J&D Fabrications presents: The 900rr Prototype
J&D Fabrications is a family owned shop in South Florida that specializes in custom fab work. J&D has been noted for making some of the best custom roll cages and for some of the best welds in all of South Florida. Aluminum, Stainless Steel, or just plan old Steel, they can transform it to what you need. To Cotact J&D Fabrications, call 561-201-7009
As for the kart, it is a direct product of J&D. Taking a stock shifter kart frame and extending it was a no brainer for them, once all the kinks were worked out, and so was the installation of the of the Honda CBR 900rr motor. Heres a little video showing just how well built the kart is. Enjoy
**Video deleted for idiotic behavior on public streets.