View Full Version : Cop Quotes, LmAo

03-15-2011, 01:43 PM
Cop: "I look for a air-fuel gauges, which is a sign of a street racer"

If you know any others... Post them UP for Lulz.

03-15-2011, 01:54 PM
cop pulled me over for modified exhaust, i asked wats the law against it, for this he quotes" because the muffler is too big and its a distraction"

my exhaust is a xo2 racing 3" tip painted black.....:squint:

03-15-2011, 02:11 PM
One of the GUys from the Eclipse Forums

Cop: I know you were just street racing
Me: We weren't street racing
Cop: I know your one of those street racers, I see that nitrous bottle you have there(referring to the mini fire extinguisher on the a-pillar)
Me: That not a nitrous bottle, see it says "Fire extinguisher" right there..
Cop:........I guess I'll just let you off with a warning then

03-15-2011, 02:21 PM
African American Cop: You didn't use your turn signal to change lanes back there
Me: Umm yes I did, and you were sitting on the wrong side of the road to even be able to tell if I did or not.
African American Cop: I'll be right back
Me: Ok
African American Cop: I wrote you a warning ticket, but you need to watch yourself, the fast and the furious doesn't come out till next weekend.
Me: Neither does the new Tyler Perry movie.

If he can stereotype then so can I.

03-15-2011, 02:37 PM
African American Cop: You didn't use your turn signal to change lanes back there
Me: Umm yes I did, and you were sitting on the wrong side of the road to even be able to tell if I did or not.
African American Cop: I'll be right back
Me: Ok
African American Cop: I wrote you a warning ticket, but you need to watch yourself, the fast and the furious doesn't come out till next weekend.
Me: Neither does the new Tyler Perry movie.

If he can stereotype then so can I.


let's go watch all in the family and misinterpret it

03-15-2011, 03:47 PM
Tyler Perry is black?

03-15-2011, 07:47 PM
i got a ticket from a cop that was walking out of a restaurant 100 yards away from the street and told the judge that he heard me speeding. was the most fucking ludicris thing i have ever heard. apparently not to the judge, because he let the ticket stick. talk about fucking justice.

03-15-2011, 08:21 PM
Cop :"What is this?" *squeezes*
Young black male : "Its my penis"
Cop :"Sorry about that"

03-15-2011, 09:12 PM
Cop :"What is this?" *squeezes*
Young black male : "Its my penis"
Cop :"Sorry about that"


Hilarious vid.

03-15-2011, 09:58 PM
"I'll stomp your ass"

03-15-2011, 10:40 PM
LmFaoo..... ...

Cop Once told me

"dont mean to DOGG you , but how do you ProNounce Your NAme?" SmH

03-15-2011, 10:46 PM
LmFaoo..... ...

Cop Once told me

"dont mean to DOGG you , but how do you ProNounce Your NAme?" SmH

This leads me to believe your name is hilarious. Please post in its entirety.

03-15-2011, 10:51 PM
My Name is in Fact NOT HILARIOUS..(In My OpInion)....



How hard is it to ProNounce that?? (nobody gets it right, how Gay)

03-15-2011, 11:03 PM
cop: do you know how fast you were going? the speed limit is 45
me: the flow of traffic, my speedometer doesn't work sir
cop: you know, you could get in a lot of trouble for that... I'll let you off with a warning tho, make sure you take that action figure hanging from you're car off too, its a road hazard.

03-15-2011, 11:38 PM
This one always gets me:

"License and registration"
*womp womp* LOL

Straight for the jugular!

03-15-2011, 11:52 PM
what?.... ^

03-16-2011, 12:34 AM
Cop: Why is there a hello kitty doll hanging from your bumper?
Me: It's a Japanese thing.
Cop: Looks threatening to me. Like a sick racist symbol.
Me: Uhhh.

I guess he thought it signified lynching Japanese people? WTF.

03-16-2011, 06:30 AM
Cop: License and registration... Chicken Fucker!

Ha, couldn't resist it! Might have to watch it tonight, its been a while :(

03-16-2011, 06:58 AM
I got pulled over a while ago and the cop came up to my window.

Cop: you were speeding back there. how much do you pay for insurance young man?
me: about 100 bucks a month
Cop: well do you want to pay 200 a month?
me: no
Cop: stop driving like that.

the cop then walked to his car and drove away.

03-16-2011, 07:19 AM
Officer: do you know what im pulling you over for?
Me: no sir
Officer you didn't make a complete stop I'm giving you a ticket for Tap and go, and you or car is too low I need you to step Out of the vehicle and witness this
( i step out he pulls out a tape measure and begins to measure my front bumper and has dumb look on his face)
Officer: on second thought I'm only going to give you a ticket for the tap and go consider yourself lucky

03-16-2011, 11:14 AM
My Name is in Fact NOT HILARIOUS..(In My OpInion)....



How hard is it to ProNounce that?? (nobody gets it right, how Gay)
I can say it. You Brazilian or something? Joao is Portugese for John, right? I hear that name alot in Capoeira circles...

03-16-2011, 11:23 AM
Cop: "Got any guns, knives, weapons, explosives, alligators in your vehicle?"
Me: "Just alligators..." with a grin.
Cop: "Have a good night, slow it down."

03-16-2011, 11:27 AM
funny stories guys.. keep them coming.. :)
i have a feeling we have a "PIG" murkin around zilvia..

03-16-2011, 11:35 AM
While being pulled over in my beater for the exhaust being too loud:

Cop: "Sir, you know it is a felony to..."
Me: *Shocked face*
Cop: "...go out dressed in public like that. (lols to himself) Get that exhaust fixed."

I was wearing pijama pants. My wife (then GF) and I went out to get McDonald's sundaes through the drive thru. I just about lost it when he said felony, haha.

03-16-2011, 11:38 AM
so we get caught for street drifting a while back and they have us all standing around my buddies car. Now my buddy's car has a fur wrapped dash, sparkle painted interior and bits of pink here and there...

cop walks up.
cop: the pubic hair dash come stock?
buddy: no, i wrapped it
cop: why?
buddy: *shrugs shoulders*
cop 2 walks up.

cop 2: is this your girlfriends car?
buddy: nope, its mine
cop 2: whats with the pink everywhere?

cop 3 walks up.

cop 3: i can understand the pink, but whats up with all the sparkles?? thats just gay..

at this point, the cops and all of us a laughing hysterically.

cops talking amongst themselves..

cop 1: i guess these guys were street racing around here
cop 2: nah, they were drifting
cop 3: oh, like that movie "tokyo drift"?

i step up.

me: yeah, that movie is real fake.. not like the real thing
cop 3: *sarcastically* oh man, you're telling me that movies aren't real?!
me: yeah, except for that show CSI... i hear thats pretty accurate.

cops and us are all laughing again, then they just told us all to beat it and not come back.

03-16-2011, 11:38 AM
LoL ^^^

I can say it. You Brazilian or something? Joao is Portugese for John, right? I hear that name alot in Capoeira circles...

Yes, im Brazilian.. But people cant seem to Pronounce Joao,, soo they just call me ..

Jay, Joel,, or..joe. Never John, even though thats what it translates to in English.. LoL


03-16-2011, 12:14 PM
This happened about 2 years ago when i had my s13 coupe w/sr
cop pulls me over for headlight out after he hands me the ticket he begins to ask questions about my car and the conversation goes as follows:

cop: shines his flashlight on my silvia front (it was black and car was champaigne)

me: is there a problem?

cop: is there anything i need to know under the hood of your car?

me: no its all stock with a new front end because it was in an accident

cop: ok just making sure youre not running a B18 or something like that.

me: no officer. i wouldnt part-take in illegal motors

cop: thats good to know...have a good night

03-16-2011, 12:22 PM
A traffic cop pulled me over for having my foglights on. I showed him that my car doesn't actually have foglights. This pissed him off.

He proceeded to insult me for being a student, and then lied to me about the size of his traffic car's engine. In the end he gave me a ticket for an incorrectly mounted license plate. He said he would have given me a ticket for the exhaust anyway.

This is the only negative experience I've had. Normally the police in the UK are cool, they don't mind modified cars at all. I've been pulled a few times and this was the only time I got a ticket.

03-16-2011, 07:48 PM
funny stories guys.. keep them coming.. :)
i have a feeling we have a "PIG" murkin around zilvia..

ey, dont use the word pig.

not really a funny story but i saved some kid a good amount of trouble.

i was on a ride along with my cousin, who is an officer, when we pulled over a red S13 for speeding. my cousin told the kid to pop the hood and asked me go check if there was anything illegal in there while he was talking to the driver. it was an RB25. i said "nope, bone stock except for that intake filter."

03-17-2011, 05:44 AM
funny stories guys.. keep them coming.. :)
i have a feeling we have a "PIG" murkin around zilvia..

i think you mean "lurkin" and why don't read a few of the stories posted...not all cops are "pigs" :rolleyes:

03-17-2011, 06:38 AM
black cop looks at my license "125 pounds boy you need to eat some chicken or something"

03-17-2011, 08:33 AM
These are awesome, just fyi. Please continue with lulz.

03-17-2011, 10:03 AM
LoL, Very awesome stories.! ^^^

Friend with G35

"right outside work, i stepped on the gas a bit, made a right and headed into the tunnel under LAX. i noticed a cop behind me but i was coasting slowly and trying not to stomp on the gas under the tunnel. as soon as we get out he pulls me over.

walks up and asks if i've modified my exhaust. for a sec i just look back and he says, 'don't worry, it's not a trick question. you have an aftermarket exhaust, right?'


'have you done anything under the hood?'

'no...yeah, just an intake.'

'so, have you seen any gains?'

totally caught me off guard. i told him 'not really, it's just for looks and sound.' haha he says, 'yeah, pulled you over for the exhaust. well, have a good day?

