So I have searched fourms, google, and asked every one that i know about the issue im haveing, now I ask if anyone on here can please help!..Basicly i was driveing around with no problem happy as can be, untill i down shifted and hit the gas to pass some one, all of a sudden the car started to back fire I lost all power and had to stay at WOT just to keep my rpm's up, I got home and shut her down. 30min later started it back up without an issue went for another spin thinking maby i just got some bad gas and everything ran fine..untill i opened up the throttle and the same thing happened, ive replaced the plugs, fuel filter, coolant temp sensor, cap + rotor, with no results..and my dam OBDII port is dead
, If anyone has run into this before please point me in the right direction I love this car and miss driveing it!!