More predictions/thoughts...
- Bran is the Night King. He traveled back in time and got trapped in a Stark body and got changed. Night King might be after Bran to stop him before he goes back in time and creates this weird loop that continuously keeps happening.
- Tyrion is a bastard Targaryen, the love child of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen and Tywin Lannisters wife, Joanna Lannister.
- After Jamie dies in some way, Arya takes his face and uses it to kill Cersei. The show might not let you think Jamie is dead, to surprise the viewer when "Jamie" is the one to kill Cersei when in fact it ends up being Arya, doubling the satisfaction of her death.
Everyone dies except: the Dany+Jon Baby, Tyrion, Varys, Sam, and possibly Arya (I'm thinking one Stark will make it out alive).