidding themselves. You need to jump to one side or the other, if you stand in the middle of the road youll be run over.

All hail imperator trump.

of coarse they don't have a gdp similar to ours, the us government has directly intervened in the sovereignty of over 70 countrys in the last 70 years with the strict and exact result of installing us based corporations or us friendly goverments into power, its no wonder we have a higher gdp than almost every other country (chinas is higher as of February 11th this year do some fact checking so yes a socialist country not only has a gdp similar to ours but higher) its hard not to have a higher gdp when we are moving our corporations run by multi-billionares who don't give back to an economy with their profits and who fight tooth and nail to pay workers the very smallest amount possible driving foreign economies into the ground and preventing smaller businesses from taking hold by using their power and influence to force goverments to yield to them and their ways, not only are American corporations stealing from us, their own people but they are stealing from the rest of the world to

my favorite example of American corporations taking advantage of citizens is in Estonia. so for those who don't know Estonia is a socialist country, due to the wonderful influence of socialism preventing big businesses like Comcast from holding illegal monopolies, all internet service and wifi is free, not only free but faster than American internet and available everywhere, you can literally leave your house and walk all around town without ever losing wifi in any one area, a country that literally didn't have phones 20 years ago provides something as simple and basic as internet to every citizen, 97% of Estonian schools have internet compared to about 50% in America a country with infinitely more wealth, almost everything in Estonia is done electronically because everyone has access

08-17-2016, 03:16 PM
Literally right now I taught my kids about Socialism.

My son is a hard worker. He's digging in the dirt looking for worms. Crazy kids. He has like two or three big ones. My oldest daughter who is just playing away with her My Littlw Pony's decided she wanted one. She runs up and just grabs one. My son have chase, pissed. The Law (Dad. Me) stepped in and gave him his worm back.

This honestly just happed 5 minutes ago. It was a great opportunity to explain to them why Socialism is bad and a perfect anecdote for this thread.


08-17-2016, 04:07 PM
Literally right now I taught my kids about Socialism.

My son is a hard worker. He's digging in the dirt looking for worms. Crazy kids. He has like two or three big ones. My oldest daughter who is just playing away with her My Littlw Pony's decided she wanted one. She runs up and just grabs one. My son have chase, pissed. The Law (Dad. Me) stepped in and gave him his worm back.

This honestly just happed 5 minutes ago. It was a great opportunity to explain to them why Socialism is bad and a perfect anecdote for this thread.


except that's not how that works.

What happens is your son is sitting there digging away for his worms and hes got 2 or 3 real big ones and hes proud as shit and wants to sell them and make himself some spending money and pay his bills and live a comfortable life, when all of a sudden your neighbors kid comes over, now hes a big kid, just an absolute monster and tough as shit, and your the law but his dad is the government, your boss, he comes over and he says "you can keep those 2 or 3 little worms but im gonna take that spot your digging in, and if you don't give me that spot your digging in im gonna walk over to your dad (you, the law rememeber) and im gonna offer him $100,000 to ground you and force you to go inside so I can have your spot. and if that ends up being to expensive or he says no, im gonna raise the price on shovels, and digging tools, and food until your forced to give up or move and then im gonna run the price as high as I want. and if that doesn't work im going to lower the price of worms down to next to nothing until you can no longer go without selling worms and you have to liquidate your assests, and little boy there isn't a thing you can do about it because I have enough money to make sure all this can and will happen and then some" and your little boy is gonna fight, and hes gonna fight, hes gonna fight hard, tooth and nail but inevitably that bigger kid is going to pay enough people and float a store or company long enough to take your kids spot, by force if need be and there isn't a thing you or your son can do about It..............

but wait, maybe, just maybe, a ray of hope, a little sunshine in this terrible world, if we all stand together and decide that we are all poor, we are all a collective group of people being oppressed by the same government and the same corporation and we can look past our own selfishness and realize that maybe your son doesn't need 3 worms, maybe he can make do with 2 and give someone else one even if only for a little while, maybe things will get better, maybe if we all band together and give away a little more eventually instead of needing 3 or 4 or 5 worms to live a comfortable life, eventually we may only need 1 worm or 2 to live not only the same comfortable life as before but maybe just maybe an even better life and we can live it with less worms, not only could your son live with less worms but your daughter could to, and they could both see a pediatrician without paying any cash at the time, they could both attend school all the way through college without having to save their whole lives, imagine the possibilities.........

08-17-2016, 04:09 PM
you also forgot to tell your kid about all the things he would get for that one measly worm, you forgot to tell him that he would need less worms to live the same in the future, and that he would be able to see the doctor and go to school, and all the other super nice awesome things he could get for that one worm

08-17-2016, 04:17 PM
they cant look outside our own borders because we have been conditioned not to, big business and our government has such a hold on our day to day lives and activities that they control everything, the government is paid by businesses to protect their interests, socialism is about the worst thing for big business so as such we have been conditioned to believe socialism is evil, its not, I apologize in advance for the book I have written you all but here it is

just to start lets pick one country out of the mix of evil democratic socialist states and lets look at some figures shall we

Denmark is a good one ya?

You are an idiot.

