View Full Version : need docters note for bathroom use wtf?

06-03-2009, 07:50 AM
so at ups they made a new rule
that we need a docters note saying we can use the bathroom after break which is when were allowed to eat
its only 10 min long
and is called 1 hour after work
after that we have to work for 3 more hours

i had to take a dump really bad i asked if i can use it
they said NO
i was like ok fine continue working for about 5 more min
said fuck it i gotta shit
walked to bathroom
boss said if i enter bathroom shes gonna see that im fired

can they do this legally?
i looked around on oshas site and came out empty

06-03-2009, 07:58 AM
so did u go to the bathroom?
did they send u home?

06-03-2009, 07:59 AM
Hahahaha Matt you should shit in a box.

Is it a corporate rule or just something your manager made up?

06-03-2009, 07:59 AM

happens to me at school

eff my spanish teacher

06-03-2009, 08:01 AM
oh also

Work Breaks and Meals (http://employeeissues.com/breaks_meals.htm)

Although there are no Federal and few state laws that require employers to give bathroom breaks, the Federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) (http://employeeissues.com/osha.htm) has interpreted (http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=INTERPRETATIONS&p_id=22932) a section in its Sanitation Standard, to mean that it "...requires employers to make toilet facilities available so that employees can use them when they need to do so. The employer may not impose unreasonable restrictions on employee use of the facilities."

06-03-2009, 08:07 AM
i bet some dumbfucks abused the bathroom breaks and would stay all day...

06-03-2009, 08:07 AM
i went back to my truck waited for her to leave got paper towels and did my business between 2 trucks

06-03-2009, 08:10 AM
i would have done it on the hood of her car
cannot be legal and if they do fire you then i suggest you get a lawyer and become a majority shareholder

06-03-2009, 08:16 AM

happens to me at school

eff my spanish teacher

i would have done it on the hood of her car
cannot be legal and if they do fire you then i suggest you get a lawyer and become a majority shareholder
it doesnt seem legal...assuming UPS does go by Osha regulations, u can do of 2 things...take the quoted statement above and post it everywhere at ur work place...if that doesnt work, u can call up osha and notify them...if there written evidence with a signature from a higher up, it would only help you...obviously u wanna do all this discretly, to avoid termination

06-03-2009, 08:17 AM
no way that's legal... wut a bitch the labor board would have a fit with this one

06-03-2009, 08:18 AM
You guys aren't union there?
I know the UPS down here is

06-03-2009, 08:24 AM
Email that to ur boss too.

06-03-2009, 08:34 AM
just be like "hey i like everything here, i just dont agree with that rule"

06-03-2009, 08:45 AM
were a union
the union guy for us is just pretty buddy buddy with boss
i printed off 20 copys of that
im gonna put one on her desk

06-03-2009, 09:24 AM
were a union
Pretty much sums it all up...

In my personal experience unions have ALOT more leway and gray area to play with when it comes to alot of OSHA standards since they are mostly just guidelines. Posting the OSHA paper all over IMO wasn't a good way to go about things. You probably should have first found out how this new bathroom break was actually worked out, who approved of it and where it came from. Now if you ask any questions its clearly going to look like your the one who posted all the flyers etc.

obviously u wanna do all this discretly, to avoid termination
Theres no need to be discreet, no employer can fire you for questioning OSHA or any other company standards for that matter.

06-03-2009, 09:57 AM
i diddnt post anything up yet
i work 4am-9am

06-03-2009, 10:00 AM
I've heard a lot of UPS places try shady shit like this, or restricting water fountain usage.

06-03-2009, 10:07 AM
Theres no need to be discreet, no employer can fire you for questioning OSHA or any other company standards for that matter.

doesnt mean they wont keep a tighter eye on you and fire first chance they get

i diddnt post anything up yet
i work 4am-9am
last i checked i poop at 6am... but thats just me...a morning dump helps...

I've heard a lot of UPS places try shady shit like this, or restricting water fountain usage.

ive herd the same exact shit around here...

