View Full Version : New Pope announced just now(now with PW!)

04-19-2005, 10:53 AM
http://www.yahoo.com/_ylh=X3oDMTB2MXQ5MTU3BF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEdGVzdAMwBHRtc GwDaW5kZXgtaWU-/s/236963

... choose whichever news source you want

04-19-2005, 11:17 AM


04-19-2005, 11:18 AM
I read yesterday that they would probably have the new pope by thursday at the latest.

04-19-2005, 11:46 AM
will that finally make em STFU? I'm tired to seeing this shit on cnn and all other news channels. It's like the rest of the world seized to exist. Who gives a shit anyway.

04-19-2005, 11:56 AM

Word. :stupid:

04-19-2005, 12:08 PM
Who gives a shit anyway.
I give a shit. It affects me since I'm catholic. Just because you don't care about something or don't want to see it doesn't mean it doesn't matter to others. I'm tired of hearing people on hear bitch and moan about how bad california is as far as modifying vehicles and such but to I sit there and complain about it everytime it comes up? no, because it affects a large number of people and just because I'm not interested, they probably are.
edit: igor you douchebag :fart: :fart: :fart:

04-19-2005, 12:12 PM
someone correct me if I'm wrong, but did they pick the most conservative cardinal to succeed the title? cuz dammit. I was hoping to see the uber right catholic church move into the present within my lifetime... I was fairly convinced we might see some change but I guess not... the new pope is anti-gay marraige, anti-birth contol, anti-female clergy, etc etc etc.

Am I suprised, no, not really.
Am I dissapointed? oh hell yeah :(

The more things change, the more they stay the same I guess :/

04-19-2005, 12:53 PM
He's 78... it'll be a short palpacy.
The pope cycle seems to follow a pattern (and therefore cyclic). A long reign of a pope who was elected young, then a short (couple year) interim pope, who was elected very old and dies. Then, back to a youn, long presiding pope again. Look at John Paul II and the previous 2 or 3 preceding popes.

There is alot of stress involved with becomming pope, and few older people can handle it. Like that stress chart with divorce or marrage bieng 100 out of 100.. I think bieng pope, with the 1.1 billion followers, is in the 1000s out of 100.

04-19-2005, 01:04 PM
damn at 78? i think maybe they should have choosen someone younger? i mean he doesnt have many years left...

04-19-2005, 01:07 PM

04-19-2005, 01:23 PM
did you know that he was a member of the NAZI party? honestly, no joke.

04-19-2005, 01:36 PM
he was mid 20's during WWII. he may have served in the german army but I doubt he was nescessarily a supporter of the nazi party. I am 99% sure the cardinals wouldn't have picked somebody with a doubtful past as the pope.

04-19-2005, 01:37 PM
for real? man thats all sorts of funny if its true. that dude looks freaking evil... for real.

04-19-2005, 01:54 PM
He was a hitler(sp) youth. His dad was anti-nazi. He got a pardon to become a priest.

Andrew Bohan
04-19-2005, 02:21 PM
maybe he will be murdered like John Paul I. he was pope for just over a month.

04-19-2005, 02:25 PM
I give a shit. It affects me since I'm catholic. Just because you don't care about something or don't want to see it doesn't mean it doesn't matter to others. I'm tired of hearing people on hear bitch and moan about how bad california is as far as modifying vehicles and such but to I sit there and complain about it everytime it comes up? no, because it affects a large number of people and just because I'm not interested, they probably are.
edit: igor you douchebag :fart: :fart: :fart:

I'll try not to be an asshole, and wont post my views on religion (as it will ultimately lead to a flame war), but seriously, how many catholics are there in the world? 10% of world population? 20%? Is that sufficient percentage to be airing this election process over headlines for like 2 weeks? IMHO, not even close. When say north korea tests nuclear weapons, air that shit on the headlines for a freakin month by all means. Stuff like that affects whole world. News of the catholic church? Like i said, who gives a shit.

here is a bad example: I play soccer in 2 different leagues. I follow soccer games fairly closely. Does that mean i expect the news channels headline the 2006 world cup for a month? No. And i bet there are more soccer fans in the world then catholics :p

When people post about california on zilvia, it's like half the car forum population discussing car related things. When i turn on the news channel, i expect to hear all around news from the whole world, not the news of catholic church from a country of 1000 people.

