This is the build threads section. We did not want one, but people were ruining chat with a million build threads so it had to be.
All forum rules still apply. This one most especially:
Build Threads
Almost everyone enjoys building their cars and sharing that experience, as well as checking out others' builds for inspiration. Sadly, far too many users have a tendency to do half-hearted builds and either rarely update or update with trivial progress. In the interest of keeping the Chat forum clear of three hundred 'Install SR, ziptie aero, rattlecan paint' threads, incomplete, or in-progress build threads are not allowed. If you have completed or at LEAST made progress on your build, wrangle all those pictures into a post and tell us about it, but make sure the build is finalized. If you insist on having an in-progress build, Premium members have a specialized subforum for that specific purpose.
This is the ONLY place for a build thread to be posted. If they're placed anywhere else on the forum, expect them to be closed and never moved. The only ones that get moved to here are ones that existed before the section was created, the date and time are appended to THIS post.
Threads in this section will require moderator approval before posting, and all threads consisting of parts lists and "I plan to..." with no actual building taking place will not be approved. Same applies for still-stock cars with a cache of yet-to-be installed parts. Very seriously here. If you want your thread approved, the thing to do is shoot your shot right from the first post. Incomplete, no-building and hopes and dreams builds will be deleted every time. No, we do not send a message to inform you that your thread was not approved, this post should inform you right out front why it was not.