View Full Version : For the 2JZ Guys - 2JZPOWER.com

04-10-2014, 10:13 AM
If you a 2JZ powered 240sx/240z/300zx etc and haven't checked out http://www.2jzpower.com you should do so.

I'm a web developer by trade, and this was a much needed site so we didnt have to depend on a single thread showing the highest horsepower and fastest drag times for 2JZ powered cars. There are some really awesome features to the site... Not only just the typical top 10 lists, but filtering based on things like "fastest stock twins", "fastest with a 76mm or smaller turbo", fastest car on a 10.5 tire, highest horsepower 3.0L, highest horsepower under 80mm, ETC ETC ETC

This site is community driven. A registered user owns their car, and the times/dynos posted. It's better this way, because the owner of the car knows all aspects of that car's setup. I always have people asking what clutch, what suspension, etc I am running. This site will help us all with that.... if someone wants details on a cars setup that made a killer pass.... all the appropriate data will be available to them through the site.

If someone's post is not up there, its not because I didn't post it, its because THEY didn't. Let them know about the site and hopefully once more people know about the site the lists will look a lot better.

Let me know how I can improve the site! Or if you run into issues registering or posting!



Here is a screenshot of the "options" for cars:

04-10-2014, 10:56 AM
Been following along on Facebook for a while, it's a good thing you're doing here Joel, Best of luck this season, your car should be a monster.