View Full Version : PS4 "Orbis" Next GEN consoles

03-29-2012, 02:07 AM
4k console by 2013? i was calling it, closer than i imagine. so, they must be pushing 4k tv soon.

Report: Next PlayStation is Called 'Orbis,' Launching Late 2013 | CraveOnline (http://www.craveonline.com/gaming/articles/185635-report-next-playstation-is-called-orbis-launching-late-2013)

The Next PlayStation is Called Orbis, Sources Say. Here are the Details. (http://kotaku.com/5896996/the-next-playstation-is-called-orbis-sources-say-here-are-the-details)

The Next PlayStation is Called Orbis, Sources Say. Here are the Details.

While the official reveal of Sony's next home console could still be months away, if not longer, Kotaku has today learned some important details concerning the PlayStation 3's successor.

For one, the console's name—or at least its codename/working title—is apparently Orbis. And it's being planned for release in time for the 2013 holiday season.

The details in this story come from a reliable source who is not authorized to talk publicly about next-gen hardware but has shared correct information with us before. What they're telling us in specifics matches much of what we've heard and reported in generalities in recent weeks.

A Sony spokesperson declined to comment about these details, citing the company's policy not to comment on "rumors or speculation."


Orbis. Say it out loud. Sounds a little like the word "four", doesn't it? Only it doesn't make the next PlayStation sound like a bad horror movie sequel.

It's also a name loaded with meaning. The word "Orbis" itself, from Latin, means circle, or ring, or even orbit. Not terribly helpful. Combine it with the name of Sony's new handheld system, though, and you have the common term Orbis Vita (or, in strict Latin, Orbis Vitae). Which means "The circle of life". Could the Vita be playing a very important role in the development and use of the next PlayStation home console? Maybe!

Such symbolism also suggests that rather than being a codename, like most companies employ when still developing a console (think NGP, or Durango), this might actually be the machine's final name. We don't know that, though, so keep an open mind about things.

Type in Vita.SCEdevnet.com and you arrive at Sony's portal for Vita developers. Same with NGP.SCEdevnet.com, referencing the former codename for the Vita. The PS4 version of that address gets you nowhere. PS3 does, as does Orbis.SCEDev.net, though not to any Orbis-specific portions of the site.

Is called, or at least carries the working codename, "Orbis".
Is scheduled for a Holiday 2013 release.
Won't be backwards compatible with PS3 games.
Will lock new games to a PSN account as an anti-used games measure.
New games can be bought either on Blu-Ray or downloaded.
Current specs are an AMD x64 CPU and AMD Southern Islands GPU


Our main source supplied some basic specs for the console, but as the future is always in motion, bear in mind these could easily change between now and the Orbis' retail release. Still, if you'd like to know what developers are being told to plan for now, here you go.
AMD Southern Islands GPU

The former, that's largely something we've heard before, but the latter is interesting. That's the name given to many of AMD's 2012 roster of high-end PC cards. The PS4's GPU in particular, we're told, will be capable of displaying Orbis games at a resolution of up to 4096x2160, which is far in excess of the needs of most current HDTV sets. It'll also be capable of playing 3D games in 1080p (the PS3 could only safely manage 3D at 720p).


Our main source tell us that "select developers" have been receiving dev kits for the new console since the beginning of this year. Revised and improved versions of these kits were sent out around GDC, while more finalised beta units will be shipped to developers towards the end of 2012.

That should hopefully give developers plenty of time to have launch games ready for the Orbis' retail release, which will be in time for the 2013 holiday season. If you can remember the PS3 launch—it's OK if you can't, it was a while ago—that too was in time for the holiday shopping season (November 2006 for Japan and North America).


Remember how the PlayStation 3 swiftly dropped the ability to play PS2 games? Well, our main source tell us the Orbis won't even bother, and that Sony has no plans to offer backwards compatibility for its existing catalogue of PS3 games.


BACK IN DECEMBER... A post left on Pastebin back in December also referred to the PlayStation 4 as Orbis, calling it a codename in the same vein as Microsoft's Durango. The system specs in that post differ significantly from what Kotaku has heard, and the lack of a hard drive by default goes against the idea of downloading full games to the system.

The Pastebin post also mentions that big name developers like EA were disappointed by an Orbis much less powerful than Microsoft's next machine, so there's a chance that it's the story of an earlier prototype that didn't make the grade. We've reached out to EA for comment.

Just like the next Xbox/Durango, we've heard from multiple sources that the Orbis will likewise have some kind of anti-used games measures built into the console. Here's how our main source says it's currently shaping up: new games for the system will be available one of two ways, either on a Blu-Ray disc or as a PSN download (yes, even full retail titles). If you buy the disc, it must be locked to a single PSN account, after which you can play the game, save the whole thing to your HDD, or peg it as "downloaded" in your account history and be free to download it at a later date.

Don't think you can simply buy the disc and stay offline, though; like many PC games these days, you'll need to have a PSN account and be online to even get the thing started. UPDATE - Since some people seem to have taken this to mean the console requires an "always on" intenet connection, we've heard nothing about that. All we've heard is that you need to authenticate a new game online via the PSN.

If you then decide to trade that disc in, the pre-owned customer picking it up will be limited in what they can do. While our sources were unclear on how exactly the pre-owned customer side of things would work, it's believed used games will be limited to a trial mode or some other form of content restriction, with consumers having to pay a fee to unlock/register the full game.

This would allow used games to continue to be sold at outlets such as GameStop, while also appeasing major publishers who would no longer have to implement their own haphazard approaches to "online passes".


That's all we've got for you at the moment. Remember, none of this information is confirmed, and even the information that is locked down in March 2012 may change before the console's eventual release. This is just what we've been told Sony is working on and planning for as of today. That being the case, how do you think it's shaping up?

03-29-2012, 02:37 AM
Really, no used games?

I realize that's just one point to focus on, but that blows dick. So basically pay full retail, or just wait forever and a day to buy it on sale. That's really gay.

03-29-2012, 04:31 AM
not being backwards compatible is a fucking slap in the face. so asinine.

03-29-2012, 04:58 AM
I've already gotten used to the idea of it. If you already have the system then why worry, just take good care of it.

03-29-2012, 06:55 AM
The no used games thing is no big deal to me. Used PS3 games are fucking expensive as it is, might as well spring the extra to get a brand new disk.

03-29-2012, 08:24 AM
The no used games thing is no big deal to me. Used PS3 games are fucking expensive as it is, might as well spring the extra to get a brand new disk.

You know you can get games from other people for cheaper than you can get them from gamestop right? Sounds like they're gonna follow how certain PC games are, where you'd need to get a user code to be able to play a game. I fucking hate that shit...I just paid $50 for a game, I dont like it, can't sell it to somebody else for close to what I paid for because I already used the code. Sony just keeps fucking themselves over and over again...I'm closer and closer to saying fuck you and just keep trucking on with my Xbox.

03-29-2012, 08:37 AM
I have no problem with it, I keep most of my old games and I barely buy used anymore.

03-29-2012, 09:07 AM
The rumor mill has been on fire with PS4 stuff lately.

03-29-2012, 09:07 AM
I HATE that shit. I always buy used.

Fuck dat hoe.

03-29-2012, 09:34 AM
The game makers have finally caught on. They must lose a metric shit ton of money on the used game market. If a game is bought at retail and then sold used twice, they lost two sales. Multiply that by all the games out there and you can see the impact it would have on sales. To be honest it's the same with car parts, people blame knock offs but the used part market is just as guilty. If a part is purchased once and sold multiple times (sometimes 3-4 times) that's hurting the company just as bad.

I don't like because I buy random used games from gamestop while i'm waiting for a title to release, but I totally understand it and see the reason behind it.

My question is, I thought the latest and greatest as of a couple months ago was that no next gen systems where on the horizon due to the fact that current software/game developers weren't even close to maxing out the hardware of the current systems...

03-29-2012, 10:00 AM
great. all this means to me::: another 6 years before the next Gran Turismo is released.

03-29-2012, 10:01 AM
what i was thinking, most old or new games will become available via downloadable and is/become usually cheaper thru psn store.
just like most current pc games you buy on stores and then later have to sign up to orgin or steam, just to install or play it.

they have not been able to max current tech, yet. but, 4k can push 3d technology and sofware which sony has been trying to push. they have been maxing ps3 old tech, though.

03-29-2012, 10:29 AM
Can't play used? Besides that forcing people to buy new, why the heck not? Stupidest thing I've ever heard. Selling point for many people.

03-29-2012, 12:22 PM
"Man, that game looks so fucking cool!"

Buy new game. I am disappoint.

Lost ~$60.


"Man, that game looks dopefresh!"

Buy used game. I am disappoint.

Lost ~$20 bucks.

03-29-2012, 12:31 PM
- check out dope fresh game

-Download demo

-check if game is good

-you like the game

-buy game.


-checkout dope fresh game

- download demo

- check if game is good

- do not like game

- you dont buy game

- tell internet bros , game sucks.

03-29-2012, 12:51 PM
I like to stick to PC gaming but console has its advantages. Try starting up a conversation with your friends about halflife or doom3 and it wont go very far, talk about some console gaming Call Of Duty and they will talk for hours..

Console is great for parties though.

03-29-2012, 02:25 PM
You know you can get games from other people for cheaper than you can get them from gamestop right? Sounds like they're gonna follow how certain PC games are, where you'd need to get a user code to be able to play a game. I fucking hate that shit...I just paid $50 for a game, I dont like it, can't sell it to somebody else for close to what I paid for because I already used the code. Sony just keeps fucking themselves over and over again...I'm closer and closer to saying fuck you and just keep trucking on with my Xbox.

Microsoft has said that they are doing the same shit with their NGC "Durango". And that was announced before this came up regarding sony doing the same shit.

03-29-2012, 03:37 PM
I don't care about the used game stuff as much as the online authentication. I hate that shit. My internet connection decided to take a dump a few days ago and I couldn't play some games because they had to authenticate some of the DLC stuff I bought.

