1991 Silvia RHD LS swap questions.
Hey all, I'm in the middle of an LS swap on my Silvia RHD.
Couple questions I can't seem to find even with searching.
1. The valve cover hits the Clutch master cylinder. I know I need a larger bore master with my t56 clutch(more on this later) and that will just make the problem worse. Is there a physically shorter master with a bigger bore that works? perhaps clocking it differently? Anyone done this without using reverse swing pedals and putting the master inside the cab?
2. I'm going to be running an AR5 trans from a colorado/canyon. It uses the t56 clutch and shares the output spline count from the t56 as well. The shifter location is terrible. Does someone make a shifter that moves the shifter location back about 7 inches? anyone know if the AR5 and T56 transmission is similar length? Google isn't helping much.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.