View Full Version : HELP! KA24E Cold Start Problems

11-02-2009, 12:25 PM
Hey guys, new to Zilvia, and need some help. When I start in the morning, it starts fine, then instantly dies.. So I start again and rev to 2500 almost to 3k, and I hear popping and the tach goes up and down, when it gets warmer, it stops and runs great the rest of the day.. I had a friend that told me change the fuel filter (which I havent gotten around to since I bought it) but could it be something worse? keep in mind it has 255k miles on it :boink:

11-04-2009, 12:04 PM
check your distributor cap and rotors, theyre probably fried, and yeah you should put in the new filter, that's routine maintenance on your car but I know its nothing severe

11-06-2009, 07:29 PM
You need to clean the throttle body. Also IACV motor probley going bad.

11-06-2009, 10:33 PM
it could be the fuel filter or fuel injectors

11-09-2009, 09:22 PM
I changed out the fuel filter, it runs better, but still does the same old thing. I will definitely check the cap and rotor. At first I thought it was the Idle Air Control Valve, I got one from a junkyard, but it looks like there is some carbon deposits it in.. is there a safe way to clean that before installing it?

11-12-2009, 11:54 PM
Sorry about the double post.. A guy took a look at my car, it did the sputtering and stalled every few feet.. He looked in the radiator and it was half full.. he suspects that the radiator fluid might be leaking into the cylinders through a small pin hole in the head gasket.. Tomorrow I go to buy a Headgasket, Throttle Body Gasket, IACV gasket, Intake Manifold gasket, along with a few goodies.. anyone have their 2 cents on this? am i going to far and just going to end up disappointed and $500 in debt? :bite:

Right now my car is killing me, we will attempt to do this in 2 days, wish us luck :cry: