View Full Version : need opinion whether to get xbox360

10-17-2009, 11:24 AM
I'm in the market for buying a new 360, I was looking at the arcade version because I think 120gigs for the elite with a $300 price tag and I only have $200 in my pocket :rofl:

I'm also wondering about the reliability of the newer models, from what I've looked up online the arcade version is the only version that is getting the new jasper chip (correct me if I'm wrong) Does anyone have this new chip in their xbox? and if so has it caused any problems?


10-17-2009, 12:14 PM
The newer models have the better chips in them.

Consult the 360 wiki page for a quick history on the differences.

And don't cheap out, pick up the Elite. It's worth the extra cash.

10-17-2009, 12:28 PM
rumor has it that they are making a new xbox already...

can anybody confirm this?

if so i would rather wait...

10-17-2009, 12:31 PM
What game do you play? I wish I got a PS3 instead cause I play so much street fight and the xbox pad blow goats. Anyways the newer xbox's are reliable (well, way more then the older ones)

10-17-2009, 12:50 PM
i want one too, id just get whichever model and mod it off the bat.. open it up flash the bios on the cdrom and reseat the heatsinks

10-17-2009, 02:14 PM
Yeah but modding it stops you from being xbox live capable. And xbox live is a must for me.

10-17-2009, 02:24 PM
rumor has it that they are making a new xbox already...

can anybody confirm this?

if so i would rather wait...

Probably. I mean, there will always be a, "newer" system. But each system lasts what, six years before a successor comes out to it?

Cool thing about the xbox arcade is that the OS is stored on flash memory. So once you buy a HD you will have 100% of the HD to use for memory. As opposed to the regular 360's that install the OS on the HD which will take up a chunk of your space.

I'd say buy a new arcade and then buy the HD. Don't wait for the next system. Because with that logic, you will be waiting forever because a "newer and better one will be coming".

10-17-2009, 02:25 PM
The newer models have the better chips in them.

Consult the 360 wiki page for a quick history on the differences.

And don't cheap out, pick up the Elite. It's worth the extra cash.


You will want that HDD space. Plus the elites seem to be more realiable. I have a regular they sent me after s RROD and it has been running strong for a year.

10-17-2009, 03:22 PM
If you only have $200 I'd just lowball someone on craigslist.

Try to find one of the newer ones.

You can usually find the newer ones out by looking at the manufacturing date, and the power brick has a different voltage.

I forget what all that stuff is, I bought mine a while ago and it RROD, and they got it back to me with the quickness.

Don't wait for the new 360. That's pointless like what Zar said.

10-17-2009, 03:24 PM
thanks for the input guys, I think I might just go for the arcade. Oh and when you get on xbox live are the update files large? I was thinking about getting a 20gig since it seems the most economical. I'm not going to store any music, videos or demos. Also I already have a ethernet cable so does that just plug right up to the 360?

10-17-2009, 03:28 PM
Trust me, go with the 120gig. The 20gig fills up like nothing.

Just be smart about it and search around on craigs. This is going to be the last month to get a dirt cheap 360 since people will start shopping for the holidays soon.

10-17-2009, 03:36 PM
just save up the extra money and get an elite. holiday seasons are a good time to get a 360 because usually they come with 2 free games. as for the lifetime of the 360, this generation is going to be longer than the last, imo. so invest in one if you want one.

as for modding, i heard the latest models aren't compatible with the current "mods" out. also modded 360s work on live. i personally don't do it, but it's possible. it's the pirated game ISO that you play that will get you busted; not the "mod" itself. it's a hit or miss.

recently, M$ announced that they will be adding an update that will disable 3rd party memory cards and (i believe) HDD mods. so be aware of that if you buy a used 360..

10-17-2009, 03:58 PM
Trust me, go with the 120gig. The 20gig fills up like nothing.

Just be smart about it and search around on craigs. This is going to be the last month to get a dirt cheap 360 since people will start shopping for the holidays soon.

Does it take that much space to just play games and go online?

10-17-2009, 04:11 PM
Does it take that much space to just play games and go online?

Yes it can.

Eventually you will want to DL your games to your HDD, (which makes them load faster and the console run quieter) I have 12-15 games and I have 10GBs of space left with a 20GB HDD. So I guess it depends on how much you play.

10-17-2009, 04:46 PM
Does it take that much space to just play games and go online?

As stated above, some games run much better stored on the HD. But don't forget that the downloadable content has to go somewhere. As well as save files and games that you can only download through xbox live.

10-17-2009, 05:04 PM
then there is downloadable content for every game that takes up alot of space. Ballad of gay tony comes out next week

10-17-2009, 05:24 PM
then there is downloadable content for every game that takes up alot of space. Ballad of gay tony comes out next week

haha. gay tony. i loled when i saw a commercial for that.

and yes the OP will want a 120gig. allows you to

1. download your games on the your HDD for faster and quieter play
2. download all your music for play back during gameplay(games that support it)
3. every little download that xbox live requires
4. xbox live movies/previews

i could go on....20 gig is not enough. think about it.

MY IPHONE HAS MORE GIGS THAN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so 20g is pidly

10-17-2009, 05:26 PM
Trust me, go with the 120gig. The 20gig fills up like nothing.

eh thats not necessarly true. Really depends on the player you are, how much money you want to spend on downloadable content. For me the 20 gig is plenty, the only thing I d/l are demos which I end up erasing the next day or so. The two games I play, bad company and forza, run plent smooth from disc as well.

you can find elites for cheaper than 300 new on ebay, IIRC I saw on xbox live a few weeks ago netflix advertising a $50 rebate on new elites, so yeah its really up to you

10-18-2009, 03:45 PM
honestly you should just hit up craigslist i was checking it out right now and i saw an elite system and a game for $180.

10-18-2009, 04:11 PM
I got a newer 360 (forget the name but the one with 20g HD)with HDMI off of ebay for $120 something, it was refurbished but works fine, never had any problems with it. You could probably get the one without the HD pretty damn cheap, then use extra money to get 120g HD, which you could probably get fairly cheap on ebay too. Just make sure to buy from a seller with good feedback and a return policy if anything would happen to go wrong.

10-18-2009, 04:33 PM
I say get the modern warfare edition with 250g of memory HEHEHE, no im kidding i say buy the 20g, I say it because i have the elite and Ive downloaded so many demos and videos and ive used like 50g or so but thats cuz im lazy, i should go and erase all the demos and videos i dont need. 20g is enough to start, then you can upgrade to a bigger hard drive if you need more space. The download content or updates for xbox live dont take up much space either, the most ive seen is no more than a gig, oh and i think you cant join xbox live with the arcade model, correct me if im wrong, and you NEED xbox live, its what the 360 has going for it self. perfect time to get a 360 since modern warfare 2 is on its way :) :) cant wait.

10-18-2009, 06:36 PM
Yeah but modding it stops you from being xbox live capable. And xbox live is a must for me.

I've been modded for YEARS, and still on LIVE.
Simply wait till the game officially comes out to jump on LIVE.


Buy the newest Arcade then buy a hacked HDD from ebay.
The OEM x360 HDD is a Western Digital Scorpio.
People buy these HDD and format it so the 360 can read it.

They go for about $60 on eBay.

The rumor about M$ detecting the HDD is for the Datel Memory Cards.
(then again, I could be wrong.)

10-18-2009, 06:40 PM
Yeah but modding it stops you from being xbox live capable. And xbox live is a must for me.

Um no, my friend has a modded xbox, and he gets to go online and play with us.

10-18-2009, 08:39 PM
buy a 360 at best buy. get a two year warrante. done. spend the extra 30 bucks and your covered till the new one comes out.

i cant tell you how many times the Warrante helped me out. i just bring my box back to best buy when it red rings or i brick it.

if you mod it the correct way you can go online.

10-18-2009, 09:22 PM
If you like games, get the 120gb.

I'm a pretty avid gamer, (I play more games than I watch TV).

10-19-2009, 07:47 AM
After owning every system that has came out I saw it is worth buying the 360 there are so man ways to fix the rrod so I wouldn't worry as much and yes I would say save up your cash for the elite cuz you will need that hdd. I personal just orders the new modern warfare 360 and it comes with a exclusive 250gig HDD that wont be sold separate so you know I am gonna fill that B***H up with all kinda crap

10-19-2009, 08:36 AM
360 is a pile of shit. Had mine fixed and it just RROD on me again this weekend. Fuck X-Box. I will NOT be buying their next console unless it's to make money off of the first day so i can buy the next Nintendo or PS.

I've never ONCE had a console fail on me and the first console I owned was the Atari 5200. I've had a 5200, 2 NES's, Genesis, 32X, Jaguar, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, and a 360. Ever console I've owned worked until the day i sold it which back then I played video games WAAAAAAY more then I do now. Hours upon hours at a time. Now if I play for an hour I'm lucky. Yet this pile of shit has failed on me twice. If it weren't for Shadow Complex I wouldn't even have bothered having it fixed in the first place.

Fuck this piece of fucking pile of garbage shit!

Yeah I'm pissed in case you're wondering.

10-19-2009, 09:10 AM
sorry to bring it out, but dont cheap out, buy a ps3

10-19-2009, 09:29 AM
It has nothing with being cheap. Xbox has more games that are fun to play with friends online.

My 360 has never rrod'd on me. I know friends who had ps3 problems, but this thread isn't a, "what's better" thread. So don't turn it into one.

10-19-2009, 09:40 AM
Buy a 360 and mod that mother f*cker! Trust me you wont be disapointed.

10-19-2009, 09:46 AM
Buy a 360 and mod that mother f*cker! Trust me you wont be disapointed.

Agree paying 12 bucks for 20 games is so much better then 60+ for one

10-19-2009, 01:14 PM
yeah 360 is a bit better for gaming as there are more games and better online. But ps3 has free online and it supports all kinds of hardware that isnt sony based, unlike the xbox wich only supports official microsoft hardware products. i use the ps3 to watch dvds and blurays, sometimes i surf the internet with it and use it as a media server. the ps3 can do more tricks but the 360 is more of an hardcore gaming platform.

10-19-2009, 04:38 PM
It's a VIDEOGAME system.
That's all that matters.

if the PS3 didn't have Blu-ray support, only fanboys would own it.
I was a Sony fanboy till the failed on the price and lack of games for the PS3.

How can anyone not justify a modded 360?

10-19-2009, 05:30 PM
Who the hell would want to browse online using a ps3? That's what computers are for.

I don't even know the last time I bought a movie. Let alone a blueray cd.

Xbox has better games.

10-19-2009, 08:55 PM
I got a new arcade version with a 20gig hhd bundle (yea, yea rip on me for cheaping out) So far everything I need is being met and I'm very happy. I don't know if its the fact that I've been deprived of good graphics or that the only two consoles I ever owned was a 16-bit sega genesis and a PS2 (which i got back in 05) The graphics are amazing and I'm not even playing in HD, I'm using the old skool RCA cables on my p.o.s TV.

I heard the main problem with the 360 is overheating, from what I have experienced so far it only gets lukewarm and thats after about 3 hours of playing (forza 2) non stop. Improvement? I checked my roommate's 360 and his is blazing hot compared to mine.

10-19-2009, 09:19 PM
He might have an older one which runs hotter.

There's really nothing you can do for the old systems to keep them cool.

Maybe he should try installing the games he's playing to the HD.

10-19-2009, 09:36 PM
That feature really tripped me out I didn't know you could move your games on to the hard drive. Does it make the 360 run cooler or efficient than having the CD in? I can't wait to get Forza 3, its going to take about 8gigs of space for it to run without the CD and have all the content from the second CD.

10-20-2009, 04:53 AM
It doesn't install the full game, just a portion of it.
I think Forza 3 clocks just under 3GB's. I'd have to double check.

