04-02-2009, 09:29 PM
Ok so i have a 1996 s14 with an s14 sr... i have blitz twin disc clutch kit on it and well the throwout bearing gave up on me. So i changed the throwout bearing (i got it from west covina nissan) along with the slave and master cylinder. So i take it out for a test drive and all and about 25 miles of driving it i feel the tranny slip around 70mph and then the clutch lost complete pressure... so i swapped out the master got it from autozone and the slave got it from west co. nissan (nismo slave) now regained pressure but clucth only has pressure about 3/4 of the way down only but it wont go into any gear at all. WHAT CAN THIS BE? any help would work the system is bled and has pressure