Ok so tthis is what happenedI bought my motor from jazzproparts.com because i heard so decent things about them but I got F***ed , first i ordered my s14 Sr and a MAF and Ignitor my total came to about $2800 and they had a free shipping deal on orders over $100 or something like that. Anyway I got my motor in bout 3 weeks later and
no MAF or ignitor I talked to the guy there a few times he told me it would be a month or so till he could even get the parts, I told him just to refund it and I'd get it from someone eles (NEVER HAPPENED) I never got a $
300 refund for it. Then after getting the parts from heavy throttle ( Jeff is awesome I recomend heavy throttle 110%) and i got the car running we notice that the turbo bearing is shot and it's too expensive to get it re-built in memphis and I don't know how to, so it took bout a month to find an affordable turbo (s15 t28) for $300 from a friend then we got it running again and GUESS WHAT??? IT'S GOT A DAMN ROD-KNOCKING ..........................
on top of that now i cant get in touch with them to get it fixed cuz it was warrentied none of the phone numbers work or e-mail adresses and the never returned my fax. So my
car is yet again sitting and we're trying to get something done about it ( one of my dad's friends is in texas where there based and he's gonna go by and try to get something done)
So this is the BS of jazzpro don't buy **** from them usless you want bad things to happen I hope you can avoid something with this warning and the story of how f'ed i am cuz i'm 18 and work at Kroger ( $6.90/hr under $100 a week) and I can't afford anything cuz I'm still in debt for the purchase