View Full Version : Idle Issues & White Sweet Smoke =(

06-03-2009, 03:30 AM
Hello all, I have a new issue with my recently bought 240SX. The deal is I have white, sweet smelling smoke coming out of my exhaust. On top of that the idle is now more fucked up than ever, and will not go above 5K. Drove it down the street to see if it will go, and it just tries to kill itself, the more gas applied the more it seems to bog down.
I'm no genius but I can't help but think the problem is a more complicated thing than just a seal.

Any help would be great as I am very close to just parting it out and accepting my loss in cash.

The car was running fine before the problem, no signs or precursor of the issues at hand, and I'm really at a loss as to why it decided to act up on me.

Anyways I would love to know what you guys think could be the problem, and how to fix it / how much it would end up costing.

Thank you in advance - Curtis

06-03-2009, 03:32 AM
Sweet white smoke is burning coolant. :(

Headgasket probably needs replacing.

06-03-2009, 04:01 AM
Headgasket on the way, that was my first guess.
But do you think that the headgasket alone would cause the idle bogging issue?

I mean when it's pinned to the floor it won't go above 3-4K when it's pinned. Clutch out it revs to about 5 and then stops, clutch in, it won't go past 1.5-2.

If it's anything more than the headgasket i'm about 2 seconds away from just parting it out.

06-03-2009, 04:18 AM
The coolant added to your mix of air and fuel could probably be making your car run bad.
That's just a guess though, I'd wait for others to chime in for any other insight.

06-03-2009, 04:19 AM
stop driving it or running it while it's got a blown headgasket. water does not compress and ignight like gas does. you could be doing more damage to your car if you continue to drive it that way.

don't give up that easily on your 240, fix the HG, but you might want to take the head to a machine shop and have them check it would for warpage.
Treat your 240sx like a queen, and she'll be good to you

06-03-2009, 04:29 AM
That's the thing, i've never romped on it to the point of rediculousness, and the second I realized the problem was at hand I stopped driving it and had it towed home.

The HG has been ordered and i'm praying that it is the issue that needs to be fixed.

The car is safely in the driveway and will not be started or driven until the gasket is replaced.

It's understandable that water does not burn like fuel, as it is water, and not fuel lol.

I just hope that is the problem and not something greater.

I've treated the car like my significant other since the day it arrived at my house, and that will not change as I love it when it is not giving me guff.

I have a few shops in CA in mind that have more knowledge than myself lined up to see if they can help me out. Next bet is to have it hauled off to have the service done.

Honestly I love the car to death and don't want have to part with it. But with my limited knowledge I have nothing to run on except the information received from the peopl on this forum =\ lol.

06-03-2009, 04:38 PM
Going to drain the oil today to see if there is any leakage. Checking the coolant levels & the tips of the spark plugs also.

Bought a compression tester also so I can see what the fuck is up with that.

I will post an update with my findings later today.

06-03-2009, 08:45 PM
Well it's not the headgasket, seems the previous owner jerry rigged the coupler between the MAF and the pipe and it had a total seal failure. Should be a quick fix once I get the right tubes.

Thank you Razi and handinpants for the help, I'm quite glad I didn't start taking her apart just yet.