03-29-2012, 03:42 PM
Xbox > playstation.

Just saying. Since were all putting in our two cents

03-29-2012, 04:12 PM
- check out dope fresh game

-Download demo

-check if game is good

-you like the game

-buy game.


-checkout dope fresh game

- download demo

- check if game is good

- do not like game

- you dont buy game

- tell internet bros , game sucks.

I was speaking on behalf of the "Fuck Online Gaming" side of things.

Fuck online gaming because I hate being called a [insert racist/derogatory slur here] every 10 minutes.

03-29-2012, 04:31 PM
Can't really comment on a rumor/speculation like this. I can see this method being plausible for a few titles though.

03-29-2012, 04:44 PM
I was speaking on behalf of the "Fuck Online Gaming" side of things.

Fuck online gaming because I hate being called a [insert racist/derogatory slur here] every 10 minutes.

what online gaming? me lost.

i'm talking about general gaming. most games release have a demo release for you to try before you buy...

03-29-2012, 05:15 PM
what online gaming? me lost.

i'm talking about general gaming. most games release have a demo release for you to try before you buy...

Which require you to be online...

03-29-2012, 09:12 PM
Well.. ive been hearing alot of diff rumors and design concepts for ps4 .. but honestly ... im just going to stick with my ps3 for alittle while longer... ive heard sony actually said this 2012 that they dont plan on releasing another system because the ps3 still has alot of potential in the future.....

This "ORBIS" sounds more like a completely different system to me.... not backwards compatible and isnt the name playstation so to me i think its just a diff system.

03-29-2012, 09:33 PM
Yeah... "circle of life".. circle jerk of getting screwed by sony more like it...

Whatever happened to just playing a game? Why do I need 24 "friends" to simultaneously voice chat while I save the princes/hostage? Some people just want to play. Not against some secret prestige noob who has 20 accounts but against descent AI.

That was the best part about games like unreal tournament was you could have AI players that were good. Not camping pussy's that hop around like bunny rabbits on crack. Oh look camper john is on his 10th care package. Surprise, it's another airstrike. I don't want to have to read gaming forums and devote endless time to memorizing every map and knowing every place to hide just to be proficient.

The PS4 might be the best thing since artificial poontang to super avid gamers but Sony is loosing it's installed base and building in features that take the fun out of gaming.

Our kids are going to grow up and get PS5's.. We're going to sit around like old people and talk about the glory days of console gaming. "You know son, there once was a time when you went to the store, bought a disc/cartridge and the game just played". "Really pops??" "Yep, you didn't have to sit through a 5gig download, entering 3 45 digit codes, verifying your visa card, doing two system updates just to play a game. Oh yes it was a simple time"

03-29-2012, 10:01 PM
The no used games is more than likely a cutoff for places like GameFly!!

But I agree, I don't care to buy another consol... especially a first or second release, because my PS3 went out twice... on my 3rd... and No, I will not convert to CrashBoX!!

Not worried... the world will be dead for a year before this happens... they should take payment in MREs by then, hahahah!

03-29-2012, 10:34 PM

03-30-2012, 12:45 AM
^ AH WOOOO HOOOO! i loved that show.

Sony should clear up this info going around. None of this "sources" bullshit. Oh media, you get people so fired up.

03-30-2012, 01:50 AM
gah calm down guys. If PS4 and XBOX1080 both require serial codes for authentication, they will probably re-sell the code for people who buy used copies. They already do this now for newer first/second party games. How is it going to be any different than it is now ? If it works like it does now that means you can buy used games but will not have online/dlc access. If you want access to online content/dlc you will be able to buy the access for like 5-10 bucks. This is what funds the servers that let you play online. The big boys do not want to damage the already shaky grounds that most game retailers are already on. If companies stop selling games, then consoles will be next. Then all your gaming will be done on phones with adds everywhere, or on farcebook annoying the shit out of your friends and family with fucking invites. If you do not like that future, spend more money on games. Tell your friends to buy the same game so you can play together. Tell them to tell more friends and start a clan/guild/group.

Sony and Microsoft don't have to say shit about rumors. The quieter they are, the more they can read the publics reaction to what new practices/features they will have.

03-30-2012, 12:17 PM
I blame COD and other console games that introduced DLC, corrupted the game world with releasing half of games and making you buy the full game in DLCs. lol

I took my laptop to a party where they didn't have internet, I could not play BF3 single player because it requires log in into Origin.


03-30-2012, 03:19 PM
gah calm down guys. If PS4 and XBOX1080 both require serial codes for authentication, they will probably re-sell the code for people who buy used copies. They already do this now for newer first/second party games. How is it going to be any different than it is now ? If it works like it does now that means you can buy used games but will not have online/dlc access. If you want access to online content/dlc you will be able to buy the access for like 5-10 bucks. This is what funds the servers that let you play online. The big boys do not want to damage the already shaky grounds that most game retailers are already on. If companies stop selling games, then consoles will be next. Then all your gaming will be done on phones with adds everywhere, or on farcebook annoying the shit out of your friends and family with fucking invites. If you do not like that future, spend more money on games. Tell your friends to buy the same game so you can play together. Tell them to tell more friends and start a clan/guild/group.

Sony and Microsoft don't have to say shit about rumors. The quieter they are, the more they can read the publics reaction to what new practices/features they will have.

Only problem I see with this statement is that the games are not owned by Sony or any console manufacturer, so I dont see them re-selling codes. This would hurt Gamestop BIG TIME which I'm glad honestly because they are the game Nazis when it comes to used game resale. For used games I take my chances on Ebay anyway.
The whole one time code thing would be a huge dealbreaker for me.......If I'm going to purchase a game for 60 bucks (or possibly more!!) The game better be worth every penny and top notch with more than enough replay value for me not to be able to sell it again. A good example is any fighter, I didnt through down 60 bucks on the recent Street Fighter I waited till it was 20 bucks or used...Its a game you can beat in a couple hours in one sitting.

If this rumor goes through for either console maker I see PS3's and xbox360's value holding up or going up!

03-30-2012, 06:08 PM
Only problem I see with this statement is that the games are not owned by Sony or any console manufacturer, so I dont see them re-selling codes.

Like I said, they already do this. And this would be for First/Second party games. First party games are ones made by Sony studios, Second party are games made by studios that have exclusive contracts or are supported by Sony. Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo do own the rights to their games and consoles. Pretty soon all games will be download only anyways and there will be no more game retailers. But that's not because of single use codes, but that is how the market is trending.

This would hurt Gamestop BIG TIME which I'm glad honestly because they are the game Nazis when it comes to used game resale. For used games I take my chances on Ebay anyway.

Trust me when I say this, Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo do not want to hurt game retailers. If you disagree with their policies then stop purchasing from them.

The whole one time code thing would be a huge dealbreaker for me.......If I'm going to purchase a game for 60 bucks (or possibly more!!) The game better be worth every penny and top notch with more than enough replay value for me not to be able to sell it again. A good example is any fighter, I didnt through down 60 bucks on the recent Street Fighter I waited till it was 20 bucks or used...Its a game you can beat in a couple hours in one sitting.

It's not buying the game new is what is "hurting" the video game industry, that and pirating. Like I already said, game companies are already doing this. It's just now hitting the consoles. PC games have been doing this since the 90's.

If this rumor goes through for either console maker I see PS3's and xbox360's value holding up or going up!
Not any time soon. Sony and Microsoft will probably shut down services for those consoles and limit their online functionality. Like older generation consoles, PS3 and XBOX360 will be just junk in 4-5 years. Only collectors or enthusiasts will be interested in them. Maybe 10-15 years down the road people will have private Pseudo Station Network where you can connect and play maybe one or two classic games online with other people.

03-30-2012, 06:17 PM
I blame COD and other console games that introduced DLC, corrupted the game world with releasing half of games and making you buy the full game in DLCs. lol

I took my laptop to a party where they didn't have internet, I could not play BF3 single player because it requires log in into Origin.


Love that video. I want a t-shirt that says that at the end.
I blame Sega and Microsoft for DLC. I also blame companies for supporting DLC. Paying for the use of a shotgun in a game is just STUPID. Its like buying a deck of cards and then Bicycle charges you an extra 2 bucks for using the Ace of Spades.

03-31-2012, 04:20 PM
Xbox > playstation.

Just saying. Since were all putting in our two cents

You're dumb if you think Xbox isn't going to do the same. This whole battle against used games is happening right now. All these online pass what do you think they are.

I knew this would happen, this is prob coming from the publishers EA, Ubisoft etc

04-01-2012, 06:30 PM
Really, no used games?

I realize that's just one point to focus on, but that blows dick. So basically pay full retail, or just wait forever and a day to buy it on sale. That's really gay.

i recently traded MW3 for a used copy of BF3. i had to pay 10 or 15 dollars to play online, because it was used. also, there's a ten dollar expansion that came as a download code with the original game. seems to really affect how many games are available to me. so i traded a $60 game for a game i had to spend ~$25 on to fully utilize, and on top of that the game blows dick. but that's just my opinion.

anyway that's why i still play black ops.

04-01-2012, 07:57 PM
hey guys look its an iphone 6


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04-02-2012, 04:15 PM
Quake video was awesome.

New games are crap compared to the old run and gun stuff. Rocket jumping, Binslayers, etc. QIII and UT, etc. I used to get jacked up on adderall and play UT for like 5 hours straight just owning shit. It was so much faster/twitchier than the new games are.

04-02-2012, 04:18 PM
TF2. All day, errrr day.

04-02-2012, 05:49 PM
No, its all about LMCTF for quake2 or Team Fortress for Quake 1 ALL DAY ERRR DAY! Fucking Rocket Arena 3 WAS THE FUCKING BOMB!


04-02-2012, 07:22 PM
I loved MW2 - all the other games have sucked.

However games like Dark Souls keeps me thinking there is hope. Fuck the next gen systems. I've barely scratched the surface of the current systems collections and I'm not fucking puking up another $400-$600 + games.