04-19-2005, 02:29 PM
maybe he will be murdered like John Paul I. he was pope for just over a month.
he wasn't killed, in his haste to pack up his stuff to head to rome he forgot to bring medication. the papal doctor never had his medication refilled either. he was in office for 33 days. He suffered from poor blood flow and over-coagulation as evidenced from swollen ankles and feet. The following stuff is not proven fact but is accepted theory by most historians.
all events happened w/in 24 hours before his death.
he had 2 incidents where he felt very very ill but refused to let his secrataries call for a doctor.
his heart rate was raised from a long period of walking around his room as he was told not to walk in the gardens due to coldness.
he had a horrible coughing fit but once again refused dr's.
he had ran down the hallway to take a phone call just before his believed death in the 9:30-10:00 range. his secrataries found him and they placed him into his bed in a position that is very unlikely for somebody to be in if they just died of a heart attack. he was found sitting upright, glasses on, and papers in hand. the secrataries are believed to have done this to cover-up that they never called for a doctor even though they were asked, actually more ordered, not to.

04-19-2005, 02:40 PM
Photochops are flying...

Andrew Bohan
04-19-2005, 02:48 PM
17% of the world population is catholic. christianity as a whole is 33%
muslim is 20% and hindu is 13%.
13% have no religion
the rest add up to 21%.

however, in the US, catholics make up 24%, christianity as a whole is 76%
10% have no religion, and the rest add up to 14%

which makes it a pretty big deal i'd say.

04-19-2005, 02:53 PM
I was hoping to see the uber right catholic church move into the present within my lifetime...

You will have plenty of time, he is 78 years old

04-19-2005, 02:55 PM
hahahah, I fucking love those chops. I really doubt that 76% is actually Christian, they just say they are for tax breaks and because they celebrate Christmas. But yeah, he is definitely a "transitional" pope. As said above they usually pick a guy who is allready 1/2 dead between the greats to give them sometime to figure out who the f they want to pick. Whatev's on the media being obsessed with it for 2 weeks. THats how they go! Focus all news channels on everything for 2 weeks, then move on.

04-19-2005, 02:58 PM
I'll try not to be an asshole, and wont post my views on religion (as it will ultimately lead to a flame war), but seriously, how many catholics are there in the world? 10% of world population? 20%? Is that sufficient percentage to be airing this election process over headlines for like 2 weeks? IMHO, not even close. When say north korea tests nuclear weapons, air that shit on the headlines for a freakin month by all means. Stuff like that affects whole world. News of the catholic church? Like i said, who gives a shit.

I am NOT Catholic, never have been, never will be, I think I fell asleep the one time I tried to sit through a Catholic church service... I do, however, understand that the individual chosen to lead a given religion dying, and the subsequent selection of his replacement will be one of the major things on television, inteenet and print media until something else major happens... If catholocism, as you state, is 10, 20% of the world population, then why would that l;ot of individuals NOT give a shit? And the rest of us actually care because of this increasingly rare animal we call compassion

04-19-2005, 03:26 PM
The way media is running it makes it look like the whole world is on the edge of their seats waiting for the outcome of the ordeal. As if whichever of the cardinals gets elected is going to have any freaking effect on anyones life.

I never said they shouldnt talk about it. But put it somewhere on the side in 10 regular font, as 16 bold is reserved for at least somewhat important news.

04-19-2005, 04:05 PM
He's pretty old...and it doesn't phase me that much at all on who the pope currently is.

I want to see Igor and Kevin fight!

04-19-2005, 05:17 PM
The way media is running it makes it look like the whole world is on the edge of their seats waiting for the outcome of the ordeal. As if whichever of the cardinals gets elected is going to have any freaking effect on anyones life.

I never said they shouldnt talk about it. But put it somewhere on the side in 10 regular font, as 16 bold is reserved for at least somewhat important news.
Important news such as?

sLip techniques
04-19-2005, 05:28 PM
^ cops busting JDM TYTE cars on the news :p

04-19-2005, 05:30 PM
^^ That would actually be worth seeing and quite entertaining, but still wouldn't amount to shit on a world scale, wouldn't matter to people outside of a buncha ricer kids and internet drifters... Are there 1.1 billion of those particular groups?

04-19-2005, 05:35 PM
A Rabbi and a Priest were sitting together on a train, and the Rabbi
leans over and asks, "So how high can you advance in your organization?"

The Priest says "If I am lucky, I guess I could become a Bishop."

"Well, could you get any higher than that?" asks the Rabbi.

"I suppose that if my works are seen in a very good light that I might
be made an ArchBishop" said the Priest a bit cautiously.

"Is there any way that you might go higher than that?"

"If all the Saints should smile, I guess I could be made a Cardinal"

"Could you be anything higher than a Cardinal?" probed the Rabbi.

Hesitating a little bit, the Priest said "I supose that I could be
elected Pope, but..."

So the Rabbi says "And could you be anything higher than that?,
is there any way to go up from being the Pope?"

"What!!! I should be the Messiah himself!?!"

The Rabbi leaned back and said "One of our boys made it."

04-19-2005, 05:38 PM
Important news such as?

I dunnow... china invading russia... earthquake destroying half of san francisco... gas prices soaring to there all time highs...

Most of the time, i have some reference or at least can appreciate the information posted in the news. This thing has exactly zero importance to me and they are blabbering about it on the headlines for the last coupla weeks and its headlining every freaking news website. Just annoying.

04-19-2005, 07:30 PM
who fuckin cares orthodoxy all the way (the first and true christian religion)

Andrew Bohan
04-19-2005, 07:46 PM
why not just follow that logic some more and go jewish.

or even more and go animist

orthodoxy baby, yeah!

04-19-2005, 07:54 PM
I dunnow... china invading russia... earthquake destroying half of san francisco... gas prices soaring to there all time highs...

Most of the time, i have some reference or at least can appreciate the information posted in the news. This thing has exactly zero importance to me and they are blabbering about it on the headlines for the last coupla weeks and its headlining every freaking news website. Just annoying.
You mean we won't have all that shit back next week to bore the fuck out of us? Who gives a piss about San Francisco or the rest of California? I don't live there... Gas prices are actually comparatively good in the southeast, I got 93 octane for 2.09/gallon yesterday. I will complain when it is time to complain, but just because YOU don't care enough to want to have news of a new pope on the news doesn't mean the rest of the world should stop caring too...

04-19-2005, 08:00 PM
news is only worthy to those who want to read it, if people didn't read it.... it wouldn't be news.

04-19-2005, 08:30 PM
news is always the same. people dying, more wars, higher prices on something, threats here and there.

networks look for large events such as this to cover and break the monotony of our usual news broadcast. i live near DC and here daily about someone missing or killed. it has gotten to the point where i occasionally feel bad for the person, but most of the time i don't care who got shot. i'm also reaching my limits on hearing about the war in Iraq, but that's another issue all together.

04-19-2005, 09:33 PM
who fuckin cares orthodoxy all the way (the first and true christian religion)

Yea, screw the refromation huh, faith before works and all that :rolleyes: :ugh: Lol, this is funny, arguing about religion on zilvia.net :tweak: :loco:

04-19-2005, 09:42 PM
Besides, everyone knows they chose the wrong person as pope anyway... everyone knows it should have been the Archbishop Don "Magic" Juan:

"I don't know whatchu heard about me
but a bitch can't get a dolla outta me
no Cadillac, no perms you can't see
cause I'ma motherf**kin P.O.PE."

04-19-2005, 09:47 PM
i wonder if anybody here realizes that catholicism is the worst thing to happen to christianity ever. sure it spread it faster but thats what corporations DO.

04-19-2005, 10:00 PM
I am NOT Catholic, never have been, never will be, I think I fell asleep the one time I tried to sit through a Catholic church service..
how the fuck did you do that? shit I'm catholic and I don't particularly like mass... stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, knees, stand up, knees, sit down, hug the person next to you, sit down, walk to the front for communion, knees, stand up, sit down, leave.
shit I get my sunday workout at church...

04-19-2005, 10:14 PM
how the fuck did you do that? shit I'm catholic and I don't particularly like mass... stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, knees, stand up, knees, sit down, hug the person next to you, sit down, walk to the front for communion, knees, stand up, sit down, leave.
shit I get my sunday workout at church...
I don't need much time to doze off, and yeah, the "stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down" was a killer too, now that you mention it...

04-19-2005, 10:19 PM
damn, glad im protestant prysbeterian.

i think im gonna watch dogma

04-19-2005, 10:22 PM
You know what? Now that you mention it, I am gonna watch Dogma too

04-19-2005, 10:24 PM
I don't need much time to doze off, and yeah, the "stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down" was a killer too, now that you mention it...

rituallistic action for the sake of rituallistic action is something i can't stand at all. its like busy work when you get a substitute in school.

04-19-2005, 10:34 PM
i wonder if anybody here realizes that catholicism is the worst thing to happen to christianity ever. sure it spread it faster but thats what corporations DO.

Worst thing to happen to christianity ever? If it wasn't for Catholicism then Christianity wouldn't exist.

04-19-2005, 10:47 PM
Worst thing to happen to christianity ever? If it wasn't for Catholicism then Christianity wouldn't exist.
Yeah, the cross was Roman Catholic punishment, wasn't it.
... the very beginning of the repressive entity all those years ago

04-19-2005, 10:55 PM
Well, back on topic...Yay! A new pope has been elected! It does not look like he will last long due to age, but he can certainly make an impression.

Back off topic...As far a Catholicism being this and that, all those who dislike it...regardless of what you say, you are forgiven. Opinions are just that,which is why this thread has definately run its course...way off.

As a matter of fact, many wars are fought due to these differences of opinion for one. No one can make anyone think the same unless done by force, but still not willfully. Whether it be infidels, muslims, christians, catholics, etc., no one will agree and desist.

This thread will become hot like the racism threads, and eventually shut down since the actual discussion taking place now is nothing more than opinions, and some may feel insulted and/or take it personally.

...count how many times i used opinion... ;)

04-19-2005, 11:00 PM
I'm all for Christianity, but down with the church. I hate the politics involved with it. If the moral guidance you need is not within you, just quit trying to be good. I hoestly think the church is a disgrace to Christianity. I dont need a worldwide organiztion of conservative old people telling me what's right and wrong, and i especially hate being associated with large groups of people considering 99% of humans are stupid. So i naturally hate calling myself a Christian. And the whole cardinal and pope thing makes my sick to my stomach. They are all so damn pompous looking. Fuck them and their fruity red dresses. Bottom line. Follow the new testament as best as you can, and keep church sacred, which means in your home when you pray. That is spiritually healthier than evil old people trying to hypnotize you with their funny smelling incense.

Andrew Bohan
04-19-2005, 11:11 PM
you know, when you get down to it, you don't need the new testament either. you don't need any book. just use some sense and you'll be okay. being non-christian doesn't make you a bad person, though some people would have you believe that.

04-19-2005, 11:28 PM
well, technically, to be a Christian one accepts Christ as Lord and Savior and that's it (no good or bad blah, blah prerequisites or contingencies apply). The Reformation severed ties with the, then, corrupt (arguably, even now) Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Christianity was the result. Also, the Christian Bible includes, both, the Old and New Testament, not either or. Christ himself referred to the Old Testament regularly and fulfilled many of its prophecies, proving its necessity and importance.

04-19-2005, 11:48 PM
i don't know if this has been previously said but i find it odd that an ex-nazi youth has been proclaimed pope, the day before hitlers birthday.

purely coincidence.

04-20-2005, 12:02 AM
He's not pope till sunday.

04-20-2005, 12:07 AM
He's not pope till sunday.
Does this mean that there is still hope for the Archbishop?

04-20-2005, 01:29 AM
Well, back on topic...Yay! A new pope has been elected! It does not look like he will last long due to age, but he can certainly make an impression.

Back off topic...As far a Catholicism being this and that, all those who dislike it...regardless of what you say, you are forgiven. Opinions are just that,which is why this thread has definately run its course...way off.

As a matter of fact, many wars are fought due to these differences of opinion for one. No one can make anyone think the same unless done by force, but still not willfully. Whether it be infidels, muslims, christians, catholics, etc., no one will agree and desist.

This thread will become hot like the racism threads, and eventually shut down since the actual discussion taking place now is nothing more than opinions, and some may feel insulted and/or take it personally.

...count how many times i used opinion... ;)
let me start at the bottom and work my way up....
this thread shouldn't be locked, its a thread about a worldwide recognized religuous leader, probably the most peaceful man alive, there is no reason for it to get that out of hand. though I do agree with you that it won't surprise me if that happens, which is sad.

as far as the war thing, pretty much every war thats ever been fought has had some basis in religion if not solely because of religion, there are a few that aren't religous based but the majority are...

04-20-2005, 01:37 AM
many times religious doctrines are twisted to back war. it's what happens when people start picking and choosing from a religion.

04-20-2005, 02:23 AM
for real? man thats all sorts of funny if its true. that dude looks freaking evil... for real.


I thought it was just me, but for real that guy looks hardcore evil. There's something about his eyes that just doesnt sit right with me.

04-20-2005, 05:51 AM
Eh, so what if he was an ex-nazi youth....it's called forgiveness. Let it go. I'm not catholic, but give the man a break.

Yeah, the cross was Roman Catholic punishment, wasn't it.
... the very beginning of the repressive entity all those years ago

no, it wasn't. It was the most extreme form of Roman punishment, not Roman Catholic. The catholic religion could not have started before Jesus was even crucified.

I'm all for Christianity, but down with the church. I hate the politics involved with it. If the moral guidance you need is not within you, just quit trying to be good. I hoestly think the church is a disgrace to Christianity. I dont need a worldwide organiztion of conservative old people telling me what's right and wrong, and i especially hate being associated with large groups of people considering 99% of humans are stupid. So i naturally hate calling myself a Christian. And the whole cardinal and pope thing makes my sick to my stomach. They are all so damn pompous looking. Fuck them and their fruity red dresses. Bottom line. Follow the new testament as best as you can, and keep church sacred, which means in your home when you pray. That is spiritually healthier than evil old people trying to hypnotize you with their funny smelling incense.

I'll be speaking on behalf of myself and where I live, and what I've seen. I can't speak for a whole, when there are many people that make the rest of the christian world look bad.

