View Full Version : Why are there no epic games anymore?

09-25-2009, 12:39 AM
Preface: This is a huge rant which I've been mulling over for like.. the past 5 years. I started gaming back when I was 5 in 1992 with Wolfenstein 3D on a 386 and ever since then I was pretty heavily into FPS games. You might want to leave if you're a console gamer.

What is it with games these days? I remember when Unreal came out and revolutionized the world with -real graphics-. I remember when Half-Life came out and brought a true story and immersion to games. I remember when Q3A came out and brought the hardcore FPS genre into existance. Lately everything has been done and there is really no revolution happening anywhere, it seems like companies are just pumping games out that lack depth to make a profit.

It seems like consoles have ruined gaming because the community that buys consoles ends up buying a bunch of games that they really don't stick with. Companies end up having to power pump games just to get new people, and they are stuck moving architectures every few years because consoles quickly go out of style.

On the terms of MMOs nothing decent has come out since WoW. I've played my fair share of Korean MMOs which are based around anime chicks, grinding, and hats/clothes for show and I've also played WoW on and off since open beta. Played EQ and UO back in the day as well. It seems like nothing has come out since WoW, I mean Aion just came out and it turns out to be a very overhyped KMMO - I'm pretty disappointed.

Everything seems to be watered down to port to consoles and to cater to the ADD-ridden console player.

Maybe I just long for the days of tight knit shit like Q3A Rail Only OSP competitively (Q3DM17 REPRESENT) with the top 20 players in the world or Unreal Tournament (DECK16 REPRESENT) with my Dad back in middle school - we were both very legit players. Either way, gaming is fucked now. :naw::naw::naw::naw::naw::naw: I don't want to hear people naysaying me that started out playing shit like Halo, real men started out on dialup with bombass shit like Duke Nukem. I mean fuck, a bunch of idiots think those soundclips like HEADSHOT and KILLING SPREE originated in Half-Life. I guess I am bitter about it, damn kids, get off my lawn. Don't get me wrong, consoles back in the day had the jam too - SNES/Genesis/N64/Playstation/Dreamcast/etc. Shit, Dreamcast was far better than anyone ever gave it credit for - that system was fucking ahead of it's time and featured a shitload of plain amazing games.


Also, why did we jack a shitload of smilies from Somethingawful?

09-25-2009, 01:30 AM
Glad to see I am not the only one who thinks this.

While I am not much of a first person or shooter fan, I definitely see where you are coming from, and you come to the same point as me. This will probably end up being another long post.

It seems that nowadays everyone only wants the best/latest graphics, as much action as possible, and 'realism.' In turn, things such as storyline, dialogue, and atmosphere come secondary. I guess people do not have the attention span to care about such things anymore, but it is what makes or breaks a game for me.

For example, in my opinion the original two Fallouts were definitely 'epic' games. The graphics were not anything revolutionary, the gameplay was not really new, third person turn-based combat is definitely not realistic, but I was completely sucked into the world of those games, and they were really fun. Plus I liked all the hidden humor and random background story bits scattered throught. You could tell how much time was put into those games.

However, OP, if you liked WoW, you should try Lord of the Rings Online. I know games based on movies are almost always terrible, but this one is actually very fun, and it is based on the movie very loosely. It is mainly based on the books/set in the same world. To be honest, I like it better than WoW. (End of total nerd paragraph, haha.)

Also, I miss goofy 2D adventure games, such as Teen Agent or Monkey Island. It seems that 3D killed the comedy adventure genre, it just does not have the same warm atmosphere.

There are plenty of good-looking and fun games nowadays, but none of them seem to suck me in as much or have the replay value that games used to have. Also, everything seems to be a sequel or prequel to some successful title to market on its popularity, there are barely any original new titles worth playing anymore.

Maybe I am just getting too old and growing out of playing games, and all I have left is reminiscing about the 'good old days.'
That is probably it.

09-25-2009, 01:47 AM
i think i have played all of three games in my life.

Super Smash Brothers (N64)
Chrono Cross.
Gran Turismo.

all i know is those games are old and i really enjoyed them.

i dont really keep up with stuff but newer games dont attract me.

09-25-2009, 01:50 AM
yo, dis sum FPS thread?

i got a Creative Sound Blaster starter kit deal for christmas around 1993. CD-ROM, two shitty speakers, soundblaster card. i remember playing wolfenstein the first time with that and the nazis spoke german. it was so sick.
my dad worked for the government, and he took me to work one day in 1994 and we spent the whole day playing Doom, doing four player deathmatches with his coworkers. they had an eight foot tall rear projection that i got to play on.
when Doom II came out, my dad brought home a pirated copy, and we spent hours a day playing it.
i had a couple programs to make maps with, and i traded them on a forum. i hosted them on an Angelfire website. i have retained the ability to write in HTML.
i made a map of my grade school. i used to haul my tower over to a buddy's house and we'd deathmatch in it. fucking sick.
i had Eric Harris' Doom maps before Columbine happened.
when Quake 3 came out I had a Voodoo3 2000 graphics card.
Q3A is, to date, the best multiplayer FPS of all time.
Q4 sucked.
a few years ago I found out about something called Skulltag. it's Doom multiplayer with mouselook and jumping and some other shit, 16 player dmatch. it's balls out, i still play it to this day.
in 2006 my roommate bought a 360 and COD3. I now know how shitty it is, but it changed my outlook on console shooters. yes, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were cool, but they were just fun. Call Of Duty made it serious.
COD4 is the FPS i still play the most. [email protected] sucks. I have MW2 reserved with the night vision goggles and shit.
I haven't played a new FPS on pc that was worth playing since 1999, when Q3A came out, and i guess that's the tie-in to this thread. i've heard FarCry is cool, but i don't think i have the processing power to actually play it.