04-03-2012, 07:27 AM
You're dumb if you think Xbox isn't going to do the same. This whole battle against used games is happening right now. All these online pass what do you think they are.

I knew this would happen, this is prob coming from the publishers EA, Ubisoft etc

Bingo. Microsoft already announced Gen3 will not support used software.

Look up "EA Project Ten Dollar". Basically they want to ensure you have to pay $10 to them to play the game.

You either pay $60 new, or buy/borrow/trade it used but still need to pay $10 to play online ect.

This is pure publisher profit. Retailers and developers get squat.

I expect the future of gaming will be to cut out retailers completely, you download your game from the Sony/Microsoft network, cutting distribution costs.

This also ensures there are no resell-able copies floating around bypassing the download system.


04-03-2012, 10:24 AM
It's not buying the game new is what is "hurting" the video game industry, that and pirating. Like I already said, game companies are already doing this. It's just now hitting the consoles. PC games have been doing this since the 90's.
That's because it's soo much easier to steal/pirate PC games.

Not excited about the PS4 because of this. Power to you if you are. I might buy a used one...if they allow that.

04-11-2012, 02:44 PM
so in my game informer i read today if anyone else hasn't that the only reason the ps4 wont be letting you play ps3 games and below is because they might switch gpu's which wont support that format of games there still 50/50 on it and as far as xbox they said they would never take away used games thats just as silly as a though of them making there next counsel with no cd drive only a hd. so if you buy used games suck it up and pay the 10 to 15 for ur online pass or buy the new game and stop being a fuck. and ps4 and xbox next wont be coming out tell 13 or 14 so that 400dollar gfx card will be about 100bucks by then so the price wont be anything more then what were paying for these right now. just sayin.

redline racer510
04-11-2012, 03:47 PM
I f what they say about the new PS is true they are going to have a hard time selling there new consoles, I am going to stick with my ps3. BTW xbox sucks major donkey d!ck.

04-11-2012, 04:38 PM
so in my game informer i read today if anyone else hasn't that the only reason the ps4 wont be letting you play ps3 games and below is because they might switch gpu's which wont support that format of games there still 50/50 on it and as far as xbox they said they would never take away used games thats just as silly as a though of them making there next counsel with no cd drive only a hd. so if you buy used games suck it up and pay the 10 to 15 for ur online pass or buy the new game and stop being a fuck. and ps4 and xbox next wont be coming out tell 13 or 14 so that 400dollar gfx card will be about 100bucks by then so the price wont be anything more then what were paying for these right now. just sayin.

At least console gamers can still resell games. You can't buy used PC games that require a cdkey.

I f what they say about the new PS is true they are going to have a hard time selling there new consoles, I am going to stick with my ps3. BTW i suck d!ck.

Now now, don't hurt your little head. I'm sure the big corporations are going to sell their dream boxes just fine.

04-11-2012, 05:50 PM
im a pc gamer over consoles but honestly i download alot of cracked games and if there good ill buy it for multiplayer other than that i really dont mind. im just saying what they said the mag for anyone whos still thinking there fucked in ever aspect with trade in games. i mean if you get a game for 20bucks suck it up and buy the 10dollar key, if you buy it for 50, then you should bought it new cause its gonna be the same price after the key.

04-11-2012, 06:51 PM
im a pc gamer over consoles but honestly i download alot of cracked games and if there good ill buy it for multiplayer other than that i really dont mind. im just saying what they said the mag for anyone whos still thinking there fucked in ever aspect with trade in games. i mean if you get a game for 20bucks suck it up and buy the 10dollar key, if you buy it for 50, then you should bought it new cause its gonna be the same price after the key.

I think you are missing the point. The $10-15 for an online multiplayer key is just the start, its the tip of the iceberg.

In reading about the next gen X-box, the disc is just going to be a "medium".

Developers feel that "you are paying for the experience" not for a product. That means no borrowing, sharing, renting and loaning of games, no reselling. Everyone that wants that "experience" needs to pay them.

The goal is to make games download content only - cut out the cost of discs, cases and retailers. The problem is, not everyone has a hi-speed internet connection - yet.

04-11-2012, 08:15 PM
im a pc gamer over consoles but honestly i download alot of cracked games and if there good ill buy it for multiplayer other than that i really dont mind. im just saying what they said the mag for anyone whos still thinking there fucked in ever aspect with trade in games. i mean if you get a game for 20bucks suck it up and buy the 10dollar key, if you buy it for 50, then you should bought it new cause its gonna be the same price after the key.

Honestly if EVERY game you buy requires a cdkey it will drive prices down for used games since they will have to buy the cdkey anyways. That also means no more getting 40 bucks for a new game because you beat it in 6 hours.

I think you are missing the point. The $10-15 for an online multiplayer key is just the start, its the tip of the iceberg.

In reading about the next gen X-box, the disc is just going to be a "medium".

Developers feel that "you are paying for the experience" not for a product. That means no borrowing, sharing, renting and loaning of games, no reselling. Everyone that wants that "experience" needs to pay them.

The goal is to make games download content only - cut out the cost of discs, cases and retailers. The problem is, not everyone has a hi-speed internet connection - yet.

The end goal will be micro transaction. Give away the game for free/cheap and then sell parts of the game. Users are more likely to spend upwards of $120 on game content over a year, and continue making purchases. Subscription based gameplay will go out the window soon too. Users will feel like there is more interaction with the content they have/buy and will spend more for it. Pre-order bonuses will go away too (at least I hope they do) once it becomes freemium.

07-02-2012, 08:00 PM
ViewSonic VP3280-LED 31.5-inch 4K monitor prototype hands-on (video) -- Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/05/viewsonic-vp3280-led-4k-monitor-hands-on/)
not a sony but, a demo of ultra HD monitor 4k res. check how the camera zoomed to the monitor and was still clear ass fuck. i want it.


based on this benchmark review, 4k gaming is very intensive. if the rumor orbit is based on the 7900 series, sony might need a serious boosting in hardware. 5gb or maybe a 8gb for 8k. hmmmm.
We never thought that we would be able to max out 2GB of VRAM on a graphics card, but when you take this monitor into consideration with a game like Battlefield 3 running at ultra settings, you begin to realize that it is indeed possible. Truthfully, there aren't going to be very many people driving 9 million pixels at ultra settings in a video game, so for 99% of gamers out there the 2GB is going to be more than enough to play their games. Anyone selling you on 4GB is basically selling you a 4K solution as we did actually run out of VRAM on the GTX 680 at Ultra settings in 4K resolution.
The 4K Graphics Card Shootout - Bright Side Of News* (http://www.brightsideofnews.com/news/2012/6/18/the-4k-graphics-card-shootout.aspx)

07-03-2012, 10:53 AM
I can totally see the pirates having a field day with this. All someone has to do is create a keygen/crack for it and then say Eff sony and microsoft.

When you sell the game used just provide the person buying the game with the keygen/crack and get most of your money back.

I'm not condoning this, but its seriously inevitable if they are going to stick it to the retailers/consumers. *shrugs* :2c: :hide:

01-26-2013, 04:15 PM
recent leaked specs.
The PlayStation 4 Has A New Controller, Fancy User Accounts And Impressive Specs (So Far) (http://kotaku.com/5977849/the-playstation-4-has-a-new-controller-fancy-user-accounts-and-impressive-specs-so-far)

System Memory: 8GB
Video Memory: 2.2 GB
CPU: 4x Dual-Core AMD64 "Bulldozer" (so, 8x cores)
GPU: AMD R10xx
Ports: 4x USB 3.0, 2x Ethernet
Drive: Blu-Ray
HDD: 160GB
Audio Output: HDMI & Optical, 2.0, 5.1 & 7.1 channels

that is more powerful than peoples current pc around here. probably more expensive too, hopefully not.

kids today are so lucky. multiplayer split screens is the pass.

01-26-2013, 05:13 PM
Actually, those specs are not very impressive.

I really do not see the point in buying consoles anymore. Ever since the age of PS2 and the original Xbox, they have slowly been turning into gaming computers, in usability and price alike, except with inferior controls and performance.

Obviously their advantage over a computer is supposed to be the cost and ease of setup and play, but with all the various junk one has to connect/download/sign-up/pay separately for today, while using an annoying controller for input (yes, optional input devices are available, at extra cost), I hardly see any advantage. Especially since today most computers are made so dummies can set them up as well, and many new pre-built gaming setups are available for prices similar to a new console, with better specs. Plus on top of playing games, music, and watching movies, they can do everything that a computer can do.

Not to mention, the quality of online play on consoles has been sad lately. Whenever I played the last few times, I felt like I was surrounded by little kids and high school dropouts.

01-26-2013, 07:17 PM
The problem is a lot of games just don't get released for the PC. Thats the major reason I mostly play on consoles is because of the larger game selection.

Omarius Maximus
01-26-2013, 11:12 PM
Welp, I'm not psychic, but I have a feeling Sony will shoot themselves in the foot.

1. It will be difficult to develop for.
2. It will have a shoddy software development kit (which means a sparsity of launch titles).
3. It will be laden with unnecessary features (terrible web browser, anyone?).

Those are my *wild* guesses; knowing Sony. I think this is Microsoft's game to lose.

01-27-2013, 12:46 AM
I LOVE QUAKE 2! I miss that game so much. it was so awesome and when it was out it was so revolutionary... man what great memories.

01-27-2013, 02:05 PM
Specs aren't too great. It's a bit more powerful than my PC now. And saying the PC doesn't have a library of games? Are you fucking HIGH?

And regarding that split multiplayer, it's been out for some time. All you need is a 3d compatible TV and spare 3d glasses from the movie theatres.

How to make 3D tv split screen video games full screen without ps3 tv - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_GlxVCtzJs)

01-27-2013, 03:53 PM
Yeah, but every console every has been underpowered compared to PC's. Who cares. The first time you played Metal Gear did you give one fuck that there was better looking PC games? Probably not.

01-28-2013, 11:16 AM
The used games bit really sucks. I have almost always bought used. Shouldn't I be allowed to sell and buy a used game? I can sell my used car and buy a used car.

