Sketchey s13 in temecula
Today I was pulling out of my area and as I was about to pull out a burgundy chuki s13 fastback was pulling into my area . I know most 240 owners in temecula and I have never seen this car so I flipped around and the guy pulls onto my street and is driving like 10 mph past me car then pulls over about two house down and parks so I pulled up in back of him in my corolla and start to write his plate down which his plate has one of the those tint covers on it . So now I flip around and he passed my house again and this time parks on my side two house down and just sits there . Nowsome of you may think hey maybe he has a friend or was lost put just the way he drove by and parked then did it again and parked is sketchey and with all the 240s getting stolen I'm not going to take a chance that maybe he did have a reason to be there which there are no 240s in my area and my area is just not easy to just come across anyways his plate is 5NIJ956 and is a burguny s13 fastback again so just be on the lookout