06-03-2009, 10:08 AM

happens to me at school

eff my spanish teacher

sucks to be you peter LOL

06-03-2009, 10:26 AM
wow you let your boss say that shit to you and actually listened to her? you should be like if you fire me, consider yourself fired as well for breaking labor laws, etc.. there is no fucking way an employer can withhold your right to use the bathroom.. you should bring this up with your HR/legal or whoever..

06-03-2009, 11:21 AM
I agree with Sleepy.
Find out as much details as you possibly can with regards to whom and/or what department is responsible for this.
There's always the chance that your supervisor/her supervisor isn't doing something approved by the company.
You can always bring this incident to the attention of the higher-ups.
If their supervisors are creating a risk for a lawsuit, that's not going to be in the company's interests.

With regard to the union,
If you don't feel comfortable speaking to the rep, can't you go directly to the union offices bypassing him?

I'd also suggest speaking to one of those ambulance chaser type lawyers.
sounds like there's $$$ to be made here.
Get as much documentation & info as possible.
See if you have a case.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of your other co-workers aren't already considering the same.

Either way, what occurred wasn't ethical & should not be tolerated.
It's completely unreasonable to presume anyone has perfect control over diarrhea and other bodily demands.

06-03-2009, 11:31 AM
wow you let your boss say that shit to you and actually listened to her? you should be like if you fire me, consider yourself fired as well for breaking labor laws, etc.. there is no fucking way an employer can withhold your right to use the bathroom.. you should bring this up with your HR/legal or whoever..

ihit between the trucks just for her
im sure they saw it when all the trucks left and everyone was gone

its not my supervisor that made the rule its the top higher ups of the building that did
we call them suits

me and 1 other guy at work is working on gathering up as much information as possible and were gonna go to osha and possibly a lawyer

06-03-2009, 11:50 AM
Well then if the higher ups are calling the shots, then you prob shouldn't get too upset at your supervisor.
Hard to know what she's going through, and it can't be such a good job enforcing something like that.
For all you know, they might be saying they're going to fire her, if you take a dump.
Have pity on the poor woman (unless you didn't like her prior).

06-03-2009, 12:01 PM
ive herd of companies requesting employees to let someone know that there taking a bathroom break to cover them for a phew minutes...but this not letting u go unless they say so is straight BS...

06-03-2009, 12:13 PM
Theres no need to be discreet, no employer can fire you for questioning OSHA or any other company standards for that matter.

No, but they can look for other things to fire you for. being discreet would be a good idea.

I worked at a call center that kept track of how long you were in the bathroom. if it was more than 10 minutes you got in trouble

06-03-2009, 12:16 PM
Plan of action:

1. Identify said "suit" policy maker(s).
2. Identify said "suit's" vehicle(s).
3. Promptly drop dueces on their vehicle(s). Preferrably on the hood.
4. Stand back and watch from a lenghtly distance your vindication.

06-03-2009, 12:29 PM
You should have pooped your pants and filed a lawsuit.

06-03-2009, 01:01 PM

it doesnt seem legal...assuming UPS does go by Osha regulations, u can do of 2 things...take the quoted statement above and post it everywhere at ur work place...if that doesnt work, u can call up osha and notify them...if there written evidence with a signature from a higher up, it would only help you...obviously u wanna do all this discretly, to avoid termination

He'd be protected by the whistle blower laws. They cannot "get even" with him because he called them out on illegal work place activities.

06-03-2009, 01:10 PM
No, but they can look for other things to fire you for. being discreet would be a good idea.

I worked at a call center that kept track of how long you were in the bathroom. if it was more than 10 minutes you got in trouble

There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to be discreet. If your doing other things that warrant being fired they will find them regardless. And if they do by chance try to fire you thats when you get a lawyer involved.

If you don't feel comfortable speaking to the rep, can't you go directly to the union offices bypassing him?

Truth... I've worked a union job where my superior was clearly unable to do is job and it is easy and productive usually just to go right over him.

ive herd of companies requesting employees to let someone know that there taking a bathroom break to cover them for a phew minutes...but this not letting u go unless they say so is straight BS...

