View Full Version : Google search results are now officially garbage

05-02-2011, 10:58 AM
Has anyone else noticed how crappy Google search results have become lately? The top results on the first page are now all bogus websites that are ranked higher due to SEO. Its been a good 10 year run (which is an eternity in the internet) but I think I may have to switch to Bing. :-/

If you want to read more on it

Three's a Trend: The Decline of Google Search Quality - Anil Dash (http://dashes.com/anil/2011/01/threes-a-trend-the-decline-of-google-search-quality.html)

05-02-2011, 11:08 AM
Back in the old days, you could find pron a lot easier

05-02-2011, 11:33 AM
Yeap, cuz everytime i search for something 240 related...it brings me to NICO.


05-02-2011, 11:44 AM
been years since its been "good" at least 5-6,, they have been using paid searches for quite a while. Pay 10-25 cents per click, and be on the top or near the top, my friend did this for womens' purses and made quite a lot of money.

05-02-2011, 11:56 AM
yea i have been noticing this lately

05-02-2011, 12:11 PM
its true


05-02-2011, 12:51 PM
My favorite thing about Bing is the daily picture.

05-02-2011, 02:27 PM
What do you guys think Google could be doing better? Less spammy results?

What do you guys think Google's competition is doing better?

Real talk.

05-02-2011, 08:52 PM
What do you guys think Google could be doing better? Less spammy results?
I understand the need for advertising, and I totally agree, sometimes, some links do offer me what I'm looking for and it speeds up my search. To me, its gotten to the point that the spiders are bogged down by seo clusterfucks. Its not so much that they're using smarter more defined keywords, its that they're spamdexing the shit out of the websites. Google now looks like yahoo 5-7 years ago, highly irrelevant and bloated with it.

What do you guys think Google's competition is doing better?
I only consider BING a real competition for Google nowadays. I mean really, who the fuck uses Altavista anymore? Who even knew that shit existed? Back to being on topic, I really don't know. I only use google for search because its what I've always used, its the one that I've learned how to manipulate better, and just because of those reasons, it is optimized by me for me. I think the name Bing sounds a bit more instant for others.

Real talk.

05-02-2011, 09:25 PM
I actually have a suggestion/question for you daniel.

Is it possible to extract progress from shared GDocs? I have multiple projects shared, and I want to know who's adding what, at what times, and when. The GDocs do state when it was last accessed and by whom, but I'd want a more in-depth breakdown of contributions.

Secondly, could integration of contacts, calendar and maps be done? I like arranging lunches with people but a simple reminder in calendar doesn't cut it. I'd like to sync my lunch into maps, to show where I'm eating, and with whom. Calendar reminds me, I follow the prompt and Maps opens up with a cue card "Lunch with [Contact Sync + Profile picture] @ 1230pm @HeffsBurgers"

I think Google's horizonal expansion is what keeps me. I can update my calendar, maps, contacts and docs from one simple cloud-based point. The ways google integrates itself into itself is awesome.

05-02-2011, 09:45 PM
I understand the need for advertising, and I totally agree, sometimes, some links do offer me what I'm looking for and it speeds up my search. To me, its gotten to the point that the spiders are bogged down by seo clusterfucks. Its not so much that they're using smarter more defined keywords, its that they're spamdexing the shit out of the websites. Google now looks like yahoo 5-7 years ago, highly irrelevant and bloated with it.

I only consider BING a real competition for Google nowadays. I mean really, who the fuck uses Altavista anymore? Who even knew that shit existed? Back to being on topic, I really don't know. I only use google for search because its what I've always used, its the one that I've learned how to manipulate better, and just because of those reasons, it is optimized by me for me. I think the name Bing sounds a bit more instant for others.

So you're saying that paid ads on the right hand side of the search results are distracting, but are also useful sometimes? Personally I don't even pay attention to any ads online, ever.

You're also saying that search results are less relevant due to all the sites manipulating SEO? If so, this is one of the biggest challenges Google faces these days. Providing fresh, instant, relevant search results. Do any of you feel that Bing does a better job? If so, in what ways?

I actually have a suggestion/question for you daniel.

Is it possible to extract progress from shared GDocs? I have multiple projects shared, and I want to know who's adding what, at what times, and when. The GDocs do state when it was last accessed and by whom, but I'd want a more in-depth breakdown of contributions.

Secondly, could integration of contacts, calendar and maps be done? I like arranging lunches with people but a simple reminder in calendar doesn't cut it. I'd like to sync my lunch into maps, to show where I'm eating, and with whom. Calendar reminds me, I follow the prompt and Maps opens up with a cue card "Lunch with [Contact Sync + Profile picture] @ 1230pm @HeffsBurgers"

I think Google's horizonal expansion is what keeps me. I can update my calendar, maps, contacts and docs from one simple cloud-based point. The ways google integrates itself into itself is awesome.

AFAIK, there's currently no audit trail in Docs. Would be a great feature though.

The integration you speak of is already a direction that Google is working towards. Cross app functionality, and seamless desktop+mobile integration. Stay tuned over the next 12-18 months. Lots of innovation on the way.

05-02-2011, 09:59 PM
Now, about that Icecream...

I always feel bad for rooting my phone because of its open sourced nature. I know its a double-edged sword to do so, but I also feel that many aren't ready for the implementation of the idea. I run linux and understand its solely driven by like-minded individuals doing it on their spare time. In doing so, I try to donate when I can with what I can, "free as in speech, not free as in free beer." I actually buy apps as opposed to other rooters. What direction is Google heading towards/wanting to push on this issue?

05-02-2011, 10:05 PM
Yep, i noticed that i get results leading to google merchant stores selling shit based in the search word i entered. Lame. Time to use something else.

Has anyone else noticed how crappy Google search results have become lately? The top results on the first page are now all bogus websites that are ranked higher due to SEO. Its been a good 10 year run (which is an eternity in the internet) but I think I may have to switch to Bing. :-/

If you want to read more on it

Three's a Trend: The Decline of Google Search Quality - Anil Dash (http://dashes.com/anil/2011/01/threes-a-trend-the-decline-of-google-search-quality.html)

05-02-2011, 10:05 PM
Also, I think Google would do better if it made its other beta projects be known. I don't think many people know about Scholar and Books. Also, is there a bulletin board for education in the works? I feel Google might want to consider taking a stab at the collegiate market, as they are the ones being hit with all the budget cuts and all.

Having a Google-based BlackBoard would be awesome. I've always associated Google with being the head of applicable cyber communications, and doing this would be huge. No school wants to pay for blackboard.

05-02-2011, 10:09 PM
I just need a good search engine myself. I don't need it to butter my toast, wipe my ass or brush my teeth. It's actually getting on my nerves because i had my site reported with that Blocked Site crap last year, which kind of forced me to sign up with their googl analytics garbage. Time to make a decision this week. :cool:

05-02-2011, 10:30 PM
Very valid point. while I welcome the integration, I'm sure there are loads of folks that feel its too invasive. Simple, no-frills Google Search for some, miniature American flags for others!

05-02-2011, 10:31 PM
You're also saying that search results are less relevant due to all the sites manipulating SEO? If so, this is one of the biggest challenges Google faces these days. Providing fresh, instant, relevant search results. Do any of you feel that Bing does a better job? If so, in what ways?

No one's really answered my question yet. Just sayin'.

Now, about that Icecream...

I always feel bad for rooting my phone because of its open sourced nature. I know its a double-edged sword to do so, but I also feel that many aren't ready for the implementation of the idea. I run linux and understand its solely driven by like-minded individuals doing it on their spare time. In doing so, I try to donate when I can with what I can, "free as in speech, not free as in free beer." I actually buy apps as opposed to other rooters. What direction is Google heading towards/wanting to push on this issue?

I love Icecream.

Google is taking the same direction it always has. Android is an open source platform. Users are free to modify, change customize whatever they like. It's a community driven community owned project.

As for Android Market and the growing issues that developers are having to deal with trying to monetize their products, my team and I are working hard to address those issues today. We want to give developers the tools they need and educate them on how they can develop apps that have a high impact added value to our ecosystem and to Android Market.

Also, I think Google would do better if it made its other beta projects be known. I don't think many people know about Scholar and Books. Also, is there a bulletin board for education in the works? I feel Google might want to consider taking a stab at the collegiate market, as they are the ones being hit with all the budget cuts and all.

Having a Google-based BlackBoard would be awesome. I've always associated Google with being the head of applicable cyber communications, and doing this would be huge. No school wants to pay for blackboard.

To be honest this isn't an area I'm familiar with so I'll reserve my comments.

I just need a good search engine myself. I don't need it to butter my toast, wipe my ass or brush my teeth. It's actually getting on my nerves because i had my site reported with that Blocked Site crap last year, which kind of forced me to sign up with their googl analytics garbage. Time to make a decision this week. :cool:

What qualities are important to you in a good search engine? How can Google Analytics be improved?

05-03-2011, 06:48 AM
What do you guys think Google could be doing better? Less spammy results?

What do you guys think Google's competition is doing better?

Real talk.

They need to use another method of ranking pages because this SEO crap has made their results totally unusable. I can no longer find relevant pages when searching. I've been using Bing now over the past 24 hours, good-fucking-bye Google. I'm actually finding the pages and things I want with Bing.

Google's interface is also getting annoying. The word completion is annoying, but I dealt with it. The instant results also became annoying, but atleast I could turn it off on the front page. Now they've berried the option to turn it off with multiple steps. The problem is that this is the default, so on every PC I'm on I have to do this. Does Google survey users besides their in house staff? I get the impression that they've surrounded themselves with a bunch of yes-men.

Do any of you feel that Bing does a better job? If so, in what ways?

Finding REAL pages is what I want. Not bogus sites. Thats what Google is lacking in. Its turned into freaking Lycos.

Finding pages that you remember something about is a pain. Recent example. I was trying to find a website I had bookmarked on another PC, but all I could remember was what it was about. It had reviews on the current sci-fi/fantasy TV shows that are airing. First I searched for "sci fi" tv shows. Nothing on the first 5 pages and bogus sites throughout. I remember they had a Fall Guide, so I tried science fiction tv shows fall guide. Same deal. Then finally with science fiction tv shows fall guide, it came up on the first page. That is annoying as fuck. I've never had to do so much work to get the results on Google. Going through 5 pages twice!? Geesh. And specifically that website that I was looking for was always on the first page of results, Axiom's Edge.

Another problem is trying to find/discover new websites. I was looking for a good house music blog or news site to keep up with the latest in electronic music. Fuck. Good luck with any key word searches with that. They where all bogus blogs and sites. Annoying.

Also, I'm tired of having search results "tailored" to my search location. Stop localizing my results unless I'm searching in the shopping section. I swear that the same search done in NY and one done in LA yield different search results, and I'm not referring to the ads. Why can't my location just be USA? Or why can't I turn it off? What if I'm using a proxy?

Same goes for results when searching on my smart phone. Totally different results when compared to those done on a PC, even for the same search. Ugh. I've just had it with Google and their crap. I love Gmail, and thats all I'm going to be using from them.

05-03-2011, 09:10 AM
They need to use another method of ranking pages because this SEO crap has made their results totally unusable. I can no longer find relevant pages when searching. I've been using Bing now over the past 24 hours, good-fucking-bye Google. I'm actually finding the pages and things I want with Bing.

Google's interface is also getting annoying. The word completion is annoying, but I dealt with it. The instant results also became annoying, but atleast I could turn it off on the front page. Now they've berried the option to turn it off with multiple steps. The problem is that this is the default, so on every PC I'm on I have to do this. Does Google survey users besides their in house staff? I get the impression that they've surrounded themselves with a bunch of yes-men.

Finding REAL pages is what I want. Not bogus sites. Thats what Google is lacking in. Its turned into freaking Lycos.