They don't have a problem with used games, they have a problem with new game prices.

01-28-2013, 07:36 PM
the biggest Q?? mark is the GPU.

will sony push ps4, to push 4k tvs?

my link was about 4k tv multiplayer. 4k man, not some laggy input half resolution 3d.

01-30-2013, 11:52 AM
The used games bit really sucks. I have almost always bought used. Shouldn't I be allowed to sell and buy a used game? I can sell my used car and buy a used car.

They don't have a problem with used games, they have a problem with new game prices.


Used cars, cd's, clothes, tv's, etc.

Yeah the company takes a hit because they can't get profit off of it but its sure better then just throwing the product away. At least if you pass the game along used you can potentially get new customer's because without that used sale they would have never used your product in the first place.

Kind of like my first american car (saturn). Yeah it's a 98, yeah, they are ugly, yeah they aren't that comfortable, but when I saw one for only 950 bucks with 92,XXX miles I jumped on the deal. Its been super reliable and they are cake to work on. When Saturn started churning out decent cars (before they went under), they actually had a potential buyer of their product(s) and it came down to the initial USED product buy.

just my $0.02.

02-01-2013, 01:13 AM
Sony has an event coming up on February 20. Everyone is speculating that it's the PS4 announcement.

02-02-2013, 07:55 PM
3 years short of the life span Sony first put out. I am really hoping it is the PS4. If the PS4 and NextBox/Xbox 720 drops this year I am going to be one broke mofo.

02-02-2013, 08:55 PM
3 years short of the life span Sony first put out. I am really hoping it is the PS4. If the PS4 and NextBox/Xbox 720 drops this year I am going to be one broke mofo.

They can still produce and sell the PS3 for another three years if there is still some demand. Similar to the run the PS2 had till it ended last year.

02-03-2013, 06:21 AM
I meant more how it will not be the lead console anymore. Though I read the article again and you are correct. Sony meant producing it.

Still it's hard to believe the PS3 came out almost 7 years ago. Technology has changed so much since then.

02-19-2013, 10:42 PM
closer than i thought.

Source: The PS4 Will Be Out This November, And You'll Be Able To Control It With Your Phone (http://kotaku.com/5985356/source-the-ps4-will-be-out-this-november-and-youll-be-able-to-control-it-with-your-phone)

tomorrow is the conference.

02-20-2013, 12:00 AM
basically the hardware will be the same with both consoles. both will have amd in them. its going to come down to online, features, console exclusive games, and what all your bros have.

02-20-2013, 04:15 PM
Officially announced a few min ago.

02-20-2013, 05:01 PM
finally some co-op team racing

02-20-2013, 05:12 PM
finally some co-op team racing

Is split screen making a comeback? That is the #1 reason I won't buy any new consoles. If I want to play online I'll play PC games. Consoles for me are best to play with friends at your house, but the lack of split screen games makes them less and less appealing to me. I only use my consoles as media centers now.

02-20-2013, 05:14 PM
They didn't show any split screen, but it seems like it was catered more to online team playing.

02-20-2013, 05:31 PM
They didn't show any split screen, but it seems like it was catered more to online team playing.

FML. I'll stick with my PS3.

02-20-2013, 06:00 PM
Watch it live: Sony’s PS4 announcement | Hero Complex – movies, comics, pop culture – Los Angeles Times (http://herocomplex.latimes.com/games/watch-it-live-sonys-ps4-announcement/)

it has been live since 6pm EST, pretty neat stuff so far, but haven't hit on any DRM stuff.

02-20-2013, 06:07 PM
8gbs of ram! PC wise that is meh, but for a console that is quite a bit.

02-20-2013, 06:09 PM
I guess I have no reason to get PS4 till new Gran turismo comes out...

02-20-2013, 06:09 PM
I'd hold off on buying a PS4, just because they didn't demo a lot that really interested me.

02-20-2013, 10:22 PM
8gbs of ram! PC wise that is meh, but for a console that is quite a bit.

ddr5? nope. current mobo only use DDR3 so far.

DDR5 has double the bandwidth.

current gpu only have 2-3gb. only high end $800-1000 gpu cards like the hd7990, toxic or asus ares has only 6gb.

8gb ddr5 = 4ktv

ps4 = 4ktv

4 = 4

4 + 4 = 8

it all adds up.

4ktv gaming = death of split screen.

02-20-2013, 10:29 PM
ddr5? nope. current mobo only use DDR3 so far.

DDR5 has double the bandwidth.

current gpu only have 2-3gb. only high end $800-1000 gpu cards like the hd7990, toxic or asus ares has only 6gb.

8gb ddr5 = 4ktv

ps4 = 4ktv

4 = 4

4 + 4 = 8

it all adds up.

dance dance revolution 5 is pretty old school man

02-20-2013, 10:56 PM
I really like what they showed. The "deep down" demo from capcom looked really good. I'm a big monster hunter fan so that got me very interested. It also had that dark/demons souls vibe going on. I'm really hoping for the GT6 announcement though...

02-20-2013, 11:26 PM
That conference was, in my opinion, the best Playstation conference of all time including E3.

Sony went out there with a plan to put all the numbers aside, show what they had planned early, and then just give us demo after demo and loads of info. You have to imagine they have some secrets kept for E3 too (besides obviously showing the console itself).

I don't know how competition can keep up, honestly. What they have produced with this console is pretty ground breaking.

If the rumor for price is true (some reports saying 2 skus - one @ $399, one at $499/ some reports are saying 2 skus - one @ $429, one at $499) for the technology, it is quite a deal. Cheaper than PS3 @ launch, and way more advanced (which honestly surprised me).

KZ: Shadow Fall is unreal. Just had to say that. Was really amazing.

02-21-2013, 07:56 AM
Depending on price I plan to buy 2-3 consoles and sell on eBay.

02-21-2013, 08:30 AM
I guess I have no reason to get PS4 till new Gran turismo comes out...

same. only really bought the ps3 for gt5. hopefully gt6 will have vast improvements. but who knows how long it will be until it is released. :faint:

02-21-2013, 10:51 AM
same. only really bought the ps3 for gt5. hopefully gt6 will have vast improvements. but who knows how long it will be until it is released. :faint:

Like in 2020 ish I think...

02-21-2013, 11:02 AM
I had GT5 on my PS3 but I got bored of it. I sold the Ps3 for an Xbox and love forza more.

02-21-2013, 12:01 PM
So has anyone seen the console itself? The biggest question for me is if it even has an optical drive.

It's been said that used games WILL be playable, but we don't know for sure if that means being able to just stream it.

No native backwards-compatibility really aggravates me.

02-21-2013, 01:08 PM
So has anyone seen the console itself? The biggest question for me is if it even has an optical drive.

It's been said that used games WILL be playable, but we don't know for sure if that means being able to just stream it.

No native backwards-compatibility really aggravates me.

Dang, you really missed the event huh? lol

The did NOT show the console last night.

They did NOT confirm if it has an optical drive but that is does have HDD.

They are using the Gaikai t stream all PS3 (and assuming PS1 and PS2 games as well) games instantly onto PS4 so that isn't an issue.

02-21-2013, 01:20 PM
Yeah, didn't wanna go through the boatloads of articles about it haha. All I got was there were no pics of the console.

I now see that there is an 8x blu-ray drive, so yay for that.

Stream PS3 games? Can't use my hardcopies?

02-21-2013, 04:01 PM
This means that E3 is going to be a pretty big event. Both sony and Mircrosoft will be debuing their consoles.

02-21-2013, 04:20 PM
This means that E3 is going to be a pretty big event. Both sony and Mircrosoft will be debuing their consoles.

Yeah, definitely. Although, I don't see the two consoles being significantly different. The PS4 seems like a combo of the Wii, 360, and PS3 in terms of capabilities already.

I say this every year, but cross-platform gaming would be the next best thing. Not sure how close or far we are from achieving that.

3D seems to be a flop, and motion activated integration is going to be here to stay.

02-21-2013, 05:20 PM
Stream PS3 games? Can't use my hardcopies?

No because the cpu architecture is different. Speaking of which, the switch to the x86 architecture is HUGE. Developing on it should be much easier compared to the PS3 architecture. I just hope game developers really explore the possibilities of this platform and not get saddled with minute ports.

I'm not too keen on the social push and the UI enhancements, but I'll wait and see how it handles in practice. As for the graphics, a lot was WIP and development code...but still not bad when you consider the games will be predominately in 1080p vs. 720p. I thought this screenshot looked impressive, as it captures some minute details (like the gleam in the eyes)...


One of the big mysteries I'm wondering about it is how streaming older games will actually happen without having the user pay extra.

02-21-2013, 06:20 PM
Yeah, definitely. Although, I don't see the two consoles being significantly different. The PS4 seems like a combo of the Wii, 360, and PS3 in terms of capabilities already.

I say this every year, but cross-platform gaming would be the next best thing. Not sure how close or far we are from achieving that.

3D seems to be a flop, and motion activated integration is going to be here to stay.

Cross platform gaming would be AMAZING. I am really curious to see what Mircrosoft does with the NextBox. In terms of hard core gaming 360 was the undisputed champ.

02-21-2013, 10:54 PM
battlefield 4 is the only thing id buy it for.

or some other decent MOG with aircraft involved

02-24-2013, 02:38 PM
News: PS4 supports 4K, but not for games - ComputerAndVideoGames.com (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/392877/ps4-supports-4k-but-not-for-games/)

no 4k res games will be out. bummer.

but, its still capable to handle 4k. which is a good sign. when they start pushing cheaper 4k tv they can slowly releasing 4k res games.

maybe it should have the ability to use multi-monitor/tv which 6 - 8gb can handle easy.

02-25-2013, 12:54 PM
I don't remember if no used games was just an xbox 720 thing or if both $ony and Microsoftdick mentioned it. That really is gonna be a deal breaker for me.

And this social networking is something I don't like to see. I don't want people to know when or how many times or how long I spent in Aphrodite's chamber in God of War III... So hopefully I can just turn that off or opt out of it.

No native backwards-compatibility really aggravates me.
Keep your PS3 if you want to play PS3 games, they can't sell two consoles at once in the same box.

Cross platform gaming would be AMAZING. I am really curious to see what Mircrosoft does with the NextBox. In terms of hard core gaming 360 was the undisputed champ.
It cannot be undisputed, because I am disputing you! lol

02-25-2013, 06:46 PM
I don't remember if no used games was just an xbox 720 thing or if both $ony and Microsoftdick mentioned it. That really is gonna be a deal breaker for me.

Sony: PS4 can play used games | Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2013/02/21/sony-ps4-can-play-used-games/)

you heard it wrong.

06-05-2013, 11:07 PM
PlanetSide 2 Video - PS4 Trailer | GameTrailers (http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/4e6i67/planetside-2-ps4-trailer)

too bad planetside is sucking ass. no 3 monitor support and after beta its just wasn't the same. plus hacks. DC universe is still fun, though.

bad news NO GT6 with ps4
but, gets drive club. sounded like a golf game.

06-06-2013, 06:58 AM
bad news NO GT6 with ps4

Yeah I read that the producers felt like they had "unfinished business" with the ps3.

06-06-2013, 09:15 AM
Yeah I read that the producers felt like they had "unfinished business" with the ps3.

The pride these producers have is also hurting them IMO.

06-06-2013, 10:27 AM
The pride these producers have is also hurting them IMO.

Yeah, it's a huge problem. That's why Japan is being left behind in game design.

It's going to be the death of Nintendo. That's coming from a Nintendo fanboy.

06-06-2013, 05:49 PM
It's going to be the death of Nintendo. That's coming from a Nintendo fanboy.

The thought of that sent a shudder down my back. No Zelda.......

06-07-2013, 08:53 AM
The thought of that sent a shudder down my back. No Zelda.......

Actually, let me clarify. Not the end of Nintendo as far as games, but as far as hardware. They would just become a software company.

06-07-2013, 09:48 AM
Actually, let me clarify. Not the end of Nintendo as far as games, but as far as hardware. They would just become a software company.

Ocarina of Time with my Dual Shock? I can dig it.

06-07-2013, 10:22 AM
Ocarina of Time with my Dual Shock? I can dig it.

Thing is Nintendo is soooo damn hard headed. They'll still probably continue to make hardware even if it doesn't do well.

06-07-2013, 04:51 PM
Thing is Nintendo is soooo damn hard headed. They'll still probably continue to make hardware even if it doesn't do well.

This is true. The Wii U will not have 1/4 of the Wii's success. The first time I saw the Wii U I knew it would not sell well. Nintendo needs to wise up and release a true next gen console that will appear to hardcore gamers as well as casual players. The N64 was the last time hardcore gamers took Nintendo seriously. I would hate to see Nintendo go the way of Sega.

06-07-2013, 10:28 PM
I think they didn't want 2 AAA racing title head to head since (polyphony digital and evolution are owned by sony) esp also racing club has been in development for 10 years.

imo it's good they wait. I want 3 monitor or 4k options on GT7. better refinements if they take their time.

06-08-2013, 06:18 PM
Keep your PS3 if you want to play PS3 games, they can't sell two consoles at once in the same box.

Sure they can, they did it with the original ps3, which is why it cost so much when it came out.

I plan on keeping my ps3 anyway, so I'm fine with the ps4 only playing ps4 games. Only problem is that I'm running out of inputs on my tv. I only have 1 hdmi input left with my ps3 and wii u hooked up.

This is true. The Wii U will not have 1/4 of the Wii's success. The first time I saw the Wii U I knew it would not sell well. Nintendo needs to wise up and release a true next gen console that will appear to hardcore gamers as well as casual players. The N64 was the last time hardcore gamers took Nintendo seriously. I would hate to see Nintendo go the way of Sega.

The wii u is more next gen the that wii was compared to the ps3 and xbox360, which didn't even output high definition. At least the wii u will be able to run some of the modern games that the other systems will be able to. Of course if it have more power, it would just end up costing more, and most people wouldn't want to pay that since they think nintendo consoles are for kids.

06-08-2013, 06:42 PM
you need a hdmi splitter hub.

06-10-2013, 12:25 PM
Sure they can, they did it with the original ps3, which is why it cost so much when it came out.

And look how that worked out... their starting sales were terrible.

06-10-2013, 02:55 PM
derp. ignore.

06-10-2013, 08:38 PM
Interesting console design...


06-10-2013, 09:13 PM
the controller has a fucking headphone jack.

Mind = Blown.

Anybody know the price tag? I know that the Xbox One is going for 499 starting.

06-10-2013, 09:18 PM
I unfortunately missed the actual conference, but judging by the games announced and the reaction to the hosts on IGN it sounds like it was pretty disappointing. That's a bummer.

06-10-2013, 09:34 PM
the controller has a fucking headphone jack.

Mind = Blown.

Anybody know the price tag? I know that the Xbox One is going for 499 starting.

$399 is the confirmed price tag

06-10-2013, 09:39 PM
I'm looking forward to GAMES tomorrow for Nintendo. If they announce a Metroid I will go ape shit.

06-10-2013, 09:53 PM
Well done Sony well done:

PS+ carries over to next gen
DriveClub is free
More powerful than Xbone by a significant margin.
Amazing Launch Lineup
KH3 and FFXV trailers - Likely exclusive
Massive Indie Support


Sony how?

I already placed my pre order for one...

06-11-2013, 07:11 AM
Ill wait till the mk2.

1st batches always have issues.

06-11-2013, 07:23 AM
I'll do the same and wait for the second or third release when the price comes down, and the regular overheating issues that Sony always has are taken care of. Plus, you know that a better one will come out with more storage somehow.

06-11-2013, 08:18 AM
I unfortunately missed the actual conference, but judging by the games announced and the reaction to the hosts on IGN it sounds like it was pretty disappointing. That's a bummer.
Sony already did a games reveal, back in February, so consider this their second reveal of games. Microsoft did just one yesterday. If you add Sony's two reveals together and compare to Microsoft, and you still think that Sony's was lackluster, then that is your opinion.

06-11-2013, 08:52 AM


06-11-2013, 09:03 AM
Sony already did a games reveal, back in February, so consider this their second reveal of games. Microsoft did just one yesterday. If you add Sony's two reveals together and compare to Microsoft, and you still think that Sony's was lackluster, then that is your opinion.

It wasn't really my opinion, just what I gathered based off of what I initially saw going to IGN. It actually looks like most people are far in Sony's favor.

I didn't personally see anything from either of them, game wise, that makes me want to run out and buy a new system. But I rarely play video games any more.

I am happy with what Nintendo just showed and will be buying a Wii U just for Wind Waker HD. The new 3D Mario looks fun too, but not sure I'll buy it.

I was really looking for a new Metroid more than anything.

06-11-2013, 09:34 AM
I didn't personally see anything from either of them, game wise, that makes me want to run out and buy a new system.
Exactly my opinion as well. All they show are trailers and "in game footage" which can mean whatever. The in game footage/trailers show Micheal Bay explosions and non-stop action, but that could just be a cut scene for all we know.

06-11-2013, 10:25 AM
Actually the game that I think I'm going to be able to play the most is Legend of Zelda A Link Between Two Worlds. I need to go out and grab a 3DS now.

06-11-2013, 10:35 AM
I didn't personally see anything from either of them, game wise, that makes me want to run out and buy a new system.

True, not at launch at least for me. I do think 2014 will be a decisive year as we'll see more IP and features rolled out. I'm most likely going to get a PS4 once Quantic Dream and Naughty Dog release some epic PS4 exclusive titles.

06-11-2013, 12:40 PM

Thought it was kind of relevant.

06-11-2013, 01:48 PM
^---- haha COTD!!!


06-11-2013, 01:50 PM
I will be getting a ps4. I got all other playstations (I never bought them at launch, only a few years after release).. But I will need to finally buy a tv. I been playing ps3 on my pc monitor.

I wouldn't count the ps3 dead, it will continue after a few years, like how the ps2 did after ps3 release. I think ps3 is still a great media system.

I may hold off on pc upgrades lol. I wish game developers would allow keyboard/mouse on console, i think that would be a big blow to pc gaming lol. I still love pc gaming though, cost of upgrading hardware can be cheap if you hold off on the latest and greatest.

But console exclusive games look amazing.

Anyone see the Metal Gear Solid 5 preview? I know the vid was an xbox demo, but i figured id post here since some of you followed E3.

and than there is battlefield 4, looks awesome. A step in new level/map design for multiplayer is pretty impressive (Compared to a scripted single player event)
COD will be the same shit 6 years in a row lol

06-11-2013, 01:51 PM

06-11-2013, 02:01 PM
Anyone getting The Last of Us on Friday? See the IGN review? Gave it a perfect 10 and said it's a Masterpiece. Not many games like that come a long a generation. I haven't purchased a video game in a couple years *EDIT* Since Nov 2011 to be exact (Skyward Sword) but I'm getting this on Friday.

06-11-2013, 02:03 PM
I am looking forward to it, i barely touch my ps3 now a days unless a good game comes out, been a fan of naughtydog since uncharted.

06-11-2013, 03:55 PM
Anyone getting The Last of Us on Friday? See the IGN review? Gave it a perfect 10 and said it's a Masterpiece. Not many games like that come a long a generation. I haven't purchased a video game in a couple years *EDIT* Since Nov 2011 to be exact (Skyward Sword) but I'm getting this on Friday.

As a big fan of Naughty Dog I will definitely get this game. Too sidestep a bit...I watched the review on IGN also, but I enjoy the reviews from Rev3Games more (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQXR8pItAoKDAJSbphFxbrg). The hosts seems more blunt and unscripted which I definitely like.

06-11-2013, 04:19 PM
I see both systems doing well, hell even if the Xbox sells 50% of what they hoped they are still making more money off it than any hater of either system will in their lifetime. Right now UK presales of both systems are neck and neck so it is hard to tell this early.

I am only marginally for the Xbox because of Halo 5 and Sony lost their one exclusive that would have made me want the system and that is MGS5. That and the always on thing does not affect me because lets face it most gamers have cable or dsl or something always on. That and I hardly ever buy used games.

06-11-2013, 05:05 PM
The console is kind of weird looking but at $399 I can see myself picking one up. Launch title wise let's be honest I don't think there were killer launch titles since N64. Good, yes, ok yes, Great, not so much.

06-11-2013, 06:19 PM
Anyone getting The Last of Us on Friday? See the IGN review? Gave it a perfect 10 and said it's a Masterpiece. Not many games like that come a long a generation. I haven't purchased a video game in a couple years *EDIT* Since Nov 2011 to be exact (Skyward Sword) but I'm getting this on Friday.

I am! I've been on a media blackout since the first trailer. I haven't seen any in game footage other then the original video, and the commercial on tv.


06-12-2013, 01:19 AM
Some clarification on the whole No-DRM thing. There is DRM, its just the same DRM the PS3 had which if I remember correctly it is pretty hard to play cracked copies of PS3 games.

Five Questions About the PS4 for Sony (http://allthingsd.com/20130611/five-questions-about-the-ps4-for-sonys-jack-tretton/?reflink=ATD_yahoo_ticker)

06-12-2013, 08:27 AM
The console is kind of weird looking but at $399 I can see myself picking one up. Launch title wise let's be honest I don't think there were killer launch titles since N64. Good, yes, ok yes, Great, not so much.
I am pretty sure MGS4 was a launch tittle for PS3 and it was absolutely brilliant, which is better than great.

06-12-2013, 10:43 AM
Some clarification on the whole No-DRM thing. There is DRM, its just the same DRM the PS3 had which if I remember correctly it is pretty hard to play cracked copies of PS3 games.

Five Questions About the PS4 for Sony (http://allthingsd.com/20130611/five-questions-about-the-ps4-for-sonys-jack-tretton/?reflink=ATD_yahoo_ticker)

Yea it's really not a big deal. PS3 was/is difficult to crack on both the games and HDD encryption.

Publisher's can still impose their own rules if they want, but we know how well that goes.

06-13-2013, 07:54 PM
Theyre taking pre-orders on these things already...

Dont know if there would be crazy long lines and crazy jacked up prices like the PS3 release but i may preorder when the release date comes near

Really hope GTA V releases on PS4, thats a definite sell for me on the system and game!

06-13-2013, 09:41 PM
They have been taking preorders on both PS4 and X1 since Monday, but all the PS4 launch day consoles are sold out so you are just in line to get them when Sony replenishes stock which could be fast, or or really slow. I doubt they will pull another PS3 launch and come up short but hey it can happen.

06-14-2013, 09:23 AM
Picked up my Last of Us this morn. Hopefully get a chance to play it his weekend.

06-14-2013, 04:10 PM
PS4 has already sold out at two retailers (Future shop & Best Buy) up here in Canada.

06-14-2013, 08:37 PM
PS4 has already sold out at two retailers (Future shop & Best Buy) up here in Canada.

I see Amazon is out.. hmm reconsidering preordering now

06-14-2013, 09:38 PM
PS4 has already sold out at two retailers (Future shop & Best Buy) up here in Canada.

I had placed my pre order over on Amazon RIGHT after the conference was finished. I kept refreshing the page till it was updated.

I love this next gen "not having to sleep outside for a system" setup.

You can still pre order a Xbone a few places that I had seen earlier today.

06-14-2013, 09:51 PM
You can still pre order a Xbone a few places that I had seen earlier today.

Ordered mine straight from MS(the whole credit card theft thing(PSN) rubbed me a little more wrong than watching my empty living room for 22hrs a day). Thought the perks of Day One systems are both kinda lame on PS4 and X1. Well there are no perks for the PS4 you just get it on launch day, which is more or less pretty much what is going on over on the MS front.

06-14-2013, 10:16 PM
Ill prob wait a month or 2 to get mine, by then any huge bugs/ system problems will have surfaced and hopefully be rectified.

06-15-2013, 12:07 AM
For you guys getting The Last of Us, share your experience with us!

06-15-2013, 01:42 AM
Ill prob wait a month or 2 to get mine, by then any huge bugs/ system problems will have surfaced and hopefully be rectified.

I would hope there are none this time around, last gen was buggy for both, hopefully this gen they have vetted their products for longer. The PS3 was a little rushed last time being so far behind on release, they only started production two months in advance, hopefully that will not be the case this time.

06-15-2013, 06:05 AM
For you guys getting The Last of Us, share your experience with us!

I plan to start it up this evening, so I'll hit you guys up with what I think tomorrow...

06-15-2013, 06:53 AM
Wow. This game is amazing. Don't want to say too much. But wow.

06-15-2013, 07:59 AM
How relevant are the zombie creature things to the story? I hate to sound like a bitch, but Resident Evil 2 did terrible things to my childhood.

06-15-2013, 09:51 AM
Ordered mine straight from MS(the whole credit card theft thing(PSN) rubbed me a little more wrong than watching my empty living room for 22hrs a day). Thought the perks of Day One systems are both kinda lame on PS4 and X1. Well there are no perks for the PS4 you just get it on launch day, which is more or less pretty much what is going on over on the MS front.

I hate to tell you, but MS has been hacked before too.

Sony gave owners loads of free stuff when the PSN was infiltrated, whereas MS gave nothing for their horrible rate of system failures.

Ps4 perks for launch are there, DRIVECLUB for free being the most relevant here.

I think it's clear we can all see your Xbox bias, not flamming - just don't understand why you are hanging around in the Playstation thread.

I would hope there are none this time around, last gen was buggy for both, hopefully this gen they have vetted their products for longer. The PS3 was a little rushed last time being so far behind on release, they only started production two months in advance, hopefully that will not be the case this time.

Ps3 buggy? Me and my best friend have launch Ps3 systems. Never had a single issue. A look at failure rate percentages will show you which one was "buggy". Sony did not rush their console, Microsoft did, hence the nearly %75 failure rate of first gen Xbox 360 consoles.

06-15-2013, 09:54 AM
I am pretty sure MGS4 was a launch tittle for PS3 and it was absolutely brilliant, which is better than great.

Mgs4 was actually not a launch title, fwiw.

06-15-2013, 08:25 PM
Wow. This game is amazing. Don't want to say too much. But wow.

The gameplay, graphics, controls, gameplay and atmosphere are top of the line!

And damn this game is tense! Being undeground surrounded by Clickers and runners in the dark keeps you on edge and there's many moments like that.

If you own a PS3, do yourself a favor and buy this game!

How relevant are the zombie creature things to the story? I hate to sound like a bitch, but Resident Evil 2 did terrible things to my childhood.

I don't want to spoil it for you. Seriously, you NEED to play this game...

06-15-2013, 11:30 PM
I hate to tell you, but MS has been hacked before too.

Sony gave owners loads of free stuff when the PSN was infiltrated, whereas MS gave nothing for their horrible rate of system failures.

Ps4 perks for launch are there, DRIVECLUB for free being the most relevant here.

I think it's clear we can all see your Xbox bias, not flamming - just don't understand why you are hanging around in the Playstation thread.

Ps3 buggy? Me and my best friend have launch Ps3 systems. Never had a single issue. A look at failure rate percentages will show you which one was "buggy". Sony did not rush their console, Microsoft did, hence the nearly %75 failure rate of first gen Xbox 360 consoles.

If by loads of free stuff you mean an email saying your credit card info has been lost a perk, and some crappy games then sure. As for buggy the xbox had hardware issues and the PS3 suffered from a very difficult development environment causing game issues so they were both buggy. And my comment about rushed was in relation to the mass shortages they had at launch, not faulty hardware.

And I would not say xbox bias, just objective and not buying into the paranoia against MS. Sony pretty much based its whole unveiling on saying they were not doing MS policies but they did not say they were stopping developers from imposing those same things, a few kinda already do. I mean the systems are so closely powered and are going to be about as easy to program a multi system game as it has ever been that now you really just have to pick what exclusives you like more.

If you own a PS3, do yourself a favor and buy this game!
I know what my next game is.

06-16-2013, 08:05 AM
If by loads of free stuff you mean an email saying your credit card info has been lost a perk, and some crappy games then sure. As for buggy the xbox had hardware issues and the PS3 suffered from a very difficult development environment causing game issues so they were both buggy. And my comment about rushed was in relation to the mass shortages they had at launch, not faulty hardware.

And I would not say xbox bias, just objective and not buying into the paranoia against MS. Sony pretty much based its whole unveiling on saying they were not doing MS policies but they did not say they were stopping developers from imposing those same things, a few kinda already do. I mean the systems are so closely powered and are going to be about as easy to program a multi system game as it has ever been that now you really just have to pick what exclusives you like more.

I know what my next game is.

Nope, by loads of free stuff I mean, they gave us 2 free games (among the titles to choose from was games like INfamous, not little indie game). They also gave us free ps+. Seems legit enough for me. Do you even follow the Playstation at all? Or just make stuff up as you go?

And I like the convenient dodging of my lead off, but here, let me reiterate. MS HAS BEEN HACKED BEFORE TOO

Not to mention the "paranoia" against MS isn't "paranoia" anyway, its the way they are treating their customer. Comments like " 'We Have A Product For People Who Can't Access The Internet, It's Called Xbox 360' " in response to people with no internet wanting XB1, their classic way of ripping money out of you for everything, etc. It's not paranoia, it's flat out greed and not caring about the community. You mention that the hardware is close... really? Ddr5 is far superior to ddr3, and... get this kicker... the better hardware is $100 cheaper! Who besides a blind Xbox diehard would seriously pay $100 more for inferior hardware? Its like paying $700 for a "myPhone" when $600 gets you an "iPhone". If it really comes down to exclusives, then yet again - sony eins. Ps3 has a far higher exclusive game rating than xb. It's a fact, go take a look.