It's best to Install the games as it stops the drive from spinning, thus saving the lens.
(which is replaceable if it breaks. Mine did)

The overheating problem is easily mended.
The 360 runs hot, but it has fans keeping it fairly cool.
Once you turn the 360 off, the fans turn off too.
Heat stays in there and slooooooooooowly melts parts.
Months later, RROD.

My solution? I bought el-cheapo fan from Target and let it run behind the 360.
I'd turn it off about 1.5hrs later after I'm done to properly cool everything.

I've had a 360 since launch and never RROD.
Easily 5hrs of gameplay on some days.
Even longer when company is over.

I only replaced it with an Elite because I wanted HDMI.

10-20-2009, 08:03 AM
and ps3 has gran turismo 5, cant beat that. and wifi, personally im not a fan of wires on the floor, looks ugly. on the xbox you have to buy the wifi thingy. and you dont have to buy the expensive model to get a bigger hard drive, you can hook up any usb hard drives or just throw in a laptop hardrive.

10-20-2009, 08:16 AM
Ha, this is great. So I had two extra trashed 360's my cousin gave me he found in a house in the hood. I lent them to my other cousin because his 360's Disc drive stopped working. He was able to use one of the disc drives and his 360 has been fine ever since. He previously RROD and sent it into MS under warranty.

Well I meet up with him last night to get the junk 360's back to see if I could use some parts from it. We were talking about how big of a pile of shit these things are.

I get a text from him this morning..."my 360 took a shit on me again last night".


Shadow Complex is probably my favorite game in the last 5-6 years. Doesn't fuckin matter if my 360 keeps dieing on my now does it?

10-20-2009, 08:34 AM
so far mine is being running good but ive only had it for a couple months but it was also previously owned so idk

but yea i used to love ps3 but my friend shined the light on men about 360s

10-20-2009, 09:35 AM
Ha, this is great. So I had two extra trashed 360's my cousin gave me he found in a house in the hood. I lent them to my other cousin because his 360's Disc drive stopped working. He was able to use one of the disc drives and his 360 has been fine ever since. He previously RROD and sent it into MS under warranty.

Well I meet up with him last night to get the junk 360's back to see if I could use some parts from it. We were talking about how big of a pile of shit these things are.

I get a text from him this morning..."my 360 took a shit on me again last night".


Shadow Complex is probably my favorite game in the last 5-6 years. Doesn't
fuckin matter if my 360 keeps dieing on my now does it?

I think that is just random shitty luck. My friend and I have both had 2 rrod, and now over a year with no problems.

10-20-2009, 10:04 AM
I think that is just random shitty luck. My friend and I have both had 2 rrod, and now over a year with no problems.

The failure rate on all 360's is 54.2%, and that is including the new ones were the have "fixed" the problem. Can you imagine what it is for just the early ones? Probably near 90%. That is completely unacceptable to me. It was great they extended the warranty for those LUCKY enough for their POS to RROD within the warranty but people like me who's 360 juuuust made it long enough get screwed. They KNOW it's THEIR problem and it's BS that they aren't fixing every last one.

Hell car manufacturers do recalls on millions of cars at a time that are way ourt of warranty. That's how you handle business. Not say, "Oh sorry we sold you a product that we know is a POS. Good day.". No, you bit the bullet and you do what's right.


Can you tell I'm pissed? Now I even have my wife telling me she doesn't want me to spend more money to fix it. So on top of it I have to deal with that shit.

If I didn't like W7 so damn much I wouldn't be buying any of their shit.

10-20-2009, 10:35 AM
my 360 rrod'ed on me a couple months ago. i got halfway into fixing it before questioning whether its worth doing it so often. if the new chip they're using actually does fix the problem, i'd probably buy another just because of all the new games comin out this month and next. APB, Just Cause 2 (comin out for PS3 also), L4D2, and Forza 3 might make it worth it.

