View Full Version : 2014. Year of the R32 and S13?

03-01-2013, 11:39 AM
I KNOW! this subject has been beaten to death on every car forum everywhere.
What people get caught up in is the newer gtrs, sti, supra, etc. and just importing cars in general.

I HAVE searched and could not find my way through the crap for an anwser,

BUT to my understanding of the law is that beginning in late 2013 and really starting in 2014 the 25 year import law is lifted on vehicles built in late 1988-89 which would include r32s and s13s?

I have searched, not only this forum, but others and could not find a clear answer on this EXACT topic.

These cars will begin to be legally imported and more importantly, registered and titled in 2014?

If i missed anything i apologize.

you can skip the :picardfp::picardfp: :fawkd:

03-01-2013, 11:43 AM
yay! no more emmissions!

03-01-2013, 11:44 AM
so does that mean no crash test either?

03-01-2013, 11:50 AM
Your late to the party,

Sincerely, Canada

03-01-2013, 11:52 AM
To my best understanding you are correct. I'm sure there is more legality to the issue but that would be something to look into upon purchase of the car. 10 more years and we can see legal s15.

03-01-2013, 11:52 AM
yes.. but that also mean prices in japan inflate, i would have banked if i still had my r32 gtr .. i was stationed in japan for 4yrs .. i bought mine for $6500 had to sell it when i left nov 12, my buddy owns it now, the prices are already goin up. you can expect it to be like state side prices for a registered one 20k+ when 2014 rolls around due to demand.

03-01-2013, 11:54 AM
Your're late to the party,

Sincerely, canada

fixed. you can only capitalize countries that the world takes seriously. ;) :D

but you have to deal with......canada.


Can hear the waves and smell salt water from my backyard.

03-01-2013, 11:56 AM
yes.. but that also mean prices in japan inflate, i would have banked if i still had my r32 gtr .. i was stationed in japan for 4yrs .. i bought mine for $6500 had to sell it when i left nov 12, my buddy owns it now, the prices are already goin up. you can expect it to be like state side prices for a registered one 20k+ when 2014 rolls around due to demand.

my thoughts exactly! I have a few friends military and citizens that I would trust purchasing with my money and storing for a year.

03-01-2013, 11:58 AM
The NHTSA website says that a car 25 years or older doesn't have to comply with FMVSS and would be eligible for importation:

"A motor vehicle that is at least 25 years old can be lawfully imported into the U.S. without regard to whether it complies with all applicable FMVSS. Such a vehicle would be entered under Box 1 on the HS-7 Declaration form to be given to Customs at the time of importation. If you wish to see that form, you may download a copy from our website at www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/rules/import (http://zilvia.net/f/www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/rules/import). You should note that the 25 year period runs from the date of the vehicle's manufacture. If the date of manufacture is not identified on a label permanently affixed to the vehicle by its original manufacturer, to establish the age of the vehicle, you should have documentation available such as an invoice showing the date the vehicle was first sold or a registration document showing that the vehicle was registered at least 25 years ago. Absent such information, a statement from a recognized vehicle historical society identifying the age of the vehicle could be used."

From what I've heard/read in the past is that were all SOL in the skyline r32 dept. though..

03-01-2013, 11:59 AM

Can hear the waves and smell salt water from my backyard.

today i learned : canada has no coast lines.

03-01-2013, 12:05 PM
fixed. you can only capitalize countries that the world takes seriously. ;) :D

but you have to deal with......canada.


Can hear the waves and smell salt water from my backyard.

Bitchy jealousy will get you no where!

Oh, its you're NOT your're

Sincerely, I'm off to my garage to work on my S14 Silvia!

up in smoke
03-01-2013, 12:07 PM
I am sure they will do something last minute to prevent it from happening. The government does not want you to have those cars in this country and there unfortunately isn't anything you can do about it. They are a much greater force with more power and money than anyone who is concerned about importation of historic Japanese cars. Or, as mentioned before, the price will be driven up so high to the point where it is not sensible to import these cars. There is a reason why you don't see many Hakosuka's stateside, the government nor the Japanese want us to have these cars and will do what they must to prevent it.

03-01-2013, 12:27 PM
It might be legal to import them but it does not stop the government from coming and taking them. They still after event the off road only skylines that are over here that were imported legally.

03-01-2013, 12:40 PM
It might be legal to import them but it does not stop the government from coming and taking them. They still after event the off road only skylines that are over here that were imported legally.

Not to bust your balls or argue.

But with the words you said alone, if it's going to be legal to import and title (and in turn, insure) these cars then why will they take them away? Why can't we have them? Why?

03-01-2013, 12:54 PM
Not to bust your balls or argue.

But with the words you said alone, if it's going to be legal to import and title (and in turn, insure) these cars then why will they take them away? Why can't we have them? Why?

Because Motorex.

03-01-2013, 01:15 PM
You should be able to start importing them now. Most 1989 R32's were manufactured in 88 right?

According to what was posted above about the 25 year rule, it's about the manufactured date, not the year sold.

03-01-2013, 02:03 PM
Not to bust your balls or argue.

But with the words you said alone, if it's going to be legal to import and title (and in turn, insure) these cars then why will they take them away? Why can't we have them? Why?

Because US GOVT. Ill see if I can dig up the long article about people legally importing show and race cars for off road use only and having the feds show up and confiscate them without reason.

EDIT: NICO has a extensive article on importation of the Skyline, not the article I mentioned, that lists many of the issues you will face.

03-01-2013, 02:29 PM
Because US GOVT. Ill see if I can dig up the long article about people legally importing show and race cars for off road use only and having the feds show up and confiscate them without reason.

EDIT: NICO has a extensive article on importation of the Skyline, not the article I mentioned, that lists many of the issues you will face.

that has to do with importing them NOW, not in 2014 when they become LEGAL to import. yes you bring one in now it can be takin from you in the event you didn't do shit legally .. lol wtf is so difficult to understand the a vehicle 25yrs or older is legal to bring straight into the US without any crash testing or emission standards. put it to you this way the GOVERNMENT (US DOD) will ship skyline of legally registered skylines to the US.. mater of fact i know a few people that have brought over gtx skylines an 85 turenos with no problems just ship an show proper documentation at the port.. motor rex is the reason if you have one now it will be takin from you as they falsified safety information an crash standards all of which matters due to the fact they dont fall under the 25yrs law... untill 2014, then that shit goes out the window and it doesnt really matter as it will no longer be required to pass anything.

03-01-2013, 02:44 PM
The issue was having the r32 meet FMVSS(Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards), but since it is going to be over 25 years old in '14 then it can be exempt from meeting those standards. That is not to say that it will be exempt from smog. The r32 will still have to pass emmissions at least in CA as per the pre-'75 rule.

I wouldn't doubt the gov passing something to make it illegal once again to import these cars. The word "skyline" seems to have the same effect as the word "anthrax" when it comes to imports.

03-01-2013, 02:51 PM
CA will probably be the only state you CAN"T have one due to emmisions IE smog ..
japans emmision standards are higher then the US and cali's stupid extra emission (smog) check will f*#$ it up for you cali cat's

03-01-2013, 04:03 PM
Some good points in here. Thank guys.

YOU'RE right agamemnon, The manufacture date is typically a year before the actual sold date. Following the laws verbiage, we should be able to import them in 2013, maybe late 2013.

I have some good leads on importers of clips so I am hoping they can prove useful for the entire car :D

03-01-2013, 04:19 PM
The issue was having the r32 meet FMVSS(Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards), but since it is going to be over 25 years old in '14 then it can be exempt from meeting those standards. That is not to say that it will be exempt from smog. The r32 will still have to pass emmissions at least in CA as per the pre-'75 rule.

I wouldn't doubt the gov passing something to make it illegal once again to import these cars. The word "skyline" seems to have the same effect as the word "anthrax" when it comes to imports.

And I will put it to you this way, first post was as a joke, and that last one was as a fact for the here and now in response to Bambi's question about them taking legally imported skylines.

Who knows they might take them still they might not, they don't need reasoning because they are the US Govt after all. That right there is pretty much a do what you want card.

03-02-2013, 05:01 AM
Some good points in here. Thank guys.

YOU'RE right agamemnon, The manufacture date is typically a year before the actual sold date. Following the laws verbiage, we should be able to import them in 2013, maybe late 2013.

I have some good leads on importers of clips so I am hoping they can prove useful for the entire car :D

And it comes down to the month too. I got a buddy who missed shipping his R31 because the manufacturing month was off by 2 months from the time he had to ship it.

As far as the whole shipping in R32s and S13s, I wouldnt want one unless I brought it in myself. Most of the lot left behind are rusted buckets. Not a whole lot of clean, unmolested 25 yr old cars left behind in Japan, unless you wanna pay out of the ass for it. When its expensive even by japanese standards, itll be double the price when it hits the states.

03-02-2013, 06:03 AM
I see mass exportation of 89' model year GTR's leaving the Canadian market...

And it comes down to the month too. I got a buddy who missed shipping his R31 because the manufacturing month was off by 2 months from the time he had to ship it.

Yeppers so unless you have the option to have it parked for a while, I'd verify the build month as well. They usually post it up on the Japanese Auction sites I visit.

03-02-2013, 08:09 AM
Issue you'd see is alot of these cars left behind are pretty rusty...It wasn't uncommon to find an R32 GTR for $4k due to rust. Good, unrusted GTRs can command $8k-10k. Now GTS-Ts on the other hand are another story. You can get a GTS-T for $2k thats in good condistion. $4k-5k with an RB25 in it.

03-02-2013, 08:38 AM
You should be able to start importing them now. Most 1989 R32's were manufactured in 88 right?

According to what was posted above about the 25 year rule, it's about the manufactured date, not the year sold.

No. First R32 was manufactured in April of 1989. First GTR was August of 1989.

03-02-2013, 08:38 AM
California is stiff fucked. You have to meet carb regardless of import regulations unless the vehicle is older than 1972.

03-02-2013, 09:49 AM
The carb i can deal with, the no title regardless is what prevented from even trying before.

I reached out to some friends in NZ and they are telling me the exporting costs shouldnt be too much because NZ doesnt want a bunch of old junky cars around. If we buy them at a decent price, its almost considered a favor lol.

03-02-2013, 09:58 AM
Would be nice to see a concept picture :)

03-02-2013, 03:00 PM
No. First R32 was manufactured in April of 1989. First GTR was August of 1989.
Yes, you are correct.

But it still would appear that 2013 is the year the people can start bringing them in.
It looks especially easy if you're importing from Canada.

03-02-2013, 03:35 PM
Yes, you are correct.

But it still would appear that 2013 is the year the people can start bringing them in.
It looks especially easy if you're importing from Canada.

Good luck finding early examples

03-05-2013, 12:08 AM
Your late to the party,

Sincerely, Canada

Bitchy jealousy will get you no where!

Oh, its you're NOT your're

Sincerely, I'm off to my garage to work on my S14 Silvia!


03-05-2013, 02:04 AM
I reached out to some friends in NZ and they are telling me the exporting costs shouldnt be too much because NZ doesnt want a bunch of old junky cars around. If we buy them at a decent price, its almost considered a favor lol.

This is not true at all.

And you're all nuts. The cost of bringing a S13 in from Japan exceeds the value of the car. As for skylines, well help yourself.

03-05-2013, 08:50 AM
R32s, sure, have fun tracking one down that hasn't been beat to death.

S13s. . . WHY?! SR20 swap and you have the exactly same car that you would be importing. At some point I guess we all think driving around like a mail man is cool, but unless it's in a car that was never put on sale in the U.S. I fail to see the point.

03-05-2013, 08:51 AM
This is not true at all.