Finding pages that you remember something about is a pain. Recent example. I was trying to find a website I had bookmarked on another PC, but all I could remember was what it was about. It had reviews on the current sci-fi/fantasy TV shows that are airing. First I searched for "sci fi" tv shows. Nothing on the first 5 pages and bogus sites throughout. I remember they had a Fall Guide, so I tried science fiction tv shows fall guide. Same deal. Then finally with science fiction tv shows fall guide, it came up on the first page. That is annoying as fuck. I've never had to do so much work to get the results on Google. Going through 5 pages twice!? Geesh. And specifically that website that I was looking for was always on the first page of results, Axiom's Edge.

Another problem is trying to find/discover new websites. I was looking for a good house music blog or news site to keep up with the latest in electronic music. Fuck. Good luck with any key word searches with that. They where all bogus blogs and sites. Annoying.

Also, I'm tired of having search results "tailored" to my search location. Stop localizing my results unless I'm searching in the shopping section. I swear that the same search done in NY and one done in LA yield different search results, and I'm not referring to the ads. Why can't my location just be USA? Or why can't I turn it off? What if I'm using a proxy?

Same goes for results when searching on my smart phone. Totally different results when compared to those done on a PC, even for the same search. Ugh. I've just had it with Google and their crap. I love Gmail, and thats all I'm going to be using from them.

That's good feedback. Have you considered that instant search, auto correction and other new features which are defaulted to "on" wouldn't be used half as much if it was just "off" all the time?

Other than internal Dogfooding Google does do extensive external surveys and polling.

(Devil's advocate) As for your anecdotal story regarding searching for Axiom's Edge, have you considered that the page you were looking for was not as relevant to the original search as all the prior results?

I agree that Google can do a better job. Getting the correct information to users, in the way that users want them, is Google's problem. Not the user's. If you're looking for Axiom's Edge, but you don't know what search terms to use, or only have a partial name, Google should be able to fill in the blanks for you. Finding a way to innovate and to continue to improve Google Search algorithms is the only way to do this.

As for the location based searches, I've personally found that they're useful to me. Just turn it off if you don't like it. Follow the instructions here. http://www.google.com/support/websearch/bin/answer.py?answer=179386

05-03-2011, 09:31 AM
That's good feedback. Have you considered that instant search, auto correction and other new features which are defaulted to "on" wouldn't be used half as much if it was just "off" all the time?

No, I don't think so. Keep those features on by default in iGoogle instead. Have the default Google page plain with no frills like it used to be.

(Devil's advocate) As for your anecdotal story regarding searching for Axiom's Edge, have you considered that the page you were looking for was not as relevant to the original search as all the prior results?

This is a page that would constantly be on the first page when I searched before. I just had trouble remembering the name, but would know it when I saw it as it is a unique one. That was just one example as it was the most recent. But the quality of results I've been experiencing has been on a decline for a while now. :(

As for the location based searches, I've personally found that they're useful to me. Just turn it off if you don't like it. Follow the instructions here. Location : Features - Web Search Help (http://www.google.com/support/websearch/bin/answer.py?answer=179386)

Can I turn off location-based customization?

The customization of search results based on location is an important component of a consistent, high-quality search experience. Therefore, we haven't provided a way to turn off location customization, although we've made it easy for you to set your own location or to customize using a general location as broad as the country that matches your local domain.

If you find that your results for a particular search are more local than what you're looking for, you can set your location to a broader geographical area (such as a country instead of a city, zip code, or street address). Please note that this will greatly reduce the amount of locally relevant results that you’ll see.

So the answer is No. Pffft.

05-03-2011, 09:54 AM
No, I don't think so. Keep those features on by default in iGoogle instead. Have the default Google page plain with no frills like it used to be.

Let me clarify. What I really meant was, most people who use Google, want/like those new features. If we make it too complicated no one will know how to turn them "on" and use them. Users get real added value by having those features on by default. It your own personal preference to have them off.

This is a page that would constantly be on the first page when I searched before. I just had trouble remembering the name, but would know it when I saw it as it is a unique one. That was just one example as it was the most recent. But the quality of results I've been experiencing has been on a decline for a while now. :(

Duly Noted. (but still anecdotal)

So the answer is No. Pffft.

