anyone done a ca18de(n/a) to sr20det swap in an s13?
llike the title states im looking for more info on swapping my ca18de in my s13 to the sr20det... jus tryin to see if anyone has done this particular swap b4... other than the obvious (motor,trans, ecu and harness, fmic, rad, etc..) what other things would need replacing? as in clutch master cylinder, brake master cylinder? i know that the sr20det has diff sized brake pads to compensate for the power of the sr..soo a brake upgrade would probably be in my best interest. but as far as the cmcand bmc, i have no idea... any info regarding this matter would help a great deal! id like to have everything needed to complete the swap priced out soo i dont run into any surprises down the road.. as far as i know the SR should bolt right into the same spot the CA is located in , and the trans as well... correct me if im wrong?