..as for games that AREN'T fps... uh. GTA4 is cool. and i've been playing Batman: Arkham Asylum a lot lately. it's fun. the last really AWESOME game i played, though, was Dead Space. i'd recommend it to anybody with a good sound system.

video game companies now seem to pander to people who can't play video games, though. Guitar Hero and anything on the Wii and all the pussy modes and "press X to not die" bullshit. hardcore gaming died with the Dreamcast, brah.

09-25-2009, 01:51 AM
The most messed up game I ever played, Oregon Trail.
I mean, your daughter dies! WTF!
I think the last best game i played that
I actually ENJOYED playing was Kingdom hearts.

09-25-2009, 01:56 AM
oh yea i forgot about perfect dark, i very much enjoyed that shit.

09-25-2009, 02:01 AM
Team fortress 2!

09-25-2009, 02:03 AM
I enjoy myself a pretty game from time to time, but you're right about all of that. Nothing makes a game more enjoyable to me than good dialogue, and storyline. It's all about the minor details to me.

I'm only 20, so I haven't really been around for the birth of FPS or anything like that. But I still remember the first time I played through Half-Life. That game brought me to a new realization of quality in that realm. I still find myself popping in Blue Shift & Opposing Force from time to time just because I loved the dual story lines you can play in Black Mesa. Sure the graphics are shit in comparison to say, Halo 8 or whatever it is now. But it's still fantastic gaming.

Fallout and Elder Scrolls are much the same in quality in my opinion. Bethesda doesn't release games every month like most big time companies *cough* EA *cough*, and I'm glad that they don't. In my own opinion I would much rather wait years for a bath of solid gold that I can immerse hours upon hours of my time in playing and even replaying than paying for something I run through once and never touch again.

It's the new generation now days, no one has an attention span of more than 5 seconds tops. Most kids don't have enough patience to want to know whats going on in a game, they would rather just skip it all, blast their way to the finish line, and skip the credits.

I do miss the days of the 2D glory, some games for the SNES I would say are still in my top 10 of favorite games ever. FF3(6) Umm, yes?

What it really comes down to lately is that it's all been done before, its hard to even find a concept for a game that hasn't been made in some way shape or form already. Which makes it increasingly hard for the few companies I still have faith in to keep making classics. But I still have faith. It just means I have to research a lot before I pull out my wallet to purchase a game, or wait a few months or even years for it.

And even though i've beaten everything in my collection, most more than once. I'm still happy with the classics =D

09-25-2009, 02:08 AM




i've often sincerely considered a Q3A logo tattoo. but not a tramp stamp of it.

09-25-2009, 02:14 AM
the problem with the game market today is theres too many freaking games.. Games cost a shitload to make now a days, and if you dont put the money , voice actors, msuci into it, its gonna flop cuz it will always be compared to other games. The only epic games today are gonna be the ones that come out big with years of development behind them imo. latest epic games i picked up where resident evil 5, metal gear solid 4, and GTA4 on my ps3, im expecting uncharted 2 to be epic since the first one was pretty dam good for ps3.

And its tough because some games can be potentially epic but only exist on a system that you might not even have, theres a few xboxs games that everyone loves but i never even touched a xbox lol.

Lets not forget that game developers have to produce their game for every freaking system now, which i think can kinda suck a lil bit.

But yeah i been around gaming for years and you did mention some great FPS games, remember Deus Ex? tthat game was great.

I remember playing Tomb Raider underworld a while back and thinking how not so epic these games are anymore, only the first ones where awesome for their time, every installment of tomb raider just kinda sucks besides lookin at a better lara croft lol

Sometimes simple is better in my opinion, i sold my DS lite a few years ago but dam i loved new super mario bros on that thing.

09-25-2009, 02:16 AM
oh, and whenever i want real enjoyment, i play classic games on real consoles. a portion of my collection


the G1 sucks at low light. yes, that's a Sega CD. i have a 32x but it's in storage.

09-25-2009, 02:26 AM
^^^ Hero.

Sometimes simple is better in my opinion, i sold my DS lite a few years ago but dam i loved new super mario bros on that thing.

I bought a used DS Lite along with a R4DS and sampled almost every game. I sold it about a month later out of boredom.
Team fortress 2!

God, it's so cartoony though. :(
yo, dis sum FPS thread?

i got a Creative Sound Blaster starter kit deal for christmas around 1993. CD-ROM, two shitty speakers, soundblaster card. i remember playing wolfenstein the first time with that and the nazis spoke german. it was so sick.
my dad worked for the government, and he took me to work one day in 1994 and we spent the whole day playing Doom, doing four player deathmatches with his coworkers. they had an eight foot tall rear projection that i got to play on.
when Doom II came out, my dad brought home a pirated copy, and we spent hours a day playing it.
i had a couple programs to make maps with, and i traded them on a forum. i hosted them on an Angelfire website. i have retained the ability to write in HTML.
i made a map of my grade school. i used to haul my tower over to a buddy's house and we'd deathmatch in it. fucking sick.
i had Eric Harris' Doom maps before Columbine happened.
when Quake 3 came out I had a Voodoo3 2000 graphics card.
Q3A is, to date, the best multiplayer FPS of all time.
Q4 sucked.
Oh my god, we're like bros. :w00t: Also, someone who knows where I am coming from when I say Q3A is the best multiplayer FPS ever. That game was the epitome of competition and skill.
a few years ago I found out about something called Skulltag. it's Doom multiplayer with mouselook and jumping and some other shit, 16 player dmatch. it's balls out, i still play it to this day.

I haven't played a new FPS on pc that was worth playing since 1999, when Q3A came out, and i guess that's the tie-in to this thread. i've heard FarCry is cool, but i don't think i have the processing power to actually play it.

video game companies now seem to pander to people who can't play video games, though. Guitar Hero and anything on the Wii and all the pussy modes and "press X to not die" bullshit. hardcore gaming died with the Dreamcast, brah.I will need to check that out, and yes, Farcry looked cool when I saw my father playing it... but it's just not my style, I crave Q3A action.
Also, I miss goofy 2D adventure games, such as Teen Agent or Monkey Island. It seems that 3D killed the comedy adventure genre, it just does not have the same warm atmosphere.

