View Full Version : Rear Main Seal Replacement Tip

06-20-2014, 03:45 PM
I have been using this forum for advice in building my S14 Daily Driver/ Future Drift car, but haven't contributed much.

Today I was replacing my rear main seal on the KA24DE and noticed that because of the rather large size, it's tough to find a "suitable tool", which is what the FSM says to use, to drive the new seal into the retainer. I even bent the first new seal that I bought. Then common sense kicked in and I realized you can just use the old seal which is fairly rigid, thanks to the metal ring built into the rubber, turn it upside down and place it against the new seal. Then use whatever hammer is closest to slowly tap it in. Works like a charm.

Just thought I would try to save someone from ruining a brand new seal like I did.

06-20-2014, 03:50 PM
I've always gone to home depot a found a pvc cap that is the same size of the seal and used that to tap the seal in evenly. The pvc is soft enough so that it won't dent the seal.

06-20-2014, 06:04 PM
Those are both good ideas. Thanks