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Old 08-19-2013, 12:07 AM   #1
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Lightbulb confused about oversteer/understeer...

I am looking at thsi great thread: http://importsnc.com/forums/car-tech...via-setup.html

problem is i don't get most of it.

like at suspensions/coilovers it says for example
"Increase rear rate only - Rear ride rate increases. Rear roll resistance increases, increasing oversteer or reducing understeer."

what does this mean exactly? doesnt increaing oversteer mean better drifting capabilities?

Can someone enlighten me
heres the whole setup list

quoted from thread

Spring/shock adjustment guide

Spring Rate Changes (def. important for those who dont pay att. to this)
Modification - Effect on Suspension

Increase front and rear rate - Ride harshness increases; tires may not follow bumps causing reduced traction. Roll resistance increases.

Increase front rate only - Front ride rate increases. Front roll resistance increases, increasing understeer or reducing oversteer.

Increase rear rate only - Rear ride rate increases. Rear roll resistance increases, increasing oversteer or reducing understeer.

Decrease front and rear rate - Ride harshness decreases; tires follow bumps more effectively, possibly improving traction. Roll resistance decreases.

Decrease front rate only - Front ride rate decreases. Front roll resistance decreases, decreasing understeer or increasing oversteer.

Decrease rear rate only - Rear ride rate decreases. Rear roll resistance decreases, decreasing oversteer or increasing understeer.
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Old 08-19-2013, 12:27 AM   #2
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Looked only at last paragraph (ie changes rear)

That looks correct, forgive me if the rest of the changes columns are wrong but I'm gonna assume that they are also correct.

To the OP:


Increasing over steer does not making drifting easier. It might make initiating a drift easier, but it also will make the act of drifting (ie: linking drifts together) much more difficult.

ALL high performance driving (drifting included) requires a balanced controllable setup on the car. An over biased setup on any corner makes the vehicle HARDER to control.

Hope that short version helps


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Old 08-19-2013, 03:00 PM   #3
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ok DKnissanguy.

i notice you are a new member and making ALOT of new threads about stuff.... you need to search online more than what you are currently doing. I am a new member too, just to give you an idea of how new i am. I recently got 2 s14 240's and as it stands now i have installed my engine n trans, i am awaiting a driveshaft so i can finish up but anyways, i am so new to nissans and s chassis in general that i have Never even driven my s14!!!!

That being said, i have made a lot of threads (check my stats/history) and you will see that i was/still am confused about alot of things... so let's straighten this out here and now... I am going to tell you just like some of my new friends on here told me "GET a 240 and THEN start your adventure. You are asking ?'s and wanting info you simply do not need right now.

i personally started off with a auto s14 with a locked up engine, i was given a ka24de w/5spd trans and complete harnesses. Basically all i needed was the basic pedal assemblies and clutch line etc. to get it going. Well at the same time i had 1400 bucks to spend on it and the 1st thing i started looking for was some PBM (powered by max, remember this company because they make badass high quality parts) coilovers and all kinds of expensive drift parts.

well after a bunch of people on here saw me drowning quickly in a mess of nissan info and trying to figure out what to do i took everyones advice as a noob and i did what they said, Get it running (in your case you need to buy a 240 or whatever car you choose) and THEN worry about all the other stuff (coilovers, solid bushings, tubbed front end, tubed bash bar, hyd. e brake, brake upgrades, etc just to name a few)
I did what alot of people told me to do which was get it running and done before you waste money on things that do not make a difference until the damn thing was running, so i took the advise and believe it or not i thank these guys a ton because i used every dime of that 1400 on misc parts and 5 speed stuff that i HAD to have.
Once you physically own a 240 then you should start figuring out what to buy/do to it.

my 1st piece of advice from one noob to another is do what i did and RESEARCH LIKE HELL. You will find what you are looking for between zilvia.net, 240sxforums.com, nico.com ETC.

I apologize for such a long post but i have been biting my tongue for the longest because i keep seeing so many threads about stuff you need to not be worried about and you remind me of myself alot and Being i have SOME knowledge now being i have sucessfully installed my engine n trans and got it running means alot to me and it has set me straight on my priorities as a 240sx noobie owner.

Also want to say, You personally need to find a dead stock car and start from there, I cannot imagine how someone like you and me would even figure out someone else's mess of a swapped car. Basically you do not need to buy someones project finished or not. it is always a big confusion when you run into a problem and cannot figure it out because some jackleg and his buddies rigged this and that up and now you are stuck with their problems.

long ass post but i hope you read this and take it in and realize what you need to do.
95 S14 se RB25DET 348whp
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Old 08-19-2013, 08:02 PM   #4
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honestly i dont even think i should get into this shit till after college

i might just settle for a pro 5 or something then sell after college
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Old 08-19-2013, 08:15 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by DKnissanman View Post
honestly i dont even think i should get into this shit till after college
Focus on school, get good grades = Better cash/ Job and more fun later.

I speak from experience.
-Jordie Lewis
'93 Skyline Type M
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Old 01-06-2014, 10:19 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by sleepyS14se View Post
ok DKnissanguy.

i notice you are a new member and making ALOT of new threads about stuff.... you need to search online more than what you are currently doing. I am a new member too, just to give you an idea of how new i am. I recently got 2 s14 240's and as it stands now i have installed my engine n trans, i am awaiting a driveshaft so i can finish up but anyways, i am so new to nissans and s chassis in general that i have Never even driven my s14!!!!

That being said, i have made a lot of threads (check my stats/history) and you will see that i was/still am confused about alot of things... so let's straighten this out here and now... I am going to tell you just like some of my new friends on here told me "GET a 240 and THEN start your adventure. You are asking ?'s and wanting info you simply do not need right now.

i personally started off with a auto s14 with a locked up engine, i was given a ka24de w/5spd trans and complete harnesses. Basically all i needed was the basic pedal assemblies and clutch line etc. to get it going. Well at the same time i had 1400 bucks to spend on it and the 1st thing i started looking for was some PBM (powered by max, remember this company because they make badass high quality parts) coilovers and all kinds of expensive drift parts.

well after a bunch of people on here saw me drowning quickly in a mess of nissan info and trying to figure out what to do i took everyones advice as a noob and i did what they said, Get it running (in your case you need to buy a 240 or whatever car you choose) and THEN worry about all the other stuff (coilovers, solid bushings, tubbed front end, tubed bash bar, hyd. e brake, brake upgrades, etc just to name a few)
I did what alot of people told me to do which was get it running and done before you waste money on things that do not make a difference until the damn thing was running, so i took the advise and believe it or not i thank these guys a ton because i used every dime of that 1400 on misc parts and 5 speed stuff that i HAD to have.
Once you physically own a 240 then you should start figuring out what to buy/do to it.

my 1st piece of advice from one noob to another is do what i did and RESEARCH LIKE HELL. You will find what you are looking for between zilvia.net, 240sxforums.com, nico.com ETC.

I apologize for such a long post but i have been biting my tongue for the longest because i keep seeing so many threads about stuff you need to not be worried about and you remind me of myself alot and Being i have SOME knowledge now being i have sucessfully installed my engine n trans and got it running means alot to me and it has set me straight on my priorities as a 240sx noobie owner.

Also want to say, You personally need to find a dead stock car and start from there, I cannot imagine how someone like you and me would even figure out someone else's mess of a swapped car. Basically you do not need to buy someones project finished or not. it is always a big confusion when you run into a problem and cannot figure it out because some jackleg and his buddies rigged this and that up and now you are stuck with their problems.

long ass post but i hope you read this and take it in and realize what you need to do.
well I did now have stock 240sx except fo coilovers which pop im guessing due to bad sitting

the only problem with the whole thing is a bad steering rack or maybe just tie rods...i did learn allot so far..
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Old 08-21-2013, 10:51 AM   #7
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Thank you so much for the wisdom, Sleepy. I appreciate you very much. You just explained my whole situation!
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