And you're all nuts. The cost of bringing a S13 in from Japan exceeds the value of the car. As for skylines, well help yourself.

Glad to see someone else here with some logic.

03-05-2013, 08:53 AM
R32s, sure, have fun tracking one down that hasn't been beat to death.

S13s. . . WHY?! SR20 swap and you have the exactly same car that you would be importing. At some point I guess we all think driving around like a mail man is cool, but unless it's in a car that was never put on sale in the U.S. I fail to see the point.

Not really.... 1989 was CA18DET + RHD

03-05-2013, 08:54 AM
Glad to see someone else here with some logic.

Same reason the country is not overflowing with imported RX7s, CRXs and AE86s.

03-05-2013, 09:28 AM
I get my sex from Japan.

03-05-2013, 09:40 AM
Oh, to have a nice stash of cash to hold onto a few in Japan for about a year... lol. Then resell for profiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiits.

Sucky part is that you'll have to weed out which ones were brought here 100% legit, and which are grey market trying to pass for legit and make some money/get rid of their crush magnet.

Not to mention the random parts that will break and have nearly no knowledge to fix it or parts available. Or sheet metal for all the accidents. /sadface.

03-05-2013, 11:04 AM
We will finally be able to import a skyline legally and people are still negative LOL

Even if I found one beaten to death with a grenaded motor I would still import it for the right price. As long as it's rust free, complete and not train-wrecked it would be a good candidate for a build/restoration..you know what we have been doing with old ass 240z's/240sx/Z's for the past what 15 years? If it really adamant about finding a clean one wait a few years and get a newer one like a '93 or something

Just the fact that you can get a skyline over here without the feds screaming is unfathomable.

03-05-2013, 11:13 AM
just to add a few more sources. Here's the article I'm sure most of you are familiar with on the "eBay Guides - How to import a skyline"

eBay Guides - How to Legally Import Register Nissan Skyline (http://reviews.ebay.com/How-to-Legally-Import-amp-Register-Nissan-Skyline?ugid=10000000006110167)

"Skylines imported into the US for use on public roads must either be over 25 years old or they must conform to FMVSS standards."

We all know the whole Motorex issue with trying to get the r32 and r34 to pass the FMVSS by faking their crash tests with r33's deeming them not eligible for import.

03-05-2013, 02:27 PM
Not really.... 1989 was CA18DET + RHD

More reason not to import one.

I get my sex from Japan.
This guy wins all the internets. ALL OF IT.

03-05-2013, 02:39 PM
All this Skyline talk just reminded me of this guy

03-05-2013, 02:41 PM
This is not true at all.

And you're all nuts. The cost of bringing a S13 in from Japan exceeds the value of the car. As for skylines, well help yourself.

the first time i drove RHD i fell in love. I am left handed and it just feels natural to do it.

The cost of importing a 240 is a lot less than the cost of converting RHD, driving around with an illegal engine, etc.

You may not know this, but THIS IS A HOBBY for some people. I have my DD wrx and I want something on the side.it doesnt matter If its an imported silvia or a glass dildo with wheels and a moped engine.

This thread is for people interested in conversation of legal importing, NOT discussing financial logic.

Not really.... 1989 was CA18DET + RHD

I have a feeling after the CA18 is imported and registered, an sr20 wouldnt be too hard to swap in and keep legal. Just got to keep emissions.

03-05-2013, 02:42 PM
why import from japan?
when you can just get one from canada?

03-05-2013, 03:08 PM
im all for getting them anywhere. Japan has a lot of them which decreases their overall value. I have some friends who are keeping in eye out in new zealand and I have also been checking small car lot websites from canada.

03-05-2013, 03:19 PM
found this after 30 min of searching.

1989 Nissan Skyline GTS-T (http://victoria.en.craigslist.ca/cto/3645487051.html)

not bad for 5800 obo

03-05-2013, 03:25 PM
I have a feeling after the CA18 is imported and registered, an sr20 wouldnt be too hard to swap in and keep legal. Just got to keep emissions.
I dont think that's true.

According to the rule, the car must retain the factory drivetrain. If the engine has been or will be swapped, it must meet EPA standards.

03-05-2013, 03:28 PM
Sorry, I didn't explain that well. From my past experiences and current knowledge, swapping in an sr20 would still be illegal, but it would be easier to fool someone with an sr20 over the ca18 than it would be for an sr20 over the ka.

03-05-2013, 03:53 PM
The cost of importing a 240 is a lot less than the cost of converting RHD, driving around with an illegal engine, etc.

The engine is still illegal in California. CARB supersedes the EPA/DOT and their cut off is 1972.

03-05-2013, 04:11 PM
Aha Cant believe Canada beat us.... LOL


Your late to the party,

Sincerely, Canada

03-05-2013, 04:45 PM
I'm a pretty big fan of the R32's myself, but this is stupid. You're NOT getting a legal R32, PERIOD. First off, Motorex and the like fucked it up. The US government is not stupid and they don't want those cars here. Second, for the price you're going to pay you could go buy a Porsche, Corvette, etc... What's the point? Put that money down on an R35 and have no worries. This is such a fanboy discussion that it's sickening. There are PLENTY of cars here to choose from. Grow up and drop it already!!!


03-05-2013, 05:11 PM
I'm a pretty big fan of the R32's myself, but this is stupid. You're NOT getting a legal R32, PERIOD. First off, Motorex and the like fucked it up. The US government is not stupid and they don't want those cars here. Second, for the price you're going to pay you could go buy a Porsche, Corvette, etc... What's the point? Put that money down on an R35 and have no worries. This is such a fanboy discussion that it's sickening. There are PLENTY of cars here to choose from. Grow up and drop it already!!!


grow up? fanboy? I will give you the benefit that a lot of kids think skyline and automatically want one blah blah blah. Have you driven one? I drove a 91 gts-t in NZ and fell in love. the body handles far better than most cars i've owned is300 350z 04wrx. the list goes on.

what I don't appreciate is that you didn't make one logical or intelligent comment. You have simply stated what others in here have already said.

for the price we're paying? please break down the price for me. You seem to be quite the expert and do you work for the US govt? Do you know what they are going to do if you applied for one with the 25 year exemption? You speak as if you're Gods gift to this forum.

contribute or leave. we don't care for negative nancy.

03-05-2013, 05:16 PM
How is wanting to import a r32 legally being a fanboy?

From what I understand motorex fucked it up trying to get the r32 to pass FMVSS. It would have been a different story all together if the r32 was 25 years old then. That's not to say I would be surprised if the government did some last minute legislation to restrict r32's from the 25 year old import rule though..

...and I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I don't think US legal r32's are gonna be as expensive as a Porsche/Corvette or hell even be enough of a down payment for some of us to afford an 80k dollar car :facepalm: Aside from that, a lot of us want the r32 because we want a r32.

And for people that haven't imported a car that's over 25 years old with an engine that was never offered in the states, you go to the referee for smog. (at least that's how they used to do it)

03-05-2013, 05:38 PM
blah blah smog this smog that laws this laws that.

1: plates off random car
2: cop attempts to pull over
3: drive like racecar
4: go to jail with smile

03-05-2013, 05:45 PM
Oh God please!!!! I want an R32 soo bad!!!

03-05-2013, 05:47 PM
blah blah smog this smog that laws this laws that.

1: plates off random car
2: cop attempts to pull over
3: drive like racecar
4: go to jail with smile

Lolz this made my day!!!! :ddog:

03-05-2013, 06:13 PM
r32's are great, i love mine. slides so much better and feels more planted than my s13 did.

03-05-2013, 06:14 PM
i know what ima be saving for lol, R32 = fapfapfapfapfap

03-05-2013, 06:28 PM
we'll finally be able to swap ka into silvias!

03-05-2013, 06:33 PM
R32's are ugly as hell anyway

03-05-2013, 06:34 PM
R32 is gonna be 25 on August 21, 2014. So the '89 R32s will be legal.

Should've saved my money instead of buying that S13...

03-05-2013, 06:56 PM
grow up? fanboy? I will give you the benefit that a lot of kids think skyline and automatically want one blah blah blah. Have you driven one? I drove a 91 gts-t in NZ and fell in love. the body handles far better than most cars i've owned is300 350z 04wrx. the list goes on.

what I don't appreciate is that you didn't make one logical or intelligent comment. You have simply stated what others in here have already said.

for the price we're paying? please break down the price for me. You seem to be quite the expert and do you work for the US govt? Do you know what they are going to do if you applied for one with the 25 year exemption? You speak as if you're Gods gift to this forum.

contribute or leave. we don't care for negative nancy.

A buddy of mine owns a r32 GTR vspec. I've driven it, hell I've even worked on it, touched it all over. Yeah, they're cool. Yeah, they sound like sex. The bottom line is that it's simply unrealistic. It's just a unicorn to chase. In theory, it is possible in most states. In reality most people are going to hit a brick wall. If you're posting a thread on a car forum to attempt to gather information you're going to hit a brick wall. You need to be more resourceful and determined than that. Nobody is going to hand you the information you desire on a silver platter. You've gotta go out and do the research YOURSELF.

As far as cost goes, first you've gotta buy the car. Then you've gotta pay for shipping. Then you've gotta pay customs fees, maybe in two countries. If you have an import company import it for you you've gotta pay them too. NONE of that is cheap... You're talking about a $20k-$30k car minimum, plus whatever time you have to spend screwing around with the paperwork personally.

This is a fanboy discussion because of the GTR JDM fanboy appeal. Every JDM Nissan fanboy wants a GTR. NONE of them are capable of making it happen. That's the same thing I'm seeing in this thread. A bunch of fanboys talking about how sweet it would be to have a super JDM R32. Nobody has a clue what they're talking about. Nobody has any understanding or appreciation of the logistics of it all. Hell there are even morons talking about importing GTS-T's, which is dumb as all hell. Have fun with your thread, I'm out...


03-05-2013, 07:15 PM
I can see your point. I do however want an 89 gtst 4 door. Probably not on the fanboy list :)

06-25-2013, 12:37 PM
Hey guys about a year ago I started Nostalgia Imports and I started importing the 25 year old cars such as the AE86's and Soarers and have imported 4 so far (I am located in New York btw). We are looking forward to the release of the R32. I can tell you that a R32 will NOT be $30,000 including everything. It would be much cheaper than that.

If you want some more info email me info@nostalgiaimports or check us out on Facebook. Website will be done soon


06-25-2013, 12:46 PM
R32 production began May of 1989. R32 GTR production began August of 1989. So August 2014 will be the starting month of R32 GTR's being allowed legally in the states.

06-25-2013, 02:20 PM
Dont think Skylines will even hit California even when its past 25 years.

Law states car has to be 1976 and older... Such bullcrap

I still have my eye set on a Hakosuka

06-25-2013, 02:45 PM
we'll finally be able to swap ka into silvias!
Funniest thing I have read all day, you win the internet.

06-25-2013, 03:04 PM
Your late to the party,

Sincerely, Canada

fixed. you can only capitalize countries that the world takes seriously. ;) :D

but you have to deal with......canada.


Can hear the waves and smell salt water from my backyard.


06-25-2013, 03:16 PM
hahaha, talking about importing R32's.

CANADA is getting S15's and R34s this year.....

there is also an R34 GTS-t in BC already legally.

i can smell the butt-hurt and lube tears already.

06-25-2013, 03:23 PM
I think its funny that canada is bragging. Well I guess they never get the chance to really brag much about anything.

Anyways, its not hard to get one now. It's not as expensive as you think. Majority of this hype is fanboy yes. Importing anything other than a GTR model would be completely dumb. The only one worth importing in my eyes is the nismo edition. Then let it sit in the garage 100% original.