Maybe I am just getting too old and growing out of playing games, and all I have left is reminiscing about the 'good old days.'
That is probably it.
On this note: Gravis pad with Commander Keen.
I think I feel where you are coming from too, I just feel like I'm being forced to grow up out of everything :naw:

09-25-2009, 02:31 AM
farcry is old now, it was dope when it came out.. farcry 2 i hear was crap so i never touched it.. Crysis was cool too but i never picked up the expansions or any of that stuff, its worth a play thru but not enough to keep me comin back.

anyone play interstate 76?
that game was sick.. 70s cars vehicle combat, knock-off music soundtrack lol

09-25-2009, 02:31 AM

fuckin' marooned on mars, and shit.

09-25-2009, 02:37 AM
The only difference with new games is that you are more aware of the serious crap you have to wade through to find the good shit. You can't tell me there weren't a crap ton of horrible games back in the day. How many SF2 and Mario clones can you think of? How many Nazi shooters do you remember?

It is very easy to keep your blinders up while being nostalgic.

For some good current gen games you should try FarCry 2, Mass Effect, MegaMan 9(hard as fuck), and Dead Space.

09-25-2009, 02:41 AM
How many Nazi shooters do you remember?

one. Wolfenstein 3D.
it was easy to spot shit games. they were a lot cheaper than good games, and they came in shittier packaging. now all games are sixty dollars, whether they're shit or not, and come in uniform dvd cases.

09-25-2009, 02:41 AM
Did I say Dead Space?

Ya, Dead Space is good shit.

09-25-2009, 02:43 AM
I remember the cheaper part(Katamari is still dope) but I don't remember to many games coming in nonstandard packaging.

09-25-2009, 02:47 AM
The only difference with new games is that you are more aware of the serious crap you have to wade through to find the good shit. You can't tell me there weren't a crap ton of horrible games back in the day. How many SF2 and Mario clones can you think of? How many Nazi shooters do you remember?

It is very easy to keep your blinders up while being nostalgic.

For some good current gen games you should try FarCry 2, Mass Effect, MegaMan 9(hard as fuck), and Dead Space.

Maybe, but I really can't think of anything lately that has fallen on the level of Q3A, Unreal/Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, etc. It's true about the shitty old games though, they came in shitty boxes and it was pretty easy to tell a fake.

Every game lately is 'consolized'. I mean shit, look at NFS:Shift - you can't even use a fucking mouse in the game - not even the menus. It seems the days of hardcore gamers is more or less over unless you stick to the small icebergs that have been floating in the middle of the ocean, which are hard to find and very tight knit.

09-25-2009, 02:47 AM
PC games didn't have standard sized boxes until the turn of the century. they all came in different sized boxes, cases, etc

09-25-2009, 02:50 AM
only fps games i played were medal of honor allied assault (fuckin kick ass) and battle feild vietnam

09-25-2009, 02:54 AM
anyone play MAG demo? can't wait for this game.
256 ppl trying to coordinate, its gonna be fun.

09-25-2009, 02:57 AM
I think a big part of why you don't get these epic FPSs is that the gaming industry has to have some sort of crossover experience. Its got to have a gimmick. That rarely translates well in multiplayer. I don't see a slow paced game like Dead Space being very fun in team capture the flag.

09-25-2009, 03:02 AM
anyone play MAG demo? can't wait for this game.
256 ppl trying to coordinate, its gonna be fun.

256? wat?

it's for ps3, boo. stopped caring :/

09-25-2009, 03:08 AM
I think a big part of why you don't get these epic FPSs is that the gaming industry has to have some sort of crossover experience. Its got to have a gimmick. That rarely translates well in multiplayer. I don't see a slow paced game like Dead Space being very fun in team capture the flag.
CTF in Team Fortress Classic, Q3A, and to a smaller extent - UT2003 were pretty godly. I wonder if we will ever get another truly fast game that lets you take advantage of game physics as much as Quake 3. Check out DeFrag videos if you want to get an idea of what I am talking about.
Watch this shit:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI-WaMsKmlI&feature=related <- this video is normal game speed, everything feels slow as shit now a days compared to this

The in the air rocketing / railing / rocket juggling was a normal thing. The timing was all perfect where it became second nature to lead people correctly when they had jumped from a given area.

09-25-2009, 03:15 AM
What needs to happen is Bethesda needs to make a Zombie game.

In the same vein as Oblivion and Fallout 3.

40+ hours of gameplay. Zombie Apocalypse. FPS RPG. Not some cheesey ass arcade game, but a gritty fucking game that makes you choose between peoples lives and your own ammo or medical and food supply.


09-25-2009, 03:16 AM
IMO, metal gear solid 4 was an epic game.

09-25-2009, 03:26 AM
The one new game I am currently kind of excited for is Diablo 3.
Hope they will not butcher it.

09-25-2009, 03:28 AM
At least Blizzard doesn't release shit games... oh wait, WoW was unfinished and very buggy when it was shipped. :(

09-25-2009, 03:37 AM
Blizzard always releases games late and unfinished.
Pretty sure Diablo 2 was released like two years late, and it was still 'unfinished' anyway, haha.
But at least their games usually end up being pretty fun.

09-25-2009, 03:44 AM
ooh yeah

*notice the health god mode

09-25-2009, 04:01 AM
I have the whole wing commander collection on disc and it's all still playable. I even have the extra missions origin posted online for download to expand wing commander 5. (the first downloadable content for a game ever in 1998.)

Kings Quest 5 was so hard to beat.

I mean nintendo, genesis so many cool old games but lets be real lets talk computer games because most of us didn't know shit about console games to give a shit about them. People say certain games are epic because everyone else thinks they're epic.

mario 64 epic because it was different, not epic because seriously it's just mario updated.

Strike Commander (arcade jet fighting action) BONER TIME

Leisure Suit Larry, Sam and Max, and many other old lucas arts titles.

fear effect (the first cell shaded video game EVER)

om1kron : fucking awesome, run around possessing other people to accomplish tasks in a game.

Indigo Prophecy, Max Payne

I mean so many epic games like that cannot be made anymore because every game now a day takes an old idea and runs with it while throwing in shit from other ideas.

Thus making it lame.

want a new world war shooter, or vietnam shooter, how about a pacific fighters plane game. Why doesn't anyone make arcade flight sim/action games anymore? Why aren't there more games like

7th guest and 11th hour where your decisions caused the story to change leaving ENDLESS possibilities for the endings (oh that's right people do that with all games now, just it's another excuse for me not to trade it as fast.)

fuck video games... lol

09-25-2009, 04:02 AM
CTF in Team Fortress Classic, Q3A, and to a smaller extent - UT2003 were pretty godly. I wonder if we will ever get another truly fast game that lets you take advantage of game physics as much as Quake 3. Check out DeFrag videos if you want to get an idea of what I am talking about.
Watch this shit:
YouTube - AnnihilatioN - Q3 - own-age Part 2/3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI-WaMsKmlI&feature=related) <- this video is normal game speed, everything feels slow as shit now a days compared to this

The in the air rocketing / railing / rocket juggling was a normal thing. The timing was all perfect where it became second nature to lead people correctly when they had jumped from a given area.

fuck yeah rocket jumping.
do you remember the q3a ads in magazines? the one i really remember was a condom machine and all the guns were different condoms. but there were some other good ones.

09-25-2009, 04:05 AM
man quake three fucked my fps life up, there is not one fps where people don't try and strafe jump. Any fps you play will have dolphin diving, jumping to avoid getting shot, and nade spamming.

it's hilarious while lame. damn you quake 3.

09-25-2009, 04:14 AM
there's no denying that quake 3 was the best there ever was. Id knows it, too. looking forward to the final release of Quake Live and the XBL version. i'm going to play the shit out of the XBL version.

09-25-2009, 12:06 PM
you want an epic game? get a PS3 and go get Prototype. best game i have played in a very long time.

09-25-2009, 12:17 PM
What is it with games these days? I remember when Unreal came out and revolutionized the world with -real graphics-. I remember when Half-Life came out and brought a true story and immersion to games. I remember when Q3A came out and brought the hardcore FPS genre into existance. Lately everything has been done and there is really no revolution happening anywhere, it seems like companies are just pumping games out that lack depth to make a profit.

based on the games you listed, when you say epic you basically mean landmark. i'm not really sure how often you expect those games to hit, but it wasn't all that often back in the day, and it's certainly not going to be very often now.

i think that in your nostalgia, you have forgotten about the glut of shitty FPS games that were being released alongside and inbetween those landmark games. there were alot of them, and they were pretty bad.

On the terms of MMOs nothing decent has come out since WoW. I've played my fair share of Korean MMOs which are based around anime chicks, grinding, and hats/clothes for show and I've also played WoW on and off since open beta. Played EQ and UO back in the day as well. It seems like nothing has come out since WoW, I mean Aion just came out and it turns out to be a very overhyped KMMO - I'm pretty disappointed.

it's hard as hell to make a really successful MMO. there have only been 2 real landmark mmos, IMO. EQ and WOW. the old republic may be a third, we'll see.

09-25-2009, 12:19 PM
I've been gaming since Atari and NES. I have always preferred console games. The reason now that I don't like PC games is that it seems to enjoy these games to the fullest you HAVE to play online with people, and that seems to be the norm with FPS and a lot of game son 360.

F that. I like old school games that focused on single player.

This is why I'm loving Shadow Complex so much. It feels like I'm playing a new old classic game. I finally got my Super Metroid sequel. Again focusing on single player. This game to me is the best game I've played in 5 years.

PC games ruined that feel for me.

09-25-2009, 12:48 PM
The reason now that I don't like PC games is that it seems to enjoy these games to the fullest you HAVE to play online with people, and that seems to be the norm with FPS and a lot of game son 360

You hit the nail on the head. And its not just consoles, PC games are the same. They all believe that nowadays you CANNOT have a successful game without a badass multiplayer game. They skimp on all the single player aspects and solely focus on the online play, which too me is a huge downside and really turns me off to ALOT of games.

09-25-2009, 12:53 PM
You hit the nail on the head. And its not just consoles, PC games are the same. They all believe that nowadays you CANNOT have a successful game without a badass multiplayer game. They skimp on all the single player aspects and solely focus on the online play, which too me is a huge downside and really turns me off to ALOT of games.


I don't mind playing online, but I'd actually rather play solo. And I know I'm in the minority now a days.

The main reason I don't like playing online are the immature little kids that I always run into. It's really frustrating. This is the main reason I let my Live subscription run out a year ago.

09-25-2009, 12:59 PM

I don't mind playing online, but I'd actually rather play solo. And I know I'm in the minority now a days.

The main reason I don't like playing online are the immature little kids that I always run into. It's really frustrating. This is the main reason I let my Live subscription run out a year ago.

I'm with ya there. But I mean even the very popular games, like take for instance CoD4. It easily could have had one of these best campaigns in a console game in quite some time. Instead the whole campaign takes nothing more than a few hours. The companies seem to expect you to spend all your time online. And honestly I think some of it has to do with the negative stereotype single player video games had early on, with it being some nerdy kid in a basement with glasses. Now I don't think its like that now with video games appealing to a very broad spectrum of individuals. I just think companies should really shift their focus back onto gameplay rather just online gaming.

09-25-2009, 12:59 PM
Modern warfare 2. Nov. 11

09-25-2009, 01:10 PM
I'm with ya there. But I mean even the very popular games, like take for instance CoD4. It easily could have had one of these best campaigns in a console game in quite some time. Instead the whole campaign takes nothing more than a few hours. The companies seem to expect you to spend all your time online. And honestly I think some of it has to do with the negative stereotype single player video games had early on, with it being some nerdy kid in a basement with glasses. Now I don't think its like that now with video games appealing to a very broad spectrum of individuals. I just think companies should really shift their focus back onto gameplay rather just online gaming.