APB, its GTA on steroids.
IGN Video: APB Xbox 360 Trailer - Gameplay Trailer (http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/757349/apb/videos/apb_trl_video_91809.html)

Just Cause 2
IGN Video: Just Cause 2 Xbox 360 Video - Vertical Gameplay (http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/862520/just-cause-2/videos/justcause2_trl_verticalgameplay_91109.html)

kOuKi MoNsTaRr
10-20-2009, 10:59 AM
i have a 120gb and i don't need all that space but you rather have more than less imo.
you wont get banned if you don't play the game before the release date

and if you get the RROD then im pretty sure you can find someone who can get you the seals to replace so you can send it back to microsoft. 2 of my friends had this problem and sent it back no questions asked.

anybody on call of duty .. lets get down .. gamertag- bugeroks

10-20-2009, 02:35 PM
I bought the very first 360 model that came out, 20gb HDD, no HDMI support, and it still runs.
Freezes very occasionally after prolonged gaming, but other then that it's never given me any issues. I can endurance race Forza 2 all day long no sweat.

I'm not really sure what my magic is, besides that I have always kept it fairly cold while running.

Microsoft has been good to me. =)

10-20-2009, 02:43 PM
I bought the very first 360 model that came out, 20gb HDD, no HDMI support, and it still runs.
Freezes very occasionally after prolonged gaming, but other then that it's never given me any issues. I can endurance race Forza 2 all day long no sweat.

I'm not really sure what my magic is, besides that I have always kept it fairly cold while running.

Microsoft has been good to me. =)

You're one of the lucky few. Every SINGLE person I know that has a day one system has RROD at least once.

If I were you I'd go have the fix done NOW before it happens. I guess if you do it before it happens there's almost no chance that it will happen ever.

10-20-2009, 08:11 PM
It really is just a matter of time before the things going to explode.

Might be a stupid question but how would I go about getting it fixed, and what does it cost?

10-20-2009, 09:29 PM
I heard its $100 to fix, they send you a box and stuff and a 3 week turn around. Its stupid though cause they send you some other guy's 360 they fixed and call it a day

10-21-2009, 10:27 AM
Going rate for a RROD fix is $40.

$100 is a JOKE.

SDMODS.com does it for $50, and they are daaaamn reliable.

10-21-2009, 10:40 AM
They stopped sending you out the "coffin" a while back. It was costing them too much money. :fawk2:

So now you have to box it up yourself AND pay $100.

10-21-2009, 01:11 PM
It's a VIDEOGAME system.
That's all that matters.

if the PS3 didn't have Blu-ray support, only fanboys would own it.
I was a Sony fanboy till the failed on the price and lack of games for the PS3.

How can anyone not justify a modded 360?

I got a new arcade version with a 20gig hhd bundle (yea, yea rip on me for cheaping out)

you cheap bastard

and ps3 has gran turismo 5, cant beat that. and wifi, personally im not a fan of wires on the floor, looks ugly. on the xbox you have to buy the wifi thingy. and you dont have to buy the expensive model to get a bigger hard drive, you can hook up any usb hard drives or just throw in a laptop hardrive.

GT5 has been promised for to long the hype is pretty dead...i personally was waiting to get a PS3 just for GT5, and finally in FEB i said fuck it and bought a 360...best fucking decision ive made...

so GT5 is on PS3

Xbox has a shit load of games that can make it equivalant to it, including DIRT and Forza...

not to mention that the PS3 honestly looks like utter shit compared to previous models...

will i buy a PS3, depends if GT5 delivers on the 5 + yr hype its been on...

They stopped sending you out the "coffin" a while back. It was costing them too much money. :fawk2:

So now you have to box it up yourself AND pay $100.

thats why i bought the store warranty for a new one if it craps out lol


10-21-2009, 02:08 PM
if your only intent is to buy ps3 only because of GT5, you might as well not, because you wont enjoy ps3. thats on the real. theres tons of good ps3 content that xbox360 people who dont really look at the ps3 wont know about.