03-17-2011, 10:46 AM
Years ago up in Wa state, 2 weeks after being let go for powersliding (I won't call it drifting with what was an open diff at the time)... I get pulled over for speeding by the local state trooper Steve.

Steve (with a shit eating grin on his face): Mr. Dodge, didn't I tell you if I caught you again, I'd nail you to the wall?

Me: Are you sure that wasn't my brother? (I am a twin)

Steve: ... *blank stare*

Me: ._. "... yes you did"

Steve: Alright Daryl, with or without lube?

no slide
03-17-2011, 12:14 PM
I got pulled over for speeding. Was doing about 80 on the fwy which is normal here in so cal.

Cop: you know why I pulled you over?
Me: no
Cop: you were speeding
Me: I was going with the flow of traffic
Cop: have you ever been fishing?
Me: yes
Cop: have you ever caught ALL the fish??
Me: ffuuuuuu!!!.
And I got a ticket

03-17-2011, 01:05 PM
^ these are great haha.

03-17-2011, 01:10 PM
Me: Thats a beautiful car you have there sir. Is it a v8 or a 6?

Cop: Uhh..ermm.. well Im not really sure, but I know its a HEMI.

03-17-2011, 01:20 PM
I got pulled over for speeding. Was doing about 80 on the fwy which is normal here in so cal.

Cop: you know why I pulled you over?
Me: no
Cop: you were speeding
Me: I was going with the flow of traffic
Cop: have you ever been fishing?
Me: yes
Cop: have you ever caught ALL the fish??
Me: ffuuuuuu!!!.
And I got a ticket

LOL I was lmao hahahaha. That was great. If a cop ever says that to me I'm going to stay quiet.

03-17-2011, 02:13 PM
Some of you dumbasses need to watch and comprehend this video:


03-17-2011, 02:19 PM
so im driving home late one night in my rhd coupe and i run into a checkpoint..as i come up to the officer...
cop: forget about ur license and regristration..is this car registered??got any weapons?
me: of course it is officer,and yes i have a weapon but i would never do anything illegal, i know my laws.
cop: sure u do, do u have a permit for that weapon? pull over to the inspection side.
me: ok
at this point a few officers come over and tell me to step out of the car
another officers begins to search me asking me if i had been drinking. theyre all over my car, and had a tow truck start backing up. at no point was i asked for my regristration or any form of paperwork.they take my piece away...they were calling me a cholo(im bald,wearing dickies and chucks)..being complete dicks... then this happened..
cop2: (as hes searching me opens my wallet and sees my badge) who do u work for??
me: la county probation sir
cop2: wat do u do there?
me: im a probation officer :)
cop2: oh shit sorry about the mixup officer...(then yells out to the other cops) hey hes an off duty officer let him go! give him back his piece!(gun)
all the officers scatter and throw me my keys..walked me back to my car asked me who i thought was gonna win the superbowl..appologized some more and went on my way..this happens alot to me..they completely change when they find out im in law enforcement..haha

03-17-2011, 02:25 PM
Some of you dumbasses need to watch and comprehend this video:

That guy was my evidence professor when I was in law school. Awesome dude.

03-17-2011, 05:08 PM
When I got pulled over in my rx7 for speeding:

Cop - I need you to pop your hood.
me - Sure, *open hood
Cop - Nice, but I will need to call in the specialist.
*wait for 10 minutes, specialist arrives,
specialist - scratches head?
Cop - Here is your modified exhaust ticket.

03-17-2011, 06:27 PM
When I got pulled over in my rx7 for speeding:

Cop - I need you to pop your hood.
me - Sure, *open hood
Cop - Nice, but I will need to call in the specialist.
*wait for 10 minutes, specialist arrives,
specialist - scratches head?
Cop - Here is your modified exhaust ticket.

was the cop looking for drugs or something? why did you have to pop your hood?

03-17-2011, 06:33 PM
if i ever get pulled over, at the risk of getting a bigger ticket (if any) i'm going to stay quiet and speak in crude, improvised sign language and see what happens. i'll post the results if i work up the balls to do it.

03-17-2011, 07:35 PM
Some of you dumbasses need to watch and comprehend this video:


Avoid police as much as you possibly can, when you can't, don't talk.

03-17-2011, 09:59 PM
"we do not do interrogations thats a bad mean nazi kinda word we do interveiws"
i wanted to kick that cop in the face a couple of times
that lawyer too, he seemed like a hell of a shark, remided me of the lawyer from breaking bad haha

Touge Whore
03-18-2011, 08:51 AM
Man, this thread is awesome...made my morning at work...haha

03-18-2011, 09:24 AM
was the cop looking for drugs or something? why did you have to pop your hood?

i THINK it's cause cali is super strict about engine swaps/mods so they check "suspected" modified vehicles.

03-18-2011, 09:27 AM
Cop: Your eyes look a little glassy have you been drinking?
Guy: No sir, but your eyes look a little glazed, have you been eating doughnuts?

03-18-2011, 11:21 AM
was the cop looking for drugs or something? why did you have to pop your hood?

My rx7 is loud. 3in DP, 3in mid to a 4 in axle back to a 4in/out canister that is only 6in long. If the turbo spools and I left off, guarantee shotgun noise + flames that is about 1 feet long plus 5mpg. I guess the cop heard the it and was looking for a modified motor. I had twin hks intake, dual arc bov, and a bunch of shiny stuff under the hood. I was going 45-50 in a 35. Was a fun car though (sold it).

03-18-2011, 11:34 AM
Sounds nice ^^^.... Watch out for those COps that are ROTOR Heads...

ive heard some Bad Stories about them pulling over 240sx guys and Showing off their ROTOR Tattoo's.....

Sounds Strange, I Know..... But Cops can be Dousch bags just because they dont like the way you look or the car you drive.....

03-18-2011, 12:29 PM
My rx7 is loud. 3in DP, 3in mid to a 4 in axle back to a 4in/out canister that is only 6in long. If the turbo spools and I left off, guarantee shotgun noise + flames that is about 1 feet long plus 5mpg. I guess the cop heard the it and was looking for a modified motor. I had twin hks intake, dual arc bov, and a bunch of shiny stuff under the hood. I was going 45-50 in a 35. Was a fun car though (sold it).

is that illegal where you live? what country are you from? just another reason i'm a proud American :)

S-Nation S13
03-19-2011, 10:04 AM
cop:im giving you a ticket because i dont know what the hell im looking at,
me:i swear sir....its all stock, which it was. first time i ever told the truth to a po.

03-19-2011, 01:58 PM
All posts discussing illegal drug use or street racing/drifting have been removed. This is the only warning that will be given in this Thread, since you can't seem to remember the Rules and Guidelines of Zilvia.net.

Any future posts containing said topics will lead to Pinkings.

Have a nice day.

03-19-2011, 02:15 PM
My friend and I were just cruising in my s13 hatch,I have an sr2o in it but it looks completly stock,i even have the stock exhaust,so i wouldnt think it would attract any attention,sunday afternoon,sitting at a red light. The light turns green and i go,slow at that,before im out of 2nd gear,i get pulled over

Cop: License and registration,insurance
me: here ya go sir
Cop:be right back
10 min later
Cop: (hand on holstered gun) Do you have any drugs in the car sir?
Me: no sir
Cop: What about your buddy,got any drugs...? Marijuana?
My friend: No
Cop: Any weapons? Guns,knives?
Me:no sir
Cop: Do you mind if I search your car?
Me: I suppose..but why did you pull me over?
Cop: Your 3rd brake light is out
Me: really,I just checked it too,huh?
Search goes on and finds nothing,of course
Cop: Ok,im let you off with a warning,get your light fixed
Me: ok sir,thank you
Cop then pulls away in reverse, into traffic and flips around and goes the opposite direction ????
I ask my friend to get out and check my 3rd brake light because I know its working,he gets out,and sure enough,ITS WORKING!
The cop left the way he did so I couldnt get the car # and report him for harrasing me

Im driving alone on a sat afternoon,get pulled over once again for nothing>

Cop: License registration?
Me:Here you go sir
Can i ask why you pulled me over?
Cop: be right back
what seemed to be 10 min or so,he comes back
Once again hand on holstered gun
Cop: do you have any guns or drugs in the vehicle
Me: No sir
Cop: Do you mind if I search the vehicle?
Me: Yes.I do mind,I didnt break any traffic laws and theres nothing in my car to give you cause to search...
Cop: Well,your tags expired last month
Me: Oh really,huh? are you going to write me a ticket then?
(at this point I know whats up,MY TAGS DONT EXPIRE FOR ANOTHER YEAR!)
But im afraid of what will happen if I call him out on his LIE!
So i say nothing...
Cop: Ok im gonna let you off with a warning
Me: ok,thank you sir
Cop: Drive safe
Me: (once hes gone) %^&@%#@&*$**$&@*(^#

I have a few stories like this....

03-19-2011, 09:26 PM
wait WTF ^^^ thats NUTS>> i got pulled over just like you... almost the Exact Same way.. but i had an HKS HI POWEr (huge exhaust) that was there 1 and only excuse why they pull me over...

they never ask you to Pop your Hood?.. im trying to go with that set up... SR20det, with stock exhaust so they wont ask to POP my Hood....

