View Full Version : Brother and GF's sister.....

05-25-2009, 03:30 PM
I picked up my girlfriends sister last night, to spend the night at our (gf and I) place. My girlfriend of 2 years' sister has been talking to my 18yr old brother for about 2 months. Well I guess my brother was going to pick my GF's sister up and take her to some party when she got in town, wrongo.

My brother takes her to his buddys place where they try and get her to put out. She declines, so he drives her to some field where he trys to get physical. He drops her off down the street of my apartment and takes off. - the whole time hes callin her some slut and whore, saying she wasnt even on his level if she didnt want to suck his dick etc.

Should I save the ass whoppin for after memorial day weekend or should I bring it up to my parents - who will probably kick him out of the house for this?

There is no excuse for anybody to treat a respectible smokin hot young lady like that, esp to get physical and force her to perform an oral performance, when its my fucking girlfriends sister. How stupid do you have to be?

Im having a hard time deciding on how to deal with this, he was always a Jesus lover, and a gentlemen. I must break it to my parents their son is a rapist. Any tips? Should I ever talk to him again?

Plus he called me about 2 hours ago trying to get into my apartment like some zombie chasing some fresh uninfected meat.

05-25-2009, 03:31 PM
I would beat his ass, then tell the parents.

Or... Beat his ass in front of your parents, then when they step in to break it up, explain your reasons.

05-25-2009, 03:35 PM
I would like to avoid the drama somehow, but I got a phonecall from my GF's mother this morning, saying shes going to drive to my parents house and beat my little brothers ass herself....Great way for our parents to meet....

05-25-2009, 03:37 PM
You should at least break the news to your parents, before a woman they've never met does it for you.

05-25-2009, 03:40 PM
Ill have to break it to my father tonight.......poor kid. Such a short life

05-25-2009, 03:40 PM
+1 on beating the shit outta him.

no girl deserves that...i would disown him too.

05-25-2009, 03:42 PM
beat his ass with a sock full of quarters

05-25-2009, 03:45 PM
damn dood thats harsh..try talkin to him and find out wtf he was thinkin...no need to make things worst

05-25-2009, 03:56 PM
damn dood thats harsh..try talkin to him and find out wtf he was thinkin...no need to make things worst

Because there is a good excuse for attempted rape?


05-25-2009, 04:02 PM
yea tru but idk man thas ur brother..ur blood..u cant just disown him cuz of a fucked up decision..ass woopin sure..idk man its tough but good luck

05-25-2009, 04:03 PM
damn dood thats harsh..try talkin to him and find out wtf he was thinkin...no need to make things worst

You're dumb.

Bigsyke, I know he's your brother, but you know what you have to do.
-Tell the parents.
-Have the gf's sister press charges.
-Turn his ass over to the cops.

05-25-2009, 04:13 PM
I would beat his ass, then tell the parents.

Or... Beat his ass in front of your parents, then when they step in to break it up, explain your reasons.

You should at least break the news to your parents, before a woman they've never met does it for you.

quoted for truth

05-25-2009, 04:14 PM
Are you fucking serious? You do realize this thread is about a rape, right?

I wish computers had a "beatdown" function, so I could hit a button, and a fist would appear from your screen to break your nose.

05-25-2009, 04:18 PM
1st thing first... Make sure that your girlfriend's sister is in a safe place.

2nd thing, take her to a hospital, if she's willing to go.

3rd thing, get the police involved.

Worry about parents, little brother, etc. later. Most likely, the police will deal with that, as well as sort out exactly what happened.

05-25-2009, 04:19 PM
I'm late to the party, but what he had done was inexcusable...I'm whoop on him and then tell your parents (and not your girls mother).

05-25-2009, 04:26 PM
I say rough him up a beat, and while in the midst of it, grab him by the collar drag him to your parents, throw him on the floor, and then make him tell them what he did.

Koopa Troopa
05-25-2009, 04:28 PM
Yeah, beat his ass before her mom does.

05-25-2009, 04:35 PM
Repda916, evidently at 17, you aren't mature enough to join this conversation. Your posts have been deleted, move along.

If you attempt to continue this stupidity, you will be Pinked.

surge s14
05-25-2009, 04:36 PM
beat his ass take care of it your self no need in getting your parents up set

05-25-2009, 04:46 PM
beating his ass isn't gonna do anything.....try and find out what ACTUALLY happen. Something similar happen to my cousin but it turns out that the girl making these accusations was a lil off her rocker......Its hard to believe that a "Jesus lover and Gentleman" all of a sudden is affiliated with rapist friends and is an attempted rapist. If he is then he needs to be turned in to the police because sooner or later its gonna happen again if that's the way he is!

05-25-2009, 04:49 PM
wow beat his ass

05-25-2009, 04:49 PM
Hope you've gotten both sides of the story before reaching any conclusion and taking any action.
try to clarify the details of the said event.
Your bro seems to be in the wrong no doubt, but there is a difference between hitting on someone and actual attempted assault/rape.

If he's in the wrong, there's a difference between resolving a situation that involves a complete stranger and family member/close friend.
Obviously with a stranger, you'd prob go all the way to exact retribution, but thats not the case here.
I would try to resolve this internally on the smallest scale, if possible.
If you can get your brother to apologize and the chick to accept the apology, then just leave it be.
as far as police action goes, at the very least i'd have the chick put a restraining order against your brother.

if you go all the way and have him kicked out of the house, ruin his relationship with his parents, thrown in prison, your essentially destroying his life.
maybe a better course of action, if he's in the wrong, is to get him therapy.
you also have to think about what your bro means to your parents.
destroying him, is taking something valuable away from them (if they care about him).

is it worth destroying your brother's life?
that's up to you to decide.
I know I'd try to resolve the same situation with as much diplomacy as possible.

also what do you want?
there's a difference between trying to fuck someone up and trying to help them.

'beating him up' is really not going to accomplish anything constructive, and is unbecoming of a 24 yr old.
i seriously hope that is not your ultimate solution.

05-25-2009, 04:50 PM
Its hard to believe that a "Jesus lover and Gentleman" all of a sudden is affiliated with rapist friends and is an attempted rapist.
Not at all, these are normally the types to watch out for. Lots of repressed urges, until one day they just snap.

05-25-2009, 04:52 PM
I would beat his ass, then tell the parents.

Or... Beat his ass in front of your parents, then when they step in to break it up, explain your reasons.

i agree with this guy. what ur brodid is disrespectful toyou your gf and her sis. hopefully it doesnt also jeopardize your relationship with you girl. also explain to your girlfriend the situation and ensure her that it will be taken care of properly

05-25-2009, 04:54 PM
Hope you've gotten both sides of the story before reaching any conclusion and taking any action.
Also try to clarify the details.
Your bro seems to be in the wrong no doubt, but there is a difference between hitting on someone and actual attempted assault/rape.

If he's in the wrong, there's a difference between resolving a situation that involves a complete stranger and family member/close friend.
Obviously with a stranger, you'd prob go all the way to exact retribution, but thats not the case here.
I would try to resolve this internally on the smallest scale, if possible.
If you can get your brother to apologize and the chick to accept the apology, then just leave it be.
as far as police action goes, at the very least i'd have the chick put a restraining order against your brother.

if you go all the way and have him kicked out of the house, ruin his relationship with his parents, thrown in prison, your essentially destroying his life.
maybe a better course of action, if he's in the wrong, is to get him therapy.
you also have to think about what your bro means to your parents.
destroying him, is taking something valuable away from them (if they care about him).

is it worth destroying your brother's life?
that's up to you to decide.
I know I'd try to resolve the same situation with as much diplomacy as possible.

also what do you want?
there's a difference between trying to fuck someone up and trying to help them.

simple solution

beat his ass

make him apologize to your gf and her family, you don't have to make your parents know that would be pretty awkward

its the brotherly thing to do

even if the girl lied i'm sure you've wanted to beat his ass for something else before so this will just let you get it out now

i've wanted to beat some sense into my brother a million times and he's older than me

waiting for the right time


05-25-2009, 05:03 PM
simple solution

even if the girl lied i'm sure you've wanted to beat his ass for something else before so this will just let you get it out now

i've wanted to beat some sense into my brother a million times and he's older than me

waiting for the right time


well, that's different.
if you wanted to beat his ass regardless, then go for it.

05-25-2009, 05:10 PM
last time i checked, trying to get physical with a girl, getting shut down, getting pissed and then dropping her off and making her walk home is NOT rape. of course his composure was way out of line and action needs to be taken, but unless i'm getting the story twisted, the kid didnt rape anyone...

05-25-2009, 05:13 PM
1st thing first... Make sure that your girlfriend's sister is in a safe place.

2nd thing, take her to a hospital, if she's willing to go.

3rd thing, get the police involved.

Worry about parents, little brother, etc. later. Most likely, the police will deal with that, as well as sort out exactly what happened.

Shes at my apartment, however getting the police involved is a little extreme at the moment since she didnt confirm any physical abuse (grabbing her arm and forcing her) that should wind him up in jail.

Hope you've gotten both sides of the story before reaching any conclusion and taking any action.
try to clarify the details of the said event.
Your bro seems to be in the wrong no doubt, but there is a difference between hitting on someone and actual attempted assault/rape.

If he's in the wrong, there's a difference between resolving a situation that involves a complete stranger and family member/close friend.
Obviously with a stranger, you'd prob go all the way to exact retribution, but thats not the case here.
I would try to resolve this internally on the smallest scale, if possible.
If you can get your brother to apologize and the chick to accept the apology, then just leave it be.
as far as police action goes, at the very least i'd have the chick put a restraining order against your brother.

if you go all the way and have him kicked out of the house, ruin his relationship with his parents, thrown in prison, your essentially destroying his life.
maybe a better course of action, if he's in the wrong, is to get him therapy.
you also have to think about what your bro means to your parents.
destroying him, is taking something valuable away from them (if they care about him).

is it worth destroying your brother's life?
that's up to you to decide.
I know I'd try to resolve the same situation with as much diplomacy as possible.

also what do you want?
there's a difference between trying to fuck someone up and trying to help them.

'beating him up' is really not going to accomplish anything constructive, and is unbecoming of a 24 yr old.
i seriously hope that is not your ultimate solution.

Well hopefully later ill try and find out his side of the story, however I already know. I was 18 at one time, urges took me over, all I was trying to do was get laid. Im just curious on what kinda shit he was smokin to actually think that my furture wifes sister would be cool with some shit like that. He didnt think that after he dropped her off down the street she wouldnt tell me that my brother is a piece of shit? Like I was going to laugh at this sweet innocent chick getting disrespected, who is soon to be family to me.

Not at all, these are normally the types to watch out for. Lots of repressed urges, until one day they just snap.

Exactly my friend, I saw it comming when he was blaming me for all the porn my parents would find. Now they are finding bongs and shit in the passenger seat of their minivan.

last time i checked, trying to get physical with a girl, getting shut down, getting pissed and then dropping her off and making her walk home is NOT rape. of course his composure was way out of line and action needs to be taken, but unless i'm getting the story twisted, the kid didnt rape anyone...

Apologies, figure of speach, but non the less the worst thing you can do, bar none..esp the circumstances

05-25-2009, 05:15 PM
A good ass beating might be just the thing he needs to get his life back in order.

It's worked before.

05-25-2009, 05:16 PM
must have both sides of the story before you open the can of whoop

05-25-2009, 05:16 PM
Tell the parents. Turn his ass in to the Police and beat his ass when he gets out. Or a swift kick to the nuts. Your choice.

05-25-2009, 05:21 PM
A good ass beating might be just the thing he needs to get his life back in order.

It's worked before.
Seriously... Anybody who says "violence doesn't solve anything" must not have ever caught a beating after doing something stupid.

05-25-2009, 05:22 PM

The fear of having pain inflicted upon you, is a good motivator not to be a fuck-wad.

05-25-2009, 05:28 PM
i've punched some good friends real good when they've done stupid shit

most of them thanked me later so its fine

05-25-2009, 05:28 PM
that sucks.
its time for one of those brotherly beat your ass until you say sorry situations.

too bad i'm always the little brother in the family. -__-'

but yeah. just make him apologize by putting him in some sort of painful hold. :P

at least you got an excuse. and if he doesnt learn his lesson just repeat the process.


05-25-2009, 05:34 PM
Fuck it. Go Gitmo style and water board him.

I'm pretty sure rape is more fucked up than water boarding.

05-25-2009, 05:39 PM
Well hopefully later ill try and find out his side of the story, however I already know. I was 18 at one time, urges took me over, all I was trying to do was get laid. Im just curious on what kinda shit he was smokin to actually think that my furture wifes sister would be cool with some shit like that. He didnt think that after he dropped her off down the street she wouldnt tell me that my brother is a piece of shit? Like I was going to laugh at this sweet innocent chick getting disrespected, who is soon to be family to me.

so in other words, what you found out was via your GF/GF's sis account only?
you haven't heard both sides of the story.
that's just not an objective way of finding out what really happened.
I would give your bro the chance to explain things on his side at the very least.
If this is the first time something like this has happened with your bro, that should give him some degree of credibility at the very least.

About the chick who made the accusations,
how well exactly do you know your GF's sis?
can you absolutely guarantee that she's 100% honest and incapable of exaggeration?
If she was offended, is unthinkable that she would attempt to exact max retribution, even if it meant exaggerating details or even making stuff up?

Your bro might not be entirely honest either, but at least it'll give you more info to reach an informed conclusion.
might also help if you speak to some of the ppl at the party to find out if they know what was going on.

05-25-2009, 05:40 PM
Shit man this really sucks, I dont even think ive talked to my brother for more than a combined 20 minutes in the past 7 years. This is going to be awkward and shit calling such a quiet kid out.

so in other words, what you found out was via your GF/GF's sis account only?
you haven't heard both sides of the story.
that's just not an objective way of finding out what really happened.
I would give your bro the chance to explain things on his side at the very least.
If this is the first time something like this has happened with your bro, that should give him some degree of credibility at the very least.

About the chick who made the accusations,
how well exactly do you know your GF's sis?
can you absolutely guarantee that she's 100% honest and incapable of exaggeration?
If she was offended, is unthinkable that she would attempt to exact max retribution, even if it meant exaggerating details or even making stuff up?

Your bro might not be entirely honest either, but at least it'll give you more info to reach an informed conclusion.
might also help if you speak to some of the ppl at the party to find out if they know what was going on.

Well I will get the second side of the story after work tonight. Im sure he would deny it, since the only way the GF's sisters story would even make sense if he was dope'd out of his mind on something. Its just not him to do that, unless he was getting frustrated that after X ammount of times hanging out she wasnt showing signs of being anything more than a friend.

05-25-2009, 05:44 PM
well then maybe you should consider that your parents handle this.
that is if you're confident they're good at dealing with such situations.

05-25-2009, 05:50 PM
Shit man this really sucks, I dont even think ive talked to my brother for more than a combined 20 minutes in the past 7 years. This is going to be awkward and shit calling such a quiet kid out.

ass beating for sure!

but your saying you havent really talked to your brother for more then 20 minutes combined in the last 7 years! thats not a healthy relationship and on top of that you have no idea who this kid really is today 7 years ago he may have been a quiet church going kid but he was what 10 y/o? For all you know he is a rapist peice of shit that should be beaten, thrown in jail, then beaten upon release!

05-25-2009, 05:50 PM
Seriously... Anybody who says "violence doesn't solve anything" must not have ever caught a beating after doing something stupid.

violence solves some things maybe.
i just don't think it solves 'everything'.

if i have a issue with a co-worker, i don't just beat them up.
i find out what the problem is, and deal with it accordingly.
same deal if it were my brother instead of some random co-worker.

you beat someone up and your over 18, you're liable for assault charges.
that's over 1 yr in prison.
regardless the of the situation, i always cover my ass.
try telling the judge "Zilvia told me to do it".

If my brother tried to attack me out of nowhere,
didn't even give me the common courtesy to explain my side of the story,
& I wasn't close to him at all,
I'd say to hell with him and be inclined to file charges too.

05-25-2009, 05:52 PM
you beat someone up and your over 18, you're liable for assault charges.
that's over 1 yr in prison.

That just proves the "pussification" of American society. So many stupid fucks out there now-a-days that might not be so bad...

if only someone would have beat their ignorant ass.

Jonnie Fraz
05-25-2009, 06:11 PM
This is quite an interesting problem. Sounds like you and your bro are not tight...I can relate. Your bro deserves a good ass kicking, but I don't know if you should serve it up. What does little sis want to happen?...she has told her Mom soulds like. Does she want the parents to work it out or does she want to report it to the police?
Rape is not really about sex...it is about power. Beating the crap out of him may make things worse later.
I really think it is up to little sis.

05-25-2009, 06:12 PM
my thinking is so similar to yours, Barry, its not even funny

05-25-2009, 06:12 PM
wtf dude just whoop the shit out of him. seriously, who gives a shit about the drama. we are human beings drama plays it's role in our life. everything that happens is drama. THIS whole situation is drama. if my little brother did that i would whoop the dog shit out of him and tell my parents. whoop his ass on today, give him something to remember about.

drift freaq
05-25-2009, 06:17 PM
First off Women are quite capable of lying. I am not saying your girlfriends sisters story might be the truth but check it out first. If you find he did try shit then ya beat his ass. LOL .

I just get worried over circumstances like this sometimes because girls are very capable of devious behavior themselves. Hell has no fury like a women scorned.

Example I was in 10th grade and a bunch of us were partying. Now my friend who had moved from Chicago had a hot sister who was kinda interested in me. She wanted to go home and did not want to ride alone because she was a little loaded and did not know Palo Alto. So being the gentlemen, I told her I would ride with her. Well I knew the faster route to her house. So when we were riding I suggested we turn down a street that led to her house but she had not traveled.
She was all like, why do you want to go down that street and I was like its faster. She got all funny and said no I am going to go this way you are scaring me. At which point I said fuck this chick I am outta here.

I get to school the next morning and word is going around I tried to lure her down a street to take advantage of her and rape her. Its like WTF I had nothing but good intentions and she is running around spreading this bullshit. I talked to people and got it straightened out. Though it was very scary and showed me how easy it is to be a man and blamed for shit you may not have even done because a Women says so.

Example 2 . One of my best friends a Japanese American went to GIT aka Musicians Institute here in Hollywood. Being born in Japan and having grown up around mostly white kids he met a Japanese girl here in LA and starting seeing her. They became a item but she was a little on the psycho side coming from a divorced Alcoholic mother background in Japan.
Well one night Mark would not do what she wanted him to do, she got really pissed, they had a verbal fight. She called the cops and she he raped her. They came got him and tossed him in Jail for the night. Now Mark is one of the nicest people on this planet and while he can kick ass and take names the last thing in the world he would do is force himself on a Women. Needless to say she later recanted but the damage was done.

I should add Mark is a happily married man of like 7 years with a beautiful 3 year daughter. Oh and he swore off Japanese girls after that incident. His wife is blonde haired Northern Italian descent American girl.

Shall I list story 3 involving a Dyno shop here in socal? Again the owner is a really cool guy known to be a bit of a womanizer aka player but thats about it? Spurned girlfriend finds out about the new one acuses him of rape he winds up in Jail on a crazy amount of bail for like 3 months. Finally charges are dropped, false accusations again!

See until we know exactly what happened on your brothers side? He may be being wrongfully accused. Women can be very evil when it comes to this kinda of stuff.

All I am saying is use your best judgement before taking either sides story lock stock and barrel.
If your brother is guilty as charged hell ya whip his ass.

05-25-2009, 06:23 PM
if youre not that close then i dont think giving him a good whooping would even matter much to him. and yeah, find out if he was on anything or find out if maybe your future sister inlaw is some underground slut and just didnt wanna give him any. lol. i mean, if there was a smokin hot girl that tried out all your friends and then didnt wanna give you any, wouldnt you get pissed too and say things like what she claims he said. hahahahaha

but wouldnt it be weird if you and your girl get married and then your brother and her sister get married? lol

05-25-2009, 06:32 PM
Well I will get the second side of the story after work tonight. Im sure he would deny it, since the only way the GF's sisters story would even make sense if he was dope'd out of his mind on something. Its just not him to do that, unless he was getting frustrated that after X ammount of times hanging out she wasnt showing signs of being anything more than a friend.

He might very deny everything, but you should give him the chance to give his side of the story as common courtesy.
it's not fair to him to 'presume' he is automatically at fault.

try tell him that you want to find out the truth, and aren't out to get him.
try not to get too judgmental.
it's prob not going to be easy to get him to open up.
as you said, you and him aren't close.
he most prob is going to assume you might not be on his side.
maybe you should consider having someone you both know mediate.

if your bro isn't cooperative, then take it to the next level.
say if he doesn't open up, you're going to have to tell the parents and possibly the cops.
that should put enough pressure to speak.

if that doesn't work, speak to your parents first and let them deal with it.

also, how is the chick reacting?
will she be happy with an apology, or does she want to press charges?
could you in any way be legally responsible for this mess?

05-25-2009, 06:43 PM
lol thats fucked.
damn if he was a random guy and did that to
my gf's sister danngggg i would tore his ass upp!,
but either then that you admitted your gf's sisters hot,
hope she doesnt read this... haha.

05-25-2009, 07:02 PM
He might very deny everything

since him and his brother are nowhere near having a close relationship, i can very well see this happening. why would his brother honestly give a damn about his opinion of him as a person if they dont have a close relationship? to him you may be just another ordinary dude.

im not saying that you shouldnt get his side of the story, but be weary that he may be lying. just be sure to pay close attention to his body language and just the way he is acting in general.

on another note i wouldnt trust the girl either. chicks are known to lie about shit like this.

you definitely need to hear out both sides of the story and go from there. i forgot who already mentioned it but i would try and hook up with other people at the party and see if they know anything.

05-25-2009, 07:18 PM
The next person to request Pics in a Thread discussing an attempted rape, will be Banned.

This is your warning. No pinking, no second chances.

05-25-2009, 07:25 PM
Well, interesting situation here... I would say this. Do not get the cops involved, since no real raping took place and your brother just sounds like he was being a disrespectful dusch getting them involved may land him on a sex offender list as well as ruining his life forever,you don't want that do ya? So... Get his side of the story if he tries to play it all cool or act like it was no big thing then taze his ass or pepper spray him,something like that. Then drag his ass to the girls house and make him apologize in front of her family. Shame is a lesson that is not soon forgotten,neither is being tazed.

05-25-2009, 07:43 PM
Leave it, let your parents kick him out.

Don't take an assault charge over someone you aren't close to anyway.

05-25-2009, 07:53 PM
I don't think it sounds like an attempted rape at all.

Extremely poor manners sure (if it happened at all) but there's only one side of the story, and obviously it's going to be made to sound dramatic.

I don't know your brother, and I don't know your sister's girlfriend, to me they both have equal potential to be lying.

Even "tries to get physical" could mean so many things, it's very very vague.


Clearly you have some sort of personal beef with your brother if you won't even face him first. Sounds like you need to resolve some issues between you and him before you get involved in issues between him and other people.

05-25-2009, 07:55 PM
Leave it, let your parents kick him out.

Don't take an assault charge over someone you aren't close to anyway.


I suggested going to the police because it may be the only way to keep your brother from doing it again. If he's a minor, then there's a chance that your local area has a service that deals with cases like this, even if it's just an attempted rape. If you just let your parents deal with it, then he could just bury it, and grow up and later wind up spending the rest of his life in, or in and out of jail (after hurting more/others).

I just sat through a 3 hour lecture a week ago in my Psychology class about rape, rehabilitation, causes, effects, helping the victim, etc. My teacher used to be the person in charge of the program for youth who comitted rape, and believe me, when I say get the blue involved, I'm not saying it lightly or out of spite, it may actually help your brother in the long run. Of course, this depends on if the victim wants to talk to them, it's really about what she wants or needs. In the future, she may want to take futher steps than she is now, or admit that more or less happened than she's told you now. Talk to a police officer, and ask them to point you to someone who can talk to her, and guide her. That is what I would suggest if she doesn't want to talk to a police officer.

05-25-2009, 07:57 PM
(loud noises!)
Fuck warnings, ban those assholes anyway. That nonsense is highly inappropriate.
(This is coming from someone with the mentality and maturity level of a 12 year old).

05-25-2009, 08:00 PM
since him and his brother are nowhere near having a close relationship, i can very well see this happening. why would his brother honestly give a damn about his opinion of him as a person if they dont have a close relationship? to him you may be just another ordinary dude.

im not saying that you shouldnt get his side of the story, but be weary that he may be lying. just be sure to pay close attention to his body language and just the way he is acting in general.

on another note i wouldnt trust the girl either. chicks are known to lie about shit like this.

you definitely need to hear out both sides of the story and go from there. i forgot who already mentioned it but i would try and hook up with other people at the party and see if they know anything.

there really is so much the OP can do to determine whether or not his bro is being honest.
same goes for determining the honesty of the GF's sis.
the bro could be just nervous from thinking something bad is going on, and not necc because he's lying.

lack of eyewitnesses is another prob.
the supposed attempted rape happened in car, without other witnesses.
it's just a matter of 'he said, she said'.
then there's the possibility of alchohol and who knows what other stimulants involved that further puts anyone's account into question.

I think the only thing the OP can do, is to give his bro some sort of incentive to 'resolve the mess',
best to deal with this by VERBALLY apologizing to the chick and call it a day.
Tell him that in a situation like this, the cops are known to side with the chick.
Worst case scenario, he can be charged with rape and assault.
If he doesn't resolve it now, there's a good chance it going to go to the cops.
If that happens, he's screwed.

05-25-2009, 08:04 PM

I suggested going to the police because it may be the only way to keep your brother from doing it again. If he's a minor, then there's a chance that your local area has a service that deals with cases like this, even if it's just an attempted rape.l .

OP mentioned that his brother was 18.
he's not going to be tried as a minor if charges are pressed.

05-25-2009, 08:06 PM
Plus, If you aren't close he'll probably be more inclined to charge you for assault or even seek revenge for destroying his life.

oh and girls are evil.

05-25-2009, 08:47 PM

I can't believe people are asking for pics. I mean........jeez that is just..........sick

Anyways, what are the updates? Is the girl okay?

05-25-2009, 09:55 PM
First off Women are quite capable of lying. I am not saying your girlfriends sisters story might be the truth but check it out first. If you find he did try shit then ya beat his ass. LOL .

agreed with driftfreaq and his 3 stories as good examples. just get the facts straight first before you do anything.

i thought at first, why not get the full story. girls tend to exaggerate at times. for all you know, her little sister could be mad at her sister for something stupid, or jealous of you both for having a good relationship and made this whole story up to cause tension in your family/relationship.

but if you talk to your brother and find out that it is true, then do what you must to make things right whether it be an asswhopping or getting parties together to straighten things out. i would be pissed too if it was true and a brother did this. i mean, if your relationship is serious and you end up marrying the girl, it will be always awkward for your brother and the sister at family gatherings and other events.

unfortunately for the guy, the girl will always get the benefit of the doubt in situations like this. although i hear it is pretty hard to plead a case of rape in court for the victim, unless there is clear evidence.

besides, i don't know why people are calling this attempted rape. he may have acted like a "pig" and a "jerk" for not getting the girl to put out, but unless he used force and tried to force her, i don't consider it attempted rape even if he drove the girl out to a field or to some frat party. maybe verbal abuse or being too vulgar.

05-25-2009, 10:12 PM
Ask your brother what the fuck he was thinking, then when he explains it, beat his ass.

Then tell your parents.

05-25-2009, 10:13 PM
Tried to do it once, he'll try to do it again.

First I'd beat his ass.

Then I'd call the cops.

Then I'd tell the parents once the cops are on the way.

The girl didn't tell anyone or what?

I'm gathering if you found out, so did your gf.

Her parents don't know?

Guess I should read all the posts aside from the first, but meh.

05-25-2009, 10:33 PM
thatguy nails it on the head. i would beat the ever living fuck out of him then tell your parents. no cops.

sock and soap and then a final beating down. i wouldnt let a fuck up mess around with my girls family or potentially strain your relationship with her having her parents breathing down you guys.

05-25-2009, 10:43 PM
Guess I should read all the posts aside from the first, but meh.

hahaha :rofl:

05-25-2009, 11:04 PM
Don't just ask like, "hey, broski, did you try to rape her. What happened?" Confront him like you know he did, like "what the fuck were you thinking trying to rape her." You'll get a better reaction to judge.

Still, I don't see the actual "attempted rape," as has been said already, although he still needs to be set straight.

05-25-2009, 11:11 PM
one way or another he needs to realize how badly me fucked up. what ever method/methods you use make sure he learns. beat the crap out of him, tell the rents, call the cops. he needs to learn now, and he needs to pay for his mistakes. its disrespectful on so many levels, i cant believe you didnt lose it the moment you found out. you should also ask his friend that was in on it, wtf happened as well. good luck dude, hope he learns.

i know several girls that have either been sexually harrassed or assaulted. how i wish i can find all the guys that did that shit to them. i would be jigsaw for a day and make a new Saw movie. fucking scum

05-25-2009, 11:37 PM
besides, i don't know why people are calling this attempted rape. he may have acted like a "pig" and a "jerk" for not getting the girl to put out, but unless he used force and tried to force her, i don't consider it attempted rape even if he drove the girl out to a field or to some frat party. maybe verbal abuse or being too vulgar.

ppl here are 'assuming' a lot of things.
how someone reacts to ambiguous situations tells you a lot about them.

05-25-2009, 11:52 PM
unfortunately for the guy, the girl will always get the benefit of the doubt in situations like this. although i hear it is pretty hard to plead a case of rape in court for the victim, unless there is clear evidence.

You know, this is very very true.

Let us know what your brother says. I'm sure everyone following this thread is very interested.

05-26-2009, 12:19 AM
Sounds like a dickhead, no offense. I'd punch him in the face at least.

drift freaq
05-26-2009, 11:20 AM
Don't just ask like, "hey, broski, did you try to rape her. What happened?" Confront him like you know he did, like "what the fuck were you thinking trying to rape her." You'll get a better reaction to judge.

This is actually a good way to go at it , because you can actually gauge real well by his reaction. I don't think I have to repeat what I already wrote.

I will say this though, a lot of you are jumping to knee jerk reactions that shows possibly poor judgment on your part. I suggest some of you step back and take your own emotions out of this for a second.

1. We have a one sided story here.

2. There is always possibilities for falsehoods, as I don' know of a single person who has not lied at least once or more in their lives.

3. Until the OP has the full story, just beating someone down is a immature reaction.

I am sorry Barry(Thatguy) I respect you and your being a father, but you of all people being who you are, should know. A explanation from both parties is the first order at hand.

If an ass whooping is warranted then by all means bring it on. Though sorry and terrible the OP who feel if he was to beat his brothers ass only to find out later that it was bullshit and the guy did nothing.

The problem with this country today is to many people want theirs. To many people want to meet out justice without getting the full story.

Everyone complains when the cops do this and it gets on the news.

Though shit happens in private and people are like beat his ass. Fuck that is vigilantism and it lead to hangings of innocent people in the 1800's.

Gee shall we receed to the wild wild west or the lynchings in the deep south?

Should we just through all civility out the the window? A lot of punks on this forum would like nothing more than to do that.

Its fucking sad.

Now before any of your over reacting asses, get an idea that I am against proper discipline. You misjudge, if that even enters your head.
What I am for is proper justice and decisions based on truth and not emotional reaction.

05-26-2009, 12:20 PM
Late as hell.

If I was to talk to my little brother I would say it like I knew what happen, and see how he answers from there. You should be able to see his reaction and tell from there. If anything just beat his ass for the drug usage idiot!

When beating his ass I would agree with the sock full of quarters cause that comment made me laugh SOOO damn hard!

05-26-2009, 12:34 PM
I am sorry Barry(Thatguy) I respect you and your being a father, but you of all people being who you are, should know. A explanation from both parties is the first order at hand.

I can agree there. But I thought sure I read more then just the possible sexual assualt as reasons for his brother to catch a beating. He can explain himself while he's getting beat as well. If he's not guilty of attacking her, well then just count it as "bonding time" with his sibling.

05-26-2009, 12:40 PM

05-26-2009, 12:45 PM
That's very immature there. If you do not have anything better to post then just stay out of the thread.

Bigsyke, update us when you have the chance. I would like the know the outcome.

05-26-2009, 12:56 PM
Get story from bro.

Get story from gf's sis.

If everyone strongly believes GF's sis, you can take her to get checked up for any signs of abuse/physical assault. bruising, tenderness of the muscles?

Or just strap em on lie detectors. with added electro-shock therapy diodes. and have them sitting on a spike chair.

That is on fire.

05-26-2009, 01:17 PM

Evidently you missed the HUGE FUCKING WARNING posted on the last page. Oh well, you're now Banned, forever.

I hope it was worth to ask such a stupid fucking question.

05-26-2009, 01:19 PM

Bye bye. :wavey:

05-26-2009, 02:43 PM

and ur outtahere!!!

to OP... honestly get story from brother...gauge his reactions to what you say...if hes at fault, then let ur parents handle it...if he thought it was funny and a ''joke'' ...well ill leave that for you to decide...

ill say this...im one to never be violent...the only thing that would set me off in a heartbeat is either seeing or the confirmation a woman being beaten by some guy... period

05-26-2009, 02:47 PM
Don't just ask like, "hey, broski, did you try to rape her. What happened?" Confront him like you know he did, like "what the fuck were you thinking trying to rape her." You'll get a better reaction to judge.

there is a weakness to that approach.

IF the supposed rape/assault/sexual advance or whatever took place in the truck, between ONLY the bro and the GF's sis, then that approach is lacking in effect.
The only info that the OP could possibly have, is the chick's testimony.
He has maybe a biased version of the partial truth at best.
Not like OP was secretly hiding in back in the truck somewhere when said incident took place.
The 'Bro' is most likely aware of this, and will know right away the OP is being manipulative.

Further, confronting anyone in any issue like you've already made up your mind that they're in the wrong, is always a gamble.
they're either intimidated by you and fess up or pretend that they are (cops like to do this a lot),
or they're not intimidated at all and shut you out.

The more you know someone, the more you can predict how they react.
OP doesn't know his bro that well.

A more conservative approach would be to be confront the bro on friendly terms.
Try to show that he cares, and that he's on his side (even if his ultimate motive is to screw his bro over).
"I'm on your side, we're family!"
"Let me know what happened so I can help you"

With the actual questioning, be brief & vague to start out with.
When it comes to the events of what happened in the truck, ask him to elaborate on the details.

Do the same for the chick.

When questioning the bro, you can always switch to the hostile interrogative mode AFTER if being warm & friendly doesn't work.
Doubt the the other way around would work so well.

05-26-2009, 02:59 PM
The only pics allowed should be his brother gettin an ass whooping!

But really, I agree with Drift Freaq. It doesnt hurt to get the brother's side of the story. It'll take him like less than 5 minutes to explain, while OP can be stretching during that time.

05-26-2009, 03:23 PM

Thought you were above the law eh? Owned.

Honestly, when a girl is treated that way, they normally don't even talk about it.

And if they do, they would make a HUGE deal out of it.

Just a way it can be seen from the other side.

05-26-2009, 03:32 PM
Ban everyone who quotes it also.

05-26-2009, 04:01 PM
Ban everyone who quotes it also.

quoting asterisks ?

I can't say what hasn't been said before, but I do find it interesting that there is a huge disconnect between you and your younger bro. I had that too, but it was because we were in different countries and it took YEARS for him to acknowledge me as his older bro.

I wouldn't be the bit surprised if he did something along those lines, because like they say...watch out for the quiet ones.

Do get his side of the story and keep us updated if you want. I'm interested to know the outcome of all this.

05-26-2009, 05:51 PM
Thought you were above the law eh? Owned.

Honestly, when a girl is treated that way, they normally don't even talk about it.

And if they do, they would make a HUGE deal out of it.

Just a way it can be seen from the other side.

what do you mean by "make a HUGE deal out of it"?

05-26-2009, 06:03 PM
simple solution

beat his ass

make him apologize to your gf and her family, you don't have to make your parents know that would be pretty awkward

its the brotherly thing to do

even if the girl lied i'm sure you've wanted to beat his ass for something else before so this will just let you get it out now

i've wanted to beat some sense into my brother a million times and he's older than me

waiting for the right time


I actually agree 100% with soapgun on this, if you are the older brother it is your brotherly duty to point him in the right direction and help him be a better person. I am the oldest of 5 and I know first hand, telling your parents is the biggest bitch move of all time. You should help him with his evil sexual habits, by telling him he is wrong, make him apolagize and if he refuses beat his ass. But telling your parents will only make him lose trust in you, and you will lose a friend, especially since your his brother, telling on your sister may be one thing but brothers watch out for each other at all times.

and rape is a huge deal. it is never okay.

It is attempted, I wouldnt call the cops unless he actually raped her. But it is still wrong.

05-26-2009, 06:11 PM
Murda muh murdah murdah 1

Is it possible the girl is just a bitch and is embellishing this story a bit?

drift freaq
05-26-2009, 06:16 PM
Murda muh murdah murdah 1

Is it possible the girl is just a bitch and is embellishing this story a bit?

that is indeed what I was trying to point out
. Until bigskye can fully asses his brother and his brothers story and tell us we have no idea and it is indeed possible.

05-26-2009, 06:18 PM
I fully agree that he needs to find out the story. But I still stand by that his little brother probably has a beating coming from something. Now's as good a time as any.

05-26-2009, 06:19 PM
I mean if your brother is a crazy rapist I think he would have just hit her "said shut the fuck up" and done the deed.

Trying to get a girl to eat your meat and having her decline so you ditch her and tell her off isn't exactly rape.

Have her show you some bruises or cuts or forced anything then you can be worried. Granted it's not acceptable behavior but there is a difference between being a sexually frustrated, socially awkward fuck face, and being a rapist.

05-28-2009, 07:47 PM
Be a neutral party and investigate/ask first. Accusing someone of stealing cookies is one thing, but accusing of rape is a serious issue that needs to be addressed appropiately.

Edmonton cabbie sues passengers over false assault allegations (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/edmonton/story/2009/05/15/edmonton-cab-driver-lawsuit.html)

CBC News

"A veteran Edmonton taxi driver is speaking publicly about a civil lawsuit he filed last year against four young women who falsely accused him of sexual assault after travelling in his car three years ago.

"I just want to give those girls [a] lesson," Soner Yasa told CBC News. "We're so vulnerable as a cab driver."

The lawsuit, filed by Yasa in Edmonton's Court of Queen's Bench in April 2008, seeks about $240,000 in damages from the four women ($60,000 each) to cover emotional and mental distress. His allegations have not been proven in court. One of the four young women filed a statement of defence last month in which she admits to getting into Yasa's taxi but denies the rest of his allegations.

In April 2006, Yasa picked up the young women, all 19, along Whyte Avenue, a well-known strip of bars and restaurants in Edmonton. The girls were intoxicated, and trouble began when one of them tried to light up a cigarette, Yasa said. It is illegal to smoke in an Edmonton taxi cab, and Yasa told her to put out the cigarette or risk a $500 fine.

Just then, the girls demanded Yasa stop the cab, and they got out, refusing to pay the $13 fare. Then they accused Yasa of sexually molesting them, Yasa said. They called their friends, and Yasa soon was surrounded by what he calls a "mob." Both Yasa and friends of the four girls called police.

However, what happened in the taxi was caught on a video camera Yasa had installed inside his car after a passenger tried to assault him a couple of years before. Based on the video evidence of what happened in his cab, Yasa was not charged.

But he worries about what might have happened to his job and his marriage without that evidence.

"What would she do?" Yasa said of his wife. "She would have probably told me, 'There's the door, and get out.'"

According to a police report filed on the incident, one of the young women contacted police the next morning to say they were very sorry for the trouble she and her friends caused and that they would not be pursuing any charges.

The constable collected the $13 fare from the girls to pass on to Yasa. He took the money but gave it back the next day, because he wanted police to pursue charges against the girls. That didn't happen, so he filed the lawsuit.

While Yasa filed the lawsuit last year, he said he is going public with his story now to make people aware of how vulnerable taxi drivers are while they are on the job.

None of the young women named in the lawsuit responded to attempts by CBC News to contact them on Thursday. On Friday, one of the lawyers for the women said his client would not be speaking to the media about the lawsuit."


YouTube - Video catches the lie: Edmonton cabbie sues over false sexual assault allegations (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs98x2zC6dg)

05-29-2009, 12:26 AM

05-29-2009, 01:15 AM
Interesting read.

I don't know personally I believe that your brother probably has a lot of internal emotional issues that he needs help dealing with.

As much of a hard person I am and believe in a good ol' ass kicking to set someone on the right path since that's what my whole life has been about.

I must agree with those who say that this is one of the situations where you don't have enough evidence to do so.

Girls do lie and guys to do stupid shit when their drunk or inhibited by some form of drug use.

But yeah I hope that you can get his side of the story and make an informed decision which helps both parties.

More drama doesn't solve anything.

I'm gonna go call my little bro now, just to check up on him. lol

05-30-2009, 12:28 AM
true that!!!.....i would tell your parents no use going to jail over it man it sucks i feel you on that but i don't think its worth going to jail i mean he probly should but thats it.....

Are you fucking serious? You do realize this thread is about a rape, right?

I wish computers had a "beatdown" function, so I could hit a button, and a fist would appear from your screen to break your nose.

05-30-2009, 08:41 AM
A good ass beating might be just the thing he needs to get his life back in order.

It's worked before.

I agree with ThatGuy, ass beatings do work.

I scrapped with my younger bro twice, and each time he stopped the stupid shit he was involved in prior.

05-30-2009, 09:51 AM
There is so much fucking fail in this thread its amazing.

The only person i see speaking anything logical is ronmcdon (http://zilvia.net/f/members/ronmcdon.html)

You dont try and shock a person with that "yo dude, i know you tried to rape her" shit.
That kind of aggressiveness will put anyone on the defense.
You go to your brother in a non threatening manner and say, "hey, i wanted to talk about the other night with ........." Watch that reaction. thats where his face will turn white or not. And it opens it up for him to talk honestly about what happened.

I really doubt he is proud of how he acted. He knows its wrong, and he may ask for help himself. Or the story may not be as she said.

Remember. He is you brother of how many years??
And your gonna alienate him without from the testimony of some girl that you've been dating for a few years, SISTER ???

WOW !!!

You know how many people have dated a girl and lived with them for a few years? Had it not work out, and moved on in life.
You know how many brothers you get??

You need to wake the fuck up and realize this is your brother, and your prolly the only preson he can talk to about this. If you attack him, HE WILL NEVER GET HELP!! Your probably the only person that can help him see a thearapist if he needs too.


05-30-2009, 12:12 PM
Remember. He is you brother of how many years??
And your gonna alienate him without from the testimony of some girl that you've been dating for a few years, SISTER ???

This sums up this whole situation.

Without solid proof, never throw family under the bus. Especially at the suggestion of some drunken whore.

05-30-2009, 12:54 PM
Not enough information.

05-30-2009, 01:47 PM
girls are crazy.

here is a very realistic possibility:

your bro picked her up, took her to a party. she decided to hook up with his friend instead of him. the got in a fight about it and left.

being church/nice guy, he stopped the truck along the way back to talk to her about it.

she flipped out, he drove her back to your place, couldnt deal with her, let her off before he got all the way there.

to cover herself and not look like a slut for hooking up with your bros friend she made up a crazy story.

05-30-2009, 02:40 PM

I don't think I have agreed with you on any other post except this one.

^ he speaks the truth. Don't do that to your brother.

I think the word "rape" automatically turns everyone's judgment to guilty way to fast on the male. Everyone freaking out needs to chillllll. Girls got the name bitches for a reason. Don't assume they don't lie.

05-30-2009, 03:02 PM
i was watching 2pac resurrection the other day, and even he said girls will flip out like that.. he admitted his behavior probably wasnt the best, but that he didnt rape her. *fyi, if pac was still alive, he would be on the sex offenders website lol*. I also believe that girls can flip their stories and make shit up because they might be mad during the momment. I had some girls tell me that im sexist because of some lil innocent myspace comments on their page like "hey you look real good".. and i freaking know them in person too.. You pay em a compliment and they dont know how to deal with it because they never been exposed to that type of social activity.

Id do some background info on the sis, like find out her prior experience with guys, doesnt have to be too involved, but just to see if shes been exposed to any dating/relationships or social outings before. etc. Ask the GF if her lil sis has ever talked about her relationships openly etc.

The op could always just go to her parents and say "I apologize for his behavior, i will have this corrected, will notify his parents and make sure he gets consoling for it" . Find out if they are furious about it, try to comfort them that the matter is taken care of.

THe brother having prior history on him like parents finding bongs in their car, this situation might make him sound real guilty of causing trouble.

If the OP serves an asswhoopin, it might further damage the big brother/lil brother bond.. Try to build the relationship back up, guide him thru life decisions like a big brother should.

05-30-2009, 03:11 PM
good god! so what ended up happening??? updates please!

05-30-2009, 03:12 PM
The OP never got back to us, let's hope he did not do anything stupid.