Secrets. WTF happened to secrets in games? Again, something i greatly miss form games and am really enjoying in Shadow Complex.

The other thing about so many FPS games for me is...I'm not a big FPS fan in the first place. I used to play W3D and Doom back int eh day and have had my share of FPS's, but the market is SOOOOOOO saturated with them now. They all seem the same too me too. Like why play one over the other, and then I just say fuck it and don't play any.

09-25-2009, 01:17 PM
Duke Nukem 3D was badass. I was playing that when I was like 5, pressing space bar to get the strippers to show me their 3d boobies by making the cash rainnnn on them. dolla dolla billz

Doom was also really cool when I was young.

09-25-2009, 01:27 PM
I've been gaming since Atari and NES. I have always preferred console games. The reason now that I don't like PC games is that it seems to enjoy these games to the fullest you HAVE to play online with people, and that seems to be the norm with FPS and a lot of game son 360.

F that. I like old school games that focused on single player.

This is why I'm loving Shadow Complex so much. It feels like I'm playing a new old classic game. I finally got my Super Metroid sequel. Again focusing on single player. This game to me is the best game I've played in 5 years.

PC games ruined that feel for me.

+1 I am right with ya. I am going to have to try SC now, as this is just the type of game I like. 2D all the way!! It's how I like my animation too. If you haven't tried Castlevania Symphony of the Night, play that when you finish SC, that is an epic game I think you may like. I like 3D games if they are good, and while I am on Castlevania, I hope Lords of Shadow is good.



09-25-2009, 01:39 PM
+1 I am right with ya. I am going to have to try SC now, as this is just the type of game I like. 2D all the way!! It's how I like my animation too. If you haven't tried Castlevania Symphony of the Night, play that when you finish SC, that is an epic game I think you may like. I like 3D games if they are good, and while I am on Castlevania, I hope Lords of Shadow is good.


For the longest time I thought I was alone in this need for 2D side scrolling games. But now that SC has broke sales records I realize I'm not alone.

This gives me high hopes that either Metroid Other M is going to be very similar to SC or that there is a SC type Metroid game in the near future. They can't deny that people want this kind of gameplay now. I actually loved Metroid Prime. Really loved it. I'd put it up there in my top 20 games of all time. But Super Metroid is even higher on my list.

09-25-2009, 01:47 PM
now guys im happy for your fps games, and imma let you finish, but grand prix legends from 98 was one of the best racing sims of all time. *when Sierra was producing awesome games like half life, red baron 3d etc*
People still mod and play it today, its the grand daddy of pc racing sims.

and red baron 3d from 97

09-25-2009, 01:51 PM
battlefield 2 with the ENBseries mod, looks just as good as todays games
hell they got the new patch for the regular bf2 that gives you all the add on content for free now, i feel like i might have to bust my old copy out

09-25-2009, 01:52 PM

09-25-2009, 02:02 PM
quote someone to find your answer...

09-25-2009, 02:03 PM
^ [.yt](insert code here) [./yt]

09-25-2009, 02:35 PM
based on the games you listed, when you say epic you basically mean landmark. i'm not really sure how often you expect those games to hit, but it wasn't all that often back in the day, and it's certainly not going to be very often now.

i think that in your nostalgia, you have forgotten about the glut of shitty FPS games that were being released alongside and inbetween those landmark games. there were alot of them, and they were pretty bad.
I guess, but I can't really remember buying games and being utterly disappointed in them like I have lately. By epic games I mean games that stayed around a long time with a good community. Hell, I just realized I've been playing Counter-Strike on and off for the past 10 years - that community sucks now but still.

09-25-2009, 02:42 PM
I guess, but I can't really remember buying games and being utterly disappointed in them like I have lately. By epic games I mean games that stayed around a long time with a good community. Hell, I just realized I've been playing Counter-Strike on and off for the past 10 years - that community sucks now but still.

That's how I feel games like Super Metroid are, minus the community part.

I mean I can turn on my Wii right now (or when i get home) and start up a new game on S.Metroid and it still feels like an epic classic game. It only feels remotely dated because of the graphics. The gameplay is timeless.

But I agree, games feel very "throw-away" now. Gears of War was like that for me. I beat it and had zero interest in playing it ever again. I traded it in really quick and got a bunch of money for it.

09-25-2009, 02:56 PM
you want an epic game? get a PS3 and go get Prototype. best game i have played in a very long time.

i have it for 360, it's kind of cool, but not epic :/

09-25-2009, 04:10 PM
and red baron 3d from 97
Red Baron was cool, I remember playing that.

Some other games I spent time playing besides Fallout and Diablo:

Commandos 1 & 2 (totally awesome)
Worms 2 & Armageddon (funny, and really fun on multiplayer)
Carmageddon 1 & 2 (fun physics, humor, and +8 seconds for every pedestrian run over)
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 (fun multiplayer)
Age of Empires 1 & 2 (I like historic games)
Need for Speed II (probably my first game)
GTA 1 & 2 (classic)

Never really got into console games much, other than GTA and SOCOM, and l ended up playing GTA on PC anyway.

09-25-2009, 04:17 PM
Age of Empires II

The only RTS I ever enjoyed.

09-25-2009, 04:57 PM
I really enjoyed PC strategy/rts games.

Stuff like Dawn of War, Comapany of Heroes, Heroes of Might & Magick series, Civilization, Rome, etc.

MMO rpg's were really more of a pita, looking back
I had my share of WOW.
It becomes more tedious as you have to rely & coordinate group efforts to things done.
eventually the game becomes more of tedious chore, having to put up with bratty kids, and needless internet drama.

Thing I don't like about modern games, is that they're too time demanding.
I don't have whole afternoons to play some 'such & such' campaign,
or to dedicate 5 hours an evening to do some group quest on WoW.