06-25-2013, 03:48 PM
didnt really care to read all the bitching everyones doing back and forth but since the 25 year law is coming up and everyone seems to be wanting to import a r32 from japan i dont see why you dont just bring a canadian one seems 100xs easier?...... unless i missed something that says your not aloud to do that somewhere

06-25-2013, 05:06 PM
didnt really care to read all the bitching everyones doing back and forth but since the 25 year law is coming up and everyone seems to be wanting to import a r32 from japan i dont see why you dont just bring a canadian one seems 100xs easier?...... unless i missed something that says your not aloud to do that somewhere

It does sound easier especially the shipping but I prefer to get a Skyline from its homeland, theres more clean/untouched ones there.

I think its the model people are trying to bring in.. Kinda like a Lancer vs Evo. Your going to cheap out 10k to get a lancer/GTS vs getting the real deal EVO/GTR.

Anyways, GTR R32 is alot more limited. I thought there was only 600 produced, which made it already legal to import because it registers as a historic vehicle.

06-25-2013, 05:33 PM
Didn't even know about this....and I just bought a s13. Anyways It's still going to be expensive. It may not cost 20-30 grand but It probably will cost 10-20 grand. Too much for me. :nono:

06-25-2013, 06:55 PM
I'm a pretty big fan of the R32's myself, but this is stupid. You're NOT getting a legal R32, PERIOD. First off, Motorex and the like fucked it up. The US government is not stupid and they don't want those cars here.

This really jus sounds like conspiracy theory nutjob nonsense. Sure Motorex fucked up and as such the avenue for legal Skyline importation was closed but do you really, honestly think the government care so much about 1 model of car that they'll ban it from legal importation under a completely different scheme?

grow up? fanboy? I will give you the benefit that a lot of kids think skyline and automatically want one blah blah blah. Have you driven one? I drove a 91 gts-t in NZ and fell in love. the body handles far better than most cars i've owned is300 350z 04wrx. the list goes on.

what I don't appreciate is that you didn't make one logical or intelligent comment. You have simply stated what others in here have already said.

for the price we're paying? please break down the price for me. You seem to be quite the expert and do you work for the US govt? Do you know what they are going to do if you applied for one with the 25 year exemption? You speak as if you're Gods gift to this forum.

contribute or leave. we don't care for negative nancy.

32's really aren't the be all and end all, they're old. Most of them are tired & compared to 33's & 34's they just feel floppy and unsophisticated.

Break down of costs though...

NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R | 1990 | RED | 133,000*km | details.- Japanese used cars.Goo-net Exchange (http://www.goo-net-exchange.com/usedcars/NISSAN/SKYLINE/700050232520120812001/index.html)

That's the cheapest 32R on Goo, these are all dealer cars which are generally more expensive than cars you'd generally buy through a broker from auction. That price is freight on board which means it's only $8,340 USD to have the car deregistered in Japan & chucked on a boat. Once it gets to the US I'm not sure what the process is but I'm imagining depending on state you would need to meet different criteria for registration.

Here in Aus you're looking at $2200AUD For SEVS(Special Enthusiast vehicle scheme, we used to have a 15 year rule & low volume scheme for newer cars but that has since turned into the SEVS scheme and the 15 year rule capped and turned into the pre 1989 rule) compliance for a 32GTR. I'd imagine any figure you'd be looking at in that regard in the US would be far less. That complete car may end up costing what maybe 15K?

It does sound easier especially the shipping but I prefer to get a Skyline from its homeland, theres more clean/untouched ones there.

I think its the model people are trying to bring in.. Kinda like a Lancer vs Evo. Your going to cheap out 10k to get a lancer/GTS vs getting the real deal EVO/GTR.

Anyways, GTR R32 is alot more limited. I thought there was only 600 produced, which made it already legal to import because it registers as a historic vehicle.

HAHAHAHAHA What? Only 600? There was 43,934 R32 GTR's built, more than the total of 33 & 34 GTR's combined. Shit even the HR31 GTS-R(Built for Group A homologation) was built in larger numbers than that which you seem to have plucked from your arse.
There's not shitloads of stock unmolested GTR's floating around Japan either. and those that are around you will be paying quite a premium for. It's been like that since they got to around 20 years old and they're only going to get more expensive as the Japanese are quite fanatical about their classics.

06-25-2013, 07:25 PM
^^^Kicker too is the US importers have been buying all the 89-91 R32 GTRs since about 2-3 yrs ago in preparation for US importation. A bunch are bought up and out of the market already chilling in warehouses. The few that are left are marked due to lack of supply. Used to be able to find stock $6k GTRs that are in decent condition. Now, they're all sitting atleast $10k and usually have shit wrong with them (rust).

06-25-2013, 08:24 PM
theres only one place that I know they can import cars like the hakosuka and more you just need deep pockets. and I happen to live like across the street from it :D but my pockets aint that deep. its called JDM Legends

06-25-2013, 08:41 PM
I guess this is the only time Canadians get to pop champagne huh? (It would have been even better our government left it at 10 years, and not change it to 15 but whatever).


Anyways, it's been mentioned before, but if you guys think you'll be scooping up sweet GTR's on the cheap, then you've gone another thing coming.

I know of quite a few importers who are buying up stock and housing them over in Japan till they are road legal.

What's left is going to be in rough shape or costly (even before you have to ship it). I wouldn't personally wouldn't touch anything less then a grade 4 car at an auction house (inside and out) with FULL paper work history of the car.

After going through the process myself (importing a car), there's more costs associated then you'd think. Fees on top of fees, on top of....

...You guessed it...FEES. And I don't want to hear about how you know a guy who shipped a car super cheaply because it was either in pieces or its plain BS.

Oh and finally the process to find one is a lot harder, and longer then you'd originally think. It took me a few months of searching (being sent cars that fit my criteria daily), and losing out on quite a few auctions, before I was able to snap up the car I was looking for.

If I were an American, I'd start looking now, and house it overseas till it's legal. A easier option would be to take a trip to Canada and see what's up and ship it back down.

You guys in CA are screwed regardless because of emissions.

And I won't even get into operating costs of owning a Skyline (and the RB26 engine)...

06-25-2013, 08:50 PM
The exporting community here in Japan is very excited about the 25 year rule. Like it was mentioned, many of them are hording early production BNR32 GT-Rs in anticipation of giant profits. We're a bit more pragmatic. We have no doubt that they are going to be popular purchases, but I question the logic of expecting someone in the US to pay $20,000+ for a $8,000 GT-R.

In terms of legality/registration I don't think the pessimism is called for. The 25 year rule has been applied to many, many cars over the years. It isn't something new. Old Land Rovers/Range Rovers, Alfas, Peugeots, etc.. have been imported legally and registered without a hitch based on the 25 year rule. We have sent a handful of late 1970s Land Cruisers to the US over the years without issue. It's important to make the distinction that a car imported under the rule is federally legal.

Obviously, the GT-R has a bit of a reputation considering the history of gray market importing, parts cars, kit car registration, etc.. However, gray market importing is not unique to JDM vehicles. Certain Land Rover/Ranger models have a reputation due to frequent gray market importation. That hasn't had a detrimental effect on the legal importation of them once they hit the 25 year mark.

The original driving factor that spurred us to start GTR-Garage was to export Skylines to the US and then be a reliable source for parts. We decided to start selling parts immediately to build a reputation as a trusted exporter. We've done our research and we aren't expecting any hitches with 2014 rolls around. However, we are not going to discount the possibility. A few months ago we picked up a very nice, early production BNR32 with the intention of exporting it to the US in 2014 and registering it as a historic/classic vehicle before we even consider offering others up for sale.

Another factor to take into consideration is the cost of shipping. Container shipping rates have dropped significantly over the years. Someone with some entrepreneurial spirit could certainly take advantage of that and subsidize their GT-R purchase by selling container space or bringing in parts to re-sell to make some of their money back. We were recently quoted $1,600 to ship a 20 foot container from Moji to Oakland. Five years ago that would have easily been over $3,000.

06-25-2013, 08:55 PM
If I want a Skyline, get it from Canada. What i see happening is that all these people who are gonna pick up a GTR will find out real quick how finicky a 25 yr old RBs are. After a couple issues and $$$ piling on, they'll give up and want to get out of it. Thats when the prices will come down.

06-25-2013, 08:59 PM
do what im doing. import a 90-93 for cheap, leave it in your garage and either build it or maintain it, then when it becomes legal, register it. in California you can import any car and list it as a track car/ohv and avoid the bs paperwork, then store it here. its not gonna be super amazingly cheaper but it'll be easier to find one. Also sidebar, the skyline is going to be expensive regardless, its like trying to find a cheap old corvette. they may go down in price but most are still out of reach.

06-25-2013, 09:03 PM
also for those not very interested in just the skyline, ive found many silvias for under 5,000 dollars in good shape. and one auto ca two-tone model for 1,800 but lost the listing. and old rbs are a bitch to work on and maintain, but with the recent drift-craze sr's have a strong following in the states.

06-25-2013, 09:12 PM
It was my understanding that this would not work. After speaking to the CPB/NHTSA they made it quite clear that the importation documentation must show that the vehicle was imported no sooner than the month it meets the requirements for the 25 year rule. From what I understand that documentation is going to be required to prove federal legality when attempting to title the vehicle and obtain insurance as a "classic" or "historic" vehicle.

do what im doing. import a 90-93 for cheap, leave it in your garage and either build it or maintain it, then when it becomes legal, register it. in California you can import any car and list it as a track car/ohv and avoid the bs paperwork, then store it here. its not gonna be super amazingly cheaper but it'll be easier to find one. Also sidebar, the skyline is going to be expensive regardless, its like trying to find a cheap old corvette. they may go down in price but most are still out of reach.

06-25-2013, 09:31 PM
It was my understanding that this would not work. After speaking to the CPB/NHTSA they made it quite clear that the importation documentation must show that the vehicle was imported no sooner than the month it meets the requirements for the 25 year rule. From what I understand that documentation is going to be required to prove federal legality when attempting to title the vehicle and obtain insurance as a "classic" or "historic" vehicle.

you can bring in any car before the 25 year mark it just will not be recognized as federally legal, but states like florida or Washington will sometimes let it pass. but once a car is past 25 years old its considered a classic and is exempt from the bar and nhtsa regs. but that is only after it passes the 25 year mark. it needs to be the exact date.

06-25-2013, 09:42 PM
That is not what I was told in my conversations with CBP/NHTSA. They were very insistent that the 25 year rule would only apply to vehicles physically imported after after they are 25 years old. The year/month of manufacture had to 25 years to the month of importation. I asked them exactly what you are suggesting. Hypothetically, if we were to import a GT-R before it is 25 years old and store it until it hits the 25 year mark and then apply for a title and registration would it be federally legal? Their response was "absolutely not".

I'm not saying that it isn't true in your case and that you can't get it done. However, we are doing it as a business and will be selling these cars so we want to abide by exactly what we are told by the Federal government.

06-25-2013, 09:45 PM
that may be the case and I either read wrong or mis understood. either way by the time I get the money to import/buy one, every year of the s13 will be legal.

06-25-2013, 09:47 PM
Interestingly enough a 1988 S13 Silvia with an SR20DET conversion went for way more than it was worth. As soon as I saw the selling price I figured it had to be going to the US.

06-25-2013, 09:47 PM
also it may be different under the private sector or if it were a car with less of a reputation. but again its all a pipe dream for me right now.

06-25-2013, 09:47 PM
Yup, there is no grand father clause. You have to import it when its legal. If its already here and the 25 yr rule kick in, doesnt apply to it. Sure you can probably register it and get it state legal but it wont be federally legal. You're not that far better off than all state legal grey market cars in the US right now. Constantly watching your back when ICE decides to come knocking at your door like what happened to a few GTR owners a few years back.