Partial truths. If there is an individual or individuals abusing certian privelidges they can be monitored. To be perfectly honest giving employees a 10 minute restroom break seems fair. Also I am 100% confident there is some form of miscommunication in this situation. Banning the use of the bathroom is just plain stupid, no business would create a standard like that, especially one that would open them to lawsuits and the like. I would definitely seek some answers promptly and courtesly.

06-03-2009, 01:20 PM
call your local news channels.. works for most people.. make it public how fucked up ups is then sue the shit out of them.. paypal me some of the money haha jk..

06-03-2009, 01:30 PM
There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to be discreet. If your doing other things that warrant being fired they will find them regardless. And if they do by chance try to fire you thats when you get a lawyer involved.

if your not discreet, say your late for a work a few times. normally nothing would happen, maybe they would say something to you. but since you were no discreet and said something they decide to fire you. its in the books that you cant be late but they normally dont follow this rule, but because of what you did they decide to make you follow it. also say you are not discreet. the company decides to lay some people off. well since you decided to not be discreet about it you are the first laid off(an easy way to get rid of undesirables). ive seen it happen

but like you said i dont think we are getting the whole story.

06-04-2009, 08:35 AM
You should have pooped your pants and filed a lawsuit.
LOL Love it!!!

He'd be protected by the whistle blower laws. They cannot "get even" with him because he called them out on illegal work place activities.

read below, thats all im tryin to get at
No, but they can look for other things to fire you for. being discreet would be a good idea.

There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to be discreet. If your doing other things that warrant being fired they will find them regardless. And if they do by chance try to fire you thats when you get a lawyer involved.

true...very true

Partial truths. If there is an individual or individuals abusing certian privelidges they can be monitored. To be perfectly honest giving employees a 10 minute restroom break seems fair. Also I am 100% confident there is some form of miscommunication in this situation. Banning the use of the bathroom is just plain stupid, no business would create a standard like that, especially one that would open them to lawsuits and the like. I would definitely seek some answers promptly and courtesly.

i didnt mean it like that, that they are monitored, i ment it more for retail jobs that deal with costumers, in which someone covers the other for a bit to squeeze one out...just courtisy nothin binding...


john - he mike can u watch register for me, i gotta drop a duece
mike - yeah sure

06-04-2009, 08:41 AM
i didnt mean it like that, that they are monitored, i ment it more for retail jobs that deal with costumers, in which someone covers the other for a bit to squeeze one out...just courtisy nothin binding...


john - he mike can u watch register for me, i gotta drop a duece
mike - yeah sure

And thats perfectly fine unless John needs to use the bathroom every 30-40 minutes. Again theres so many variables as to why something could be put in place. But I would think more often than not some things are abused as a reason to get away from work (or doing work).

06-04-2009, 08:53 AM
And thats perfectly fine unless John needs to use the bathroom every 30-40 minutes. Again theres so many variables as to why something could be put in place. But I would think more often than not some things are abused as a reason to get away from work (or doing work).

inflamed prostate...lol

all i knwo is im a meat eater...10mins sometimes isnt enough...lol

06-04-2009, 11:00 AM
If you have medical coverage through them, remind them that it's cheaper for them to let you use the toilet now than pay for kidney stone removal / bowel cancer treatment later.

06-04-2009, 01:29 PM
This has nothing to do with your situation:

One time in Middle School I had to pee super super bad and the teacher wouldnt let me go, I was jumping up and down doing the "pee pee dance". I was causing a disturbance so the teacher made me stand in front of the classroom, well i pissed myself in front of everyone.... I yelled at the teacher, they sent me to the principals office called my mom brought her in....My grandfather an ex olympic power lifter and truck driver came down too and almost kicked the crap out of the teacher and principal. Teacher got a 1 week suspension. I wish i would have known now tho i would have sued they asses.

Sorry for the Threadjack I really hope that you find out whats up thats totally not right!

06-04-2009, 09:36 PM
i left the print out i had on her desk while no one was around
not sure how the outcome will be tomorrow cuz ill be at formula d working the track
so ill let u guys know what happens monday