03-06-2011, 04:57 PM
So I've been doing research on finding an ogura supercharger much like they used on the bee-r twincharged s15. I'm finding it nearly impossible to find a distributor or even one at a good price. I then remembered seeing that volvo used ogura superchargers on their boating line. Specifically the Volvo penta kad32,44,etc. I then found this link to one that sold recently for pretty cheap.
Supercharger, Compressor, Roots Type, Volvo Penta KAD32 - eBay (item 140504797546 end time Jan-31-11 12:00:37 PST) (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rt=nc&nma=true&item=140504797546&si=U72UkMh4U1ps71Qrrvm1exTJO6k%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&afsrc=1)
I'm thinking about picking one of these up just for ****s and giggles...as it's design is superior to normal roots chargers. Anyway just thought I'd share some of the neat info I've found for anyone else looking for them.:bigok:
Supercharger, Compressor, Roots Type, Volvo Penta KAD32 - eBay (item 140504797546 end time Jan-31-11 12:00:37 PST) (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rt=nc&nma=true&item=140504797546&si=U72UkMh4U1ps71Qrrvm1exTJO6k%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&afsrc=1)
I'm thinking about picking one of these up just for ****s and giggles...as it's design is superior to normal roots chargers. Anyway just thought I'd share some of the neat info I've found for anyone else looking for them.:bigok: