Originally Posted by d1zguy2
LMAO! Thanks for the laughs. Didn't expect much from the OG Silvia community and I was proven right. Your ignorance and close mindedness is apparent. Guess anyone that has a different opinion than yours should shut the fuck up then. You must be a joy to be around...
No. I often agree with a ton of people here and when we don't, we shit talk but it's more playful. The shit you said is fucking stupid. However, you wouldn't know this because you've been here for about 10 minutes and starting your journey here with stupid fucking comments like you're a guru of some kind.
Originally Posted by d1zguy2
GTR's are excellent AWD cars but for the money they will be asking for they are not. Honestly, I'll never own a AWD sports car and if I do it will just be a Tesla model 3 to daily in.
Oh, but a STi is worth the money when Subaru has polled it as their least reliable unit and one of the least reliable AWD 'fast' cars? Cool car for about 20 minutes. Then it's a pile of shit as they always have been. Had you said EVO, sure. It's a car that doesn't smell like strawberry kiwi vape juice and Monster Energy drippings and just fucking goes. But no, you picked the stupidest fucking cars and called them a better investment. Your lack of intelligence on the matter is pretty visible.
You're a fucking idiot.
EDIT: At least you backpedaled and left it at the Tesla only in your rebuttal. You'll never own a Tesla Model 3 because you're too busy buying signed Ken Block shit off Hoonigan.com sniffing the paper hoping one day you'll be nearly as cool as a dude who braps around in Fords.