06-25-2013, 09:51 PM
yea ive seen a few modded silvias go for costs you could buy a nice used car for here, but for the most part its not difficult at all to find a good one at the same price you'd find a beat 240 for here.

and thanks fliprayzin, I misunderstood the technicalities of the law.

06-25-2013, 09:52 PM
And seeing as im an up and coming tech getting my smog license, I don't want to do anything even close to illegal. they'd pull my licensing and ase certs faster then I could blink.

06-25-2013, 10:01 PM
But the one thing I've never figured out is why can't people "export" their grey market cars to Canada and then bring it back?

06-25-2013, 10:27 PM
because its still the same import laws from Canada to usa no?

06-25-2013, 10:35 PM
Import to Canada at year 15, store it in Canada for 10 years, import it from Canada to USA at year 25. Win/win?

06-25-2013, 11:28 PM
NEVER never...ever in california.... this STAR shit and this communist state never gonna happen.

06-25-2013, 11:55 PM
It was my understanding that this would not work. After speaking to the CPB/NHTSA they made it quite clear that the importation documentation must show that the vehicle was imported no sooner than the month it meets the requirements for the 25 year rule. From what I understand that documentation is going to be required to prove federal legality when attempting to title the vehicle and obtain insurance as a "classic" or "historic" vehicle.

Yup, there is no grand father clause. You have to import it when its legal. If its already here and the 25 yr rule kick in, doesnt apply to it. Sure you can probably register it and get it state legal but it wont be federally legal. You're not that far better off than all state legal grey market cars in the US right now. Constantly watching your back when ICE decides to come knocking at your door like what happened to a few GTR owners a few years back.

This. /thread
I wonder though.. how are the R31 owners in California doing it?

06-26-2013, 01:48 PM
HAHAHAHAHA What? Only 600? There was 43,934 R32 GTR's built, more than the total of 33 & 34 GTR's combined. Shit even the HR31 GTS-R(Built for Group A homologation) was built in larger numbers than that which you seem to have plucked from your arse.
There's not shitloads of stock unmolested GTR's floating around Japan either. and those that are around you will be paying quite a premium for. It's been like that since they got to around 20 years old and they're only going to get more expensive as the Japanese are quite fanatical about their classics.

Here you go, i meant the Nismo GTR

"The Nismo R32 (http://vehicleimport.blogspot.com/search/label/R32) GT-R was sold as a homologation special for racing starting February 22,1990. 560 total cars were produced, only 500 were sold to the public.The 500 total cars, and the fact that it was meant as a base for the race cars meant that it was a perfect candidate for the Show or Display (http://vehicleimport.blogspot.com/search/label/Show%20or%20Display) exemption. Show or Display (http://vehicleimport.blogspot.com/search/label/Show%20or%20Display) was a rule that allowed for certain historically or technologically significant vehicles to be imported to the US on a permanent basis without meeting federal motor vehicle safety standards. The rules allow for the cars to be driven up to 2500 miles per year, but they still need to meet EPA (http://vehicleimport.blogspot.com/search/label/EPA) standards. " - GTRUSA

But being approaching 25 years now, the EPA standards will not apply.

06-26-2013, 01:58 PM
HAHAHAHAHA What? Only 600? There was 43,934 R32 GTR's built, more than the total of 33 & 34 GTR's combined. Shit even the HR31 GTS-R(Built for Group A homologation) was built in larger numbers than that which you seem to have plucked from your arse.
There's not shitloads of stock unmolested GTR's floating around Japan either. and those that are around you will be paying quite a premium for. It's been like that since they got to around 20 years old and they're only going to get more expensive as the Japanese are quite fanatical about their classics.

Actually, I'm showing 40,148 unique VIN's for the BNR32. Not too far off from your number.

06-26-2013, 11:14 PM
psst, some are already in the states...


06-27-2013, 12:28 AM
That's sitting on a trailer, without plates and could be anywhere...

06-27-2013, 09:03 AM
ya id jst buy one here in the states and go ape shit on a build. That's not gonna be until 2014 till the law really passes until then i'll finish my S14 ^.^ , the day CA dmv lets me legally register an R32 is the day I go on a rampage for one until then I am def not spending 15-20k on a non op track car -.-

06-29-2013, 05:07 PM
Very soon we will be taking orders to bring in the very first 50 state and federally legal R32 GTR's, 300zx, and a few others... The R32 GTR CANNOT enter U.S. soil prior to the month and year it was produced which was Aug of 89... So nothing sooner than Aug of 2014 can be shipped over... However the price will go up quite a bit as the date approaches...

Currently we can bring in the MK3 supra, FC, R31, Laurel, AE86, S12 and the 88 S13 coupe ;) just to name a few...

We are very knowledgeable in the importing game and we can take a lot of the headache out of it for you... We have very reasonable prices and a HUGE database of never ending cars... We've made a lot of people proud owners of JDM cars and we can do the same for you...

06-29-2013, 05:15 PM
Very soon we will be taking orders to bring in the very first 50 state and federally legal R32 GTR's, 300zx, and a few others... The R32 GTR CANNOT enter U.S. soil prior to the month and year it was produced which was Aug of 89... So nothing sooner than Aug of 2014 can be shipped over... However the price will go up quite a bit as the date approaches...

Currently we can bring in the MK3 supra, FC, R31, Laurel, AE86, S12 and the 88 S13 coupe ;) just to name a few...

We are very knowledgeable in the importing game and we can take a lot of the headache out of it for you... We have very reasonable prices and a HUGE database of never ending cars... We've made a lot of people proud owners of JDM cars and we can do the same for you...

Can you guys get special interior parts for RHD vehicles or do you just import cars?

06-29-2013, 05:20 PM
Can you guys get special interior parts for RHD vehicles or do you just import cars?

We don't specialize in that, however we can source parts and have them shipped in one of our containers... PM me what you are looking for...

Thank you

06-29-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm already in the works with RHDAmerica to get a R32 GTR. Please, no one steal my wheels, doe.

06-29-2013, 06:44 PM
RHDAmerica be very careful when doing business with the above individual. He says he wants an R32 GTR, but what he really wants is to do is steal the OEM factory GTR wheels.

06-29-2013, 07:31 PM
RHDAmerica be very careful when doing business with the above individual. He says he wants an R32 GTR, but what he really wants is to do is steal the OEM factory GTR wheels.

I'll gank 'em and sling 'em. Be careful! My money is all printed freshly in my basement on my stolen printer and paper.

06-29-2013, 07:52 PM
Lol you guys are ruthless.

06-29-2013, 07:53 PM
Not ruthless; just in love.

06-29-2013, 07:59 PM
Hopefully we can all get one in a couple years when there are lots here.

But when I get one I'm doing the R324 conversion 569105691156912

And if I have the extra dough swap in an r34 rb26/30 beast

This is my dream

06-29-2013, 08:21 PM
^^^ Funny you mentioned this... we are already in the works to start offering this as an upgrade... painted to match and ready to go. ;)

06-29-2013, 10:33 PM
I haven't been looking but I'm curious. How many people out there are going to spend the money on proper grade cars, and not the R grade stuff that seems to be in abundance?

And if I have the extra dough swap in an r34 rb26/30 beast

Not a bad way to spend $30K+ on that engine...I've only seen a handful of those in a few of my GTR magazines.

06-29-2013, 10:39 PM
I'd personally keep the R32 body. I'm partial to it. I think each model should keep it's initial look. Then again, I'm biased. R32 was my favorite. D:

06-29-2013, 10:48 PM
Only heard of a rb30/26 still haven't seen one online

06-29-2013, 10:59 PM
I haven't been looking but I'm curious. How many people out there are going to spend the money on proper grade cars, and not the R grade stuff that seems to be in abundance?

A lot of times, that is the case with R grade cars, but not always... I've seen it be as little as being modified only... The R grade is just a reference... Doesn't always mean they have been in an accident... I know a lot of sites and auctions claim this, but it's not always true...

06-29-2013, 11:11 PM
omg why ruin a perfect and sleek r32 body witha fat 34 front? The perfect, best looking car out there about to become legal to import, but to each his own i guess. I know i wont be able to afford one for at least a decade or two lol

06-29-2013, 11:17 PM
I haven't been looking but I'm curious. How many people out there are going to spend the money on proper grade cars, and not the R grade stuff that seems to be in abundance?

Not a bad way to spend $30K+ on that engine...I've only seen a handful of those in a few of my GTR magazines.

Raw brokerage has some on their site now just bottom ends of rb30 and they set them up I believe. I mean they are very expensive but if it is already has a rb26 or rb25 you can put either head on I prefer rb26. I mean it most likely won't happen but if I ever came across the money

Also there is a video on YouTube of one that some guy put together here in the states

06-29-2013, 11:28 PM
Only heard of a rb30/26 still haven't seen one online

I found a couple builds but they're on U.K. And Australian forums plus the only came in the Australian version of the skyline r31 with a SOHC head so they're very uncommon

06-30-2013, 11:00 AM
if anyone here is seriously interested in picking up a skyline when they are legal, register on gtr-canada. There are always early model stuff being sold for good pricing on the marketplace and you are able to check out the car in person before you put money on it.

06-30-2013, 11:12 AM
^^^ Bad idea, those cars are all registered in Canada already and you most likely won't be able to obtain the original de-registration papers from Japan or the customs clearance papers...

Not trying to be mean to you, so please don't think that... I'm just trying to keep people out of harms way...

06-30-2013, 11:15 AM
^^^ Bad idea, those cars are all registered in Canada already and you most likely won't be able to obtain the original de-registration papers from Japan or the customs clearance papers...

Not trying to be mean to you, so please don't think that... I'm just trying to keep people out of harms way...

wont they just need the de-reg from Canada, and Customs papers from Canada, since the vehicle was already registered with the Canadian government?

06-30-2013, 11:32 AM
Good question...

I asked the same thing and the response I got was the paperwork from "country of origin" will be needed... However we all know that not all DMV's follow the exact guidelines all the time... So I'm sure there are some DMV's somewhere that will except that not knowing...

Go figure... lol

06-30-2013, 11:40 AM
Shouldn't the country of origin be used as Canada, since the importing process is from Canada -> USA.

It would make more sense that way wouldnt it, since the de-reg from Japan frees it from leins,stolen status etc So they would only need to check the status of the vehicle being registered in Canada?

06-30-2013, 11:44 AM
When they said country of origin they meant the country the car was manufactured for, however what you're saying makes perfect sense to me and probably would to some if not most DMV agencies...

06-30-2013, 12:27 PM
Shouldn't the country of origin be used as Canada, since the importing process is from Canada -> USA.

It would make more sense that way wouldnt it, since the de-reg from Japan frees it from leins,stolen status etc So they would only need to check the status of the vehicle being registered in Canada?

They are talking about safety and emission requirements are being met. They don't care about where it's registered or who else said the car was ok.

Either it's certified to meet all the original US DOT/EPA requirements, or it's 25 years old.

06-30-2013, 04:17 PM
A lot of times, that is the case with R grade cars, but not always... I've seen it be as little as being modified only... The R grade is just a reference... Doesn't always mean they have been in an accident... I know a lot of sites and auctions claim this, but it's not always true...

Oh I know that there's various degrees of R grade cars out there. R grade could be given because the car has a kit on it. While shopping for mine, I was hit up with auction cars daily, and the some of the R cars were a few R grade cars that I had to take a closer look at the auction sheet, because the pictures made it look great.

I just hope people really do their due diligence, and take their time with the process overall.

06-30-2013, 07:37 PM
Absolutely. And we actually have a partner in Japan that gives us very detailed information in ENGLISH about each car... they point out the good and bad aspects of each car... ;) this way we can give the buyer very detailed info BEFORE we place a bid. This saves the buyer a chance of getting something with problems.

06-30-2013, 08:29 PM
Lol Nvm, already discussed..

06-30-2013, 08:30 PM
Here are some established importers who have been operating in Canada for years and have a long track record and good reputation. If you are looking for a reliable source to purchase directly from the auctions this is who I would turn to.

Feast Auto - Welcome to Feast Auto Group | Feast Auto Group (http://www.feastautoexport.com/)
RightDrive - Right Drive - Canada's Finest Right Hand Drive Vehicles (http://www.rightdrive.ca)
Pacific Coast JDM - Welcome | Pacific Coast Auto Imports (http://pacificcoastjdm.com/)

You can register for a free account at Pacific Coast to view auctions from the Japanese auctions houses (USS, etc.) for free. All of these guys have a good reputation. There is plenty of info and reviews on GTR Canada. The owner of Feast is a Canadian living in Japan who deals directly with the auctions and tuning houses over here to source cars.

We are members of all the major auction houses, but we are planning on maintaining stock in the US rather than trying to act as an auction broker. With that being said I have bought literally hundreds of cars from the auction houses over the years. If anyone has any questions I'm happy to try and help.

07-01-2013, 12:45 PM
Very soon we will be taking orders to bring in the very first 50 state and federally legal R32 GTR's, 300zx, and a few others... The R32 GTR CANNOT enter U.S. soil prior to the month and year it was produced which was Aug of 89... So nothing sooner than Aug of 2014 can be shipped over... However the price will go up quite a bit as the date approaches...

Currently we can bring in the MK3 supra, FC, R31, Laurel, AE86, S12 and the 88 S13 coupe ;) just to name a few...

We are very knowledgeable in the importing game and we can take a lot of the headache out of it for you... We have very reasonable prices and a HUGE database of never ending cars... We've made a lot of people proud owners of JDM cars and we can do the same for you...

I have purchased from RHDAmerica and it was a great experience, just so all know. It wasn't only a "here is your car, thanks and bye". They pointed out bad and good things before purchasing the car, helped me source some items after purchasing, helped me with another vendor for some upgrades, and even had follow up calls to make sure I liked it. Pretty hard to beat that kind of service.

Unfortunately, we had a second house for sale and the payments were killing us so I had to sell it/trade it. BUT, that is all sorted now and I will be buying again from RHDAmerica. :) (my agreement with my wife was that I would sell it, but only if I could buy another when house and all was taken care of, it's time!)

07-01-2013, 03:55 PM
this thread delivers!!

07-01-2013, 05:35 PM
There are a few R32 GT-R's and a couple of R33 GT-R's that I have seen driving around town.
Probably illegal, but no one here cares.

07-01-2013, 07:07 PM
RightDrive - Right Drive - Canada's Finest Right Hand Drive Vehicles (http://www.rightdrive.ca)

This is the importer that I am currently using. I'll be sure to follow up once the transaction is finished (though that won't be for a while).

07-08-2013, 11:51 PM
I personally don't want them to come over because I don't want to see them everywhere lol. I like the unique factor to the car and the looks I get with it.

I do have a question though regarding getting register, titled, and insured as a classic. Mine is already state titled, registered, and insured with the 11 digit vin. Now in my mind, since its already titled, I should just be able to go and get it done as a classic just like any other normal 25 year old car, correct?

Regardless, great information in here, but we truly won't know what WILL happen until that time comes. Might as well stop trolling around and prop your feet up and watch lol.

07-09-2013, 07:39 AM
A few of us are lucky enough to be stationed in Japan and are in the perfect time frame to bring a car home on the government's dime. Gives us time to choose the best cars and a few years to stock on as many parts as TMO will ship back for us.

Mine (Oct '89)and my neighbors (May '90) and my spare bedroom already,


07-09-2013, 07:40 AM
I do have a question though regarding getting register, titled, and insured as a classic. Mine is already state titled, registered, and insured with the 11 digit vin. Now in my mind, since its already titled, I should just be able to go and get it done as a classic just like any other normal 25 year old car, correct?

No go. Paper work needs to be done at point of entry.

You can't unbreak the law. Its like porking a 15 y/o 10 years ago and when you get arrested you say "but shes 25 now!?"

07-09-2013, 07:55 AM
This is the importer that I am currently using. I'll be sure to follow up once the transaction is finished (though that won't be for a while).

They seem WAY overpriced.

Who the fuck is going to pay $15,000 for a 1998 RHD, 4-cylinder, cloth interior RX300?

My GF bought a 2001, V6 fully loaded RX300 for $6000 a year ago and I thought that was steep.


07-09-2013, 09:54 AM
No go. Paper work needs to be done at point of entry.

You can't unbreak the law. Its like porking a 15 y/o 10 years ago and when you get arrested you say "but shes 25 now!?"

In my state the car only has to be 20 years old to be a classic. Like I said, mine is already titled in my state. So what's the difference between my friend walking in and getting his 1994 civic registered as a classic, compared to my 1994 skyline? Both are legal, both have the same paperwork?

07-09-2013, 10:18 AM
No go. Paper work needs to be done at point of entry.

You can't unbreak the law. Its like porking a 15 y/o 10 years ago and when you get arrested you say "but shes 25 now!?"

Pulled this from my state DMV

A. The following forms are necessary for the processing of antique and classic registration plates:
1. Certificate of Title (MV-4) and Vehicle Sales and Use Tax Return/Application for Registration (MV-4ST) or out-of-state title and Application for Certificate of Title (MV-1) are required to be submitted when the vehicle is being transferred to a new owner and the new owner is making application for an Antique or Classic registration plate. When a vehicle is already properly titled in the owner’s name, and the owner is making application for an Antique or Classic registration plate, only the vehicle’s certificate of title (MV-4) is required to be submitted along with the MV-11 application. NOTE: If the proof of ownership is a Pennsylvania Certificate of Salvage (MV-5) or out-of-state certificate of salvage, Form MV-426B must be completed.
2. Form MV-11, Application for Antique or Classic Registration Plate.
3. The appropriate sales tax, title and registration fees.
Make check or money order payable to the “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania” and mail all forms and fees to PennDOT at the address on the form. PennDOT forms are available at most motor vehicle dealerships, messenger services and notary public offices."

So by what my state says, since mine is already title, I can get a classic title. Correct?

07-09-2013, 10:33 AM
What corbic is referring to is federal legality, not state legality. While gray market vehicles can be registered at the state level and be legal to drive, they will never be federally legal.

To qualify for federal legality the car must be imported after it is 25 years old with box 1 of the customs HS-7 form checked stating that the vehicle is "25 or more years old" (among other things). If the car was not imported under that exemption it will never qualify for federal legality.

Why does it matter if your car is federally legal or a gray market vehicle registered on the state level? In most ways it doesn't. However, with a flood of federally legal BNR32 GTRs hitting the market in 2014 the resell value of non-Federally Legal GTRs is going to take a big hit. If a buyer has the choice between a BNR32 that has been imported above board and is 100% legal in every state or a gray market GTR, they're likely to pick the Federally Legal one.

07-09-2013, 01:01 PM
Why does it matter if your car is federally legal or a gray market vehicle registered on the state level? In most ways it doesn't.

Federal Law trumps state. All it takes is an accident, insurance claim, a re-title or moving violation and all the red flags go up.

Before you know it you could have a legal mess or be out serious cash.

As you stated, no one will touch the "grey" cars once legit, trouble free rides arrive.

07-09-2013, 01:06 PM
I already have one...

CANADA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-09-2013, 01:15 PM
Pulled this from my state DMV


So by what my state says, since mine is already title, I can get a classic title. Correct?

That's for those funky "classic" license plates. That has nothing to do with importing a foriegn car.

07-09-2013, 01:25 PM
^^^ This...

07-09-2013, 01:30 PM
I feel like they'll find a way to still ban these cars because from my understanding, these cars don't make the government any money at all. And in this world, it is ALL about the money. That's not the only factor of them being possibly never legal to import, but it is a huge reason. If it does happen, then awesome, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

07-09-2013, 02:06 PM
That's for those funky "classic" license plates. That has nothing to do with importing a foriegn car.

What is the difference?

07-09-2013, 02:16 PM
I feel like they'll find a way to still ban these cars because from my understanding, these cars don't make the government any money at all. And in this world, it is ALL about the money. That's not the only factor of them being possibly never legal to import, but it is a huge reason. If it does happen, then awesome, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

This has nothing to do with the Gooberment and everything to do with Mercedes Benz.

In the 1980's European cars - read BMW, Mercedes, Porsche and Ferrari where being imported by the metric shit ton because of the booming US economy.

The Euros where charging nearly 50% mark ups from what you could buy them for over in Europe. This was partly because they were new and needed the extra cash to sustain US dealer growth, this was also partly because they had to change bumpers, lights and other things to meet US standards.

Lastly, it was mainly because they are greedy fucks and Americans would pay it.

So I fly to Germany for $1,000, I buy a 300e for $27,000, ship it to the US for $1,000 and sell it as a used car for $35,000. Mean while the MB dealer geys pissed because they are asking $45,000 for an uglier, slower version of the car.

So, MB bought everyone in Congress a car and thus the 25 year law.

07-09-2013, 02:17 PM
Fusious, you are certainly not in the minority in your opinion. However, there is no shortage of cars that have been imported already under the 25 year rule from Europe and Japan. Over the years we have sent older Land Cruisers and various other vehicles to the US utilizing the 25 year "exemption" and have had no issues. Many of those vehicles have found new owners across state lines and there hasn't been any issues with transfer of ownership and registration. The owners have been specifically asked for import "documentation", which they were able to provide as they were correctly imported.

If the government hasn't moved in and changed the law up to this point what would motivate them to do it in 2014? Even if 1,000 R32 Skylines were imported into the US is 2014 they would only account for 0.0006% of total vehicles imported from Japan.

07-09-2013, 02:27 PM
Fusious, you are certainly not in the minority in your opinion. However, there is no shortage of cars that have been imported already under the 25 year rule from Europe and Japan. Over the years we have sent older Land Cruisers and various other vehicles to the US utilizing the 25 year "exemption" and have had no issues. Many of those vehicles have found new owners across state lines and there hasn't been any issues with transfer of ownership and registration. The owners have been specifically asked for import "documentation", which they were able to provide as they were correctly imported.

If the government hasn't moved in and changed the law up to this point what would motivate them to do it in 2014? Even if 1,000 R32 Skylines were imported into the US is 2014 they would only account for 0.0006% of total vehicles imported from Japan.
I'm not going to lie and say I have the answer to that. Also, doesn't the R31 fall under the 25 year importation because it is from 85-87 which is 25+ years, right? If I'm correct, we should legally be able to import the R31 Skyline without issues. But that isn't the case because it is still fully illegal here in the U.S.

07-09-2013, 02:31 PM
It was my understanding that there were a number of older Japanese sports cars like the R31, Kenmeri, Hakosuka and AE86 that have been successfully imported under the 25 year rule. The last Land Cruiser we exported was a mid 80s model and it went through without issue with box 1 of the HS-7 form checked. It was shipped completely intact.

07-09-2013, 02:34 PM
Vintage Japanese Vehicles Sales and Restoration | JDM Legends (http://www.jdmlegends.com/)

They have been importing vehicles under the 25 year rule, including R31 Skylines.

07-09-2013, 02:36 PM
It was my understanding that there were a number of older Japanese sports cars like the R31, Kenmeri, Hakosuka and AE86 that have been successfully imported under the 25 year rule. The last Land Cruiser we exported was a mid 80s model and it went through without issue with box 1 of the HS-7 form checked. It was shipped completely intact.
Maybe I was wrong. But I thought the r31 was still not legal by any means. If it is, I am very confused why I haven't seen not one yet.

07-09-2013, 02:42 PM
I'm not going to lie and say I have the answer to that. Also, doesn't the R31 fall under the 25 year importation because it is from 85-87 which is 25+ years, right? If I'm correct, we should legally be able to import the R31 Skyline without issues. But that isn't the case because it is still fully illegal here in the U.S.

Not true at all...

It was my understanding that there were a number of older Japanese sports cars like the R31, Kenmeri, Hakosuka and AE86 that have been successfully imported under the 25 year rule. The last Land Cruiser we exported was a mid 80s model and it went through without issue with box 1 of the HS-7 form checked. It was shipped completely intact.

Yes you can import any vehicle fully intact as long as it falls under the 25 year exemption.

07-09-2013, 03:05 PM
^^^ Bad idea, those cars are all registered in Canada already and you most likely won't be able to obtain the original de-registration papers from Japan or the customs clearance papers...

Not trying to be mean to you, so please don't think that... I'm just trying to keep people out of harms way...

If you have the original Form 1 from the importation in to Canada as well as the original Japanese deregistration document you should be good.

Many people have these with their Canadian cars so there shouldn't be a problem coming from Canada if you have the original paperwork

07-09-2013, 03:39 PM
They seem WAY overpriced.

I don't know about the stuff they have on the lot (in Canada or Japan). I went in with a budget, and they managed to get it under. They are a bit more then other importers, but they do ALL of the leg work (with a longer warranty), and that's what I was after.

If you have the original Form 1 from the importation in to Canada as well as the original Japanese deregistration document you should be good.

Many people have these with their Canadian cars so there shouldn't be a problem coming from Canada if you have the original paperwork


07-09-2013, 04:16 PM
Maybe I was wrong. But I thought the r31 was still not legal by any means. If it is, I am very confused why I haven't seen not one yet.

Because no one wants to pay $15,000 for one...

07-09-2013, 04:49 PM
Because no one wants to pay $15,000 for one...

Especially when you can import an R32 Gtr for about $5k more...

07-09-2013, 05:25 PM
Especially when you can import an R32 Gtr for about $5k more...

At this moment.

Having watched jdm prices for a while...sure Shaken causes cars to depreciate like lead balloons.... but after 25 years they actually become rare a valuable simce so many have been exported or scraped. I expect R32 prices to skyrocket in the next 5 years.

07-09-2013, 05:44 PM
I will guarantee with the demand even right now that the prices will jump very soon.

07-09-2013, 05:46 PM
At this moment.

Having watched jdm prices for a while...sure Shaken causes cars to depreciate like lead balloons.... but after 25 years they actually become rare a valuable simce so many have been exported or scraped. I expect R32 prices to skyrocket in the next 5 years.

Anyone stationed over there right now should be stock piling r32/33 parts right now, because in 2015 I'm sure the part yiu picked up for $50 is going to be worth $150, if not more.

I can easily see prices quadrupled in the next few years because of the high demand there going to have. Places like enjuku, zero lift, and a few others are going to make a killing.

07-09-2013, 05:59 PM
Reading this thread is both funny and annoying. There isn't going to be a big change when 2014 comes around, and it's still going to be expensive to own a GTR (compared to a USDM S-chassis), I say this because the majority of the people on this forum can barely afford to keep their federally legal, cheap, USDM S-chassis cars in proper order and want to buy a GTR which is WAY more expensive and harder to maintain.

Those that CAN afford a GTR are the ones on here who have their cars properly maintained and built. So not much is going to change, and I predict those broke asses who buy their beloved GTR's will just drift them into a pole, let them fall apart, or get tired of it all and eventually sell them off.

You're probably thinking where the hell do I come off talking like this, well I say that because for a few years now I've been helping a buddy keep his GTR-32 running. I know most of the issues of that chassis, and trust me it's not easy or cheap, when something breaks favors have to be called to the owner's buddies in Japan, or a lot of cross referencing to US cars has to happen. The car has lived in my garage weeks on end when something happens not because of our inability to get it fixed, but because of our inability to get parts shipped overnight from Japan. (Yes, I went there). Yes, there are companies like GTR-Garage and a few others, but I've yet to see them keep OEM maintenance and other miscellaneous replacement parts readily available, again this will be a problem for those who have a difficulty of keeping a car in proper order. Shit, I struggled to get a damn distributor cap for my SR20DE Silvia Q's motor...lol

Regarding the whole buy a GTR now, and hide it and wait till it's legal idea, Yeah, not going to happen, PERIOD. If that's the case every grey market GTR will magically become legal.

07-09-2013, 06:03 PM
In terms of demand it may be a better financial move to wait until 2015 to bring in a 1990. The demand for 1989 models is getting high and availability of decent examples is low.

One of the biggest issues is going to be the influx of the cheap GTR. We bought an early production 1989 GT-R a few months ago for $3,000, but it was riddled with rust and wasn't maintained well. We tore it down for parts.

There are going to be importers/exporters popping up who would have no qualm about trying to sell that to an American unaware of the actual condition or thinking that they can put a few bucks into it and get it back into tip-top shape.

A well maintained GT-R can be reliable and make plenty of power. However, one that was trashed in Japan is going to be a nightmare and money-pit that the owner will wish he never bought. If you're someone who is truly interested in bringing a GT-R in it would do you well to spend some time on GTR Canada as 10 years ago they were in the same position the US was in.

07-09-2013, 08:07 PM
This whole discussion is garbage. All skylines are shit compared to an r34 gtr, i dont even know why you JDM fanboys get hard every time you hear the word skyline lol.

07-09-2013, 08:16 PM
Reading this thread is both funny and annoying. There isn't going to be a big change when 2014 comes around, and it's still going to be expensive to own a GTR (compared to a USDM S-chassis), I say this because the majority of the people on this forum can barely afford to keep their federally legal, cheap, USDM S-chassis cars in proper order and want to buy a GTR which is WAY more expensive and harder to maintain.

Doesn't matter what the majority will do. There are going to be no shortage of people and shops willing to drop 10-20k on one and build some crazy monster.

People need to think of this car more like an FD, MKIV Supra or NSX.

07-09-2013, 08:19 PM

One of the biggest issues is going to be the influx of the cheap GTR. We bought an early production 1989 GT-R a few months ago for $3,000, but it was riddled with rust and wasn't maintained well. We tore it down for parts.

All depends on price and knowledge. I'm sure a shady seller would put some lipstick on it and try and get 15k. But I'm also sure plenty of consumers would pay the right price for it, with full expectation of tearing it down and making a monster build.

Blown engines, shot suspension and rotted frame rails are only ever a problem if you did not expect them.

07-09-2013, 08:31 PM
Doesn't matter what the majority will do. There are going to be no shortage of people and shops willing to drop 10-20k on one and build some crazy monster.

People need to think of this car more like an FD, MKIV Supra or NSX.

People need to think of these cars as well. All the talk is centered around Skylines, but in a few year the FD, JZA80 and plenty of other models are going to fall under the 25 year rule. I'm interested to see how the Supra market turns out as they are significantly cheaper to buy in Japan.

07-09-2013, 08:44 PM
People need to think of these cars as well. All the talk is centered around Skylines, but in a few year the FD, JZA80 and plenty of other models are going to fall under the 25 year rule. I'm interested to see how the Supra market turns out as they are significantly cheaper to buy in Japan.

I don't think anything will happen to the US Supra market. Just like how you take a bath with a N/A - > Turbo conversion. The Supra community has already established the cars as classics and original Mint, stock, Turbo Supras are always going to commend stupid prices.

07-09-2013, 09:00 PM
I'm interested to see how the Supra market turns out as they are significantly cheaper to buy in Japan.

I am also curious to see what happens to the Supra market. After watching a close friend drop 22k on a clean TT last year I would almost feel bad if the prices took a nosedive lol.

That said, even if the market does get flooded with the jdm cars, I would still be willing to pay a few thousand extra for a
usdm MKV because the practicality of being lhd is worth that to me.

07-09-2013, 09:12 PM
There is no sense in spending 15+20k on a r32gtr when it becomes legal. Just wait a few more years and the demand for them will drop along with the prices. In the mean time just save your pennies. You're all broke anyways, including me. Lol.

07-09-2013, 09:53 PM
There is no sense in spending 15+20k on a r32gtr when it becomes legal. Just wait a few more years and the demand for them will drop along with the prices. In the mean time just save your pennies. You're all broke anyways, including me. Lol.

That is like saying "hey man, just wait a few more years and prices will drop on those split window 'vets".

What you fail to understand is these cars already hit rock bottom 10 years ago. They are now rising in price and will most likely never come down again.

07-09-2013, 10:38 PM
That is like saying "hey man, just wait a few more years and prices will drop on those split window 'vets".

What you fail to understand is these cars already hit rock bottom 10 years ago. They are now rising in price and will most likely never come down again.

You are exactly right. We have been importing these for quite some time now and not only is the price going to start to go up very soon, but they are getting a lot harder to source. I think that will be the biggest issue thus making the value worth more.

07-09-2013, 11:31 PM
So lets import a bunch of old cars that have a jdm tax added to them and pretend like they are better than a cheaper evo x....dumb dumb dumb....

07-09-2013, 11:49 PM
Evos are gay.

07-10-2013, 12:00 AM
Evos are gay.

Yeah thats what i thought until i saw a specv 35 get romped on by an evo
X with meth a tune and compounds. Literally took the specv on a straight because the evo was so much quicker on the exits out of corners. They battled on the straights but the exit speed of the evo was too much to handle for that 35. Lol

07-10-2013, 08:19 AM
I am also curious to see what happens to the Supra market. After watching a close friend drop 22k on a clean TT last year I would almost feel bad if the prices took a nosedive lol.

That said, even if the market does get flooded with the jdm cars, I would still be willing to pay a few thousand extra for a
usdm MKV because the practicality of being lhd is worth that to me.

But wait!! your wrong. the fd and mk4 supra are usdm models. so........

you can import those jdm cars NOW!!!!

why?? because again they are already sold here, no red tape!!

07-10-2013, 08:33 AM
But wait!! your wrong. the fd and mk4 supra are usdm models. so........

you can import those jdm cars NOW!!!!

why?? because again they are already sold here, no red tape!!

That is not the case. Although the FD32 and JZA80 were sold in the US the JDM models do not conform to the FMVSS so they cannot be imported under exemptions 2A or 2B of customs form HS-7. They would have to be brought in by an RI and made to conform to safety and emission standards, which is very expensive.

If they could you would see plenty of RHD Supras and RX-7 running around already. Both of these vehicles can be purchased for less than half the price of equivalent examples in the US. Earlier this year we bought a nice JZA80 twin turbo for $7,000. I'm guessing an equivalent example in the US would have been over $20,000.

07-10-2013, 08:35 AM
Reading this thread is both funny and annoying. There isn't going to be a big change when 2014 comes around, and it's still going to be expensive to own a GTR (compared to a USDM S-chassis), I say this because the majority of the people on this forum can barely afford to keep their federally legal, cheap, USDM S-chassis cars in proper order and want to buy a GTR which is WAY more expensive and harder to maintain.

Those that CAN afford a GTR are the ones on here who have their cars properly maintained and built. So not much is going to change, and I predict those broke asses who buy their beloved GTR's will just drift them into a pole, let them fall apart, or get tired of it all and eventually sell them off.

