View Full Version : I think my shirt is trying to commit suicide...

03-24-2009, 12:20 PM
Seriously man...I put on a nice collard shirt for work today...before i left home i had to check the oil on my car, so i did that and of course...i got a little oil on the sleeve...pissed me off but it was so small i was like watever...

then i was getting to work..shut off the car and got out..getting out of the car i rip a BIG hole in the armpit ( i guess i was sitting on the shirt so it got stretched wierd? i duno) So i was pissed at this point but at least it was in a not so obvious place..

Sitting at my desk, someone sends an email "bagels with cream cheese in copy room!" so im like sweet! go run in there and find a jalepeno bagel and load that sucker up with hella cream cheese...throw it in the microwave, as im walking to my desk with this warm goodness in my hands i decide to take a bite...yea...the cream chees poops out the bottom and puts a THICK streak of cream cheese all down the front of my shirt like a foot and a half long...

arggh, then when i thought it was all over, i spilled coffee on it just like 5 minutes ago...

This kind of stuff always seems to happen when you wear white but this is like striped white with light blue...wtf?!?!

I wear nice shirt
Stain it with oil
Rip a hole in armpit getting out of car
get pissed
get bagel with cream cheese
cream cheese poops ALL Over shirt...
really get pissed
then i spill coffee on it...

After the coffee i had to document my story...i might get hit by a car after this i swear...at least someone will have heard my story...

UPDATE : i just got a call for a promotional interview with social services, so maybe things are looking up :yum:

03-24-2009, 12:42 PM
Seriously man...I put on a nice collard shirt for work today...before i left home i had to check the oil on my car, so i did that and of course...i got a little oil on the sleeve...pissed me off but it was so small i was like watever...

then i was getting to work..shut off the car and got out..getting out of the car i rip a BIG hole in the armpit ( i guess i was sitting on the shirt so it got stretched wierd? i duno) So i was pissed at this point but at least it was in a not so obvious place..

Sitting at my desk, someone sends an email "bagels with cream cheese in copy room!" so im like sweet! go run in there and find a jalepeno bagel and load that sucker up with hella cream cheese...throw it in the microwave, as im walking to my desk with this warm goodness in my hands i decide to take a bite...yea...the cream chees poops out the bottom and puts a THICK streak of cream cheese all down the front of my shirt like a foot and a half long...

arggh, then when i thought it was all over, i spilled coffee on it just like 5 minutes ago...

This kind of stuff always seems to happen when you wear white but this is like striped white with light blue...wtf?!?!

I wear nice shirt
Stain it with oil
Rip a hole in armpit getting out of car
get pissed
get bagel with cream cheese
cream cheese poops ALL Over shirt...
really get pissed
then i spill coffee on it...

After the coffee i had to document my story...i might get hit by a car after this i swear...at least someone will have heard my story...

UPDATE : i just got a call for a promotional interview with social services, so maybe things are looking up :yum:

light it on fire and put the damned thing out of it's misery already.

03-24-2009, 12:54 PM
light it on fire and put the damned thing out of it's misery already.

Seriously man...this is one of my fav. shirts too...i guess you have to let go at one point eh? haha

the wierd thing is, i was able to clean off the stain from the little bit of motor oil but the cream cheese, that crap is is NOT comming off...:bash:

03-24-2009, 12:55 PM
fack that shit is crazy son lol

03-24-2009, 01:33 PM
pics? lol msglngth

03-24-2009, 02:13 PM
hahahaha...shit always have to happen when you wear something white..i know how you feel...

03-24-2009, 02:26 PM
lol suicidal shirt...

03-24-2009, 03:12 PM
pics? lol msglngth

If it wasnt for the fact that i tried to clean everything after it all happened since im in an office..i would have TOTALLY taken pics...the only thing you can actually c is the oil stain from the Cream Cheese and the rip in the arm pit...

man...and i have a probation report meeting with my manager in 15 minutes...i hope i get a good review...ive been stressing arghhh...I hope nothing crazy happens on the way to his office haha...my shirt my spontaneously combust or something insane...so far everything has been kewl tho...no more catastrophies..

03-24-2009, 03:13 PM
lolz shit is funny as hell. happend too me a few times.

03-24-2009, 03:31 PM
Burn that mutha trucka.

Man I read the whole story, and then I HAVE to still read the cliff notes, i'm weird.

03-24-2009, 04:01 PM

Same happened to me with a pair of pants.

Bought them the weekend before actually wearing them.

Shower, get dressed, then go eat breakfast.

While eating breakfast, dropped a plate of food on them.

Cleaned myself off, whatever. Off to the bank.

Bank was still closed(got there too early).

So, sat on this railing near by...that was freshly painted.

Pissed off. Whatever.

Driving to work, got T-boned by a taxi cab.

Had a gash on my hand. So, blood dropped on the damn pants.

Finally, in the ambulance, the paramedic took a knife to them and cut the left pant leg open.

Fuck those pants.


03-24-2009, 06:21 PM
pfft, still don't beat the time when i was first starting to learn how to Tig. brand new pair of dickies, molten aluminum rod melts and falls on my pants, burns a hole right through them, and my silk boxers. rests on my left nut for a lil bit, (i jump up like an idiot dancing till it cooled off) i'm now battle scared FML

03-24-2009, 06:33 PM
Fuck those pants.