You asked if you could set the general location to your country. Which you can. Just take a second to think about what would happen if you did a web search and Google didn't know what country you were from? How do you think the search results would look?

05-03-2011, 09:59 AM
You asked if you could set the general location to your country. Which you can. Just take a second to think about what would happen if you did a web search and Google didn't know what country you were from? How do you think the search results would look?

Like Google when I first started using it. ;)

05-03-2011, 03:13 PM
daniel, shouldnt all of this have been mitigated when GOOG did their last major re-algo that flipped the SEO and webmaster worlds upside down? it feels like you guys made huge changes that eradicated most black hat SEO practitioners, but also hurt a lot of people with small personal sites/ businesses...but being for the cause (or submitting to a giant), everyone just sucked it up and reassessed their marketing campaigns...now, if the search itself is still inadequate and seeing diminishing results (which most people seem to think), what was the major benefit of the re-algo?

dont get me wrong, i love your company and everything it does, but i have to admit that i use google purely based on habit now, and not quality...

05-03-2011, 04:45 PM
daniel, shouldnt all of this have been mitigated when GOOG did their last major re-algo that flipped the SEO and webmaster worlds upside down? it feels like you guys made huge changes that eradicated most black hat SEO practitioners, but also hurt a lot of people with small personal sites/ businesses...but being for the cause (or submitting to a giant), everyone just sucked it up and reassessed their marketing campaigns...now, if the search itself is still inadequate and seeing diminishing results (which most people seem to think), what was the major benefit of the re-algo?

dont get me wrong, i love your company and everything it does, but i have to admit that i use google purely based on habit now, and not quality...

Agree. This goes beyond my layman's understanding of our search algo though. Disclaimer, I don't have a tech background. Most of my experience is in Cellular Retail. I only know what I've been told by engineers over the past 4 years.

05-03-2011, 09:06 PM
When I type in the local pizza shop.. "Venice Pizza". I want the phone number to my local pizzeria for delivery... not the number to the closest pizza shops in venice.. If it's going to localize my results, at least do it when I need it to..

And quit being all ghey and having all these cool nav apps for android and leave iphone people with "maps". I know it's your competition but being all petty about it is weak.. dragging your feet does not make me "want a droid".. we still have google calanders, gmail, etc even if we don't have a g-phone.. If you want us to use your services and get some of that "g-synergy" get cracking..

also google would do wonders to allow users to permaban half the internet.. spider sites, squaters, craigslist style. "Flag for removal" but just for the user. If I search BMW parts then I could get rid of the sites that just spam and link and redirect and link..

05-03-2011, 09:23 PM
When I type in the local pizza shop.. "Venice Pizza". I want the phone number to my local pizzeria for delivery... not the number to the closest pizza shops in venice.. If it's going to localize my results, at least do it when I need it to..

And quit being all ghey and having all these cool nav apps for android and leave iphone people with "maps". I know it's your competition but being all petty about it is weak.. dragging your feet does not make me "want a droid".. we still have google calanders, gmail, etc even if we don't have a g-phone.. If you want us to use your services and get some of that "g-synergy" get cracking..

also google would do wonders to allow users to permaban half the internet.. spider sites, squaters, craigslist style. "Flag for removal" but just for the user. If I search BMW parts then I could get rid of the sites that just spam and link and redirect and link..

Probably because they didn't pay Google for a listing. They view Google Local as a phone book service now and want you to pay them for it.


05-03-2011, 09:58 PM
Probably because they didn't pay Google for a listing. They view Google Local as a phone book service now and want you to pay them for it.


Localized search results have nothing to do with paid listings.

05-03-2011, 10:56 PM
Localized search results have nothing to do with paid listings.

Not what the places guys told me when they were trying to sell me on it.

05-03-2011, 11:06 PM
My favorite thing about Bing is the daily picture.

I totally agree with you. Their daily pictures are awesome.

Im definitely going to start using Bing more.

05-04-2011, 12:17 AM
The big thing I really have become disgusted with is when seareching are these fake 'sites' that show up listing a relevent result, but often being some sort of oddball 'fake search' site once you click on them. Granted I often spot them before even clicking, but users like my father/grandfather can not, and that creates all sorts of issues.

