View Full Version : Man admits having sex with 1,000 cars

touge monster
05-28-2008, 01:09 AM
The full article:


"But he confesses that many of the cars he has had sex with have belonged to strangers or car showrooms." :bowrofl: :kiss:

05-28-2008, 01:11 AM

How is that....wtf?

05-28-2008, 01:20 AM
I would knock him the fuck out if I ever caught him "having sex" with my car.... whatever that means.

05-28-2008, 01:23 AM
He added: "I'm not sick and I don't want to hurt anyone, cars are just my preference."

Yeah right..

05-28-2008, 01:48 AM

How is that....wtf?

Just be cautious when you see or hear the words "Sex" and any car or car part in the same sentence. If not that be cautious when you hear or read the words referencing sexual arousal in relation to any car or car part.

If you been on any car forum long enough you will find examples of the above.

In the long run, I would rather be ignorant of the methods involved in having sex with a car than knowing. Considering that fact that someone started a thread about the issue is already too much information.

*As a side note: I do not make nor have I made any, direct and/or indirect, general and/or specific insinuations, speculations, and/or assumptions about people who happen to use sexual comments or remarks about a car or car part innocently to mean they actually would have and/or consider having sex with a car and/or a car part*

05-28-2008, 02:16 AM
damn sick bastard...

05-28-2008, 02:31 AM
mechaphilia lol great.........some people have issues....

05-28-2008, 02:35 AM
if he touches my car i'll kill him shes a virgin!!!!:rl:

05-28-2008, 02:40 AM
lol they have a forum

05-28-2008, 05:45 AM
You know, I'd have to assume that it involves the tail pipe.

I'd try to sneak a quick-start to WOT, mid-coitus to teach the dude a lesson..

05-28-2008, 06:14 AM
makes me wonder if he has had sex with someones car i know....or maybe....somones on this forum....or even worst...maybe my own car....:eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

05-28-2008, 07:24 AM
hahahaha oh wow this is fucked up, last month it was man gets caught having sex with picnic table.... now its man admits to having sex with 1000 cars! shits wack

05-28-2008, 08:35 AM
How does that work? Where do you put it? :\

05-28-2008, 09:43 AM
I swear Dousan had sex with his Minerva's the moment Jay P. sent them to him.

05-28-2008, 01:43 PM
You know, I'd have to assume that it involves the tail pipe.

I'd try to sneak a quick-start to WOT, mid-coitus to teach the dude a lesson..

fill the pipe with thumb tacks first, then fire it up on his dong

05-28-2008, 02:11 PM
fool got hecka boret. with a T.

05-28-2008, 02:46 PM
I don't know about all this hostility... if he chose my car I'd be honored

05-28-2008, 02:53 PM
i go in and out my car all the time..and sometimes i even whip her rearend..but i hate when it gets banged in parking lots from others..

05-28-2008, 02:54 PM
When I bonk a chick in my car, is that technically a threesome?

05-28-2008, 02:55 PM
original lol

"making love" to the helicopter from 1980s TV hit Airwolf.

05-28-2008, 03:01 PM
hahaha for some reason the dude S13FREAAAK comes to mind... i dont know him or nething just his screen name is relating to this for me for some reason....

Anyway what a wierd dude, and he says their 'cute' and he names them gay ass names

05-28-2008, 03:03 PM
lol at mechaphilia

05-28-2008, 03:05 PM
he better not come near my car.....she's only 13 years old....lolz

05-28-2008, 03:11 PM
he's the wilt chamberlain of the automotive world.

05-28-2008, 04:43 PM
pretty soon.. more of these guys will come out of the closet and the government will try to ban car marrages.. and then there will be human/car protests and car marrage activists and the shiizzamm.. just like gay marrages. freaking fruitcakes

For some reason, the movie Cars and Fast and Furious probably give him the kicks lol

Least we dont have to worry about him reproducing.. already too many fruitcakes out there already

05-28-2008, 04:57 PM
At least he never gets "I'm tired"


That's sick.

05-28-2008, 05:43 PM
"When I turned 13 and the famous Corvette Stingray came about, that car was pure sex and just an incredible machine. I wanted it."

lol that made my day

05-28-2008, 06:08 PM
so wait....if i catch him fucking my car.....so i go "OH HELL NO! THATS MY GIRL!".....even though i dont fuck my car? (too much rust, it might chafe ;) )

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-28-2008, 06:33 PM
wow. what a whore. This makes me lose a lot of faith in this world. Hasn't anyone heard of monogamy? I make love to one car and only one car. It doesn't matter if another car is hitting on me or not, doesn't matter how persuasive she is. But garsh, I hope he strapped up. Remember, if you have sex with one car you're having sex with other dudes that also had sex with that car.

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-28-2008, 06:36 PM
so wait....if i catch him fucking my car.....so i go "OH HELL NO! THATS MY GIRL!".....even though i dont fuck my car? (too much rust, it might chafe ;) )
well those are the kinds of cars you could REALLY get freaky with. A rusty car will probably let you do a Cleveland Steamer or a Hot Carl. The rust indicates her whorness!

06-03-2008, 01:47 AM
Kids in the Hall skit: Mechaphilla (http://http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/41f325e282)

06-04-2008, 11:21 AM


06-04-2008, 11:21 AM
Oh, and for those who asked:


Dekhyr Dragon's Guide to Sex with Cars (for males)

Howdy. Read this entire document before trying any of the steps.

'Having sex with a car'. The phrase is sometimes misunderstood to
mean sex in a car, and sometimes is greeted with skepticism. How can you
have sex with a car? The short answer is, up the tailpipe.

The long answer is much more involved, including techniques,
precautions and cautions all designed to get you maximum satisfaction from
screwing a car. Our first subject will be the tailpipe.

The tailpipe of the car is, of course, where the exhaust comes out.
So in this sense, the tailpipe is an anus.

First we will deal with some cautions you should know about.

In most cars, the edge of the tailpipe is sharp. You should
therefore exercise caution when doing anything with the tailpipe.

If the engine has been on for a long (or even a relatively short)
period of time, the tailpipe will be hot. Do not do anything with the
tailpipe hot. Wait until the tailpipe has cooled off. The tailpipe will
cool off faster than the engine, so you don't have long to wait. I call
screwing the car while the tailpipe is hot, "fucking the car hot". Never fuck a car hot. I did, once. Once.

The exhaust from a car contains poisonous gases. One of these,
carbon monoxide, is a slow killer. Carbon monoxide takes a long time to
be flushed out of the body, so it can build up to toxic levels without
your knowing it.

Never do anything with the tailpipe while the engine is on!

Now, the first thing you should note is that the inside of the
tailpipe is usually coated with soot. This is the usual particulate debris
of combustion. Before having sex with the car, clean the inside of the
tailpipe with soap and warm water, as far as you can go. Keep in mind
the possibly sharp edge of the tailpipe.

Now that the tailpipe is clean, you are ready to pleasure and be
pleasured by the car.

You can do this two ways. One way doesn't require any equipment.
The other way (which is much more rewarding) does.

The first way is to fuck the car 'raw'. This does NOT mean stuffing
your cock into the tailpipe and thrusting. This would hurt (remember the
sharp edges?) and be no fun anyway, since the tailpipe doesn't flex.

What you should do is get behind the car and start jerking off.
When you are about to come, carefully put your cock into the tailpipe of
the car, and then come. But, in the heat of passion, you must still
remember the sharp edge. Even putting just the head into the tailpipe is
good enough. Just make VERY sure that you don't hurt yourself.

Now, this assumes that you can get your cock into the tailpipe
in the first place. Some tailpipes are too small, and then, well, you're
out of luck. Find someone who has a car with a bigger tailpipe.

The best way to have sex with a car, however, is not raw. You
need the following equipment:

1 Dekhyr Dragon Industries (Teledildonics Division) Sexual Interface Unit.

If you don't have one, you can get one through me (Dekhyr,
[email protected]) or you can attempt to build one yourself. The SIU is
essentially a tube made of foam rubber, rolled such that the inner diameter
is slightly smaller than the diameter of your erect penis. When lubricated,
it acts as a sexual interface to whatever you attach it to. In this case,
it is inserted into the tailpipe of the car you want to have sex with.