09-25-2009, 05:22 PM
i have it for 360, it's kind of cool, but not epic :/

HOLY CRAP PROTOTYPE CAME OUT ON THE 360?!?!?! holy crap busted, you just blew my mind. i thought it was a ps3 exclusive.

you want another epic single player game? check out the god of war series, or the Devil May Cry series. packed with many secrets, and the stories are just as you say EPIC!

09-25-2009, 06:14 PM
Question: Why are there no epic games anymore?

Answer: Because game companies have all fucking sold out to make a quick buck just like every fucking industry in the US. Fuck making something because you love doing it (putting your soul and heart into it = quality), you just wanna get paid.

09-25-2009, 06:38 PM
Shenmue was the best game ever.

09-25-2009, 06:42 PM
Shenmue was the best game ever.

virtual toy collecting is the best game ever?

09-25-2009, 06:47 PM
red baron blah...air warrior was the shit.

09-25-2009, 07:38 PM
I will tear people a new asshole in Smash Bros on N64.

09-25-2009, 07:41 PM
Bard's Tale
Police Quest 1-2-3
Omnimusha (spelling ?)
Old ass Apple IIc and Sega Cd games I still have and enjoy. Recent new games I like(d)
are Mass Effect, Half Life 2, and all the Knights of the Old Republic RPGs. I cannot stand multiplayer. Never done it, never will.

09-25-2009, 08:11 PM
i blame halo and the guitar hero series, why? because they started making gaming popular and it became more profitable to companies to pump out 5 mediocre games at a cheaper price that sell semi well than one really awesome game at a higher price.

09-25-2009, 08:36 PM
i blame halo and the guitar hero series, why? because they started making gaming popular and it became more profitable to companies to pump out 5 mediocre games at a cheaper price that sell semi well than one really awesome game at a higher price.

haha alot of people say halo sucks as a FPS game but people love it, i never played it so i cant say my opinion. Prince turned down the offers he had to put his music in those guitar games, saying he rather kids play real guitar if they really want to play instead of all the time they spend playin a game :bowrofl:

09-25-2009, 08:41 PM
i dont mind halo, think its a pretty decent game with a decent story, just how it has helped popularize games for mainstream audiences is what i am griping about, this, brawl, GH, rockband, party games, its paying off for companies to just make quick bucks off semi decent games instead of awesome titles..... more than likely there will be another massive video game crash sometime within the next few years and things will go back to normal hopefully

09-26-2009, 12:54 AM
You can't say every one has sold out. Companies like BioWare are looking at three to five years to develop some of their newest stuff. That kind of commitment is not for a quick buck. I can see myself playing Mass Effect 2 for years to come.

Exitspeed, I too love 2d side scrolling games. I dying for a new MegaMan X game done in the vain of the first 5. Or maybe a good platformer based on some nice physics and timing.
They should bring back top down adventure games. I would be real happy to see a solid clone of Link to the past, maybe a 10-15 hour game.

09-26-2009, 06:43 AM
like everything else in the world there are exceptions to what the masses are doing, like you said bioware still putting out good games, but also i take into account older games bioware has made...the star wars KOTOR series for the regular xbox, great games, great story, good length and then i look at mass effect, which I personally found the dialogue to be dry and the story only meh... i didnt even finish it, but its to each their own ya know? there's really no sense in bitching about vidya because what one person might dislike, you might personally love and thats what its all about right? having fun

09-26-2009, 06:47 AM
go play Call of Duty 4 or reserve Modern Warfare 2...

09-26-2009, 07:12 AM
own COD4 and plan to pick up MW2, but here lies the problem with todays game, or the evolution... those both will be mainly geared towards online, the story really doesnt matter (hell i know people who never even touch the story just go straight to online), and a lot of game companies are gearing games toward online with a mediocre short story included just because they have to

09-26-2009, 07:50 AM
What needs to happen is Bethesda needs to make a Zombie game.

In the same vein as Oblivion and Fallout 3.

40+ hours of gameplay. Zombie Apocalypse. FPS RPG. Not some cheesey ass arcade game, but a gritty fucking game that makes you choose between peoples lives and your own ammo or medical and food supply.


Thats a pretty good idea actually. I dont even want to think about how many hours I have in Oblivion :ugh:.

I'm mostly a console gamer now, although I grew up on Commander Keen, Wolfenstein and Doom. Also have fond memories of Kings Quest IV, Duke Nukem (the side scrolling versions) and many other Apogee games.

Then I moved on to my NES, (whilst playing on my neighbours' SNES and Megadrive), and eventually got a PS when they came out. Like I said, I was mostly a console gamer, but I still enjoyed playing strategy games on my PC (early Warcrafts, Total Annihilation, etc).

Then PS2 happened, and eventually now on my Xbox360. I still rate the PS2 for its robustness and massive choice of games. I pretty much only play Forza and Oblivion on my Xbox (nothing else can hold my attention for that long), and I definitely miss the glory days of gaming :(

09-26-2009, 07:51 AM
Some people think games with stories are movies. Personally, I like games with a deeper storyline. Xenogear, Xenosaga (all of them), Chronotrigger... I liked turn play rpg games. Waiting!

09-26-2009, 12:22 PM
Shenmue was the best game ever.


But I agree, games feel very "throw-away" now. Gears of War was like that for me. I beat it and had zero interest in playing it ever again. I traded it in really quick and got a bunch of money for it.

Agreed, games seem to be following moves and music down the entertainment shitter. I can't remember the last time a game just wowed the shit out of me.

09-26-2009, 12:26 PM
I will tear people a new asshole in Smash Bros on N64.

That's what my buddy said.

Played him.

Tore him a new asshole.


MGS4 was pretty good. Took me a few hours to beat it, but it seemed as if I was watching a movie more than I was actually playing the game itself.

Resident Evil 5 was pretty awesome.

I can spend hours playing Halo and COD when I have nothing to do.

Can spend an entire night playing Rock Band 2 with friends.

Super Smash Bros. for N64. Now, that we can spend all day playing.