03-20-2011, 12:59 PM
My friend and I were just cruising in my s13 hatch,I have an sr2o in it but it looks completly stock,i even have the stock exhaust,so i wouldnt think it would attract any attention,sunday afternoon,sitting at a red light. The light turns green and i go,slow at that,before im out of 2nd gear,i get pulled over

Cop: License and registration,insurance
me: here ya go sir
Cop:be right back
10 min later
Cop: (hand on holstered gun) Do you have any drugs in the car sir?
Me: no sir
Cop: What about your buddy,got any drugs...? Marijuana?
My friend: No
Cop: Any weapons? Guns,knives?
Me:no sir
Cop: Do you mind if I search your car?
Me: I suppose..but why did you pull me over?
Cop: Your 3rd brake light is out
Me: really,I just checked it too,huh?
Search goes on and finds nothing,of course
Cop: Ok,im let you off with a warning,get your light fixed
Me: ok sir,thank you
Cop then pulls away in reverse, into traffic and flips around and goes the opposite direction ????
I ask my friend to get out and check my 3rd brake light because I know its working,he gets out,and sure enough,ITS WORKING!
The cop left the way he did so I couldnt get the car # and report him for harrasing me

Im driving alone on a sat afternoon,get pulled over once again for nothing>

Cop: License registration?
Me:Here you go sir
Can i ask why you pulled me over?
Cop: be right back
what seemed to be 10 min or so,he comes back
Once again hand on holstered gun
Cop: do you have any guns or drugs in the vehicle
Me: No sir
Cop: Do you mind if I search the vehicle?
Me: Yes.I do mind,I didnt break any traffic laws and theres nothing in my car to give you cause to search...
Cop: Well,your tags expired last month
Me: Oh really,huh? are you going to write me a ticket then?
(at this point I know whats up,MY TAGS DONT EXPIRE FOR ANOTHER YEAR!)
But im afraid of what will happen if I call him out on his LIE!
So i say nothing...
Cop: Ok im gonna let you off with a warning
Me: ok,thank you sir
Cop: Drive safe
Me: (once hes gone) %^&@%#@&*$**$&@*(^#

I have a few stories like this....

All that [email protected][email protected]%!#%!^[email protected]%! from me wouldn't have been once hes gone, It woulda been to him. I always give cops shit and most of the time win when I'm all legit.

03-20-2011, 01:14 PM
Where I use to live 98% of the cops are ASSHOLES! But there was always one cop who loved cars and didn't care about ANYTHING that was done to them! but cared about any other law, like no front plate,lights not working all that stuff.

Pulls me over one day cause of no front plate and one headlight out.

Cop:Hey buddy your headlight is out and no front plate whats up with that? You know I gotta give u a ticket cause my rookie spotted it.

Me:Yea I know, I was going home to fix my light right now but I don't even have the front plate the car didn't come with it.

Cop:Alright sit tight, no need to show any paper work I know your legit.

Me: Well my license might be suspended but I'm not sure when the active date for the suspension Is yet. I didn't want to loose his trust so I told him the truth.

Cop:walks back with a ticket for headlight out and a warning for my license. He calls his rookie out of the car and says hey I wanna show you a real Import car,Not those hondas we always stop!

Cops: do you mind popping your hood and showing my partner what a real engine looks like? and turn the wheel so he can see some real suspension

Me:Sure! no problem.

So I pop the hood and crank my wheel,

Cop: says to his rookie, This is a sr20 engine that he swapped In here and Its one hell of a engine! He put a front mount Intercooler and aftermarket down pipe and exhaust to help that little turbo under there be more efficent.

Then explains the suspension and all that. Closes the hood and says keep up the work but might wanna find a way to keep It quiet and get all the visuals taken care of cause other police might not like this very much.

Gets In his car and drive away

03-20-2011, 01:33 PM
it was around 1 or 2am and i was headed home. pulled up to a redlight then a cop pulls up next to me but a few feet ahead of me. I see the reverse lights come on and...

Cop: Where did your driver go?
(i just picked my hands off the steering wheel)
Cop: Oh shit your on the wrong side, thats awesome. Have a goodnight!

03-20-2011, 09:19 PM
they ve never asked me to pop the hood,I typically get messed with because I look young and they wanna see what Im up 2. Im 30 but look 19 HA HA. Plus I live in an area with alot of wealthy high school kids,so I think I just get taken for 1 of them untill they see my ID. Having what some would call a kids car doesnt help....lol

03-25-2011, 12:19 PM
some Dude told me a cop gave him a Modified Intake Ticket just because he painted his MAF sensor ... the car was bone stock with a Silverish painted maf... hahaha


03-25-2011, 12:27 PM
^ lol! god doesn't that suck ahahah

03-25-2011, 01:45 PM
cruising home one night a buddy in 1996 r33 and my s14 behind him , then out of no where OPD crown vic sqeezes in between us and pulls him over , he rolls in to a 7-eleven and i do also, he parks properly and the crown vic blocking him in
his windows are extremely dark
cop on car bullhorn "driver ! let me see you hands!"
buddy pulls hi hands out the window
cop "i said .....DRIVER!!!!!!!..... hands out the window!!!!!!"
Friend gives him the JAZZ HANDS
2 more crown vics pull in lights and sirens blazing blocking in the gtr
cop " last time!!!!!!!!! DRIVER YOU FUCKING HANDS OUT THE WINDOW NOW!!!!!!!"
friend opens sun roof pops his hands out and screams........ "ITS A JAPANESE CAR THE DRIVER IS ON THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! DUMB ASS!!!!!!
I'm laughing people that where at the red box laughing, cops get in the SWAT formation and head slowly toward the car, tell him to come out...after 15 minutes of all of them circling the car one says....." so do you work for the post office? and where do you put the mail boxes?"
everyone laughed
he was taken to jail for cursing at the cop and my girlfriend got to drive the R33 to our apartment that night

03-25-2011, 06:17 PM
^^that's hilarious, sucks he had to go to jail for cursing but still damn funny

03-25-2011, 07:07 PM
You can go to jail for calling a cop a dumbass? What happened to freedom of speech? He wasnt threatening anyone

03-25-2011, 07:17 PM
"the speed limit is not a target"

this was said to my friend by a cop who was driving at the speed limit, but getting there quite quickly haha

03-26-2011, 01:14 AM
Back in 2007 when I was at a meet in Redlands Ca a cop pulls up.

Cop: What are all of you guys doing in the parking lot?
Friend: Just chillin' and talkin about cars.
Cop: Whats that bar you have running across your rear window?
Friend: I dont know it came with the car (playin dumb)
Cop: Well, you all need to take your rice rockets out of here.
(cop then drives off)

That's when we all begin laughing our butts off and leave a couple minutes later.

03-28-2011, 10:59 AM
cruising home one night a buddy in 1996 r33 and my s14 behind him , then out of no where OPD crown vic sqeezes in between us and pulls him over , he rolls in to a 7-eleven and i do also, he parks properly and the crown vic blocking him in
his windows are extremely dark
cop on car bullhorn "driver ! let me see you hands!"
buddy pulls hi hands out the window
cop "i said .....DRIVER!!!!!!!..... hands out the window!!!!!!"
Friend gives him the JAZZ HANDS
2 more crown vics pull in lights and sirens blazing blocking in the gtr
cop " last time!!!!!!!!! DRIVER YOU FUCKING HANDS OUT THE WINDOW NOW!!!!!!!"
friend opens sun roof pops his hands out and screams........ "ITS A JAPANESE CAR THE DRIVER IS ON THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! DUMB ASS!!!!!!
I'm laughing people that where at the red box laughing, cops get in the SWAT formation and head slowly toward the car, tell him to come out...after 15 minutes of all of them circling the car one says....." so do you work for the post office? and where do you put the mail boxes?"
everyone laughed
he was taken to jail for cursing at the cop and my girlfriend got to drive the R33 to our apartment that night

LMFAOoOoOoOoOoooooo !

03-29-2011, 11:09 AM
"You... switched all these body parts?"

"You're telling me this whole thing is held together by zip-ties?"

*Muttering to himself* "...Looks like a god damn folgers coffee can.." (HKS Hi-Power).

Typical shit I guess. No ticket.

03-29-2011, 11:56 AM
"...Looks like a god damn folgers coffee can.." (HKS Hi-Power).


"and take that damn dangly thing out of your window, its annoying and distracting" refering to a dampachi doll i had in the hatch of my old civic...

03-29-2011, 12:57 PM
since when can you go to jail for cussing out a cop?

03-29-2011, 01:48 PM
is that illegal where you live? what country are you from? just another reason i'm a proud American :)

I'm actually in San Francisco. The city is filled with prius(es) everywhere. When I drive by them I usually would left off and blast them with a fireball or two.

PS my grammar sucks.

03-29-2011, 05:41 PM
I'm actually in San Francisco. The city is filled with prius(es) everywhere. When I drive by them I usually would left off and blast them with a fireball or two.

PS my grammar sucks.

Haha sounds fun, might have to start implicating this anti-hippie stragety on the east coast... jk i dnt have a problem w them likkle AA battery pieces of shat

"It looks like a rocket ship, and why is it so loud?"
more cop nonsense:cops:

03-29-2011, 05:57 PM
I'm actually in San Francisco. The city is filled with prius(es) everywhere. When I drive by them I usually would left off and blast them with a fireball or two.

PS my grammar sucks.

you sir described my day to day commute!!!!!!!!!!

i like to hit the tenderloin and redline 1st make the crackies jump!!!!

Import Image Racing: ISIS Race Straight Dual Tip Catback Exhaust 89-94 Nissan 240sx (http://www.importimageracing.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=ISIS-Race-Straight-Dual-Tip-Exhaust-Nissan-240sx&Category_Code=isis-exhaust-240sx&Store_Code=ii)

03-29-2011, 11:22 PM
Riding with my friend Andrew, in his S15.

*sitting at redlight for two minutes.
Peels out of red light with no other cars to be seen.

immediately out of nowhere blue lights are on top of us.

Cop walks up to the left side with the tinted windows and points in a downward direction.

Looks me in the eyes and says "Son what the hell do you think you were doing back there? Do you want to keep that license?
me: Sorry officer you got the wrong guy.
cop:lowers his shades "what the hell? you a mailman?
the cop walks over to Andrews side
Cop "what do you think you were doing back there?"
Andrew: " I just didn't feel like waiting"
Cop: "...license registration"
Andrew hands him everything and his badge.
Cop: shit my bad i wouldn't have waited either. Yall have a good night, and no more Tokyo driftin'.

03-29-2011, 11:44 PM

Im starting to get a Hunch, That if IM also A COP> i can Get away with Just about ANything..... ..

hmmm... time to reconsider my Career....

03-29-2011, 11:53 PM

Im starting to get a Hunch, That if IM also A COP> i can Get away with Just about ANything..... ..

hmmm... time to reconsider my Career....

I think it has a lot to do with the area. In South Carolina i have been caught riding my dirtbikes on public roads. Just once, because it was as i was leaving my neighborhood and it was a cop that patrols there regularly. anywhere else and i could have run since i grew up in the woods around me. but i was decent and pulled over/ thusly i have heard of losing my license, jail time, my bike being crushed, blahbity blah. then i told the cop i sold his bike to him back at BMW, then he came over and looked at my bikes after he followed me home to make sure i loaded the 250 in my truck and talked a bit. he even tried to convince me to join the service. I told him maybe after school. lol. but if you can get on a personal level or live in a small town it may be easier.

03-29-2011, 11:54 PM
^ i agree time to change it up

03-30-2011, 12:10 AM
the cops where looking for all types of excuses that night to take him in , he was DETAINED ..... they like that word...... so he got there and was released within the hour no charges no nothing
have another incounter but mods erase if you think its not apropriet

one afternoon i was all mourning playing with the tune on my ecu
decided to take it out and check a/f and timing and all that confussing and annoying stuff so i head over to the warehouses on the westside of town and rip a few launches record data and start analizing on the lap top at the side of the road
while im there concentrated on the screen
plad shirt, baggy shorts had walked up to the car and says (wich scared the bejesus out of me) SON WHAT THE F ARE YOU DOING!!!!!..... startled i look and he says ....OPD!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING???
i mumbled and scatered , looked at him and said you scared the crap out of me!!!!!
plad shirt says ....I CAN ARREST YOU RIGHT NOW FOR "contest of speed".......
still im sitting there and really not understanding WHO THE HELL HE WAS and what was he doing there
in my head i was thinking of getting out of there ....car was in first, clutch in and the guy was almost on top of me through the window
so i tell him
"you know what...... i was trying to see if smoke is coming out of the back......"
he leens back and looks at the rear wheel and i just dropped the clutch ..... it was like in the movies , the whole time im looking at him and see him pull his hands away, curse me out, and step back two steps then
as i turn my head
i see on my side vision something blue and big and square
freakin dumpster
i swerve , laptop goes to fly off passenger seat,instant reflexes to save 700 dollars i scramble to grab it , but car swerves the other way try and bring it back , im on the grassy side walk now, avoiding baby palm trees some how... what seemed like a 4 and a half hours of trying to obtain control car stops half a block away and pointing in the opposite direccion
dude in plad is walking towards me
some black guy is walking towards me and 2 bald guys and a lady
im shaking likea bitch
black guy is laughing and the 2 bald guys and chick have a serious face
they get to me lady pulls out a badge and shows me i then notice plad guy also has one clipped to his belt on the side
black guy comes around and says
we all laughed they where on a drug bust that i eff'ed up that day

03-30-2011, 12:19 AM
I got pulled over for speeding. Was doing about 80 on the fwy which is normal here in so cal.

Cop: you know why I pulled you over?
Me: no
Cop: you were speeding
Me: I was going with the flow of traffic
Cop: have you ever been fishing?
Me: yes
Cop: have you ever caught ALL the fish??
Me: ffuuuuuu!!!.
And I got a ticket

^^^ this happend to a friend when where coming back from LA and we saw lights .

cop:have u ever caught all the fish?
friend:if u had the opportunity to decide which fish to catch which one will u go for the lil one or the big one?
cop: get the f**k outta here...

that was hilarious.

03-30-2011, 12:25 AM
Iv been pulled over many times and they ask me to pop the hood and ask if anything is modifyed so i list off my mods(not to many,sr20 3in turbo-back ect, but was just being a smart ass). an i tell them that it is registered in GA and its legal there and im military so im still a resident and theres nothing they can do but give me dirty looks and send me on my way! WINNING!!!

03-30-2011, 12:30 AM
I was actually just now helping a friend push his car a couple miles down the road to his grandma's house. and as we where pushing a cop rolls up next to us "Not so fast and furious huh" and then rolls off. no help or other questions. straight fuckin Dick move.

03-30-2011, 12:31 AM
my uncle is a retired cop now but he still knows plenty of people that are still active and know my car.

cop: hello sean do you know why i pulled you over?
me: did my uncle put you up to this?
cop: yup
me: thought so

oh another time i got stopped while i was riding my friends dirtbike along the side of the road on my way back to his house in the snow because i wasnt able to get it to his house through the connection in the yards since there was like a foot of snow. i was only doing like 5mph lol.

cop: do you know thats illegal?
me: yes
cop: then why are you doing it if you know its illegal?
me: dirtbikes wont make it through 12" of snow to cross into my neighbors yard so we had to bring it down my driveway around the block and up his road.
cop: oh. why the hell are you wearing a tshirt its fucking snowing out and its cold as hell.
me: im riding a dirtbike on the street as you can see im not the smartest person out there.
cop: yea... i see that. well atleast you had a helmet on
me: yea i wouldnt ride without a helmet that would be just plain stupid
cop: are you on drugs?
me: only valium for panic disorder and a whole bunch of antibiotics for lyme
cop: holy shit lyme and panic disorder? damn sorry to hear that. i hope you feel better.
me: thanks
cop: yea thats no joke i have a few family members that have had lyme but nothing too bad
me: yea i think everyone in my family has had it except my dad. i hate this area since theres so many ticks and i really like being outside
cop: wow that really sucks
me: yea i know but can i go drop this off at his house and then run across his yard back to my house? its really fucking cold out here
cop: oh yea go ahead man feel better. enjoy the rest of your day
me: you too officer

somehow we both went off on a tangent and he completely forgot about the riding a dirtbike on the road

another cop told me "speed limits arent suggestions... unless youre a cop"

03-30-2011, 03:31 AM
*driving under the speed limit in the slow lane in a construction zone on i80*
cop: your car is shooting sparks all over the road
me: *shrug* cal trans.
cop: oh, so it doesn't normally do this?
me: well...
*primered civic flys by*
cop: ok, just get it fixed.
^i passed the civic pulled over a few miles down and gave him a "thank you" wave hahaha

cop: THIS IS A WARNING. don't talk that way to an officer. i'm letting you off.

*cop pulls me and the car behind me over*
cop: do you know why i pulled you over?
me: erratic driving? i was trying to avoid a pothole.
cop: well i was going to cite you for speeding, but then it appeared that you brake checked that guy who was tailgating you.
me: haha maybe accidentally.
cop: either way, i'm writing that asshole a ticket for speeding and tailgating. watch out for road rage and drive safe.

04-07-2011, 09:02 PM
Cop gave me a ticket, because my friend wasnt wearing his SetBelt... Smh.

"this aint a 1960's, im sure your Car came with shoulder belts so you gota wear them."

04-10-2011, 04:41 PM
it was around 1 or 2am and i was headed home. pulled up to a redlight then a cop pulls up next to me but a few feet ahead of me. I see the reverse lights come on and...

Cop: Where did your driver go?
(i just picked my hands off the steering wheel)
Cop: Oh shit your on the wrong side, thats awesome. Have a goodnight!

WINN! Had me RolllInnnN!

04-11-2011, 04:32 AM
Cop gave me a ticket, because my friend wasnt wearing his SetBelt... Smh.

"this aint a 1960's, im sure your Car came with shoulder belts so you gota wear them."

I own a 65 Chrysler, and have had a few cops stop me because of no shoulder belt. Oddly enough, the car never came with rear seat belts, and technically I can have 8 people sit in the back seat and not get a ticket. At least I could back when I was 16 anyways... Few years have passed.

04-11-2011, 09:29 AM

Let me set the stage right quick...

Me - 16 at this time, young driver not a spot on my record, in my bonestock s14 (thank goodness I didn't have my hella loud s13 with me at the time), driving on a super busy 45 mph road.

So, here I am cruising, probably doing 50 - keep in mind, super busy traffic too.

So, coming up to shopping center, and like idiots do, some moron pulls out dead in front of me. So, me doing 50, him doing ~5. Not good. So, I switch lanes hella fast after quickly making sure nothing was beside me, as this was the only option or either I am plowing into this huge tank of an SUV.

Then all of a sudden...

See flashing blue and red lights, coming the other way over the median.

I am like, um ok, not really knowing if he was responding to the situation that just occured, which I am thinking probably not because, again, he is going the other way on a 3 lane road and a huge median seperating us.

Then before you know it, I see him flip one in the turn lane, and in what seemed like 0.2 second, he has weeved through all the busy traffic doing probably 75 on his bike, until he is an inch from me (sitting at a stop light).

I pull over, and it is like a scene from dukes of hazard or something. Young dude, gets off his bike, all cocky looking, strutting on 5'5 of himself towards me holding his belt loops, spittin something out of his mouth sideways. Seriously, dude thought the world revolved around him.

Cop: You know why I pulled you over?

Me: No, sir

Cop: You were speeding, wanna guess how much?

So, I am sitting here, scared to death, thinking is this guy seriously playing a game with me or something?

Me: Um, I was just going with the traffic, sir.

Cop: It was over 55. Guess, take a guess.

Me: But...

Cop: Take a guess over 35

Me: Um, 60?

Cop: Higher

Me: Um, 65?

Cop: Higher

I just stop talking, scared out of my mind.


Cop: 75 mph.

Me: There is no way, do you have me on radar? Can I see it?

Cop: I don't have to prove it. Give me your liscense and registration please.

So, I hand it over, and as he checks it out, he realizes I am under 18. He proceeds to make me call one of my parents: my mom.

So, the cop gets on the phone, angrily telling his story..

Cop: Your son was speeding, doing between 75 and 80 in bumper to bumper traffic.

Then my mom really strikes a match with him. Apparently she says "How could he possibly be speeding in bumper to bumper traffic" which then the cop starts flipping nonsense, hands the phone back to me, and proceeds to tell me about my car.

I had Yokahama tires on the front, the tread pattern was wierd and thought the tires were low - they difinitely were not bald.

Cop: You know, your front tires are bald.

Funniest part is, the back tires were SERIOUSLY BALD, like belts almost showing through.

Cop: Cars spin the front wheels, you can lose control with your front tires bald and kill people when you turn.

Me: My car is Rear Wheel Drive

Cop just ignores me.

Spits off more nonsense junk.

Finally, after "informing" me about my car, he begans the ticketing process.

First things first...

Cop: I will cut you a break today. Being as you have no record, I will give you a reduced ticket of doing only 10 over instead of your actual speed, which I could suspend your liscense and you would get a ton of points on your liscense.

Then, I get this amazing ticket...

Cop: And here is a ticket for your bald tires. Fix it, bring it to the DMV, and you will pay a reduced, smaller fee.

What? A BLAD TIRE ticket? Honestly?

But here is the zinger, the BEST QUOTE from it all.

As he puts back on his cool sunglasses, and turns to walk back, and looks back at me, shocked with all this crap that just unfolded, and says... I will NEVER forget this...

Cop: "I would have given you a seat belt ticket, but you had your seat belt on".

For real.

04-11-2011, 02:41 PM
Story that didn't need to be quoted.

What an :mrmeph:
did u fight the ticket?

04-11-2011, 02:50 PM
^^^ this happend to a friend when where coming back from LA and we saw lights .

cop:have u ever caught all the fish?
friend:if u had the opportunity to decide which fish to catch which one will u go for the lil one or the big one?
cop: get the f**k outta here...

that was hilarious.

Haha awesome

04-11-2011, 02:58 PM
Did the entire story really have to be quoted?

04-11-2011, 04:22 PM
taking a left out of my apartment complex on to Sierra Hwy, I inch forward slowly as 7 cops were busting some coke head and I couldn't see anything (oncoming traffic) apparently the female officer thought I was eye f*cking her and radios ahead to a cop at the 711, as I jump on to Ave I from Sierra I see the cop flying down I and flip around *bewp bewp*

Cop: License and registration
Me: here you go sir
Cop: you know your front license plate is gone right?
Me: yeah, a construction worker slammed me and it caused a crack in the front end so my plate wont go back on
Cop: alright one second
(literally 20 seconds later)
Cop: Ok here is your stuff back, don't trip about the plate and I gotta say... you are aging very well! (24, look 16 when I get good sleep)
Me: ... thank you
cop jumps back in his car flips around again and heads off to the crack head

back in Seattle (2000?) I experimented with a bit of SNIP and a cop noticed a friends cousin jump out of her trunk and run for the mall in Bellevue...

Cop1: Who the F was that
Everyone: Beats me
Cop2: you're lying we know you know him you little shits

eventually after much yelling and my friend trying to explain that it was her cousin a female cop rolls in gets handed the info by the other two cops and asks if anyone wants to tell her whats going on, I do a little hop dance jiggle deal and jump in front of her

Me: I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING! (O).(O) <--dinner plate eyes
FemCop: Go ahead
Me: thatshercousinandhejustwantedaridebutwedidn'thavee noughroominthecarsoooowesaidFit *breath* andthrewhisassinthetrunkhedoesntlikecopssoheranwhe nhesawyourguyscoming *breath* aaaaand can I trade you handcuffs?
I then take some handcuffs off of my belt buckle and jingle them in her face

FemCop: (laughing) thank you but no, mine are for keeping you locked up and uncomfortable, yours are for bondage, but I wouldn't cry if we were issued fuzzy ones *wink*

my friend ended up with a warning and I vowed to stop taking SNIP because that could have gone very bad if she wasn't pretty cool.

04-12-2011, 08:21 AM
What an :mrmeph:
did u fight the ticket?

No, actually I did not.

I needed new tires anyhow, so I got them and paid the small fee. The speeding ticket I was ready to fight like crazy, but I was able to take a class and the court ended up taking it away, so I didn't need to in the end. We had talked to them about the situation, and I don't know if they looked into it and realized there was no radar or proof or what, but whatever they did - it went away.

Just a really lame cop experience. Cops around here hate teenagers though, no matter what. Not the normal teenager hate either, because where I live has a very high volume of teenagers and high schools, it is extreme. Cops camp out on the streets exiting the high schools so they can bust teenagers as much as possible. They did that even when I was in high school here, and that was a few years ago.

Another fun story about the cops around here:

Few years back, me and some other teenagers were in a small group. We use to just chill and play basketball/football/baseball, etc. Unlike many teenagers, we really did stay out of trouble. So we were at this pool that had a water slide, and a few of us are hanging out around it, waiting to go up it.

This little kid starts talking random stuff at one of the kids in the group, who just kind of ignores him. The kid apparently gets mad, and goes and tells his mom that the kid in our group is talking to him. The mom comes over, full out yelling and cussing the dude in our group out. Calling him a wierdo, an a-hole, interesting word beginning with mother, so on, so forth. The dude in our group is just trying to calm here down, trying to keep his chill. Then, after she is all in his face for 2-3 minutes cussing him out, he starst back at her.

Well of course, the security guard is called, and who gets in trouble? The teenage dude in our group. So, the security guard decides to ban him for life from the pool. He calls the police to come give him a warrant to stay out of the pool that the dude had to sign. Whatever, here we are expecting one cop to come, make him sign the paper, and it is over. So here comes the one cop car, two police get out and come and make my friend sit down and not move. Then, another cop car with 2 more cops showsup. Maybe 1 minute later, here comes a k-9 unit SUV with 2 more cop cars trailing behind him.

Overdone much?

At the end of it all, 8 cop cars come simply to give him a warrant to never go back.

Real fun stuff, for sure!

04-12-2011, 06:34 PM
1# situation- cop: aye nice supra
ME: (look around for supra) where
cop: isnt that your red supra?
me: eh its a nissan
cop: oh yeah *walks away

2# situation- Cop: you realize you were going over the speed limit right?
me: yes sir, im late for my final at school, it's no good excuse but it is it what it is
cop: skool? what are you studying to be a street racer? (LOL)
me: no, probation
cop: oh what are those guages for? you sure you dont street race this car? (im driving my z32)
me: its the AC control panels (it really was lol) *gave me my ticket and i was on my way

04-13-2011, 04:52 PM
Me: I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING! (O).(O) <--dinner plate eyes
Me: thatshercousinandhejustwantedaridebutwedidn'thavee noughroominthecarsoooowesaidFit *breath* andthrewhisassinthetrunkhedoesntlikecopssoheranwhe nhesawyourguyscoming *breath* aaaaand can I trade you handcuffs?
I then take some handcuffs off of my belt buckle and jingle them in her face

I like you. Lets be frands.

04-13-2011, 05:35 PM
Cop: Your car is too loud.
Me: I'm sorry. I'll get it fixed.
Cop: *points to my Tom Tom* What's that power controller right there?
Me: It's a GPS navigation, sir.
Cop: Oh... I thought cars like these usually have power controllers. (Evos)
Me: I'm not sure, mine doesn't, I just get lost alot.
Cop: Oh. haha! Ok. Well, you seem like a nice guy, but your car is still too loud, here's a ticket for your exhaust and not having a front plate.


04-14-2011, 10:24 PM
Ohio State Highway Patrolman: Do you know why I pulled you over?

Me: No, sir.

OSHP: You don't have a front plate on this car.

Me: That's because my car has a 30-day tag on it.

OSHP: *blank stare* Uhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhh....you're free to go.

04-15-2011, 12:03 AM
Well i hope this dosnet count as illegal, but since it happened out of country it shouldnt..right :hsdance:

Anywho here is my story...took place on oki after i had ran a red light going like 90kph ( speed limit was 50kph) and i see the Jp lights come on behind me.


Cop: (in broken english) excuse me sir, but you ran red light
Me: (in equally broken accent)Uhhhh, i dont understand...Im from america. I visit here! Tourist!!

The cop then ask me for my ID in which i produce my stateside ID card and passport...he walks away, says some words to his buddy and comes back to me and hands me my stuff back..

Cop: ( looking at me weirdly) Uhh, slow down please...very dangerous..
Me: ahh okay, i love japan!!#1

Then they drove off...and i shit you not that is really how it went down. This was on oki back in 04..these days i dont think it would go down like this again...

04-15-2011, 12:15 AM
african american cop: You didn't use your turn signal to change lanes back there
me: Umm yes i did, and you were sitting on the wrong side of the road to even be able to tell if i did or not.
African american cop: I'll be right back
me: Ok
african american cop: I wrote you a warning ticket, but you need to watch yourself, the fast and the furious doesn't come out till next weekend.
Me: Neither does the new tyler perry movie.

If he can stereotype then so can i.


04-15-2011, 12:39 AM
you guys should pull out the profiling card when they ask you about the accessories on the car.

say something stupid like "just because i have this doesn't mean i street race" or "just because i happen to drive an import with this doesn't mean i'm a racer. I hope you know there are tons of guys who drive corvette's and race too."

04-15-2011, 01:05 AM
i usually drive my rhd s14 into mexico on the weekends [very small border] only two crossing lanes...

soo one day im crossing back into the states

customs agent: s14 silvia? nice. i raced a couple when i was stationed in japan.
me: yeah. its a nice car. i like it. what did you drive?
customs agent: i drove a skyline.
me: nice.
customs agent: you should get a skyline instead.
me: yeah, im on my way to the dealer to trade it in...
customs agent: *smirks and tells me to move on...

04-15-2011, 02:15 AM
Me an my buddy were coming back for hanging out with a few girls that we met earlier that day.
Cop walks up to the car "What are you guys doing out so late." it was around 3am my buddy leans forward an says "We're coming back from a date officer." Cops face looks :tweak: Cop: "Well I hope you guys had a wonderful night.......Goodnight." I just hang my head in embarrassment,but HAAAAAAAAY got me outta ticket. :ghey:

04-15-2011, 12:27 PM
not really a Quote but i was doing 90 mph down the 60 west at Pyrite and a Bike cop caught up to me when i dropped down to 65 mph.... he pulled up next to me, put his hand on his hip, stared at me and shook his head in disappointment. then sped off and pulled over a versa in the carpool lane that was rolling solo hahaha

it looked like this but in cop form


04-23-2011, 06:08 AM
Old but relevant.

05-17-2011, 10:29 AM
Sunday Night at a Jack IN the BOx Drive through

Friend and i were trying to order food without a Car @ the Drive Through

Cop Drives by, see's us and Cops a QUICK right Into Jack and SHouts

"PUT your Hands on the HOOD" HANDS ON THE HOOD"

Cop, WTF are you guys doing? are you drunk?
Me:WTF on a Sunday?
Cop-(grabs pepper spray) YOu wana test me? you really wanna Test me?
me: nah man, were not drunk were just trying to get some Taco's im hungry as FUUUUUU
COP:Spread your Shit! (searches my pockets) finds nothing Puts me in the back of the car
_Searches Friend, finds nothing put him in the back of the car
Cop looks up our Record.. FInds nothing

COp"You guys wana go to JAIL or you wana go HOME?
Me"uhhhhhhhh we want some Taco's!!
COp: LOOK i dont want jack in the BOX CALLING ME BECAUSE Some DRUNK DOUSCH BAGS Are acting stupid going to a drive through without a Car!!
Me: Alright, We will go home =(

Cop:Alright, GTF outa Here!!

05-17-2011, 10:51 AM
I would have askedhim if he can drive you through the drive through. lmao that would have been epic if he did it.

05-17-2011, 12:53 PM
I DID! i was like, can you drive us through? he was like shut up..

he thought we were drunk or HIgh..... smfh.... just trying to get some tacos Lol

05-17-2011, 03:32 PM
jbox tacos are bomb as fuhhhhh

05-17-2011, 04:56 PM
Sunday Night at a Jack IN the BOx Drive through

Friend and i were trying to order food without a Car @ the Drive Through

Cop Drives by, see's us and Cops a QUICK right Into Jack and SHouts

"PUT your Hands on the HOOD" HANDS ON THE HOOD"

Cop, WTF are you guys doing? are you drunk?
Me:WTF on a Sunday?
Cop-(grabs pepper spray) YOu wana test me? you really wanna Test me?
me: nah man, were not drunk were just trying to get some Taco's im hungry as FUUUUUU
COP:Spread your Shit! (searches my pockets) finds nothing Puts me in the back of the car
_Searches Friend, finds nothing put him in the back of the car
Cop looks up our Record.. FInds nothing

COp"You guys wana go to JAIL or you wana go HOME?
Me"uhhhhhhhh we want some Taco's!!
COp: LOOK i dont want jack in the BOX CALLING ME BECAUSE Some DRUNK DOUSCH BAGS Are acting stupid going to a drive through without a Car!!
Me: Alright, We will go home =(

Cop:Alright, GTF outa Here!!
im sorry but this sounds SOoooOO made up. and if its not, the cops in ur area are serious tools :jerkit:

05-17-2011, 11:06 PM
Cop: "I would have given you a seat belt ticket, but you had your seat belt on".

For real.

05-18-2011, 08:14 AM
While in Japan, I was driving on the highway with a friend. I see a cop car with his speed radar gun thingy pointed at me. I was going about 197 km/h. I freaked out, but my friend told me, "Police cars here are only factory tuned.If you can do better than 180K they can't catch you, so they don't even try". :cool:

05-18-2011, 11:21 AM
im sorry but this sounds SOoooOO made up. and if its not, the cops in ur area are serious tools :jerkit:

Not made up.... True Story....

If you want made up

Look at he guy above me ^^^^^ WTF tokyo Drift shit hahaha

05-18-2011, 02:32 PM
How is that made up? My friend was telling me the same thing while he was doing close to 300 km/h on C1 on 900rwhp Porsche. My friend could be full sh1t but I didn't care since we were doing close to 300 km/h :eek3d:

05-18-2011, 02:39 PM
^ do us a favor.. watch TOkyo Drift... he quoted the Scene when they are in a FD chasing down a R34 COP is pointing a radar gun.... Clocks him at 198KM/h Hawn tells the Redneck

"Police cars here are only factory tuned.If you can do better than 180K they can't catch you, so they don't even try".

05-18-2011, 03:02 PM
Sorry, I didn't watch Tokyo drift to remember every line they say. I'm just telling you what is told by my Japanese friend who actually does this stuff in real life and not quoted from fanboy movies.

05-18-2011, 03:06 PM
Nu uh it was a cop quote!!

05-18-2011, 05:22 PM
Guess i can tell you guys the West Virginia story.

SMALL town in WV, no stop lights, signs, and most of the roads were still unpaved.
biggest store in our town was the family dollar.
No open container laws (wooot!!)
we hung out in the exxon parking lot drinking most of the afternoons.
Now keep in mind I was the first black person there after like 40 something years.
First black person to graduate my highschool, so EVERYBODY knew who i was.

me and a friend of mine were walking the town. His family is well known......

Cop to me: Whats you name kid (kid im 6'6 and close to 300lbs)
Me: told him my name
Cop to me: You new around here, Ive never seen you around
Me: been here for quite some time MR.
Cop to my friend: and who are you?
friend: told cop his name
Cop: (worried look on his face) your not related to the rest of the (friends last name) CLan are you?
friend: hahahah yup!!
Cop back to me: SO what do you guys do for fun around here
ME: rock climb
cop: use rope? (hahahahahah)

my friends brothers were famous for being stumbling drunk and still out running the cops on pitch black country roads in an old pontiac sunbirds.....haha and waiting for the cops at their houses. Oh....and for taking the pepper spray from the cops and using it on them...hahahaha.

05-19-2011, 09:40 AM
I went to a high school graduation a few yrs back. There was barely any parking left so we ended up parking in a small lot that only one car can go in and out. So on our way home we couldn't get out of the lot because some douche decided to park right at the exit which blocked in all the cars after waiting 10 mins the guy finally came and moved his pos car. Of course I told him, hes a fucking dumbass.

While i was driving out of the school exit I see the same car flip on his lights and try pulling me over. That guy was a cop lol. He comes running up to the car and starts cursing me out. I told him to go fuck himself i did not do shit wrong like your stupid ass. He then asks me whose the dumbass now, i reply to him your the dumb ass still blocking in everyone wtf. He then tries to unclip my seat belt cause the car i was in had automatic seatbelts like a s13 that unclip from up top. He was like yea im gonna give you a ticket for that also. I told him i dare u to try it.

I show him my PBA card that shows my uncle is a captain. He quickly goes back in to his car and leaves without saying anything else to me. Another sheriff that was working directing the traffic at the exit that saw everything comes up to me and just tells me to leave and dont worry about it.

05-19-2011, 09:58 AM
^^ha cool, every1s uncle seems to be a captain on the force ha, mine is on the bomb squad!

06-03-2011, 11:23 PM
This is a funny one

My brothers friend got pulled over in his Mazda FC3S

Cop:you know why i pulled you over?
him: no sir
cop: you were speeding. are you a street racer? what you have under the hood? a B16 or B18?
him: Its a rotary sir....

cop then just gave him a speeding ticket lol

Vancouver S13
06-04-2011, 10:46 AM
not quite as funny as most of these but just really weird...

i was driving home after work and im on a 3 lane main road, theres 2 cops pulling over a car at the corner. They are blocking the left turn lane and most of the center lane, right infront of an intersection. Im trying to turn left but dont have and space to get into the next lane so i end up right behind them waiting for a space. As im about to get around them, the cop sitting in his car gets out, walks infront of oncoming cars making them stop, walks up to my window ( still stopping traffic ) says : why is you plate bent? and why are you holding up traffic?
I look at him and say i didnt know my plate isnt allowed to be folded over and that im just trying to turn left but you 2 are blocking the lane...

looks at me pretty pissed off, says get it fixed or ill give you a ticket.

just thought it was pretty funny that he stopped what he was doing with some other car and must have seen me in his rearview and decided to be a jerk about

06-04-2011, 01:59 PM
This happened to me and friend last weekend. Got pulled over on our bikes. Hes got Zx-10r, i got a CBR1000rr

Cop to both if us: License please.

Us: ok here you go

Cop:thanks thats it you're free to go.

Us: Wait, what?! why did you pull us over?!

Cop: guys with your kind of bikes like to run

Us: in amazement, Wait you pulled us over hoping to initiate a chase!

Cop: Yeah we like to have fun too.

Simultaneously the coolest and most fucked reason i have ever been stopped.

06-04-2011, 09:09 PM
I went to a high school graduation a few yrs back. There was barely any parking left so we ended up parking in a small lot that only one car can go in and out. So on our way home we couldn't get out of the lot because some douche decided to park right at the exit which blocked in all the cars after waiting 10 mins the guy finally came and moved his pos car. Of course I told him, hes a fucking dumbass.

While i was driving out of the school exit I see the same car flip on his lights and try pulling me over. That guy was a cop lol. He comes running up to the car and starts cursing me out. I told him to go fuck himself i did not do shit wrong like your stupid ass. He then asks me whose the dumbass now, i reply to him your the dumb ass still blocking in everyone wtf. He then tries to unclip my seat belt cause the car i was in had automatic seatbelts like a s13 that unclip from up top. He was like yea im gonna give you a ticket for that also. I told him i dare u to try it.

I show him my PBA card that shows my uncle is a captain. He quickly goes back in to his car and leaves without saying anything else to me. Another sheriff that was working directing the traffic at the exit that saw everything comes up to me and just tells me to leave and dont worry about it.

must've been a rookie. there's this new guy at the department i ride with who's always getting chewed out for stupid shit like that. he's getting the boot soon.

06-04-2011, 09:18 PM
Riding in S14 kitted with "red neon" under body kit.

Cop pulls over car.

"I pulled you over because you had red neon on your car"

"is that a problem?"

"Yeah, someone could mistake you for an emergency vehicle"

"Your kidding right? Ambulances rocking ground effects now?"

"Don't get smart with me kid! You're not allowed to have red lights anywhere on a car"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes I'm a cop, listen smart ass, I KNOW THE LAW, You're not allowed to have ONE SINGLE RED LIGHT ANYWHERE on the car"

"Sooo... I should take the red tailights off as soon as possible then? Are you sure the statute doesn't say no redlights facing forward?"

Goes back to car, calls for backup, 6 people gather around phone book sized book, discussion.

Lets me off with warning.

Mr Miyagi
06-04-2011, 09:23 PM
Riding in S14 kitted with "red neon" under body kit.

Cop pulls over car.

"I pulled you over because you had red neon on your car"

"is that a problem?"

"Yeah, someone could mistake you for an emergency vehicle"

"Your kidding right? Ambulances rocking ground effects now?"

"Don't get smart with me kid! You're not allowed to have red lights anywhere on a car"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes I'm a cop, listen smart ass, I KNOW THE LAW, You're not allowed to have ONE SINGLE RED LIGHT ANYWHERE on the car"

"Sooo... I should take the red tailights off as soon as possible then? Are you sure the statute doesn't say no redlights facing forward?"

Goes back to car, calls for backup, 6 people gather around phone book sized book, discussion.

Lets me off with warning.
first part made sense, the rest was :blah: and incoherent gibberish.

06-04-2011, 10:32 PM
Lol @ thewolf that's an awesome story.

06-05-2011, 07:53 PM
Not me but my friends little story...

So in my area there is nothing to do, so my friend decided to follow the mail car around like in the movies when they are following the killers car... for 3 hours straight. So eventually the mail lady decided to call the cops on him, about 20 minutes later my friend gets the flashy lights behind him and he pulls on over. the cop asks what he was doing and my friend replies "Just dropping off my friend to his house" and the cop and him start some little conversation and he goes on his way, because ironically just before he started playing secret agent on the mail car he held the door for the same cop to dunkin donuts.

my friends been pulled over 18 times.... 3 tickets

09-16-2011, 05:21 PM

09-16-2011, 05:39 PM
This happened to me and friend last weekend. Got pulled over on our bikes. Hes got Zx-10r, i got a CBR1000rr

Cop to both if us: License please.

Us: ok here you go

Cop:thanks thats it you're free to go.

Us: Wait, what?! why did you pull us over?!

Cop: guys with your kind of bikes like to run

Us: in amazement, Wait you pulled us over hoping to initiate a chase!

Cop: Yeah we like to have fun too.

Simultaneously the coolest and most fucked reason i have ever been stopped.

This happened to me in San Jose, California too..... haahhaha exactly the same thing... Cop said, "I thought you would try to run."

09-16-2011, 06:56 PM
Just recently like two weeks ago or something like that. It was a wednesday night and planning to go home and change then head out to hollywood for bike night.

I was leaving work and made a left onto the main street to go home and there was lot of traffic and im thinking WTF? It was a dui checkpoint.

I daily my zx10r with shorty riot hr1 exhaust opened up all the way so its pretty dang loud. Never had any problems or anything with cops as they tend to almost always help me out on road as far as letting me over and such.

So i pull up to the checkpoint.

cop1: sir can you please pull over to the side

me: sure

cop1: your bike is extremely loud and draws alot of attention. are you on your way back from hollywood?

me: excuse me, why are you asking about hollywood?

cop1: i know its bike night and most bikers drink.

me: no ma'am just got off work. i work right down the street.

cop1: sure. one moment please.

(after like a couple mins she comes back with another cop)

cop2: sir thats a nice bike. what do you have done to it?

me: thanks you, it has titanium headers, ram air, velocity stacks, pc3, and hr1 riot shorty exhuast.

cop2: sweet i ride too. i just bought the new zx10r. (he then looks to cop1) he can go most bikers arent too stupid to drink and ride. plus how would he be able to hold up his bike. You can go sir, ride safe.

me: thank you. (Then as i move along slowly my bike decides to backfire with a small flame exiting the exhaust and i look back and all the cops are looking laughing)

cops are pretty cool these days to be honest. never had problems with any encounters, even in most of my cars.

Speed Junky
09-17-2011, 04:28 AM
Just recently like two weeks ago or something like that. It was a wednesday night and planning to go home and change then head out to hollywood for bike night.

I was leaving work and made a left onto the main street to go home and there was lot of traffic and im thinking WTF? It was a dui checkpoint.

I daily my zx10r with shorty riot hr1 exhaust opened up all the way so its pretty dang loud. Never had any problems or anything with cops as they tend to almost always help me out on road as far as letting me over and such.

So i pull up to the checkpoint.

cop1: sir can you please pull over to the side

me: sure

cop1: your bike is extremely loud and draws alot of attention. are you on your way back from hollywood?

me: excuse me, why are you asking about hollywood?

cop1: i know its bike night and most bikers drink.

me: no ma'am just got off work. i work right down the street.

cop1: sure. one moment please.

(after like a couple mins she comes back with another cop)

cop2: sir thats a nice bike. what do you have done to it?

me: thanks you, it has titanium headers, ram air, velocity stacks, pc3, and hr1 riot shorty exhuast.

cop2: sweet i ride too. i just bought the new zx10r. (he then looks to cop1) he can go most bikers arent too stupid to drink and ride. plus how would he be able to hold up his bike. You can go sir, ride safe.

me: thank you. (Then as i move along slowly my bike decides to backfire with a small flame exiting the exhaust and i look back and all the cops are looking laughing)

cops are pretty cool these days to be honest. never had problems with any encounters, even in most of my cars.


Sounds like a fake story to me. So you just happen to look back while your exhaust is backfiring? :rolleyes:

09-17-2011, 04:48 AM
House party: cops get called to raid the party

me not knowing before i left the house party...

me and a group of buddies go out to my friends car to grab some beef jerky and munchies (like 5-7 dudes) walking down the street cop pulls up.

Cop: hi fellas! what are you guys up to???
me: goin to my friends car to grab some beef jerky and snacks...
Cop: so if i get out of my car and check what is in ur cups its gotta be soda right?
Me: nope just juice...(straight Tequila and lime juice)
cop: blank stare...
cop: alright move it along!

09-17-2011, 08:08 AM
So I get pulled over right in front of my house.....

Cop:License and regristration. Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: No, why?
Cop: Cause its a Honda, gotta make sure it's not stolen.
Me: Wtf?! It's a Nissan 240sx.
Cop: Same thing.
Me: Uh no...
Cop:Really? Pop the hood for me.
Me: Fuck.....
Cop:Turbo huh.
Me: It comes like that from factory.
Cop:So you like to race huh?
Me:No I just like how it looks.
Cop: Alright well I just wanted to make sure it wasn't stolen. I'm sure I'll see you around real soon...

09-17-2011, 10:27 AM
^^^Sounds really fake or that cop had a serious hard on to bust some Risky Devils...

09-17-2011, 03:45 PM

Sounds like a fake story to me. So you just happen to look back while your exhaust is backfiring? :rolleyes:

True story, if you wanna go as much as research im pretty sure dui checkpoint are recorded some how on the internet. I work on creekside ave in valencia and the dui checkpoint was on valencia/soledad in front of the subie and bmw dealer.

and i looked back after i backfired just cause i didnt know if they would try to pull me over for it. (i was pulled over once before for backfiring in my fc vert, didnt know if they would try same thing for motorcyclist)

09-17-2011, 09:30 PM
you dont have to explain shit to him. who cares if he doesnt believe you?

09-18-2011, 03:03 AM
Wtf? Im not lying you can ask my neighbor who is also a member on here. He can "vouch" for me. This is exactly why I never posted anything cause I knew someone would say something to a "noob".

09-19-2011, 09:57 AM


09-19-2011, 12:05 PM
Cop: You were doing 45 on a 35.
Me: I thought the speed limit was 45.
Cop: You're the 10th person that has said that to me today.
Me: The last sign I saw posted was 45 (FAIL there was a 35 posted right in front of me lol)
Cop: I looked up your license, aren't you a little young to have a clean record?
Me: Yup can't afford to be messing around it's expensive nowadays.
Cop: Okay I'm giving you a warning for the speeding but I'm going to give you a fix it ticket for not having a front plate.

I was driving around in my daily ('01 honda accord) and got popped at a speed trap. I don't know if he saw my Apexi neo and my Greddy water temp gauge when he first came up to my window. I got real nervous when he walked to the front of my car. I thought for sure he was going to ask me to pop my hood and see my motor swap. I thought it was funny that he expected to find something on me because of how my car looks and how he was surprised that I had a clean record. I know the convo was boring but the situation was nerve wrecking for me.