If you want to raise Income per Capital and make everything wonderful...

Just get rid of all the underperforming minorities, because that's pretty much what all the Scandinavian countries are.

I lived in Norway for 5 years. It's 4 million middle class white people with liked 5,000 cute colored people living off a massive oil reserve being pumped out by the Government.

You could easily say the same thing about any American micro-group, either affluent city or state and go "why can't all America be like like Granger Indiana with an average income of $80k a year, no crime, great schools, big houses and cheap taxes?"

Europe = The US

You have areas/cities/states/countries that are rich and affluent, and then you have places that suck ass.

So while Granger and Denmark may seem like Utopian places, Gary, IN and the Ukraine are God damn shit holes.

08-17-2016, 04:35 PM
You are an idiot.

If you want to raise Income per Capital and make everything wonderful...

Just get rid of all the underperforming minorities, because that's pretty much what all the Scandinavian countries are.

I lived in Norway for 5 years. It's 4 million middle class white people with liked 5,000 cute colored people living off a massive oil reserve being pumped out by the Government.

You could easily say the same thing about any American micro-group, either affluent city or state and go "why can't all America be like like Granger Indiana with an average income of $80k a year, no crime, great schools, big houses and cheap taxes?"

Europe = The US

You have areas/cities/states/countries that are rich and affluent, and then you have places that suck ass.

So while Granger and Denmark may seem like Utopian places, Gary, IN and the Ukraine are God damn shit holes.

the minorities wouldn't be underperforming if we didn't glorify the false ideal of the American dream, 320 million people in America not even 10% of those could live up to the American dream not because its unobtainable but because if 10% of the us population stopped working minimum wage jobs and started inventing or developing things to get rich, this country would break the speed of light in its plummet, service industries are a crucial part of any society and telling people who are a crucial part of a society that they aren't allowed to have basic things like health care because we refuse to pay them enough to afford it is the problem in this country.

the dream is a delusion meant to make people work harder in the false belief that they are working for something, but instead we could actually work towards something obtainable, an America that actually is great again, trump will not make America great again, he cant, no one man, can, 1,000 men can no 1,000,000 men can, it will take 320 million men and women to make America great again but that wont ever happen so long as we glorify people like trump because 320 million Americans working together to create a better life for all 320 million is socialism and our government wont have it and has refused to even allow that possibility for decades, as such the people have been conditioned to selfishness and refuse to consider selflessness for the betterment of themselves and the people around them

and of coarse the Ukraine is a god damn shit hole, just like Sweden will be in about 15 years, socialism doesn't do away with competition, Sweden cant compete with the countries around it which is why its economy has started to fail just like the Ukraine did, in a decade or 2 both will bounce back as a economy in a downturn presents unique opportunities for business and and individuals who can and will eventually improve the economys, its a roller coaster, every country has them and almost every country bounces back, its the countries like America that have grown to big for sustainability that fail when a large drop happens

08-17-2016, 04:42 PM
the minorities wouldn't be underperforming if we didn't glorify the false ideal of the American dream, 320 million people in America not even 10% of those could live up to the American dream not because its unobtainable but because if 10% of the us population stopped working minimum wage jobs and started inventing or developing things to get rich, this country would break the speed of light in its plummet, service industries are a crucial part of any society and telling people who are a crucial part of a society that they aren't allowed to have basic things like health care because we refuse to pay them enough to afford it is the problem in this country.

the dream is a delusion meant to make people work harder in the false belief that they are working for something, but instead we could actually work towards something obtainable, an America that actually is great again, trump will not make America great again, he cant, no one man, can, 1,000 men can no 1,000,000 men can, it will take 320 million men and women to make America great again but that wont ever happen so long as we glorify people like trump because 320 million Americans working together to create a better life for all 320 million is socialism and our government wont have it and has refused to even allow that possibility for decades, as such the people have been conditioned to selfishness and refuse to consider selflessness for the betterment of themselves and the people around them

and of coarse the Ukraine is a god damn shit hole, just like Sweden will be in about 15 years, socialism doesn't do away with competition, Sweden cant compete with the countries around it which is why its economy has started to fail just like the Ukraine did, in a decade or 2 both will bounce back as a economy in a downturn presents unique opportunities for business and and individuals who can and will eventually improve the economys, its a roller coaster, every country has them and almost every country bounces back, its the countries like America that have grown to big for sustainability that fail when a large drop happens


did I just find a place I can troll unconditionally? this is not good, I may lose my job over this