It's impossible to be all for christianity and not believe in church. I've never had to deal with politics in church. EVERY church I've been to or visited has never had a "political" problem, in fact, I've always been received with open arms. EVERYONE is born with a sense of morals, because they know good from bad. Whether or not they decide to use it up to them.

Deciding to be a Christian is also deciding to follow the footsteps of Jesus. We as humans will NEVER be like him, and he knows that...and it's ok. He just wants you to try. Ever Christian NEEDS to go to church, don't care who you are. You're only fooling youself if you think you can grow a meaningful relationship with God with solely ATTEMPTING to establish such relationship from home. You should go to church to be with those who believe what you do. I want the preacher on Sunday to talk to me, because these are words from God. Many times I've gone to church on Sunday with a problem I've had to deal with, or something on my mind, and I've left the church with an answer, and I feel so much better about attacking the work week ahead and dealing with lifes problems.

Follow the bible, not just the new testament. Thousands of God's people would gather just to listen to the man of God. Not just that, they did it from day break until noon....non stop. They had a hunger for God's word and wanted so much more after he was done. You can't do just an hour?

Bottom line, believe what you want. Do what you want. There is nothing I can do to change your mind, because it is set in your heart to do so. The only person that has ever changed any man in mankind's history is God. I hope that if you do believe in Jesus and want to follow him, you'd change your ways. I felt the same way you did not too long ago, and I'm glad that God opened my eyes.

I'm not bashing you at all, just answering to what you said. Gotta work now.

04-20-2005, 06:29 AM
well, technically, to be a Christian one accepts Christ as Lord and Savior and that's it (no good or bad blah, blah prerequisites or contingencies apply).

actually to be christian is to be "christ like" which means you daily do the best you can to follow the teachings of christ despite your vices and humanity. christianity didn't need cathlicism. they are probably the main reason we are so hated around the wrold.

04-20-2005, 12:49 PM
I'll be speaking on behalf of myself and where I live, and what I've seen. I can't speak for a whole, when there are many people that make the rest of the christian world look bad.

It's impossible to be all for christianity and not believe in church. I've never had to deal with politics in church. EVERY church I've been to or visited has never had a "political" problem, in fact, I've always been received with open arms. EVERYONE is born with a sense of morals, because they know good from bad. Whether or not they decide to use it up to them.

Deciding to be a Christian is also deciding to follow the footsteps of Jesus. We as humans will NEVER be like him, and he knows that...and it's ok. He just wants you to try. Ever Christian NEEDS to go to church, don't care who you are. You're only fooling youself if you think you can grow a meaningful relationship with God with solely ATTEMPTING to establish such relationship from home. You should go to church to be with those who believe what you do. I want the preacher on Sunday to talk to me, because these are words from God. Many times I've gone to church on Sunday with a problem I've had to deal with, or something on my mind, and I've left the church with an answer, and I feel so much better about attacking the work week ahead and dealing with lifes problems.

Follow the bible, not just the new testament. Thousands of God's people would gather just to listen to the man of God. Not just that, they did it from day break until noon....non stop. They had a hunger for God's word and wanted so much more after he was done. You can't do just an hour?

Bottom line, believe what you want. Do what you want. There is nothing I can do to change your mind, because it is set in your heart to do so. The only person that has ever changed any man in mankind's history is God. I hope that if you do believe in Jesus and want to follow him, you'd change your ways. I felt the same way you did not too long ago, and I'm glad that God opened my eyes.

I'm not bashing you at all, just answering to what you said. Gotta work now.

what i'm gonna say might offend you(sorry in advance)

There are different types of believers. There are ones who try to live life the best they can, then there are those who believe that the church is the guide to christianity. To me the church has no authority. People who go to church and speak like you do are brainwashed.

You're only fooling youself if you think you can grow a meaningful relationship with God with solely ATTEMPTING to establish such relationship from home. You should go to church to be with those who believe what you do. I want the preacher on Sunday to talk to me, because these are words from God.

I completely disagree with you here. The preacher's words may the word of God, but he's repeating things out of the bible and teachings from the bible. Anything a preacher says is just stating the obvious. Like i said before if you need to here that stuff over and over again something's wrong with you.

If you forget what's right and wrong in the middle of the week and you need to go back every sunday, then so be it. i dont need that nonsense. i dont believe in it. In fact i think i would enjoy bible study groups better than church. I'd discuss things and try to interpret them with other people rather than go to mass. it's like a zombie ritual...stand up, sit down, stand up, do a cross, listen to some rambling, say a prayer that doesnt mean anything to me, listen to more rambling, choke on some incense, stand up, sit down, and in the end you're back where you started.