It really doesn't matter what we think, we will let the sales do the talking. Right now, ps4 is outpacing xb1 everywhere, and will continue to do so. No problems.

06-16-2013, 11:02 AM
How relevant are the zombie creature things to the story? I hate to sound like a bitch, but Resident Evil 2 did terrible things to my childhood.

I played it yesterday, definitely one of those must have games...not just for the PS3 but in ANY CONSOLE!!! Honestly, its not scary, its more suspense than anything else. True to its Naughty Dog style of games, you can't stop playing because you want to see what happens next to the story. My wife literally sat next to me the whole time I played cuz she said its like watching a movie.

06-16-2013, 11:31 AM
You are right MS was hacked but it did not result in two weeks of offline time, new cards being needed by millions and a friend of mine having fraudulent charges to his card at the same time that took some time to get cleared. Most of the hacks that happen on XBL are individual account hacks and not whole system hacks. That is an acceptable risk because as with any system you cannot 100% secure them. The only way to do that is to unplug XBL/PSN from the world and then its no good to anyone.

I plan on getting a PS4 next year and it will take the place of my PS3 assuming their backwards compatibility streaming system does not require repurchasing of the games as digital content and you can just put the disk in for verification of ownership.

And again for paranoia the whole NSA thing has seemed to have taken the stage even over the always on/ used game things, that is what I am talking about when I say paranoia. The other stuff is just shitty stupid policies that MS can live without and that may or may not affect the xbox as much as people are saying.

As I said somewhere else on Zilvia, if we call the war now the Wii U is the definite winner.

06-16-2013, 09:26 PM
I played it yesterday, definitely one of those must have games...not just for the PS3 but in ANY CONSOLE!!! Honestly, its not scary, its more suspense than anything else. True to its Naughty Dog style of games, you can't stop playing because you want to see what happens next to the story. My wife literally sat next to me the whole time I played cuz she said its like watching a movie.

You know what's crazy, I found series of video playthroughs on YouTube and me and the wife spent a good chunk of yesterday watching it as if it was a TV series. It's damn good entertainment so far.

06-16-2013, 11:56 PM
I played it yesterday, definitely one of those must have games...not just for the PS3 but in ANY CONSOLE!!! Honestly, its not scary, its more suspense than anything else. True to its Naughty Dog style of games, you can't stop playing because you want to see what happens next to the story. My wife literally sat next to me the whole time I played cuz she said its like watching a movie.

Was it coming to PS4? Not that I care I am not going to wait that long and nor would it matter because it sounds like a awesome game regardless of the graphics bump. Kinda like MGS, yeah the bump it got going to gamecube was pretty coo but its still an epic game back in the PS1 form.

06-17-2013, 02:16 AM
I don't think it is, but even for PS3 the graphics, details and presentation is pretty damn good.

06-17-2013, 05:48 AM
No PS4.

Damn, this game is so amazing. I was struggling with that first encounter of a bunch of them in one area. I was just NOT able to kill them all and live. I FINALLY got the hang of the stealth aspect though and now I'm making much better progress.

06-17-2013, 02:11 PM
You know what's crazy, I found series of video playthroughs on YouTube and me and the wife spent a good chunk of yesterday watching it as if it was a TV series. It's damn good entertainment so far.

I did the same! But I only went up to like 3 videos, and stopped. Didn't want it to ruin/spoil it for when I actually buy the game and play it.

So far the game is looking really good though. :rawk:

06-18-2013, 10:04 PM

06-18-2013, 10:04 PM
The title itself is the give away.. Last of Us

06-20-2013, 10:32 AM
I also picked up The Last of Us on Friday and....damn what a game! Naughty Dog did great, the story line, the graphics etc. You really get stuck playing, i never want to put the controller down. im already over 60% through the game, my room mate was like wtf when i told him ha

06-23-2013, 09:39 PM
Dudes. Sickest game ever. Idk about the ending... Don't wanna spoil it. So conflicting lol

06-23-2013, 10:05 PM
pre-ordered my ps4 with an extra controller and cod:ghost. i've always been a playstation fan. remember when the consoles were all about who had the best graphics at the time? getting nostalgic with the old genesis vs. snes war lol. now it's all about online and social media :P

06-24-2013, 06:56 PM
M in nevada or the valley are pretty big letters. i cant read all the phony blogger media opinions for the playstation. hacking blogs is not fun either.

11-16-2013, 10:34 PM
bad news

PS4's Red Line of Death - Blue Pulse of Death | Video Games And News (VGN) (http://videogamesandnews.com/ps4s-red-line-death-true/)

11-16-2013, 10:42 PM

This is somewhat like the guy who bought the first iPhone 2, walked outside and smashed it in front of everyone.

11-17-2013, 07:07 AM
So I've been playing mine since late Thursday night. I have to say that the UI and store is blazingly fast compared to PS3 that's for sure.

Setup my social stuff and probably spent a good two hours playing Killzone.

Great game buy the way, 1080P at 60 frames goodness. And the controller? Awesome so far! It's the best one that I've held. Super comfy in my hands. The added speaker/lights is a nice touch. I love how it's used in Killzone (Speaker plays sound recordings and mic chatter, the colours lighting up on the controller correlates to your health. Green = Good, Orange = half, and Red = warning).

Everything about the system is looking good on my end.

bad news

PS4's Red Line of Death - Blue Pulse of Death | Video Games And News (VGN) (http://videogamesandnews.com/ps4s-red-line-death-true/)

Meh, there's always going to be a few systems with issues. There was over one million consoles sold this launch (so far). The defect rate is less then 0.4%.

I feel for the people with problems though...

11-17-2013, 01:39 PM

Must....hold out.......for first price drop.....ARGH!

11-17-2013, 01:48 PM

Must....hold out.......for first price drop.....ARGH!

I'm holding out for that or the first Naughty Dog title (Uncharted).

11-17-2013, 02:26 PM
So I've been playing mine since late Thursday night. I have to say that the UI and store is blazingly fast compared to PS3 that's for sure.

Setup my social stuff and probably spent a good two hours playing Killzone.

Great game buy the way, 1080P at 60 frames goodness. And the controller? Awesome so far! It's the best one that I've held. Super comfy in my hands. The added speaker/lights is a nice touch. I love how it's used in Killzone (Speaker plays sound recordings and mic chatter, the colours lighting up on the controller correlates to your health. Green = Good, Orange = half, and Red = warning).

Everything about the system is looking good on my end.

Meh, there's always going to be a few systems with issues. There was over one million consoles sold this launch (so far). The defect rate is less then 0.4%.

I feel for the people with problems though...

I was going to drop by BB and buy it today, until I heard the bad news.

I rather not risk the headache. i'll wait it out till they build a better batch.

11-17-2013, 07:53 PM

Must....hold out.......for first price drop.....ARGH!

Good thing I'm deployed so I'm not gonna be tempted to buy one till I get back in the summer.

I'm holding out since I still feel like I've under utilized my damn PS3 in the 6 yrs I've had it. Basically feel jipped by Sony with all the issues and lack of good games for it the first 2-3 yrs.

11-17-2013, 08:01 PM
Meh, there's always going to be a few systems with issues. There was over one million consoles sold this launch (so far). The defect rate is less then 0.4%.

I feel for the people with problems though...

That 0.4% could be spot on but that is very unlikely, we are just going to have to wait and see where both systems stand on how many really fail instead of rely on the company in question to tell us.

11-17-2013, 10:53 PM
That 0.4% could be spot on but that is very unlikely, we are just going to have to wait and see where both systems stand on how many really fail instead of rely on the company in question to tell us.

Well, if there's anything I know well about Sony is they'll warranty the shit out of it. They dont like the brand being dragged into mud. Its not unheard of for Sony to warranty something out that is outside its warranty. If these things are failing out of the box, they will replace them no question asked but that all depends on the supply right now.

I had a Bravia TV had some pixel issue a good 6 months after the warranty went out. Called up Sony customer service and they sent a tech to my house, basically ended up getting a new TV.

11-17-2013, 10:59 PM
Good thing I'm deployed so I'm not gonna be tempted to buy one till I get back in the summer.

Same here, but that's the problem, got some cash burning in my pocket. I think GT6 will hold me down for a while. I really want AC:Black Flag on PS4, but mehhhh, finding it hard to spend the cash when the PS3 is still truckin'.

When GT7 or another relevant racing game comes out I might jump ship.

11-18-2013, 12:40 AM
Well, if there's anything I know well about Sony is they'll warranty the shit out of it. They dont like the brand being dragged into mud. Its not unheard of for Sony to warranty something out that is outside its warranty. If these things are failing out of the box, they will replace them no question asked but that all depends on the supply right now.

I had a Bravia TV had some pixel issue a good 6 months after the warranty went out. Called up Sony customer service and they sent a tech to my house, basically ended up getting a new TV.

They seem to have gotten better after the PS2, I got shafted on that one. It developed that inability to read disks issue 5 months after I got it and they told me I was SOL. The way they settled the whole thing with $25 bucks, reduction in repair costs(still $175) and a free game was pretty shoddy when put up to MS and their comparatively quick and painless turn around on the RROD.

We should see good responses from both Sony and MS this time around, neither of them want the same bad PR that followed the 360 RROD issue. Which that along with this current PS4 failure problem are going to seem a lot larger due to the speed at which information travels and the amount of people that use the internet in comparison to previous generation launches.

11-18-2013, 04:23 PM
Gran Turismo 6 will use GPS to recreate your morning commute as a course - Autoblog (http://www.autoblog.com/2013/11/17/gran-turismo-6-gps-track-creator/)

Maybe looking forward to GT6 now.

11-18-2013, 06:41 PM
Gran Turismo 6 will use GPS to recreate your morning commute as a course - Autoblog (http://www.autoblog.com/2013/11/17/gran-turismo-6-gps-track-creator/)

Maybe looking forward to GT6 now.

That is way beyond awesome.

11-18-2013, 07:29 PM
^ That is pretty sick. I don;t own a PS3 though, and apparently GT6 will launch for the PS3 only. Any truth to that?