09-26-2009, 12:27 PM
Games are more epic when you're younger. As we get older, it loses it's epicness. I remember being 7 years old and playing the first Doom and all the others. That was epic to me. The first boss in Quake was epic too as well. But being young, our minds are different then being at an older age.

A little bit of selling out has a bit to do with it as well.

Just my thoughts.

Imo though, two epic games coming up: MAG and MW2.

09-26-2009, 12:34 PM
Games are more epic when you're younger. As we get older, it loses it's epicness. I remember being 7 years old and playing the first Doom and all the others. That was epic to me. The first boss in Quake was epic too as well. But being young, our minds are different then being at an older age.

A little bit of selling out has a bit to do with it as well.

Just my thoughts.

Imo though, two epic games coming up: MAG and MW2.

I think I agree with you on this. While Zelda is still a great game, it doesnt have that wow effect on me like it did when I first played it. Perhaps as we mature we require more mature things to wow us, and games are taking their sweet time developing truly engaging stories to keep us interested.

09-26-2009, 01:40 PM
I guess, but I can't really remember buying games and being utterly disappointed in them like I have lately. By epic games I mean games that stayed around a long time with a good community. Hell, I just realized I've been playing Counter-Strike on and off for the past 10 years - that community sucks now but still.

gameplay wise i agree with you. maybe we're just old though. i'm sure this generation will think of gears and halo as landmark classics in 10 years.

console style match making has kind of diffused the traditional pc game community. you don't get to know people since there aren't centralized servers you're constantly going back to. you can form small communities though; my gf's little brother has a shitload of 360 live friends he plays with consistently. not quite the same as the server / forum / clan etc there was back in the day though.

But I agree, games feel very "throw-away" now. Gears of War was like that for me. I beat it and had zero interest in playing it ever again. I traded it in really quick and got a bunch of money for it.

alot of these games now rely on the mp component for longevity. i agree with you, but once again, i think we're just old (see above)

You can't say every one has sold out. Companies like BioWare are looking at three to five years to develop some of their newest stuff. That kind of commitment is not for a quick buck. I can see myself playing Mass Effect 2 for years to come.

exactly. ive been through mass effect like 4 times... haha. knights of the old republic at least 6. blizzard is another obvious example.

you guys can still get your 2d games just on hand held market. i am a little disappointed with how 'hold your hand' they are nowadays. for instance, metroid zero basically gives you waypoints, instead of letting you run around and figure it out like in the original.

Games are more epic when you're younger. As we get older, it loses it's epicness.

i agree.

09-26-2009, 02:28 PM
all this talk of being good in smash bros is lulzy. it's a button masher. anybody who can smash buttons will be "good" at it.

09-26-2009, 04:13 PM
all this talk of being good in smash bros is lulzy. it's a button masher. anybody who can smash buttons will be "good" at it.

It's hardly a button masher.

09-26-2009, 05:06 PM
It's hardly a button masher.

At all.

I'm super technical on it.

My gf used to just mash on the buttons(which got annoying).

Now, she's super technical too.

Can spend hours playing on Kirby's stage and that Pokemon(Safron City?) stage.

Zelda's and Star Fox's stages are way too big.

09-26-2009, 05:14 PM
Thats a pretty good idea actually. I dont even want to think about how many hours I have in Oblivion :ugh:.

I'm mostly a console gamer now, although I grew up on Commander Keen, Wolfenstein and Doom. Also have fond memories of Kings Quest IV, Duke Nukem (the side scrolling versions) and many other Apogee games.

Then I moved on to my NES, (whilst playing on my neighbours' SNES and Megadrive), and eventually got a PS when they came out. Like I said, I was mostly a console gamer, but I still enjoyed playing strategy games on my PC (early Warcrafts, Total Annihilation, etc).

Then PS2 happened, and eventually now on my Xbox360. I still rate the PS2 for its robustness and massive choice of games. I pretty much only play Forza and Oblivion on my Xbox (nothing else can hold my attention for that long), and I definitely miss the glory days of gaming :(

I only use my console for sports and racing games. Everything else is PC. I can't play anything FPS on a console, I feel retarded.

A true zombie game still hasn't been made and I think with that formula... it could happen.

09-26-2009, 05:19 PM
video games suck dick nowadays

09-26-2009, 10:45 PM
Cannot find people who can beat me in Smash Brothers, not even at college.

However, I would get my ass handed to me at a competition, most likely by a 15 year old.

I didn't even know what the fuck a wavedash was.

09-27-2009, 12:06 AM
Maybe we're just old though

I feel older than I am. lol

I'm sure this generation will think of Gears and Halo as landmarl classics in 10 years.

Gears of War will only stick out because of its over the shoulder view, chainsaw, and Hoard mode. When I think about it all I get is gray and gritty(= blah).

Halo is big because it really made console fps stand out. I think the game design is good too but that is just an opinion I guess.

you guys can still get your 2d games just on hand held market.

Fuck hand held. I want a full blown huge budget massive 2d game. Viewtifull Joe was on the right track and Shadowcomplex is near gold. I hope they both get sequels, and not as downloadable games either.

09-27-2009, 12:36 AM
Cannot find people who can beat me in Smash Brothers, not even at college.

However, I would get my ass handed to me at a competition, most likely by a 15 year old.

I didn't even know what the fuck a wavedash was.

Gamecube is the bastard child of SB.

09-27-2009, 02:33 PM
I've always had my own concepts for making a videogame.

Turn-based battles, but interactive. I dug Legend of the Dragoon for PSX, MarioRPG for SNES, and the Mario&Luigi RPGs for GBA/DS. Awesome execution

09-27-2009, 02:44 PM
I've always had my own concepts for making a videogame.

Turn-based battles, but interactive. I dug Legend of the Dragoon for PSX, MarioRPG for SNES, and the Mario&Luigi RPGs for GBA/DS. Awesome execution

KOTR basically, I love those games. I am so dissapointed that the new one is going to be a mmorpg.