But anyways this isnt about ps3 vs 360.
If i had a 360 id just open it and reapply the heat sink compound, i guess for me its no big deal since im used to messin with computer components.
Xbox 360 Heatsink Modification at JAmerican Junction (http://www.jamerican.net/?p=48)

10-21-2009, 02:36 PM
i wanna install a turbo timer for the fan...

10-21-2009, 08:22 PM
that would be pretty sweet ^^

10-21-2009, 08:51 PM
My box has the fans going after I turn it off for a few minutes...

10-22-2009, 05:32 AM
My box has the fans going after I turn it off for a few minutes...

Do you have the Nyko Intercooler or something? I'm getting mixed reviews on it, I just have a cheap $3 fan facing the hot side of the xbox 360 (which is the side with the pegs if you lay it flat) I get no heat at all from it, its a bit noisy but manageable

10-22-2009, 06:44 AM
My box has the fans going after I turn it off for a few minutes...

So does mine, I don't know what the others are talking about.

10-22-2009, 08:56 AM
thats why i bought the store warranty for a new one if it craps out lol


Which again is lame to me. I've NEVER had to buy an extended warranty for any console I've ever owned in my life.

I wouldn't feel the need to buy one for a PS3 or a Wii right now. But if I bought a 360 I would. LAME.

10-22-2009, 11:12 AM
Do you have the Nyko Intercooler or something? I'm getting mixed reviews on it, I just have a cheap $3 fan facing the hot side of the xbox 360 (which is the side with the pegs if you lay it flat) I get no heat at all from it, its a bit noisy but manageable

No, I heard those intercooler POS make it more likely to red ring.

Which again is lame to me. I've NEVER had to buy an extended warranty for any console I've ever owned in my life.

I wouldn't feel the need to buy one for a PS3 or a Wii right now. But if I bought a 360 I would. LAME.

I don't have a store warranty either... Craigslist doesn't have one :(


10-22-2009, 02:29 PM
Which again is lame to me. I've NEVER had to buy an extended warranty for any console I've ever owned in my life.

I wouldn't feel the need to buy one for a PS3 or a Wii right now. But if I bought a 360 I would. LAME.

i did it because i could, not because i need to...

10-22-2009, 02:51 PM
i did it because i could, not because i need to...

Which in the 360's case I actually the same thing.

10-22-2009, 03:37 PM
funny considering i've owned my 360 for 3 years, and it is on atleast 2 hours every single day.

Only problem i ever had is the laser going bad from extended use. Which i fixed myself for $10......

So take your sony fanboy bullshit somewhere else.

10-22-2009, 04:18 PM
Which in the 360's case I actually the same thing.

all i know is that i havent needed to worry about it...shit sometimes i leave it on overnight and i wake up its fine...

then again i did get the Elite and its still prety new

10-23-2009, 04:25 AM
all i know is that i havent needed to worry about it...shit sometimes i leave it on overnight and i wake up its fine...

then again i did get the Elite and its still prety new

when did you buy yours?

10-23-2009, 08:16 AM
all i know is that i havent needed to worry about it...shit sometimes i leave it on overnight and i wake up its fine...

then again i did get the Elite and its still prety new

LOL. IGN just gave the 360 Failing the #1 scariest spot in video game history.

IGN: Scariest Gamer Moments (http://games.ign.com/articles/103/1038097p2.html)

Modern videogame consoles cost hundreds of dollars, and they're engineered to become your main (and often sole) source of gaming entertainment. You might own a PC, a DS or even an iPhone, but if you have a current-generation console, that's where you'll be spending most of your gaming hours. So when that console begins to fail, a cold creeping fear follows. The worst offender in this department is Microsoft's Xbox 360 console, a powerful machine that left the generational gate early to become the dominant hardcore gaming platform in the marketplace.

It also became the most unreliable home console in videogame history. Whether it 's a dead optical drive or the dreaded "general hardware failure" accompanied by the ominous flashing "three red lights," we're willing to bet that every Xbox 360 owner has experienced or knows someone who has experienced a dead 360. Here's how it usually happens.