04-20-2005, 12:58 PM
actually to be christian is to be "christ like" which means you daily do the best you can to follow the teachings of christ despite your vices and humanity. christianity didn't need cathlicism. they are probably the main reason we are so hated around the wrold.

Given, when one accepts Christ, one should, in theory, become more "Christ like," but my point was that it is not a prerequiste nor a contigency like it is for Catholicism. i should've said to become a Christian there are no prereqs. and to be a Christian there are no contigencies....
Also, Christianity reformed catholicism, so though they differ, Christianity's coming was dependent upon the RCC. The close relation between the two made by the masses is the reason Christians share the same bad light, which was gained by the RCC throughout history.

04-20-2005, 01:00 PM
uhhh RCC and christianity are not 2 different things. catholocism is a division of christianity....

04-20-2005, 01:03 PM
i think you just proved our point

04-20-2005, 01:21 PM
what i'm gonna say might offend you(sorry in advance)

There are different types of believers. There are ones who try to live life the best they can, then there are those who believe that the church is the guide to christianity. To me the church has no authority. People who go to church and speak like you do are brainwashed.

I completely disagree with you here. The preacher's words may the word of God, but he's repeating things out of the bible and teachings from the bible. Anything a preacher says is just stating the obvious. Like i said before if you need to here that stuff over and over again something's wrong with you.

If you forget what's right and wrong in the middle of the week and you need to go back every sunday, then so be it. i dont need that nonsense. i dont believe in it. In fact i think i would enjoy bible study groups better than church. I'd discuss things and try to interpret them with other people rather than go to mass. it's like a zombie ritual...stand up, sit down, stand up, do a cross, listen to some rambling, say a prayer that doesnt mean anything to me, listen to more rambling, choke on some incense, stand up, sit down, and in the end you're back where you started.

I totally understand where you're coming from. There are churches that have turned Christianity into monotonous rituals and legalistic dos and don'ts; however, that is the fault of people-- there are others that pursuit God.
And although, weekly church attendance is not required for believers, someone who has trusted Christ should have a desire to worship God, be taught His Word, and fellowship with other believers. I go to church every Sunday, go to Bible Studies, and do my own stuff, because i want to own my faith, learning more in order to be more, like Makato said, "Christ like." Without the Church believers are left by themselves, often picking and choosing their beliefs, mixing Godly and human wisdom, which, indeed, does not follow Biblical teaching.

04-20-2005, 01:31 PM
uhhh RCC and christianity are not 2 different things. catholocism is a division of christianity....

you have to understand, the early Catholic Church, right after Christ's death, was how the Church was intended to be; however, over time, i think even you will agree, the RCC veered from that path. The Reformation was a calling back to the Biblical Church that the RCC didn't follow; hence, the separation between Protestant Christianity and the RCC.

04-20-2005, 04:46 PM
Okay... so more on topic, and away from multi theological discussion...

can someone explain to me, or better yet, post a link, that will teach me why a cardinal's name changes once he becomes pope? I don't get that at all.

04-20-2005, 04:56 PM
here you go: http://people.howstuffworks.com/papacy3.htm it's at the end

04-20-2005, 05:23 PM
As if whichever of the cardinals gets elected is going to have any freaking effect on anyones life. -Kreator

this comment makes me sick

yes, it just may as a matter of fact. have you any idea how influential JPII was in duing the past century...do some research. He was a world leader and responsible for a LOT concerning the world. He has been a voice of reason. He played a HUGE role in the collapse of communism and the Berlin Wall. Shortly after his papal election, his opposition to Poland's communist regime proved him a leader and man of action rather than just a 'holy man' in cute hat. After 9/11 he encouraged the world to not associate Islam with terrorism. JPII was a great man...the pope IS important. knowledge is good, ignorance is not...be informed.

04-20-2005, 11:07 PM
I still think Johnny 5 would be an excellent pope

04-21-2005, 02:01 AM
Yeah, the cross was Roman Catholic punishment, wasn't it.
... the very beginning of the repressive entity all those years ago

That was the Romans. The Catholic church didn't come into existance until after Jesus died when Peter became the first pope.

Andrew Bohan
04-21-2005, 02:49 AM
you have to understand, the early Catholic Church, right after Christ's death, was how the Church was intended to be; however, over time, i think even you will agree, the RCC veered from that path. The Reformation was a calling back to the Biblical Church that the RCC didn't follow; hence, the separation between Protestant Christianity and the RCC.

that doesn't mean catholicism isn't christianity though..
it just means protestantism isn't catholicism.

04-21-2005, 08:18 AM
exactly, they are all a division of christianity, southern baptist, protestant, roman catholic, etc are all a division of christianity. think kind like the different branches of the military, they are all a bunch of one huge group call the department of defense, but they are also their own little subgroups in and of themselves, I know that doesn't really make any sense, sorry. all catholics are christians but not all christians are catholics.

