541 Southern Oregon car meet, Downtown Medford OR
Hey everyone, there has yet to be a southern Oregon car meet thread as far as i can tell so here's the first??
for the past 5 or so years my friends and I have been having weekly meets with a few local friends nothing big, but i've been stationed in SoCal for about a year now and have been going to a bunch of meets down here and the big ones are great! i would like to start something like that in the medford area!
I am hosting my car clubs first meet of this year in mid to late march time frame I'm driving north from Cali and we're having a meet in our usual spot in downtown Medford it will start at 8pm across the street from the penzoil on central. it is NOT a 240 specific meet but myself and a few others in the club are proud owners of 13's it would be great to see more of a 240 community in medford!! we're a friendly crowd so don't be shy! it's way worth it even if you're coming from Roseburg or Klamath Falls lol i make 2 hour drives down here weekly for meets soo i know it's not convenient but it will be worth it!! awesome pictures will be taken by one of the other 240 owners he's a great photographer, for more info you can check out our website unnaturalheights.com or fb page search unnatural heights
thanks for your support i hope this goes somewhere!!