You pick up a preordered game on your way home from work/school/prison. You've made plans in advance with your friends to hop online and play after dinner. You crack open a beverage, open the game, throw it into your Xbox 360 and wait for it to load up. Instead, you're greeted by the Red Ring of Death, those three flashing lights that indicate your system is suddenly dead. Panicked, you unplug the power cable and wait a few seconds before flipping it on again. You take deep breaths, hoping it's just a mistake. Maybe everything will be back to normal. It can't be dead, right? I just got it back from repair three months ago. But your greatest fears are confirmed when those lights blink back at you, taunting. You text your friends, your hands trembling with anger. Have fun playing the game, guys. See you in four to six weeks.

Luckily you bought that extended warranty.

Soup Nazi
10-23-2009, 08:22 AM
funny considering i've owned my 360 for 3 years, and it is on atleast 2 hours every single day.

Only problem i ever had is the laser going bad from extended use. Which i fixed myself for $10......

So take your sony fanboy bullshit somewhere else.

Yeah, and that's just your story, many others haven't been so fortunate. So take your Microsoft and it's damn near 50% failure rate somewhere else.

I just got it back from repair three months ago


10-23-2009, 08:40 AM
Yeah, and that's just your story, many others haven't been so fortunate. So take your Microsoft and it's damn near 50% failure rate somewhere else.


Again to quote myself on page2

The failure rate on all 360's is 54.2%, and that is including the new ones were the have "fixed" the problem. Can you imagine what it is for just the early ones? Probably near 90%. .

Here's a link to stats on IGN.
IGN: Report: Xbox 360 Failure Rate Reaches 54% (http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/101/1014486p1.html)

And if you're curious about PS3 and Wii?

Playstation 3 – 10.6%
Wii – 6.8%

If my 360 can't be fixed I WILL NOT be buying another one, nor will I be buying their next console. All the great games in the world don't matter if I can't fuckin play'em.

Soup Nazi
10-23-2009, 08:58 AM
. All the great games in the world don't matter if I can't fuckin play'em.


The question from the OP, was whether to get it or not. IMHO, no.

I have owned an Xbox 360, then it went out, then after i got it back, again it went out. Listen the Xbox is a very good gaming console, when it works. Great games and the best online play. But how is that worth it's price when the failure rate is so high? Why invest your hard earned money on something, that may be bound to fail?

Of course youre going to have those who don't have problems at all. But the majority do. So it's a calculated risk, that I wouldn't take.

That's why I ditched the Xbox for a PS3. And to tell the truth, I play my NES more than I did my Xbox or PS3. So it to me, isn't about which is better Etc Etc. I wanted something that is going to be relieable, and to me the Xbox isn't.

10-23-2009, 09:26 AM
when did you buy yours?

Feb 09

Luckily you bought that extended warranty.

damn skipitty

All the great games in the world don't matter if I can't fuckin play'em.

agreed. if mine fails, ill get a new one, if that fails and warranty no longer covers it...ill just throw it thru Best Buys window...AND THEN...buy a PS3 :bow:

10-23-2009, 10:13 AM
Just 2 1/2 more weeks before I get my modern warfare xbox 360 elite cant F'N wait its been to long since I have had a 360 and so many games I want to play

10-24-2009, 12:21 PM
agreed. if mine fails, ill get a new one, if that fails and warranty no longer covers it...ill just throw it thru Best Buys window...AND THEN...buy a PS3 :bow:

lmao, I got extended warranty as well but I don't get why they wanted to charge me the first time $40. I had no problems for 6 days of owning it until the ethernet port decided to stop working? I connected the cord to 2 different laptops with no problems and back to the 360 with constant "failed to connect to xbox live". So I went back and asked for a replacement, this time they asked if I wanted extended warranty for $20, couldn't turn that down so I got it. The shitty part was I had to go back to gamestop after getting the replacement because I heard something loose tumble around inside the console (that's no good) Then they sent me to the GS down the block cause I took the last arcade version.