04-21-2005, 08:18 AM
what i'm gonna say might offend you(sorry in advance)

There are different types of believers. There are ones who try to live life the best they can, then there are those who believe that the church is the guide to christianity. To me the church has no authority. People who go to church and speak like you do are brainwashed.

I completely disagree with you here. The preacher's words may the word of God, but he's repeating things out of the bible and teachings from the bible. Anything a preacher says is just stating the obvious. Like i said before if you need to here that stuff over and over again something's wrong with you.

If you forget what's right and wrong in the middle of the week and you need to go back every sunday, then so be it. i dont need that nonsense. i dont believe in it. In fact i think i would enjoy bible study groups better than church. I'd discuss things and try to interpret them with other people rather than go to mass. it's like a zombie ritual...stand up, sit down, stand up, do a cross, listen to some rambling, say a prayer that doesnt mean anything to me, listen to more rambling, choke on some incense, stand up, sit down, and in the end you're back where you started.

I'm not catholic, so I'm speaking from a christian view (non catholic christian...I know it's a part of it...blah blah)

The church isn't the guide to christianity, CHRIST is the guide to christianity. I'm not handed a handbook when I enter a church and told I must go by the rules we made up. However, I carry my own "handbook" and follow it instead. I'm not too sure what you're getting at by the church not having authority, so I'll leave it for further explaination.

I'm a firm believer that when a preacher is speaking, he's not reciting the bible, yet his message is directly from God, just quoting places in the bible. Speaking for myself, my pastor doesn't go completely word for word in the bible, but he will reference it, and apply it to real life situations. Not once does he mention "at our church you must be like this and that", but instead says "this is what Christ did", or "this is what happened to me in this or that". Examples of what was done, not commandments of what is to be done.

Reading the bible and it being spoken multiple times is like watching a movie more than once. You're bound to find something you didn't catch the first time. I enjoy doing bible studies...but where are you going to find other people who are interested in joining the bible study? It sure isn't going to be at the bar. This is why you go to church. Not just to listen to the word of God, but to have fellowship with those who believe what you do.

Breaks over...gotta work.

04-21-2005, 08:23 AM
exactly, I am a catholic and while I sin on some stuff, which I won't get into, I try not too. I go to church usually once to twice a month, and of course all the major church holidays, I go to confession once a year, does this mean I'm any worse than the guy who goes to church 3 days a week? or does it mean I'm any better than the guy that goes to church never? not really, church is there for you to hear god's word, what you do with it, which is the important part, is up to you. I may not live fully "by god's word" but I think a big part of god's word is do unto others as you would have done unto you, and thats what I try to do. I don't steal, I don't cheat, because I don't want to be stolen from or cheated myself. alright off to work I go. ttyl

04-21-2005, 09:26 AM
Um... Guys... Pope Benedict XVI was announced on tuesday, does anyone remember that this was what the thread was about? It can go away now if we let it

04-21-2005, 10:43 AM
exactly, I am a catholic and while I sin on some stuff, which I won't get into, I try not too. I go to church usually once to twice a month, and of course all the major church holidays, I go to confession once a year, does this mean I'm any worse than the guy who goes to church 3 days a week? or does it mean I'm any better than the guy that goes to church never? not really, church is there for you to hear god's word, what you do with it, which is the important part, is up to you. I may not live fully "by god's word" but I think a big part of god's word is do unto others as you would have done unto you, and thats what I try to do. I don't steal, I don't cheat, because I don't want to be stolen from or cheated myself. alright off to work I go. ttyl

simply being a good person should not be confused with having faith.

04-21-2005, 11:08 AM
this is a common misconception by many people today

04-21-2005, 12:18 PM

this comment makes me sick

yes, it just may as a matter of fact. have you any idea how influential JPII was in duing the past century...do some research. He was a world leader and responsible for a LOT concerning the world. He has been a voice of reason. He played a HUGE role in the collapse of communism and the Berlin Wall. Shortly after his papal election, his opposition to Poland's communist regime proved him a leader and man of action rather than just a 'holy man' in cute hat. After 9/11 he encouraged the world to not associate Islam with terrorism. JPII was a great man...the pope IS important. knowledge is good, ignorance is not...be informed.

Last i checked church has seized to be part of politics or economy at least a 100 years ago. Now as far as i'm concerned, not the pope, nor the church itself are going to put bread on my table or fill up my gas tank. So for all i care, all your cardinals can screw each other to death, and i won't give a shit.

It's not called ignorance. It's called common sense, 21st century and a darwinistic apporach to life.

ps: who said communism was bad? utopian?... yes. bad?... hmmm

04-21-2005, 04:06 PM

sLip techniques
04-21-2005, 04:09 PM
^ agreed. there is a reason why people follow religion and those who dont. There is a balance to everything.

