View Full Version : Ka24det question

06-11-2013, 05:47 PM
Hey looked around and couldnt find the answer to my question. Anyway, I was wondering, if i was to turbo my ka24de with a t28 and run an ethalpy tune, do i need a fmu? Ive seen people talking about fmus and turbod cars, but I don't know if its nessary. Also would i be able to use a boost controller and crank up the boost at times with the ethalpy tune, or is the tune set at the psi i tell them im runnimg at first? Thanks

06-12-2013, 07:46 PM

06-12-2013, 07:50 PM
You do not need an FMU, you get larger injectors and Enthalpy will tune for it. You can turn the boost up as long as your injectors can handle it. Get 550cc injectors and a z32 mafs, those will get you around 300whp comfortably.

06-12-2013, 08:01 PM
You do not need an FMU, you get larger injectors and Enthalpy will tune for it. You can turn the boost up as long as your injectors can handle it. Get 550cc injectors and a z32 mafs, those will get you around 300whp comfortably.

Thank you.