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S Chassis Technical discussion related to the S Chassis such as the S12, S13, S14, and S15.

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Old 10-01-2019, 04:14 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2002
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won't engage 1st 2nd and sometimes 3rd at stop

So basically as the title states. Car only used for commuting, and seems that it doesn't do it in the morning, but in the afternoon when temps are in the 90s the warmer the car gets along commute the worse it gets.

When it won't go in first, bump it into second and roll tires 1/4 turn and can get first and take off, if it won't go into second bump it in third and it will go to second and then can bump it into first. *Then* sometimes when its at its worst and i actually get to rolling start in first the car shakes violently until clutch is fully released

Another clutch issue is again, when its at its worst, and i slow down at a red light and depress clutch, it doesn't disengage and wants to keep moving forward even when i am holding the brake.

Clutch cylinder travels normally, i have viewed it from under car at cool temps and immediately after commuting and the travel seems to be consistent no matter conditions. i have flushed the system and have new fluid throughout. didn't change symptoms

my thoughts are bad clutch or flywheel?? idk, just got this car and already realized i need a new diff (vlsd grinds), now this issue...........

tldr; sometimes when hot out, car doesn't want to go into first, so i have to start moving in second, then can downshift to first and go. problem get worse and doesn't allow second at times either. car shakes bad when accelerating from stop if it is being really bad.

Last edited by copdodger; 10-02-2019 at 12:18 PM..
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