machine shops?
I am looking for a machine shop in the SFL area...anywhere from Port St Lucie to Miami would do, the closer the West Palm the better.
I am under the impression that there is only 1 way to do things, so I dont really want to spend $2,000 on a basic rebuild. Cheaper is better, but I dont wanna substitute quality for know.
I need to go .5mm over, I will supply the rods, pistons, rings pins, head/main studs, and bearings. I need the block hot tanked, pressure tested, (freeze plugs replaced), block painted, rotating mass balanced. I also need my crank checked cause a bearing was spun...and possibly knife edged(not a priority) and a possible o-ringing.
If anyone can recommend a machine shop to do this, preferably someone who can work with me and not charge the hell out of me. This is my first time building an engine and im going to have some questions. If anyone has rebuilt thiers before please let me know how much it was at that particular shop.
Appreciate the info