In regard to saying 'well do our competitors have a better option'...well no, they don't. But because they don't, doesn't mean the current way is 'the best way' as it isn't.

I still use google all of the time, but I've also 'mastered' (IMO) how to manipulate it how to find things. This seems to cut down on some of the 'search overload' type stuff.

Not what the places guys told me when they were trying to sell me on it.

I got the same phone call for our shop as well. SHe then tried selling me on a website that they could create and how well it would work.

For the life of me, I couldn't get her off the phone until i hung up. We have a google places deal, and it works rather well for us. That's all we need.

05-04-2011, 01:01 AM
That is the reason why the reader should carefully understand the information they are reading.

05-04-2011, 11:36 AM
Not what the places guys told me when they were trying to sell me on it.

Interesting, did they specifically identify what part of Google they were representing when they contacted you?

In regard to saying 'well do our competitors have a better option'...well no, they don't. But because they don't, doesn't mean the current way is 'the best way' as it isn't.

I wholeheartedly agree. Constant innovation and change is the only way to stay ahead of the curve and to continue to offer top notch products. The industry changes much too fast to get complacent.

I got the same phone call for our shop as well. SHe then tried selling me on a website that they could create and how well it would work.

For the life of me, I couldn't get her off the phone until i hung up. We have a google places deal, and it works rather well for us. That's all we need.

Same question for you as for S14DB above.

05-04-2011, 04:45 PM
Interesting, did they specifically identify what part of Google they were representing when they contacted you?

He was kind of evasive on that. When asked who he worked for he said "Google" What Dept? "Google"

When we got him to elaborate on what he was trying to sell. "Isn't Google free?" we got directed to Local and Places. We noticed our biz was listed under the incorrect category's in local. We were in Category's we didn't cover and not in our core category's. He said it was like the phone book and we could buy ads that would be placed when people searched for words related to our category's. Basically sponsored results.

We told him if they couldn't even get us listed on the free side correctly why would we pay them. He said he was only on the ad side but local could fix it and if we bought in he would have them fix it. We told him to fix it and get back to us. If they can get the free side correct maybe we would think about it. Hasn't called us back since.

I'll try and get his contact info for you when I have time to search for it at work.

05-04-2011, 05:40 PM
He was kind of evasive on that. When asked who he worked for he said "Google" What Dept? "Google"

When we got him to elaborate on what he was trying to sell. "Isn't Google free?" we got directed to Local and Places. We noticed our biz was listed under the incorrect category's in local. We were in Category's we didn't cover and not in our core category's. He said it was like the phone book and we could buy ads that would be placed when people searched for words related to our category's. Basically sponsored results.

We told him if they couldn't even get us listed on the free side correctly why would we pay them. He said he was only on the ad side but local could fix it and if we bought in he would have them fix it. We told him to fix it and get back to us. If they can get the free side correct maybe we would think about it. Hasn't called us back since.

I'll try and get his contact info for you when I have time to search for it at work.

Cool. So my statement stands, localized search results have no direct correlation to paid ads.

This doesn't excuse the fact that your business is incorrectly listed though. Purchasing paid sponsorship shouldn't be the determining factor on whether Google delivers correct/relevant results.

05-04-2011, 09:39 PM
Google's been garbage for a while. Not just spam garbage but political propaganda and such. Its disturbing actually when you think of how many 'google scholars' there are out there. Google just like other "media" companies like magazines, tv networks, movie studios etc. have a political agenda and will favour the results to their views like traditional media does.

05-05-2011, 10:07 AM
Google's been garbage for a while. Not just spam garbage but political propaganda and such. Its disturbing actually when you think of how many 'google scholars' there are out there. Google just like other "media" companies like magazines, tv networks, movie studios etc. have a political agenda and will favour the results to their views like traditional media does.

I was wondering when the conspiracy theorists would join the thread. :Ownedd:


05-05-2011, 10:58 AM
I was wondering when the conspiracy theorists would join the thread. :Ownedd:


yes everything we are told is true and the top hits on google always yield the most factual. :rolleyes:
They are 'extra' factual when the topics are politics, war, foreign affairs....