You're probably thinking where the hell do I come off talking like this, well I say that because for a few years now I've been helping a buddy keep his GTR-32 running. I know most of the issues of that chassis, and trust me it's not easy or cheap, when something breaks favors have to be called to the owner's buddies in Japan, or a lot of cross referencing to US cars has to happen. The car has lived in my garage weeks on end when something happens not because of our inability to get it fixed, but because of our inability to get parts shipped overnight from Japan. (Yes, I went there). Yes, there are companies like GTR-Garage and a few others, but I've yet to see them keep OEM maintenance and other miscellaneous replacement parts readily available, again this will be a problem for those who have a difficulty of keeping a car in proper order. Shit, I struggled to get a damn distributor cap for my SR20DE Silvia Q's motor...lol

This guy speaks the truth. The car is off the road more than it is on, parts are super hard to come by and oem parts are becoming increasingly more rare. There wont be any "cheap" GTRs that are worth anything. 9 times out of 10 a cheap GTR means for a prompt engine failure and a huge repair bill. That being said, i still love mine (GTS-T) and will probably own it for a while. What I am excited for is having companies in the states doing some R and D and developing more parts for this chassis.

07-10-2013, 08:36 AM
I KNOW! this subject has been beaten to death on every car forum everywhere.
What people get caught up in is the newer gtrs, sti, supra, etc. and just importing cars in general.

I HAVE searched and could not find my way through the crap for an anwser,

BUT to my understanding of the law is that beginning in late 2013 and really starting in 2014 the 25 year import law is lifted on vehicles built in late 1988-89 which would include r32s and s13s?

I have searched, not only this forum, but others and could not find a clear answer on this EXACT topic.

These cars will begin to be legally imported and more importantly, registered and titled in 2014?

If i missed anything i apologize.

you can skip the :picardfp::picardfp: :fawkd:

Oh gwad has sara jessica parker been called a horse enough ? man this subject has been beaten so much into the ground think its dust by now.

shaggy sr
07-10-2013, 09:01 AM
u can pick up r32 shell from cananda to usa for cheap.

07-10-2013, 10:07 AM
But wait!! your wrong. the fd and mk4 supra are usdm models. so........

you can import those jdm cars NOW!!!!

why?? because again they are already sold here, no red tape!!

Yeah.... This isn't a false statement or anything. You need to change so much in order for it to pass the government's standards. All the glass would need to be changed, emissions changed, there's a huge list of parts that would need to be swapped over from the usdm version in order to MAYBE pass regulations.

If you had the money, I would find a clean chassis of whatever car you wanted, buy it, and rent and store it somewhere over there until you could import it. Because when the time comes where it's legal to get it into the US you can bet that 7-8K supra you just bought is going to be selling for 15ish or more.

07-10-2013, 11:41 AM
Yeah.... This isn't a false statement or anything. You need to change so much in order for it to pass the government's standards. All the glass would need to be changed, emissions changed, there's a huge list of parts that would need to be swapped over from the usdm version in order to MAYBE pass regulations.

If you had the money, I would find a clean chassis of whatever car you wanted, buy it, and rent and store it somewhere over there until you could import it. Because when the time comes where it's legal to get it into the US you can bet that 7-8K supra you just bought is going to be selling for 15ish or more.

The whole DOT glass thing is untrue. usually the list will have stuff like door braces raised, gauge cluster converted, DOT on the lights, air bags, foam padding under the dash, small stuff. the real issues is the crash testing.

I doubt a car would double in price, but there will always be a ton of fees assessed in getting the vehicle state side. not to mention your paperwork better be filled out correctly.

Edit: I'm not 100% sure about the glass on every single car being DOT approved, I just know all the cars we've seen didn't have this issue.

07-10-2013, 12:42 PM
Yeah thats what i thought until i saw a specv 35 get romped on by an evo
X with meth a tune and compounds. Literally took the specv on a straight because the evo was so much quicker on the exits out of corners. They battled on the straights but the exit speed of the evo was too much to handle for that 35. Lol

are you stupid? I have seen miata's blow away vettes. That doesn't mean a fucking miata is better than vette. EVO's are gay. No one cares. It's called....the driver.

Besides r32 would more so be imported for the history and a collectors piece. If we used your retarded logic, old muscle cars would be stupid to own because every car today blows them away..... it's not all about "being quick on the exits" lolololol. Seriously, this sounds like a fast n furious line. I live a quarter mile at a time. Oh yea, well I'm quick on the exits.

07-10-2013, 02:31 PM

Not to mention comparing a tuned car vs stock... Put the R35 with meth and compounds see which ones faster?

Since we talking about importing supras and rx7s, JDM NSXs will be under the 25 year law.. And ive seen them go for 1/3 of the price of USDM NSXs in japan auctions

07-10-2013, 02:36 PM
There are going to be plenty of cars worth importing. In 2015 the JZX81 Chaser/Mark II will be legal and a couple years after that the JZX90 will be available. There's going to be a wide variety of choices available and it will increase as time goes by.

07-10-2013, 05:47 PM
So lets import a bunch of old cars that have a jdm tax added to them and pretend like they are better than a cheaper evo x....dumb dumb dumb....

How does one add JDM tax to an actual JDM vehicle?

07-10-2013, 08:38 PM
How does one add JDM tax to an actual JDM vehicle?

Umhhh i dont know. How about all the fan boys in here saying they will cost an arm and a leg because it will be legal to ship them here. I get how supply and demand work but they will get a bunch pf tsunami cars rusted to shit and get all excited when in reality its still an r32 haha.

07-10-2013, 09:13 PM
Umhhh i dont know. How about all the fan boys in here saying they will cost an arm and a leg because it will be legal to ship them here. I get how supply and demand work but they will get a bunch pf tsunami cars rusted to shit and get all excited when in reality its still an r32 haha.

They won't run into those issues if they use a reliable importer that vets the cars they sell. If you're in the vehicle export business in Japan it's not hard to source good-quality vehicles. However, if you are overseas and using a Japanese agent you don't have a close relationship with, trying to avoid trouble vehicles can be difficult.

When the time rolls around buyers in the US are going to be relying on exporters/importers and their agents to give them an accurate assessment of a vehicle's condition that they may end up purchasing sight-unseen.

If you do your research, use an established exporter with a good track record and don't jump on the first cheap deal you see it isn't going to be hard to find a quality car.

07-10-2013, 09:20 PM
Umhhh i dont know. How about all the fan boys in here saying they will cost an arm and a leg because it will be legal to ship them here. I get how supply and demand work but they will get a bunch pf tsunami cars rusted to shit and get all excited when in reality its still an r32 haha.

Not quite. There are some rusted out vehicles in Japan, that's for sure. However we are able to have a vehicle thoroughly checked out before we bid. It's not hard to avoid a rusted out vehicle.

Edit: Just saw the post above. lol There you have it.

07-11-2013, 08:17 AM
Why go through all the trouble of bidding etc...Just go to canada, buy a car and drive it down to the states...Saves the trouble of waiting for you "dream car"

07-11-2013, 08:24 AM
For the same reason Canadians are still importing cars: there are more choices available and good deals to be had.

07-11-2013, 09:13 AM
Why go through all the trouble of bidding etc...Just go to canada, buy a car and drive it down to the states...Saves the trouble of waiting for you "dream car"

Because that's illegal for one.

You can be arrested and charged with illegal importing and tax evasion. Then whoever buys the car can never register it, and on the slim chance they do find someone to illegally title it, you can rest assure that Homeland security will seize the car.

Also a US citizen cannot drive a Canadian car across the border.

07-11-2013, 09:43 AM
maybe these cars sell at auction for that cheap but i want to know how much u r spending by the time u r done.

lets get an average price on a silvia done legally here.

07-11-2013, 10:00 AM
maybe these cars sell at auction for that cheap but i want to know how much u r spending by the time u r done.

lets get an average price on a silvia done legally here.

That would depend on the year and model... currently we can import an 88 s13 coupe for around $10k and those would be 50 state and federally legal.

07-11-2013, 10:01 AM
That would depend on the year and model... currently we can import an 88 s13 coupe for around $10k and those would be 50 state and federally legal.

Don't those go for like $1500 at auction?

07-11-2013, 10:09 AM
Don't those go for like $1500 at auction?

Clean ones go for a bit more, most people don't factor in the cost of bringing in a car from japan, you have:

- Auction fees
- Inspection fees
- Paying your contact in japan for their time
- Storage/shipping fees from auction to shipping company fees
- Shipping cost
- Customs and broker fees
- Shipping from port to warehouse fees
- Shipping from warehouse to customer fees
- Title fees

Not to mention the time you spend finding a car, biding, arranging shipping/storage/customs/port documents. This alone will run you 5,000-6,000 dollars all said and done, now your 1,500.00 car is now a 7,500.00 car. GTR-Garage and RHDAmerica are in business to make a profit, for the amount of work 2,500.00 isnt all that much profit and really it's not all profit because they wouldn't be buying the 1,500.00 S13s because they are beat.

07-11-2013, 10:17 AM
I guess it's worth it for a chassis u can't get here. R32 would be badass to drive on the street. Or a chaser here in the next few years

07-11-2013, 10:23 AM
I guess it's worth it for a chassis u can't get here. R32 would be badass to drive on the street. Or a chaser here in the next few years

depends on where you are. many Canadian's buy S-chassis (180sx / Silvia) because finding a non rotten and clean 240 here is almost impossible. our winters and use of salt completely destroy older cars. The southern states wouldnt have the same issue, so it wouldnt make as much sense aside from the fact that they come SR'd from factory and often come with coilovers and other goodies.

07-11-2013, 10:24 AM
Hobbs I don't think I could've said that much better. however there are a few other fees you missed. Your average person wouldn't know this, but there's also cleaning fees at the ports and X-ray fees.

07-11-2013, 10:36 AM
Hobbs I don't think I could've said that much better. however there are a few other fees you missed. Your average person wouldn't know this, but there's also cleaning fees at the ports and X-ray fees.

Forgot about those, I know you can have your shipment turned back for something as silly having a leaf from another country on one of the cars if you're on poor terms with the customs agent.

07-11-2013, 04:55 PM
Clean ones go for a bit more, most people don't factor in the cost of bringing in a car from japan, you have:

- Auction fees
- Inspection fees
- Paying your contact in japan for their time
- Storage/shipping fees from auction to shipping company fees
- Shipping cost
- Customs and broker fees
- Shipping from port to warehouse fees
- Shipping from warehouse to customer fees
- Title fees

Not to mention the time you spend finding a car, biding, arranging shipping/storage/customs/port documents. This alone will run you 5,000-6,000 dollars all said and done, now your 1,500.00 car is now a 7,500.00 car. GTR-Garage and RHDAmerica are in business to make a profit, for the amount of work 2,500.00 isnt all that much profit and really it's not all profit because they wouldn't be buying the 1,500.00 S13s because they are beat.

there are all these fees, but realistically, a 1,500 doesnt turn into a 7,500 without the profit to be made, its more like 5k. or else companies like tyeeimports.com would be broke, I dont think Grant brings over a ton of cars to sell them for $1k profit.

07-11-2013, 05:00 PM
Realistically those cars aren't going for $1500 either. Lol that's either wrecked or rusted so bad you can visually see it all over.

07-11-2013, 05:18 PM
I think once people actually take the time to look at completed auction prices, they'll quickly adjust their pricing expectations. Add in all those additional fees and the fact that this are actually businesses (so they need to make a profit as well).

Taking a quick glance at my invoice we have...