04-21-2005, 05:01 PM
being a good person has a lot to do with faith, not having faith doesn't nescessarily make one a bad person though. I can't claim to be a practicing catholic, and go to church, and believe in god and jesus if I don't listen to his teachings and take heed. now yeas I can claim everything above, except for the practicing catholic part which was the big part. just because I don't go to church ever sunday doesn't make me not have faith.

04-21-2005, 07:31 PM
correct. not going to church every sunday does not mean you lack faith. however, going to church every sunday does not mean you DO have faith either. it works both ways. i don't go to church as much as i should and its between me and God. we all have our demons and we all have our losses.

04-21-2005, 08:35 PM
Last i checked church has seized to be part of politics or economy at least a 100 years ago. Now as far as i'm concerned, not the pope, nor the church itself are going to put bread on my table or fill up my gas tank. So for all i care, all your cardinals can screw each other to death, and i won't give a shit.

It's not called ignorance. It's called common sense, 21st century and a darwinistic apporach to life.

ps: who said communism was bad? utopian?... yes. bad?... hmmm

WAKE UP. Do you have any IDEA how many state leaders the pope meets with??? No, the pope will probably not put bread on your table, but he has helped quite a few people eat in his day. Have you no empathy for people other than yourself? No one said communism was bad...its great if opperated correctly. BUT, the communism the pope brought down was not the "good" type you speak of. Try studying the Cold War and the condition of the Warsaw Pact states before you start talking about Communism. Stay in school.

04-21-2005, 09:43 PM
Um... Guys... Pope Benedict XVI was announced on tuesday, does anyone remember that this was what the thread was about? It can go away now if we let it

04-21-2005, 09:56 PM
I saw a comic about the new pope today.


04-21-2005, 10:18 PM
hellz yes, another diehard MAK fan. your flattery really is too much.

04-21-2005, 10:36 PM
At least this one spelled it right

04-21-2005, 10:53 PM
WAKE UP. Do you have any IDEA how many state leaders the pope meets with??? No, the pope will probably not put bread on your table, but he has helped quite a few people eat in his day. Have you no empathy for people other than yourself? No one said communism was bad...its great if opperated correctly. BUT, the communism the pope brought down was not the "good" type you speak of. Try studying the Cold War and the condition of the Warsaw Pact states before you start talking about Communism. Stay in school.

Lol. f00. I was raised in a communist country. I know all about it. So STFU.

Indeed, lets forget about all the negatives that religion has brought us. Lets forget the holy wars, forget 9/11, hell lets forget that georgy dubya refuses to give money for stem cell research because its "inhumane" and "ungodly".

Dude, itt's 21st century. Back in the day people used to be afraid of the unexplained. Death was an unexplained. So they came up with a solution: "Hey everyone, when you die, you go to heaven. Which is a much better place then this shithole we are in right now, so what this really is, is a test, and what happens after we die is what we all should be waiting for." and everyone happily bought it, because it was an explanation to the unexplained. I think we are a bit more advanced by now, don't you think so? When you die, you die. End of story.

You may believe whatever you want, but trying to pass it as an important aspect of everyone's everyday life is childish. Maybe in the middle of the 20th century the church was still influential enough to cause something here and there, but it was a rather unstable time anyway. Its not anymore today: nomatter what the pope said about 9/11, US still invaded afghanistan, and islam is still considered a millitaristicly offensive religion. But whatever. back on topic.


PS: I really wish i was the genious back in the day, because i swear, the bible and the god are the best3st most concieved lies a man has ever invented.

04-22-2005, 01:21 PM
igor that's your belief and thats fine, I personally believe in heaven and such, whether or not its scientifically backed, nobody has disproved that heaven exists nor has it been proven to exist on the same note.
you grew up in marxism, true communism is great, everybody does their share of the work and lives happily, but true communism forgot one variable, laziness....

04-22-2005, 02:51 PM
Um... Guys... Pope Benedict XVI was announced on tuesday, does anyone remember that this was what the thread was about? It can go away now if we let it

s14 blacktop
04-22-2005, 05:59 PM
man you guys just need to sit down and read the bible...
there it will tell you what a christian should do.. It doesnt matter what religion you are...

it says in the bible that god likes it when his people gather to praise him(church or you can call it a gathering)...so this means its a good thing to go to church...

the catholic church is a little out there with all their ceremonies but its ok I guess..

if you guys read the bible it will guide you in life, and read the bible like it is a guide....

dont get mad just take it as helpful advice.

04-22-2005, 07:30 PM
Well this thread seems to not be able to stay on topic. No matter how many times the thread starter asks.

Shut down before it becomes a Jihad.