View Full Version : vaccum hose question...help???

09-16-2008, 12:19 PM
i was wondering if i can hook up the vaccum line on the internal wastegate to the one of those little metal pipes that runs under the intake manifold...the one in the middle that goes to the intake pipe not the two that goes to the charcoal canister...or if i can hook it up there then where should i put it...

09-16-2008, 12:27 PM
usually hooked to the boost controller, do you have the stock wastgate or adjustable ? Stock turbo ? any boost controller ?

09-16-2008, 02:42 PM
its a stock t25 with stock wastegate...i dont have a boost controller and its on a ka24de...so can i hook it up to the little metal hoses under the intake manifold???

09-16-2008, 02:45 PM
its a stock t25 with stock wastegate...i dont have a boost controller and its on a ka24de...so can i hook it up to the little metal hoses under the intake manifold???

Before I answer your question, answer this question for me: what is the purpose of a wastegate?

09-16-2008, 04:04 PM
hmmmm...it releases air so that it will not go past a certain psi???correct me if im wrong...

09-16-2008, 07:49 PM
hmmmm...it releases air so that it will not go past a certain psi???correct me if im wrong...

More or less, yes. I went to Google and typed in "wastegate". This is the first hit: Wastegate: - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wastegate:)

The simplest control for a wastegate is to supply boost pressure directly from the charge air side to the wastegate actuator. A small hose can connect from the turbocharger compressor outlet, charge pipes, or intake manifold to the nipple on the wastegate actuator. The wastegate will open further as the boost pressure pushes against the force of the spring in the wastegate actuator until equilibrium is obtained. More intelligent control can be added by integrating an electronic boost controller.

Standard wastegates have one port for attaching the boost control line from the charge air supply line or boost control solenoid. This is the most common configuration and the only type of configuration found on internal wastegates.

Now, what do you think the metal pipes under the intake manifold will give you?

09-16-2008, 10:20 PM
okay so then i should plug it to the intake side of the intercooler pipe???now is that right???thanks for the help...will i be able to tee it off and also run my bov vaccum to it???

BiG MiKE86
09-17-2008, 04:39 PM
U should be running ur wastegate as close to the turbo as u can get it - I for one have mine (sr20) coming right off the hotpipe - SHorter line/Better Signal - As for the BOV I believe any nipple After the Throttle Body should work - but Make sure u DO NOT "T" or Splice into that line

09-19-2008, 12:06 AM
so if i running my boost gauge vaccum to the fpr vaccume line then i cant run my bov to that same vaccum line???

BiG MiKE86
09-21-2008, 07:18 PM
tap into the bov line for ur boost guage leave the FPR line by its self