View Full Version : asap is this the valve cover gasket or what?

04-17-2014, 12:31 PM
I encountered a horrible problem

go to school one hour away and this morning car started smoking when i got to school

eventually found out its oil but smoking from within block

under manifold

i have two possible theories

either my valve cover gasket leak has evolved into a profuse leak and is going onto manifold which can ignite RIGHT?

or when i did oil change the other day i put about quarter-half quart of oil way to much

could this be seeping out??

either way should i attempt to drive the car back home...60 miles....
or will it possibly catch..fire...

i have no extinguisher either so no yolo.



Ka-t in progress
04-17-2014, 01:12 PM
Smoking from the block or head? A little too much oil should not cause that,maybe if it was way overfilled. To me,if a valve cover gasket was the culprit you would be seeing the oil coming out of it. Possible sounds like crankcase pressure,is your pcv working properly? Running the ka?

04-17-2014, 01:17 PM
Not to sure looked like block behind the manifold
Butbmy valve cover was confirmed to be leaking a month ago I never payed attention

But my whole engine is basically covered in oil from past months and that's what concerns me.

It's possibly already a fire hazard

Are there any test I can do? I I guess pull throttle and seen if it's leaking profusely

04-17-2014, 01:21 PM
Have you tried checking around the valve cover gasket for leaks? You should be able to peek and even feel for leaks (it should be wet/oily if there is a leak).

You can always check your dipstick and check how much you overfilled.

If you knew there was a leak why don't you just fix it? A new valve cover gasket is pretty cheap and its really straight forward on how to replace it. FIX it and use some cleaner to wipe down any old oil off the motor so you know if there is another leak.


So now there is a potential fire hazard your all worried now? Fix the issues when they come up so you won't be in a situation like this again.

04-17-2014, 01:29 PM
I didn't know it would become a problem... But that was my error.

Around the valve cover looks sludgy then golden so it has to be fresh oil
My dipstick is a ok and hasn't lost anything really.

I'm just trying to figure out the chance of it igniting. I'll try to start in a few after school and let you know

04-17-2014, 03:58 PM
all done
gasket cover is poop

took bunch of aluminum foil sheets and made shield to hold some oil off

smoked so bad, was so scared... ka made it home

one tough son a bitch.

thanks everyone