Harness conversion from S13 SOHC to S14 DOHC
I have an A/T 1990 S13 KA24E chassis (Just missing motor and trans, all wiring intact etc.), which im looking to swap in a 1995 KA24DE from an S14. I have all the S14 harnesses, ECU, and a DOHC cluster.
I know I need to modify the dash plug on the new S14 harness to match up with the chassis, and all I can find is people using the S13 DOHC harness instead. Is it still color to color on the S14 harness or is the colors/pinout different?
Also, is there anything else I should be aware of electrically (modifications etc) before I start tackling the harness? Motor is pretty much ready to drop in, just dreading the electrical stuff?