08-17-2016, 05:05 PM
we don't need to get rid of minorities we don't even need to pay people more we just need to give them more for what it taken, even when I was making $15 an hour I still felt like shit day in and day out because you still feel like you aren't making dick, American corporations are out of hand, there are no more alternatives anymore, there isn't an alternative to a $200 a month phone plan anymore, there isn't an alternative to Comcast, you cant have internet access without paying for cable, everything we own or buy is so god damn expensive because corporations force prices up to make more profit, take this for example oil was $30ish a barrel in 2001 and the national gas price average was less than $1.50 a gallon, which when accounting for inflation is about $2 a gallon, then prices went through the roof, a barrel of oil was up around $140 for a time then there was fluctuation, things evened out, more spikes, more fluctuation, and now the price of a barrel has remained fairly low, under $50 a barrel sometimes under $30 a barrel for over a year (haven't checked in a few months so idk what it is now) but yet gas is still almost $3 a gallon, how does that work you wonder? greed that's how, big businesses use price increases to create excess profit, when a crude material price goes from $1 to $2 a unit the company will increase finished product prices from $10 a unit to $25 a unit then once crude prices drop back down to $1 a unit that company will keep that extra $5 so prices of materials go from $1 to $2 and back to $1 but finished product prices go from $10 to $25 then to $15 so the company pays the same to build a product but makes an extra $5 off it which under decent circumstances is fine but that's a small example, usually these increases aren't $5 they are a lot more or they are $5 across an entire companies inventory so a grocery trip where you would normally spend $150 your now spending $200 for no other reason than corporate greed, socialism eliminates that, it allows for a competitive market, if places like walmart actually had to compete fairly with local businesses, they would lose every time, idk how many of you live in Oregon but all you have to do is look at dari marts, dari mart is a local mini mart business to central Oregon, they single handedly pushed 7-11s out of a 200+ mile radius, their whole policy is farm to table, if milk cant reach a store in one day or less from their farm its to far away and they wont open a store there, 7-11 never stood a chance there are 100 stores in a 200ish mile radius and they consistently maintain the lowest prices, just imagine if that kind of thing were allowed all over the country in all brances of the service industry

08-17-2016, 05:06 PM

nice try but I only troll on topics I don't give a shit about

08-17-2016, 05:15 PM
you also forgot to tell your kid about all the things he would get for that one measly worm, you forgot to tell him that he would need less worms to live the same in the future, and that he would be able to see the doctor and go to school, and all the other super nice awesome things he could get for that one worm

He's 6. I'll get there.

08-17-2016, 05:16 PM
You are an idiot.

If you want to raise Income per Capital and make everything wonderful...

Just get rid of all the underperforming minorities, because that's pretty much what all the Scandinavian countries are.

I lived in Norway for 5 years. It's 4 million middle class white people with liked 5,000 cute colored people living off a massive oil reserve being pumped out by the Government.

You could easily say the same thing about any American micro-group, either affluent city or state and go "why can't all America be like like Granger Indiana with an average income of $80k a year, no crime, great schools, big houses and cheap taxes?"

Europe = The US

You have areas/cities/states/countries that are rich and affluent, and then you have places that suck ass.

So while Granger and Denmark may seem like Utopian places, Gary, IN and the Ukraine are God damn shit holes.

This is when I wish we still had the rep system around here. Thumbs up.

08-17-2016, 05:26 PM
another fun example of American corporation greed

do some research on phone companies, at&t, Verizon, century link and all of their subsidiaries are all owned by the bell corporation which split into the "the 7 baby bells" (all still owned by the same people and the profits go to the same place) in 1984 after a court ruling against monopolies however at&t Verizon and century link absorbed the other 4 in the following years, these 3 companies also bought our of founded multiple other massive monopoly companies such as Comcast, basically every thing in the world that has to do with telephones of any kind, land lines, cell phones, internet, atms, card machines, all controlled and owned by what was originally the bell corp, the only company not outright owned is sprint, but most of its stock is owned by the bell corp in one form or another, the existence of sprint serves one purpose, to comply with any monopoly laws, that's it, now the kicker, all these companies are owned by the same corporation so why are they competing against each other? to drive prices up based on nothing, sole purpose, its amazing the things you find when you look.

now the kicker, most of the rest of the world has much better options, they are fewer, smaller, and cheaper, because???????? you guessed it, socialism, massive corporation style companies that are forced to compete fairly with other local smaller companies lose every single time, without our government protecting massive businesses they wouldn't exist, at least not on the level they are on, attempts are made every year to start phone companies, internet providers, cable providers, all kinds of services, they last a few months tops before a major corp notices and shuts them down

08-17-2016, 05:32 PM
I would, a democratic socialist anyways... I like the social programs we currently have in place & I think a few more are in order.

I prefer the country to not rely on the government as a crutch for American well being.

08-17-2016, 05:41 PM
I prefer the country to not rely on the government as a crutch for American well being.

the country currently relies on the government as a crutch, without free trade agreements and trade acts the majority of American businesses would fail, those agreements keep places like walmart in power, places like walmart keep money flowing into political places which allows them to do whatever they want like keeping minimum wage down, preventing the government from forcing major businesses from providing health care and any of the multitude of things they should be doing, as such we rely on those places which rely on the government the system is so fucked up and literally no one understands it and its driving us into the ground, this country is FAILING it has been for almost 2 decades, we are going downhill fast and we keep hitting the gas, there is no ramp at the bottom, we aren't gonna fly to the top of the next hill, we are almost vertical now, falling and we will hit the bottom and stop because everyone thinks its ok for a company like walmart to make 100 billion + a YEAR then ask for tax breaks and everyone just says "oh well they worked for that money hur de dur" 95% of the people in this country will sit back and ignore it all till its to late and we have hit bottom then wonder how WE let this happen