11-18-2013, 08:38 PM
^ That is pretty sick. I don;t own a PS3 though, and apparently GT6 will launch for the PS3 only. Any truth to that?

Yeah, it's stated for release on the PS3 for now...

11-19-2013, 05:36 AM
I just hope they let us mod cars again in GT6.

11-19-2013, 01:20 PM
And have crash and damage physics. Those three issues are a major part of why GT5 just feels so stale.

11-19-2013, 01:43 PM
Anybody know where I can pick up a console online? Not looking to pay a markup

11-19-2013, 02:23 PM
Your best and probably only bet is to call every brick and mortar store in San Diego and see if they have any.

11-19-2013, 02:46 PM
Or just keep an eye out. I picked up my PS3 a month after they came out...just happen to be walking by a Best Buy and there were 5 laying there. I dont see why that cant happen again...

11-19-2013, 06:33 PM
Sony has gone on the record as saying that the system will be available over the holiday season, so expect to see them popping up in the wild sooner then later.

11-20-2013, 02:20 PM
^ That is pretty sick. I don;t own a PS3 though, and apparently GT6 will launch for the PS3 only. Any truth to that?

and PS4. only a few games will work with both systems

11-22-2013, 06:41 PM
and PS4. only a few games will work with both systems

That is incorrect. GT6 is for the PS3 only and no games work on both systems. The architecture is completely different between the two systems with the PS3 being Cell processor with Nvidia GPU while the PS4 has an x86 processor with AMD GPU.

So that copy of Battlefield 4 you bought for your PS3 won't work on your shiny new PS4 and vice versa.

For the PS4, there's Need for Speed Rivals currently and Drive Club is coming in "early 2014". The Grand Turismo creators have said they're going straight to GT7 on the PS4 "in about a year or two".

11-22-2013, 09:09 PM
I'm good for a while...


11-22-2013, 09:28 PM
I'm good for a while...


I assume you never leave the house.

11-23-2013, 12:31 AM
There are people selling those consoles on ebay together with a asking price of $3000.

People want $150 bucks for the day one controllers.

11-23-2013, 06:41 AM
There are people selling those consoles on ebay together with a asking price of $3000.

People want $150 bucks for the day one controllers.

No surprise. The PS3 during the launch had absurd prices on eBay too (even up to 7K).

11-23-2013, 08:37 AM
Shit, my coworker was selling his PS4 on CL for $1600 with 6 games. I told him he was gaaawdamn out of his mind...

11-23-2013, 11:13 AM
I wonder if people are going to get that much this time around, both Sony and MS are working to keep stock up. Friend of mine works for Gamestop and besides the 25 or so consoles they are hording for next Friday they are getting more in Monday and none are spoken for.

11-23-2013, 01:07 PM
I assume you never leave the house.

No, not so much... It's getting cold outside anyways ;)

I wonder if people are going to get that much this time around, both Sony and MS are working to keep stock up. Friend of mine works for Gamestop and besides the 25 or so consoles they are hording for next Friday they are getting more in Monday and none are spoken for.

Yeah, the scalpers locally who are trying to flip their systems, are getting about $50 over sticker (some as much as $100 but that was when it had JUST dropped). XBone seems to be about the same.

Both companies stated that they will have stock available in the marketplace this up coming holiday season. Though the batches will not be as big as the initial (but way more then when 360 and PS3 were released).

11-23-2013, 06:40 PM
Yeah, the scalpers locally who are trying to flip their systems, are getting about $50 over sticker (some as much as $100 but that was when it had JUST dropped). XBone seems to be about the same.

Does that $50 even cover sales tax (if you guys even have that in Canada)? I am still thinking over Xbox One. I'm assuming they will not be day one editions in the next batch.

11-23-2013, 08:08 PM
I walked into bestbuy today in Ontario, California and bought a PS4 for 447$.

Stores have them in stock you just need to look.

11-24-2013, 05:05 PM
I had seen a few PS4's earlier today while I was doing some quick running around at a Walmart.

They are out in the wild for sure.

Does that $50 even cover sales tax (if you guys even have that in Canada)? I am still thinking over Xbox One. I'm assuming they will not be day one editions in the next batch.

Sorry, I meant clearing that after taxes...

11-26-2013, 06:59 AM
LOL @ Resellers.

Theres going to be a massive restock on black friday that is expected to satisfy until xmas.

11-26-2013, 11:31 PM
In need one in SoCal. Anybody know who has them. I don't wanna line up on black friday

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

11-29-2013, 03:23 PM
you guys need to do a ps4 opinion/review.

11-29-2013, 04:21 PM
you guys need to do a ps4 opinion/review.

I'm no hardcire gamer, so I can't go into speed and all that. I know that it plays games, the same games that are on the previous gens. It doesn't do anything I need from it that my last systems didn't do. I just use it to play games. And I see 0 difference in old games. I say save your money

11-29-2013, 05:08 PM
I'm no hardcire gamer, so I can't go into speed and all that. I know that it plays games, the same games that are on the previous gens. It doesn't do anything I need from it that my last systems didn't do. I just use it to play games. And I see 0 difference in old games. I say save your money

First Gen games never test a systems true power. I'm guessing in a year or 2 when they start to really tap into the power we will start to see some real shit.

11-29-2013, 05:41 PM
First Gen games never test a systems true power. I'm guessing in a year or 2 when they start to really tap into the power we will start to see some real shit.

Yeah go back and play some 360 and ps3 launch titles. It's horrific.

It'll also be longer than 2 years. I mean just look at The Last of Us. If only all PS3 games were made to 70% of that level.

Also look at the garbage Japan continues to put out. JRPGs could all easily be PS2 ports, if not PS1.

GT5 blows with 15,000 undesirable cars spring Super Nintendo FX and PS2 renderings. Yawnz

11-30-2013, 06:16 AM
It'll also be longer than 2 years. I mean just look at The Last of Us. If only all PS3 games were made to 70% of that level.

The Quantic Dream tech demo makes me think that we'll see the full potential of the system before two years. Also this architecture is far more straight forward than the PS3s, so it should be easier to develop on.

11-30-2013, 12:14 PM

11-30-2013, 12:19 PM
The Quantic Dream tech demo makes me think that we'll see the full potential of the system before two years. Also this architecture is far more straight forward than the PS3s, so it should be easier to develop on.

yeah, wasn't the ps3's cell processor a giant PITA for dev's to work with? i have the original 60gb fat and heavy ps3...the only decent launch game was resistance lol.

12-03-2013, 11:24 AM
yeah, wasn't the ps3's cell processor a giant PITA for dev's to work with? i have the original 60gb fat and heavy ps3...the only decent launch game was resistance lol.

Shit, even Resistance sucked. Best game I had for my original PS3 for the first year was PS2 God of War 2.

12-03-2013, 01:50 PM
Yeah, I'm just holding off until a game comes out that I actually want to play. I stopped playing FPS's and these "annual titles "Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, etc) years ago. I got burned out the first year or two of the 360. There just isn't anything I'm super excited for.

A new Last of Us will pique my interest, but I know one of those games is at least 2 years away. I can't say there's anything that I'm really looking forward to. Same goes for the XBone. There's more games for the Wii U that I know are right around the corner that I'm excited about.

12-03-2013, 02:01 PM
Yeah, I'm just holding off until a game comes out that I actually want to play. I stopped playing FPS's and these "annual titles "Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, etc) years ago. I got burned out the first year or two of the 360. There just isn't anything I'm super excited for.

A new Last of Us will pique my interest, but I know one of those games is at least 2 years away. I can't say there's anything that I'm really looking forward to. Same goes for the XBone. There's more games for the Wii U that I know are right around the corner that I'm excited about.

Pretty much in the same boat. However I'm taking advantage of the dirt cheap sales both are having online and filling up my 250 gig hds on both. I got Arkham City for like 8 bucks.... not to mention the free games every month both release. I've prob got 20+ games I haven't even touched between the 2 systems. I'm just patiently waiting till the 2nd version of each drops, with a decent game.

12-03-2013, 02:05 PM
Pretty much in the same boat. However I'm taking advantage of the dirt cheap sales both are having online and filling up my 250 gig hds on both. I got Arkham City for like 8 bucks.... not to mention the free games every month both release. I've prob got 20+ games I haven't even touched between the 2 systems. I'm just patiently waiting till the 2nd version of each drops, with a decent game.

Me too. I picked up GTA V for $33.99 which I couldn't believe. I usually have time to play 2 games a year and I just got a Wii U for Wind Waker HD and Super Mario 3D World just came out. So those three will keep me busy well into 2014. Fucking responsibility. I remember before kids and starting businesses I had a whole hell of lot more time to play games. :dead:

12-25-2013, 07:35 PM
have any of ya'll had issues with blu rays/dvds not reading after the software update?

12-26-2013, 04:25 PM
Me too. I picked up GTA V for $33.99 which I couldn't believe. I usually have time to play 2 games a year and I just got a Wii U for Wind Waker HD and Super Mario 3D World just came out. So those three will keep me busy well into 2014. Fucking responsibility. I remember before kids and starting businesses I had a whole hell of lot more time to play games. :dead:

I will be caving in Feb when Titanfall drops. That will probably tide me over until Destiny is released....

Agent S14
12-26-2013, 04:31 PM
have any of ya'll had issues with blu rays/dvds not reading after the software update?
they read but everytime it starts loading the blu ray my tv says it cant read the blu ray i have to plug and re plug my hdmi cable for it to show on my tv. no issues on the ps3.

12-26-2013, 09:10 PM
Ah, I tried cycling through the inputs until I got back to the one the ps4 is on and it reads then. I'm gonna try to call sony when i get a chance. The avg wait time today was 45 mins -_-. I'll give it a shot tomorrow.

12-26-2013, 10:16 PM
have you tried different hdmi inputs and cables?

12-27-2013, 12:47 AM
Nah used the same hdmi cable and output that I had my ps3 hooked to. I'll probably swap some stuff around tomorrow to see if that fixes it.