View Full Version : my SOHC is making me sad help !!!! no start

06-20-2008, 05:00 PM
I just recently changed my coolant hoses and replaced the ones that had been deleted. Now my car won't start.
I am hoping its just a dead batt cell b/c I got this batt recharged but every time I take it out to work I have 2 jump it to make it run. I am going to try a different battery but if there's anything else it might be please leave a suggestion

thank you

06-20-2008, 08:06 PM
Are you getting power to the rest of the components in your car?

06-20-2008, 10:20 PM
Definitely check that battery out. Is it at least trying to crank over or not at all?

06-20-2008, 10:31 PM
getting power to everything pretty sure its the batt I had it in my hatch and pretty much same problem

06-21-2008, 09:13 PM
uhh does the starter turn the engine over or what? if its turning over, your batterys fine. if it clicks, or just doesnt crank, could be bad battery. try getting a jump from another car. ....coolant hoses dont generally keep a car from starting

06-23-2008, 09:34 PM
uhh does the starter turn the engine over or what? if its turning over, your batterys fine. if it clicks, or just doesnt crank, could be bad battery. try getting a jump from another car. ....coolant hoses dont EVER keep a car from starting

Fixed that for you.

08-06-2008, 02:00 AM
look believe it or not battery is important like if its bad your coils aint gonna get its 12 volts and the ecu might not be getting its power cause battery weak plus every time your battery had to be jumped you actually erase the ecu and it has to learn all over again. hers an easy way to check to see if it good first charge battery make sure its like around 12-13ish then get a multi meter put red lead to positive side and black to the negative side. now get some one to crank the car if the voltage drops below 9.6 volts its no good. now pay attention to it its gonna be fast. and remember to make sure you charge that battery. hope this helps let me know if it does later

08-06-2008, 09:30 AM
if you need a jump everytime you leave from wrk check the allternator i dont know whay everyone is saying its a battery when they dont know if its an old battery or not also check the allternator fuse this is located in the pass side wheel well and its gonna be the biggest one it might have blown which would make your allternator do all the work and not charge the battery

08-06-2008, 01:53 PM
look believe it or not battery is important like if its bad your coils aint gonna get its 12 volts and the ecu might not be getting its power cause battery weak plus every time your battery had to be jumped you actually erase the ecu and it has to learn all over again. hers an easy way to check to see if it good first charge battery make sure its like around 12-13ish then get a multi meter put red lead to positive side and black to the negative side. now get some one to crank the car if the voltage drops below 9.6 volts its no good. now pay attention to it its gonna be fast. and remember to make sure you charge that battery. hope this helps let me know if it does later

Why do you keep bumping threads from two months ago?

08-06-2008, 04:19 PM
why do you care? is this your site?

08-06-2008, 07:01 PM
Why do you keep bumping threads from two months ago?
who the fuck are u to fuckin question me. unless you fuckin mastered the nissans shit then piss off :fawk2:

08-06-2008, 10:06 PM
who the fuck are u to fuckin question me. unless you fuckin mastered the nissans shit then piss off :fawk2:

I did. 10 years ago. When you weren't even born yet sparky.

08-07-2008, 01:05 PM
i agree i have been workin on nissans in gurnee illinois now for about 7 years and have been around the 240 and the sr motor for about 5 so i think you are the one that needs to piss off phatkatsquad

08-08-2008, 12:19 PM
k um thread jacked I guess, yea this is like really old so LOCK it MODS

btw it was the batt

alt pssshh wtf:loco:

08-09-2008, 08:39 PM
I had the same problem about a month ago. After i had changed hoses and other stuff my car wouldn't start. I got power to everything and my starter was working when i would apply electricity right to it. it turned out to be my stupid ignition switch. There was a loose wire. i dont know how it happened but let me now if this helps