05-05-2011, 11:16 AM
yes everything we are told is true and the top hits on google always yield the most factual. :rolleyes:
They are 'extra' factual when the topics are politics, war, foreign affairs....

Google mission is organize the world's data, not tamper with it. Nice try though.

Kill the messenger moar plz?

Learn the difference between organizing content and producing content.

05-05-2011, 11:29 AM
You forget Daniel...


05-05-2011, 11:42 AM
Google mission is organize the world's data, not tamper with it. Nice try though.

Kill the messenger moar plz?

Learn the difference between organizing content and producing content.
I wasn't arguing the difference between organizing content and producing content. What you put on top and equally important what you don't put (or what you produce or DON"T produce in the other cases) can sway political thought. Sounds like you're the one who has a lot to learn. I suppose you can always google it.

Kill the messenger moar plz?
Not saying not to use these 'tools' just don't believe everything you read off them. And wtf, somebody doesn't trust everything that's fed to them by mainstream thought or organized to them by a computer algorithm that you don't have access to (code) and they're a conspiracy theorist.

05-05-2011, 12:19 PM
I wasn't arguing the difference between organizing content and producing content. What you put on top and equally important what you don't put (or what you produce or DON"T produce in the other cases) can sway political thought. Sounds like you're the one who has a lot to learn. I suppose you can always google it.

Kill the messenger moar plz?
Not saying not to use these 'tools' just don't believe everything you read off them. And wtf, somebody doesn't trust everything that's fed to them by mainstream thought or organized to them by a computer algorithm that you don't have access to (code) and they're a conspiracy theorist.

Cool story broseph.

05-05-2011, 12:39 PM
And wtf, somebody doesn't trust everything that's fed to them by mainstream thought or organized to them by a computer algorithm that you don't have access to (code) and they're a conspiracy theorist.


05-05-2011, 12:44 PM
You guys seriously think Google is subliminally trying to subvert the world's political leanings by compromising search results?

Hmm let's think about that for a second.

05-05-2011, 12:45 PM


Then i'll wear it like a badge of honor.

05-05-2011, 12:56 PM
You guys seriously think Google is subliminally trying to subvert the world's political leanings by compromising search results?

Hmm let's think about that for a second.

At the corporate level European companies have been suing google for such things already. Only way to know for sure is if they release their algorithm to the public which i doubt they'll do since its the core of their business. They've already done it on the political front during the Yugoslav wars.

05-05-2011, 01:09 PM

Sounds like sensationalistic bull.

Edit: I'm talking about the Yugoslav wars.

05-05-2011, 01:23 PM
At the corporate level European companies have been suing google for such things already. Only way to know for sure is if they release their algorithm to the public which i doubt they'll do since its the core of their business. They've already done it on the political front during the Yugoslav wars.

The new tin foil hats must really work huh? I guess you could say the same about Libraries as well, being that they were often very localized and or regionalized in regard to books/etc etc? Then again if it's in print it must be the truth (right professor?).

Even 100 years ago when Yahoo was gray, Lycos was king, and Meta searching was new, people used to claim the same shit. The worst part about today's information world (to me) is the fact that people seem to question shit, just to question it. 'Thinking' about something doesn't make you any smarter/better than the rest, so drop the high horse/pretend wizard stuff.

05-05-2011, 01:25 PM
Interesting, did they specifically identify what part of Google they were representing when they contacted you?

I never got any solid information this side of that they were from google, were looking at our google places account, and were trying to sell us on advertising/google website stuff in order for more exposure. Obviously I'm not sure the country of origin, but the lady on the phone had a heavy indian accent, and was very difficult to understand.

Combined with being busy, I got frustrated and had to tell her I wasn't interested 10 or so times. She wouldn't accept 'we don't need a website' for an answer until I hit the release button on the phone.

05-05-2011, 01:46 PM

Sounds like sensationalistic bull.