09-20-2011, 09:56 PM
i was driving my s13 coupe through a neighborhood near mine, doing the speed limit/obeying traffic laws and all that junk. when out of no where i got cherries and blue berries in my rear view. i pull over, grab my license and stuff and get ready for some harassing. after about 3 minutes of me sitting their the cop walkes up to my window, at this point im shitting bricks because i have no freakin idea whats goin on. first thing he says to me is "do you know why i pulled you over?" and i thought to my self, its a trap. but i proceded to say "no officer, i wasnt aware i was doing anything wrong." he then said " you wernt, i used to have one of these, in the same color, i wanted to see if this was my old one." after he asked me some questions and looking around the car, turns out it wasnt his. he also mentioned that he is trying to find another clean stock s13, and if i happen to want to sell, i told him its not for sale. he then said to have a nice day and left. i was shocked. couldnt belive that had happened.

09-22-2011, 08:22 PM
Just got pulled over tonight doin 50 in a 40 and i was like
"sorry officer my speedometer is broken" (sr swap)
"Well I don't believe that. I know how kids your age try to lie to us cops."
"Sir I'm telling you the truth."
"wait a moment."
Sure enough i get a sweet ticket for 111 hell yeah

09-23-2011, 01:29 PM
got pulled over with a friend about a week ago

Cop:where you guys coming from
Me:friends house, just heading home now
Cop:how much weed you have in the car?
Cop:what are you good kids? seriously how much weed do you guys have
me:NONE, we dont smoke
cop: so your telling me your good kids? you go to school?
cop:whats your major
me:Engineering, Friend: Kinisiology
Cop: alright get the hell out of here!

true story

09-29-2011, 09:53 PM
One late night (close to 2 am) me and my buddies are out cruisin 6 240s in all, we pull in into a Mobil 1 gas station to gas up, all of the sudden the pig pen shows up, about 3 cop cars..

Cop 1 approaches; "do you guys Drift??"
all of us with surprised looks-"Yeah"
Cop 2 approaches; "does it have an SR20??"
Agian with surprised looks -"yeah"
Cop 3 approaches; "can we look at it"? with smiles and grins..
My buddy pops his hood,
All of the cops-"Thats nice!!"
We say thanks...
We go in get gas and snacks and the cops still looking at our cars like horny school girls LOL
The cops asked us-"Would you mind showing us some action"
Were all confused at this point-Huhh??
The cops then make it clear-"Some Drifting"
All of us-" We dont wanna get arrested"
Cops-"dont worry you wont, we just wanna see some Drifting"
All of us "Ok" laughing our asses off, we couldn't beleive what was going on, so my buddies start doing some mini Drifts around the parking lot, and hitting corners and what not, cops are all with grins and stuff some were chearing and even clapping!!! LMFAO, that was one the crasiest nights I've ever had, those were some of the coolest cops Eva!! LOL

09-29-2011, 09:59 PM
"have you seen zilvia cop quote thread?, i want to be listed on it."

09-29-2011, 10:00 PM
"have you seen zilvia cop quote thread?, i want to be listed on it."

seriously? no bs?

09-29-2011, 10:06 PM
seriously? no bs?

lol just BS:Owned:

09-30-2011, 02:11 AM
"have you seen zilvia cop quote thread?, i want to be listed on it."

win!!! Lmfao

09-30-2011, 02:15 AM
"have you seen zilvia cop quote thread?, i want to be listed on it."

definitely not real.

cmon now people...

09-30-2011, 08:36 AM
Had another gem the other day,

So, ~5 a.m., me and my fiance were taking her mom to work (she's a nurse):

We pass a side street in which we see 2 cop cars (1 car, 1 suv) sitting at. Odd at this time of night, as they were not traffic watching, but sitting in the middle of the street with their lights on like they were looking for something.

Anyhow, as we drove pass (doing below the speed limit), I saw the SUV slam it in reverse and spin a quick reverse turn out behind us (like that was legal), and speed up to catch up to us.

So, I had a new car, with the tag I had JUST recieved that day, and the bolts for the liscense plate were wierd and the dealership didn't have any, so they stuck it in my back window for the day. Not illegal if they can still see it from ~50 feet. I still figured with how bored our local P.D. always is, this could be an issue. Sure enough, I was right.

After riding our bumper (like literally probably 2 inches away) for about a minute and a half, the lights came on and I pulled over. The officer lady approached my window, in which she informs me that she cannot see my tag. I explained to her the situation, but this is where it gets fun.

Me: explaining situation

Cop: I understand, but I can not see your tag at all, even when I was close to you

Me: I apologize, here are the 2 bolts that held the tag in my old car, and you can try it yourself and see how it does not fit.

Cop: Ok, well, it's still illegal to not be able to view your tag, I mean, how do I know it is not stolen or something

Me: Well here, let me get my tag for you, you can run it and see that everything is clean and up to spec. Here, let me get it for you

Cop: No, I already ran it and see that everything is ok

Wait, WHAT?!?!?!?

Let us review the facts here:

Pulled for not being able to see tag+
However, already ran tag=
Lying much?

I guess she realized her blunder, and decided not to give me a ticket for it. However, she did give me a nice ticket for not having my registration with me as I had recieved it in the mail stapled to a piece of paper with the tag and forgot to put it in the car.

Loved that one :eye roll:

10-02-2011, 06:52 PM
i thoroughly deserved this ticket and do not condone what i did but its still a decent story. so i was hauling ass down vegas blvd (the desert part no traffic no intersections. i had my zx10 and i wanted to see it hit the rev limiter so i go balls to the wall and litterally as soon as i hit it i see lights... way in the distance. to avoid a worse ticket or get my ass beaten before im arrested i pull over. he runs up gun pointed makes me toss the key to the bike to the side then pats me down and asked if i had any idea how fast i was going...i replied no sir my speedometer only goes to 170. he looked at me and said you should call that thing assisted suicide. needless to say i got a massive (deserved it) ticket and have the highest speeding ticket in las vegas 186 in a 45

Jesse Sellers
10-04-2011, 03:09 AM
140 over? damn. how much was it?

10-04-2011, 09:51 AM
surpised he dident arrest u..

10-04-2011, 12:17 PM
I got away with doing 120 on the freeway with loud ass n1. it was rainy day and i basically drove like an ass. no wallet, no license, and last year's insurance although i had current insurance, juss forgot to bring it. called home and got my license number so cop can run it. i pretty much thought shits gonna get impounded w/ massive ticket.

cop: u know how fast u were going?
me: uh 80?(LOL) sorry sir.
cop: whats that shiny thing in cupholder?
me: car air frashener(carall).
cop:lc and insurance.
me: oh forgot to bring my wallet. then i gave him my name and lc number.

after 10mins cop goes "slow down and drive safe."

10-04-2011, 05:13 PM
a cop pulls me over for a modified exhaust around 3am. asks for license and registration. comes back out of his car with his pistol drawn. talks on the radio than holsters it.
cop: there's a fugitive wanted with your exact same first and last name but the description was different. since i didn't get him tonight, i'm writing you a ticket for that exhaust!
me: are you serious?
cop: think about it this way. your neighbors will appreciate you not waking them up at 3am.

10-04-2011, 08:31 PM
140 over? damn. how much was it?

3200 for speeding

1200 for illegal mods (nitrous,exhaust,flushmount blinkers undertail kit.)

3 days in the slammer

and a good talking to from my commander

10-05-2011, 08:32 AM


05-28-2012, 02:28 PM
Bump this Up

05-29-2012, 01:35 PM
" I dont care how slow the other guy was going, Flashing someone is aggressive driving no matter what"
On me ,after flashing a driver going 70 in the left lane of a 75. We have the left lane Law here. Gave me a warning after I cited this law.

05-29-2012, 02:29 PM
Cop pulls me over as I am at a STOP LIGHT because one of my tag lights was flickering.

Cop: I pulled you over because your tag light was malfunctioning.
me: am I getting a ticket or can i just drive to a auto store and buy a replacement one real quick.
Cop: you sure do got a lot of gadgets in here (looking into my car)
me: they are just gauges sir
Cop: you know I can cite you for every single one of them?
me: even the one that tells me how hot my coolant is?
Cop: Yes sir, every single one of them
me: does that mean any car that comes with a gauge, factory, will get cited?
Cop: well no, because those cars need them.
me: well then can you tell me why nissan and every other car manuf. produced cars with gauges and how even in my nissan there is a tinnnnnny gauge that shows me how much gas i have and how hot my car is.. would those count as 2 separate violations?
Cop: I dont like how you are talking to me and smart asses get whats coming to them.
me: ok sir, please cite me for my bulb and the guages, do you mind if i call my lawyer too so we can laugh at the ticket you want to write for them?
Cop: Please remain in your car and i'll be right back.

After 15 mins of waiting

Cop: I just cited you for the bulbs, you are lucky I have to go on a more important call or you would have 5 other tickets along with this one. Have a good day.

Me: whatever dood.

05-29-2012, 06:31 PM
Moar RHD traffic stop stories!!

07-20-2012, 02:50 AM
The year is '94 and in my trunk is raw
In my rear view mirror is the mother fucking law
I got two choices yall pull over the car or
bounce on the double put the pedal to the floor
Now I ain't trying to see no highway chase with jake
Plus I got a few dollars I can fight the case
So I...pull over to the side of the road
And I heard "Son do you know why I'm stopping you for?"
Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hat's real low
Do I look like a mind reader sir, I don't know
Am I under arrest or should I guess some mo?
"Well you was doing fifty five in a fifty four"
"License and registration and step out of the car"
"Are you carrying a weapon on you I know a lot of you are"
I ain't stepping out of shit all my papers legit
"Do you mind if I look round the car a little bit?"
Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk and the back
And I know my rights so you gon' need a warrant for that
"Aren't you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something?"
"Or somebody important or something?"
Nah I ain't passed the bar but I know a little bit
Enough that you won't illegally search my shit
"Well see how smart you are when the K-9's come