To build one, you will need black electrical tape, a 'Koozie',
a can of soda, and a hefty pair of scissors. A 'Koozie' is a foam rubber
dingumbob in which you put a soda. It keeps the soda cold and your hand
warm. Being a 'give-away' item, you usually can't find it anywhere. I've
had reports of finding them in liquor stores. I've actually found a good
deal of them at a local discount-type store.

There are two kinds, thick walled and thin walled. I've only been
able to find the thick kind; the thin kind I've only been able to get
through an advertising company. The thin kind is particularly good with
tailpipes not much bigger than your cock.

Here is what you need to do:

1. Measure the circumference of your erect penis. This is most easily done
by wrapping a string around your cock (around the shaft, not the head).

2. Take the bottom of the Koozie out. You should be left with a tube.

3. Cut the wall of the tube from top to bottom so that you are left with
a slab of foam rubber which refuses to stay straight.

| | |
| | |
| | |
| cut^ |
| | |
| | |

4. Now, carefully cut away material parallel to the first cut until you
can put the ends together making a smaller tube, and such that the inner
circumference of the tube is slightly smaller (say, by 1/2" or so) than
the circumference of your shaft.

5. Take a piece of electrical tape. Hold the ends of the tube flush.
Place the tape on the cut on the outside to secure the tube in the
middle. Now repeat with more tape until the cut is secure. Wrap tape
around the whole thing.

6. Drink the soda. With the scissors, CAREFULLY cut off the top and bottom
of the aluminum can. CAREFULLY cut a strip of aluminum lengthwise from
the can, about 3/4" to 1" wide.

7. Coat the strip with electrical tape. This is to prevent the edges from

8. Attach the strip to the tube at one end:

attach here only
V ============ <- strip (curled upward a bit)
^ \
/ \ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
\ / |
V /

9. 'Test drive' it! Lube it up with KY (try not to use oil-based
lubricant; you may want to use it with more than one person, and then
you'll be using a condom).

Now, stuff the SIU up the tailpipe and lube well.

You now have several options for fucking your car. One major one
is from behind. If the car is automatic shift, then put the car in Park
and remove the emergency brake. This will enable the car to rock back and
forth to your thrusts. If the car is manual transmission, chock the wheels
well, remove the emergency brake, and put the car into gear -- the higher
the gear, the more play the car has. This will also enable the car to
rock. Kneel behind the car. Now thrust in.

You may not have any trouble with heavier manual transaxled cars,
since you may not have to chock the wheels -- the weight of the car will
prevent the engine from 'topping out' and moving the car away. Lighter
manual transaxled cars are more likely to be topped out by your thrusts,
so chocking is necessary. In general, the lower the gear, the less
play, but the more difficult it is to top the engine out.

Another major method is to lie down under the car, your upper body
under the car, and thrust into the car. It is difficult, though, to make
the car rock unless you push on the closest rear tire.

I've also had some success leaning on my side and fucking the car

More than one person can fuck a car if it has more than one
tailpipe on opposite sides of the car. This will also make the car rock
faster and harder since the energy of two people will add.

NEVER fuck a car with the engine on. Firstly, you will be breathing
hard, and that means you can poison yourself faster. Secondly, the car
will either stall (because there's something blocking the tailpipe, heh)
-- causing damage to the engine -- or will force the exhaust out. And
you have an idea where the exhaust will go, I trust. Ouch! Fatality City!

If you do not use a condom and you come inside the car, ten or
fifteen minutes of driving will kill off anything inside. So you do not
have to worry about STDs from that. What you will have to worry about,
though, is the SIU itself. It is not being sterilized. Therefore, if you
use an SIU you think is going to be used by someone else, use a condom,
and use KY jelly or some other water-based lubricant. Remember -- oil
rots condoms, and so will an oil-based lubricant.

Enjoy your cars!

--Dekhyr Dragon
([email protected])