Edit: I'm talking about the Yugoslav wars.
All the results during the war years always had the MSM point of view but never the other side (Serb) when i use to use. Doesn't sound like the kind of 'organization' i want. I only mentioned it because on the PBS show Charlie Rose the host had mentioned that Sergei Brin (creator) supported the independence movements.
But like i said we'll never know for sure unless they release their computer code on what happens to get page rankings which they won't for corporate reasons, which is one of hundreds of reasons i don't use google or trust its organization of data. Which is why i still answer OP's question with a "yes".

05-05-2011, 01:54 PM
The new tin foil hats must really work huh? I guess you could say the same about Libraries as well, being that they were often very localized and or regionalized in regard to books/etc etc? Then again if it's in print it must be the truth (right professor?).

Even 100 years ago when Yahoo was gray, Lycos was king, and Meta searching was new, people used to claim the same shit. The worst part about today's information world (to me) is the fact that people seem to question shit, just to question it. 'Thinking' about something doesn't make you any smarter/better than the rest, so drop the high horse/pretend wizard stuff.
So i don't like one company because i don't trust it, no different than when someone doesn't trust mechanic they don't bring their car to it.

05-05-2011, 02:15 PM
So i don't like one company because i don't trust it, no different than when someone doesn't trust mechanic they don't bring their car to it.
that would be like not trusting a car mechanic because you think they are selling ONLY monroe struts because their president is a communist and they are trying to fund their communist agenda.
you know seeing as how some of the struts they sell are RED

perfect logic.

05-05-2011, 02:25 PM
that would be like not trusting a car mechanic because you think they are selling ONLY monroe struts because their president is a communist and they are trying to fund their communist agenda.
you know seeing as how some of the struts they sell are RED

perfect logic.

Not if the struts are red but if the president was a card carrying communist who fought with the reds against my general's army and the stuts have failed before and the struts we're not going to be installed properly i would not recommend.

05-05-2011, 03:12 PM
All of this is heresay and speculation. Nothing concrete.

Let's turn this topic back towards known knowns, not known unknowns.

05-05-2011, 03:20 PM
All of this is heresay and speculation. Nothing concrete.

Let's turn this topic back towards known knowns, not known unknowns.

Any up and coming search engines you know of? I don't like the product google based on usage in the past, other than Bing what else do you use?

05-05-2011, 03:24 PM
Yahoo is the only other worthwhile search engine. I generally know what to look for and how to look for it in Google, as has been previously mentioned; so I don't have a problem with garbage results.

There are plenty of smaller startups trying to make a name for themselves with niche search engine products. There's one that's worth mentioning but I have to find the link for it. Will post about it when I get off of work.

05-05-2011, 03:32 PM
NO rush, don't want you to get fired for recreational (zilvia) surfing at work :D

05-05-2011, 03:34 PM
I never got any solid information this side of that they were from google, were looking at our google places account, and were trying to sell us on advertising/google website stuff in order for more exposure. Obviously I'm not sure the country of origin, but the lady on the phone had a heavy indian accent, and was very difficult to understand.

Combined with being busy, I got frustrated and had to tell her I wasn't interested 10 or so times. She wouldn't accept 'we don't need a website' for an answer until I hit the release button on the phone.

Do you think it was some sort of scam?

You do bring up a good point though about manipulating searches though...often times by simplifying research results, it limits some better sites from even showing up. (If that makes any sense). Dumbing down search results to be more specific IMO is the wrong way to go.

05-05-2011, 03:38 PM
So i don't like one company because i don't trust it, no different than when someone doesn't trust mechanic they don't bring their car to it.

I'm not concerend over what places you like, I was simply pointing out that the 'censored search' stuff has been a battle cry of many forever. I'm not doubting that it's possible; I am doubting that it happens. You can still find a ton of deadly/dangerous information out there, just from a few clicks on google...if they were really censoring the results, do you think that would be even possible?

And in regard to 'news' results, what do you expect? I certainly wouldn't goto Yahoo Japan and expect to find current news from Belgium in it, much like I don't expect to see international based stuff show up in the first few results here.

With that said, Honestly, if I want to find internationally based stuff, I search via their outlets and or news sources. Much like I don't expect a Big Mac from Wendy's.