Japanese Inspection
Inland transportation
Container loading
Cargo/Marine insurance
Customs fees
Vehicle unloading/cartage
Certification/E test/ tune-up
And then RHD Import fees

*There's a few other things, but they have to do more with Canadian import laws then anything else*

If you think you're going to get something on the "cheap" I think you should buy something else....

07-12-2013, 04:36 PM
Yes I wish we could get around all those fees, unfortunately.

However we are still able to source 33 gtrs for around $21k-$24k shipped and titled.

07-15-2013, 02:28 AM
its shouldnt stop at S13s or R32 u can then import Cefiros and laurel's

07-15-2013, 05:32 PM
^^^ yes sir.

07-15-2013, 06:54 PM
You could import a Jdm Camry if you really wanted.. actually the 90s hardtop camrys don't look so bad

07-15-2013, 07:00 PM
Im overwhelmed with all the "dream cars" i can get imported within the next few years
endless options

07-15-2013, 08:23 PM
Yessir, soon we'll bring over the Honda NSX. I have a feeling that might be a big hit. We'll see.

08-07-2013, 05:18 AM
Sorry for bumping lol, but according to what this company i randomly found on fb says, the R32 will be here before the end of the year, they'll even store the car for roughly $15K total.


08-07-2013, 05:38 AM
You're not getting a proper GTR for "around" $10K with storage on top...

Take a look at the auctions, and see what the BNR32's that are better grades are going for at the moment. I can tell you not for 5-600,000 yen....

08-12-2013, 10:02 AM
What I plan on doing in the next few years is actually traveling to Japan, so that I can test drive the R32 GTR before i buy it and find the correct one i would want and i would be able to speak with the exporter in person and check everything out in person. Also i've always wanted to go to Japan.

08-12-2013, 12:34 PM
I would be happy to own this

This is a pretty good thread, guy imports 72 skyline
Japanese Nostalgic Car • View topic - How my life found a '72 Nissan Skyline 2000GT HT (http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18482)

08-12-2013, 10:04 PM
^^^Those are actually pretty cheap and easy to import.

08-13-2013, 11:45 AM
Vehicle Importation: Understanding the 25 Year Old Rule (http://www.motoiq.com/MagazineArticles/ID/3198/Vehicle-Importation-Understanding-the-25-Year-Old-Rule.aspx)

08-13-2013, 12:10 PM
fixed. you can only capitalize countries that the world takes seriously. ;) :D

but you have to deal with......canada.


Can hear the waves and smell salt water from my backyard.

lol love canada jokes

11-19-2013, 02:47 PM
just digging up an old thread,
what if

i had a grey market vehicle, but when i got it from japan it had no title or any of that stuff, when it turns 25 years old, could i then register it or would it be impossible because i dont have any of the importation paperwork other than a bill of sale from the seller i bought it from in california, its just a track vehicle for now, but in the future id like to take it out on the road, and i dont want to do anything shady, i also dont want to de vin a 240 for this car...

11-19-2013, 03:11 PM
The 25 year exemption only applies to vehicles that were imported after they reached that age (year and month). Unfortunately you wouldn't be able to register your car under that exemption. You could always sell it and then import one that qualifies?

In the past we've shipped older Land Cruisers to a few customers in the US and the documentation they've needed to get their vehicles registered, plated and on the road was the following:

1. Customs Form #### (can't recall the number off the top of my head)

This shows that the vehicle cleared customs and when. It is important in determining whether it was imported before or after it was 25 years old.

2. Japanese Export/De-Registration

Provides information about the vehicle and proof of ownership.

3. NHTSA Form HS-7

Essentially declares that the vehicle is 25+ years old and exempt from federal safety standards.

4. EPA Form 3520-1

Essentially declares that the vehicle is 25+ years old and exempt from federal emission standards.

States are different and may require more paperwork/documentation or less. We're trying to figure out California right now and we're at the point where we're about to give up because the ARB inspection seems to be an impossible impasse. California recognizes that it's federally legal to own a 25 year old JDM vehicle, but they're not going to give you plates. I'm sure there are work-arounds, but we're only interested in doing things by the letter of the law. I think to be exempt it California the car has to be a 1976 model or older.

Another thing to consider for people getting ready import is getting your car insured. You may be surprised at the rates your insurance company will want to charge. We've heard that Geico is a good option.

11-19-2013, 03:21 PM
so pretty much id have to do something shady involving an s13 and a saw's-all? or when its 25 years old there no need to worry about it getting seized and crushed and i can just kit car title it, its not a cheap car, and the amount of work thats been done to it was cheap, so yea, also, thanks for the fast ass reply

11-19-2013, 04:24 PM
I'm not very versed on the tricks used to register non-exempt cars. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to do it considering how many JDM vehicles are in the US right now. However, I would be concerned about driving one on the street if a "loophole" was used to get it registered/insured. There could be major liability issues.

I heard a story of someone bringing in a Pulsar GTi-R and using the VIN from the USDM Pulsar to register and insure it. He ended up getting in an accident in which he was declared at fault. They figured out what he had done and his car was seized and the insurance company would not cover the liability for the accident, which was over six figures, because of the method he used to register/insure the vehicle wasn't above board.

With grey market imports that weren't imported under the 25 year rule exemption there is more than just the concern of having it seized if you drive it on the street. You have to consider insurance liability as well.

11-19-2013, 04:34 PM
With grey market imports that weren't imported under the 25 year rule exemption there is more than just the concern of having it seized if you drive it on the street. You have to consider insurance liability as well.

i have other vehicles, but im just thinking of you know, once in a blue moon taking my car to work, or to the store or something, instead of it being track only, it has a full roll cage, so i dont want to drive it on the street with a helmet all the time, cause if i get hit, im gonna smash my head on a bar, and thats a bigger problem than just money.

basically i dont want to live in constant fear of the gov seizing my dream car...ill track it, and keep it low profile (IE not saying i have an xxx on an internet forum), and i dont plan on driving it on the street for years (maybe), but one day i know im going to want to when im done going to events, cause i plan on keeping this thing the rest of my life, but i dont plan on racing the rest of my life, so maybe one day the cost of a crashed s14 or s13 wont scare me off too bad, as long as i stay low and slow and avoid traffic or the highway or dumb driving i should be fine

alternatively, in texas you can register kit cars, i have a friend with an r33 that has done this, it seems really sketchy to me, because youre actively putting your information out there that you own a grey market vehicle, but its another route, i suppose i could do the same thing then, use my cars vins, show receipts for a junk yard s chassis car and a motor and all that jazz and id be good to go, just say i built it from the sub frames of a 240sx, and then custom body work, motor etc

01-10-2014, 04:00 PM
On the CA DMV website I found this. It talks about Direct Import vehicles and requirements for registering.
I dont really understand why anyone would think CA is screwed if there are Skylines already registered in the state. Id like to wait it out and get an R33 eventually.

01-10-2014, 09:50 PM
On the CA DMV website I found this. It talks about Direct Import vehicles and requirements for registering.
12.070 Direct Import Vehicles (H&SC §39024.6) (http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/reg_hdbk/ch12/ch12_15.htm)
I dont really understand why anyone would think CA is screwed if there are Skylines already registered in the state. Id like to wait it out and get an R33 eventually.

Just because they are registered doesn't meant they were done above board. Why bother paying a premium for a 1989 Skyline because it is "Federally Legal" and then using some quasi-legal method or loophole to register it.

The issue with California, from the research we've done is the Air Resources Board. Direct Imports newer than 1976 require an ARB inspection (separate from SMOG from how I understand it) which is both expensive and hard, if not nearly impossible for a Skyline to pass.

Obviously there are ways around this. If there were not, there would be no registered Skylines as you mention. California can deny you the right to legally import a 25 year old car, it is federal law. However, they can certainly make it difficult to register and plate it.

Trust me, I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong about the difficulties in California. We get plenty of request for Skylines from California residents and it's a big disappointment to tell them what we've learned up to this point.

01-11-2014, 10:14 AM
"Evidence of compliance with U.S. EPA and/or California emission standards. Any of the following are acceptable:

A U.S. EPA and/or California emission label affixed to the vehicle.
A Certificate of Conformance issued by a laboratory licensed by the ARB. No smog certification is required if this document is submitted for original registration.
A letter from the manufacturer stating the vehicle complies with U.S. FMVSS and U.S. Emissions requirements (usually only attainable for Canadian vehicles)."
Maybe Nissan will give me a letter? Lol

01-11-2014, 10:47 AM
guys guys guys!!! what about the important parts to replace(like windshield and glass)??? I mean the engines you can swap and use other parts from z32's and Sentra's etc. but the body panels. those are going to be hard to com by.

a smart idea is instead of just selling the car would be making replacement body parts avail. what about weather stripping?? that would also be a good service to offer. none is addressing these important issues.

unless iam missing something and the s14 windshield can fit on a r32???

01-11-2014, 01:12 PM
I honestly don't see the problem. You would import that shit like everything else. Expensive cars to own. They replace that stuff in japan. So you just get it shipped over and replace it. Just like anything else, pretty simple. If its not available OEM then surely there is a aftermarket somewhere. If not then your fucked. Same as over here. You either get lucky on a part out or junkyard. Which then you would just have to have someone willing to do leg work for you over their. Everything can be done if you have the cash to pay for time/products.

I'll put it to you this way, if you are importing the car and spending a good majority of your savings (if not all) just to have your "dream" car, then you're doing it wrong. Don't look at the sole price of the car and getting it here. Tack on at least another 10g's just to "somewhat" restore it if things go wrong. That is why you want to find a car that is structurally sound. You want clean interior, no rust, all glass not cracked, not huge body damage etc. Motor(to an extent), wheels, brakes, seats, bumpers etc shouldn't be to much of a worry. As most people probably have plans to modify/replace those things anyways. It's no different than buying a 240 here. You want the things that usually are not replaced to be as mint as possible(dash, interior paneling etc). While some of the other areas can be in junk condition because you are going to replace with something better anyways. At least, that is the way I would go about it.

01-11-2014, 04:06 PM
I'll put it to you this way, if you are importing the car and spending a good majority of your savings (if not all) just to have your "dream" car, then you're doing it wrong. Don't look at the sole price of the car and getting it here. Tack on at least another 10g's just to "somewhat" restore it if things go wrong. That is why you want to find a car that is structurally sound. You want clean interior, no rust, all glass not cracked, not huge body damage etc. Motor(to an extent), wheels, brakes, seats, bumpers etc shouldn't be to much of a worry. As most people probably have plans to modify/replace those things anyways. It's no different than buying a 240 here. You want the things that usually are not replaced to be as mint as possible(dash, interior paneling etc). While some of the other areas can be in junk condition because you are going to replace with something better anyways. At least, that is the way I would go about it.

Pretty much... That's what I did while looking at Japanese auction for a car. I tried to find the best grade car that was in my budget. I also knew that you have to pay to play, so I wasn't shocked to see what a clean representation of the model I was interested in would cost (there).

You should always have a contingency plan for projects in general. I put some extra money aside for general maintenance services, but the importer I used, had done a bunch already for me as a part of their package.

01-11-2014, 04:55 PM
Dumb question I know but since this 25 year rule is now in effect, does that only include only cars or motors as well? Is the RB20 and the SR20 now a legal swap?

01-11-2014, 04:59 PM
I think your car needs to be at least 25 years old in most states to be exempt from inspection. There are a few loop holes you gotta jump through to not have to worry about your swaps.

01-11-2014, 07:27 PM
Hmm...im not worried about it I was just curious. I live in a smog exempt county...all i need is turn signals and brake lights lol!

01-11-2014, 08:55 PM
So0o0o0o0 long ass story made short... Money talks yes.. 25 yr old law yes But CALI will always be shit out of luck? man I need to move away from here no joke