View Full Version : AEM V2 cant get my injectors to work

12-28-2012, 05:04 PM
So I hit a road block, my Injectors are not pulsing, or spraying at all. ill give you some deatails they are Injector Dynamics 850cc's, i have 3bar (43.5psi) across my fuel rail(displaied at a gauge on my FPR after the fuel rail) as to the wiring on the injectors i have a constant 12V at all 4 injectors when the key is in the ON position, and for the ground (the 2nd wire on the injector's) they all have continuity to there corisponding pins on the ECU. then i checked continuity from pins 107, 108, 116, and 48 (all the eccs grounds) and that is fine. But when i check continuity from the injector ground (on the injector clip) to the ground on the battery there is no continuity (im using a cheap volt meter and it might not be able to read that quick of a signal). using AEMtuner i have tried to use the stock calibration (6601 - S13 SR20DET swap MAP fuel & ign.01V24). then i have also went into the setup wizzard and adjusted my injector type to the ID1000cc. i have also verified that in the coils/inj tab that all 4 injectors are on and synced to my knock synsor and my O2 UGO wideband, i have set them as PRIMARY, and as BASE.

I need a next step for my troubble shooting or some advice or anything. just need some fule and she can run again!!!! its been so long....


12-29-2012, 07:52 AM
any thoughts =D

12-29-2012, 08:32 AM
Two things......signal for injector fire comes from the cas sensor, if your coil packs fire then its no that and the injector itself i know u may have had to change the harness for the injectors make sure that the ground and the pulse wire is where they have to be as well as they should carry a 12v supply wire.....so just check this, as well as if you have the oem ecu arround to fire the engine just to see if its the aem.......hope this helps

12-29-2012, 09:25 PM
ok cool, so its not the CAS then, i was thinking it might be BC i had to put the AEM CAS disk but my coil packs are fireing i doubble checked =) and i just pluged in my old ECU i have 2 i tried both just for giggles, still didnt work so that means its prolly the other thing you said so looking at the FSM i have a (R) 12v supply wire like you said i checked the voltage at all 4 injectors and its there with power. so the ground and pulse wire im guessing is the other wire at all 4 injectors and im using Wireing specialties wireing harnes and that ground wire for them is straight from the injectors to the ECU and i checked and have contiuity from the injector clips to pins 101, 110, 103, 112 so i dont see anything being wrong there...

12-29-2012, 11:29 PM
hummmm.......we that out of the way we need to dig deeper then, now this is where a light voltage tester will help, unjack one of the injector plugs, with one end of the tester on the + battery terminal and the tip of tester in the direct -ve with ignition on and then the same with ignition off, then repeat the same with the other ground but this time unplug the main harness for the coil packs or the ignighter, if the lights flickers with the tumbuling of the engine then we in business if not the my friend its gonna be more complicated than expected.... lets hope we see some life in the wires also wat is the state of the injectors you have in there they are good have worked before ?

12-30-2012, 12:05 AM
Not an injector issue, if you're not getting injector pulse it's the CAS (or CAS disc, or CAS wiring).

Once you've got crank signal, you'll have injector pulse.

12-30-2012, 01:03 AM
i agree, but he said he checked his coil packs and they fire, wont the cas pulse the coils as well thus indicating a signal coming from the cas, btw Ryanswartout how did u go about testing the coils? taking one out and fire it outside?

12-30-2012, 02:34 AM
i took the individual coil packs out and had the spark plugs left in them and they were sparking... i assume thats all i had to do.

01-07-2013, 01:29 PM
I worked with Ryan for 5 hours last night. The only idea I have left is to measure the cas unit with an oscope (which no one has).

We checked:
Correct pinout for every non optional pin, plus some optional, along with all the grounds for the ecm.
Made sure the eccs relay was correct and all powered items were receiving correct voltage at proper times. (Ecm is grounding pin 4)
Verified wiring of injector wiring, vitality of 12v side, checked for signal with both large and small test light and a vmeter...
Any pins that were supposed to be tied to other pins we checked for continuity between them. (The only exception was 109, 47, 38. The prior was not hooked to the later two as stated in the stock wiring manual but was IAW the aem manual.) Do not quote me on pin #.
The plugss are getting a signal and we verified both sets of cas wires that are supposed to be tied together were.
Ensured the O2 sensor was sending 0-5V (was about 4.6) and that the knock sensor was also wired correctly.

I might be missing something however... Most signals we not only checked but we tried to chase the wiring down and ensure we did not have bad connections or additional connections that should not be there. If we had an oscope it would be infinitely helpful. We cannot correctly check cas signal, injector pulse, or that the unit is trying to fire... just says they are not firing and the unit knows they are not.

Sent from my android phone.

01-07-2013, 01:35 PM
Iam not seeing a test for air flow? u have a maf or map sensor worked up, maybe the ecu is not seeing the air intake reading but still without the reading just plugged in it should turn over but check the air flow wires again or swap a working airflow in and test hope that helps

01-07-2013, 01:48 PM
do you have a cam angle sensor? what motor is this on, S13 SR20DET?

i'm guessing its either the crank or cam sensor, check trigger and home count in the ecu software when cranking.