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Brianl764 06-26-2019 10:52 AM

SR20DET Crank no start. Help!!
So I have an sr20 swapped s13 coupe that has a no start issue. It just got towed a block over due to street maintenance and now it cranks but wont turn over. Just yesterday and recent past it has been driving fine no issues. About a month and a half ago it had the same issue and the cylinders were getting flooded and I replaced the fuel pump relay, and had a shop redo the wiring on the pump and replace the pump. What could this be???

brndck 06-26-2019 11:54 AM


come back when you've checked all 4 things and can tell us the results.


cranking and turning over are the exact same fucking thing.

I have no idea what the fuck people are talking about when people say "it cranks but it won't turn over". You turn the key, the starter is physically engaging the flywheel and rotating the engine (crankshaft turns, pistons go up and down), THIS IS CRANKING. THE MOTOR IS TURNING OVER. THEY'RE THE SAME THING

Do you mean, it isn't FIRING??? Because you have no spark or no fuel? YOU need to provide US with more than just a set of symptoms for us to be able to do anything more than GUESS.

TheRealSy90 06-26-2019 02:07 PM

I had a ka24e one time that had fuel, air, spark and timing was on. Wouldn’t run. Ended up being a fried capacitor in the ecu.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

brndck 06-26-2019 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by TheRealSy90 (Post 6348140)
I had a ka24e one time that had fuel, air, spark and timing was on. Wouldn’t run. Ended up being a fried capacitor in the ecu.

how were the injectors firing then?

TheRealSy90 06-26-2019 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by brndck (Post 6348144)
how were the injectors firing then?

No clue, my best guess is they were not firing at the right times. This was back in 2008 when I didn’t know much about these cars. Pulled the fuel rail off and cranked it and all four injectors sprayed fuel. Had spark at all four plugs. So probably a spark/fuel timing issue due to the blown ecu capacitor. A friend replaced the capacitor and it ran lol. So I guess that technically falls under “timing” just wasn’t mechanical.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

jedi03 06-27-2019 08:05 AM

could be cranking and not turning over if the crank or flywheel is broken...

brndck 06-27-2019 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by jedi03 (Post 6348211)
could be cranking and not turning over if the crank or flywheel is broken...

Honestly I’d be super fucking impressed if that was somehow the case.

Brianl764 06-27-2019 09:12 AM

It got towed a couple blocks over just before it happened due to street service. Could towing have affected a wire to the pump? I didn’t hear the pump priming when I tried starting it. Sorry for the vague responses so far, haven’t Been Able to get a real look at it yet cause I been working. Ima be starting diag tomorrow but any advice on where to look first due to the situation would be great.

brndck 06-27-2019 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Brianl764 (Post 6348226)
It got towed a couple blocks over just before it happened due to street service. Could towing have affected a wire to the pump? I didn’t hear the pump priming when I tried starting it. Sorry for the vague responses so far, haven’t Been Able to get a real look at it yet cause I been working. Ima be starting diag tomorrow but any advice on where to look first due to the situation would be great.

check for power at the fuel pump first off. then if you DO have power, make sure youre getting pressure at the fuel rail. If yes, then make sure that you have spark and the injectors are firing when you're cranking the engine.

Brianl764 06-27-2019 11:25 AM

Thanks dog I appreciate it. I’ll get back to y’all tm after I get some work in.

jedi03 06-28-2019 08:10 AM

id start with fuses before trying to move to wiring...

brndck 06-28-2019 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by jedi03 (Post 6348396)
id start with fuses before trying to move to wiring...

good call. I always assume people check basics first, but what do I know :wiggle:

EFITTZY 06-28-2019 01:17 PM

As brndck said fuel air spark timing/compression. Also check injector o-rings, inspect your spark plugs. return with moar details

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