Subaru STI 550 CC side feed injectors with modified SR20 harness to make this plug and play for SR20. Injectors will come with rail shown that has a fitting to adapt this to the Automotive fuel pressure regulator.
Automotive fuel pressure regulator will come with the gauge shown. There is a plug on top of the gauge to hold the liquid in the gauge in, I put tape over it to ensure it doesn't leak. Fuel pressure regulator will also come with fittings shown that are the same size as the stock hard lines. I will also include the bracket shown that mounts this on the shock tower as shown which makes this a simple bolt on!
NOTE: the little harness clip tab on one of the injectors snapped off, will still work fine but you would want to add a zip tie on that injector to make sure the connector doesn't come off. (4th pictures shows this clearly)
This has been used for ~20k miles on my sr20 with zero issues, selling to upgrade to larger injectors/different rail.
$300 shipped/paypaled