View Full Version : E- brake. No.

12-28-2013, 12:07 PM
How do I put this back in, wouldn't go back down and when It did this moved freely in and out.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Every time I searched all I found was idiots asking why their wheels don't lock x.x

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12-28-2013, 01:14 PM
I had this problem a while back and it is a bitch to get back in. I had the most luck by unbolting the ebrake and then trying to put in from the back. I resorted to bending the metal tab with a screwdriver and then bending it back once I had it all put back together. Hard to explain but just keep messing with it and youll get it.

12-28-2013, 01:17 PM
Well the previous owner has the 10mm so tight I can't loosen it, so will it be a problem if I dismount it, to then re mount it, or could I probably fix both by dismounting it?

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