View Full Version : help with turbo options

05-18-2014, 12:35 PM
Hey guys I am finally getting around to moving up in the horsepower category after 4 years of a very mild setup, and I'm having a hard time with what turbo to go with. Im not very familiar with the difference in exhaust housing I can go with. Im looking for 400-450hp, and so far Im looking at a few turbo options. Here is what I am looking at and if anyone can help with some added information that would be great. I have all the other supporting mods before anyone asks.

The car is built for drifting so keep that in mind with spool times.

Precision PT5858 with a .82 ar? that is where I get lost :sadwavey:
Garrett gt3076r

Also debating these but worried about spool time
Precision PT6262
Garrett gt35 some r haha.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Oh it would help to know what engine its going on. Its a series 1 RB25

05-21-2014, 07:23 AM
i would go for a garrett gtx twinscroll you can have the best of a turbo and both world the best spooling http://www.turbobygarrett.com/turbobygarrett/turbocharger#GTX3576R&panel1-1