05-30-2009, 03:19 PM
The OP never got back to us, let's hope he did not do anything stupid.

true i dint think about it that way. maybe he did

05-30-2009, 03:47 PM
I brought it up to my father casually. My gf told my mother, however she sucked at explaining things so it was kinda just bla to her.

Ill let you know about the results, I will question my brother when the perfect opportunity arises. However like said before, an 18 girl lies. But I can kind of see my brother acting like that, instead of video games, he talks about hoes and drugs/alchohol.

05-30-2009, 03:52 PM
hmmm. i wish the best of luck to you

05-30-2009, 04:52 PM
There is so much fucking fail in this thread its amazing.

The only person i see speaking anything logical is ronmcdon (http://zilvia.net/f/members/ronmcdon.html)

You dont try and shock a person with that "yo dude, i know you tried to rape her" shit.
That kind of aggressiveness will put anyone on the defense.
You go to your brother in a non threatening manner and say, "hey, i wanted to talk about the other night with ........." Watch that reaction. thats where his face will turn white or not. And it opens it up for him to talk honestly about what happened.

I really doubt he is proud of how he acted. He knows its wrong, and he may ask for help himself. Or the story may not be as she said.

Remember. He is you brother of how many years??
And your gonna alienate him without from the testimony of some girl that you've been dating for a few years, SISTER ???

WOW !!!

You know how many people have dated a girl and lived with them for a few years? Had it not work out, and moved on in life.
You know how many brothers you get??

You need to wake the fuck up and realize this is your brother, and your prolly the only preson he can talk to about this. If you attack him, HE WILL NEVER GET HELP!! Your probably the only person that can help him see a thearapist if he needs too.


Thanks for the compliments!

I definitely agree that family isn't something you should write off so easily.
It's also difficult to predict how other family members get effected, esp in the long run.
this isn't something you want to learn the hard way.

hopefully the GF will also understand where the OP's coming from.

05-30-2009, 05:07 PM
I brought it up to my father casually. My gf told my mother, however she sucked at explaining things so it was kinda just bla to her.

Ill let you know about the results, I will question my brother when the perfect opportunity arises. However like said before, an 18 girl lies. But I can kind of see my brother acting like that, instead of video games, he talks about hoes and drugs/alchohol.

Good luck.
Hopefully your brother will open up to your dad.

It could have been worse.
If the GF/GF's family told the police & pressed charges, then that would to diff to deal with.

18 yr old guys talk about girls & alcohol all time.
Drugs are always controversial cause for concern (esp at this age)
It could be an issue or maybe not.
Maybe now would be the time to try and get to know him better.

05-30-2009, 05:26 PM
Maybe now would be the time to try and get to know him better.

or its a perfectly good reason he doesn't know him

05-30-2009, 06:58 PM
wow, this is super fucked up. im not sure what i'd do. but i can assure you, i'd feel like a total piece of shit because its MY brother that did it. fuck that. i'd prob never talk to the little shit again.

oh, and holy crap this is alot of pages..

05-30-2009, 07:30 PM
I wanna know what the brother said.

05-30-2009, 10:33 PM
Well, get both sides of the story. However, if it's the way it looks (the way you described it in the first post), there's really only one solution to this..

... Falcon Punch.

06-01-2009, 11:33 AM
It's so hard to judge without knowing the brother side of the story. Even if he got the brother to tell his side of the story, it's going to so hard to determine what really happened. Unless the brother is a complete ass there is no way of determining the truth of what happened that night, so calling the cops could turn this into a disaster for your little brothers life.

drift freaq
06-01-2009, 11:56 AM
Well honestly he might have a harder time getting the real truth out of the brother if the brother is guilty at this point. Three things are working against it. One, he told his father and father may confront son. This is usually turns into a non truthful situation for whatever reason.

Two is Mother knows, that magnifies what I wrote above a thousand times. Like he would tell his mother the truth? Like his mother would believe him? LOL

Third problem? Time, the longer he waits to get the straight story, the better it is for for both sides to fabricate what happened or deny it in their own heads to where they believe it.

06-01-2009, 01:15 PM
god drift freaq,, when did you become so knowledgeable. lol.

06-01-2009, 03:21 PM
god drift freaq,, when did you become so knowledgeable. lol.

Dave has always been knowledgable.

Did you know he once schooled God? Took his ass back to elementary!

06-03-2009, 06:56 PM
I would beat his ass, then tell the parents.

Or... Beat his ass in front of your parents, then when they step in to break it up, explain your reasons.

I honestly 2nd this..straight legit.. good luck bro on your decision

06-04-2009, 01:32 PM
Just follow the mexican way..
when someone does something wrong beat the shit outta of them..
the next time he thinks of doing something like that to another girl, he'll remember the ass whooping you unleashed and think about things twice...

drift freaq
06-04-2009, 01:36 PM
Did you know he once schooled God? Took his ass back to elementary!


06-04-2009, 02:27 PM
Has the OP lost interest to the point where he just doesn't feel the need to post updates now?

06-04-2009, 03:07 PM
^^ seriously...what was the end result...

Moon Ill
06-04-2009, 04:38 PM
Yea, what's up?

Let's get some closure.

06-04-2009, 05:53 PM
Has the OP lost interest to the point where he just doesn't feel the need to post updates now?

Might not be able to say anything public due to legal reasons.

Or, OP could be in jail.

Or a number of other reasons.

06-04-2009, 05:59 PM
He's been posting since he last posted in this thread, including tonight.

06-04-2009, 06:25 PM
I would beat his ass, then tell the parents.

Or... Beat his ass in front of your parents, then when they step in to break it up, explain your reasons.



06-04-2009, 06:29 PM
Lol, I can see someone here threatening to beat the OP up without a prompt update!

Well you guys have to figure it was a pretty personal issue to begin with.
things may or may not have gotten any better.
matters could have stalled or become too awkward to post.

He is entitled to his privacy after all.
We probably shouldn't interrogate him for an update/explanation

06-04-2009, 07:12 PM
Lol, I can see someone here threatening to beat the OP up without a prompt update!

Well you guys have to figure it was a pretty personal issue to begin with.
things may or may not have gotten any better.
matters could have stalled or become too awkward to post.

He is entitled to his privacy after all.
We probably shouldn't interrogate him for an update/explanation

QFT I mean I know we are all curious as to what has happened, but we must be respectful as well.

06-05-2009, 06:39 AM
Lol, I can see someone here threatening to beat the OP up without a prompt update!

Well you guys have to figure it was a pretty personal issue to begin with.
things may or may not have gotten any better.
matters could have stalled or become too awkward to post.

He is entitled to his privacy after all.
We probably shouldn't interrogate him for an update/explanation

If he was terribly concerned with his privacy, he would not have posted it on the internets.