09-27-2009, 02:58 PM
One of my ideas is a game set in medieval times, but with no magic or dragons or anything supernatural. Just adventuring through the land, with castles and such. It seems that everyone loves to stick magic in every game that has a medieval theme.

09-27-2009, 03:57 PM

I agree. I would substitute "technology" in for magic.

Anyone could use 'tech' but those adept in sciences would accel, ie herbalists, alchemists.

None of that Essence of Demon soul shit.

"Dried bog" + "Flint n Tinder" = FIRE.

LIMITED supplies, impromptu combat scenarios, dealing with environmental diseases/threats, AND constant watch for ambushes.

Simple, realistic, and badass.

It'd start like Fallout3, toon building and crafting, and build up from there.

09-27-2009, 05:29 PM
My idea for a game is GTA4 meets Dawn of the Dead. How cool would it be to have a wold as big as GTA4 crawling with zombies? You'd find survivors, use places as safe areas, etc etc.

09-27-2009, 08:38 PM
own COD4 and plan to pick up MW2, but here lies the problem with todays game, or the evolution... those both will be mainly geared towards online, the story really doesnt matter (hell i know people who never even touch the story just go straight to online), and a lot of game companies are gearing games toward online with a mediocre short story included just because they have to

I think that's because good gamers get bored with AI. I mean, Doom 3 managed to scare the living hell out of me and I couldn't play it through with headphones on...but online play is fun because the movements and strategies are much more random.

09-28-2009, 12:04 AM
Aion is alright. I'm hoping the Star Wars MMO is good..

I miss the days where I would get on Teamspeak and get in my clan's server for Call of Duty 1 and just have a good time killing each other. Those were the days..

09-28-2009, 03:46 PM
You hit the nail on the head. And its not just consoles, PC games are the same. They all believe that nowadays you CANNOT have a successful game without a badass multiplayer game. They skimp on all the single player aspects and solely focus on the online play, which too me is a huge downside and really turns me off to ALOT of games.

I loved the fact that my favorite game of the last 4 years didn't have a multiplayer feature. The fact that I haven't seen anyone mention Bioshock saddens me. I've played through it several times, and always find myself going back to Rapture. Would you kindly come out with Bioshock 2 already?

09-28-2009, 05:46 PM
i really didn't enjoy bioshock.

09-29-2009, 05:55 AM
The fact that I haven't seen anyone mention Bioshock saddens me.

BioShock $5 (http://www.direct2drive.com/2/4645/product/Buy-BioShock-Download)

Another pretty good game for $5

Civilization 4 $5 (http://www.direct2drive.com/4/309/product/Buy-Civilization-4-Download)

09-29-2009, 07:08 AM
Bioshock was so good that when I finally finished the evil side campaign, the next day I started on the good side and played it for three days straight till I beat it again.

My idea for a game would be a fusion of KOTR with the openess of Oblivion/Fallout.

09-29-2009, 01:51 PM
I want a Mass Effect MMO. Not an MMORPG. I want it to play like the original but with thousands of people and more densely populated locations.

09-29-2009, 06:45 PM
Can some of y'all pc gamers post up some of the really good pc games, limit them to 7 years please.

09-29-2009, 11:05 PM
Diablo2. Dated graphics, but fun as shit.

Oregon Trail. It was open ended enough (name your family) that made you want to survive. because you always named the girl your crush/wife.

09-30-2009, 12:51 AM
Games today lack story line.
Games today lack true realism. (you die, you are dead, none of this save game bs, or never die, unlimited health, you take a gunshot to the head, you are done.... Infact i'd like to see a game that wont play anymore if you die)

Only games I play, and its not that often.

Eve Online (because you can lose your character you spent a year creating)
Gran Turismo 4 (because its fun, but still lacks realism, car hits wall, car should not be driveable... salvage title at that point, or spend lots of coin to repair it, and pay the tow fee)

I know I'm going to take flameage for this, but the Gran Theft Auto series is stupid.

09-30-2009, 07:47 AM
Games today lack story line.
Games today lack true realism. (you die, you are dead, none of this save game bs, or never die, unlimited health, you take a gunshot to the head, you are done.... Infact i'd like to see a game that wont play anymore if you die)

Only games I play, and its not that often.

Eve Online (because you can lose your character you spent a year creating)
Gran Turismo 4 (because its fun, but still lacks realism, car hits wall, car should not be driveable... salvage title at that point, or spend lots of coin to repair it, and pay the tow fee)

I know I'm going to take flameage for this, but the Gran Theft Auto series is stupid.

You're stupid. JK.

I don't see how you could think it's stupid though. I just can't.

I'm telling you, GTA meets Zombie's and trying to survive and you'd have a winner.

09-30-2009, 09:15 AM
You're stupid. JK.

I don't see how you could think it's stupid though. I just can't.

I'm telling you, GTA meets Zombie's and trying to survive and you'd have a winner.

there was a mod for that for vice city i want to say.

09-30-2009, 09:21 AM
there was a mod for that for vice city i want to say.

Rockstar released it into the multiplayer mode.

I'm talking about a whole single player mode in an open world like that. Even co-op like LFD but the open world-ness is the key. I can think of all kinds of cool scenarios.

09-30-2009, 11:48 AM
Can some of y'all pc gamers post up some of the really good pc games, limit them to 7 years please.

well what are you looking for? 7 years is a long ass time. alot of good formerly-PC-only games are cross platform with console now as well (half life 2 being the premier example). PC-only is kind of limited to strategy games and mmos nowadays. just about everything else has migrated to console. the only recent PC only FPS i can think of is crysis, and even that is getting its sequel on consoles. all the other famous PC FPS franchises (cod, rainbow 6, half life, wolfenstein, etc.) can be had on console.

there's a shitload of awesome PC-only strategy titles though. all the relic games are good (company of heroes, dawn of war 1 and 2, etc). total war series is also excellent... the more recent ones being rome, medieval 2 and empire. the modifications for rome total war are incredible. i personally love europa barbarorum. i've been playing it for years now.